tv Today NBC March 8, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST
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back now with more of "today" on a thursday morning. it's the 8th day of march 2012. we're happy to say it's a really nice morning in new york. we hope it's nice where you're waking up as well. just to make you jealous, we have 50-something degrees going up into the mid to upper 60s today here in new york city. so we've got some spring fling feeling in the air here. i'm matt lauer along with ann curry, al roker and savannah guthrie. because the weather is so nice and because we can, we have brought today's professionals outdoors. >> we have hot topics to discuss
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including one in the political world now. is it time for some republican candidates to get out of the race to make it a two-man race between rick santorum and mitt romney? we'll get word on that. and mcdonald's is doing a media makeover for happy meals. will it make a difference? and is it a good idea to get back together with an ex? >> and spring is in the air, flowers in bloom. it can't all be a bed of roses if you suffer from allergies. itchy, watery eyes, nose problems. with we'll have strategies for you if you are already suffering. could be one of the worst allergy seasons on record. >> starting already for a lot of people. >> really. that's not great news. also, we have curves in all the right places. i'm not looking at you for any particular reason. >> you're looking at my nose which is the only place to look. >> we're going to see great chic looks for spring.
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>> great. lots to get to. let's go inside. natalie is at the news desk with a look at the headlines. hi, natalie. >> good morning, everyone. the largest solar storm in five years arrived here on earth today where it's set to zing the utility grids, gps services, satellite networks and other communications. solar storms pose no threat to humans but they can disrupt our technology. the emissions are part of the sun's 11-year cycle. newt gingrich is showing no signs of leaving the republican presidential race to let conservatives unite behind rick santor. both candidates hope for strong showings in the alabama and mississippi primaries next week. in a memo to reporters wednesday the romney campaign claimed this week super tuesday voting where romney won six states was the last chance for rivals to surpass him in the delegates race. senate democrats and republicans reached a deal last night that clears the way for a vote on a massive transportation bill. it would provide $109 billion to overhaul federal highway and
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mass transit projects. whitney houston has left her entire estate to her only child, daughter bobbi kristina brown. the singer's last will and testament was drafted in 1993 and a codicil was added in 2000 while she was still married to bobby brown. the will leaves him nothing. for this little guy nothing is impossible. in fact, everything is possum-ble. don't tell him spring came early. he loves to throw on a sweater and hit the slopes. while the snowboarding is impressive we're waiting for him to learn to ski. he's cute on that thing. three minutes past the hour. now back out to al with a check of the weather. hi, al. >> thank you, natalie. we have ruth and whitey edwards. married 60 years. how did you survive?
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>> 30 years she was the boss and the next 30 years she was still the boss. >> he know it is answer. as far as your weather is concerned for today we have this strong upper level low adding to the frontal system that stretches from the great lakes into texas. a lot of moisture coming from the gulf. you can see around kansas we have a mix of snow, freezing rain and rain. but everywhere else it's all rain from western new york back down to dallas. we have a risk of strong storms austin to memphis to jackson, back to dallas. could see tornadoes. a lot of rain. we are talking three to five inches of rain from dallas to knoxville. but especially in texas and into arkansas this rain could continue right for the next 72 hours. some areas could pick up up to seven inches of rain which could cause flooding. >> good morning, everyone. another dry day today.
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during the day it will be breezy and mild. that's your latest weather. savannah? ♪ all right, al. thanks. now to today's professionals. we are doing this outside today because the weather is so fine. star jones is here, attorney and author. donny deutsch, multi billion dollar ad exec or something. i have to make it all up now. and dr. nancy snyderman. welcome. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, everybody. >> we have a crowd and the pressure is on. we'll start with republican politics. super tuesday was tuesday night. mitt romney got the win in ohio. won the most states. rick santorum had a strong showing in the south. there have been increasing calls, in fact, from some who
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are aligned with the santorum campaign that it's time for newt gingrich to get out. nancy? >> until mississippi and alabama weigh in and he get as check of the south, i have worked with him in the past. do not under estimate how smart he is, how tenacious he is and how much he wants it. he doesn't care if he's not going to get it. he wants to be sure his voice is heard. >> if santorum received gingrich's votes in ohio alone it would have put him over the edge. >> you kbgo ahead. >> no, you. >> number one, none of the guys are going away. there is no reason to. newt gingrich or rick santorum. number two, mitt romney looks so weak yesterday saying "it's over, the other candidates should bow out," what a lame thing to say. >> like he doesn't want the fight. >> number three, we're not going to let it end. the media doesn't want them to go away.
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we have nothing to report for three months. >> i think newt gingrich really enjoys the attention. this is an amazing amount of attention right now. >> for all of the candidates it raises their public profile whether it's santorum or gingrich. it makes them a factor in republican politics. >> you have the chance to be the leader of the free world. they play a big song when you walk into a room. >> there is a point where if they stay too long and hurt the person perceived to be the conservative in the race -- >> they don't care. >> all i can say is remember when obama and clinton fought it out and hillary put everything behind the future president obama. you are not going to see this happen in the gop. and this bloodpath now. >> neither one will be secretary of state. >> the next topic, mcdonald's goes healthy. apparently mcdonald's will debut the first major tv push for a healthier happy meal. it revamped it already last
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year. we have the ad to show you. take a look. ♪ >> the goat gobbled up everything in sight. he ate mom's chair and cad's hair, even the cushions on the couch. all the stuff he ate made the goat feel bad so there was another plan. goat, eat a better diet. fruit and dairy, let's try it. they went to mcdonald's. they had milk to drink and fruit to eat. now the goat's as strong as an ox if only we could get him to stop eating the box. >> okay, ad guy. >> i'm not giving them straight style points for something that would have been done 10, 15 years ago. that's what parents want. you look foolish not to. don't give them a victory lap and a hug for doing what there is no choice but to do. >> i was recently in the south working and there are so many
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food desseerts in certain neighborhoods. this is the grocery store for a lot of family spms food deserts? >> no fresh grocery, fruits, vegetables for miles and miles. what i want to say is, no, this is not the best alternative, but it is an alternative. so if you can get healthier food appreciate it. >> a working mom can get a burger at mcdonald's less expensively than the real products to make it at home. mcdonald's, if they move to milk and apple slices instead of coke and french fries and a burger fill as child up, i have no problem with it. >> of course, it's a no-brainer. >> but the adults should eat the happy meal. you don't need the bigger meal. that's the meal from the '60s. >> if you get a happy meal for yourself, don't super size for yourself. >> do you love mcdonald's french fries? >> this should have been done 20 years ago. >> roommate problems.
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this is interesting. a woman is suing her college for $150,000 because she said the college didn't do enough to leave yat a problem she had with a roommate. she said the roommate had sex in the room, made inappropriate sexual remarks in the room. the school said they offered mediation and other options. we'll ask our lawyer whether she has a case. >> everybody has a right to file a suit. but the problem is the federal lawsuit is requiring a reasonable accommodation for a disability. she didn't state a real disability. she said she was having mental problems, but what she is wanted the college to do was move her to a single of her choice. the law doesn't require that. it might be something that would be nice because the roommate is over there doing the nasty with how many guys, but that's not what the law requires. >> i feel for the young woman but once the college year starts you don't have empty rooms to move kids into.
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they offered to move her off campus. and there is a socialization process. kids have to figure out how to live with a roommate. >> i spoke to a college president yesterday about just this thing. she said, look, there is a responsibility on the part of the college to make accommodations but this young woman did suffer depression. she was hospitalized. emotionally unstable which predates this. you have to understand that medical issue, but to sue for it, sorry. college is a part of adulthood. it's a time to figure out how to deal with things on your own. >> next we have a great study coming out of kansas state university about getting back with an ex. there is research about people who have cyclical relationships. they are more likely to be less satisfied with the relationship and more uncertain about their futures together. they had worse communication and lower se eer self-esteem. donny? >> i have been with wonderful women. sometimes what happens is as you get older you can really love
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and care about somebody but maybe the lifestyles don't mix up at times. so you're drawn to the person but it doesn't mix. i don't think you can say people are less happy. it's a function of life. >> easy to slip into an old relationship sometimes. >> it's comfortable like your favorite pair of socks. then you realize they had holes in them and that's why you stopped wearing them the first time. >> it doesn't work. >> it doesn't work. the reason you break up -- >> help me. >> there is not enough time in my day. >> the reason you break up is because there is something that draws you apart. the reason marriages fail is people think, well -- >> if they're together also. >> but you become friends and value the things -- >> well -- >> okay. >> more science, okay? a study has found women find beards far less attractive than stubble and clean-shaven faces. this does not shock me.
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>> doesn't shock me at all. i'm a clean shaven or a stubble kind of guy. >> what about brad pitt with the scruff? >> he looks terrible. >> same reason with women and cosmetics. it's almost a shield. >> donny, with the beard. >> oh, no. >> there we go. >> no! >> would you buy a used ad from this man? no. >> so we all agree clean-haven is more attractive. >> if you have a guy with a beard look for a chin that doesn't exist. >> wow. >> thank you so much, star jones, donny deutsch and dr. nancy snyderman. and allergy season can come early. we have solutions if you have chronic symptoms. later, stylish looks to fit your purse after these messages. ♪
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[ female announcer ] gross -- i'll tell you what's really gross: used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. for a cleaner way to clean try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. it's super durable too. it's the cleaner way to clean. bring it with bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins.
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this morning on today's health an early start to allergy season. you may ben j enjoying the mild winter but it's not good news for the 40 million americans who suffer from allergies. what should you do? dr. peterson is a contributor from women's health magazine. good to see you. >> good morning. >> allergies have come early this year. >> we have had an unseasonably warm winter this year. this is the fourth warmest winter on record -- >> of course i knew that! >> unbelievable. the temperatures are usually in the 30.6 range.
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this year they were six degrees higher. >> why is that a problem? >> the trees pollinate earlier and pollen counts are higher. last february the first week in february, pollen counts were in single digits. this year, pollen counts were from the 80s to as high as 250. big difference. >> if it starts early does it end early? >> no, unfortunately it doesn't. the trees are pollinating earlier to account for the early spring allergy season but the grasses sprout later so it will continue into summer. >> who's at risk for allergies? >> anybody and everybody. you can develop allergies in adulthood. allergies are predominantly based on genetics. if a child has one parent with allergies their risk is 30%. if both parents have allergies the risk is 70%. >> how do you tell this time of year when you're suffering from allergies or just a cold? >> it can be tough. the symptoms overlap. for first time allergy sufferers with the stuffy nose and sore
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throat they may not know. with a cold you could get fever and aches. never with allergies. colds rarely last longer than two weeks. allergies can. if you have itchy, watery eyes that's a telltale sign of allergy. >> what are some things you can do? there are easy fixes. >> we have great tips at women's held. first off, don't garden outdoors if you are prone to allergies. and wear sunglasses to keep pollen out of your eyes. inside, the allergens are stuck on your hair, your clothes. so change your clothes before you sit on the couch or bedding because it will transfer the pollens. shower to get it off your skin and hair. >> a lot of us in the spring like to open the windows. >> we do for fresh air, but it lets the pollen in. close the windows. if you like to exercise outside, wait until later in the day. earlier the pollen counts are higher and get an air filter. >> with the hepa filter?
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>> right. >> what if you have the allergies and you have tried remedies and it's not working. you should see an allergist, right? >> first try over-the-counter medications. anti-histamines or decongestants. consider taking them the night before so they kick in by morning. if they don't work consider seeing an allergist. they can give you a nasal steroid spray to reduce inflammation or determine what you are allergic to by doing skin or blood testing which gives a reaction on the skin if you have an allergy. and for a more permanent solution consider allergy shots. these take three to five years to develop a tolerance but they are long-lasting. >> all right. what about the neti pot thing? >> i love it. i'm a fan. it rinses and flushes out the allergens from your nose. >> and then you make soup. kidding. coming up, they're in hair and makeup, getting ready for the big reveal. the results of the ambush makeovers. first, these messages. ♪ all righty. oh, oh.
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you are a little biscuit. i'm carol. uh, we should skedaddle 'cause it's girls' night. so...okay. oh, wow. you got a skinny-dipping scene after the duel, right? well, i -- shh, shh, shh. show. don't tell. [ male announcer ] your favorite movies right when you want them. just a little -- okay. oh, wow. [ male announcer ] watch unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through your game console or other devices, all for only 8 bucks a month from netflix. [ carol ] this could turn me into a history buff. have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. get your free sample of quaker oatmeal squares on facebook. discover visine® tired eye relief with hydroblend™, only from visine®. just one drop instantly soothes and revives tired, overworked eyes. and comforts them for up to ten hours. visine® tired eye relief. try now and save $3. the difference between hiding my skin
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and showing it off? jergens ultra healing moisturizer. even my driest skin looks healthier, instantly. jergens is the difference between i'm here, and here i am. jergens®. the beautiful difference. use the hand towel analyzer at and find out what could be on your cloth hand towel. [ ribbits ] upgrade to kleenex hand towels for a clean, fresh towel every time. lemon burst, blackberry harvest, pina colada... i can't imagine where she is... orange creme... [ grocery store pa ] clean up in aisle eight. found her! [ female announcer ] yoplait original. 25 flavors for you to love.
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coming up, fashion that fits. we've got the latest in chic and affordable styles for plus size women. >> plus, country style ribs in a chili fruit mole sauce. does that sound delicious or what? >> is that a trick question? >> and daisy martinez is here to tell us how to do it at home. >> is that a trick question? >> it is. >> first, your local news and weather. ♪
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[ male announcer ] take a dull morning... ♪ ...and make it wild. ♪ introducing wild fruit fusion pop tarts all the fruit flavors you love... in a tasty new combination. [ laughing and cheering ] pop-tarts. joylicious. he thinks you're naked. it just looks like my milk chocolate is showing. only a fool would think i'd actually show up naked. so it's that kind of party...hit it! ♪ i'm sexy and i know it ♪ look at that body
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♪ ever wonder what paula abdul's house looks like? how about renee zelwegger's home or matthew mcconaughey's texas getaway? they are not your ordinary real estate listings. with we'll get a glimpse into the lifestyles of the rich and famous. we'll check out who's buying and selling tomorrow on "today." that's nice. chic. like that one. >> beautiful. >> also coming up this half hour we have a shocker. a suburban mom, a mother of four accused of being a high end madam running a multi-million dollar prostitution ring in new york city. we'll have the latest on the story and full on fashion for
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the full figured woman. we are going to take a look at new affordable styles. they're chic and there are new labels coming out. >> new designers as well. >> that's good news for the fuller figured lady. >> if you would like to become one we'll go to today's kitchen for a secret sauce that's going to kick up your barbecue. >> al! >> just saying. we'll make country style pork ribs with a spicy, fruity mole sauce. >> i don't think that's going to make you fuller figured. >> eat enough of it. worked for me. >> you have a check of the weather first. >> yes. for the weekend ahead starting with tomorrow. rain along the pacific northwest coast. texas, gulf coast, southeastern atlantic will be wet. heavy rain in texas and arkansas. on saturday, cold and sunny in the northeast. more heavy rain texas into the mid mississippi river valley. look for rain in the pacific northwest. sunday, more rain from the central great lakes. heavy rain mid mississippi into
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the lower mississippi river valleys. pacific northwest, wet and snowy. showers in florida. sunny and mild through the midatlantic states. >> good morning, everyone. breezy and dry day today. rain is likely tonight. high temperatures that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. we want to say hello to the founder and ceo of back on my feet which is aimed at helping the homeless in america, an organization i'm a proud member of. tell us about the mission, the purpose of this. >> it's to use running to
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promote self-sufficiency of the homeless population to create self-esteem. >> it all starts with running. >> running. >> how do you get involved? how does it work? >> we are launching in new york city on april 10 and we are looking for volunteers, supporters. everything is available at >> what has the response been? what does running do for the community and the population? >> it's amazing. running is the first step to help people change the way they view themselves and make a change in their life. we use positive language, set goals. running is a beautiful metaphor for life. it's good. >> i have seen first hand running in some of the races, the homeless are back in jobs and on their feet literally. good luck with the new york city launch. you're nationwide. >> nine different markets. >> fantastic. >> thank you. >> good to have you here. >> still ahead, the suburban soccer mom charged with running
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back now with the story of a mother of four accused with running a multi-million dollar prostitution ring. stephanie gosk has the story from manhattan's upper east side. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. this less than glamorous apartment building may not look like a high end brothel catering to wealthy, powerful men from around the world but that's what the new york district attorney says it was. at the center of the alleged prostitution ring, an unlikely madam. a mother of four and animal activist from the suburbs.
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new york's district attorney says anna gristina made millions of dollars over 15 years. a well known madam who sold sex to a large circle of rich, influential friends. prosecutors told the court this british citizen would run if they let her out on bail. relying on hidden money and connections in the police department. the judge set bail at a steep $2 million. but her lawyer said she didn't do it. >> she's not admitting to anything. what she's admitted to is being a decent, kind, loving mother of four children who she's been ripped away from. >> reporter: the 44-year-old has been married twice and has four children. she lives in a modest home an hour outside of new york city. on wednesday her husband took their 9-year-old son to school. despite posting the occasional racy photo online, friends say
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she lives an average suburban life. a caring mom who spends her free time rescuing dogs and raising pot-bellied pigs. >> she's a soccer mom. it was shocking to the people in the neighborhood what happened. she's a nice person. >> reporter: hardly the image of a tawdry madam, the target of avenue five-year investigation and hundreds of hours of police surveillance. the assistant district attorney told the court the evidence against her includes witness testimony from a prostitute who said she was present for a sexual encounter in which minors were involved. the lawyers point out she was not charged with a crime involving minors. >> i would not be standing here if i thought there was any children involved in this case. >> reporter: she was arrested at the offices of morganstanley, looking for a loan for a new online business. >> she's getting investors to do a website that was going to be different than any of the other dating websites. >> reporter: prosecutors suspect
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the website would have matched male clients with female prostitutes. a new venture not from an average soccer mom, they say, but from a woman who had spent years mastering the business of the world's oldest profession. and gristina is still in jail unable to post bail. she faces up to seven years in prison if she's convicted on promotion of prostitution in the third degree. savannah? >> what a story. stephanie, thank you so much. coming up next, full figured and fabulous. we have fashions to fit your curves for less right after this. when we walk together, we are bigger than cancer. join the world's biggest fight for more birthdays, the american cancer society relay for life. find your community's event at
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that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. are choosing advil®. here's one story. pain doesn't have much of a place in my life. i checked the schedule and it's not on it. [ laughs ] you never know when advil® is needed. well most people only know one side of my life. they see me on stage and they think that that is who i am. singer, songwriter, philanthropist, father, life's a juggling act. when i have to get through the pain, i know where to go. [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®. and if pain keeps you up, sleep better with advil pm.
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ocean spray cranberry juice versus vegetable juice. first the cranberry. mm! tasty. now, the vegetable juice, with more than 10 times the sodium of cranberry juice. we have a winner! are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie. 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty.
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have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. get your free sample of quaker oatmeal squares on facebook. but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. mr. greene? yeah? want my downy unstopables? laundry smells good for a long time. nmm mmn. really, you can have it! take it joe. ♪ downy unstopables [ sniffs ] see you around. hey kid, catch! wow! no thanks, mean joe. ♪ downy
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last time i'm doing this. this morning on bobbie's style buzz, plus size fashions. stylish clothing for all kinds of curves and they're affordable. bobbie thomas is here with more. good morning. >> good morning. >> what is plus size? it seems like there is a lot of liberty when it comes to talking about a plus size figure. what sizes are we talking about usually? >> it's the most average size in this country because more than 50% of women wear a size 14 or larger. less than 50% of the stores cater to that size.
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i'm excited about the four new lines. plus size is generally size 12 or 14 or up. there isn't a flat industry cut-off. that's what's tough. at this size if you're a 12 or a 14 and you might say, i'm not a plus size person or what most people say is full figured, you have a tough time. this is a personal favorite segment of mine. self-expression for every size. >> it's great to know a lot of designers are getting in. you woucouldn't find fashionabl options for plus size options but things are changing. let's look at the curvy woman starting with modern workwear. tell me about the line and this look. >> i'm excited about by the limited. they have fantastic modern workwear pieces, sophisticated separates and dresses. this can go from day to night. what i love about this line is
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their website has a shape my style feature where you can walk through and answer questions and they will help you not only figure out your body type because it's about shape, not size. once you figure out the body type they filter the items that will flatter your figure and the shipping and return is free. you can do it at home, find great pieces. they even have an inspiring section called get the look where they will style a look for you. >> beautiful. >> the details on even the basic top. the neckline is flattering. you will see it's just such a flattering neckline. if you have girlfriends on top, the ruching on the sleeve, i love it. >> color and a little belt. >> i had a hard time picking for the show because i liked all of the looks. >> web only for now. with we'll see. next you have something more bohemian with vintage color and print. this is the line called american rags on marina.
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>> this is a at macy's, exclusive to them. it's in stores across the country. everything is under $79. it's a youthful, casual bohemian feel. it's inspired by music. the whole line is about the festival feel. they have an online music magazine sponsored by the brand called ragged >> thank you so much. next our stylish contemporary look. let's bring out chastity. look at the gorgeous dress and this color on her. fantastic. >> fantastic. a lot of people know asoph. it's uk based. we love and covet the collection of clothing. what i love so much is the curves collection. they have the same exact pieces from the main line in sizes from 14 on up.
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they also have exclusives just for the full figure market. even the earrings. >> beautiful. >> one stop shopping. >> great price point as well. >> they're not conservative. most of the traditional lines that were plus sized wouldn't take the color far. it would be black stretchy everything. women were complaining. i can't find anything fashionable. this is draping and fun fashion forward elements that you will feel modern in. >> okay. finally, the cheap chic from the great grand daughters of lane bryant which, as you know, lane bryant has dedicated itself to the full figured lady. >> over a hundred years ago their grandmother established the market. now she said, we should bring fashion to the figure which i love and celebrate. fashion to figure is an online site. everything on the site is under $45. >> wow! >> you can afford to jump into the polka-dot trend.
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i love that she's pulling it off with leggings. >> you can wear a longer blouse. >> they have fantastic on-trend pieces i.'s fast fashion reminding you of h & m and the places that bring you pieces, not a collection. 50% is the label. they source from over a hundred other vendors. there is style for every size out there. i want to encourage women to get out of the baggy clothes and indulge. >> fashion to figure. come on out, ladies. one last look. beautiful. great job. as always, you find great pieces for ladies. thank you. you look great. for more information on the full figured fashions head to coming up next, we're spicing up today's kitchen with latin flavor. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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kitchen, step by step. country style ribs with a chili fruit mole sauce. daisy martinez is a tv host, chef and author. these are country style ribs. >> boneless pork ribs. delicious, big and meaty and lend themselves to braising deliciously. i have oil over there, one of my heavy guns. season the meat with that. right over it. added salt already. we had vinegar to brine it up. garlic powder. >> yep. >> then we let it sit, brown the meat. i started it here already. >> you're putting it into a baking dish and putting it together pretty snug. >> that's okay. we'll pour the sauce. we'll turn this off. we're going to pour sauce and bake it so it will braise, get tender and juicy and delicious. i have tomatoes to char. i'll put those in there. see the beautiful onions i have
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been sweating and browning? >> just in a little bit of olive oil. >> i had ancho chili paste. this is the stuff that dreams are made of. honest to goodness. it doesn't get better. i have oregano and cumin. go ahead and stir that in there, baby boy. we'll add chicken stock. >> right. >> we'll cook it down so the tomatoes break up nice and easy. once that happens -- >> what do you call this sauce? >> this is is. [ speaking in a foreign language ] which means tablecloth stainer. it's so delicious. >> ooh. that's what we should call our director joe michaels. >> come on over here. then once this cooks down we'll throw it in the blender to puree it down. add crushed pineapple. >> ooh. >> and then some diced mango. >> wow. >> and chopped dried apricots. >> you have savory and sweet.
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>> and sweet. then i have beautiful warm spices like ginger, cinnamon, clove, cardamom, pepper. we'll throw it in and let it cook down. it's a couple of steps but if you make a big batch, put it in the fridge and freezer, you can put it on anything -- on your girlfriend! well, you have a wife. so it ends up looking like this, right? bring me the ribs. >> all right. >> we're going to pour this over. you're not going to invite me back after this. >> this is great. my wife's on the line? hey, fantastic. >> okay. so then we pour the sauce right over this. >> mm-hmm. >> we cover it up with foil and pop it in the oven for about 90 minutes to two hours. >> what kind of oven? >> 350, 375 a. it will get nice and soft. >> are we missing anything? >> oh, nothing, nothing.
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>> not interrupting? i love your laugh, daisy. >> thank you. >> over rice? >> i made coconut serano rice. >> it just falls apart. >> amazing. >> then you have delicious sauce. >> the sauce looks so good. >> it's sweet, tart, delicious. >> savory. savannah and i will share. we have some for al. >> i can always count on the girls showing up s. >> just in time. daisy martinez, thank you so much. >> she has the best laugh. >> great. >> thank you. >> coming up on hoda and kathie lee we have ambush makeovers and sexy lingerie at any age. >> first your local news and weather.
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