tv Today NBC March 21, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT
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brice sitting next to me. hey, cowboy. >> how are you, darling? >> by the way, i should point out when lee brice looks at you and every girl in the makeup room will attest to this, you are like in the eyes. >> come on, momma. >> that's how he does. he does it in the eyes. the way i heard about you was i was in the car and i heard a song called "love like crazy." . i cranked it up and fell madly in love with it. >> that's what i did. i fell in love with that song. >> i picked it and played it on our -- we do something called an i-hoda play list. i fell in love with it and kathie lee started boo hooing to it. >> that's not news, is it? >> no. ♪ do your best and don't outsmart your common sense ♪ >> beautiful.
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that is a beautiful song. beautiful song. that was on the top of the charts for a long time. >> 57 weeks, which people go congratulations for having the longest song on the charts ever. i'm like, thanks, kinda. it took a lot of work and effort on everybody's part. but it was a long time up there. >> that was a long time. you have your guitar. would you mind playing a little bit of that one? >> okay. here we go. ♪ they called me crazy when i started out ♪ ♪ said 17 is too young to know what love is about ♪ ♪ they've been together 58 years now ♪ ♪ that's crazy >> keep going a little bit longer. ♪ just ask him how he did it, he'll say pull up a seat ♪
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♪ it will take you only a minute to tell you everything ♪ ♪ tell the truth and over the years, i love you ♪ ♪ go to work, do your best and don't outsmart your common sense ♪ >> here it comes. ♪ never let your praying knees get lazy ♪ ♪ and love like crazy >> come on! >> yeah! >> that i could cry. i don't know what it is about that song, but there's something about it. >> i swear, you tricked me. >> i did. >> get your guitar up here and play for the intro. >> we got you taken care of. what is this? what are you drinking? >> well, apple juice. >> cheers. >> speaking of that, i have a little gift for you. >> oh, okay.
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>> this is called a redneck wine glass, okay? and this makes me feel really comfortable and really at home. >> should we put the wine in there? >> we might as well. we'll see what happens. >> okay. >> our apple juice and grape juice right there in our redneck wine glass. >> there's another song you're going to play later on, called "a woman like you." that's another song every woman listens to, and wishes that their man would sing that to them. >> hopefully it is what every woman wants to hear. i think so far it's kind of what every dude wants to say. it's this song that was written just right. guys couldn't get away with saying it in real life, i believe, because it's written just perfectly. i didn't write it, though. >> i knew that you sang beautifully. but i didn't realize how many songs you had written for other
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artists that made it to the top of the charts. >> i've been meblessed, as my mother would say, and i had a couple things recorded by really my idols. i've worked hard for a long time and now we're just going to ride it. >> this one gets down loaded 40,000 times a day. can we crank it for a second? ♪ alone and out there on the loose ♪ ♪ looking for a woman like you >> you don't want me to look you in the eye. by the way, you did just get engaged. >> i did. >> congratulations to the woman in your life. what is her samname? >> her name is sara. i am in love. i have found the one. there she is. do you know what? that was the day after we got engaged in key west. >> she's a beauty. >> she is, inside and out.
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>> she's that kind of girl, huh? >> she's the most amazing woman i've ever met. >> how was popping the question for you? give it. >> it was awesome. i had this big elaborate thing planned. long story short, it was falling through and falling through and falling through and i kept almost getting caught and everything was going whererong. we were in our bed and breakfast and she just wanted it to be simple any way knowing her. so right there in the room, i just got on one knee like i always wanted to do and asked her. >> did she cry? >> of course she cried. she better have cried. >> what's cool about you, again, i just heard your song and loved you. i hadn't even heard you speak when we booked you on the show. but you like a lot of people,
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you wanted to be something else in life, you wanted to be a football player, but that wasn't going to happen, was it? >> i wanted to be a football player, but music was a big, big part of me. i love football and i love music. when football came to an end at clemson, i felt like i had reached that goal and some music was what i had left. and the only thing that i really knew that was the biggest part of my heart. so i had to go for it. >> did you have a football injury? >> yeah, i hurt my elbow. i wanted to be the best, so i was a long snapper and i was snapping and snapping and wore my elbow out. >> look at you back in the day. >> looky there. >> we don't miss a trick over here. last night, i know it took you a while to get here. what time did you land? >> midnight 30, 1:00. >> i like it, just like that. >> and then we had to get to the room. i was still wound up from the flight. basically i was so excited about today, i don't think i slept a
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wink. so if i get a little delirious up here, we'll just have some fun. >> kathie lee says take a little sip of something. last night, "the voice" was on. we do this thing when we can't see it, we'll run a little of the contest here. last night, blake shelton had a couple of singers. they put two singers in the ring literally and they try to sing off. i want to see if you pick the same people. we'll start off with alex and jermaine. let's listen. ♪ ♪
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>> all right. so you got jermaine and you've got alex. who would you have chosen in that one? >> just that quick, jermaine was really bringing it. >> you are right. >> he was really bringing it. both of them were really great, but jermaine was bringing it. >> that show makes me so nervous. last night i ate a whole row of oreo cookies watching it. let's watch this one. ♪
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>> all right. is it erin, the one with the curlier hair, or gwenn? >> i didn't get to hear gwenn sing a whole lot. erin was good, she was a little -- i couldn't understand exactly what she was saying, the enunciation was a little weird for me. but i would like to hear more of that before i could tell you. >> who do you think? >> okay. let's just say erin since she sang more. >> you are correct. erin, by the way, who is kind of like wynonna judd a little bit. >> she's soulful. wynonna judd. >> i love her. we want to wish -- the mr. rogers had lived, it would be his birthday today. 84 years old. ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day in the
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neighborhood ♪ ♪ will you be mine, won't you be mine ♪ >> it was so nice to walk in and do his routine. >> i loved that routine. >> put his jacket up, it was a good influence on you. >> we loved him. he would do the exact same thing every time. and you would love, love, love watching him. how do you feel so far? >> good. >> he's going to sing his entire song later in the show "a woman like you." you're going to want to tivo it. coming up next, actor kirk cameron on his new movie. he's coming up to visit with us right after this.
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bedroom wall in the '80s. he played in the comedy series called "growing pains." >> these days, kirk's been keeping busy with many things, including visiting historical places. for his newest project called "monumental." >> you've been making the rounds today. there's been a lot of talk of the controversy that has been happening in your life. we'll get to that, but shall we start with the movie? >> great, love to. >> so you traveled the country and parts of the world, kind of on this journey. tell us about what people can expect to see. >> well, what i did is i approached this -- this is my first solo project as a producer. it's called "monumental, in search of america's real national treasure." as a dad, i want a great future for them. i don't want them to grow up in a country continuing to spiral down into debt. i don't want to see collapse
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financially, morally, spiritually. i want to know what to do to make it better. so instead of listening to everyone blame everyone for the problems, i thought let's go back in time and talk to the men and women who built this country out of the woods with principles that produced more blessing and freedom and security than anyone else, maybe they could tell us what we need to do. that's what the movie is all about. and we take you on the journey to follow the escape route of the pilgrims from england into to holland, where they stayed 12 years learning these nation building principles before they came to america. >> i know you did your homework and paging through this very old bible, but what sorts of things do you think people will say, i had no idea? >> that was governor william bradford's journal. that wasn't even a bible.
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these are the original source documents from which we learn everything about. i think what surprised me most, hoda, i thought i knew the pilgrims. they were these sort of little fuddy duddies with tall hats and bell buckles and turkey guns. it turns out these were the out of the box thinkers. these were the radicals of their day who laid down their lives for the take of their children, and they had courage and character and faith that is just i think uncommon today. and they did it for the sake of the next generation, not their own. >> you've been on this movie thing and asked a lot about piers morgan and comments you made about homosexuality. he asked you, do you think homosexuality a sin, and you called it unnatural and destructive to the foundation of
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civilization. if you could unring the bell, would you say the same things? >> you know, that's a good question. i would have liked to have reframed the question. when i went to talk about this film and instead was asked to give a quick opinion and perspective on homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion, and who is going to make the next president and the catholic church frame for contraception, everything gets reduced to a four-second sound bite. and that is not the setting for the subjects. and the people that are wrestling with issues of what do i do with this child that i didn't expect, what do i do with this struggle of sexual identity. >> i'm sorry to put you back in the box -- >> i would have liked to have said this, i love all people. and i have hatred toward no one. i'm also a man of conviction and if you press me i'll give you my
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perspective if you ask me. >> we have to run, but this is cool how people can see this movie. you're saying it's a one-time only deal, it's march 27 in theaters. >> tuesday, march 27, you buy your tickets and we'll all watch simultaneously in 500 theaters. >> look at that. kirk, thanks for coming to see that. >> you're doing a great job, by the way. >> see, he's been in your chair before. coming up next, sara is going to tell us how she gets paid for sitting. we're talking about just sitting, right after this. [ male announcer ] get to subway pronto for our fresh takes on italian --
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four delizioso subs, featuring the molto bono chicken parmesan. juicy, oven crisp chicken covered in marinara sauce & bubbly cheese on freshly baked italian herb & cheese bread. subway. eat fresh. ♪ i've got a little secret, too ♪ ♪ i've got a mad little crush on you ♪ [ female announcer ] it's always better when there's a little more to love. introducing our silky smooth dove chocolate bar. when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day.
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believe it or not, general motors has a group of engineers with the important job of making sure their vehicle seats are comfortable. >> are you serious? >> yep. at the general motors seat performance lab outside of detroit, daniel cohen is an engineer who holds our rears dear. is it safe to say you're a seat specialist? >> yes, and my specialty is comfort. >> can i say butt master or is that pushing it too far? as the seat comfort lab lead, he's responsible for what we feel when behind the wheel. >> you have to be sitting in the vehicle to drive it, so it's really the main interaction point that the person purchasing the vehicle has with the car. >> his department of eight people has the challenge of balancing safety standards and limited space, with a population of obese americans that has more than doubled in the past 20 years.
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>> he's like a ruler for seats. >> they use tools like oscar to make sure a seat fits the standards. is the robot temperamental? >> no, she's just misunderstood. >> it's a her? >> yeah. i named her fannie. >> wow, so creative. and then they are the pressure maps. >> each square on the screen is a pressure reading. this shape is the buttocks. >> nice butt. these 4,600 little dots help daniel understand the various ways that people rest their backs and their booties. are butts that you sneak >> it's not just about the butt that's unique, it's how it interacts with the seat. a lot of it is anatomy, but some of it is choice and preference whether you like to sit close to the steering wheel or far away and how that changes your whole
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pressure map. >> me and six other volunteers packed our things up to have our money makers mapped. the orange shows where most of the pressure is, allowing the seat specialist to know where to add extra padding. once in the final stages of design, it's time for a road test. >> it's a railroad track that goes to nowhere. >> in the end, i had no complaints. so we got the seal of approval. [ horn honks ] >> they let me drive. >> and you had a lot of words wore your gadonk. still to come -- >> i know this is just for me. we'll meet a mom who decided to become an nfl cheerleader despite her age. >> and we're going to do some
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texas homecoming. but this year, i can only afford one trip and i've always wanted to learn how to surf. austin's great -- just not for surfing. so i checked out hotwire. and by booking with them, i saved enough to swing both trips. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. that's how i got a 4-star hotel on the beach in san diego for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ with tresemmé's new split remedy line. three uses repairs up to eighty percent of split ends. so you can add a spring to your step. get salon-smooth, chair-worthy hair without the salon price. tresemmé. professional. affordable. see? he's taking his vitamins. one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
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have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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♪ here's to the good ole boys and we're back on this tuesday booze day and the voice behind "woman like you" lee brice is here to help me out while kathie lee is enjoying a couple days off. we're talking about second acts and people that decide they want to start all over again. >> that's right. we have three of those people here with us. laura was a stay at home mom turned nfl cheerleader. >> he's been waiting for you, i'm telling you. >> she writes about her adventure in "it's not about the pompoms." >> and we have lisa schwartz. she was in management consultant and now she's a cheese maker, a farmer. and we have holly westoff, she went to being an interior design intern. look at you ladies. a lot of people want to try the
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second act, but they are fearful. you went out for cheer leading, didn't make it the first time but kept going. tell us about that. >> i was in a place in my life where i just got out of a terrible marriage, really lost myself. and i needed to get my confidence back. i went to a game, saw the girls on the field and i said, i want to do that, i want to be in that little outfit and have the confidence to do just that. i love dancing and that's my passion. >> did you have people who said look, you're too old for this, this is for young girls but what made you say i don't care? >> i tried to put that out of my head and say i love dancing, i have to do this for me and just let the fear go and give it a try. >> lisa, you went from a consulting manager to a farmer/cheese maker. >> where does that come from, i want to know? >> i love food and ten years ago i realized i was concerned with
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healthy eating and bringing people together over food and creating something authentic with my own two hands. >> i wish i could do that. i love food, too. but this is amazing. >> one morning i woke up and said honey, i'm going to be a farmer. >> you have a job that's waying and this one obviously, you know, probably isn't paying as much. how did you work it out financially? >> those are always interesting dilemmas. i was fortunate that i had a backyard where i bought my first pair of goats and started learning. >> are you happy? >> love it. i wake up every day. right now it's kidding season and we're delivering baby goats every morning and i'm happy. >> holly, this is interesting. you went from marketing executive to an interior design intern. >> yes. >> how does that feel to be an intern at our age? >> it's kind of crazy. but i knew what i was getting
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into because i had enters work for me in the past and i knew if i was smart about it, that i could learn so much. and it's kind of learning how to check your ego at the door and be open to any menial task. >> did you just love interior design, was there something in you that wanted to do this? >> i felt a little lost when i was laid off from my job and i just wanted to be happy again. when you're single like i am, it's that much more glaringly obviously when you're not getting what you want from your career. you know, just -- interior design, i redecorated a friend's office and i was like, oh, my gosh. this is my thing. >> you know what stops people? it's like, you're afraid. how do you overcome that fear factor to get in the game. >> a lot of fears are perceived. and you have to think about it a different way and say, i'm just going to try it any way and let the fear go.
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>> i think there's a long list of reasons not to do something. >> you've got to do it at the right time. >> you guys are an inspiration. i know a lot of people are saying i want to, but. but there's only reason you should. ladies, thanks. >> thank you. coming up next, we'll talk about why you fight allergies. it's myth or fact. sometimes the guys have it easier in everything. >> true. >> we'll talk about it, after this. 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done.
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with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. activating protection, bear! the more you move, the more it works! [ roars ] [ screaming ] new long lasting degree with motionsense help me! keep running! ♪ oh pepperoni ♪ how much i love yah see the game last night? course i did! [ male announcer ] try the meatball pepperoni melt today. subway. eat fresh.
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need to keep my eyes on her because i hear she's a cheater. >> you've been keeping your eyes on me any way. are you ready? what do you have for us, sasha. >> if you haven't developed allergies by your late teens, you're in the clear. >> myth. >> myth. >> anyone at any age can get allergies. >> it's how you develop them later in life. >> they can come on suddenly. if your parents have allergies, there's a good chance that you will, too. >> i'm going to say myth. >> you're both incorrect. it is a fact. and in fact, it's both your parents have allergies, you have a 70% chance of getting them. >> i thought it was where you were living. >> that all plays into it, too. but it does run in the family. moving on, since allergy season started early this year, it will
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last longer than usual. >> i'm going to say fact. >> hoda is correct. >> we've got the tree pollen right now, then the grass pollen. so no respite coming up. >> i was getting a lot of tweets from people in atlanta who said the pollen count was insane. >> really bad this year. here we go, eating local honey can help cure seasonal allergies. >> what? yes. >> this is a myth. >> a lot of people do believe this, because they think there's a connection between the honey and the bees and the pollen and that you can build up your immunity. but we found no studies that back that up. all right, myth or fact. hey fever is caused by hay.
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>> myth. >> this is a myth. >> hoda is doing really well here. hay fever is what we use to describe a collection of allergy symptoms. but it's not caused by hay. flower pollen is the leading cause of seasonal allergies. >> myth. >> you're both right. flower pollen is spread by insects, not by the wind. it's the tree and glass pollen that gets you going. >> time for another one? this could be the tiebreaker. let's pretend that we're tied. >> myth or fact, allergy shots are the best way to cure allergies. you're both incorrect. >> there's no such thing as a cure for allergies. you can do a little preventative treatment. but you can't cure it. >> lee is going to get the gift.
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you know i won fair and square, though. >> this is amazing, because nashville is one of the worst places in the country. so this is awesome! coming up next, we'll go in the kitchen and have some southern style crawfish. you like that? right after this. i'm meteorologist chris warren. the threat throughout a huge portion of the day will be the threat for flooding through here. we've been seeing the heavy rain overnight and throughout the rest of the day we'll be seeing th slow moving system dump down several inches of rain. this is out behind this very warm air. so you have the warm air, temperatures into the mid 80s in chicago and over here in the 60s.
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it's being partially cooled down by this area of low pressure. so we'll still be dealing with record breaking temperatures from the northeast to the great lakes to the southeast. still cooler in the pacific northwest. but the big story right through thursday will be that heavy rain in the south and the mid south. again, several inches of rain likely to cause river flooding and flash flooding which can be dangerous. 70s and 80s still on tap for thursday from chicago to boston. look at that, mid 80s potentially here. it's possible that boston will be warmer than parts of florida. we're talking about that warm of an air mass here. so this is still early spring and we'll see some of those spring showers and storms move into the great lakes, down to the gulf coast. by friday, this weekend, looking wet around parts of the great lakes and moving into the northeast now. highs cooling off quite a bit, about 30 degrees in some places, like boston. look at the high on saturday,
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back to reality, 55 degrees. and then on sunday, another system moving into the west, one clipping by to the north and hanging around the northeast and the mid-atlantic. on monday, another system moving into the pa sick northwest and the rockies. remember, weekdays on the weather channel, you can "wake up with al." we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression,
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including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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>> texas creole. >> how are you? >> i'm great. having a good time. >> brennan is from new orleans. crawfish are a tricky thing for a lot of people. they are delicious if you're in that area. a lot of people look at them in a funny light. >> you have to grow up with it. we can definitely show you what to do. we're going to make a crawfish short cake. we start out with a little grape seed oil. first thing you want to do is toast some garlic and some rosemary. >> okay. >> and you kind of want to brown that a little bit, get that toasty flavor. it has to be very bold. >> sure. lee, you're a little bit of a cook, huh? >> i love to cook. i'm a grill man. i like to learn a little more about this, especially crawfish. i'm from the south. so i dig into south from the
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mud. >> you want me to dump something in? >> yeah. we have some beer, put half of that in. >> that's all right. >> sorry, babe. >> half of the lemon juice. we'll put the worthershire in there. and we'll let that reduce. keep an eye on that. >> will do. >> we're going to make some aoli. >> you're going to throw that crawfish in there? >> we want to make the sauce ahead of time. we saute it ahead of time and we'll fold it in. we have the aoli. we have some st. arnold's beer. >> you and the beer. >> we'll take a little bit of creole seasoning, make ore own blend. and then some sugar cane
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vinegar. >> okay. >> and we'll save that right there. >> okay. >> so what is this made out of? >> we have the buttermilk biscuit that we'll use for the short cake base. that's kind of the cream part to the dish. that's kind of the finish product there. >> they can see what this looks like. >> i wish you could smell it. >> you've got to taste it. springtime crawfish. >> we have about 20 seconds. what is that right there? hold on, let me get this for lee. my job is to feed lee brice. >> come on, baby. >> how is that, grill master? >> brother, i can't even talk. >> you rock it. thank you, hon. coming up next, i've been waiting and waiting for this. lee brice is going to sing for me, a song called "a woman like you."
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"hard to love." >> comes out april 24. >> there is a single on this song called "a woman like you." it gets 40,000 downloads weekly. there's something about it that just resonates. >> we were lucky to find it. >> happy to have you sing it. lee brice, take it away. >> here we go. ♪ ♪ last night out of the blue drifting off to the evening news ♪ ♪ she said, honey, what would you do if you had never met me ♪ ♪ i just laughed and said i don't know ♪ ♪ i could take a couple guesses, though ♪ then i tried to dig real deep
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i do a lot more, probably eat more fried chicken ♪ ♪ take a few strokes off my golf game if i had never known your name ♪ ♪ i would still be driving that old green nova ♪ ♪ probably never would have heard of yoga ♪ ♪ i would be a better football fan ♪ ♪ but if i was a single man alone and out there ♪ ♪ i would be looking for a woman like you ♪ ♪ i could tell that got her attention ♪ and so i i forgot to mention ♪ i wouldn't trade a single day of 400 years the other way ♪ ♪ we just smiled and rolled her eyes because she has heard all of my lies ♪ ♪ i said, come on girl, if i hadn't been so lucky ♪
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♪ i would be shooting pool in my bachelor pad ♪ ♪ stocking up cold bud light for poker every tuesday night ♪ ♪ i would have a dirt bike in my shed and not one throe pillow on the bed ♪ but if i was a single man, alone and out there on the loose ♪ ♪ i'd be looking for a woman like you ♪ ♪ she knows what a mess i would be if i didn't have her ♪ ♪ i whispered in her ear you know, i get sick deep sea fishing ♪ ♪ and you make the best fried chicken ♪ ♪ i got a hopeless golf game, i
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love the sound of your name ♪ ♪ i might miss that green nova but i love watching you do yoga ♪ ♪ honestly i don't know what i'd do if i never met a woman like you ♪ that's the truth. [ applause ] >> a lot of women would want you to sing that song to them, but there's one person in particular. >> that's definitely for sara, and yesterday was her birthday, so happy birthday. >> lee, thank you for joining me today. you were the best. come back tomorrow. randy travis is going to help me out and we have a fun filled country music
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