tv Today NBC March 28, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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we're back now with more of "today" on a wednesday morning, the 28th of march, 2012. nice spring day here in new york. great spring crowd on the plaza. thanks to these people for stopping by. out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie. ann is over on "the uss intrepid." al is taking a little bit of time off. and coming up we're going to have more on this incredible situation on the jetblue flight yesterday from new york to las vegas. a 12-year veteran pilot of that airline really had a meltdown. he started screaming things about iraq and afghanistan and al qaeda and bombs. he was locked out of the cockpit by his co-pilot. and eventually restrained by
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some very brave passengers. it had to be a harrowing experience. we're going to talk more about that in just a couple of minutes. >> all right. also ahead we're going to answer your financial questions on money 911. they've got answers to everything about when you should pay off your student loans, when to refinance your home, and how. we will have the expert advice from our team. and then being pro-active about your medical care. sometimes which you see your doctor you really only have a few minutes to talk to the doctor. we have some really good advice about what you can do to prepare. what questions to ask before, during and after. >> all right a lot to get to. let's go inside. natalie has all the headlines. >> good morning, everyone. a jetblue captain is in custody, as you heard, and getting medical attention this morning. on tuesday, he had to be restrained by passengers after a midair meltdown. tom costello covers aviation for us. tom, good morning. >> natalie, good morning to you. the captain is a 12-year veteran of jetblue. he is now being held in amarillo by the fbi, charged with
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interfering with a flight crew. >> please remain seated with your seat belts fastened. >> pinned under the weight of a half dozen passengers, the captain of a jetblue plane who seemed to have suffered a breakdown in midflight. >> just out of his mind. screaming things to passengers, say your prayers. >> reporter: jetblue flight 191 was flying from new york to las vegas tuesday when government sources say captain clayton osbon began erratically steering the plane, flipping switches and operating the radio. the co-pilot became so concerned he persuaded or tricked the captain into going to the rest room. then asked an off-duty captain to enter the flight deck, lock the door and change the combination. witnesses say captain osbon left the rest room, walked to the rear of the plane and then seemed to lose control when he realized he was locked out of the cockpit. tony antolino was in row ten. >> he just started sprinting towards the cockpit door. and started pounding on the door, tried entering the code to the keypad to get into the
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cockpit. >> reporter: in the cockpit the co-pilot declared an in-flight emergency. >> jetblue 191 emergency, and we're going to need authorities and medical to meet us at the airplane. >> reporter: while in the back, passengers had to use their own belts to subdue the captain, who they say was screaming about a bomb, iran, iraq, afghanistan, and a warning to say your prayers. >> i ran out and we were face to face, me and the captain, and i got him turned around, and then other passengers rolled on top of him. >> it appeared he was trying to open the side door. i wasn't going to let that happen. >> reporter: once on the ground, police and medics removed captain osbon, his arms still strapped down, but everyone safe. in osbon's georgia hometown, reaction from a longtime friend and neighbor. >> i am as shocked as anybody. clayton is a straight-hitting
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guy. very level headed. and very professional. >> reporter: captain osbon is a flight standard captain on the airbus a-320. the fbi does not believe terrorism was any way involved here. but the ceo of jetblue told the "today" show earlier this morning he had never seen any kind of behavior out of this man before, out of the captain. he apologized for the event but he also thanked the crew and also the passengers for getting involved. natalie? >> all right, tom castillo. thanks so much, tom. it is the final day of arguments before the supreme court on president obama's health care overhaul. today's arguments focus on whether the health care law can survive if the requirement that everyone buy health insurance is found to be unconstitutional. a major shake-up for newt gingrich's presidential campaign. a spokesman says a third of the campaign staff has been laid off, and gingrich's campaign manager has been asked to resign. gingrich plans to spend less time and money in primary states, and will, instead,
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personally call delegates hoping to win their support at the convention. congress has started work on a bill to help reunite parents with children abducted to other countries. the measure is named for sean and david goldman. david goldman is the father whose then 4-year-old sean was abducted to brazil in 2004 by the boy's mother who later died. it took david five years to get his son back home. >> because of the recognition that our case got people immediately realized what the bill is. what it means. what it stands for. and what it does stand for is all the other tens of thousands of left-behind families, moms, dads, grandparents, who suffer, in anguish, every day. >> the bill is samed at protecting american children and helping parents of abducted children. former cuban president fidel castro announced last night that he will happily meet today with pope benedict xvi.
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castro's statement said he requested the meeting. the pope's three-day visit to cuba ends today. new research is suggesting that green coffee beans may help people lose weight. the study looked at 16 overweight young adults who took low doses of green coffee bean extract and reduced their body weight by more than 10% in 22 weeks. scientists call the study provocative, but they caution that more research is needed. and it might be israel's version of march madness. a basketball game screeched to a halt when a stray cat ran onto the court. it was then cheered by the fans, and appropriately chased away by the tel aviv team's mascot, a dog, who even apparently did a little victory dance to celebrate. poor cat. it is now six minutes past the hour. let's go back outside to maria with a check of your weather. >> that is hands down the greatest video ever. we love, love here on the "today" show, and we have a great story here.
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married 25 years. but i think you have amends to make. you never got a ring? >> never did. >> so what are you going to do about that? >> i'm going to make it up to her right now. >> oh. >> go for it. congratulations. lots of happiness. so far it's working for you, though. good job. let's take a look. very nice. very nice. perfect. all right, congratulations, guys. as we take a look at the weather across the country, notice showers and thunderstorms. some sizable ones beginning to pop up along the front that could trigger stronger ones, severe storms through the ohio valley and parts of the mid-atlantic and also the mid lanes. we're looking at gusts and of course the possibility of some hail. watch out for that. across the pacific northwest, all about the rain and the wind, especially late tonight in through tomorrow. more mountain snow in through the cascades. could be piling up one to two feet.>> good morning. we're off to a quiet start. it is a little bit on the chilly
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start. high temperature in the low >> savannah, back to you. >> maria, thank you. now to "today's money 911" where we tackle your financial problems. jean chatzky is "today's" financial editor and the author of "money rules." david batch is the founder of finish rich dotcom and author of "debt free for life" and sharon epperson is cnbc's personal finance correspondent. let's get right to our questions. our first one via skype, lydia in tucson, arizona. good morning, what's your question? >> good morning. my question is, i have a $50,000 student loan that i pay on time and i paid ahead by four years.
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i was laid off and i know what to i need to do to work with lenders to forgive a portion of this loan so i can pay it off >> lydia, getting a portion of that loan forgiven is a bit of a hard call. unless you worked in public service, in some public service profession. in which case you could be eligible for some forgiveness after ten years. is that an option for you? >> unfortunately, no. >> well then there are a couple of other things that you want to look into. you want to get in touch with your lender and you want to talk about forbearance which essentially means they table your loan for about 12 months. interest will still accrue but you wouldn't have to make the payments which may give you some relief. the other option is interest-based repayment. and i think this may be the better way for you to go. it takes a look at your household income, and you don't have to pay any more than 10% of that income toward those student loans. that's a lot of relief for a lot of people. and after 25 years of those payments, the rest of the debt does get wiped away.
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>> all right, lydia, thank you so much for your question. let's go to the phone lines now. we've got milieu in malibu, california. >> my husband and i bought a condo for investment. the value dropped about $100,000. mortgage is twice the rent. with the homeowner association and tax, it's hard to keep up. we always paid on time for both mortgages, and don't want to mess up our credit. what do you think we should do? >> david, do you want to get that one? >> sure, and i want to be in malibu right now with you. there's no law that is going to help you here. but there's a new program, if you go to makinghomes, go to 995 hope dot org. that website has a program called tier two. this is a new modification program for people like you who have investment properties. again it's not a slam dunk. when you go on that website
9:11 am you can ask to speak with a counsel are for free. on the website there's all kinds of information that you prepare for that counseling session. they'll walk you through and see if you can qualify for a loan modification. that could help you. lastly, go to lender directly and see if the lender will work with you. believe it or not more and more lenders are working with people on these properties because they really do not want them going into foreclosure. >> thank you so much. >> we're all heading to malibu. next one is an e-mail for you, sharon. i am thinking about refinancing my mortgage from a 30-year to a 20-year how much time and money will i save on a 20-year mortgage if i pay biweekly and make one extra payment a year? my current mortgage balance is $239,000. we would like to have our mortgage paid off by the time our 3-year-old daughter goes to college. i love our responsible viewers. >> i love this. i love her plan. and the fact that she set goals. you can't get anywhere unless
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you actually set your goals to get there. so i applaud you for really outlining what you want to do. you're well on your way. most people don't even realize they can refinance to a 20-year mortgage. that could be a great way for her to go. if she's able to reduce her mortgage payments even less than she's paying now that's even better. in terms of making that extra payment that's another way to shave off years off of the life of a loan that you're going to pay. and paying biweekly that will bring that 20-year term down to 17 years. so she'll be well on her way to having paid off that mortgage by the time her child goes to college. and whatever money you're saving right now, put that in a 529 for your kid. put that away for the college savings and make sure that you have that, as well for your child. you're on the right track, definitely. >> our next question from our viewer jan in centerville, minnesota. my mother passed away six years ago and i went through some of her books and found a savings bond from the '70s. is this still valid? there are three kids left all in our 50s and 60s. will this money be taxed? >> the short answer is yes, it's
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valid. you should go ahead and redeem it. and it will be subject to federal income tax. but it will just be considered part of her estate. so it will be distributed as if it's a piece of her estate. >> okay, great. nice to find a savings bond. >> exactly. thanks. coming up next, taking charge of your health. what you need to do for yourself before and after a trip to the doctor. and then later on beauty buys that will have you breezing through airport security. hi! i brought champagne. wow! the best in the world. ...some chocolates swiss! ah...the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt from dannon. really? wait until you try it. so creamy thick and fresh tasting dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2:1 in a national taste test. mmmm... this may be the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt
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possibly the best yogurt in the world. its smooth taste spreads across your bread's delicate surface. while melting into those creamy mashed potatoes... bringing a rich, warm tenderness to your peas. ohhh! it's i can't believe it's not butter! fresh butter taste with 70% less saturated fat than butter go ahead. cheat on butter. you naughty thing. [ male announcer ] what if we could keep enough plastic waste to cover all of manhattan out of landfills each year? the equivalent of 140 million trash bags, gone. by using new glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands to be stronger with less plastic waste, we can. ♪ it's a small change that can make a big difference. ♪
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so skinavoid bad.fats. healthy. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. for multi grain flakes that are an excellent source of fiber try great grains banana nut crunch and cranberry almond crunch. "today's" daily dose is brought to you by nature valley. irresistible by nature valley.
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this morning on "today's daily dose" taking charge of your health. no one knows your body as well as you do. so there are some steps to make sure you're in control of your medical well-. dr. roshini raj is say "today" contributor. dr. raj, good morning. >> good morning. >> really important for us to take control, take charge when it comes to our medical -- our health. >> absolutely. you're busier than ever, you don't have as much time in the office so you need to be pro-active about getting the best care. >> first thing you say we should be making sure we're booking an appointment. >> that's right. for many offices you don't have to be on phone on hold with the office. some offices have their own websites that you can book online. there's a great free service where you can punch in your zip code, insurance, type of doctor you're looking for and they will give you an appointment within your area, usually within 24 to
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72 hours, which is really quick. >> you say when you set up the appointment make sure you go in armed with questions. what kinds of things should you be asking them and what are some of the things you should make sure that you tell your doctor. >> first of all when you're in the doctor's office, many of us start to get nervous. we forget a lot of things. you want to write down all the questions you personally have for the doctor. all the symptoms you've been experiencing, and then there are some general questions that depending on the condition you would want to ask. there's some great online research to help you figure out what those questions should be. i like, some great information. what specifically should you be asking for in terms of recovery, what type of surgery. very often they're going to forget and the last thing the doctor wants is for you to call back two minutes later and say i forgot to ask you. >> exactly. and they're very busy people. sometimes you feel the pressure they're under to move on. good to have that in hand. also you say if a doctor orders tests you want to make sure to find out how and when you're
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going to get those resolved. >> this is so important. really in the olden times doctors say if it's normal, i won't call you. but you can't really trust that anymore because things can fall through the cracks. you want to know are you going to call the office in a week to get the results? are they going to call you? can you get it online. you do want to know how and when you're going to get those results. >> medical records you say so important for you also to have a copy for yourself. why is that? >> especially when we're talking about blood tests, x-ray tests, mri. if you're going to different type of doctors, you're traveling, you want to have a copy of your record. it's not always easy to get your personal doctor to fax it to someone else. you want to make sure you have it on hand, make sure you're not getting duplicate orders of tests. >> okay and then also you recommend getting a second opinion. now, sometimes i think a lot of us may feel like this is going to be insulting to our first doctor but it is your health. >> absolutely. and you should always put your health in front of any sort of feelings that you might hurt of your doctor. but many doctors realize that
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we're not always perfect. we don't know the answer to every question. and if you feel like you're not getting anywhere with a particular doctor it's perfectly reasonable to ask either them or one of your other doctors to recommend someone to get a second opinion. >> finally this goes without saying, you probably should do it first, you should research your doctor's background. >> yeah. and i love talking about the sort of reviews of other patients, because honestly many times you'll have a disgruntled patient who gives the doctor an unfair review. looking at where they went to medical school, are they board certified. what is their area of focus. if you're looking for a specific kind of doctor, look online and say is this something they really focus on and see often. >> dr. roshini raj, always great information. thank you again. still to come this morning, the aspiring model severely injured after walk nothing a plane's propeller reaches a settlement. we'll tell you about that and her remarkable recovery. ♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪
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♪ we're as passionate about cheese as you are. so inspired by the popularity of italy's most famous cheese, we've created three new parmesan dishes. new grilled chicken parmesan, featuring chicken fresh off the grill as well as grilled shrimp or grilled steak. all with a savory parmesan crust. for a limited time only, it's our passion for parmesan for people who really like parmesan.
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olive garden. when you're here, you're family. now for just $6.95 you can create your own lunch. with one of six choices, like a half a flatbread. plus unlimited soup or salad. johan comes in a porcelain vessel, crafted with care by a talented blonde from sweden. ♪ meet me in the coffee aisle. ♪ my heart skips a beat ♪ my heart is playing tricks on me ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing new special k granola bars. ♪ i can't break through with 4 grams of protein. and 4 grams of fiber. finally, a granola bar that makes your heart skip a beat. a snack that loves you back. what will you gain when you lose? ♪ ...skips a beat
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still to come on "today," travel-size beauty products on the fly. >> and giada de laurentiis turns breakfast into dinner. (bell rings) hi. good morning. big news. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry... and banana/blueberry. we're telling everyone. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. try some. mmm! two flavors. in harmony. yummy.
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four nutritious grains and two big fruit flavors to make your day bunches better. i'm here with carol, flo, and karen for a girls night out talking about activia. i tried it and my body felt so right, for a change. and then there's you... why should i try it? my system gets out of sorts but that comes with age, right? wouldn't you like to feel great? just because we're in that over 50... what does that mean? are we done? activia helps regulate your digestive system when eaten daily. these could be our best years yet. activia
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into another cannon and just shot out of that one. >> charlie sheen had to say last year about his very public battle with his bosses at "two and a half men" and his colorful antics that followed. how is he now doing a year later? we're going to find out when charlie sheen sits down with us live in studio tomorrow only on "today." sure to be interesting. no doubt another cannon into another cannon. >> he always has a colorful way of putting things. >> tiger blood. we'll check in with him. also coming up in this half hour the aspiring model lauren scruggs who lost an eye and a hand after walk nothing a spill-spinning plane propeller. she is going through an amazing recovery and we're going to have
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an update on how she's doing coming up in a bit. >> also, no time for dinner? how about breakfast? giada de laurentiis is making gourmet dinners by turning the tables on supper. she has quick and easy meals for families on the go. you're going to like the sound of this. then beauty on the go with the airlines restricting what goes into your carry-on. a quick weekend getaway can be complicated for women. we're going to have some of the best beauty products that are now tsa friendly. >> some news we can all use. first one last check of the weather from maria larosa who is in for al. >> good to see you guys. we still have a little bit of the morning chill in the northeast. but we're seeing a warm-up out ahead of the next storm system. that is going to bring some severe storms potentially for the ohio valley in through the mid-plains. that means gusty winds and possibility of some hail. meanwhile the pacific northwest going to get battered once again as another storm ready to slam in late tonight into tomorrow with heavy rain and wind and mountain snows, the cascades, the siskiyous could be picking
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up one to two feet of snow. >> good morning. we're off to a cool star. we will make it into the 70's this afternoon. a chance for some scattered and >> natalie and savannah, back to you. >> coming up next, the recovery of lauren scruggs. the model maimed by a plane's propeller. how's she doing now? [ male announcer ] this is the story of one of nature's most perfect foods... quaker oats. in every way, a super grain. ♪ super for the fiber that helps fill us up. super for the energy it gives to get us going. super for the oats that are so good for our hearts.
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♪ super for how it makes us... super. quaker oats. energy. fiber. heart health. super people eat super grains. cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle, but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac. whoa! what is that? it burns! it's singeing me! it's the sun. get of the office more often with chili's $6 lunch break combos, featuring our classic turkey sandwich. chili's lunch break combos.
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splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweetener with b vitamins, the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart ways to sweeten. same great taste. splenda® essentials™. i'm a wife, i'm a mom... and chantix worked for me. it's a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix.
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don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my inspiration for quitting were my sons. they were my little cheering squad. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you.
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we're back with new details this morning in the case of a texas model seriously injured last december when she walked into an airplane's spinning propeller. "today" national correspondent amy robach has details on that. >> safin, good morning to you. lauren scruggs has made a remarkable recovery over the last few months and now nbc news has learned that she has reached a settlement with the pilot's insurance company. once an aspiring model and fashion blogger, lauren scruggs has been waging the fight of her life, following a tragic propeller accident that severed her left hand and caused her to lose her left eye. for the past several months she's been solely focused on her recovery. now she can breathe a sigh of relief as she has reached a settlement for her injuries. according to court papers, the company that insures the plane and its pilot, kurt richmond, originally offered scruggs
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$200,000 in damages. at first, news reports stated that scruggs had rejected the offer. but her attorney says the two sides have now come to an agreement, tuesday night he told nbc news, attorneys for miss scruggs and aggressive insurance services llc jointly announce that they have resolved the issues raised in the declaratory judgment action. back in december, scruggs flew over dallas in a single-engine plane with a friend to see christmas lights around the city, but as she exited the plane she accidentally walked into the still-spinning propeller. according to the ntsb report, the pilot, a family friend of scruggs, says he told scruggs to walk away from the propeller as she exited, but it's unclear whether she heard him over the roar of the engine. scruggs suffered critical injuries that have taken their toll. despite numerous hurdles she has made a remarkable recovery. tweeting pictures from a trip to steamboat springs, colorado,
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last month. such a fun weekend with family and friends, lauren tweeted. scruggs also uploaded this picture of herself with her twin brittany. the sisters both wearing sunglasses that hid from view lauren's prosthetic eye. the ntsb determined the pilot was not ultimately responsible for the accident though they say he should have shut down the engine sooner. the family said they don't blame him and neither the attorneys nor the scruggs family has commented on the terms of the settlement. savannah? >> all right, amy, thank you so much. still to come, the best beauty bets to throw in your carry-on. coming up. hush little bunny don't say a word. we used to be enemies, but that's absurd. a nibble on your ear used to keep me up all night. now our relationship can be nice and bright. yes, my chocolate friend, our struggle's thru. when i bite your head off, i'll still love you. now i have truvia and i've been set free. natural sweetness from a leaf with zero calories. it's freed me to enjoy. it tastes really great. it helps me balance out what i've got on my plate.
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you have yet to master the quiet sneeze. you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts. well, muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3. zyrtec®. love the air. you make a change with hellmann's. make parmesan crusted chicken surprisingly crispier, juicier. mmmmmm yummier. hellmann's, make it real, make it different. might seem... ♪ ...impossible. no, no... well how about the purp? ew! ♪ yeah. wow. unless you have eggo® waffles. they're quick and easy to make, and there's something about them... that just makes people move. [ male announcer ] golden crispy outside,
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this morning on "today's beauty." beauty on the fly. with all of the rules for getting your bags through airport security, what's a girl to do if you're trying to sweep all those beauty essentials in your carry-on. shape's senior editor is here with products ready for takeoff. good morning. >> good morning. >> a problem with a lot of our beauty products is they're liquid. the tsa has rules against how much you can carry on. remind us of those rules. >> the rules are simple, remember 3-1-1. your licked withs, gels and aerosols need to be in a container that are three ounces or less, all of them need to fit in a one-quart bag that's actually clear and it's a ziploc sometimes and everybody gets to bring just one with them. >> that's what makes this segment so important. you've got to look outside liquids to take care of your beauty needs. >> a lot of people want to bring their face wash or toner on the road. you have an alternative. >> you don't want to deal with bottles. they can break. they can spill. so a great alternative that's
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going to clean your face is these amazing facial towelettes. one of our favorite brands is the yes line. yes to tomatoes. and what this one does is has salicylic acid. it's fwraet for people with problematic skin. they have yes to cucumbers which is soothing. and yes to blueberries which is wonderful for aging or mature skin. >> these are nice travel sizes. >> biore also have towelettes, and these are hyperallergenic. this is a good choice for you. what we like about the pond's towelettes is they have exfoliating beads, as you're cleaning your face off, those beads can take away those dull skin and reveal glowing, beautiful skin. >> you can't bring your tube of exfoliator. >> right. it's a great alternative. and finally neutrogena makeup remover. it's a very potent makeup remover, going to get rid of
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waterproof mascaras, but it's gentle on your skin and eyes. if you wear contact lenses this is a product for you. >> sunscreen. we all should be wearing it on our face every single day but you don't want to bring the big bottle or having to buy it once you're there. >> we always do recommend you wear sunscreen wherever you are, whether on the beach or just touring. so we like an alternative, sunscreen in stick form. one of our favorites here. this is from clarion. what's grate about this is it's 100% mineral based. it goes on just like that. >> is it for the face? >> it's for the face. you can target protection around your eyes, your lips and your nose. now sun bon also has an alternative here. this is great for people, they're sporty and in the water a lot. >> and what's the last one here? >> the last one is shiseido, it's sheer and translucent. the great thing about all of these, these portable. you can pop them in your burst. >> and they don't count against
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our liquids. makeup, what do you recommend? >> instead of bringing a separate lipstick, eye shadow and bronzer, bring one compact palette. one of our favorites from benefit, what you're going to get is eye shadows, bronzers, even a little bit of foundation. so this is super easy, really good way to look beautiful. trish mcavoi also has a great little palette. what you see here is lipsticks, a little bit of brush and conseouler. >> this is cute. this looks to have lip gloss as well as blush and eye shadow. >> this is from sephora, everything. after you come back from your vacation you can pop these into your purse and they're great for touchups on the go. >> foundation, that's a toughy because that's a liquid a lot of people want to bring. what's an alternative? >> foundations that come in come pact form. one of my favorite is from neutrogena. what's great about this it's going to give you flawless coverage, it's really nice and blendable but also has spf 55. so you're getting two benefits
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in one compact. >> what do we have here? >> this is san alternative to translucent powders. a lot tend to make you look ashy and cakey. this is the mali face defender. it can set your makeup, reduce the appearance of pores and wrinkles, and if you're somebody who gets oilly during the day, this can mattify your skin. it's nice and translucent. very interesting product there. >> another alternative to liquids because a lot of people want to bring your perfumes. no way you want to bring those on the plane. >> just like foundations, a lot of those come in glass bottles. that runs the risk of breaking and spilling all over your clothing. as an alternative we like solid perfumes. some of my favorites from pacifica, and what we like about these is they come in small tubes, they're portable. if you go on a hike and need to freshen up, dab some on to your pulse points. and you can also blend these together. wear them awhile and blend them
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together. if you have a favorite brand, a designer brand, definitely check out and see if they have solid alternatives, as well. >> some of the little roll-ons, they may count as liquids >> as long as they're under 3 ounces. you can bring those with you, as well. >> finally, we don't want to leave the men in our lives out. >> for the men, what we like is something from jan allen, of course, this is a very popular line for men. this little kit features everything from shampoo to conditioner, even a little bit of shave cream. and the best part is, each of these bottles are one ounces, so they're tsa friendly. >> they can take this little bag and they're good to go. >> absolutely. >> meanwhile we'll have this whole table full of stuff. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up next, wondering what to cook for dinner after a long day? giada de laurentiis has quick and easy recipes coming up.
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it's oysternomics 101. you start with a u.s. senator named ben. by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds, he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business... and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers. and that means more oystermen. it's like he's out here with us.
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brought to you by target. giada's exclusive line of kitchen products and delicious food is only available at target and well this morning we are cooking with giada, "today" contributor and chef giada de laurentiis has a new cookbook out just this week in stores called "weeknights with giada." >> and giada's advice this morning, try breakfast for dinner. good morning. >> hi. >> i know my boys are big fans for breakfast for dinner. so is jade. is that how all this started? >> honestly when you have a 4-year-old, as you know well, at the end of the day it's hard to get them excited about dinner. >> yeah. >> so when jade knows it's coming up on breakfast for dinner she gets really excited. so i've got a few different ideas. >> and these are healthy options. >> no, we're not. we're going to start with a crispy breakfast pita. >> come over here. >> savannah >> yes, dear. >> the rebrush the oil on the
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pita. just brush a little oil on a regular pita and i put it on a grill pan like this and grill it for a couple of minutes until we get the nice little grill marks, and flatten it so it looks like pizza, really. >> exactly. >> and take an egg and you just break the egg in the skillet with a little bit of oil. let it cook for two to three minutes. >> over easy, right? >> i like it a little bit runny. everybody's got their own way of doing their eggs. however long you like it. i like it a little runny so i do two to three minutes just until the white is set. a little salt, pepper, then -- >> i like this secret ingredient. the mascarpone. >> it's just mascarpone cheese. >> we're going to add a little lemon zoes give it a little flavor. a little salt, a little pepper. season it up and then you're going to smear -- smear. >> smear on the pita. just like that. >> just a little bit. >> and the lemon just kind of brightens up the flavors of the cheese but you need something to let everything stick to.
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and this is actually fun for the kids to do. so jade can usually just do this on her own. and then you toss it with a little -- >> over here we make an easy vinaigrette, lemon juice, olive oil, a little bit of salt, little pepper, too. mix it all together and pour it over the arugula or any lettuce that you like. you can go ahead and toss that. >> a way to sneak salad past the kids without them knowing it. >> mine won't see past that. >> then don't put it on there. i put a little bit of prosciutto down first. todd likes a little bit of meat. a little bit of prosciutto. >> guys like the meat and potatoes. >> yeah, right. >> and then if you want to take the egg -- >> savannah is like -- >> is this the right size? >> oh, yes so and put it right on top. >> there you go. >> go, go, savannah. oh, no. >> here we go. i got it. there you go. so at the end of the day that is
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what it looks like. you can have dinner very, very quickly. >> now let's move on back here because this is something my kids would love. >> this is jade's favorite. >> these are almond pancakes. >> these are almond pancakes. you've got to like almonds. and jade loves it and i love it. so we've got a little pancake mix. two eggs -- what do you think? >> mascarpone. >> favorite ingredient. >> a little ol ill oil. >> and garlic. and then a little bit of almond extract. a little vanilla extract. and water. and that's it. you blend it all together so it gets nice and light. then we're going to add the almond paste. for anybody who doesn't know what almond paste looks like. it has less sugar than marzipan. >> it's yummy out of the tube like that, too. >> it's like candy, honestly. you put this all together and then add the almond paste. >> if you use this, and put this in the fridge and you don't take it out to let it come to a temperature it doesn't soften
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like this, it gets gritty and then you're going to have grittyness in your pancakes. then you take this, i'll show you. sorry i need to figure this out. >> dump that in. go for it. >> blend it all up. >> and you guys start making pancake here's. you put this all together and leave a little bit of chunkiness. it pops up and you've got little bites. it's like having chocolate chips. >> delish. >> and just like that. jade this is her favorite? >> well, yeah. because hello. >> pan takes. >> these are great you make a bunch, give it sort of a snack or for breakfast or whatever. >> raspberry maple syrup. we've got peach and cherry. frozen cherries. >> that's it for easter >> the cookbook is great. i've been cooking from it already. so my kids are big fans already. crispy chicken fingers. >> yes. >> lots of good recipes for kids and adults. >> and savannah. >> and savannah. >> easy categorize.
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very easy. >> it's so rare that we actually cook breakfast at this hour on the "today" show. i love it. >> i love breakfast for dinner. i could do breakfast ten times a day. thank you, giada. >> we've got hoda and kathie lee chatting with american pie star shannon elizabeth about her new film, american reunion. a lot of people looking forward to that. but first your local news and weather. have a great day. at lysol, we discovered a problem.
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