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tv   Today  NBC  April 3, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT

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♪ captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. it's fun-day, monday. it is april 2nd and we are having some fun with pat o'brien who's filling in for hoda woman who's having a ball -- >> how can they do that? >> just you be you and you just say hey to hoda because she's watching. she's down in palm beach. >> hoda, i love you, honey. we know what side mine is.
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>> i have a red sitting here. >> and i have a -- >> you have an iced tea, i believe. i said to you early on, pat, you had a very, very well-known struggle with addictions. >> right. >> i said let's not have any in front of you, in front of me. because of course i would never be offensive to you on purpose. and you said no, no, no. >> oh, you have to do it. you can do it. i can't. i'm happy that you do it. are you okay, though? >> well, i don't know. depends on who you talk to. >> this will be a live intervention, by the time the show's over. >> pat and i have been friends for a long, long time. and spent a lot of time together in our mutual love of a place called nantucket. you told me a story, though -- before we get into our weekends, tell everybody the story what you told me about the last day when you finally realized that you were going to end up like so many others do. >> right. well, it was a struggle. and my last day of drinking was in nantucket, and it will be in my book which will be out shortly. back for that.
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no. i went to have a glass of wine, ended up drinking almost a dozen bottles of wine. >> that's a case. >> think about this. and almost died. i was this far from dying. and it's not -- it's funny now. but that's what got me to hazelton. i got sober there. i realized that at some point alcoholics, you realize you've hit your bottom and you're going to die. >> yeah. >> and that happened to me on nantucket, and thank god it did. >> a person you hadn't seen in a while from the eagles, right? was a big part of it? >> joe walsh is a dear friend of mine and sort of guided me through that recovery, as did a lot of other people. but i love joe for that. and now i'm -- >> now he's addicted to butterfingers. >> this is not a commercial. actually, it is now. guess what, folks? >> but we haven't seen you a lot because you have been -- you're using your newfound sobriety to help people that you see with the same problems. the big open letter you wrote to lindsay lohan.
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did you ever hear from her after that? >> no. but you know, one of the things about recovery is that you've got to pass it on. you know because you do it in your life, too, with your spirituality. but you have to help other people and i do every day as much as i can. some people can't be helped. some people i wish i would have helped more. >> you're close friends with charlie sheen. right? >> charlie's fine. charlie's good and strong. >> really? >> yep. >> okay. >> aren't you, charlie? he is. >> it's hard to tell with him. he's always moving. >> what you've got to stay away from is the tabloids. but charlie -- >> what are you, a gypsy? >> no. i know. tell us about charlie. >> the thing is going through it publicly is no fun because everything you do makes you look like you might be drinking again or any look on your face. i know there's a bounty on me to get a picture of me with a glass of wine in front of me. paparazzi -- >> at a certain angle that would not be hard to get. >> paparazzis will come up and
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they'll set a glass like here and then take the picture and then try to cash it in. now my fingerprints are on your glass of wine. >> so therefore, according to dna you are guilty, but there are no lip marks on there. >> but you bring charlie up -- >> of course you can hold it up. alcoholics find ways. right? >> yes, we do. because charlie's been in the news. but there are millions of people out there. i heard from a lot of them when i stumbled. thousands of people sent me e-mails. not about any stuff i did but about you helped me realize that i had a problem. i was driving my kids to school drunk. >> oy. >> and i had 15,000 e-mails, you know, of people. and i try to help people as much as possible. >> don't you find when you've gone through something like that and it's been so painful in a public way, people are really -- the kindness in people comes out. you'll get the people that are just waiting for you to destroy yourself, but for the most part it brings out the best in people. they really want you to do well, they want to see you recover. >> they are pulling for you. and there are second chances. and people love that. and many of the people that gave me second chances are in this
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building. i mean this is where i started working and -- >> a long time ago. >> and you've always been on my side. but i'm fine. i'm fine. >> always. always. you have an announcement to make. >> go ahead. >> aren't you going -- >> are you going to interrupt me all day? i was told -- >> no -- well, probably. if it's going to be like a normal relationship, probably, yes. don't you have a little announcement to make? >> about what? >> aren't you going to be hosting the tennis -- >> oh, i'm sorry. that is an announcement. i'm one of the hosts for the olympics. it is my ninth olympics, and i'm doing all the tennis from wimbledon. the great jim bell. he and i have done a couple olympics together. called me back and said are you coming? so i'll be in london doing the tennis. you know, i did the u.s. open here for 25 years. >> i'm just happy for you. >> it's fun. >> do you ever worry that you could fall off the wagon at any point? because i mean there is that possibility for anybody. we're all human. >> it's not going to be during this hour. >> no. >> but we like to say the world's record is 24 hours.
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but no, that obsession -- it's a disease, folks, and that obsession is gone. although i can smell it. >> i didn't even want it here. >> will you please have a drink of that? >> no, not going to do it. not going to do it. it's monday, and every monday -- every fun day monday we do our favorite things. and we never know what it's going to be. but my favorite thing this past weekend is not a thing, it's a person. you all have heard me speak many, many times about jimmy nederlander. it was his 90th birthday celebration all weekend long down in palm beach. people came from all over the world to celebrate this spectacular gentleman of a man who has been such a friend to so many of us. you said he's your favorite person in new york because you just call -- >> the whole family. i just love them all. >> and so the first night we were there there was a barbecue at jimmy jr. and his beautiful wife margot's home, and they have -- their story is so
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unbelievable because let's just put it this way. nobody ever thought the two of them could ever have children. right? it was almost a physical impossibility. let me show you what happened to these two people. what happened to them twice, as a matter of fact. that's barbara taylor bradford with me and that's debbie and patty, their two nurses who were there for the weekend. those are little james and little kathleen nederlander. >> those are real babies. >> those are real babies. unlike the ones we had on earlier. the most beautiful, precious little kids. i snuck up and said i want to see these babies. and they listen to my cds all the time. thank god somebody does. and i started to sing to them, and they both went -- which never happens to me! >> did they wake up or do they fall asleep when they listen to you? >> i have a daytime one and a nighttime one. so then the big, big, big bash was saturday night at the breakers. and i had sung at jimmy's 80th birthday party ten years ago. and they asked me to sing to him again. i thought they could get anybody in the broadway world and the
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fact that they asked me, i started to cry. >> they could get anybody, too. >> they could get anybody. and i was so honored. but this time i thought, i need to write something for jimmy. i've been writing for about 15 years now. so i was nervous about it. i don't sing anymore professionally. but there's nothing i wouldn't do for jimmy nederlander. so we'll go to the tape. ♪ in everyone's life people come and go ♪ ♪ you meet so many people you forget who you know ♪ ♪ but others are different ♪ you know in a smile that they will stay with you a long, long while ♪ ♪ that's my friend jimmy ♪ i just adore him ♪ i barely remember what life was before him ♪ ♪ so tonight i toast him and lift up my glass ♪ ♪ and anyone who doesn't can kiss my -- ♪
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>> and then i sang him "happy birthday." and at the very end it was like -- happy 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 -- and everybody -- it was just so much fun. jimmy woke up then. no. >> will you sing at my 80th birthday? >> oh, my gosh. we've got some time. anyway, i just want to wish him all the best. i love that man and the next day -- it went on and on. >> by the way, there's no more loyal family. those people are fantastic. >> they're incredible. he says he's going to live to his 100th and it is going to be held at yankee stadium because he is part owner of the yankees. so thank you for a beautiful weekend. and tell us what your favorite thing is here. >> there's this new book out called "the one." and it's about my dear friend james brown. the godfather. by r.j. smith. and it's all about james brown, but it's also about the cultural -- the composite of what he went through culturally during his life.
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and james brown and i were friends. and he died on a christmas day, which is -- there we are together. backstage. and the godfather was great. but this book goes through the music and the life and why he wrote "please please please" and the flames and -- it's great. >> i'm sure it's fascinating because he lived one of those incredible lives. >> james had some problems, too. a lot of them. >> oh, yeah. shall we go to -- yesterday we know was april 1st. and apparently -- oh, sara has something special. you know what? >> sara. >> i'm so used to sara being gone because she was out with the flu all last week -- forgive me, sara! welcome home, baby. >> just so you know, i gave you a fresh bag, i have not touched or breathed on those. >> i apologize. >> we've all had pop chips. but they have a new flavor out called the sweet potato. >> i had these on the plane. >> they're amazing. you can polish off this whole bag for only 100 calories but the sweet potatoes, there's more of a pop. it's not just the salt. i feel like it's really flavorful. >> sara, this time i have to agree with you. >> can i try?
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>> yes. >> it's like communion. >> not quite. it is holy week. do you mind? all right. >> they are good. what we have to do is go to our "everyone has a story." ♪ everyone has a moment >> how about me singing? >> take a butterfinger. anyway, reen and elena murphy wrote in to nominate her 13-year-old daughter because in 2010 she suffered from a hip disorder called slipped capital femoral -- something. it's bad. it was basically her hip was broken. it required tons and tons of surgery. and she's ridden horses since she was 4 years old. it's her passion. it's her life. the doctors told her she'd never ride a horse, never run, never play basketball. this child did not give up. so we're going to tell you her whole story on thursday. but for right now they are on the phone. >> oh, goodie. >> where are they? good morning! >> hi! >> good morning. are you excited?
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>> oh, my god. yes, we're thrilled. >> oh, good. good, good. well, we are looking forward to having you come to new york, you can tell us your story then. david friedman and i have already written a song for you called "my dream" which i hope you're going to love. one of the great stars of -- what is it? "godspell" is going to be with us this week. i have to give credit, david friedman wrote the music to the lyrics i wrote for jimmy. always give credit to the people. you know what my daddy always told me? honey, surround yourself with people smarter and more talented than you are, and you'll look good. and that's what i did with david friedman all these years. and that's what i'm doing with you today and my hoda woman. okay. next up. you go. we have got a great show for you today. >> do i have to talk? >> no. you go. nothing like a butterfinger. give me a bite of that. all right, we want to know what the big news was in hollywood this weekend. aren't you glad it doesn't involve you?
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>> oh. and we'll have the -- you said i could eat. >> we'll have the latest buzz right after this. >> thank you.
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♪ what's the buzz ♪ tell me what's a-happening sometimes "the buzz" is right here in our own family. looking at the "post," "new york post" here today, backstage secrets of chef killer chopped. right there is our own lish who works here at the "today" show for all four hours and she is a contestant on that. how's it going? >> it's going great. that leads you to believe that i know what i'm doing, right? >> yes. we love you to pieces and you can't tell us what's going on over at "chopped," can you? >> no, i can't say a darn thing. >> i tried to get it out of lish. you have no idea. >> that's cool, though. >> congratulations in advance. that means lish is still in it. yes! my money's on lish. thank you, hon. tame for today's "buzz."
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i got the feeling somebody got slimed over the weekend. >> somebody did get slimed. >> what happened? >> it was the "kid's choice" awards. justin bieber was there and he got completely drenched. >> he loved it. >> he loved it. >> he's 18. they love that stuff. >> what's that stuff made out of? >> it's a very good question, pat. and a terrifying answer which i don't know. i imagine it is syrup and a little bit of dye. they do ask the celebrities before the show if they will approve to be slimed. so if you don't want to get slimed -- >> you're not kidding, he got slimed. even michelle obama, the first lady, got splashed. and she laughed about it and had a great time. >> don't go if you're not willing to get slimed. >> exactly. >> and that's true of show business as well. don't go in it unless you're willing to get slimed. >> wouldn't it anger you if you had like a really cool thing on? >> they've asked in the past. one year they asked jennifer lopez if she would get slimed and she said no, thank you. >> did she say no, thank you? or did she just say no?
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>> but on this occasion it's cool. it's like an oscar. >> it's an honor. johnny depp. it's the highlight -- >> just make sure you don't have to go -- >> what's going on? >> i can't sit in this chair. i thought you guys had a big budget -- >> i would hold on to you except frank's watching. all righty. what else is going on sweetie? >> it is also an incredible weekend for taylor swift. >> she can't do any wrong. >> which weekend is it? >> absolutely. so she got the entertainer of the year at the academy of country music. she is a girl, though. this is what's so interesting about her. she's mainstream, she's selling out arenas, on the pop charts. the country community has never forgot that this is their girl. they adore her and she's never forgot that they're her audience. >> remember on the grammys when she played it up with the braids an she looked like a little country girl strumming her guitar? >> plus, she's talented. i mean, by the way, the girl can sing, too.
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>> at the end of the day, pat, that is exactly where it is. this country music really embraced very talented singers and she's got it all. >> i wrote a country title once, "if you don't leave me, i'll find somebody who will." >> that's like a great hit! >> that's funny. she had tried out for les mis and for whatever reason didn't end up -- >> she didn't get it but somebody that did get it is anne hathaway. we know her of course. "devil wears prada." an incredible actress. she's playing the part. the problem is that the budget for the film is not as big as one might think. they're shooting it quite tight. it's a very short schedule. she's got to lose a lot of weight in a very short period of time. that's what they're hoping for. >> she's so thin to begin with. >> how do you do that? >> then all these rumors started that she has to lose two sizes and she's starving herself. her publicist says that's very true, she's trying very hard to lose the weight but she's not doing anything terribly extreme. >> 500 calories a day is pretty extreme --
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>> that she said is not true, though. the publicist said that is not true. >> here's the thing. she is already such a thin, long lean girl. you wonder why they can't just do that digitally the way they do so much these days. look what they did with kristen stewart at the end of the "twilight" movies. >> it is true. but that is very expensive to do. >> oh, cough it up! >> these entertainment shows will all say she's dying. >> really? you have any experience in that? >> i do, yeah. is she dead, is she -- >> did you ever say anything like that? >> to get paid i did, yeah. but it could go the other way, too. because robert de niro had to gain all that weight -- >> for "raging bull." >> for "raging bull." he told me he just went to france and ate ice cream and drank. >> it is a lot easier to gain it. >> so she is losing a little weight, but nobody fear, it is not 500 calories a day. >> she is also getting married for her. >> she is indeed. good times for her. >> rob, good to see you. >> good to see you, pat. >> we love you, rob. i don't care what anyone says. i think you're awesome. >> what do they say?
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up next, are you our fan of the week? you're going to find out. right after this. [ male announcer ] when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. ♪
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icy, cool flavor in a delicious 5-calorie stick of gum. ♪ polar ice. from extra. the rid-x septic subscriber program helps prevent backups by sending you monthly doses right to your door so you will never forget to maintain your system. sign up at i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw!
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it is fun-day monday and that means it's time to meet our fan of the week and find out where that lucky guy or gal is going. >> and the lovely -- i added that word -- sara haines is here to reveal who's going where and why they deserve that honor. >> thank you very much for that honor. >> he's absolutely lying! >> leave me alone. >> this is always exciting for us. this week's winner is -- kristin hackman from indianapolis, indiana. she watches on wthr, channel 13. she started watching when she was on bed rest for eight weeks with her triplets. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's three. >> the nurses even started to check in on her at 10:00 so they could jump in and watch as well. she loves "today's talk" and
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"favorite things." these segments make her feel as if she is in the loop. kathie lee, she loves your wit and your golden example of a mother's heart. >> oh, thank you. >> and her dream is to stand behind the "today" show window. i feel like she should aim higher. that's on her bucket list. but if you do, we'll pull you inside. >> what's she going to get? >> congratulations, kristin, for being such a loyal fan. we're sending you and a friend to punta cana. hotel amenities, two 30-minute treatments at the rock spa, and round-trip airfare for two. >> hotel and airfare accommodations are provided by hard rock hotel and casino punta cana. i know she adores her babies but to really get some rest she should probably leave them with her mother. >> yeah. >> congratulations. still ahead -- awkward. how to handle those delicate family situations over the upcoming holidays. you've had a few. >> shut up! what's wrong with you? plus -- >> everything's wrong with me.
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>> plus rock star dee snyder -- >> i make a career out of it. >> and debbie gibson. after getting fired on "celebrity apprentice." >> find out how the latest inductee into the "joy fit club" lost a whopping 100 pounds and more of this guy, pat o'brien, after local news.
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♪ we are back on this fun-day monday with more of "today" and a special guest host, terrific pat o'brien filling in for hoda today. as the passover and easter day holidays are around the bend this week, we thought you might like some help in navigating those really frustratiing and many times awkward situations. >> with us are philip galanes, who writes the "social q's" section of my newspaper -- well, it's not mine. and harriet cole. >> any day now, it actually could be.
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all right. welcome, kids. so we have our first one. right? kathleen -- what's a good way to handle sharing the holidays? were we supposed to talk about this before we went straight to the letters? let's do that first. pat has thrown me off. it's the smell of butterfinger in the air. i'm used to red wine -- >> what are we doing here? >> all holidays are tough times. i'm sorry about that. all holidays can be tough. >> it's true. and there's no such thing as a perfect family either. so we -- >> really? except for mine. >> and mine. >> so we work with what we've got and we try to minimize the awkwardness. give us the question. what's the question? >> all right. thank you. if i could find it again. >> here it is. >> go ahead. >> kathleen. "what's a good way to handle sharing the holidays? i have siblings that seem to always grab it before i can. i would like to make some family holiday memories as well." >> i think that what you should do -- especially if it is always with one person, or as this person says, they grab it, on the holiday you could say, this is so great, i want to host next year. now, if you have a family who would fight in the moment, then
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you could not do it that day but send a note saying we had so much fun, i want to host it next year. >> i'd make it less about grabbing and more about like thank you so much for all the hospitality, let us reciprocate a little. you know, who really wants to host anyway? hello, i don't identify with kathleen. i'm happy to go visit. >> i'm happy to visit, too. >> is there any way to nicely ask people not to come because certain other people are there and you have to invite them? say your mother just doesn't get along with your husband's -- whatever. >> you have to invite your mom. >> you have to have your mom. because she has supremacy. >> that depends on who you're asking, too. because sometimes people will understand. >> i think you go straight -- >> you're honest. >> you're a straight-shooter and you are doing it because you are trying to avoid hurting people's feelings. >> you let them know. i think rather than uninvite them let them know who's coming and sometimes they'll make the choice themselves. >> disinvite. that's dissing them, right? >> that's a little dissing. >> uninvite them. don't disinvite them.
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>> what about that guest that's just impossible to have around, that's political and religious, you just -- >> obnoxious. >> you want to scream. >> everybody has an uncle they talk about. >> quarantine was invented for a reason. you just keep steering that baby off and around and -- >> but everybody has to go to the bathroom at one point and you're going to leave that person alone with somebody. >> you can choose not to invite someone who really causes a lot of difficulty at a party. it is your prerogative. >> i have no problem with that. yeah. i once told somebody they are not allowed -- if they continued to be a burden and not a blessing, they are no longer welcome in my home and it worked. it worked. all right. >> i once brought somebody to her house who said to frank gifford, did you play football? >> i thought we weren't going to talk about her. i thought that was our deal! >> here's an awkward situation. >> this is from donna. people ask what they could bring. is it really helpful if they would bring what i want to go with my menu -- it is really helpful. but i feel bad telling people what to bring.
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which is better, tell them what to bring or let them do what they want? >> you've cooked and cleaned and bought an army's worth of wine. i think you -- if you need something, you tell them what you want. i mean, they're asking for a reason. >> yeah. if they ask, then what you should do is tell them. they're asking for a reason. but you do want to make sure that they know how to make whatever it is. so if you ask, will you bring potato salad, ask is that a dish that you make? because the worst thing would be to ask somebody to make it and they're at home trying to figure it out and it is awful. >> here's the other thing, too, if you're going to bring flowers, bring them in a container. >> thank you. >> when a hostess is trying to -- then you've got to go find a vase. >> and you can't let them lie there. right? the flowers. >> then they die. >> then they think you don't care. you can't win. thanks so much. >> thank you, guys. up next, sorry donald, we wouldn't have fired them. rock star dee snider and debbie gibson with their swan song. they're doing fine. right after this. actually, they're very upset. i used to not travel very much, but then i discovered hotwire.
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now, i use all my vacation days. i can afford to visit my folks for the holidays. and reconnect with my girlfriends in vegas. because i get ridiculously low prices on all my trips. you see, when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them, so i get 4-star hotels for up to half off. now i can afford a romantic trip to new orleans. hi honey! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ it's like totally crunch-erific! what they mean is, it's french's french fried onions in my green bean casserole. french's french fried onions. available in the french's stay-fresh can. see? he's taking his vitamins. one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
2:39 am i'm in italy... ♪ ciao! ciao! ciao! dude!? [ male announcer ] try the delizioso italian b.m.t., one of our fresh takes on italian. subway. eat fresh. ♪, stream, stream... ♪ ...whenever i want you, all i have to do is... ♪ [ female announcer ] stream full seasons of shows and top movies instantly. introducing streampix. only from xfinity.
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last night's episode of "celebrity apprentice" was in two parts with two separate tasks for each team to complete. >> first the contestants made their own guide books of new york city, but at the end of the day pop icon debbie gibson was sent home. >> dayana raised a good deal of money. you raised a lot of money. and deborah raised the least money of the people that you brought back. deborah, you're fired. thank you. >> i'm comfortable with that based on the way this went. >> i understand. thank you. >> oh. >> part two involved designing boxes of products for walgreens. >> and rock star dee snider's journey came to an end after a tense boardroom session. >> now, you did do the box design. >> with help, yes, sir. >> dee, you're fired.
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thank you very much. and you are going to be big. bigger than ever before. okay. thank you very much. go ahead, please. >> dee, you're going to be very big one day. >> well, there's no bitterness at all on this set today. hi, guys. >> all good. >> everyone should be fired and sent to do fun stuff like this. that's what i say. really? >> good that you're looking at it that way. >> last night was a very weird night. the won she was fired in i won $326,000 for the march of dimes. >> you had one commercial break to -- >> and a half hour later i was fired. i was gsh -- >> so you don't see this coming. right? when you're in it. you think you're really going well, it is going the way it should? >> oh, yeah. in that moment where you sit at the table and something's said and you go, wait a minute, i'm in the line of fire here. >> proof that when you're cool the sun always shines. you can wear shades anywhere you want. >> i couldn't get away with that. people would be tweeting, oh, you think -- he rocks it.
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>> it's the music, though. when they add it -- ba, ba, ba, bum. >> much more dramatic. >> which is not happening when you're actually doing it -- >> i was going to say, if they were playing that music in real time we would have had an inkling we were getting fired. >> it's not fixed in that happened. where did you go wrong, would you say? >> i don't know. i mean -- >> hers is really awkward because she raised a lot of money. which by the way, the march of dimes thank you. comparatively. >> i was out giving my charity check that afternoon to children international. and all the other girls were look at each other's tallies. silly me, i assumed the truth will be told in the boardroom and the executives would know the final tallies of the numbers. and i didn't want to get into a well, no, i raised 2,000 more -- i thought that would have been really crass and tacky. and you know, dee's charity ended up getting the money, the march of dimes. that's all that really mattered. i didn't want to engage in all that. >> but there are alliances that are made as well, too. >> oh, yeah. >> i'm sure there's a temptation to ally yourself with someone
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you don't actually want to be aligned with, right? >> you had a nice alliance going on your team. >> no, but see, i never joined in that. like everybody was ganging up on dayana for no reason last night and i didn't jump on that bandwagon and so it got turned on me. >> they didn't put a gun to your head to do this. i mean -- >> oh, no. >> i don't like the fact that when donald -- and we love donald. we've known him forever. but you did raise money. it makes your departure look so ugly. >> the way that was edited, exactly, and when the donald says -- you graciously said i did it with help. >> bigger than ever. >> did you get in trouble for -- with help? telling the truth about the help? >> you know what? it comes down to you're going to get yourself fired in the end. something you do, if you fall short. again, with debbie, it's kind of weird because she raised a lot of money that day. me, i was overseeing this packaging issue. it wasn't as great as it should have been. and that's why they fired me. >> but the project manager approved it and so he possibly should have gone home.
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>> well, fire him. >> who was that? >> lou ferrigno. >> but you step back from this and you've just got to laugh. >> it was a once-in-a-lifetime, you got great exposure from it, you're with us today and we're so happy you're here. >> and the money for charity. >> terrific. thanks so much. >> the "celebrity apprentice" airs sunday nights at 9:00, 8:00 central time, right here on nbc. now, up next here, the woman who dropped 100 pounds by changing jobs? right after this. good morning. i'm meteorologist chris warren with your weather channel forecast. and for today that threat for storms will push off a little bit farther to the east in the southern plains and parts of the mississippi valley, but notice this snow here. denver, you may end up with several inches of snow when it's all said and done. chance for some storms around the great lakes. around the northern end of this area, where we continue to see
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some very warm temperature readings. upper 70s to even mid 80s in some cases. so looking at upper 70s for kansas city. mid 80s in louisville. still warm in the south with plenty of lower to mid 80s from atlanta to new orleans and the 90s for parts of florida. here's a look at that threat for storms moving into the mississippi valley for wednesday. still a chance for some storms. another system moves into the pacific northwest for more mountain snow. getting clipped in the northeast. northern new england, cooler temperatures and a few showers, maybe some snow at the higher elevations. and then looking across the country, notice temperatures will rebound a little bit in denver on wednesday, and in billings lower 70s. still 60s in minneapolis. 80s is what we're looking at for the south. cool in the pacific northwest. with that next system moving through on thursday. and then for the southeast, this is a day you're going to see your showers and storms. and that does include all the spring breakers in florida as well having to deal with some of those storms at the baefrpz. you want to go inside as soon as
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you hear thunder or see lightning because lightning is very dangerous, of course. and then that next system pushing farther inland into the northern plains on friday. and then for the beginning of the weekend we're going to see things quiet down throughout portions of the south and the northeast. daytime highs for the northeast, mid to upper 50s in boston to 60s in new york city. remember, weekdays on the weather channel, you can wake up with al. having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done.
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with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪ time now for "look at me now," the "joy fit club"" and the induction of its newest member. >> 39-year-old melanie landano who lost 100 pounds. before we meet her, let's take a look at her story. >> i was born and raised in brooklyn, new york, by my mother. she was a single parent, so it
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was up to my sister and i to do all the cooking. we mostly cooked meat, pasta, and always plenty of bread. at 13 i started my first job at an amusement park. i was surrounded by the smell of fresh popcorn, cotton candy and all the other fun amusement park food. i ended up in a job at walt disneyworld in orlando and again found myself surrounded by all the food that was impossible to resist. at this point i had reached about 220 pound. then one day at disney it all caught up to me. the temperature was 95 degrees. i blacked out and ran into the bathroom. it was at that point i realized it was time for a change. i went to the doctor and stepped on the scale. i was a whopping 245 pounds. my friend worked at a health club and called me in to interview for a position there. there were no hot dogs or pretzels to snack on. i was surrounded by personal
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trainers teaching me how to eat properly. the atmosphere and positive energy in the club made me want to change. i started to work out little by little each day. now i am 145 pounds. i am now a certified cycling instructor, as well as a certified personal trainer. when my clients feel like they can't do it, i show them a picture of what i used to look like and explain to them that if i can do it, anybody can. >> good for melanie. before she comes out, let's talk to our own joy bauer about it. you like this lady a lot. >> oh, my gosh. she's awesome. what you didn't hear on the tape is that within one year she lost her mother and her father and that was really her big motivating factor to get herself healthy. and she worked in amusement parks and she loves those snacks and foods. so i thought it was a fun peek at the calorie counts at some of the fat here. >> we all recognize these things we love so much.
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>> this is breakfast for pat o'brien. >> a jumbo refined starch in the pretzel -- 480 calories. everybody loves these waffle cones with the ice cream. 710 calories. >> just get rid of the cone and have a few bites of the -- >> right? this is fat-free, the cotton candy, but you know what? 11 teaspoons of sugar. if you're diabetic, watch out. the hot dog, 425 calories. the curly fries -- yikes -- 620. because it's deep fried. because it is deep fried. the popcorn is 630 because they're popping it in so much oil. so much oil. but she packs her snacks now, of course, when she heads out to a park. >> bring her out. >> there's lots of sugar in there. >> a lot of sugar. >> let's take one last look at melanie and let's bring the new melanie out. ♪ >> whoo! >> is she unbelievable? look at those arms! >> all right, melanie! >> working it! >> whoa! >> thank you. thank you. >> you look spectacular. >> thank you so much. i'm so happy to be here. >> she's a trainer now. >> i know! cycling is so hard. wow. >> i do cycling, i do boot camp,
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i do strength classes. i ride a bicycle outside. do a lot of activity. >> so when you see this, that you used to have a steady diet of, melanie, what do you think now? >> i can't believe that i used to eat that. i was talking to a friend before. i used to eat that every single day all day long. it wasn't once a week. usually people go away and eat it when they are at an amusement park once a week or once a month. i ate that every single day. >> well, you are a great example of what can do and what can change. thank you, joy. >> we love you. >> if you -- everybody, you know you can go to okay? to join the joy fit club. >> we want you. >> we want you. up next, bullies, brands and body image. real girls talk about surviving middle school. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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from bullies to body image, adolescent girls struggle with a variety of pressures every day, often facing these issues alone. >> more than 2,000 hours of interviews were done for the book called "the drama years." this is important. they revealed many common pressures and anxieties that face middle school girls. >> that's right. so we asked a sampling of middle schoolgirls to share their thoughts. take a look. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> wow.
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it's heartbreaking. haley kilpatrick is the founder of girl talk and the author of "the drama years. good for you, haley. it's hard to look at you and think that you were once a victim in middle school of this sort of bullying from mean girls. why? why did they particularly pick on you? >> i don't think it was limited to me. i think that almost every girl experiences the trials and triumphs of being a young teen and it is a symptom of every girl. >> why girls? i mean, when i grew up it was the boys who were mean. the girls wrote notes. >> picking on scrawny kids and stuff. maybe it happens to both. but right now, i don't know, there's -- the whole hollywood image of what a woman should be is so much harder for a girl, you know, growing up. is that a big part of it, the messages the media gives us? >> i definitely think that girls struggle with body image. and what we really learned through this is they really define -- their body image is so wrapped up in their self-esteem and they define their
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self-esteem so much around how others perceive them, not how they perceive themselves, which we found to be really fascinating. so they are living up to a standard that they allow their peers to put on them. >> what's upsetting is to see my parents "don't have a clue." i try to instill in my daughter what god says about her. not what people say. and you can sort of hang on that. god says you're beautiful, you're valuable, you have a purpose. but what if someone doesn't espouse that faith? what can they say to their daughters? >> i think you model behavior at home. i think great body image starts at home. mothers, teachers, fathers, grandparents, model that classic behavior of loving yourself from the inside out and i think your daughter will definitely follow. >> it is okay to be who you are. because who you are might be really okay. you know? >> you certainly can't be anyone else anyway. >> you can try, but it doesn't work. >> look at all your girls out there. are they part of your organization? >> they are. we've got several high school leaders with girl talk, which is a peer-to-peen


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