tv Today NBC April 10, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. it's fun day monday. it's april 9th. hope you all had a great holiday weekend. >> yes. hope it was delightful. >> don't know how your day is starting but we could show you how ours is. >> look at the chards just to begin. i don't know if you can see that. >> shardy. >> i think it was a couple of minutes till air -- >> like three minutes ago. >> three minutes until air and
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this is what happened. go ahead and roll it. >> ooh! >> oh, my gosh. >> let's see that in slow motion. oh, my gosh. i still don't know what happened. what did bob do to you? >> this is bobbie thomas's dress. sorry, b.t. sorry about the carpet. >> mostly sorry you spilled the wine! >> i know. i wonder if there's another -- >> thank goodness. thank goodness. bless you. >> yes, indeed. so we've got a good show for you today, don't we? >> we do. we had a great weekend. >> wait, let's bring the babies out. we have beyonce on the show, you guys. >> we have beyonce on our show today. >> it doesn't happen every day but it does today. >> hello. >> we want to make sure the glass -- >> remember we told you last week that little beyonce was born and was so tiny. thank you. >> 1 ounce. who we're going to be talking to later on in the show.
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>> this -- there were five babies in the litter. and look how precious they all are. where's beyonce? >> right here. >> is this beyonce? >> she's in the outfit. >> she's got the outfit on. >> oh, you want to chew on aunt kathie's fingers. they're on top of -- come here, beyonce. look at her! she is all dressed up to -- >> with her outfit on! >> oh, my gosh. >> she was 1 ounce at birth, you guys. they had to give her cpr, tiny cpr, to revive her. and now -- >> look at her. >> isn't she something? >> bless you. >> and the other -- hello. they're only 4 1/2 weeks old. look at her! >> she's like a gerbil. >> this morning we were up in the dressing room and you know how you get those big velcro curlers. she was crawling through my hair and went right through the curler. >> she is so cute. >> darling. >> is it official, is she -- we'll talk to her handler.
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and her mama, beth dicaprio in just a little bit. is uncle leo coming, too? uncle leo dicaprio? he's busy. okay. >> anyway, if you want your day to start off -- >> can you take beyonce a second? i'll take jay-z. come here, honey. there's a little boy with a little teeny wiener. how are you? a little -- oh, they are so sweet! so anyway, how's your day going? >> better right now. look at puppies. >> they're all on top of each other, they're all licking -- they're so cute. thank you, beth. we're going to talk to you a little bit later about this little miracle puppy. call frank and see if it's okay if i bring home five puppies. >> no more! how was your weekend? >> first of all, battling -- you know how i get the one eye thing. >> yes, you do. >> the minute we got on virgin america saturday night to come
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home, we were taking the red eye, the minute the lights go out my eye starts going -- so hopefully in anticipation, hopefully it will work very well. my favorite thing today, advil cold and sinus. hopefully it's going to work real, real well. we'll get to you in just a second. cass is still not sure what she wants do collegewise. we looked at colleges. we had to go have lunch at my favorite restaurant in all of hollywood. you know. >> the ivy? >> the ivy. so there's frank. frank kicking back at the ivy. there's a little picture of cass on the right there. if you look straight directly back, you'll see frank luntz, the pollster from fox news. >> pigging out. >> you never know who you're going to see there. it's just my favorite restaurant. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> then last night -- >> yes, what happened last night? >> rege and joy came over. they're back from a three-week cruise to china. >> wow. that's a long -- >> yeah. i think they're happeny to be home, if you know what i mean. we had a great time. just a fabulous time.
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you know what he says to me in this is typical regis. "i got a job." i said, great, what are you going do? he said i'm going to be on "it's hot in cleveland." i said, rege, i suggested you get that job. he goes, what are you talking about? anyway, it's a very funny premise. he's going to be on. he's going to play betty's hairdresser whom she assumed all along was gay and ends up not being and is interested in her. so it should be fun. >> i like it. >> but he said, kath, i forgot to give you something. i was going through my office. this is from the late 1980s. that's rege and myself and that is perry como. rege was in love with perry como. we had a place down in florida that was really close to where perry lived. one day i said, cody -- cody. rege, go to florida, stay in our house, use our boat and go looking for perry como. one day he did.
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he went out -- perry. he went all through the inlets looking for perry como. one of the nicest men ever. >> what a great photo! >> so thanks for the picture. it was great to see them. how was your weekend? >> rohobeth was great. we were sitting at this restaurant called go brit. remember go fish? well, they opened another one called go brit. >> fish and chips, i bet. >> yep. same deal but another one. it was a great, great, great weekend. but here's something else we did. so i was reading somewhere that there was an experiment. i said to hanna, let's do an experiment. she said okay, what is it? i said let's get two cans of koerks a can of regular coke and a can of diet coke. because i read somewhere that if you submerge them in water the coke sinks and the diet coke floats, the can. so we put them in the bathtub and then we all crammed into this bathtub, which you'll see, and we're all looking. >> gee, this was a fun weekend! >> but you will be surprised to learn what happens. so i got a can of coke and a can of diet coke.
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and here's some water. >> why don't you wash your dress while you're over there. >> okay. >> just take it off, hoda, and dump it in there. be good for ratings. >> coke and diet coke in water. full cans. right? >> yes. >> okay. watch. >> wow. >> the coke sinks and the diet coke floats. >> why? >> i don't know. >> hoda! >> i don't know! so we're going to put it on to our facebook people to figure it out. look at it. it's crazy. >> bill nye the science guy. there it goes right away. it floats. >> is that crazy? diet coke floats and coke sinks. tell us why -- >> and red wine stains. >> and red wine definitely stains. >> sara, what is your favorite thing, baby girl in >> my favorite thing is actually this book called "the gift of fear" by gavin de becker. every woman should read it. but especially every woman.
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this guy is a specialty in security issues. he breaks down stories about kind of how especially women have socialized their gut instincts because it's rude to assume someone walking down the street is going to hurt you. and he breaks down as these victims tell their stories how someone will say, you know, like i don't know why it happened. he's like, no, i think you do. let's go through that again. and then he'll pinpoint. >> that's interesting. >> it's fascinating. >> i want to read that. >> every woman, my one thing is -- this book's going to hoda. is that hoda hands it to some other woman when she's done and we just keep passing it on. >> especially sending off your girls to colleges and stuff in the fall, it is a great gift. >> i want to read that. thanks, sara. i hope you guys had a good easter. >> had a beautiful easter. >> you went to the service? >> went to our service. we got home early enough to take a quick little nap because i can't sleep on planes. and then go to our service. and cass and i served communion which is one thing to take communion, i always really appreciate that, but when you serve it and you look in each person's eye as you give the eucharist, it's pretty overwhelming.
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>> wow. >> yeah. and i was bawling anyway. this time both of my eyes were. very, very moving. >> a lot of kids woke up -- >> look at your cards. >> i know. they're soaking wet with vino. >> read this one, hoda. >> careful. >> i know, there are shards. hoda, what's this note say? >> this way. >> yeah. >> so a lot of kids get visited by the easter bunny and some get freaked out when they meet him in real life. >> excuse me. >> i'm sorry. if i'm in, you're in. so here are some pictures of kids greeting the easter bunny. look how pleased this little one is. >> you know what? he's scary. i'm sorry. >> a little freaky. >> he's a bunny on steroids. they're not supposed to be that large. >> no, no. oh, no! no one thinks this is a good idea. >> the laughing bunny and the blubbering child. >> just wrong on many levels.
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>> one of our facebook fans sent in a picture of her dog who she dresses up like an easter bunny. >> that's just cruel. that is cruel. how about that bubba watson though? rege and joy had just gotten to our house and frank rudely says, do you mind if i watch? because they were in sudden death. >> even if you're not into golf, here's what's interesting for all of us. bubba watson won. >> the masters. his very first majors win. >> his father passed away a year ago. but he was very, very, very emotional. that's his mom. and it's one of those moments that you just watched him -- you don't see men break down like that publicly all that often. >> but bubba did. >> bubba sure did. it was sweet. >> you've got to love a man that is that comfortable with himself to express his emotions that beautifully. i don't think any of us unless we've ever been in an arena like that, that pressure. look at tiger. everybody thought he was on the march again and he melted down
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completely. >> well, we've seen men cry. we were wondering what you guys think. because often in a situation like, that which is obviously maybe a once-in-a-lifetime event. or we've seen john boehner. >> once in a daytime event. never see nancy pelosi cry though. >> anyway, there's lots of -- so what do you guys think of when your man cries? and is it something that you embrace and say isn't that sweet, or does it make you feel -- i don't know. >> have you ever seen jay cry? >> a little. a little teary-eyed, yeah. a little teary-eyed. >> when frank's mom -- i don't think he'll mind my saying this. when his mom died, she had a box of her jewelry that we hadn't gone through, and we put it -- sat on the bed and opened up the little box of jewelry that had meant so much to her, and he started to -- tears just -- not sobbing. just -- because the things that were in this box were so inexpensive. there was nothing of overt value at all. they had grown up very, very poor.
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but everything had a memory to it, and i think the fact that there wasn't anything of overt value made it all the more poignant. you know. >> i think it's sweet when a man cries or touching. but sometimes like in movies and things i don't like that. when they -- dwl well, you know what? >> i don't like it. it's not for me. >> if you're strong 99% of the time, go ahead and cry once in a while. but if it's blubbering all the time, go home to mommy or get a shrink. all right? >> should we bring bob up? where's bob? >> he must feel so terrible. >> what happened, bob, after all? >> where's bob? he left. bob went to see his mama. >> come here, bob. bob accidentally spilled the wine. it was not his fault. >> i don't know. i didn't see it. didn't look like an accident to me. >> let's show it one more time. bob, just give us a play by play. do you have it cued up? here it is. the wider version. >> oh. >> look at bob.
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he's not coming to help. >> don't cut yourself. anyway -- >> what happened? what happened? >> i was trying to -- i was trying to fix the mike. >> fondling. also known as fondling. yes. >> and my elbow bumped the glass. >> oh, that old fixing the mike routine. which we don't fall for. >> we love when you fix the mike, bob. we love it. >> i love it when you check my battery. never mind. >> all right, kids. our "voice" contest starts tomorrow. you've already submitted your entries. >> too late for that. >> don't even try to send any more in. the kids are coming on tuesday. >> should be fun. we had a great time with it last year with adults. should be great fun. anything else we have to talk about? >> no, we're going to talk about "the hurt locker." the guy from "the hurt locker." >> guy pearce is -- >> he was on "the king's speech." he gets the you-know-what beat out of him in this movie -- it's something. it's something to see.
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guy pearce is best known for his versatility as an actor. he's gone from a man with amnesia in "memento," to king edward viii in "the king's speech," which was such a great movie. >> i love that movie. >> to sharing some steamy scenes with kate winslet. let's linger on this one. in "mildred pierce." >> stop talking. and enjoy. >> but his latest project takes him far from period pieces and into the future. >> in "lockout" pearce plays a falsely convicted ex-government agent whose only chance for redemption lies in rescuing the president's daughter from a maximum security prison in outer space. >> it's just a little bit of pressure. >> it sounds completely realistic, doesn't it? >> sounds like it could happen. >> well, the thing is it could happen in the future. who knows? prisons in outer space.
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>> how much in the future does this take us? >> it's like 2079. it's just around the corner. >> got some time to build it. >> that's right. >> i've seen some parts of this. you -- it's very physical. i mean, you seem to get knocked around quite a bit, thrown around quite a bit. did you sustain any real-time injuries? >> well, not for any great length of time, but every week i did manage to do something to myself. so it became a bit of a joke, i would either pull a muscle in my leg or -- you know what i did? i fired a gun at one point and the shell casing flew out of the gun and ricocheted off the ceiling and went straight down the back of my shirt. it did. of course i've got this flak jacket on that i couldn't get off, so i burned my back. stupid things like that. >> so those kinds of things can happen no matter how much they try to protect you. >> yeah. exactly. or you do something stupid like trip on a rug. >> and that's your own darn fault. >> you can do the stunts, but ou fall over the rug. >> we see you in "the king's speech," this very poignant film, and then in this where the action doesn't stop, every 15
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seconds something great is happening. what do you enjoy more? playing more serious roles or something like this? >> i enjoy a variety of stuff. the serious roles i've gotten to play probably sort of -- not that they mean more to me. but doing something like this, i wouldn't really normally take on an action-oriented film but i found this one humorous. >> what was humorous about it? >> he's got some great one-liners. and he has a cynical attitude. he's not interested in saving the president's daughter. he couldn't care less. >> like him already! >> absolutely. >> your co-star in this, is it maggie grace? >> maggie grace. >> you've got quite a bit of chemistry with this young lady. >> that's right. they obviously like each other from the beginning but it is masked in this sort of disdain for each other. because she finds me completely childish and i find her completely sort of uppity or something. >> like elementary school. >> there's great bickering from the beginning. >> let's take a look at the two of you in action. okay? >> i'm not kidding, we can't just leave them. >> leave who? >> the hostages. ow!
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what is that? >> that's to stop the bleeding and hopefully the talking. >> oh, my god. >> charmer! you're a real outer space charmer. >> absolutely. you come around by the end of the film. you quite like him towards the end. >> in one scene you actually -- you're trying to free the president's daughter and to make her look tougher you actually punch her so she looks bruised. >> that's right. she has hit me in the head with a fire extinguisher earlier on in the film. so i feel i'm balancing the scales. but yes, i decide it's a way to make her look a little tougher and i can get her -- >> you're one of those actors that we see in so many different kinds of movies but we never read about you stumbling out of a pub in england at 4:00 in the morning or being found face-down in your own excrement and things. >> absolutely. >> so is your private life just very quiet or are you just discreet? >> it is a bit of both. i live a fairly quiet life. still live in australia.
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i like to generally stay out of the public eye and just work when i work and then go and disappear when i can. >> well, it's great to see you. all the best with the new film. >> good luck. >> it's starting friday in theaters nationwide. up next, we announce our fan of the week. >> all righty. and could it be you? find out right after this. is, but it's really good. it's crunchy and noodle-y. what they mean is, it's french's french fried onions in my crunchy noodle casserole. french's french fried onions. available in the french's stay-fresh can. and got this one free. wow! [ tires screech ] buy one 6" sub? [ tires screech ] ...and get another one free? before 9am. all april long.
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[ male announcer ] subway, eat fresh. peppermint that cools as you chew. 5 gum. stimulate your senses peppermint that cools as you chew. having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done.
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♪ it is monday, and that means it's time to meet our fan of the week. >> and sara, who is the lucky viewer and where are we sending them? >> our lucky fan of the week this week is -- sandy jelinski from clackamas, oregon. she's always been a loyal viewer but she was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer and she scheduled her chemo around the fourth hour. she said if she had to endure chemo she wanted to do it with kathie lee and hoda by her side. >> god bless her. >> her favorite part of the show
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is "today's talk" because she never knows what you'll talk about. and neither do we. she rocks out to hoda's play lists and sees her as an inspiration. now healthy and she can travel. so congratulations, sandy. we are sending you for a three-night trip for two to the sagamore hotel in miami, florida. it includes daily breakfast, a spa package for two at the muse beauty suite, a private tour of the hotel's art collection, round-trip airfare for two. the hotel, airfare and accommodations were provided by the sagmore hotel. >> fantastic. spectacular art there, apparently. >> i'm excited for sandy. >> we wish her a complete and total beautiful recovery. thank you so much. >> if you'd like to be our next fan of the week you can go to our website,, send pictures and tell us why. >> go ahead and lie. hoda does it all the time. still ahead -- we're going to get you up to speed on the big stories hollywood was buzzing about this weekend and i am happy to say i think the advil is working beautifully. >> i'm so glad. and you know what? every dog has its day. >> today, guess whose it is?
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♪ we are back on this fun day monday with "today's buzz." from heidi klum to kim kardashian fought latest on lindsay it was another busy weekend for the ladies in tinseltown. >> here with all the headlines in hollywood and beyond, our bonnie fuller, editor in chief of and nbc's gossip doyenne. >> so easter services made a lot of headlines with tim tebow. >> oh, my gosh. it was super sunday in -- near austin and 20,000 people showing up. 120 buses taking them. but for those who haven't seen the video, you have to know, he did not deliver a sermon per se. it was a 20-minute sit-down interview with the pastor of the church.
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>> and he shared his faith, which he's very, very happy to do. >> you know what i'm really impressed by with tim tebow? he doesn't just talk the talk. i mean, he talked yesterday about how sports people, stars should be role models, but he actually raised $2.5 million for charity and he always meets with young people before and after a game, young people who are struggling with a disease or a disability. >> no. he is the real deal. he really is. god bless him. >> now lindsay lohan made news again. a woman claims that lindsay punched her in a club or something? is there any truth to that? >> well, we don't know. is lindsay becoming a victim now of people who are just making claims? >> it could happen. >> it could absolutely happen, and lindsay says that not only was she not in the club -- it was at the standard hotel -- but she was at home watching tv, and this is similar to an incident about a month ago when she was accused of grazing a man in a parking lot outside a club and later the reports that this
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alleged victim had filed claims with -- six other times saying that had he been assaulted. by other people. >> this is going to be investigated, though, by the west hollywood sheriff's department because it has to be. then supposedly the truth will come out. >> the truth -- have a good alibi. be someplace else. yeah. be with tim tebow reading your bible. which would be a good thing for lindsay to do actually. >> kim kardashian was with ann and she made some headlines when she talked about kanye west a little bit. that caused a few waves. >> oh, boy, did it ever. at we got reaction from team kris humphreys to what she said in the "today" show interview. she said she loves kanye's new song "theraflu" and which he should speak to jay and get kris kicked off the team, the nets team. now, team humphries came back and said -- an insider, i should say, at team humphries said that they didn't think that was fair
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that kris has never said anything that was nasty about kim. in fact, when w. when she was flour-bombed he didn't condone it. >> there's also a discussion that this could be a show -- that they are together but they're exploiting the relationship because "theraflu" has just come out -- >> i can see what's in it for kanye, but what's in it for kim? it is not good publicity for her. her divorce isn't final yet. i don't think if they're only friends, i wouldn't want to fuel that this is a romance coming on the heels of her marriage so suddenly over and so soon. >> there are many who would feel that any publicity is good. and also her new show, "keeping up with the kardashians" starts again next month. but they were very public. they were out for three days on dates. she was photographed outside of his apartment two mornings in a row early in the morning leaving. >> oh, really? >> then you're going to have to deal with the publicity that ensues. >> that's right. >> so heidi klum officially filed for divorce.
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>> they seemed like one of the most -- the happiest couple of all, didn't they? >> what's interesting is she wants physical custody of the kids. and that is -- i was surprised to read that. i thought there would be joint custody. >> well, he'll be fighting that though, right? >> well, no. it's joint custody. she's asked for joint custody but she wants primary physical custody with him having visitation. and it seems that they've worked out a lot in advance. they actually had a post-nup after they got married. they already decided how they were going to settle the division of their property. so that was very smart. they're not going to be fighting -- >> very involved. >> she seems to be moving on with another boyfriend. at least a love interest, friendly interest, one of her co-stars in germany. >> can we look at anne hathaway's new hairdo? i've been hearing about it, but i haven't seen it. >> she's going to be in "les mis." that's why she got her hair cut.
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>> she cuts her hair and she's lost a lot of weight because she has dying scenes. she's a very brave actress. >> doesn't really get a good -- oh, yes, there it is. >> she could look very audrey hepburn. she's supposed to play a tuberculosis victim. so she's not supposed to look too good. >> the diet she's on, they're saying 500 calories a day under medical supervision. that is not recommended for anyone watching this today. >> and big workouts, too. >> all right, ladies. thank you. thanks, guys. >> thoroughly, thoroughly upset and depressed now that you've been here. but thanks for coming. up next -- >> what will they think of next? wacky but very useful baby gear. plus, the best thing come in small packages. you're going to meet beyonce -- >> oh my god! with the baseball. >> she is so precious. ty of chi. people here sure are friendly but some have had a hard time understanding my accent. so to make sure people get every word of the geico savings message i've been practicing how to talk like a true chicagoan.
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switching to geico could save you hundreds of dollars on car insurance... da bears. haha... you people sure do talk funny. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ icy, cool flavor in a delicious 5-calorie stick of gum. ♪ polar ice. from extra. is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain. two pills can last all day. ♪ i'm in italy... ♪ ciao! ciao! ciao! dude!? [ male announcer ] try the delizioso italian b.m.t., one of our fresh takes on italian.
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and you might be overwhelmed by the cuteness factor which makes it difficult to decide what you really actually need. >> so we asked lifestyle editor sara newell from to help out and narrow down the choices. >> she's got quite the bump -- >> got her own bump right there. two months to go? >> about four. yes. so a couple more. so these products are items that you just need to try out. if they work with you and your baby, then go for it. but these are some new and innovative and fun products. >> how about this baby changing table? look what's happening here. >> the happy changer. what you do is you can put your baby inside and then just slide the arms, then you can close it and this will keep them from wiggling around, trying to roll over when you are trying to change the baby. >> but you've got to take this off to change them. >> this is like a vest. >> oh. that's the top part. okay. i got it. >> this looks like it is for a child of 3 or 4. >> a large person that shouldn't be wearing diapers anymore but we don't judge.
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>> you can get them in all kinds of fun colors and patterns. >> cute. >> this is freaky, a little. come on. >> these are milk trays. this is from what it is is you can freeze your breast milk or any kind of formula if you want and they're in one ounce sticks. so this is perfect -- this is actually perfect for the mom on the go because it's frozen and then you can pop them in your bottle. and then they'll melt and you can warm them to the right temperature. >> are people doing that? >> yeah. >> they are? >> that is a good idea. >> we should point out, this is real authentic breast milk. >> this is actually real. >> i don't want to try it. >> okay. you don't have to. this is one of the best new inventions. this is -- it helps the baby hold, to grip. it's the original baby -- >> not this baby -- yes, okay. >> it fits on all kinds of bottles. like the avent, dr. brown's. >> except for hoda's. >> yeah. so the little baby fingers can get in as opposed to when you
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slide, they're trying to feed themselves. >> hoda! >> i'm telling you, it's not working right. >> it ain't it. it's you. >> okay. >> what are these? >> this is the you-need. this is an on the go bottle warmer. so this you actually boil for 25 minutes and it heats up. and then you can use it up to 100 times. you heat this, and then you put it in the top of the bottle. and then you can put in your formula or your breast milk and it heats it up instantly. you can heat this on the go. 60 seconds it will be the perfect temperature. this is the bib espresso. this is a really sleek machine. what you do is you put the water in here and it heats up. and you can put your formula in the bottle and you just push this tab and the temperature of the water, that's perfect, comes down and fills the bottle. then you can give it to your baby. it's like 90 seconds? >> evenly? because that can be a problem as well. wow.
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>> then you can also heat -- if you already have bottles made, you can heat them in the top. >> all this stuff comes out when my kids are having kids of their own. >> these are crawlings. when your baby starts crawling, you can put these on. they're really breathable. if you look in the book, they're lightweight. victoria beckham loves them. >> nothing's chicer than skull and crossbones. >> you get those on >> the idea so their knees don't get scraped up? >> exactly. >> aren't they supposed to -- you know, what else are you putting on them? >> outside and -- >> protect them while they're precious. >> this is a uv sterilizer for your pacifier. it is by it's about the size of a baseball. you can pop this in your diaper bag or anything. if you drop your binky, you pop it in here, push down which activates the uv light, and closes it. in three minutes it will be sterilized. clean as a whistle. >> i found binkies in my pockets for years. we just had them everywhere. i don't think we cleaned them once. just kidding.
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>> this is really fun. this is a magnetic onesie. this is magnificent baby. what it is is there's magnetic clips in here. so instead of having to worry about lining up all those snaps it's all magnetic. >> cool. >> and you can wash and dry this. >> so major load in the weight -- you know what i'm saying? >> yeah. it won't be be magnetized. >> you got to think things through, people. >> thank you, sweetie. congrats to you. >> all the best, sweetheart. up next, sandwich king jeff morrow puts a french onion spin on grilled cheese. i'm meteorologist chris warren with your weather channel forecast. and across the country we have a few spots where we'll have a chance for some rain and storms. the rain will be in the northeast, also along the west coast. that next system moving in. but it's here. oklahoma, parts of texas into arkansas, and parts of louisiana where there will be a threat for some severe weather. warm weather still for a huge
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portion, a huge southern portion of the country. 70s and 80s still many locations. then even as far north as kansas city and louisville. daytime highs into the 60s. in denver still looking pretty warm. unsettled in the west for wednesday. still that severe weather threat for a huge portion of the southern plains. and then the northeast might even see some snow closer to the lake. some of the inland locations chance for some of the snow. but you look at some of these temperatures and they're still way too mild for snow in the big cities. but it's spring, and the later we get into spring the less likely it is that we'll see any of that snow. still pretty mild throughout portions of the south. and then that severe weather threat here, the best chance for some severe weather, which would include isolated tornadoes, parts of texas, oklahoma, kansas, and into nebraska. meanwhile, still unsettled in the west and the northern tier. the low that brings the stormy weather on tuesday and wednesday is what's going to push in to the plains on thursday. so what's in the west will come
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into the plains. get a little bit of a break throughout parts of the southeast. and then on friday that severe weather threat moving into parts of iowa, parts of missouri, and still hanging around in texas and oklahoma. you're really not going to get much of a break in the coming days. and then on saturday still look at that threat for some more rain in the plains and increasing chance around the great lakes. and then on sunday the southeast is looking dry and then the northwest finally getting a little bit of a break. and remember, on the weather channel weekdays you can "wake up with al." c'mon dad!
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♪ doesn't look like it. >> time for "today's kitchen" and "what's cooking." a fresh spin on sandwiches. if you like grilled cheese and french onion soup. we've got chef jeff morrow. he's got a meal for you. >> he's not stopping there. he's got something up his sleeve for ham lovers, too. host of the food network's "sandwich king." >> that's right. >> that's what they call you. >> that title's all mine. caramelize some onions here. they'll eventually look like that but first i made you guys a cocktail. i call it the mango mescalarito. >> i really shouldn't because i'm an advil, but okay. >> like a smokey tequila, muddled mango. around the rim, fresh salt and cilantro. >> not bad, huh? >> totally bad. i really don't like that, sandwich king. sorry.
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>> let me convert you. let me make sure you like my sandwich. what we do is take some onions, some butter, some oil, butter, flavor. when we caramelize onions, go low and slow. bring out that suge their there. eventually after 20, 30 minutes, time and patience, look at that. >> you don't get much for your money, do you? >> no, you don't. this looks like french onion soup onions, right? so we're making an adult grilled cheese. that's why we're going to use gruyere cheese. nice, nutty, complex. >> it's awesome cheese. >> we're going to take those beautiful caramelized onions on there. look at that. you can make your american cheese version for the kids. you and the wife open up a bottle or seven of pinot grigio. maybe a little pinot noir. spread that butter on there. i'm trying to get saucy, hoda. i'm wearing my pink shirt. i did it for you. >> beautiful. >> we always want to put that
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softened butter when we're making our cheese. you want to hear that sizzle. >> we know this is not low in calories but this is going to be delicious. >> look how pretty that is. >> look at that. so you put the metal bowl on top to get that heat and make all that cheese gooey. and this is what you're looking like. you do the test, right? >> what's the test? >> you find the cheese on the edge there. you see that? that's a grilled cheese. >> it looks fantastic. >> you want to cut it for me, please? just watch your fingers. you already had wine on you. >> careful. >> beautiful. >> thank you, hoba. >> hoba and kathie fee. >> thank you, sweetie. >> now we'll try a gluten-free sandwich. a chicago original called a hibarito. which is pretty much a ham sandwich instead of on bread with twice fried plantains. >> mm. sandwich king, that's good. >> of course it's good. i'm the sandwich king. i didn't get that title for nothing, right?
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we got good old american cheese. what i do with these, you take a plantain, you peel it. you don't eat them raw. you've got to fry them, mash them, cook them. >> yeah, they need help. >> so we fry them once, smash them, kind of break up all that starch, refry them so they're nice and crispy in a nice and crispy vehicle. >> let's try them. you know who's coming up after we eat these sandwiches? >> beyonce. >> try this part. >> my wife backstage actually got to cuddle with beyonce. >> did she? >> yeah. looks like i'm going home with a couple dogs today. try that out. >> we're going to run and meet beyonce, but you rock. sandwich king. nothing better than you. >> thank you guys for having me. how beyonce, the world's tiniest pup, survived the odds to come be with her auntie kathie and her aunt hoba. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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i'm holding in my hand the world's smallest puppy. this little dog is only 1 month old and she's already made a name for herself as the world's smallest puppy. she weighed just 1 ounce when she was born. she could fit into a teaspoon. >> that's beyonce and this is jay-z, her lover. >> and this is beth dicaprio. she's responsible for saving beyonce's life. also naming her. she's executive director of the grace foundation, which rescues abused and abandoned animals in california. hi. we're so happy to meet you. >> you saved her life. >> well, actually, the mom came from a shelter in san bernardino, california. and she was slated for euthanasia like so many moms are. they just can't hold on to them. so she was brought down to our facility and she was very
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pregnant. we were afraid that actually it was too big of a dad, so we knew -- we did an ultrasound. we found out there were four viable and one still-born. but when she was born she moved and -- oh. there's nothing in it. but she -- our large animal vet, dr. russell, was there and he gave her heart compressions. >> how? >> he just did right on her chest and i think they just showed a video of after we got her breathing just her first gasps. >> i can imagine everyone seeing this -- the video of these adorable dogs, beyonce and the rest, and wanting to adopt. i bet you've had a bunch of people who want them. tell us about that. >> we have had so many wonderful people. we're so grateful for the outpouring of love and support. i think what's happened for us is that we're one of many rescues around the country trying to save dogs and cats that would otherwise be euthanized.
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we also save horses. but what she's been able to do is to bring awareness, how important it is that we spay and neuter, how important it is that we are not going out and buying dogs from breeders when there are 3.5 million dogs and cats being euthanized each year in our shelters. so we're so grateful that our little miracle baby is able to do that. so grateful to be able to be on your show. >> they're not making room for her! >> she's pretty tough. >> watch jay-z get some eats. watch what happens. >> beyonce has her own website now and her own facebook. >> jay-z is like going in for the -- >> she's crazy. >> look at mom. she's so patient. >> she's only 8 months old. sadly, this was her first heat. so she was a street dog. but people can see -- actually, beyonce, there's a video of her. she's dancing. so >> what's going to happen to em
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