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tv   11 News at 5AM  NBC  April 18, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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friday. >> it should be fairly dry. most of you will have no problems for the morning commute. in north wind at 7 -- a north wind at 7. a few of those light rain showers should sneak into the metro area. high temperature, 62 degrees. probably in the 50's in the northern suburbs. we will come back and check the seven day forecast going into the weekend. >> you just freaked out a lot of people. a pretty smooth ride. not tracking any incidents. speech around 50 through the construction zone on the j.f.x. 58 on the west side down
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towards seven-day. delay-free on 70 in from 29. 61 on southbound 95. looking good down in howard county on 32. we start on the west side at liberty road. this is outer loop traffic and no sign of any delays. same situation on the north side as you make your way towards the harrisburg expressway. so far so good on the harrisburg expressway all the way down to the beltway. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> police are investigating the late-night shooting in east baltimore. this happened on north spring streets near east lafayette avenue. a man was found suffering a gunshot wound. no word on his condition. >> charges are expected today
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against the suspect who allegedly crashed his car into another, killing a young mother. kim dacey is live with details. >> police insist there was no chase before the crash. just a routine traffic stop. he happened at 11:00 p.m. on monday night. jordasha rollins was riding in her car with her mother in west baltimore. an officer had attempted to pull over a suspect minute before the crash when the suspect ran a red light and crashed into her car. her car slammed into another car. her mother and baby survived the crash which she was killed. her family and friends placed family and balloons to one a life while mourning her death. >> you never know when that is the last time you will see your child when you walk out the door.
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i see all your mothers and fathers, hold on to children as long as you can. >> police say they found crack cocaine in the suspect's car. fleeing from police. he is under police custody in the hospital this morning. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. the governor will call lawmakers for a special session just as soon as they can agree on how to pass a revenue package. many republicans say a special session is not needed to fix the plan. . special session isn't cheap more than $20,000 a day for a special session that lasted several weeks. >> it is an extraordinary expense. people seemed not to care about the expenditures of the citizens of maryland.
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>> "happy" is not the word i would use to describe it. it is better than the huge cuts to public safety and affordable college. >> the governor met with senate president mike miller on tuesday afternoon to discuss the potential of a special session. >> the baltimore ravens schedule is out. ravens start the season at home on monday night hosting a cincinnati. then they visit the eagles. a sunday night game right here on wbal-tv. hosting the dallas cowboys and off to houston in week 7. when overplaying the steelers -- when are we playing the steelers?
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you can see the full schedule on our website, later this morning, keith mills will join us for a full breakdown of the 20 default schedule. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. which ravens game are you most looking forward to seeing this season? you can share your response on, on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> new details about the prostitution scandal involving members of the secret service. we're now learning how many women are believed to be involved. tara mergener has more on the story. >> good morning. the fallout from this incident continues. the big question in washington was national security compromise?
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president obama was mum the scandal but the white house is defending the secret service and its director. >> the president has confidence in the director of the secret service. director sullivan acted quickly in response to this incident and is overseeing an investigation as we speak into the matter. >> investigators say the matter involves at least 20 women, some said to be prostitutes who could afford with agents and of president obama's arrival last weekend. 11 agents have not been implicated in the matter. lawmakers want to know if the president was put at risk. >> the could compromise security or themselves or they could of been killed or drugs or had information taken from them. this violates the most basic rules of being a secret service agent. >> the experience of the agents
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in question reportedly includes relative newcomers to 20-year veterans. >> we will see what the investigation reveals. >> the secret service has sent more investigators to col ombia to interview the woman involved. tara mergener, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. >> 5;07. 57 degrees on tv hill. members of congress are talking about with officials of a government agency. >> today is the deadline for claimants to file in the bp oil spill. >> this is the beltway near greenspring. greenspring. not too
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>> welcome back. 5:10. 62 degrees downtown. upper 50's and low 60's. low 50's right now in some of the northern suburbs. 50 in parkton. 51 in emmitsburg. we have some cloud cover and sprinkles. some of that rain it may make it into baltimore later this morning. if we do get those rain showers, nothing more than light showers and sprinkles. no big deal. upper 50's and low 60's. it will come back and check the forecast going into the weekend.
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>> today is the deadline for bp and people who claimed they were harmed by the oil spill. bp said it would resolve claims. with the anniversary of the explosion days away, a federal judge had extended that deadline from monday. firefighters battled a massive blaze in new jersey overnight. a row house caught fire and tuesday night and the flames spread to joining buildings. the entire block had to be evacuated. a firefighter suffered a shoulder injury. no word on what sparked the blaze. >> members of congress grilled members about excessive spending. that overspending includes a las
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vegas conference back in 2010. members of the house panel asked questions about several other trips. an executive pleaded the fifth on monday and he was a no show on tuesday. >> that does not look good. 5:12. 57 degrees on tv hill. is your cell phone bill putting a big dent in your wallet? >> sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. volume is starting to pick up, especially on the west side. especially on the west side. will che hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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>> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. not dealing with any incidents at this hour. we start with the j.f.x., a 59 miles per hour down towards the construction zone at 29th street. everything looks good at the moment. 70 checks out fine from maris felt in towards 29 per out of white marsh, 67 on 95 down towards the beltway. -- 70 checks out fine from marysville. the speech continued down towards west nursery road. a little buildup in volume. -- the speech continued down towards west nursery road.
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those alternates have been working for folks. a smooth ride on the alternates and here on the j.f.x. this is the harrisburg expressway. problem free all the way down to the beltway at this hour. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. now let's get the latest on the buses and the trains. for that we go to kurt kronke of the mta system. good morning. >> good morning. we're moving along nicely right now. light rail and metro subway on schedule. marc trains on schedule on the penn, camden, and brunswick lines. the 22 bus has a diversion because of construction. light rail is the answer to avoid potential delays on the j.f.x. visit for service information. now back to tony pann. >> thank you. good morning. the big story will be the change in the temperatures. upper 50's and low 60's today. take a jacket with you.
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low pressure is passing south of us and that will give us a slight chance for rain. most of this rain will miss us to the south. some heavier stuff into the essential part of virginia. most of that is not hitting the ground. we have a 30% chance that you'll run into a sprinkle today. increasing clouds into the morning. most of you when not see any morning rain at all. 58 at the airport. 62 in annapolis. the temperatures are not countermove that much today. it will stay in the 50's in the northern suburbs. 58 to 63 and becoming mostly cloudy with a 30% chance for a light shower or sprinkle. taking the boat out today, wave heights one to two feet.
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tonight, a chance for a shower early. then the skies will clear after midnight. we will drop back into the upper 40's. the seven-day forecast looks like this. a nice day of thursday. friday will be ok. maybe a thunderstorm late in the day. we could use a good soaking rain. the computer models are coming into consensus. maybe it nor'easter coming up the coast on sunday and monday with over an inch of rain. we'll see what happens. it will come one on sunday and into monday of next week, if we do get a big rain. >> some potentially helpful hints to help lower your cell phone bills.
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it the unlimited texting plan for your kids -- get the unlimited texting plan for your kids. avoid streaming content because it eats up a lot of band with. prepaid debit cards are becoming more popular. it rose by about 80% last year. most users like the card because they help them control their spending. technology and teenagers are often hard to separate. some kids are so dialed in they are not learning how to connect emotionally. that means for teenagers, especially girls. >> your texting and you're on the computer and you have the music going. >> communicating and texting through here. >> teenagers are learning to be
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distracted. >> they get so used to distraction that they cannot look where they should. >> they are not looking you in the eye. they are missing out on emotional learning. >> they do not get the learning of social interaction. >> they do not learn how to read and understand them otion. >> we see them stumped by social interactions. >> she can read social cues but uses technology to express her feelings. >> answer yes or no. i did not ask them anything.
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>> a see it on a screen but do eye tork how to work out i to eye. >> times it gets frustrating and you can text later. >> all fashioning parent it will help develop emotional intelligence kids need to succeed. >> it might be a dream job for many. google looking for a new doodler. news for warren buffett. jane king has the bloomberg business report. doodlero idea what a is. >> we will explain. warren buffett says he has been diagnosed with stage one
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prostate cancer. he says he feels great. his energy level is 100%. the investor will start daily radiation treatments in july. tax day may have come and gone. 60,000 active-duty service members still owe $380 million in back taxes. the delinquency rate for a military is even higher. $1.5 billion in back taxes. quarterly earnings from yahoo! and ibm. stock futures are very quiet and flat. a big day yesterday. the imf boosting its forecast. were gains in spanish bonds --
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there were gains in spanish bonds. google is looking for a new doodler. that is the person who makes the creative designs on the homepage. no salary details were given. they should have a sense of humor. at the new york stock exchange, i'm jane king, bloomberg news, for wbal-tv 11 news. back to you. >> i have a great sense of humor but i can barely dropped stickmaen. another major airline trying to hike fares again. >> delta is giving it a try. price hikes at the grocery may be easing. some good news. that is coming up in the next hour. >> thank you. >> 5:24. 57 degrees on tv hill.
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agreed on the health of the chesapeake bay -- a grade on the health of the chesapeake bay. >> don't forget to e-mail us your response to our water cooler question of the day. which ravens game are you most looking forward to seeing this season? you can share your response on, on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to
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>> heavy rain has harmed the health of the chesapeake bay last year. >> the bay received a d-plus. it is the worst year for bay health. heavy spring and fall rains washed pollutions and sediments into the bay. lower oxygen levels.
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>> we had an unusual sequence of events. there was it hot, dry summer. two big storms. >> the bay got 42 possible points and that is down from 46 the year before. 5:27. 57 degrees on tv hill. >> a young mother is killed in a car accident. i'm kim dacey, live with details. >> summer is not here but it is time to start planning for the fall. we'll look at the second half of the ravens 2012 schedule. >> we could use some rain. >> keeping tabs on the area roads. roads. we will get
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>> live, local, late-breaking, this is wbal-tv 11 news today. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back to 11 news today. i am stan stovall. >> i am jennifer franciotti. >> i just find out that today's national pajama day. >> what is up with that? >> if we had only known. >> the spider-man pajamas what have come out. [laughter] >> i didn't know they still made those. >> i have them. i'm disappointed we came to work all dressed. you'll want a light jacket over
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a year spider-man pajamas this morning. 58 at the airport right now. there's a system passing south of us. most of that rain will miss us but we have a 30% chance for a light rain shower or a sprinkle. it is getting pretty dry around here. we could use some rain. 62 for the high temperature today. a much better chance as we go into the weekend because we will call him on this one day. >> viewers are grateful. let's check the roads. a pretty nice start. we continue to check speech centers on the j.f.x., 49 miles per hour. the only delight is in the northbound direction as you make your way past the construction. left lane is closed in each direction. no delays to report on 795 towards the beltway. 70 looks good as well.
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64 in the white marsh area. those speech continue down to the fort mchenry. 51 traveling in down on 395 in towards conaway. this is the j.f.x. at ruxton road. southbound traffic is building just a bit. a nice start on the j.f.x. this is 95 and no problems to report to and from cecil county. construction does not appear to be impacting anything. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> the man who allegedly killed a young mother when his car slammed into hers is expected to face formal charges. >> police insist there was no police chase. kim dacey is live with the very latest. good morning. >> family and friends of
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jordasha rollins are in mourning today. they say she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. jordasha rollins seemed to be happy and laughing. >> happy, always smiling, always willing to give. >> friends and family have placed balloons to honor. she was killed as she rode in a car with her mother and infant daughter around 11:00 monday night. an officer had attempted to pull over a suspect just minutes before the crash when the suspect ran a red light and slammed into her car. her car slammed into another car. police insist there was no chase that led to the crash. >> i listened to the broadcast of the officer. this was not a police chase.
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this happened a very quickly. you could hear the officer. seconds later he was asking for an ambulance unit because the car collided. >> they found drugs in the suspect's car. her mother and baby survived the crash with minor injuries. >> you never know when that is the last time you will see your child when you walk out the door. i say to all you mothers and fathers, hold on to children as long as you can. police >> say they found crack cocaine in the suspect's car. he will likely face charges of fleeing police. he is under police custody in the hospital this morning. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> a person of interest in a crash involving police officer is now charged in the case. leo carroll is out on bail and charged with numerous traffic offenses. he was behind the wheel of a car that had corporal kevin mont.
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the impact through into oncoming traffic lanes. one year after the murder of a east baltimore boy, police arrest three men in the case. derrick brown, danyae robinson, and antwan mosley all face a first-degree murder charges. this happened at cliff view avenue last may. the suspects were identified through phone records and multiple eyewitnesses. >> this is a look at the scene from skyteam 11. improperly discarded coals spark the fire in glen burnie. the fire spread to two by homes. 11 people are without a home in glen burnie following an apartment fire.
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skyteam 11 was over the scene on tuesday morning. the flames likely started in a ground level apartment and quickly spread to an adjacent apartment. no word on the cause of that fire. a new warning from fire officials -- the drought conditions we're facing right now are downright dangerous. there was a brush fire over the weekend. current conditions are perfect recipes for sparking and feeling out the fires. >> the ravens 2012 schedule was released last night. here's a look at the second half of the regular season. baltimore heads up to pittsburgh for a game with the steelers. that is a sunday night game. that is fall but a visit to san diego. -- that is followed by a
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visit to san diego. beltway bowl between the redskins and the ravens. the new york giants in week 16. to see the full schedule, you can go to our website, keith mills will break down the schedule coming up later in sports. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. which ravens game are you most looking forward to seeing this season? you can share your response on, on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to i just read an article last night -- the best matchup in the nfl these days is now ravens and steelers. >> twice within three weeks. >> i don't know if we can get
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fired up enough about that. any type of blood test might detect a certain disorder. >> a look at teenagers and alcohol. >> we will check your morning commute. we'll let you know what to expect as you make your way a
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>> welcome back to 11 news today. 62 degrees downtown. things are nice and quiet for the time being. a couple sprinkles are possible later this morning. this will not be the drought- busting rain that we're hoping
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for. 54 degrees in hagerstown. you could see the rain passing south of us. the heavy stuff is down around richmond. some stuff will travel towards baltimore later this morning. the drive times when not be affected by this. we could see some light showers later this morning and into this afternoon. highs in the upper 50's and low 60's. i have some better news for rain as we head into the weekend. >> a preliminary groundbreaking new blood test appears to be able to identify depression in teenagers. >> 11 genetic markers that distinguish between depressed and non-depressed adolescence. they can diagnose some types of depression which could meet individualized treatment for patients. one size for of teenagers get
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their alcohol from a parent or family member. >> three and a four say their parents are the biggest influence when it comes to underage drinking. this saturday is power talk 21 day. a time for parents to talk to the kids about the danger of drinking. >> that is overdue for a lot of families. 57 degrees on tv hill. keith mills will join us live in the studio and will break down 2012 schedule. >> your chance to celebrate with the maryland food bank. details on the upcoming fundraiser. >> tony says it will be a little cooler today. a nice break from the recent heat we have had. heat we have had.
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>> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together.
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>> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. we're looking at a nice ride so far. not tracking any delays. 62 on the north side. problem free on the west side down from 75 towards edmondson. 67 on southbound 95 down towards 32. problem free on 295 down towards the capital beltway. this is 83 at mount carmel. not need delays north or south down. i will go and fix the camera myself if i have to. problem free at the moment on 795 at the moment. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. now let's get the latest on the buses and the trains. for that we go to kurt kronke of the mta system. good morning. >> good morning. moving along nicely on the buses. there is a diversion and
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edmondson and swat because of construction. we have the light rail and metro subway on schedule. on time service on the the penn, camden, and brunswick lines . now back to tony pann. >> thank you. it is very dry around here and we have the possibility for a soaking rain this weekend. first we say good morning to ava marie. she's down at the maryland food bank previewing a big fund- raising gala. >> good morning. we're hoping to make it rain at the maryland food bank. it is all vintage las vegas style. they will have a table games and dancing. we're live at the food bank. this sounds like a great time. this is a blackjack table.
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>> it will be a great event. we're in the warehouse right now. it will be transformed into the fabulous copa room at the sands hotel. >> the copa room was the place where the rat pack got their name. >> the spirits of frank anad d sammy. >> people have some chances to buy some tickets. >> it sells out sebelius tickets now. >> this is the blue jean ball. wear cocktail a tire but with denim -- cocktail attire. >> guys can wear a tuxedo tops with jeans. >> you have a denim purse at home.
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maybe the guys have a den and a top hat -- denim top hot. >> >> the table games will be late at night. you can win some fun prizes. you can put that towards raffle tickets. sounds like a good time. let's check the forecast. we're seeing dry conditions right now. with its recent rain later today. not much. -- we could see some rain later today. >> we're all laughing as the reference the rat pack. to the rat pack is the jones brothers and justin bieber -- to you . >> to not frank sinatra and dean
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martin -- it is not friends sinatra and dean martin. the maryland food bank is a wonderful organization. please support them. they need your help. a great upcoming event for them. we could use some rain. there is a system close to us. it is passing too far to the south. most of that will be down around richmond. some light rain showers in western maryland and they are drifting over towards baltimore. we could see light rain showers and sprinkles. the clouds or thickening up. we did not expect the kind of precipitation that would slow the traffic down later this morning. that is good news. 58 at the airport. 52 in taneytown. temperatures are cooler than they have been.
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upper 50's and low 60's this afternoon. we have a 30% chance for a light rain shower or sprinkle. not a big deal. if you take the boat out, wave heights one to two feet. we just had a high tide at fort mchenry if you minutes ago. the seven-day forecast, a nice day on thursday. upper 60's and low 70's on friday. a better chance for thunderstorms on saturday. big storm coming up the coast sunday and monday. we'll get a good soaking rain with temperatures in the 60's. that will be good news even though it is over the weekend. >> 57 degrees on tv hill. coming up, we'll look at one of your answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers.
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♪ [ male announcer ] at southwest airlines, we're always looking for new ways to make you happy. and we know what really makes you happy are new places to fly. now you can fly southwest airlines' new nonstop service from bwi airport to atlanta. book all of our destinations only at ♪
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>> good morning. we begin with the orioles. two for two in chicago. the orioles win over the white
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sox. wei-yin chen gets his first big league win. once again the orioles played some long ball. nolan reimold, four straight games he has hit a homerun. j.j. hardy followed with his third home run. wei-yin chen took a shutout into the sixth. 3-2. that is how it stayed in the ninth. two outs, bases loaded. that is the ball game. 3-2, orioles win. jamie moyer becomes the oldest pitcher to win a game as the rockies beat san diego. the orioles are 4-1 on their road trip.
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the nfl season is out. ravens open up at home against cincinnati. at philadelphia on a sunday. back-to-back prime-time games. the browns on the thursday. at kansas city. cleveland and oakland and then a tough stretch beginning on november 18. at pittsburgh sunday night. at san diego november 25. back home against pittsburgh on december 2. two and games against the steelers in three weeks. the manning brothers back to back. they end the year against the bengals on december 30. the schedule is never easy. it is what is.
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>> do you have a favorite game? >> the new england game here and peyton manning. >> we like the steelers. >> that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. >> this morning we asked -- which ravens game are you most looking forward to seeing this season? >> oh! >> i like that. >> we will read more of your responses in the next hour and post all of them on the front page of our website, >> good point. >> cal ripken jr. is heading to the midwest, building a community. >> google is getting a new cloud
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in the sky. how much space customers get for free? >> we could use some rain. >> 1 accident coming in on the south side of the beltway.
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>> charges could be filed today against a man who killed a young mother in a car crash. i have details in a live report. i have details in a live report. >>


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