tv Today NBC June 1, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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good morning. no new trial. a source says federal prosecutors are unlikely to retry john edwards. this after he was found not guilty on one count, a mistrial declared on five others. what was it like inside the jury room and why couldn't they reach a decision on most of the arges? this morning three members of that jury including its foreman are here for an exclusive live interview. from bad to worse. the largest wildfire in new mexico history spreading in all directions and this morning there is no let up in sight. and all hail the queen. a full dress rehearsal in london as britain gets set for four days of lavish, star-studded celebrations to mark the queen's diamond jubilee.
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and just look who has made her way to london to soak it all in today, friday, june 1st, 2012. good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> i'm ann curry. fun to see meredith there. it took nearly a month of testimony and nine days of deliberations but in the end a jury in the criminal trial of john edwards came back dead locked on five of the six charges. >> a victory obviously for the former presidential candidate and defeat for the prosecutors who had pushed this complex case forward. coming up we'll hear from john edwards on the jury's decision and his plans for the future. as we mentioned, we'll talk exclusively to the jury foreman and two other members of that jury about the long and emotional trial. also ahead, there is new
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fallout over new york city mayor michael bloomberg's push to limit the size of sodas and other sugary drinks. something that is a great idea. others have been very vocal in their criticism. we asked you to weigh in on the website and the results were very lopsided. we'll talk about that with mayor bloomberg in an exclusive live interview coming up and also ask if he is sending a mixed message. and ahead meredith is in london to cover the queen's diamond jubilee. this morning she'll show us never before seen home video of the queen with her children. and back here at home our plaza has gone country this morning for a live concert from the hit sibling trio the band "perry." >> nice crowd. we begin this morning with the criminal trial of john edwards that ended with acquittal and mistrial. nbc's lisa meyers is at the courthouse in greensboro with more. >> reporter: good morning. this was a resounding defeat for the government. jurors tell nbc news that on each of the five counts on which
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they could not agree more jurors sided with john edwards than with prosecutors. and a law enforcement source now says the justice department is unlikely to retry this case. >> i am responsible. >> reporter: though clearly relieved, john edwards was careful not to celebrate. at the end of an extraordinary and emotional day. >> while i do not believe i did anything illegal or ever thought i was doing anything illegal, i did an awful, awful lot that was wrong, and there is no one else responsible for my sins. >> reporter: after almost four weeks of testimony, 31 witnesses, and nine days of deliberations, jurors were able to reach a unanimous verdict on only one of six counts. they found edwards not guilty of receiving illegal campaign contributions from heiress rachel mellon in 2008. but on the other five counts there was no unanimous decision
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and the judge declared a mistrial. >> for a month or more john edwards had literally been perched on the edge of his chair and at the moment he heard not guilty he rocked back. you can see the relief wave over him. >> reporter: after the verdict and an emotional scene in the courtroom, edwards embraced his daughter, kate, his parents, his lawyers, and later thanked everyone, especially kate, who has been a rock by his side every day. >> she has been here no matter what, no matter how awful and painful a lot of the evidence was for her. evidence about her dad, evidence about her mom, who she loves so, so dearly, but she never once flinched. she said, dad, i love you. i'll be there for you no matter what. >> reporter: jurors tell nbc that many of them began deliberations thinking edwards was probably guilty but decided the government had not proven
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its case. many did not find the government's star witnesses, former edwards aide andrew young, and his wife sherry, to be credible. during the final vote jurors say they split on various counts but each time a majority sided with edwards including 8-4 that he was not guilty of conspiracy. and 11-1 that he was not guilty of filing false campaign reports. >> the department of justice should not retry this case. it's not in the trf justice. >> reporter: while edwards used his victory to take responsibility for the great pain he has caused his family and those who believed in him he also seemed to open the door to a future public role. >> i don't think god's through with me. i really believe he thinks there's still some good things i can do. >> reporter: edwards has said that one of his greatest wrongs was denying paternity of the child he shares with former mistress rielle hunter, but on this day he acknowledged his 4-year-old daughter like never
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before. >> and then, finally, my precious quinn, who i love more than any of you could ever imagine, and i am so close to and so, so grateful for, so grateful for quinn. i'm grateful for all of my children. >> reporter: but for now, john edwards still has a bit of a cloud over his head until the government officially decides whether he will be retried. so far the justice department has declined to comment on the verdict or on its intentions. matt? >> all right. lisa myers, thank you so much in your work covering this trial. david rashon served as the jury foreman at the edwards trial. our other guests were members of the jury and are with us exclusively this morning. we appreciate it. good morning. >> good morning. >> nine days of deliberations. what was the mood like in that room? >> we had emotions.
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each day was a new day. we would start with calmness. we actually prayed together as a group. we'd finish the day and challenge ourselves every bit of the day. >> start with calmness. did it end with calmness or did emotions boil over? did it get frustrating in that room? >> there were times it got very frustrating. the emotions got high. we'd have to take a minute, step back, and just everyone calm down. >> it took nine days to reach a mistrial here. at what point during the deliberations were you all convinced that it was probably going to end that way? >> yesterday. >> just yesterday. >> yes. >> you thought maybe you could reach verdicts on all these counts prior to yesterday? >> yes, i did. we had several discussions on that and we tried to work it out, but we couldn't come to a unanimous decision. >> 2:00 yesterday afternoon you alert the judge. you say we've reached a unanimous decision on one of the counts, count three. we're still having problems with the other five. she sent you back to work. what happened in those couple of hours between her sending you back to work and declaring a
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mistrial? >> you know, the first thing i'd say, matt, is we had deliberately planned on that possibly happening. so we knew going in that we wouldn't go into that jury room without a full conviction of what we wanted to get accomplished, so when we went in the first time, we were very confident but we took the judge's instructions and came back and did exactly what she asked and deliberated one more time. >> let's do a little show and tell. raise your hands if you think john edwards was guilty on at least some of the counts against him. okay. raise your hands if you think john edwards is a bad guy. interesting. so the personal side of this case where they brought those witnesses forward and there was that testimony about his lies about rielle hunter, his lies about paternity of her child, the fact that he had an affair while his wife was battling cancer, did that not have any impact on you as a jury?
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>> we tried to put our feelings aside and what we were doing was just looking at the facts to come up with our verdict. >> we all came in with our own preconceived notions but once the evidence was laid out we had to separate that. >> you raised your hand. you said you think he is guilty on at least some of the counts. what do you think he was guilty of? >> i do. i think that he had some knowledge. i think he definitely had some knowledge of the money, where the money was going especially the money from mrs. mellon. >> so you think he was guilty of breaking campaign finance laws? >> i do. >> yes. >> and you do as well. >> i do as well. but he was just smart enough to hide it and we could not find the evidence. >> so what was it in the prosecution's case that did not reach the level you needed for a verdict? >> i would say the burden of proof. it wasn't there, the evidence. >> i think the credibility of the witness was something that was of utmost importance to us. >> andrew young? >> yes. >> so he was their star witness
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and he came with a lot of baggage. how damaging in the long run did he become to the prosecution's case? >> i think, unfortunately, that was probably the key part of the miss for the prosecution because they did a tremendous job. both sets of attorneys. and there were cases that could be built in either way. but when it came down to it, it was a matter of filling in the gaps. >> cindy, john edwards on the courthouse steps said, i am responsible. and if i want to find the person who should be held accountable for my sins, honestly, i don't have to go any further than the mirror. it's me and me alone. when you look at john edwards today, what thoughts come to your mind? >> i think he was guilty, but like we said, the evidence just was not there for us to prove guilt. >> there is still no official word from the government, ladonna, as to whether they will retry these five counts. do you think they should? >> yes, i do. >> david? >> i think there needs to be
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some change in campaign finance law before you go through this process. and kind of nailing down what really is and what really isn't a campaign contribution. >> there's been some criticism of the government for millions of dollars spent on this prosecution. do you think it was money well spent? >> i do not. >> do you think he was guilty but you don't think it was money well spent. that is a contradiction. >> i'd say it was money well spent. it's elevating to the world the need for stronger finance law and it's also elevating what candidates can and can't do as it relates to a campaign. >> fascinating to hear what you have to say. there is a lot of nuance in your comments. >> we were told in opening statement, follow the money. that was interesting and that's what we tried to do. >> we really appreciate your time this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. nice to meet you all. it is now 11 minutes after the hour. with more, here is ann. what happens next for john
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edwards? savannah guthrie and chuck todd, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> we just heard three of the jurors saying they believe john edwards was guilty but the prosecution failed to prove its case. where, savannah, was this prosecution's case weakest? >> well, on multiple counts but i think we just heard the weakest part of the case and that was the chief accuser, the star witness as it were for the prosecution, andrew young, and these jurors just showed they found him to be utterly lacking in any credibility whatsoever. the problem for the government was there were elements of these alleged crimes that rose or fell on the testimony of andrew young and andrew young alone. with regard to criminal intent they had to show not only that john edwards knew about the money but that he knew it was a violation of campaign finance laws when even campaign finance experts can't agree about that. >> if they don't have a credible witness in andrew young who by the way was deemed not credible because he had sold a book, he had gotten some money -- all of those things. can the prosecution, the justice department file again?
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don't they need another witness, more evidence to even pursue from here? >> that the crux of it. they have the right to refile these charges, but will they if there is no evidence that their witnesses are going to get any better with age or time? now andrew young has yet another bunch of statements that can be picked apart by some future defense attorney. there is no reason to believe this case is going to get any easier in terms of the facts, the witnesses, or the law, and i think that's why it is probably likely why our reporters are reporting that the justice department is not likely to refile. >> while the justice department considers that and probably goes nah that direction, but we'll see, let's talk about his political life. it was interesting to hear john edwards say after the verdict say "god is not through with me yet." you raised your eyes. what is your response? >> he is really deluded here if he thinks he has a political future. i can tell you former friends of his and people very loyal to elizabeth, his late wife, just sit there and wish he would stop publicly looking for redemption. if he wants public redemption they wish he would go away
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quietly and maybe show up a decade later after helping the poor, helping the sick. but this idea that he needs to seek public redemption, that he desperately needs to get back into public life, i think, is what they believe led him down this path to where he was as close to prison as he has -- >> he is talking about starting some kind of foundation to help the poor. there have been politician ness the past who have been disgrace wlod have been able to rise up and do that. that is not possible? >> everything is possible. he has been given this advice. stop publicly asking for it. go quietly and do it. let people discover that maybe you have -- you're worthy of redemption. don't sit here and desperately do it in the spotlight. i think that is what was so weird about yesterday. that was a man, clearly, not understanding how low he had fallen in the eyes politically of a lot of people. he ended up hurting people yesterday that were close to his
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wife, elizabeth, just by some of the ways he went about talking about his children, talking about things. so, again, he's got a lot to learn to figure out how to get public redemption. >> chuck todd, savannah guthrie, thank you so much for your perspective. now to the new proposal from new york city mayor michael bloomberg that's being met with some mixed reaction. since we told you on thursday he wants to outlaw large sodas and sugary drinks to help fight obesity. mayor bloomberg is with us this morning exclusively. nice to see you, mr. mayor. good morning. >> good morning. >> you say this is about fighting obesity. some people jumped out criticizing you and say it's about personal freedom, about not wanting government to tell them what to do. we conducted an online poll overnight. not only do people in some cases worry about their freedom. they worry whether it is going to work. 83% said, this will not solve the obesity problem. >> where did i hear this before? wasn't it smoking wasn't going to work? today it's one of the best things we've ever done. deaths from smoking dramatically coming down across the country,
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virtually every major city has adopted the smoking ordinances. countries in europe, the whole -- lots of countries have adopted it. it just takes time for people to understand. the real difference, however, between smoking and full sugar drinks or obesity is that in the case of smoking it is not clear one cigarette doesn't cause cancer. nobody really knows. in the case of full sugar drinks in moderation it's fine. all we're trying to do is explain to people that if you drink a little bit less you will live longer. you'll have a better life. today obesity is one of the biggest problems this country has. >> do you have to explain that by banning a certain size soft drink or sugary drink? >> we're not banning you from getting the stuff. just if you want 32 ounces the restaurant has to serve it in two glasses. that is not exactly taking away your freedoms. it is not something the founding fathers fought for. this is just reminding you and all the studies show if the glass or plate in front of you is smaller you'll eat less. >> you think people are simply going to go around this, buy two 16-ounce drinks or walk down the
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street from the deli to the grocery store and buy the big container? >> some will and they still have the right to do that and it doesn't hurt them at all. but those who will drink less or eat less, those people will be better off. >> why is this a priority for you at this point with all the other things on your plate, all the other crises facing people in this city from crime to education and the economy? >> education is better. crime is down. created more jobs than ever before in our city. what we have done is we've improved life expectancy. life expectancy in new york city is three years greater than the american average. think about that. 8.4 million people living three years longer. and, incidentally, we're the only place that's brought down childhood obesity about 5% in the last couple years. it's quite amazing. >> you announced this on a thursday. today is friday and it's a national holiday. do you know what the holiday is? >> national donut day. >> and it's a real thing, not a national holiday but it is national donut day and your administration has come out in support of national doughnut day. >> two things.
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it sounds ridiculous. >> it doesn't. one donut is not going to hurt you. in moderation most things are okay. number two, think about what national donut day is. it celebrates a lot of young ladies during world war i called donut lassies who went and gave donuts to our soldiers while they were fighting to protect -- >> this was before obesity was a national epidemic. if anything in moderation works for donuts why not with soft drinks? >> that is exactly what we're trying to do with soft drinks is get you to drink in moderation. instead of the big 32-ounce get two 16 ounces if you want but history shows, all the tests show what you'll do is probably drink one. >> happy national donut day. >> thank you very much. >> good to have you here. let's check the rest of the morning's top stories. natalie is over at the news desk back from assignment. welcome back. thank you, matt. good morning everyone. the biggest wildfire in new mexico's history is growing on all sides. it now covers about 300 square miles in hilla national forest.
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some evacuations have been ordered. more than a thousand firefighters are battling the flames which have destroyed at least 20 cabins and out buildings since it broke out two weeks ago. nato says insurgents attacked a nato base today in eastern afghanistan. officials say they're still assessing the situation there and if there are casualties. a federal appeals court ruled unanimously thursday that the heart of the federal defense of marriage act which denies many benefits to same sex couples is unconstitutional. the ruling could set the stage for the supreme court to review the issue as early as next year. the financial markets are watching the employment numbers today. cnbc's mandy drury is at the new york stock exchange. good morning to you, mandy. >> good morning. you're absolutely right it is all about jobs today. always important but particularly now as the u.s. economy has started to show some signs of strain. earlier in the year we should keep in mind that job gains of 200,000 plus was more normal. elsewhere, we're actually quite happy to close the books on the month of may for the stock
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market. we saw the worst stock market declines in terms of monthly numbers in two years. it also sent a lot of people into safe haven treasuries driving interest rates to record lows. good obviously if you want a loan but terrible if you are trying to save. back over to you. >> all right. thanks so much. have a great weekend, mandy. >> you, too. a 14-year-old san diego girl won $30,000 in cash thursday by capturing the national spelling bee title. here's her winning word. >> g-u-e-t-a-p-e-n-s. >> the french derived word means a snare or trap. huge congratulations to her. at 7:20 you're up to date. over to matt and ann. she started to learn to spell while her parents were driving her to kindergarten. love the learning in the car. >> thanks for defining the word.
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i had no idea. >> never heard of it. >> right? meantime? >> fill out the forecast for us. >> >> good morning, everyone. some severe weather is possible late this afternoon and this evening, but this morning just some scattered light rain showers and maybe sunshine in the middle of the day. lit turn more humid with the high temperature near 81. and that's your latest weather. >> all right. thanks. by the way have we mentioned britain is marking the queen's diamond jubilee. >> really? >> i know. the celebrations begin on saturday and our good friend and nbc special correspondent meredith vieira is in london to cover all of the pomp and circumstance. perfect assignment for you,
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meredith. good morning. >> reporter: i'm loving it, ann. good morning to all of you guys. the military early this morning went through the final dress rehearsal for its role in the diamond jubilee. they have the horses out. they have the carriage out that the queen will ride in on her way back from st. paul's after the service on tuesday. obviously the queen wasn't in it today. they didn't shoot off the guns today. there was no music playing. because it was early in the morning quite frankly they didn't want to wake up everybody in london but there will be a lot more going on when this event actually takes place. it is a very big deal here. obviously this jubilee. you remember last year we covered the royal wedding and there were a million people lining the streets at that point. lots of flags waving and people cheering and all of that. you thought it couldn't be topped. this will definitely rival that. this is a four-day celebration and let's face it. there's only been one other diamond jubilee in history and that was in 1897, queen victoria. there may not be another one at least in my lifetime for sure. so they are going all out.
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the festivities begin tomorrow but the souvenirs are already selling like hotcakes. i have one here of the queen. i know this is going to seem silly to you guys but it sends a strong message because this is the lady right in that bright outfit always with that very familiar wave that we all know, never misses a beat, never misses any event that's scheduled for her. at 86 years old, still going strong. and the people love her. they might have questions about the monarchy from time to time but they love their queen. so coming up we're going to give you a full wrapup of all the events that are scheduled beginning tomorrow and also you are going to get to see some very rare footage never seen before of the royal family. >> that is very cool. thank you so much. >> the pocket queen. >> we need that souvenir don't you think? as meredith mentioned we'll see that never before seen footage of the family. we've got much more. this is "today" on nbc. what about over here?
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coming up a high school teacher reportedly caught on camera kissing a teenage student. and a live concean >> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall here's a look of one of our top stories this morning. new developments in a disturbing case out of harford county. a 21-year-old murder suspect in its treating the -- admits to eating the internal organs of his victim. it was early this week that police got a call about the
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scope of human remains. the victim has been identified as kujoe bonsafo agyei-kodie. he was reported missing last friday. time for the morning commute with sarah caldwell. >> we have a few problems to get to this morning. delays in place on northbound 95. we have an accident that is now gone, but still at 38 miles per hour. arundel mills boulevard, getting word of the disabled vehicle. accident on the westbound side of 100 i-97. one more of know if you're heading out in joppa. pulaski highway and 152. here is the harrisburg expressway and padonia road, south on traffic moving without delay there. nice start on this portion of 895 approaching the harbor tunnel. todd has more on the forecast. >> -- tony has more on the
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forecast. >> humidity will get into the uncomfortable range this afternoon. late this afternoon and evening, we will see thunderstorms develop. some of those could be strong or severe. just a chance for showers this morning. things will get better over the weekend. there could be some clouds and maybe some rain early saturday. sunday looks like a nice day.
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♪ 7:30 now on a friday morning the first day of june, 2012. our crowd is gearing up for a live concert from one of the hottest acts in country music, the band perry, cma's reigning new artist of the year and will take to our stage at 8:30, in an hour. meantime, excitement is building in london for a different reason. the queen's diamond jubilee. meredith is at the tower of london this morning. in a moment she will show us never before seen home videos of the royal family. we're excited about that. she is practicing her royal wave. has her pinky out. look at those images.
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really poignant don't you think? >> always interesting to see things like this especially from years ago. it's going to be part of the celebration as we head for london tomorrow, sunday, monday, and tuesday. >> that's right. it is going to be very excited to see you guys there. also ahead a photo that has caused quite a stir here in new york city. >> it reportedly shows a high school teacher kissing one of her teenage students. now the 26-year-old teacher is under investigation. she has been removed from her classroom. coming up the student in that photograph speaks out in an exclusive interview. also we're hearing from oprah and millions of fans were sad when she ended her talk show last year but does she miss it? you might be surprised what she has to say. let's first go back to meredith in london for a preview of events in the coming days. good morning again. >> reporter: good morning to you, matt. i mentioned before it has been 115 years since the last diamond jubilee for queen victoria. it is the only other diamond
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jubilee. you pleasithink the royal weddi a big deal? you ain't seen nothing yet. with bunting, and bells the british people are kicking off a weekend of pomp and pageantry fit for a queen. as england and the world prepare to pay tribute to the queen's 60 years on the throne, prince charles is sharing his own thoughts about his mother's milestone in a new documentary. >> the diamond jubilee gives us a chance to celebrate with pride all that the queen means to us both as a nation and indeed as one of her children. >> reporter: never before seen home movies released by the prince show the queen and her two eldest children. and in footage from a 1957 beach vacation prince charles and princess ann are seen playing with one of the queen's beloved corgies. prince william also spoke of his grandmother the queen in an interview with british broadcaster itv.
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>> i'd like to take all of her small moments and put it in a small box and be able to refer to it. >> reporter: prince william will accompany the queen with his direct family the direct line of succession front and center. >> in the past few months and year it's all been about william and kate. everybody seems to be fascinated by them. they of course will be important in terms of supporting the queen, but it will be her weekend. it will be a moment when we celebrate elizabeth ii. >> reporter: the jubilee weekend festivities get under way on saturday when the queen and the royal family attend the eppson derby horse race. the highlight of the weekend will no doubt be the diamond jubilee pageant on sunday featuring a flotilla of more than 1,000 boats sailing down the river thames with the queen and prince philip on a specially decorated barge. a concert includes elton john, paul mccartney, stevie wonder, and many others.
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the night culminates with the lighting of 4,000 beacons across great britain and the rest of the world. on tuesday the queen attends a national service of thanksgiving at st. paul's cathedral famously the venue of prince charles and lady diana's 1981 wedding. a carriage procession takes the queen back to buckingham palace as she and prince philip ride in the 1902 state landeau most recently used by the duke and duchess of cambridge on their wedding day. the festivities conclude with an appearance on the famous buckingham palace balcony complete with a royal air force flyover. and i haven't even mention epd the 10,000 block parties that are scheduled over the next four days because it is a banker's holiday and people are ready to celebrate. i'm joined now by a royal expert and our special correspondent. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> i want to start with you because you're a lucky guy. man, you are going to be part of the flotilla. how excited are you? >> i can't wait. i think it is going to be one of
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the most spectacular things to have happened in london for years. you know, we have the spectacular wedding last year. i think this is going to blow everyone away. a thousand boats all going down the thames, a narrow river, all the bridges and we expect millions and millions. very high security because the entire royal family will be there. >> absolutely. >> i'll be in a little rowing boat sweating and probably looking a little red in the face. >> are you rowing in front of the barge? >> i'm going to be just behind the gloriana, the royal row boat, and just in front of the spirit so i'll be sandwiched between the two royal boats. >> don't slow down. >> i know. i don't want to hold the queen and her family up. >> one of the things that is so fascinating about the home movies we just saw, never seen before in part probably because the queen is a very private person and doesn't like to share her private life. >> no. >> reporter: i wonder how she feels about all of this attention being showered on her. >> she doesn't actually like attention on her personally but
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she really loves the notion of the whole nation if not the world taking part in these celebrations. she's always worn bright colors because she said it is important to be seen with the people and that's why she goes on walk abouts and her stock in trade. she is hard working and is seen to be hard working. she doesn't want to look like one of them. she wants to be one of us. actually the whole notion of britain bringing out the bunting and celebrating in such glorious style over this weekend really appeals to her because she personally sees this as a very important landmark not just for her but for britain. >> reporter: i wonder what this means to the people of britain, because, you know, the other big story this week along with the jubilee was the doctors here going on strike because they are upset about their pension. it is a very tough time in this country as elsewhere. high unemployment and all of that yet people seem ready to party. as i said, 10,000 block parties. >> actually the community spirit is very much in tune with royal events in this country. we saw that with the royal wedding. it doesn't cost anything, does it, to get out with the neighbors, have picnic food on paper plates, and just really revel in it. that's free and costs nothing
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just to be with people and have great fun in the queen's honor. >> it's been described like the perfect storm. we have the olympic torch relay which is setting the nation alight, not literally obviously but everyone on the streets, we have this fantastic celebration. we're hoping the weather stays. it is the first time we're thinking patriotic -- we're not particularly good here at flying the flag and saying how wonderful we are and it is the first time everyone finds the excuse to do it. >> reporter: don't forget we have national donut day. you have the diamond jubilee. there you are. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thanks for being part of our coverage as well. matt and ann, back to you. >> thanks for sticking up for the home team. >> that's right. national donut day. let's get a check of the weather now from al. >> thank you so much, matt. the band perry, their tour buses are lined up here on 48th street. they have got a really nice ride. let's see if you can get a nice ride as far as your weather is concerned. here's what we've got. a risk of strong storms from the
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southeast all the way here into the northeast, including washington, d.c., pittsburgh, we're looking for a storm starting to fire up. you can see on the radar we're going to be looking at that heavy rain. parts of florida, southern florida going to pick up 2 to 4 inches of rain. rainfall amounts, even heavy up into the northeast with more heavy rain anywhere from, again, to 4 inches there as well. >> good morning, everyone. it could turn out to be an active weather day. possible thunderstorms late this evening. high in the low 80's. >> that's your latest weather. they may be the band perry, but
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you are the people. my people! [ cheering ] >> my people! my people! [ cheering ] >> matt! >> it's going to be a long summer, al. thank you very much. coming up next, a high school student caught on camera in an alleged romantic relationship with his own teacher speaks out in an exclusive interview. and we'll lighten things up with what al was just talking about. a live concert out on the plaza from the band perry. but first these messages. ♪
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so you don't need syrup. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. back now at 7:42 with the new york city high school teacher under investigation for reportedly having a romantic relationship with one of her students, and there are apparent photos of the alleged inappropriate conduct. nbc's mara schiavocampo talked with the student at the center of it all. >> reporter: ann, good morning. she hasn't been back to work
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since a photo reportedly showing her kissing a student. now there is a report that the teen may have seduced her in order to win a bet, a claim he says is completely false. they are not just any happy couple on a nice spring day. these troubling photos obtained by "the new york post" reportedly show a public school teacher kissing her own student on a park bench in trendy greenwich village last week, her legs draped over his lap as they kiss and smile at each other. the man? 19-year-old eric arty a senior at this high school in the midst of manhattan's world class performing arts venue at lincoln center. the woman? reportedly 26-year-old julie warnig a well-liked social studies teacher. >> she was a favorite with the students. >> i think it's crazy. who would kiss their own student? >> reporter: she isn't married and has been working at the school for a year and a half. she told "the post" it is not her in the papers which the
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paper says were surreptitiously captured by a student at the school. while arty admits he is in the photos he won't say who the woman is. >> reporter: is that woman your teacher? >> i don't want to discuss tt right now. >> reporter: thursday "the post" reported arty had seduced his teacher as part of a wager with friends its front page proclaiming "teacher sex bet." in an exclusive interview with nbc news arty says that claim is completely false. did you have a bet with your friends? >> not at all. that was absurd. i don't know who would lie about something like that. i have made no bet with none of my friends. >> reporter: arty, a talented musician, who has been playing the piano since he was 5, says he believes his classmates followed him after school to catch his park pda. >> who would do this and why would they do this? i never did anything bad to anyone for them to do something like that to me. >> reporter: arty says he hasn't
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heard from her since the story broke. >> i don't like what's happening to me or her. >> reporter: because arty is an adult she isn't facing criminal charges. while she reportedly denies she is in the photos the department of education told nbc news, quote, yes, that's her. reassigning her to an administrative desk job pending the outcome of the investigation. now the teachers union says if she is found guilty of sexual misconduct with a student she will lose her job. we reached out to her and her family for comment but did not hear back. >> all right. mara schiavocampo, thank you so much for that. coming up next more with meredith live in london on the queen's diamond jubilee and her tour of the tower of london where they let her play with the 35 carat jubilee diamond after this. [ sneezes ] ♪ [ male announcer ] it's happening right now at your local walgreens. pharmacists are going above and beyond...
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armed with expertise and advice... ♪ ...with one goal in mind... to better serve you... ♪ nothing will get between you and the care you deserve. find your pharmacist at you could spend as much as $200. olay says challenge that with an instrument that cleanses as effectively as what's sold by skin professionals for a whole lot less. olay pro x advanced cleansing system. it's my turn. mac 'n cheese... mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. mashed potatoes and gravy what are you doing? what are you doing?
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mac 'n cheese! should we tell em we got two free sides? and miss this? say "mashed potatoes!" never! [ male announcer ] buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and we'll throw in 2 more large sides, free. that's 2 extra sides of your choice and one happy family. today tastes so good. ya', you betcha honey. ya' think so? mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] some mornings, you just can't eat at the table. introducing eggo wafflers, a new kind of waffle packed with flavors like brown sugar cinnamon roll so you don't need syrup. new eggo wafflers.
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the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us. backs now with a live look at tower bridge in london.
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it is 12:48 in the afternoon in the uk, 7:48 here on the east coast. we're back with more on the queen's diamond jubilee. meredith is taking in the preparations at the tower of london. meredith, good morning again. >> reporter: hey, matt. good morning to you. this is an important place that will play an important role for this weekend's celebration. this is where the flotilla will end up. those thousand vessels as they make their way up the seven miles up the thames river. i spoke to a lot of the beef eaters who live and work here at the tower of london to get an up close and personal look at this iconic landmark. it is one of the world's oldest working fortresses, almost 1,000 years old, and if these walls could talk, they would tell stories of medieval royal family life but also of murder and despair. three tudor queens were executed here, one of them 16-year-old lady jane gray, queen for only
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nine days. her husband's distress carved into these unforgiving walls. >> you can make out the word "jane" there. she was executed just outside. >> reporter: some 3,500 prisoners were held at the tower over the centuries. >> it was 1778 when we started building it and perhaps for 500 years thereafter all of the queens and queens generally in the white tower. >> reporter: these days it houses the royal armory collection. the chief yoman is one of 37 beef eaters, all former soldiers, who live at the tower with their families. their job is to protect the queen, the crown jewels, and the tower's legendary ravens. >> legend has it while the ravens stay the tower and monarchy are safe. deputy raven master pete mcgowan does his bit to save the queen.
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do you speak raven? >> i feel i do because they tend to speak back to me. >> if i put my hand near her -- at the tower the original jewel house. >> this is the new arrival i wanted to show you. this is the forever market jubilee diamond. >> reporter: it is the latest addition to the diamond exhibit at the tower. we've seen the gem stone arrive where it's marked with the invisible inscription that guarantees its quality and providence. >> it gives the dates of the jubilee. 1952 to 2012. >> reporter: not many people get to play with this kind of rock. can i pick it up like this. >> you can indeed but do not drop it. it is a very beautiful stone. >> reporter: it really is keith mansion the chief exhibitor looks after some of the world's largest diamonds and the world's
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most famous crown. be honest with me. was there ever a time when the place is empty that you've gone into the jewel house and put it on your head? >> if i did, would i tell you? >> have you? >> if i did would i tell you? >> reporter: i think that is a yes. >> wearing a crown is a treasonable offense. >> you and i are going toned up in the tower together. >> it could well be. >> reporter: it is clearly time to go as the beef eaters rehearse the ancient ceremony and lock up the tower's secrets for another night. you know, guys, this place was also once a menagerie of the exotic animals of the queens and kings through the years. back in the 1200s the first animal they received was an elephant and myth had it then elephants were very distinguished and you fed them wine. i was thinking had it been kathie lee or hoda that might have worked but the elephant died within a year and there no longer is a menagerie. the only creatures kept here are
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those ravens. >> you went a long way for this story but it was worth it in the end. it was great. >> i'm sure hoda and kathie lee really appreciate it. >> i'm getting out of here. >> got a lot coming up on a friday morning including the band perry after your local news. all work and no play... will make allie miss her favorite part of the day. [ laughing ] that's why there's new beneful baked delights. from crispy crackers to shortbread cookie dog snacks, they're oven-baked to surprise and delight. beneful baked delights: a unique collection of four new snacks... to help spark play in your day. ♪ [ female announcer ] you're the boss of your life. in charge of long weekends and longer retirements. ♪ ask your financial professional
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how lincoln financial can help you take charge of your future. ♪ ya', you betcha honey. ya' think so? mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] some mornings, you just can't eat at the table. introducing eggo wafflers, a new kind of waffle packed with flavors like brown sugar cinnamon roll so you don't need syrup. new eggo wafflers. nice'n easy colorblend foam is winning top beauty awards hands down! with beautiful tones and highlights... no other foam lasts longer. and no other foam is product of the year. check out colorblend foam. only from nice'n easy. but what about your wrinkles. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it has the fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to visibly reduce wrinkles in just one week.
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"why wait if you don't have to." rapid wrinkle repair. neutrogena®. recommended most by dermatologists. [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. [ male announcer ] if paula ebert had her way, she would help her child. deoxyribonucleic acid. he knew that. [ male announcer ] with everything. go! goooo! no. no no no no no. mommy's here [ male announcer ] but that kind of love is...frowned upon. so instead she gives him new capri sun super-v. so he gets more of what he needs... without all the "her" he doesn't think he needs. with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. new capri sun super-v.
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. here is sarah caldwell and traffic pulse 11. >> we have some accidents to get to. westminster, watch for our crash. another one in reisterstown. main street and 140, delays at that intersection. westbound 100 and i-97, these delays are due to an accident. mountain road, maryland road, pasadena, watch for an accident. another one being cleared at essex. we will update you on some of our cameras.
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not too bad here. normal delays from white marsh down to the beltway northeast. live view of the harbor tunnel traffic. 895 checks out just fine. now we check in with tony. >> things will be quiet the next couple of hours. scattered showers on hd doppler this morning. nothing of any consequence. later this afternoon, we could see thunderstorms develop. some of those could be strong or severe. when gusts of 50 miles per hour with large hail. we will make it into the upper 70's and low 80s, and the humidity will be going out as well. could be some rain early in the morning on saturday. high temperatures around 75.
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8:00 on a friday morning, june 1st, 2012. it is a stunning day here in new york city and you're looking at some of the crowd gathered in rockefeller plaza on this friday morning. a lot of these people here for the band perry, the sibling trio will take to our summer concert stage about a half an hour from right now. we're looking forward to that. they are looking forward to it as well. >> some of the people out here in the front row have been hehere since 1:00 this morning. >> i like the way she is holding the microphone as if she is about to broadcast. >> that doesn't work. >> keep it up.
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>> i'm matt lauer with ann curry and al roker. coming up a segment we're calling what's up, what's in, what's going on, what the -- >> what the heck is going on. some of the topics we'll be talking about are oprah winfrey is talking about this year since she ended her show and her thoughts and feelings about that. we're hearing about drew barrymore's big plans for her wedding this coming weekend. also what's hot at the box office and what to wear on the town. >> lela is looking forward to snow white and the huntsman. >> we'll have one of the stars here also. >> jon huntsman? >> no, chris. he is very cute. that's the guy. >> and the queen's diamond jubilee, the big event coming up, a 1,000 vessel flotilla. this is going to be on sunday. one of the biggest, most spectacular events yet. >> is that meredith in the front? >> meredith. actually she did dress up as the queen probably. we'll be heading back to meredith in london for a first look at the royal barge. >> that's right.
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>> actually she is going to be on the royal tug boat. >> as we mentioned the first time since the late 1800s that there has been a diamond jubilee. meredith covered that one as well. >> oh, meredith. you can hit them now. come on. stop it. you guys. >> don't mess with me. i'm at the tower of london. >> off with your head! >> off with your head. >> let's go inside. natalie is standing by at the news desk with a check of the headlines. they are. good morning, ann, matt, al. good morning, everyone. a federal law enforcement official says it is unlikely federal prosecutors will retry john edwards on campaign fraud charges. jurors acquitted edwards thursday on one of the charges he faced and dead locked on the others. edwards said outside the court that he had done nothing illegal but did an awful lot that was wrong. following this week's fatal shootings at a cafe in seattle the police department there has released a 911 call made from inside the racer cafe. >> somebody came in and shot a
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bunch of people. i'm hiding in the bath room. >> hold on sir. how many people? did you see the person that did it? >> no i did not. i was in the back. they didn't get me. i just heard the shots. >> you just heard the shots? >> i can see people laying on the floor. >> five people were killed wednesday by a man banned from the cafe because of bad behavior. he later fatally shot himself as police closed in. a murder trial is under way in mexico this morning for an american television producer accused of killing his wife in cancun. nbc's kristen dahlgren has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. two years ago tv producer bruce redman took his wife monica and their two children on vacation to a luxury resort in cancun. this morning he is back in mexico this time facing accusations he murdered his wife. standing inside a cage in a cancun courtroom, bruce redman listened to the first witness in his murder trial and passed along a few questions to his attorneys during cross
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examination. >> it would look very odd to people coming from the american system to see what's happening in the mexican courtroom. it looks less formal. you don't have the lawyers standing up and arguing on both sides. >> reporter: prosecutors say the reality tv producer strangled his wife monica in the early morning hours of april 5th, 2010, dumping her body in a sewer that night, half a day later. on thursday a housekeeper told prosecutors he saw redman place a do not disturb sign on his door, keeping maids from cleaning the hotel room where prosecutors allege he was hiding her body. but during cross examination the housekeeper admitted he also saw redman and his children go in and out of the room several times that day and didn't notice any unusual behavior. >> and during all those times he saw them completely and absolutely normal and having a good time. >> reporter: defense attorneys say there is no evidence to tie redman to the death of his wife, but in mexico, the burden of proof is on the defendant.
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>> there is much more of a burden on the defendant to show that he is not guilty than the prosecutor to show that he is. >> another big difference in mexican murder trials, a jury is not an option, only the judge can decide redman's fate and, natalie, testimony is expected to continue in this case through october. >> all right. kristen dahlgren out of our los angeles bureau this morning, thank you. now for a look at what is trending today. our quick round up of what has you talking online. fans are blogging that madonna's new world tour is unbelievable. the material girl kicked it off last night in israel. her first tour in three years. meantime, justin bieber ran head long into trouble on his promotional tour in europe. first a crushing crowd left some fans injured in norway on wednesday. a day later bieber told tmz about hurting himself when he rammed into an off stage wall of glass and knocked himself out during a concert in paris. >> i went to reach for the railing and i hit my head on the
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glass. and, like, i guess me and glass windows just don't really go together. >> on one earlier occasion bieber apparently whacked his head on a revolving glass door. and a new viral video shows the hotly contested tightest parallel parking record being broken again. it happened at the launch of a new mini in beijing this week when a chinese wheel master slid his vehicle as you see there just perfectly into a space less than six inches longer than the vehicle. that's amazing. i don't know if al roker could do that. 8:06 right now. speaking of al what do you think? >> we got to get this guy here in the city. >> are you a master parallel parker? >> i am one of the worst ever. >> me too. >> i'm horrible. but we should get him on the plaza. i love that. hey, who is the big perry fan? the band perry fan? look at that. yeah. at least i was on the "today" show. stay healthy. okay? tay around for a while.
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>> good morning, everyone. some severe weather is possible late this afternoon and this evening, but this morning just some scattered light rain showers and maybe sunshine in the middle of the day. lit turn more humid with the high temperature near 81. that's your latest weather, ann. >> al, thank you so much. coming up your weekend guide on what's new, what's in, and what's hot. also we have a live concert here on the plaza with the band perry coming up. but first, these messages. it's very important to understand
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how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies. the tree house i built with my dad. (girl) really? yeah. there you go. okay, i'm gonna work on the roof. dad, i'll be right back!
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(announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. you made that for me? well you're making this for me. (announcer) choosey moms, and dads, choose jif. actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. he thinks you're naked. it just looks like my milk chocolate is showing. only a fool would think i'd actually show up naked. so it's that kind of party...hit it! ♪ i'm sexy and i know it ♪ look at that body ya', you betcha honey. ya' think so? mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] some mornings, you just can't eat at the table. introducing eggo wafflers, a new kind of waffle packed with flavors like brown sugar cinnamon roll so you don't need syrup. new eggo wafflers.
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much more. >> we've lined up three experts to do just that beginning with what's new in the world of entertainment. alicia is an e! news correspondent. good morning. >> good morning. >> last night we have oprah winfrey opening up to david -- >> my colleague, yes. >> he got her to talk about this year since she has ended her show. let's take a listen. >> do you miss the show? >> i don't miss it. i just was in chicago the other day and when rosie moved into the studio i took the sign down, called it the rosie show. took all of my pictures for 25 years out of the hallway. that was the first moment that i had like, it really happened. >> interesting. also she opened up about her acting role. >> yes. she is going to star in "the butler" directed by lee daniels opposite forrest whitaker. they start shooting in july and lee wrote this role for her. "the butler" is a true story about a man who served under several presidents.
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oprah is going back to acting. >> and drew barrymore is getting married this coming saturday. >> this saturday, yes. >> and a big wedding. >> big wedding in california to will coupleman, his father used to run chanel. this is exciting for drew. >> we all love her. "push girls" a new reality show debuted at the sun dance channel and has a lot of people talking. it is about women in wheelchairs. >> women in wheelchairs. most of these women became paralyzed because of accidents but these women are tough. we've never seen a documentary or reality show like this. inspiring. >> okay. hatfields and mccoys. let's take a look. 13.8 million people were drawn to the history channel. this is a record breaker. the biggest cable hit in 14 years. how did that happen? >> we don't know. the three-part mini series starring kevin kostner. obviously it was going to be big but huge numbers.
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filmed in romania also stars bill paxton and kevin kostner as still got it. >> thank you so much this morning. >> thank you. now here is matt. >> thanks very much. here to tell us what's up at the movies is "newsweek" and daily beast writer rammin sutuda. let's start with this one. a horror film or comedy or both? >> kind of both. a sequel to the 2010 movie. did you see the original? >> i did not. >> neither did i. what is special about this movie is it is not going to only be in theaters but is also on video on demand in 3d. >> all right. >> if you have a 3d tv set you can watch it at home. >> 3dd emphasis on the dd? >> not too much the piranhas at first. the dds. >> another movie everyone is talking about "snow white and the huntsman" do you like this one? >> i do. this is the second snow white movie of the year after the one with julia roberts. had twice as big a budget so it has to be twice as good. it is a lot scarier and more
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adult. >> ann saw it and said the visual effects ar maizing. charlize theron another movie. >> this is really kind of prequel to "alien." this is really scary. >> this is one of the biggest movies of the summer. >> even though we're at the beginning of the summer movie season we're starting to see trailers for the holiday movies coming out. "great gatsby". >> it came out last week. the adaptation of the classic book starring leonardo dicaprio as gatsby. and les miserables, that trailer just came out. ann hathaway, hugh jackman, russell crowe, all singing. >> lots to sink our teeth into this summer and the upcoming holiday season. thanks and nice to see you. it is 15 after. let's go to natalie. what's in when it comes to fashion and beauty? good morning. >> good morning.
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>> nails are really in this season especially bright and bold but now 3d nail as well. >> exactly. this is tiny little caviar pearls. what you do is put on the polish first, then pour the tiny little pearls all over the wet nail. it's important that the nail is wet. >> it comes with a little funnel. >> it helps you pour. you press down and then you go nail to nail. it comes in three colors. black pearls, white pearls, and multi colored pearls which is what i have on. >> like candy coated nails. >> it is. >> easy to do at home but you do recommend doing it right before you head out the door. >> so they don't start popping off. >> they come off easily. >> yes. >> over here lips. we saw them at the gala, a lot of celebrities wearing a darker lip color. that is in right now. >> that is the big trend. we've seen bold lip color. now it's about plum and burgundy. an easy way to wear this at home if not on a red carpet is start with a lip gloss. it's more of a sheer wash of burgundy.
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this is delicacy which i absolutely love. >> i love thanchs isn't it pretty? >> beautiful. >> if you want more of a dramatic look you go for a darker lip stick. mars makes a fantastic one called volga. it is really beautiful. >> a little more goth looking. we have great print shirts. these are by joe fresh. >> and in the summer i'm all about casual, easy dressing. these are as easy to put on as a t-shirt but how much cuter are these? these are $29. they come in two colors. of course prints are huge for the summer. so a great way to incorporate a really fashion forward print and a very easy-to-wear way. love the python. >> quickly speaking of patterns we have shoes as well. >> yeah. these are the brand new mara hoffmans. they come in four different patterns, a limited collection. they are available on and they have a range. this is the shoe for the summer. easy to wear 45 bucks. >> adorable. that's all we have time for. thanks so much. coming up next we'll head back to meredith live in london
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for a special sneak peek at one of the biggest events of the queen's diamond jubilee. a spectacular floating parade on the river thames right after this. the wheat in every mini-wheat has gotta be just right. perfect golden color. rich in fiber. my dad taught me, and i taught my son out there. morning, pa. wait... who's driving the...? ♪ 99 bushels of wheat on the farm, 99 bushels of wheat ♪ [ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 filling layers of whole grain fiber in those fun little biscuits... so they stick with you, all morning long. kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. [ mini ] yee haw! a big breakfast in a little biscuit. the day starts with arthritis pain... a load of new listings... and two pills. after a morning of walk-ups, it's back to more pain, back to more pills. the evening showings bring more pain and more pills. sealing the deal... when, hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. it can relieve pain all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lois...
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who chose two aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. for a day free of pain. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. pull on those gardening gloves. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be.
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work so well that people everywhere are helping save trees... ...without even noticing. learn more about the scott naturals 4 week test drive at [ male announcer ] monica's decided to make a quick pit stop for gas. [ engine turns over ] but it looks like she'll have to find another station to fill 'er up. no! are you kidding me?! [ male announcer ] good thing her corolla has legendary mpg, so getting there won't be a problem. another reason you can always count on corolla. from toyota. back at 8:21 with more on
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the grand festivities planned for the queen's diamond jubilee which honors of course her 60 years on the throne. >> nbc's special correspondent meredith vieira is in the tower, actually at the tower of london, not in it. meredith, good morning. >> reporter: no. i've been a good girl, i have. you know, we mentioned earlier that one of the most breathtaking sights this weekend will be the flotilla on the thames talking about 1,000 vessels traveling seven miles and our special correspondent will be rowing one of them. you lucky devil. >> i'll have one of the best seats in the house. in fact more than a million people are expected to line the banks of the river thames. of course the star attraction will be the queen and the young royals aboard the festive barge. ♪ >> reporter: it's promising to be an event most may not witness again in a lifetime. a real, live royal pageant on the river thames, with bells and whistles.
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this hasn't been seen for some 200 years. this is the spirit of chartwell. she is going to be the center piece of the river pageant for the queen's diamond jubilee and she is going to be home for the day to the royal family. fit for a queen, unsinkable, they say, and fitted out to give the feel of a luxurious train on water. originally glass panes, restored pullman arm chairs. and pieces reclaimed from classic cruise liners. hand made thrones, seven tons of flowers. it will hold some 300 guests. the boat's owner was invited but he won't be onboard on the big day. >> it took me a long time to work out how to write the e-mail to say, courteously, i think i prefer to watch it on the television. >> reporter: turns out he grew up in an orphanage near windsor castle. you had visits from the -- secret visits from the royal family when you were so young. >> yes. >> reporter: is this almost like giving back? >> they came to see us very often and i think this is time
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for us to pay back. you know? i don't have a cloak but i have a boat so i can lay that down. >> reporter: to find out more about the queen's personal connection with boats and the navy, i met lord admiral west at the iconic admiralty building. so this really was the center of the universe when britannia ruled the waves. >> this is the admiralty boardroom. it was used from about the mid 1700s right through until -- i used it as first sea lord in the 2000s. >> reporter: the queen's father, prince philip, and prince charles were all naval officers. >> she loves, loves boats and the sea and feels very much the salt in her veins because of her family. for centuries the royals in particular would move from their royal palace in beautiful, gilded craft. those links i think are very important to recreate. >> reporter: well it has been recreated. the gloriana, a golden gift from the nation. it'll be up front in the flotilla on sunday.
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you need some strength to move this. a bit bigger than my skiff. a lot more gold as well. time to get a practice run in. i wouldn't want to let the queen down on her big day. >> you know, i was teasing you before, but this is really serious business and now that they're predicting they're forecasting bad weather possibly for sunday, that could be trouble. >> well, you know, the technicalities of a thousand boats, all shapes and sizes, lots of bridges in london, narrow arches, height problems, to keep all of that in a very fine flotilla, everyone in order, is going to be hard. they are predicting heavy, heavy rains. it is going to be quite cold so for people like myself in little row boats it is going to be hard. if everyone can pull it off it really will be a sight to behold. >> if it is raining very hard can they postpone it? >> no. i mean it's -- this has been months if not years in the planning to create this event, the complex its. it has to go ahead.
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of course we've got the queen on the spirit of chartwell with the whole family onboard. security is very high. >> we wish the best obviously. good luck to you. thank you very much. >> thank you very >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am sarah caldwell. let's get a check on the morning commute with traffic pulse 11. we have problems in westminster. hook road and all the road, accident. reisterstown, paine street and 140, accident wrapping up. west friendship road and foreside road, watch for delays and closures. furnace branch road, there is an accident coming in. looking good on the west side outer loop. inner loop delays towards the 83's.
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here's a quick live looked at traffic. inner loop at greenspring, going away from us towards the j.f.x., a little bit heavier. problem-free on the northbound and southbound. let's see how the forecast is shaping up. >> the scattered light rain showers in a few neighborhoods and a few peaks of sunshine. humidity is going up in the next few hours. might now there's not a whole lot happening. late this afternoon and into the evening, the atmosphere will become unstable. we will see thunderstorms develop. some of those late and they could produce wind gusts of over 60 mi. per hour. i temperature of 81. high temperatures will be in the
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mid-70's on saturday and sunday and be below average for the start of the workweek. >> we know you will be watching that closely. we will have another update at 8:56. ♪oh, her eyes, her eyes, ♪make the stars look like they're not shinin'.♪ ♪her hair, her hair, ♪falls perfectly without her trying.♪ ♪she's so beautiful, ♪and i tell her every day. ♪you're amazing, just the way you are♪
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. there is any number of things that determine first and second. >> the little stuff ends up making the difference. >> wow. a dream come true. >> it is a pursuit of perfection. >> the 2012 london olympics this summer on nbc. ♪ ♪ 8:30 now on a friday morning the first day of june, 2012. we have a sea of country music fans in the rockefeller plaza gearing up for a great concert from the cma's reigning new artist of the year the band perry. meantime outside with them i am ann curry alongside matt lauer, natalie morales, and al roker. we have a lot more coming up.
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>> a lot more music coming up. just want to remind people next friday here on the plaza we have a concert from chris brown, a huge audience. then two weeks from today another guy who is known to draw a little bit of a crowd, justin bieber takes over with "bieber fever" here on the plaza. get here early for both of those concerts. >> speaking of concerts there's more than one way to entertain your kids this summer. we'll walk you through everything you need to know about how to keep up with your teens during the summer months from the websites they'll be checking out to the must have apps and the movies they'll want to see. >> sounds like a long segment. speaking of the movies, there is one out this weekend. let's say hello to one of the stars. "snow white and the huntsman." >> welcome. >> good to see you. >> nice to have you here. >> hi. >> in this movie you play the huntsman. >> yeah. >> now the original fairy tale the huntsman is sent to kill snow white but instead ends up saving her. is that sort of the gist of your
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character? >> the huntsman in the original story, and in this version, yes, is said to capture her and maybe kill her and he realizes there is something special about her and she could possibly reawaken the world that has sort of fallen into darkness and tragedy. >> it is really a beautiful movie. incredible. >> and you've got something in common with al because you are best known for playing a god among men in thor and in this one you are with a couple goddesses, charlize theron and kristen stewart. i imagine it didn't take a lot of convincing to get you to play this role. >> big fans of both of them and i had a little discussion with the two of them. once i arrived it was go, go, go and they were both incredible and impressive. >> and also you had charlize
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theron yelling at you almost the entire time. >> scary. >> she is scary in that role. kristen stewart clocked you one? >> yes. she has a sharp couple knuckles. we were doing a stunt scene in which she is supposed to pretend to punch me and got a little too close and ended up getting me in the nose. i didn't want any more of that fight. >> true that it would have been indiana jones if it had been a boy? >> i could jokingly say, yeah. or hans solo. i was like indiana. >> the new movie opening this weekend. good to have you here. >> all right. congratulations. let's get a check of the weather. >> all right. let's see what you've got for your weekend. first off saturday we've got some heavy rain in new england. showers in the pacific northwest. sizzling hot in the southwest. the mountains of california warm along the gulf coast. more rain down in florida.
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sunday, sunday, heavy rain continues in new england. wet weather northern california into the pacific northwest. some showers in the mid mississippi river valley and the heat continues in texas on into the southwest. hat's >> good morning, everyone. it could turn out to be an active weather day. possible thunderstorms late this evening. high in the low 80's. that is your latest weather. >> thanks, al. >> let's check in with meredith. what do you have coming up over the next several days? >> reporter: i'm waiting to go interview david beckham.
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poor me. we'll have that for you on monday. a wrapup of the weekend events and also a preview of the service at st. paul on tuesday. don't hate me, honey. you know what, matt? i know you're joining me on tuesday and remember that suit that beckham gave to you the last time he was on the show, after the show he gave you his suit because you liked it so much? >> i do. where is this going? >> remember that? >> he wants it back? >> he wants it back. pack it. oh, well. >> meredith, try and have a little more pride around david beckham than natalie just had around chris hensley. retain your dignity a little bit. >> oh, stop. >> a very good looking man. >> i can't wait to see you next week. >> yeah. >> thanks, meredith. >> thanks, guys. >> okay. bye. all right. much more coming up right? >> but first -- >> including the band perry. but first this is "today" on nbc. when it comes to gardening, we're, well, inexperienced.
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is this right? right here, like this? ♪ turn that off! plants can smell our fear then miracle-gro expand'n gro made things a lot easier for us. it expands when you water it. and improves your soil. for big beautiful plants that grow up to three times the flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. we were so bad at this before. particularly you. [ laughs ] everyone grows with miracle-gro.
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we're back now. 8:37 and this morning on parenting today everything you need to know about your teens as we head into the dog days of summer. schools letting out. your kids are ready to let down their hair. what will they do and how can you stay connected? ricky randle is a recent graduate of loyala marymount university. lucy fink is a rising junior at john hopkins university. good morning to both of you. nice to see you. >> good morning, matt. >> let's talk curfews. okay? high school students, home for the summer. college students coming home for the summer. and parents are worried about what the curfew should be. so are the students. how do you negotiate the right deal? >> first off you just have an open dialogue between the parents and the teens. teens you understand what time you need to be home. what friends you'll be hanging out with. where they're going to be going. once that happens it gives parents the option to have
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flexibility and know what their teens are doing each week. >> i like the open dialogue toochlt 8:30. that's it. is that going to be a problem? >> might want to give a little more time especially in college. >> let's say we negotiate a deal, 1:00 in the morning or midnight. what happens if the teen breaks the curfew? what is the penalty? >> if something like that happens it goes on with the open dialogue. if you come home too late you're not going to be able to go out next week or come home at 12:00 a.m. the next week. so kind of a give and take with the parents and the teens. >> lucy, i think there is also a give and take between friend time and family time. during the summer a lot of parents want to spend time with our children and we get the feeling you just want to be with your friends. >> that is not entirely true. we do want to have time with our parents but as a teen one of the worst things that can happen is i go out and make plans to hang out with my friends for the night and my mom busts into my room and tells me cancel your plans. we're going to dinner with dad. i want my parents to make plans with me not for me. >> if i start intruding on what is already your established
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schedule, that's when i create a problem. >> that's when teens are going to start to feel like hanging out with their parents is a burden. >> let's talk about websites. you guys are going to come home. you'll be home for the summer and on your computer. as parents we'll walk by and see this all the time. what are the websites you'll be on and what do i need to know as a parent? >> i'm really excited about this. i just discovered this new website called flavor >> what does it do? >> it is a network of culturally connected people who are interested in learning about great events, give aways, concerts, book signings, everything in their areas and this is not just in the united states. this is in london as well. and it might be in a few other cities globally. >> do parents understand this if we go on this it is going to be all right for us too? >> absolutely. the website is not at all convoluted but very easy to understand. flavor wire as you can see at the top, it says read our culture blog flavor wire and on this site this is the most organized website i've ever seen for a tablet. i press this all tab here and you can see all of the different -- this is basically -- i have a different
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app for each one of these things and a different website. that is my go to for this. >> i'm looking at that page there second on the list after books is music. let's turn to music this summer. a lot of concerts out there. justin bieber, chris brown, drake. i had a hard time with this next one. i guess it is pronounced dead mouse. >> it is. >> help me with this. >> so definitely you have justin bieber, the diverse fan club. he'll be on tour so everybody loves him whether you're 10 years old or 20 everybody loves justin bieber. then you also have chris brown who has had problems in the past but because of his great entertainment abilities everybody still loves him. then you have more of the hip hop crowd. you have drake, able to sing and also rap. so kids love him. then mou 5. people love him especially on the college scene because of the techno feel. >> as parents we're concerned sometimes about the music our kids are listening to. are there websites where i can go to be better educated about what the content might be? >> definitely.
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i think one place you can go is a good website to give you the new concerts, top artists and things like that to actually understand what is out there and also what your kids are listening to. so kind of a word to the wise. always monitor what your kids are listening to. >> guys, you educated me this morning. remember, it is 8:30. that's your curfew. ricky randle and lucy fink. ricky and lucy. like that. up next the live concert from one of the hottest acts in country music. the band perry. first, this is "today" on nbc. #f
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time ladies and gentlemen the band perry. ♪ if i die young bury me in satin lay me down on a bed of roses put me on the river at dawn send me away with the words of a love song ♪ ♪ lord make me a rainbow shining on my mother i know i'm safe with you and she's safe under my colors life ain't always what you think it ought to be no ain't even ♪ ♪ it's a short life well i've had rough times ♪ ♪ if i die young bury me in
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well i've had some times ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ penny for my thoughts i'll settle for a dollar there was so much more after i moved on and maybe you'll hear the words i've been singing funny how in death how people start listening ♪ y'all sing it now! ♪ if i die young bury me in satin lay me down on a bed of roses sink me in the river at dawn send me away with the words of a love song ♪
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♪she's so beautiful, ♪and i tell her every day. ♪you're amazing, just the way you are♪ people love people. ♪yeah. ♪yeah. pick up your copy. the band perry took the country music world by storm with their self-titled album. the sibling trio picked up awards for best new artist of the year and single of the year for "if i die young" at the 2011 cma awards. the band perry is or are kimberly, reid, and neil perry. good morning, guys. >> good morning. >> happy to have you here. kimberly, you have said that you cannot believe the success this band is having. in fact, you said in an article every time people show up it
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still surprises me. so how do you react to the size of this crowd? >> it is amazing to have everyone in new york city this morning. we're so excited. when we showed up i was like they can't all be here. this is the "today" show. thank you guys for coming. >> thank you, guys. >> do you believe that your success is tied to your relationships as siblings and performers? how do you explain this? >> we were doing this going on 14 years this october so all as a family in different configurations, separate bands, and then together. but as a family, you know, we always have each other's back. we say you can always -- you're always respectful. not necessarily polite with each other. >> we cut straight to the chase. on every creative and business decision. >> it really helps. but like reid said there is a support around each other and so they can't go anywhere without me. >> that's all true for all of you. you are working on our sophomore album. how is that going? >> we're about halfway finished
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recording. our producer is rick rubin. we're so blessed and excited to be working with him. you know, we definitely had the sophomore jitters. you hear about the sophomore project, you know, growing up as a kid and hearing about sophomore slumps and that sort of thing. we're really buckling down and writing the best songs we can. >> it's going to be great. you're going to sing for us now? >> yes, ma'am. >> it's called? >> postcard from harrison. >> ladies and gentlemen, one of a few more times. but now the band perry. [ cheering ] y'all in new york, come on. ♪ well i remember when my heart
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caught the fever you were standing all alone in the summer heat ♪ ♪ that's when my heart knew he was as sweet as he could be ♪ ♪ but when i look at you and now my heart switched up on me ♪ ♪ like a postcard from paris it's like finding an old promise ring ♪ ♪ ♪ in the evening you can catch me day dreaming ♪
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♪ of that moment ♪ i should have gone over right over i should have never let you leave but it's the never knowing that keeps us going and drives me crazy ♪ ♪ like a postcard from paris it's like finding out the diamond is from an old promise ring ♪ ♪ a to z ♪ just when i thought things were all right my eyes played tricks on my mind yeah will i ever be satisfied ♪
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♪ yeah-yeah [ applause ] this morning the band perry brought a little country to the big apple. next friday it's chris brown live. in two weeks, "catch the fever." >> join the party. >> justin bieber on the toyota summer >> live, local, latebreaking. . >> good morning. i am sarah caldwell. baltimore county police are investigating a double stabbing and a owings mills. detectives responded to owings mills boulevard and twinbrook avenue where they found a man and woman suffering stab wounds.
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