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tv   Today  NBC  June 6, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody! god bless e queen. it's booze day tuesday, june 5th. in honor of the queen's diamond jubilee, 60 years, we're having a pimm's cup. >> what is in a pimm's cup? >> there is a little of a pimm's mix and ginger el. >> delicious. >> it's the fourth and final day. it feels like it's been four weeks because it's been wall-to-wall coverage. >> it sure has.
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>> people are fascinated. >> last night was a huge night. this was the star-studded jubilee concert. i don't know if you saw clips of it. elton john performed, stevie wonder performed, paul mccarthy performed on the steps of buckingham palace. it was fun to see the royals rocking out a little bit. i mean, look at that sea of people. >> glad it didn't rain on them. >> let's take a look. >> elton john is such a great showman. oh, oh! ♪ when you find yourself in times of trouble ♪ mother mary comes to me ♪ speaking words of wisdom ♪ let it be >> very nice. >> and an american. >> very nice. beautiful night, no rain. one person was missing. >> yes. >> prince charles -- >> what was that?
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>> i thought it was elton again. i thought he changed clothes. >> so bad. >> elton changes his clothes a lot when he does concerts. >> prince charles made an announcement, didn't he? >> i guess his father -- remember we said he didn't look like he wasn't having too much fun? prince philip was sick. he had to be hospitalized. he had a bladder infection. >> this is the shout out prince charles gave to him at the concert. >> very sad thing about this evening is that my father couldn't be here with us. because unfortunately, he has taken unwell. ladies and gentlemen, if we shout loud enough, he might just hear it in hospital. >> very nice. >> he's going to be under observation for several days there. >> he'll be 91 years old very soon. >> yes. >> we've been talking for days
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about their stamina, incredible. four hours -- >> on the barge. >> with no bathroom facilities. >> i didn't see any. >> i couldn't make it four minutes, you know what i'm saying? today's events are continuing, started off with the motorcade procession. >> once it started i was kind of interested. once it started, somehow you get wrapped. you start watching them come in and out of cars and carriages and they go around town. >> where are they going? >> just around. >> buckingham palace and back and to luncheon. when you look at the streets are lined with people, they say it was spotty on and off rain. she is unbelievable. >> i noticed when she was getting into the carriage -- she is 86 years old. no one can touch the queen, apparently. even her son didn't help her up. >> i wondered when i was watching her. >> she's spry. >> she sure is. you know what's interesting?
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she doesn't do interviews. she's never done an interview, she gives speeches. you wonder what she would say if asked about a lot of things. that's not something she does. >> she doesn't have to. she's the queen. in three or four years she will beat queen victoria's record of be the longest living reigning monarch. good for her. >> we have some good old american enter statement in the house with us today. >> yes, we do. alan jackson is here. he is as american as you get. >> there is no one more american. >> he'll be singing for us. his new cd is out today called "30 miles west." he's here with his family. he's got a darling daughter who wants our job. >> maddie, come on over here and say hello to america. come over, honey. we hear you want to steal somebody's job. >> how old are you, maddie? >> almost 22. >> did you study somewhere to take people's jobs? >> no. it comes natural. >> do you sing, too? >> not well.
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middle sister got that gene. not me. >> where did you go to college? >> i went to tennessee. >> okay. >> did you major in broadcast journalism? >> no, i did not. >> she majored in partying, i have a feeling. >> right. >> we are happy you came to see us here. >> you're adorable. >> get some classes to watch you. >> we are happy to have you here. >> we have other fun people in the house, don't we? >> busy time today. we are on our best, best behavior today because our boss's mom is with us. >> rosemary bell and her daughter-in-law maureen bell who is married to jim's brother. >> not her daughter-in-law. >> is it her daughter-in-law? sister-in-law. sister-in-law. okay. >> they're related. >> we are happy they are here. apparently his mom is a big fan of our hour.
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go figure. >> why? >> i don't know. there is no accounting for taste. >> no, there isn't. we are delighted they're here. >> okay. >> things are looking up for her. >> lindsay lohan, if you open up the paper today, she is going to play elizabeth taylor in an upcoming film. look at the crazy likeness. isn't that? that's uncanny when you look at her playing liz taylor. >> not to me it isn't, but i think she looks beautiful. >> you don't think? >> not uncanny. i think that she is hopefully on track to let this be the beginning of a whole new life for her. >> i think so. if she makes it about her work and she is extraordinary as an actress and she looks beautiful again, then i think everybody is ready to say good for her. >> i think this is the big test. >> yeah. >> all right. if you are thinking about, should i wear sunscreen or not? >> most of us don't think about it, hoda. >> this might change your mind.
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there is a truck driver 69 years old. when you're a trucker, you sit obviously on one side of the car. the sun comes in on one side of his face. look at what he looks like. look at the two sides. >> sun damage from a lifetime of not protecting your skin. >> right? one side was in the car, one side was sticking out. look at that. >> he needs to move to britain and drive on the other side of the road for a while. even that baby up, you now what i'm saying? there is a new game show called "are you normal, america?" >> it's on own and premiered last night. >> they had 1,000 people? >> about 1,000 people. if you want to know if your habits and things do you are normal, you need to answer these questions. >> i never felt like i'm normal. a lot of people would agree. >> we have signs. first question is, is it normal to have sucked a partner's toes? >> not normal. what's the answer? >> survey says. >> it's not normal.
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only 21% of people have sucked their partner's toes. >> i don't like the way you said that. >> it's nasty. >> you put a lot of emphasis on sucked. it's not necessary. >> is it normal to go skinny dipping? is it normal? >> you come out of the womb that way, why not? >> 56% of people skinny dipped. >> okay. >> is it normal to sleep naked? definitely normal. not normal? >> we can hear somebody say, "they're incorrect." we don't need to know that. >> 43% of people sleep naked. you do. >> i wear my wedding ring. >> do you really? do you sleep in the buff? >> i do. i was perimenopausal for a long, long time. you cannot have anything on you. you want to scream. that's all ahead of you. >> is it normal -- >> it's an old habit now. >> is it normal to have stood someone up on a date?
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>> last night -- i've got to be honest. all of a sudden bambino sleeps with us. frank said it's the end of our marriage when bambino sleeps with us. the other dogs are put down in the mud room. 11:30 last night, you know your dog's little paw steps. all of a sudden louie wants to join the party. i'm naked and i've got to go through the house. anybody could see this would not be -- what's the next one? >> is it normal to have stood someone up on a date? >> no. it's just rude. >> not normal. only 28% of people stood someone up. is it normal to believe in love at first sight? yes. normal. 64% believe in love at first sight. >> it's happened to me. has it happened to you? >> yes. >> is it normal to have broken up with someone over the phone or text messages? >> rude. >> not normal. only 12% of people have broken up with somebody by text or
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e-mail. >> cowards. >> is it normal for a woman to have cried when they got a bad haircut? >> it's ridiculous, but normal. >> not normal. >> wait a minute. >> it's silly because your hair will grow back. >> people get crazy about their hair. >> you have a bad haircut? >> you cry when it rains. >> i could have never gone to london, by the way, and covered that. >> that's why you're not going to the olympics, hoda. >> we've got our final photos for the hot dad contest. >> today is the last day you can vote. >> people don't even know we had a contest. >> it's the last moment to vote. go to dads. >> there's kevin. look at bubba. slow down. >> i dated a guy named bubba once. >> did you? >> uh-huh. >> adam from queens. >> uh-huh.
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>> chad. >> look at michael. >> little boy or the dad? >> the dad. where is bubba again? >> let's show bubba one more time. can't beat a boy named bubba. >> oh. >> something got edited around. >> the winner will be announced here on tuesday. >> still ahead what do we have? >> how to make money at home by throwing one of those inhouse parties. >> there's wine involved. jenny mccarthy won't stop trying to get all the attention. travelled to a tropical paradise to make love in the wild. she's going to explain it to us after this. ♪ [ male announcer ] to perform your best, training's gotta be a lifelong passion... [ debbie ] michael! [ male announcer ] ...fueled by a footlong passion. that's why debbie phelps is always there for her son michael with his favorite flavor-packed, fully-jacked footlong subs. only one? michael... [ male announcer ] dive into michael's fav,
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the protein-powerhouse subway turkey & bacon avocado. made fresh for this champion with extra jalapeños. subway. the official training restaurant of the phelps family... and athletes everywhere. more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. [ stomach growls ] [ female announcer ] skipping breakfast to get ahead?
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research shows that women that eat breakfast like the special k breakfast actually weigh less. what will you gain when you lose?™ actually weigh less. we have product x and we have product y. we are going to start with product x. the only thing i'll let you know is that it is an, affordable product. oh, i like that. let's move on to product y, which is a far more expensive product. whoaaa. i don't care for that at all. yuck. you picked x and it was geico car insurance and y was the competitor. is that something you would pay for year after year? i, i like soda a lot but for a change of pace... jenny mccarthy is unstoppable. her eighth book is about to be released and she will grace the cover of "playboy" magazine again. nbc has her hosting their reality show "love in the wild" that debuts tonight.
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>> love in the wild. i am the new host of season two's "love in the wild." hubba-hubba. there's been a couple of changes. we are in the dominican republic. some of the adventures i wouldn't be caught dead doing. we allow you to see who the person is for real. going to be wild. >> sounds like it. >> i watched it this morning. there are so many gorgeous people. >> that's right. >> didn't you want to scratch somebody's eyebrows? >> there were cat fights, but not by me. i enjoyed watching it. >> describe this show. >> "survivor" meets "the fear factor." we take these couples, they've never met before. they have to pick based on looks. then we throw them during this crazy adventure and at the end of every episode, i ask would you like to stay with this person or switch them out? >> you let the women pick the man they wanted to be with at the beginning. >> correct.
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>> what happens at the end of that? i didn't get to that part. does the guy get to say if he wants or not? >> there is a new edition. a twist, i added an extra seven guys and the guys freak out. oh, yeah. the guys are cat fighting. it was a ball. >> they are feeling very possessive over the woman. >> that's right. >> that happens in the wild. >> do people really find love on these shows? >> here's the stat this show works. last year the first and second place couples are still together, very much in love. this year our first second still together. i'll tell you why. we are not throwing them in a mansion to look beautiful and fake for six weeks. they are dealing with, i'm telling you -- >> all this stuff with snakes and all kinds of stuff. >> literally, it was raining. the girls had 70 mosquito bites on their face. you get to see the true color. >> the moral is don't base these
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relationships on how a person looks. >> that's what i love about the show. guys are saying, i pick her because she's so hot. literally, at weeks go by, he's like, she is psycho. >> let's talk about you. >> you're psycho a little bit. >> you're doing "playboy" again? >> i am. >> are you showing everything? what are you doing? >> well what's everything? i grew out a bush so no one sees anything? >> we can beep that. >> i figured one more time before everything really falls apart. why not? and evans' tuition is expensive this year. >> you did say you work all the time because you want to be a legend and legends are people who work all the time. >> yeah. you put that as a goal. that's why i started when i was 21. someone asked me that question.
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i said a legend would be great because it's consistent. i'm grateful because in my line of work, so to speak, i'm glad hosting has really become a top job in hollywood. >> tell us quickly about the book you have coming out. >> it's called "bad habits, confessions of a recovering catholic." it's coming of age story from the time i was 6 to now of horrific, you know, i'm possessed of the devil, church giggles, finding new belief systems, letting go of old ones. all told with inspirational stories yet funny. >> do you think in the future you're going to find true love? >> i think i might be there. >> oh. >> to be continued. we wish you all the best. >> thank you. >> catch the two-hour premiere of "love in the wild" here on nbc. >> up next, hoda and i go head-to-head with adam shankman. he plays us '80s music. i doubt i'm even going to
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recognize it. hoda will know every word. [ male announcer ] this is lois. the day starts with arthritis pain... a load of new listings... and two pills. after a morning of walk-ups, it's back to more pain, back to more pills. the evening showings bring more pain and more pills. sealing the deal... when, hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. it can relieve pain all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lois... who chose two aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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another cup of coffee?. how long is this one going to last? forty-five minutes? an hour? well... listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. take one in the afternoon, and you'll feel alert and energized 'til the cows come home. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so what's it going to be, partner? 5-hour energy. wise choice. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy.
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listen to this cast, tom cruise, catherine zeta-jones, alec baldwin. just system of the celebrities starring in "rock of ages" based on the broadway show. >> it features foreigner, journey, twisted sister. they are all kathie lee favorites on her ipod. >> yes. that's why i'm going to be so good at this game. >> the film's director adam is they are test our '80s rock trivia. great to see you, adam. >> great to see you. >> the ads look tremendous. >> it's just a party. it's a good time. i want people in the aisles singing, dancing, fist-pumping. i want this to be every theater-owner's nightmare. >> you've got phenomenal people. we are looking at tom cruise doing things -- we haven't seen him move around since he did
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"reckless." when he danced in his underwear. what was that? >> his first movie "risky business?" >> don't start with me. because i can take you out! >> this is way more than "risky business." i had to unlock the hits there. he had to go full '80s, all axle. >> turning that into a movie isn't easy. you did it before with "hair spray." is it tough? >> for me it's not tough because my whole life is like a musical. i see people singing and dancing in my head. i sing and dance. i'm super annoying in the restaurant and gym because that's how i express my life. for me, i close my eyes and let it -- you know, this was my time. i graduated high school in '82. this was the soundtrack of my life. >> all right. we are going to play a little game. >> absolutely. the game is "sing that song." we are going to go from these are all songs in "rock of ages."
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you don't get to say the answer. you have to sing the answer. let's hear that first song. play it. ♪ you're a real tough cookie with a long history ♪ of breaking little hearts like the one in me ♪ ♪ that's okay let's see how you do it ♪ >> here it is. ♪ hit me with your best shot >> you did not do that! >> kathie lee. who sang it originally. >> pat benatar. >> very good. you each get one tattoo. second song. here we go. >> i love this game. ♪ tell me not to play i said no ♪ >> twisted sister? >> yes. that was the bonus question. >> what is the song? >> it doesn't matter. i got the name right. >> you get one more tattoo. play that song.
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♪ if you only knew how you used me ♪ >> don't speak over it. ♪ show me how you feel more than words ♪ more than words can say ♪ >> who sang it? >> i don't know. >> extreme. >> we are out of time. that's so sad. look at the score, it's 3-1. >> we have one tattoo and we'll do a dragon head. then we have flaming skulls for you. >> thank you. "rock of ages" opens june 15th in theaters nationwide. great to have you, adam. >> alan jackson singing a song for us. after this.
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>> >> we are back with today's real estate. we've heard of love at first sight. but who knew it could apply to a house? >> bash ka corcoran thinks it
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takes a buyer eight seconds to decide whether or not they want the house or not. >> frank and i have what we call the real estate nod. like yes or nod. you know right away. >> and if you've been married more than ten years, it turns into the brow. >> let's look at some houses. this is out of rockford, michigan. >> these are not expensive fixups. here is the louse that has to be the lonelyiest house in america. what is the fixup on this house? just warm it up. plant three big bushes. it's interior and it just says welcome home. much better look. >> and window boxes. >> that's so easy.
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>> let's move to wilmington, north carolina. what is the issue with this house? >> this is a charming house, but it looks like a compost pile out front with that mulch. it just needs to be cleaned up. so leave the house alone. but fill those boxes with flowers and those two big round bushes. how jolly is that? that is $980. you'll get probably another $5,000 back on the house. >> what a difference. that's huge. >> sag harbor, new york. >> charming there. >> cute house. >> typical little cottage that everybody dreams about having. what's wrong it has too many white lines going every which direction. no contrast. this is an easy fixup. all you have to do is do new plantings, clean up that darling picket fence, get rid of that hair out front.
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>> hair? >> paint the trim on the window, the exterior trim. they overdid the top one. >> too much. >> look at a difference that makes. it makes that house pop and makes it have more dignity. yellow paint, bing! $1,100. >> what about shutters? >> it doesn't have the width for the shutters. but everybody loves the shutters. >> let's go to michigan, shall we? >> i love michigan. >> go where you want. >> landscaping is an issue. >> that is a modern, simple house. clean lines. what's wrong is the yard doesn't go. a ranch everybody says they hate but ranches could look modern and sexy if you do the landscaping right. level it down. extend the lawn. put a simple bush and shutters, to your point, on the front of those windows. paint, not even paint the new door. replace the new door with a modern door. it looks like an architectural house. that is only $1,300.
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>> that was worth it. >> barbara, this is genius. thank you. >> who is better than bashia for a little face-lift action. >> i have, too. >> you look good. >> you got two good ones. up next, don't want to leave your kids? who doesn't want to leave your kids? how to make money at home. right after this. how much coffee are you fellows going to need today? three...four cups? [dumbfounded] well, we... doesn't last long does it? listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. so you can get a lot done without refills. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so don't just stand there holding your lattes, boys. make your move. we'll take the 5-hour energy. smart move. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy. wanda sykes: gain apple mango tango is inspired by all you women who hit the dance floor and shake what your mommas gave you. and because apple mango tango smells so good,
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it comes in a fabric softener too. and the cravings begin... again. for nights like these there's special k chocolatey delight cereal. an unguilty pleasure. what will you gain when you lose? until we discovered k-y yours & mine. this one feels amazing for me, this one is fantastic for her. yeah. and when they combine it opens up a whole new door for us. i've come to clean your pool. what pool? [ female announcer ] k-y yours & mine. keep life sexy.
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now on our special series how to make money at home. by throwing house parties. it's not your mom's tupper ware anymore. these days you can sell everything from jewelry to wine. >> here with your guide is cnbc's personal correspondent sharon epperson. so nice of you to be here. >> good to be here. >> can anyone get one of these parties together and make some money? >> anyone can get one of these parties started. this is an $8 billion industry. throwing these inhome parties. everybody wants to get a side
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hustle, they want to socialize and release some financial stress. whether it's paying for a vacation or bringing in extra cash for the household or something for themselves. >> there is a start-up cost. >> there is a difference between hosting the party. people think if i throw the party i'm going to make the money. you get discounts and half-priced items. if you become an independent business consultant, a stylist, advisor, that's where you make the money. >> let's start with the abcs. i have money in the bank and want to invite friends over and sell jewelry. what is the way to do it? >> first thing you should do is make sure it's a member of the direct sellers association. make sure you're in a company that's reputable. this is stella and dot. they are terrific. a lot of my friends sell this jewelry. they love it. start-up cost is about $199. you get $350 worth of jewelry. you pick the jewelry that you think your friends will want to have.
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the potential profit you can make, the average trunk show is about $1,000 in sales. you get 25% commission. >> that adds up if you're hosting one a week. >> price point less. start-up cost here is $149. you get $1,000 worth of jewelry they choose for you. there is a potential commission of 30%. >> that's what company? >> this is lea sofia. $650 in sales or so and you could make about $195 per party. >> let's move on to the scents, candles. >> you don't have to worry about smoke safety. these are popular. the price point are so low, $25 to $40. you get these bars that are scented. you get the cylinders to put them in. they're pretty. scensy is the company. $99 is the start-up for the kit. basically the potential there is about 20% commission up to the
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first $1,000. and 25% after that in terms of the products that you sell. >> what do we have up front here? >> bags. i like this one. this is a thermal bag. this is one of their best-selling products. it's a popular company. they personalize that for you, as well. the start-up kit is about $99. in terms of the potential profit, the average party, you make about $600 or so. then you can get about 20% commission there on your party. >> is this a one and done thing. once you invite your friends over and sold it, what do you do in the second go-around? >> you're basically friendless. >> you have to start going to others and start thinking of events you can have, other organizations you might have parties for. a lot of these companies have look books, catalogs. i had friends come up to me at a birthday party for my 7-year-old, i see a stella and dot catalog. they'll invite you to another event. >> do you have the products with
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you at the time so people walk away with it? >> at the parties, you have the product. >> i don't like to wait for things. >> we have a few seconds left to talk about wine. >> this is what people want. my friend said there's got to be a wine shop at home. they will come to your home and host a wine tasting for less than $30, $29.95. you get five wines. there you're not making money. you're getting half-priced items. it's fun. cheaper items like this gift basket you could buy for half price. that's why people do it to have something fun in their home. >> thank you, miss sharon. >> thank you. >> tomorrow we'll tell you how to make money at home with a tag sale. >> up next, turning your old stuff into new home decor. i'm meteorologist kim cunningham. checking out the forecast for wednesday, where it's going to be beautiful from chicago to
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louisville. the story the next couple of days will be the change in the pattern. we're going to get rid of this trough and start to see temperatures warming back up again and showers and storms continue across florida and the heat will begin to build again into the central plains. the temperatures right here 80s and ninths to the canadian border. the northeast, day by day we're going to warm up just a little bit, including here in new york city. thursday's forecast, keeping the showers, still holding onto that trough. atlanta with good weather. florida, those of you vacationing here, keep an eye on these showers and storms. we could see heavy rain over the next couple of days. temperatures, pretty nice, from chicago to kansas city, back to the 80s. it should be like this. the storm coming across the northern plains will bring
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showers to minnesota. 70s in new york city. we're getting closer to where we should be this time of the year. 83 in washington, d.c. this weekend, big weekend coming up. saturday, talking about the belmont stakes in new york. beautiful temperatures for it and we have a lot of sports this weekend, including in the ohio valley with cincy at home and pittsburgh. monday, the storms continue in the south. next front in the ohio valley. that will bring the chance of showers and storms from chicago to kansas city. west coast catching a break and there's the heat building in the northeast. make sure you "wake up with al" 6:00 and 10:00 a.m. weekday mornings. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years.
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aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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if you're like hoda woman you might have a tendency to hoard a little bit.
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if you do, you'll find out how to resurface, repurpose that old stuff into functional furniture. >> i save things i might need later. >> author of "dirty little secrets of design," frank fontana is here. he's going to show us how it's done. >> i found this bike wheel. >> next to her bowling ball. >> right. i found a couple of cool ways to repurpose old items. starting with bike rims. i put together this idea of how do you take a chandelier and bring it down to earth with a bike wheel and mason jars. this is what happened. >> that is very funky. kind of adorable even for you. >> thanks. i appreciate that. >> how did you get the mason jars to stay up there? >> zip ties. high tech. if you want to add color, style, there is this cool stain glass sprain paint that makes it look
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like this, which is fun. if you want to add detail you could do a paint job and just do the center to get light peering through. my garage is like "sanford and son." that's why this looks like this. >> another wheel. >> this is wood edge banding you would typically finish a piece of plywood. i used it to give a little embellishment inside the rim. to hang pots you just use s-hooks, latch it on. >> that is cute. >> where did you get this embellishment. >> these are finals. >> what? >> they come from the country of final. >> finland. you put them in buers. go down the hardware aisle and find little fun things to stick on them. next one is christmas ornaments, wreaths end up getting thrown out or buried in the bottom of a box. i found new ways to use it. this is a wood wreath we added some outdoor vine wire that you would use to tack on stuff. you just loop it around, create three points so you have a hanging point.
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>> another chandelier? >> a lighting element, okay? >> because we don't have enough chandeliers. >> they always look so great together. >> that is a pot rack, hoda. >> when you put it all together hoda hater, you go like this. it should stay in there. i had a different charger but it broke in the shipment. >> that is cute. >> those are battery-powered candles. you can show what it looks like inside. don't touch this stuff. this is one of my favorite projects. i know you're going to appreciate this. old instruments, i found this one with no strings. i slapped on chalkboard paint. cool for notes. get it, notes? on this side is coat racks. you mount this to a wall. >> that is adorable. >> that is clever. >> yay. one. i love it. picture frames, that's another thing you find laying around. you get old.
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you replace them. i found a couple of old ones and made an ipad out of this. >> that is genius. >> thank you. >> i'm going to turn it around. i built this wood box so you could store pens and pencils. >> why would you do that? >> they sell them all the time. you see these new things like digital picture frames. so instead of spending $50 for that, if you own an ipad already, just stick it in there. >> take it out when you need it. >> exactly. it's mounted in with velcro. >> there you go. >> you outdid yourself. >> yes, you did. >> fatherhood is making you a better man. >> it is, isn't it? >> up next, a performance by country superstar alan jackson. >> this is "today" on nbc. another cup of coffee? how long is this one going to last?
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forty-five minutes? an hour? well... listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. take one in the afternoon, and you'll feel alert and energized 'til the cows come home. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so what's it going to be, partner? 5-hour energy. wise choice. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy. [ woman ] you know you don't have to put up with this. those annoying period symptoms. general pain relievers, like advil, only treat cramps, but midol has three active ingredients to take care of that... and fatigue and bloating. because you deserve better.
2:54 am
uhhh. boring. living dead. that is a contradiction, my friend. starburst exists in two separate... you are boring me to death. and i am already dead. you're boring me back to death. [ female announcer ] starburst. it's a juicy contradiction. [ girl voice ] i dunno. hey chief, did you take my sub? [ boy voice ] no. this one's got avocado on it. oh, mine had avocado on it! wow, how bout that? well, i don't. i'll help you find yours when i'm done. thanks. wow... [ male announcer ] get your own subway chipotle steak and cheese with avocado. the rich, superfood! or add it to your favorite sub. it's avocado season at subway.
2:55 am
♪ talk is cheap and time's awasting ♪ >> that does it for us today. before we sign off, we leave you with country music from country superstar alan jackson. >> two-time grammy-award winning artist. he has 35 number one singles to his name. 24 he co-wrote. here he is with "dixie highway" off his new cd "30 miles west." have an awesome booze day
2:56 am
tuesday, everybody. we'll see you tomorrow because it's wednesday wines day. one of our favorites. bye. ♪ ♪ i was born on a dixie highway ♪ ♪ i was raised on a dixie highway ♪ ♪ with the things you have in mind ♪ ♪ i was born on a dixie highway ♪ i was raised in the georgia pines ♪ i was raised on a dixie highway ♪
2:57 am
♪ ♪ ♪ going on the roadside ♪ rolled it up and smoked it down ♪ ♪ going too much makes you feel bad ♪ yeah i was born on a dixie highway ♪ ♪ and the georgia pines ♪ i was raised on a dixie highway ♪ ♪ in a place you'll never find ♪
2:58 am
♪ and the holy ghost on sunday morning ♪ got some songs and the bible read ♪ ♪ sunday lunch at mama's table ♪ thank the lord and break the bread ♪ ♪ yeah i was born on a dixie highway ♪ in the georgia pines i was raised ♪ on a dixie highway ♪ in a place you'll never find ♪
2:59 am
♪ when i'm old and heaven's calling ♪ they come to carry me away ♪ ♪ just lay me down down in the south land ♪ bury me in a georgia crate ♪ yeah i was born on a dixie highway ♪ played in the georgia pines ♪ i was raised on a dixie highway ♪ a better place you'll ever find ♪ ♪ no sweeter place you'll ever find ♪ ♪ no sweeter place you'll ever find ♪ -- captions by vitac --


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