tv Today NBC June 8, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody! it is thirst day thursday. it's june 7th. we're so happy you're here with us today. >> we certainly are, aren't we look at us in our matching dresses. >> it is a tahari kind of day. >> if you were home last night you may have turned on the cmt awards. >> country music television. >> this was a big show for them. it is one of the biggest shows i think in country music. there were two hosts, toby keith
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and kristen bell hosted last night's awards. they made a huge grand entrance when they came in. ♪ >> it's in a red solo cup which is of course, his hit. >> there was a little controversy. seems like they're getting along okay. >> carrie underwood was the big winner in this whole entire deal. what was that song she sings -- >> "remind me." >> "good girl." >> also "remind me" won. ♪ >> she is just -- >> she rocks it. >> amazing singer. >> she did steal the show but
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there was some controversy that were you referring to. >> it does sort of happen to people when they host something together. >> these two -- the two were hosting, toby and kristen. and there was some question as to whether or not they would host together. just when they were about to come out, they ran this big -- this big film clip. let's take a look at it. >> it is that time of the year, the cmt music awards are upon us. country superstar toby keith and actress kristen bell are all set to host. >> i love them both. there is going to be a great show. >> there is disturbing news out of nashville the co-hosts don't want to share the spotlight. >> imagine that. i don't blame them. i feel the same way. >> mr. president, do you have a decision? >> this is one of the toughest decisions i've had to make since i've been in office but i think i've decided. i want them both. >> i thought the presidential election was a tough race. but it's nothing compared to the politics at the cmt music
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awards. i think i have a solution though. i propose toby and kristen co-host the show. see? i just put two people back to work. you're welcome, america. >> we haven't seen a fight this bad since toby keith took on the dixie chicks. >> you know that attack was bull, bell. >> you're going down, toby. this is my show. i'm hosting this. >> wow. that was great. there is a very disturbing -- you never know what you're going to see on the cover of the "new york post." i'm just always grateful when it's not my ugly face looking back at plea. this particular day this is what greeted us this morning. knotty secrets. >> this is about "50 shades of gray." we know it is a huge phenomenon. it's number one, two and three on the best seller list. >> others are trying to avoid it, but it's impossible. >> you can't availed it because
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it is everywhere. according to some stores, the sale of rope has seen a 150% increase in the past month. women buying rope. if you've read the book, you might understand the rope. >> maybe they're just getting crafty and starting to do things with -- >> and also -- also, the sale of -- >> adult toy stores say they've seen an increase of all kinds of things like whips and chains. >> non-sticky bonding tape to is doesn't stick to your skin. anyway, it is $18. in case you were wondering. >> the trilogy of the "50 shades" has sold -- 10 million books? she's had to self-publish it because no one would publish it. >> she's funny because she can't believe what's going on with the book. >> i'm with her! >> she has no idea and she's totally shocked. michelle kosinski interviewed her a little while. >> are you a revolutionary about
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this? >> absolutely not. >> why is this causing such a stir? >> i don't know. >> as you're writing this are you thinking, this is good? people are going to love this? >> not at all. no! i was amazed how popular it was. i'm stunned by its popularity. i did this in a very undisciplined kind of way. i'm a very undisciplined writer. it's very kind of raw and i'm not a great writer. >> i love her. hi. >> she's apparently very smart writer though. >> she's genius. she said it all came from her head. >> here. i have no use for it. >> you sure? >> yes. you might. i'd love to know from our facebook fans and friends how you all feel about this. for as many people that love it and can't get enough of you, i always think of my mother who would be -- i mean stunned that something like this even exists, much less that people are waiting in line to buy it. your mother, on the other hand -- >> but here's the thing. i told my mom to read it before i read it. so i didn't know what it was.
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then she's sending me e-mails going ooh, it's so juicy, i love it. i'm like, wow, mom loves it. what is it? how can it be that good? she said i've read lots of pages. >> why don't you give her this? it's a little late for mother's day, but you never know. she might find some use for that. another thing people are talking about is this paris jackson, daughter of michael jackson, such a sweetheart. she did an interview with oprah. it illuminated a question that a lot of us have had about why the kids wore the masks and why they were hidden from view and all of that. we all thought it seemed not only strange but bordered a little bit on child abuse. >> brought more attention to them. right. >> let's listen. >> do you remember when you were little little, younger -- and when you would go out in public like your face would be covered and -- >> um-hmm. >> would you be like seclude
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from the public? >> um-hmm. >> what did you think about that then or did you just think that -- >> i was really confused. like i didn't get why i was wearing a mask. but i understand it now why my dad would want our face to be covered. like when we went out without him we wouldn't be recognized and we could have a normal childhood. >> so you would only do that when you were with your dad. >> yeah. >> yeah. and then, when you weren't with your dad you could go out and people wouldn't know who you were. smart. smart. and so did you feel that he wanted you to have a "normal" life? >> yeah. he did. >> wow. impossible to have a normal life when michael jackson's your father. but that was his intent. it made me see it from a different perspective. >> you know what's interesting? i had only heard her speak the time at one of the memorial services for her dad. it's interesting to see her. she's beautiful, by the way. >> she's apparently a talented little actress and we wish her all the best. >> we sure do. we love some of these studies.
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this one is the city's with the most spoiled kids in the country. >> this did not come as a surprise to me. >> right? they did all -- they checked out 36 cities and here are the top five. they judged it based on how much you spend on toys -- >> and schools and -- othes and all kinds of things. >> number five -- tulsa, oklahoma. >> surprised me a little bit. having spent a lot of time in tulsa, people are very down to earth there. >> minneapolis, minnesota. >> same thing. >> number three is miami, florida. >> kind of a crazy, wonderful city. >> number two -- brooklyn, new york. which is where they have the baby chinos. number one -- >> no surprise. >> -- new york city. some nursery schools in new york and manhattan can cost over $30,000 a year. >> that's a nursery school. before school. >> it's outrageous the lengths
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people -- sometimes people, the minute they have a child, line up to get in certain schools. i knew something was amiss -- talking about spoiled, too. one of my children's books came out a couple years ago and i went to a book signing. they invited 100 kids from an area of manhattan. i sat with the kids for about an hour, read the book to them and all of that. they all got a signed book as they left and i said good-bye to them. or when i signed it. and i asked, too, at the time, how many of these kids out of 100 do you think said thank you? one child out of 100 kids said thank you. i was so upset about this. i just thought, no wonder our whole society's deteriorating. we haven't even been taught the basics of how to see please and thank you and good-bye. >> i think a lot of these kids are entitled when you see birthday parties for some kids. there are people who have prima ballerinas coming to their child's 2-year-old birthday.
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i saw an invitation, so and so is turning "two-two" and the ballerina is twirling around in their house. >> you have to top it all the time. spoiled kids grow into spoiled adults. we all know who they are. the trouble is they don't know who they are. but i'm going to make everyone feel so much better with my song. >> before that -- >> oh, yes, our mugs. >> anything to avoid that. apparently there's been a clamor for these, hoda woman. we were given bum information. imagine that. >> so strange. so our mugs are not yet available in the store. >> in the experience store. >> but they will be. we're checking them out to make sure that they pass all the tests that cups need to pass. >> consumer affairs or something. >> before you can sell them. >> how can a cup hurt you? >> i don't know but maybe it could. >> what you put in the cup and drink could potentially hurt you. >> we promise you, we'll let you know. >> we stand by our mugs. >> i think it is fine. here it is.
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>> i love the song. i adore joni mitchell. one of the greatest, greatest musicians/song writers god ever made. like her version better. sorry. just sayin'. you know what we both love, though and we agreed on yesterday? >> we sure did. >> linda lavin just shows up in a show and instantly get a tony nomination. >> from the show "alice." >> this play, what i love about this play is neither of us had any idea what was it was about. that's why what i love about so many of the shows we go to on broadway. i want to go and be taken away to another world. boy, are you going to be taken away. at the court theater. it is a small cast. let's just say it is about family dynamics. with the emphasis on "die"-namics. it covers just about every familial topic it can cover and she is fabulous in it. after when we went backstage to say hello to her -- i didn't
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break my neck. it looks like i did there. she welcomed us so much. her dog mickey was there and everything. she gave me this cd which is available, i guess. it is called linda lavin "possibilities." has a lovely little thing here but -- i guess she's coming back to broadway this year in "prince of broadway" or something? i don't know what it is. but this is a lovely surprise. i'd forgotten what a good singer she is. >> there is a point if the show where you imagine all the women in the audience wanting to stand up and cheer because she gives such a dynamic speech near the end that you just feel empowered. >> you take it and take it. until you can't take it anymore. >> no more! coming up next, jada's in the house. right after this. her cup of cof? how long is this one going to last? forty-five minutes? an hour? well... listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. take one in the afternoon, and you'll feel alert and energized 'til the cows come home. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last.
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i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! it kills heartburn fast. have you ever partaken in a car insurance taste test before? by taste? yes, never heard of it. well, that's what we're doing today. car insurance x has been perfected over the past 75 years. it's tasty. our second car insurance... they've not been around very long. mmmm... no good! no good? no good! so you chose geico over the other. whatever this insurance is, it's no good. ok so you... you can call jada pinkett smith an actress, writer, director, lead singer or mom, or just call her super woman. like many moms, jada has learned to juggle it all with grace. >> her latest project is a circus.
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in "madagascar 3" jada returns as the beloved hippopotamus gloria whose wild journey back to the big apple takes her traveling to a circus in europe. >> your body types are so different. >> you're last person in the world that should play a hippopotamus. usually when we do those animation things they film you when you're doing it. right? >> yes, they do. >> then they animate to you. >> they still do. >> you're a peanut. >> i get my inner hippo on but can you still see my inner characteristics in gloria. absolutely. >> that must be so fun. >> it is just beyond. >> have the kids seen the movie? >> no, they haven't. they'll see it tonight. >> it must be fun to be back with the original cast. with a few extras. >> but we don't see each other until we do promos. the press junket, we got to hang out a bit in cannes. which was fantastic. had a great time. >> because everybody records
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separately. you have to do the lines hundred different times and ways -- >> you want to give as many variations as possible. >> the circus is not one of your favorite things, is it? >> well, you know, i'm not too keen on clowns. >> they're not for you? >> kind of creepy? >> yeah. so i have to say that i kind of stay away from the circus because of the clowns. >> one thing -- i didn't know the thing about you being a rocker. >> i didn't either! >> i had to youtube you singing. i said what is happening here? how long has this been going on? >> the music has changed a little bit, hence wicked evolution, we were wicked wiz. and i love -- that's the song that i -- for will for valentine's day. i wrote that -- >> i've never seen you in a musical on broadway or
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something. you have the chops for it. would you ever do something like that? >> i absolutely would. absolutely would. but this is "wicked evolution." i've been on oz fest, been on tour with britney spears. i've had many different evolutions with my music but i have something very special coming out this month. >> tell us about it. >> you'll see it. i want to come back and talk -- because it's a song that's tied to an extremely important issue which is my passion and so we're going to come back and i'm going to talk to you guys. >> the other thing you're producing with will the new movie of the version "annie." jay-z's going to write a new score? >> oh, yeah. we're partnering with jay-z and rock nation as far as "annie" is concerned. >> your daughter will star. >> absolutely. it's the least i could do! but, yes. we're very excited about it. we had success when jaden was taking "karate kid."
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that was a film that will and i both loved. we're like we have got bring justice to this movie. the same thing for "annie." that's a classic. we're taking our time to make sure the script is right. you know jay-z's going to kill the music. >> that's funny. you're out in the public a lot but you guys have managed to keep things private. a lot of people on twitter were saying one of the things they admire about you is you manage to somehow keep your relationship with will and the rest of it yours and not share with every single person that walks by. >> i have to share my husband with the world. >> anyway. came with the deal. so there's just aspects you want to have for yourself. >> or else you have nothing to go home. >> yeah! you know? >> things are great there. he's waiting for you at the hotel right now. >> we're going to the madagascar premier tonight. >> of course you are. >> have fun. >> stand up. show how cute. >> look at this outfit.
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>> thanks for coming to see us. >> so nice to see you guys. >> the movie madagascar 3, europe's most wanted, opens tomorrow at a theater near you. up next, sara is here with a great video, a real class act. amazing results of "today's" "ambush makeover's. but first these messages. ♪ [ male announcer ] to perform your best, training's gotta be a lifelong passion... [ debbie ] michael! [ male announcer ] ...fueled by a footlong passion. that's why debbie phelps is always there for her son michael with his favorite flavor-packed, fully-jacked footlong subs. only one? michael... [ male announcer ] dive into michael's fav, the protein-powerhouse subway turkey & bacon avocado. made fresh for this champion with extra jalapeños. subway. the official training restaurant of the phelps family... and athletes everywhere.
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we're back with "webtastic" when sara haines digs up the next video that will have everyone hitting "send." >> this feep features some real school something, right? >> school's almost out for summer but that didn't stop colorado's fossil ridge high school from working together to create a lip dub featuring more than 1,900 students and faculty. check it out. ♪
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♪ >> this fossil ridge school is in colorado. this is over 1,900 students. it only took two takes. it was actually arranged by the diversity councilor to show off the different students' personalities and skills. >> love it. lot of fun. >> they have good taste in music. >> hey. >> i think you did rascal flatts before. >> we love rascal flatts. still ahead, we'll have the results of "today's" plaza "ambush makeovers." and "everyone has a story." you don't want to miss it. we have a wonderful young man who is amazing. this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates
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every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ see? he's taking his vitamins. one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
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in a great tasting gummy. how much coffee are you fellows going to need today? three...four cups? [dumbfounded] well, we... doesn't last long does it? listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. so you can get a lot done without refills. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so don't just stand there holding your lattes, boys. make your move. we'll take the 5-hour energy. smart move. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy. it's thirst day thursday and that means it is time for "today's" plaza "ambush makeover's when we pluck two lucky ladies out of the crowd and surprise them with a brand-new look. >> here to show off their fine work is our resident makeover
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team, "today" contributor and stylist to the stars -- louis licari la-la-la-la-la. >> he still likes it. >> love. >> "us weekly" contributor and author, jill martin. >> how was it out there today? >> beautiful day. as a matter of fact, we found a lady with the craziest sign. she wrote a complete song with versus. the other lady -- it was someone who just wanted to be younger and more beautiful. >> let's meet our first lucky lady. roberta is 60 years old from smyrna, georgia. she's too busy taking care of everyone around her so focus on herself. let's take a listen. >> why does miss roberta deserve this? >> because we love her and she's so great. >> well, she's always taking care of us and she always puts us first. >> she's always there. >> i love this! why do you want this for your
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wife? >> well, she is beautiful to me, to begin with, but man, a whole makeover? i can't wait. >> all right. we are going to make you so sexy. are you ready to go? >> oh, yes, i'm ready. >> sexiest choir teacher in the country. >> she's joaned by terry and members of their youth choir. >> here is roberta before. let's see the new you. >> hey, sexy! >> are you ready? >> are you guys ready? >> take off your blindfolds. >> who's that? >> shock and awe. >> roberta, are you ready? spin right around, sweetie. >> oh, my gosh. it doesn't even look like me. >> you look fantastic. >> please look into that camera right there. we can show folks at home what a difference. >> the hair color and cut. >> she wanted to be younger and
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even more beautiful and -- i mean you have it, girl. what can i tell you? max gave her this great haircut. she was doing everything wrong. she made her hair too light which made it look liner and grew it too long which made her fine hair look finer. max gave her this great haircut, choppy, easy and the depth gives the illusion of more hair. >> how about that, gang? what do you think? >> oh, my gosh. she's so beautiful. >> terry, what do you think? >> it goes great with her smile. it's a totally new look. >> a new look. >> i loved her before but i love her now! >> jill, that outfit -- >> i really love it. >> that jacket especially is fantastic. >> i asked the girls how they wanted her to look -- they said cool. we were going for cool. tank and the jeans, white house black market. and the jacket, andrew marc trench day to night. >> big round of applause for
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roberta. >> our second lady is carol len 512 from kansas city, kansas. she watches "ambush makeover's every week so she begged us to give her a brand-new look. let's listen to her story. >> okay. well, we noticed this novel in the crowd so -- verbally tell us your sign. >> we're off to see the stylists, the wonderful stylist of stars. >> that's so funny. we are going to be your wizard of oz but why do you want this so badly? >> i would love a makeover. i've always watched the show and couldn't believe i would ever be here in this spot. >> what do you think? >> she's talked about this for years. she watches the show daily and she's very well deserving of this. >> well, you're not in kansas anymore. are you ready to go? >> i'm off to see the stylist! >> they have been known to do wizardry around here. that's so sweet. carol is here with her husband ron who's blindfolded -- the way she likes him.
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>> 50 shades. >> one last look at carol before. let's bring out carol leonard. >> oh, my gosh. ron, are you in for the night of your life. take off your blindfold, ron. she looks great. >> he put the mike down. >> she looks terrific. >> carol, turn around and see what he's talking about. >> oh, my gosh! oh, my gosh. oh, my goodness. >> look at your hair. i love it. >> totally different color. the gray tips are gone. >> you look great. >> again, this is just refreshing the color, making it a little lighter, a little brighter. we took away the highlights but there's still nuances of color. enid made the eyebrows more pronounced which is something that again is one of the little secrets that make you look years younger.
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>> gorgeous. >> young care-free haircut by max. >> the outfit -- >> beautiful. >> by maggie london. take a look at the back. really cut-outs really big for spring summer. >> oh, i'm sorry. party in the back. >> it seems to be a theme here today. >> let's bring roberta back in. big round of applause for both of our ladies. >> thank you, louis. thank you, jill. "everyone has a story" today is going to inspire you like crazy. stick around, everybody. it is really worth it. the wonderful brian darcy james from broadway will sing for us. we'll be right back. you know starburst is a contradiction. it's solid, yet juicy.
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uhhh. boring. living dead. that is a contradiction, my friend. starburst exists in two separate... you are boring me to death. and i am already dead. you're boring me back to death. [ female announcer ] starburst. it's a juicy contradiction. its smooth taste spreads across your bread's delicate surface. ohhh! it's i can't believe it's not butter!
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>> my name is lisa brown and i'm hunter's very proud mom. hunter is 11 years old and was diagnosed with autism at age 3. he has taught me about life, love and a special gift called autism. i used to be his voice. now he has his own. it is beautiful, powerful, and most of all, inspiring. he truly touches the lives of everyone he meets. he is a compassionate and very sweet boy who has loved music from the time he was born. my husband and i nicknamed him "the songbird" when he was a baby as he would wake up by humming these beautiful little melodies. when he was 8 he entered a school talent show and from that day on completely fell in love with the stage. he said, "i would rather be on stage instead of off." he now performs in vocal competitions, sings in a coral ensemble glee group and has sung the national anthem for several events this past year. we believe he was born to entertain and make others smile and share his gift of performing arts.
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music has helped him overcome some of the daily challenges with autism. he said "one day, i will be a triple threat on broadway -- but i will also have a day job, an entomologist or meteorologist. al roker is his all-time favorite. hunter's story is so inspirational for a little boy who could not speak until age 4 who now gives hope to so many families that are now dealing with autism. hunter will continue his mission with raising awareness and hoping to inspire other children with autism to find their passion, follow their dreams and never, ever give up. >> well, can you see what grabbed our attention in that wonderful letter. hunter is here with his parents, lisa and mike. so nice to have you all with us. hi. >> hello. >> how are you? >> he was downstairs looking for you earlier today. he says, is she down -- is she up there with all the other celebrities? i said, no, i'm just down here with you. did you know your mom sent this letter to us? did she sell you she was going to do it? >> yeah. i already know.
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>> yeah. but were you excited? >> yeah, i'm so excited to meet you, kathie lee and hoda. >> i love it here. >> he's a charmer. >> who's your favorite singer in the whole world? >> my favorite singer in the whole world definitely has to be frank sinatra. >> you've got really good taste. >> hunter, what made you decide to enter that talent show? >> what made me decide to enter that talent show, because i thought that inspiring people would be a great opportunity to make others impressed. >> yes. and you've done that. when you were given the diagnosis, as parents, what -- did you ever dream that your son but as functioning as well as he is today? >> it was scary in the beginning. and for a few weeks i think that we were both in denial. and then i'm like, he's this amazing 3-year-old and i think he has a gift and i'm just going to like use it to the best -- just inspire other families to kind of look at their children so that they can live out their dreams.
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>> not speaking -- age 4 and he wasn't speaking. what did you guys think was happening there? >> i don't think we knew. we just knew that he was kind of falling behind a little bit. but we didn't really know anything about autism except stereotypes so we didn't really think that was what hunter had until we went on the internet and researched. >> when you heard him humming in the morning, i love that. you called him the songbird. so he always had the music in him? >> always. >> what's it like watching him up on the stage? >> especially when he's sinning the national anthem -- which a lot of people who sing professionally don't do so well. >> exactly. >> it is a tough song to sing. >> how many people did you song for that day? >> well, like i think i sang for 28,000 people. >> 28,000. no fear. went right up there -- >> and didn't forget the words? >> i didn't forget the words. not even messed up one word or key. >> not too many people can say that. >> we're so excited about the next part of this. >> yeah, yeah. we really are. when we come back what's going to happen?
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>> we'll go from the stage to the small screen. in our studio, brian darcy james is going to perform a song written just for hunter by kathie lee and david. right after this. good morning. i'm meteorologist chris warren with your weather channel forecast. we have a few spots where we'll have the storms firing up. most of the corners of the u.s., with the exception of the southwest, pacific northwest, the northeast and the southeast and then in the northern plains and part of the western lakes, a chance for showers and some storms. dealing with some warm air to the north. today's highs, highs are going to be into the upper 80s in billings, over to minneapolis. still looking pretty nice throughout much of the northeast, 70s, lower 80s. temperatures will be there for you and will there will be
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showers and thunderstorms. same story along the gulf coast. soggy from new orleans to orlando. you can see the yellow and the blue and this time of year that means cooler temperatures. still cranking up the heat here. minneapolis, 92 on saturday. 89 in chicago on saturday. 70s and low 80s. temperatures in the low 90s in the mid-atlantic. looks like sunday in new york, just the upper 70s. there's going to be a line here in the northeast where it's a little cooler to the north and much, much warmer to the south. and then on monday, chance for some showers once again from kansas city to the great lakes. lit be the southeast again with a chance for showers and thunderstorms. and then on tuesday, once again a bigger area in the southeast, all the way up into the great lakes, including the ohio valley, the tennessee valley. that's really going to be about it, except for a few showers in the southwest and in the
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northwest. then on wednesday, still the same story. more of the east coast now. remember, weekdays on the weather channel, you can "wake up with al and stephanie." [ boy voice ] what happened to my sub? [ girl voice ] i dunno. hey chief, did you take my sub? [ boy voice ] no. this one's got avocado on it. oh, mine had avocado on it! wow, how bout that? well, i don't. i'll help you find yours when i'm done. thanks. wow... [ male announcer ] get your own subway chipotle steak and cheese with avocado. the rich, superfood! or add it to your favorite sub. it's avocado season at subway.
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we are back with "everyone has a story" honoring 11-year-old hunter brown, who's here with his parents lisa and mike. >> now, hunter, it is time for to you hear the song david friedman and i wrote just for you. i think you're going to like it. here to perform is the wonderful talented, film, broadway stage star to sing "the sun and the songbird." ♪ ♪ the day dawns the songbird sings and one boy pulls the
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mother's heart strings ♪ ♪ each one in harmony each one in one voice ♪ ♪ and all of creation can't help but rejoice ♪ ♪ can you imagine how the world would be ♪ ♪ can you imagine the beauty we'd see if we all did what we are all here to do and kept on doing it ♪ ♪ our whole life through ♪ i can imagine it ♪ can you ♪ the sun and the songbird wake up every day ♪ ♪ and break out in song in their own special way ♪ ♪ this is their purpose their passion their joy ♪ ♪ and we can learn much from the
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sun and the boy ♪ ♪ oh follow your dreams never give up fill up your lungs fill up your cup ♪ ♪ drink in the dance sing your own song ♪ ♪ and keep on singing it all day long ♪ ♪ cause that's what we're all here to do ♪ ♪ oh i can imagine it ♪ can you ♪ can you imagine what we all could see if we looked at the miracle of you and me ♪ ♪ could you imagine the peace we would find if we were of one heart one voice and one mind ♪ ♪ oh follow your dreams ♪ never give up ♪ fill up your lungs fill up your cup ♪ ♪ drink in the dance sing your
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own song ♪ ♪ and keep on singing it all day long ♪ ♪ cause that's what we're all here to do ♪ ♪ oh i can imagine it ♪ i can imagine it ♪ i can imagine it ♪ can you >> beautiful. brian darcy james. beautiful! come on over, guys. we'll be right back with a surprise for hunter. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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>> yes, i sure did. i want to thank brian darcy james for the rest of his life. >> oh, that's sweet! >> we hear there's somebody else you like a whole lot around here. >> we have a surprise coming up. we know you want to see "newsies"? isn't that something you want to see? guess who has tickets in his hand? >> who? >> take one wild guess. >> al roker! wow! >> how are you, lad? >> i'm good. >> how's it going? >> it's going good, al roker. >> hunter brown, how fantastic! where am i going to sit? >> everybody. >> brian, you did a magnificent job, but you're not the only singer around here. you ready to sing something for al? hit it, hunter. >> okay. >> go ahead. stand up. go ahead. ♪ l is for the way you look at me ♪ ♪ o is for the only one i see ♪ v is very, very extraordinary ♪
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♪ e is even more than anyone that's you adore ♪ ♪ and love is all that i can give to you ♪ ♪ love is more than just a game ♪ true love it make it take a heart and bring it home ♪ >> bring it home. ♪ love was made for me and you ♪ >> hey! hunter! >> thank you, sweetheart. >> tony nominated "newsies." you're going tonight but the tonys are coming up on sunday. thank you, brian. thank you, dave. >> tomorrow, funny man andy sandberg and jane fonda. never thought i'd say those two words in the same sentence.
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