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tv   Today  NBC  June 14, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning. his own words. prosecutors use jerry sandusky's controversial interview with nbc's bob costas against him in court. this as three more alleged victims talk about abuse they say they suffered. are prosecutors already wrapping up their case just four days in? >> new scandal. the u.s. anti-doping agency brings charges against lance armstrong, threatening to strip him of his seven tour de france titles. they say they have evidence of use of performance-enhancing drugs. >> and the so-called soccer mom madam accused of running a high-end prostitution ring in new york city speaks out from
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behind bars. >> i'm simply asking do you have any information about prominent men in this city that could make life very uncomfortable for them? >> her answer in her first television interview today, >> her answer in her first television interview today, thursday, june 14th, 2012. captions paid for by nbc-universal television from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and ann curry, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and welcome today on this thursday morning. i'm ann curry. >> and i'm matt lauer. the trial of jerry sandusky is moving along very quickly. the prosecutors are moving through their witnesses at a deliberate case. we're hearing they might rest their case tomorrow. >> which is pretty amazing. one witness claimed he was just 11 years old when jerry sandusky started abusing and he claimed if he told anyone about what happened, he would never see his
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family again. we have a live report from the courthouse straight ahead. >> and a mother fighting to save the lives of her three children. he discovered her first daughter had a rare disease and would need a bone marrow transplant. soap she went through ivf hoping another would be a perfect match. instead, she had twins both also affected with the same disease. we're going to be hearing from her. >> it's a really powerful story. and the countdown is on. we have a big summer concert tomorrow on the plaza tomorrow from justin bieber. the line has been forming since tuesday afternoon. it stretches from around the plaza, up 5th avenue. justin doesn't take the stage for another 25 and a half hours. we're going to go outside and talk to the fans. i think we already have a countdown clock starting. >> let's begin on this thursday morning on a more serious note. a new round of emotional and wrenching testimony from alleged
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victims at the sex abuse trial of jerry sandusky. michael isikoff is at the courthouse. >> good morning, matt. more alleged victims are expected to take the witness stand today. wednesday it was jerry sandusky's own voice that filled the courtroom. jerry sandusky faces another grueling day in court today. wednesday he showed no emotion as his own words were played to the jury from a tough interview with nbc's bob costas for "rock center" that also aired on "today" last november. >> it seems that if all of these accusations are false, you are the unluckiest and most persecuted man that any of us has ever heard about. >> i don't know what you want me to say. i don't think that these have been the best days of my life.
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>> reporter: jurors listen intently as jerry sandusky stride to answer a critical question. >> are you sexually attracted to boy, underage boys? >> am i sexually attracted to underage boys? sexually attracted? i enjoy young people, i love to be around them. i -- i -- but, no, i'm not sexually attracted to young boys. >> reporter: he denies all charges but analysts say the costas interview was another helpful piece for the prosecution's case. >> this is as if the prosecution had called bob costas to the stand and said now that you've seen the evidence, what do you think? >> reporter: during the day a parade of three alleged victims once again gripped the courtroom with emotional testimony. one of them, known as victim 10, testified that when he was an 11-year-old boy in 1998, jerry sandusky took him to the basement of his home, pulled down his shorts and started
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performing orsex. i freaked out. i got nervous. i got scared, he testified. when he later rebuffed one of his overtures, the witness said he threatened him and got angry. he told me if i said anything, i'd never see my family again. and the witness said he told me he loved me. another witness known as victim 5 could barely keep his composure, crying as he told the cou shower room when he was 10 years old and tried to perform oral sex. he said jerry sandusky took him home without talking. >> you saw a young man in the courtroom today who at age 23 is still traumatized. he said things today that were very difficult and very hard to put aside. >> reporter: now prosecutors plan to call three more alleged victims to the stand and wrap up their cases early as friday,
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much earlier than expected. then next week jerry sandusky's lawyers begin his defense. >> thank you so much. star jones is a former prosecutor and legal commentator and legal jones is an investigator. welcome to both of you. >> good morning. >> the jury listened to him answer that critical question about whether or not he's attracted to underage boys. >> the first thing you want to do is analyze the fact that the defense attorney allowed his client to do an interview specifically as it relates to the facts of this case. that's something that is just unheard of. especially in the sexual assault case. jerry sandusky came across during that interview as hesitant, almost a little bit delusional and on that one critical question there was that awkward, awkward pause. if there's ever a time you as a grown adult man do not want to pause is when asked if you're sexually attracted to young
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boys. >> that's a good point but, wendy, as alarming as his answer was and as meandering as it was, it is still open to interpretation. so what is your sense? do you agree with star that in fact prosecutors were very smart to play this clip? >> oh, yeah. it's hard to put into words the power of that hesitation but make no mistake we all felt it. and i don't think a reasonable juror, especially after hearing from so many victims will interpret that hesitation as anything but, boy, this guy, you know, it's sort of a he doesn't quite know how to answer because he's guilty. that's how that hesitation feels after you've heard from so many victims describing pretty grewson sexu-- gruesome sexual . >> it's been emotional and difficult for people in the courtroom to listen to this. in what way can the defense come
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back from this? can they recover? >> we have to remember there are over 50 charges as it relates to ten victims. the prosecution is tasked with having to prove each and every element of each and every crime. the defense attorney really does have to stop approaching this as a general case and start to hone in on specifics because if the jury finds him guilty on one, two, three out of the ten victims, that's enough to send him to prison for the rest of his life. he needs to specifically attack the charges. >> but he's making this point and seems to make headway with victim number 7 and this idea, wendy, there may have been some sort of collusion, there's some sort of financial gain, some of these young men knew each other when they were boys. is this enough? what has he got to do, wendy, to make this case? >> ann, if there were a couple of victims and good evidence of financial motive and that they did talk to each other before
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making a report to law enforcement, that's a good defense tactic in a case like this. the problem is we know that there were reports ten years ago and even older than that that were corroborated, that are in writing in some instances. we know this guy was writing love letters. it's just not a plausible explanation for ten different victims, all of whom are saying the same thing happened and many of whom have not spoken to each other. it just can't work. ten victims is as close as you get to a videotape of the crime. this is a non-defensible case in my opinion. >> on that note we're going to have to leave it because we're out of time. thank you wendy murphy and star jones. it is now 7:09. >> famed cyclist lance armstrong is being hit with new doping allegations this morning but he's fighting back, saying the accusations are motivated by malice. the allegations could cost him
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his seven tour de france titles. the allegations say in 2009 and 2010 blood samples were consistent with epo and blood transfusions. armstrong has never failed a drug test in his 25-year athletic career but for more than a decade he's been dogged by doping allegations. earlier this year the justice department announced it was ending a two-year investigation of armstrong without filing charges. now retired from cycling, the 40-year-old armstrong is a triathlete and quickly becoming a top performer in that sport, winning the iron man 70.3 race in hawaii less than two weeks ago. with the charges pending, he's now banned at least temporarily from competition. armstrong called the charges baseless and accused the anti-doping agency of pursuing a vendetta motivated, he says, by spite and testimony bought and paid for by promises of immunity and anonymity.
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and armstrong has until the end of the month to file a written response to these charges. it's ten minutes after the hour. here's ann. >> now to politics. president obama and mitt romney are both heading to the battleground state of ohio today where they'll both have a lot to say about the economy. chuck todd is nbc's political director and chief white house correspondent. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. it's the first time in this general election campaign that both president obama and mitt romney will be campaigning in the same state on the same day. their paths won't cross, the president in cleveland, mitt romney in cincinnati but their messages will be almost identical, that they and not the other guy has the best path forward for the american economy. in washington wednesday two candidates with very different lunch plans. president obama with two local barbers and two active duty service members at kenny's barbecue, a capitol hill staple. >> we're going to eat in peace now.
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>> reporter: mitt romney with more than 100 top executives at the business roundtable. romney told the group that when it comes to what the president has to say about the economy in cleveland today, his word don't match his record. >> his rhetoric will be soaring and eloquent but i suggest a look at the record more than the words and i think you know what his record shows. >> when i hear governor romney say his 25 years in the private sector gives him a special understanding of how the economy works, my question is why are you running with the same bad ideas that brought our economy to the brink of disaster? >> reporter: but not all democrats are happy with the way mr. obama is selling his economic record and telling voters that things are getting better. two former political aides of bill clinton are openly criticizing the president's approach in a new memo believing in he doesn't change course he'll lose adding "it is elites who are creating a conventional wisdom that an ibt president must run on his performance and therefore must convince voters that things are moving in the
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right direction. they are wrong and that will fail." democratic pollster peter hart, who spent this week talking to voters in the swing state of colorado, basically agrees the president is missing the mark when he talks to the middle class. >> he needs to get down there. it's not just rallies. he needs to be out there feeling what they're feeling, a lot of pain, a lot of hurt, a lot of uncertainty. >> reporter: mitt romney continues to pound the president for saying that the private sector is doing fine. >> he said, as you know, just a few days ago that the private sector is doing fine. >> reporter: in an interview with nbc's andrea mitchell, tim geithner tried to clarify again what the president meant to say. >> i think he's trying to say it this way from the beginning, it's a very tough economy still, huge amount of damage left over, long way to go to repair that damage. >> reporter: now, mitt romney is using the private sector is doing line once again in a new tv ad. it's mitt romney's first negative tv ad of the general
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election. >> all right, chuck todd, thank you so much this morning. >> let us get a check of the other top stories of the morning. natalie is over at the news desk. good morning to you. >> good morning, everyone. a man hunt is under way around buffalo, new york as police search for a trauma surgeon and former army weapons expert they're calling a person of interest in wednesday's fatal shooting at a hospital the officials warn dr. timothy jordan may be armed and dangerous. friends of the victim say jordan was her ex-boyfriend and that she was afraid of him. >> federal prosecutors have dropped all charges against john edwards following his acquittal on one corruption charge and a deadlocked jury on five other charges. the judge declared a mistrial. the u.s. justice department says it will not seek to retry the one-time democratic contender. >> a gas tanning explosion near downtown los angeles has killed one person and injured three others wednesday night. the incident is now under investigation.
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>> a military aircraft crashed overnight during a routine training exercise at eglin air force base. >> passengers aboard the jetblue flight forced to make an emergency landing due to a pilot's meltdown have filed suit against the airline and the pilot. court documents claim that jetblue was grossly negligent and should have known the pilot was unfit. that pilot has been charged by federal authorities for interfering with the operations of a flight crew. in march he had been subdued and forcibly restrained. his lauer says he will plead insanity. >> and a first in the history of the san francisco giants as matt cain pitched the first ever perfect game for the franchise to shut out the houston astros 10-0 with help from the outfield.
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it is only the 22nd perfect game ever in the 160-year history of the major leagues. so congratulations to him. that's fantastic. it's now 7:15. back to matt and ann. >> such a great accomplishment. >> congratulations to him. thanks so much, natalie. mr. rok ser on the road this morning, in baltimore with the first check of the morning's weather. looks like a beautiful day there, al. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. we're on a tall ship, a brazilian naval ship and this is the star spangled sailabration, the 200th anniversary of the war of 1812 and we're going to be telling you all about that a little bit later on. it also flag day so happy flag day, everybody. but they are not celebrating in dallas. that's where they had some really wicked weather, massive hail. we're talking golf ball size hail, smashing through car
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windshields, damaging cars just during rush hour. it even damaged a landmark marquis of a theater in dallas. we have more weather as a system starts to make its way through the upper midwest and the mid plains. as can you see this frontal system bringing a lot of rain, a lot of heavy showers and thunderstorms, a risk of severe storms to dodge city, anywhere from 1 to 3 inches of rain from >> it will be a spectacular day to head out to the inner harbor to check the tall ships. a northeast wind 5 to 10 miles per
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and that's your latest weather. >> we'll have much more from you in baltimore a little later on. meanwhile a florida teen who was doused with alcohol and set on fire by a group of classmates could take the stand at the trial of the attack's alleged reng leader today. this after two boys have admitted their on roles in that incident. we go to the courthouse in ft. lauderdale. good morning to you. >> hi, matt. good morning to you. 17-year-old matthew bent is charged with second degree attempted murder with a tack that used rubbing alcohol as an alleged weapon over a video game and stolen bike.
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17-year-old denver jarvis walked to the witness stand wednesday. jarvis previously pled no contest to an attempted murder charge in the 2009 beening of michael brewer. he admitted to dousing guer with rubbing alcohol. >> i pour the liquid on him and he just stand there. >> reporter: they say it was matthew zek bent on trial for second degree attempted murder who planted the seed. >> he said i'll give you 25d if you throw down michael. >> reporter: drenched in the flammable liquid, jarvis said he then went to claim his money. >> i go to the apartment and go over to him. he reach into his pocket to get his money and i see everybody running. i looked back to see why everybody's running and i see him on fire. >> reporter: another teen-ager, jesus mendes, admitted to
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flicking the lighter that set him on fire. he ran to a pool and jumped in. he suffered severe burns to 65% of his body. m mendes said he had trouble remembering the incident on the stand wednesday. >> do you remember who you were with when you left school that day? >> no. >> do you remember where you went after school that day? >> no. >> reporter: to help jog his memory, prosecutors played a video of police interrogating mendes about what led up to the burning. >> the defense argues bent was at the scene but never told anyone to set guer on fire. they also claim they've turned on their former friend for their own gain. >> are you aware that there's some discussion about trying to get your -- >> yes, sir. >> that's what you would like to see happen based upon your testimony here today, correct? >> yes, sir.
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>> reporter: michael grewer had to go through a painful recovery and series of skin grafts. if convicted, bent faces up to 30 years in prison. >> thank you very much. just ahead our exclusive jailhouse vieinterview with a so-called soccer mom madam
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coming up, catherine zeta jones joins us to talk about her battle with depression.
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. just in time for the baltimore vacation season, baltimore mayor stephanie rawlings-blake announces the opening of the curfew center. she says the facility is designed to get people off the streets after curfew hours and will parents accountable. last year, 750 juveniles came through the center. the curfew center will open from june 15 through august 11 on
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fridays and saturdays from 12:00 midnight until 6:00 a.m. time for a check of your morning commute with sarah caldwell. >> getting busier by the minute out there. we will start in edgewood. motorcycle accident and rick 24 in hampton roads. your best bet is to take edgewood road as your alternate. your alternate there, route 23, norrisville road. harrisburg expressway looking good at the moment. with speeds of around 31 on the outer loop beginning at 795 towards edmondson, out of the accident of the decided. -- of to the side at liberty. once you get on to the north side, not a bad ride at harvard road. lowell as a check of the forecast. >> we are under the influence of mostly cloudy conditions for the channel 11 viewing area. for folks most of the day,
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partly cloudy conditions. down at the inner harbor, 69 degrees for the sailabaration. one clouds will give way to partly cloudy conditions, and the north east wind. seven-bed looks pretty good. -- seven-day looks pretty good. we start in the low 80s by this weekend. all the way up to the mid-to- all the way up to the mid-to- upper 80s, possibly 90 degre
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7:30 now on thursday morning. it's the 14th day of june 2012 and bieber fever has made its way to new york city with just 25 hours to go until a big summer concert on our plaza. the line was, i don't know, 50 or 60 people on wednesday afternoon. tripled overnight. now it stretches all the way up to 5th avenue and this is just the beginning. we're going to have just an incredible crowd here tomorrow morning. we're going to talk to some of those die hards in a little while. >> the first one got here tuesday morning at 6:00al. >> and we had some nasty weather
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between now and then. i'm matt lauer. >> and i'm ann curry. we're going to talk to a mother who is fighting a battle on a rare disease. >> and catherine zeta jones will stop by. we'll talk about her new movie "rock of ages" and the health challenges she's had to face. first, we begin this half hour with the exclusive interview with the woman dubbed the soccer mom madam. anna gristina is being held at reicher's island accused of running a multi-million dollar manhattan escort service. this week her legal team filed a motion to have her bacase dismissed and her bail was lowered. and we began by asking gristina
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what the past four months have been like for her and for her family. >> for my family it's just devastating. my husband is having a really hard time holding it together and my son, the young one -- >> nicholas? >> mm-hmm. >> does he know anything about what's happening with you, anna? >> he knows i'm in jail. after three months he came to see me here and he cried the whole time and begged to stay with me. >> an emotional anna gristina, the woman prosecutors say is a high powered madam at the center of an alleged prostitution ring, the mother of four from a quiet suburban new york town. >> the prosecution is accusing of of running a brothel. >> she is will not comment until the time of trial. >> reporter: if i had asked new the past had you run a data
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service, matchmaking service connecting wealthy men to women, how would you answer that question? >> i watched a show called "the millionaire matchmaker." a friend of mine had suggested you'd be really good at it. so hi looked into opening up something called you know, the same thing. >> married men looking to have someone to have dinner with? >> very much like >> would it also include married men looking for someone to have sex with? >> i think we've answered that question. very much like >> if i say to you had you ever connected a married man or any man for that matter with a woman in a matchmaking service, have you done that? >> our response would be you sound like the manhattan district attorney's office. >> so you won't say to me at all whether you have been involved in running any kind of a legitimate, legal dating service in the past?
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>> given the state's allegations in this case, we'd be fools to answer your question. >> during the five-year investigation by the district attorney's office, gristina was allegedly caught on wire taps boasting of her close ties to law enforcement. do you recall at any time ever telling someone that you knew people in law enforcement who might able to tip you off if you were about to be april rested or help if you you were arrested? >> if the manhattan district attorney's office has that conversation, i want to hear it. i'm not going to try the case by innuendo. >> it would be problematic for anna to have had a conversation of having friends in law enforcement who would tip her off to a possible arrest because why would she be afraid or considering a possible arrest. >> why would it be problematic? >> i've never had a conversation with nen where i've talked to them about knowing people who could help me if i were arrested because i'm not afraid i was arrested. >> i don't know that miss
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gristina was afraid of being arrested. i suspect you have said many things that could look sinister by a savvy questioner. >> it was a small apartment. we kept ahold of it because my daughter had considered going to columbia and because the price was affordable. >> there was no business run out of that location? >> no. >> at the time you were aprrresd or any time prior to that when you were control of that apartment? >> no. >> i think you said in an interview you gave that you felt the prosecutors were trying to sweat you. by that you mean what? that they were going to sit you here at reicher's island, which for people who nt aren't from the new york area is a fairly notorious tough place? >> yes. >> and they were going to sit you here until u decided to cooperate. >> yes. >> you still feel that way?
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>> 100%. not a doubt in my mind. >> you are incredibly loyal to some people you describe as people who were friends of yours for many years. do you feel those people are returning your loyalty? >> i have no idea. have i no communication with anybody. i don't. i really don't know because i don't reach anybody. >> if you could reach some of those people, would you ask for help? >> yeah. i definitely would ask and would hope that they would come forward. >> in a sworn affidavit filed on tuesday, her legal team contends after she was picked up by investigators, they pressed her for information on five prominent moneen. she was allegedly told she didn't need a lauer and refused to cooperate. >> it started off very nice, like very passive, you know, we believe you could be very useful in a very big investigation we have. >> they began to ask you much
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more specific questions about a list of names. how many names were on that list? >> to the best of my recollection, five very prominent people. >> according to your sworn affidavit, prosecutors wanted information on, a, a wealthy financier with interest in real estate art sports, a man from a politically prominent family in manhattan, a prominent banker and a prominent manhattan lauer. do you have any information about people or people like those people that could make life very uncomfortable for some prominent men in this city. >> don't answer that. i don't know how to respond to that question. what sort of information do you have in mind, mr. lauer. you must have a reason for asking that question. >> because your client said she feels she's being sweated here that, she's being kept at reicher's island because they're trying to sweat information out
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of her. i'm simply asking do you have any information about prominent men in this city that could make life very uncomfortable for them? >> we don't believe she does. >> soap you feel they're sweating you for absolutely no reason? >> and i have nothing to give them. that's why i'm still here. i have nothing to give them. >> we should note we reached out to the district attorney's office for comment. they do not discuss open cases. gristina says family and friends are working hard to come up with the money for her bail. she hopes to be home soon. let's get a check of the weather now from al in baltimore. >> "today's" weather is brought to you by the american cancer society. >> good morning. we've got the fort mchenry guard here. they're going to play a little for us. they're fife and drum. the u.s. mint is selling this
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commemorative coin. in fact, they've minted 600,000 of them and already sold a third of them. let's show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. there's a closer look at that coin. it's a beauty. for the weekend, fabulous weather. temperatures upper 70s to the low 80s. it's going to be awfully nice. as we look at afternoon highs for today around much of the country, 70s along the eastern sea board, 9090 >> we will have a little bit of cloud cover. it will be partly cloudy. temperatures 75 to 80
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hey, doesn't -- don't forget, when you need the weather this weekend, go to the weather >> coming up next, a mom's controversial plan to save her three daughters from a rare disorder. we're going to hear from her. and a little later on, a father's day gift idea from a dad turned techie, vanilla ice. but first these messages.
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when we walk together, we are bigger than cancer. the american cancer society relay for life. find your event at and they're always made with milk so all you taste is something amazing. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've ♪ ♪ found
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he thinks you're naked. it just looks like my milk chocolate is showing. only a fool would think i'd actually show up naked. so it's that kind of party...hit it! ♪ i'm sexy and i know it ♪ look at that body ♪ i'm sexy and i know it sears one day sale is saturday with friday preview get 60% off men's polos and 50% off this craftsman mechanic's tool set plus when you shop your way you can buy online, and pickup today. this is destination dad. this is sears. you know that comes with a private island? really? no. it comes with a hat. see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline, anytime. hey, i just said that.
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after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow! [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's ok. i've played a pilot before. back now with one mother's fight to change a law with her fight for three daughters, to get a bone marrow transplant. >> doreen flynn wants to pay people to donate bone marrow but that idea breaks the law and
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places this mother at the center a very heated debate. >> 13-year-old jordan flynn is getting ready for a very special night. family and friends have gathered for a benefit in honor of the eighth grader who has just learned she will need a bone marrow transplant. jordan has a genetic disorder which destroys bone marrow and increases her risk for cancer. >> the transplant scares me. i've known people that have actually passed away afterward. >> this april her tn took a trn for the worse and the bone marrow transplant is jordan's only hope for survival. her mother, doreen. it must feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. >> yup. today is one of those days. >> now she is fighting to make medical history. you have now found yourself in a very unusual spot. you're a single mom and you also have become a very public face for a very public campaign to
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change a law. >> yes. >> to encourage more people to become bone marrow donors, she wants them to get paid. >> as a mom, i'm willing to do wha whatever it takes to make it possible -- >> so she's become the lead plaintiff to change a law which makes the buying of bone marrow illegal. her attorney, jeff rose, is with the institute for justice. >> bone marrow is just like anything else in the world. it's valuable and if you compensate people for it, you're going to get more of it. it's just that simple. >> doreen's need for bone marrow is even more dire than you think. years ago doctors told her the best chance for jordan was a bone marrow transplant from a sibling donor, but her two brothers weren't a match. desperate to save her daughter, doreen and her then husband turned to in vitro fertilization to conceive another child who
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would be that match. in a cruel twist of fate, the twins were born with the same deadly disease as their sister. >> i was so upset. i blamed myself. >> reporter: why? >> because it was my fault. >> reporter: why? >> because of the way that their father and i had them, we chose to bring them into the world and instead all i do was bring in two more sick kid. i wish i could donate my marrow to them but i can't. i'm not a match. >> reporter: i'm sure you wish could you give your life for them. >> i would. but i have to rely on somebody else. >> reporter: luckily a match was found for jordan. she had a successful transplant on may 8th. but her another, doreen, still has two girls who are going to need bone marrow transplants in the future. her fight is to make compensation legal and that fight is far from over. >> we live in a society where women donate eggs, men donate
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sperm. how is bone marrow different? >> therein lies the rub. we understand why it may be a heart or kidney or piece of liver because those don't come back. but your bone marrow turns itself over every 90 days. so if it replenishes itself and, as you said, women donate other things like eggs and we pay for surrogates, why not compensate people in this manner. >> the national marrow donor program opposes this -- >> vehemently. >> to be continued. we'll look forward to hearing your report. it's going to be aired on "rock center" tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central time here on nbc. still ahead this morning, oscar and tony winner catherine zeta jones on her recent health challenges and her new movie. but first these messages. hands, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill™ technology, the new ge french door refrigerator is engineered to push the limits of fresh.
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so to prove it, we're taking one from the factory in kentucky and delivering it full of fresh food to a place fresh can't be found. ♪ easy. [ male announcer ] watch the adventure at
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easy. we went around the country asking women to speak frankly about something no one wants to talk about. it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom. stop all the cutesy stuff. and start talking about what you really want from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. vo: quilted northern soft & strong is stronger than the leading rippled brand to help protect against breakthrough. for myself, for my family, it keeps us clean. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft & strong. protection for a confident clean or your money back. support team usa and show our olympic spirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen. tom chipped in 10,000 points.
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karen kicked in 20,000. and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town, we were able to watch team usa... [ cheering ] in true london fashion. [ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ anlet's get our creativityds. running. then get some blades spinning, paper sanding, and bits turning. let's motor to the only place that carries our favorite tools... for our favorite people... armed with a budget and a mission... and see what happens when we put those tools to work for us. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get this ryobi 18-volt drill kit for the new lower price of just $69. we're back now at 7:50 with the opening ceremony of the london olympics only 43 days
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away, the city will host some events at unique venues. nbc's keith miller is at the site of one of them this morning. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. london is slowly being transformed into olympic city. this main road to buckingham palace will be the main road for the triathlon and the venue for what we're told is perhaps your favorite sport, beach volleyball. don't expect the british to just toss out tradition for the sake of olympic rings. the ceremony wednesday night was a rousing performance at the future site of beach volleyball. olympic charity lord sebastian coe took the honorary salute. he's eager to use london's settings to showcase the
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olympics. >> it's readily recognizable with downing street and the palace. i think that's what london has to offer. >> reporter: and what a transformation it will be. a trial run was served up last summer in the shadow of admiralty house, creating shades of london beach. >> it's very exciting to have all these sporting events at some of these really rich history sites. >> reporter: the mall leading to buckingham palace will be the venue for the marathon, race walks and part of the triathlon. and the royal family is getting in on the olympic spirit, acting as unofficial ambassadors. the queen's granddaughter carried the olympic torch and will be participating in the equestrian event. and prince william and kate join queen elizabeth wednesday to support a charity that builds sporting venue. the queen drew all the applause but the eyes were on kate
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sporting a misony coat. the cost of staging the olympic has reportedly come in under budget. the government agency responsible for it say they will be returning a check to the taxpayers equivalent to $700 million. matt, it may not be gold, silver or bronze but it's not bad. >> that's true, keith. and i got your text message. yes, i've got the tickets for beach volleyball. can you join me. i'll see you there. back after your local news. i want healthy skin for life.
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[ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii.
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aflac! ha! isn't major medical enough? huh! no! who's gonna help cover the holes in their plans? aflac! quack! like medical bills they don't pay for? aflac! or help pay the mortgage? quack! or child care? quack! aflaaac! and everyday expenses? huh?! blurlbrlblrlbr!!! [ thlurp! ] aflac! [ male announcer ] help your family stay afloat at plegh!
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. time for a check of the morning commute. >> good morning, everybody. not an ideal start to the morning commute. reisterstown road past cuyahoga parkway, accident in the city. if you want to travel in edgewood, route 24 and hampton roads, we of the issues that remain in effect due to a motorcycle accident. another problem of note that we had been talking about in jarrettsville, closures in fact due to an accident and a downed pole. norrisville road is your best
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bet there. give u a live view of a couple of spots. back of his developing quickly approaching white marsh down towards the split. if you want a handout on 83, not bad on mount carmel. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> partly to mostly cloudy conditions, depending on where you are in the channel 11 viewing area. at the inner harbor, 69 degrees. pretty nice air out there. should be a great day to have out there and check out the ships for sailabaration. morning clouds, then partly cloudy conditions. temperatures anywhere from 75 to 80 degrees. taking a look at your seven-day, even better.
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not a speck of rain all the way to thursday. temperatures climb gradually throughout the week, but smooth sailing through thursday on
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8:00 on a thursday morning, t minus 12 hours now for tomorrow's concert with one of the biggest names in music, that's right, justin bieber. don't forget to bring your best bieber sign. justin will pick one for a very special fan give away. so that's exciting. i'm ann curry alongside matt lauer. we're going to hear from the
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beautiful catherine zeta jones. >> she's an oscar winner we haven't seen her on the big screen for a couple of years. she's had a lot of things going on in her life. michael, her husband, had some throat cancer and she's back. she's dancing and singing in the new movie "rock of ages." >> she is a triple threat. if you still haven't found your father's day gift, we have some ideas for you this morning. some of them high tech ideas. they're already getting into the act. that is vanilla ice. >> he's a techie now. he's a big techie. >> and a movie star. >> lots to get to. let's go inside. ms. natalie morales is in there with a check of the headlines. >> good morning, everyone. prosecutors are preparing to call their final witnesses at
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the child sex assault trial of the former penn state football coach jerry sandusky. one of the witnesses said he threatened he'd never see his family again if he ever told anybody. >> syria's ambassador to russia today denied moscow is supplying his government with attack helicopters, refuting a claim by secretary of state hillary clinton. russia has also rejected that claim while accusing the u.s. of supplying syrian rebels. the united nations is now calling the 15-month conflict in syria a civil war. it's estimated the fighting and intentional massacre of civilians has claimed as many as 14,000 lives, including many children. >> cycling legend lance armstrong is fighting new charges filed by the u.s. anti-doping agency that threaten to strip him of his seven tour de france titles.
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they stated blood samples it collected from armstrong in 2009 and 2010 were found to be fully consistent with epo use and/or transfusions. armstrong refutes the charges calling them baseless, and says he's never doped, taking 500 blood tests and never failing one. here's brian williams. >> when we join you here tonight, it your bank and your money and they're at it dpn. there are new fees and new charges and it the complicated fine print that can cost you real money. but you can fight back. we'll explain tonight. now back to you. >> for a look of what's trending today, a quick round up of what has you talking online. a real estate blogger is accusing hgtv reality show "house hunters" of manipulating reality. hgtv acknowledges it does use
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families far along in the housing process to maximize approach dubs time. >> madonna's latest skin baring stunt is keeping her newsworthy. madonna gave her audience in rome a cheeky rear view, evidence that the 53-year-old has been working out. and the internet's obama girl from 2008 campaign has been replaced by obama boy. justin brown's viral youtube video focusses on the president's support for gay marriage. ♪ i got a crush on obama, you're the finest candidate ♪ why don't you pick up your phone ♪ >> meanwhile obama girl says she's lives the video and she hopes she and obama boy can get together for a duet. it now 8:04.
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let go back out to al, who is in baltimore with a check of your weather. al? >> today's weather is brought to you by eucerin, over 100 years of skin care expertise. >> we're part of the star spangled sailabration. this is the mexican three-masted schooner right there, one of 46 tall ships and naval vessels in port. it is going to be a spectacular weekend. check it out. come on down. let's see what we've got for your weather. our pick for today happens to be baltimore and wbaltv-11 news. partly sunny, going to be
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fabulous all weekend long. you can see storms firing up in the upper midwest heading into the central plains. storms into the pacific northwest as well. we have more heat in the rockies. that won't help those wildfires going on. beautiful weather in the northeast. showers in eastern new england but those will give way rather >> it will be a spectacular day to head out to the inner harbor to check the tall ships. a northeast wind 5 to 10 miles per
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>> and they've raised the flags right now as the ships all around the harbor start raising the flags, we've got all of our friends who have come on down. folks from the national aquarium are here. and he brought crab cakes, very nice. i'll bring you guys back some crab cakes. >> sounds good, al. mo meantime from here we have the extraordinarily talented catherine zeta jones in our studios for an interview with matt coming up right after this. e requires daily sun protection. eucerin daily protection is a light-weight, long-lasting moisturizer and spf in one developed with over one hundred years of eucerin skin expertise. it helps protect skin against everyday sun exposure. what you pass on today lasts a lifetime. make sun protection a lesson for life with spf 15 daily protection body lotion
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and spf 30 face lotion. only from eucerin. because vitamin d3 helps bones absorb calcium, caltrate's double the d. it now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world. to help maximize calcium absorption. sears one day sale is saturday with friday preview get 60% off men's polos and 50% off this craftsman mechanic's tool set plus when you shop your way you can buy online, and pickup today. this is destination dad. this is sears. ♪ abracadabra. new hershey's milk chocolate with almonds in pieces. your favorites, in pieces.
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bacon?! bacon? bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmmmm...i love you. i love bacon. i love you. [ male announcer ] there's no time like beggin' time. and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill™ technology, the new ge french door refrigerator is engineered
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to push the limits of fresh. so to prove it, we're taking one from the factory in kentucky and delivering it full of fresh food to a place fresh can't be found. ♪ easy. [ male announcer ] watch the adventure at easy. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest.
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it's you, fully charged. we're back now at 8:10 with oscar and tony winner catherine zeta jones. it's been three years since we've seen her on the big screen but following some personal health challenges she's back singing up a storm in the new movie "rock of ages." take a listen. ♪ that's okay, let's see who you do it ♪ put up your dukes let's get down to it ♪ hit me with your best shot, why don't you hit me with your best shot ♪ hit me with your best shot, fire away ♪ >> catherine zeta jones, welcome back. it's good to see you. >> always so nice to see you, matt. >> and it's good to see you back on screen. >> i know, kicking those dancing legs up again. it's been a while but it was so
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much fun. i've just got such great memories of doing "chicago." when adam schattman called me and said, darling, would you ever do another musical? i said with you, sure. he said come down and sing a pat benatar song and being stiff and uptight. >> last time did you a musical was "chicago," as you mentioned. not bad results. you grabbed an oscar for that. did that play into your decision to do this? >> any chance i can get to sing and dance, i mean even at home. i did broadway, a little night music but the extent of my dancing was just to waltz in that. this is perfect, 80s music, a lot of tongue in cheek, fun, fun, fun stuff. >> i'm away from the screen, not that you've ever been nen out of shape because i've known you for a long time. what does it take to get back into shape for singing and dancing for camera?
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>> it was a quick fix. hi to go down in like three weeks. i was like oh, my gosh, i haven't touched my toes since "chicago," i better get to the gym. and i did. at least in theater you have the againi beginning, middle and end. but all these cameras angles. >> tell me about this character, patricia whitmore, the wife of the los angeles mayor. she's a little uptight. >> she's a little uptight. i think she thinks she is the mayor and she kind of wears the pants, very uptight, extremely conservative and wants to put an end to rock 'n' roll as we know it. >> satanic music. >> satanic music. she wants to clean up the strip and clean up those good citizens of los angeles. >> in particular she has her sights set on one rocker, who is played by tom cruise. does he pull off rocker as well
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as he pulled off the military stuff in "top gun" and stuff like that? >> yes. he's such a great actor. he really does throw himself into this role, 125%. and first of all, he's ripped, absolutely ripped. look at him. and his singing is great. tom cruise is sing. >> so when you were a young lady, was there a rocker that got your heart racing, one in particular? >> i was working all the way through those kind of years where other people were groupies or sleeping outside on the streets to get a justin bieber ticket. i was actually working at that point. but i was saranaded by bono. that was the best.
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>> let's talk about your husband. he had throat cancer. i spoke to him and he said he couldn't have gotten through it without the love and support of catherine. >> i take my hat off to him. he never lo his sense of humor, even in his darkest days. they do tryo kill you before they make you better. it's a terrible process to go through. but he was strong throughout, didn't lose his sense of humor. i know he came home from chemo just to see the kids and me and he just was just happy to have us there. and it one of those things that you go, wow, this doesn't happen to us, you know. those things happen to other people. and they do happen to all of us. and it takes its toll on you all. >> while it was happening, you dealt with your own health issue and came out and talked about it after it was leaked to the press that you were suffering bipolar disorder and depression. >> i think when you get hit like that, side swiped in way, all those underlying issues that you
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know you have come out. and they came out rather publicly. but it's -- i feel great. it's time to move on. i'm one of many, many people who suffer with this. i'm one of many people who were caring for cancer and now survivor, two years clean. it puts it into perspective. >> stop to spell the roses. >> you certainly do. you appreciate the gifts god's given you. michael is about to embark on liberace. he's going to have so much fun with that. like tom, he's the kind of actor who will throw himself into this role. he's been rehearsing with the piano and it's going to be fun. >> and you threw yourself into "rock of ages." it's always nice to see you. >> how's your golf game? >> it's always good to see up.
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>> okay. >> "rock of ages" opens tomorrow nationwide. >> and back with gift ideas for father's day. cuban cajun raw seafood pizza parlor french fondue
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tex-mex fro-yo tapas puck chinese takeout taco truck free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cashback. signup for 5% cashback at restaurants through june. it pays to discover. i was trying to figure out how i could get rid of 99% of the lead i can pick up traveling through your pipes, and then... [ click ] it just clicked. get it? it clicked... like the but what about your wrinkles? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. its retinol formula visibly reduces wrinkles in one week. why wait if you don't have to. neutrogena®. she gives me snickers peanut butter squared and i eat it. it's snickers with creamy peanut butter, would you like one? let's just keep an open mind. [ groans ] [ male announcer ] if you like peanut butter and chocolate, you'll love peanut butter and snickers. try snickers peanut butter squared. would they switch?
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notice a difference? it feels a bit tight. [ female announcer ] soap leaves behind soap residue that can cause a tight draggy feeling. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove cleansers rinse cleaner than soap. will break your heart. it's my mission to make sure they all get the best treatment possible. petarmor flea and tick protection has the same #1 vet-recommended active ingredient as frontline® top spot and it's just as safe and effective against fleas and ticks. but costs about half as much. i use petarmor on my pets and these guys, they get the best. petarmor flea and tick protection. the same protection as frontline top spot at about half the cost. to help a pet in need visit ♪ ♪ allez ouais...woo! ♪ crazy, crazy, sky so blue. ♪ ♪ life's so sweet, press repeat now. ♪ ♪ say let's just make this last and last. ♪
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♪ take it all in and go so fast. ♪ ♪ ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh. we're back at 8:20 with a special thursday whip celebrating all the dads out there. we have some great ideas. >> that's right. >> vanilla ice, rob van winkle, you have some ideas for a dad who is not so good at taking pictures. >> not savvy. >> because it can focus things after you've taken the photograph. >> that's right. you snap away, it has a really
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quick shutter speed. can you do the lighting later. it focusses later so it's basically one button on here and it does all the work for you. >> so for the complete idiot at photography. >> that's it. >> what do you have behind your ear? >> it's an amazingly blue tooth device. we've heard of the blue tooth that you can talk through it. now you can see video up to ten hours. you can film the soccer game. can you smile. >> they think it's a phone or something but you're actually videotaping. >> right. >> you get the blue tooth. in the airport you say who are you talking to? now you can see everything. >> you're saying it will show up -- >> right on your smart device. >> somebody at home can watch the video in. >> or you can down load it later, edit it, do whatever you want. >> so the dad that's a home improvement guy. >> that's right. we've heard of a swiss army
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knife. this one you can kill a bear with, you have the flat head, anyway, pliers. can you use it as as a tripod, watch movies, listen to music. >> you like music. >> basically no wires. blue tooth. can you stream all kinds of music straight to it, go up to 33 feet away and keep your phone on you. also you can make conference calls with it, too or make loud phone calls. >> last but not least. >> for the kid, whatever it is, any guy is going to like this. you can race the mario brothers anywhere you want, get a couple of them. they're $25. >> i can do it, too. >> yeah. >> whoa, look at that. all right. hey, rob, thank you so much. >> rob van winkle, aka vanilla ice. >> word to your father. >> thank you very much. >> and now we have the editor of
8:23 am good to see you. we're giving dad sneakers? >> yes, sneakers. and not just any sneakers. nike freeze are the sneakers. they're comfortable and lightweight. >> ties. these are special. >> ties are back. you need the new johnson racial of slimmer ties and it's about texture and ties, it's that knit. it's a cool, preppie look. these are from club monaco, these from landsnd and they're about $15. >> sunglasses. isn't it hard to give someone else sunglasses because it's so personal? >> it is personal. we've chosen three shapes to fit virtually any face type. these are from sea, from banana
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republic and. >> is there an age limit here? >> i don't think so. >> you think a 60-year-old dad can do that? >> absolutely. we're not talking about gold jewelry here. we're talking about sporty, colorful. this is for the dad that doesn't take himself too seriously. >> and instead of brief cases, you want dad to be carrying messenger bags. >> i feel the messenger bag has the style of a brief case but the practicality of a back pack. >> and these are colorful. >> or if you want rustic, these are from j. crew. again, happy father's day. >> appreciate that. back to natalie. >> thanks, matt. last but not least, we're are going to inject a little humor into father's day. >> that's right. >> your traditional tie, you're getting us what? >> these are cutaway polo shirts. if you want something a little more fashionable, not the floppy
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collar, this allows dad to have a traditional collar in a regular polo. >> instead of a coffee mug? >> how about a lunch box for dad that is super cool., it's an actual ammo case. dads fight for their families. now they can look like it when they go to lunch. >> just don't try to get past airport security. >> now instead of -- >> instead of a golf club, how about a super soaker, you got to get two, otherwise it's just like shooting dad in the face with a water gun. >> is it ready to load here? >> you got to get two. >> now, instead of cologne, you're saying go for this
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liquid. >> this is a type of whiskey you will see four times a year because being a dad will drive you to drink. no, it won't. >> and you're >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. let's get a check on your morning commute with sarah caldwell. >> we have a pretty serious accident on the eastern shore in eastern maryland along u.s.-50. it is shutdown in both directions. closure point at eastern boulevard, route 322. second accident on the alternate. definitely a lot of problems in that area. avoid u.s.-54 a little while until they can clear it.
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delays are forming on southbound 95 out of white marsh. shuster road and furnace road, watch for the closures in fact due to an accident. backed up from past white marsh down towards the split. here is the closure of the 50 at easton, 322, watch for those lines to be close. lowell, over to you. >> we are under mostly cloudy to partly cloudy conditions for a majority of the channel 11 viewing area, but those conditions should improve today. 78 here in the city. 80 in the mountain regions of the state. seven-day it looks fantastic. i pressure this weekend. a gradual rise in temperatures. not a drop of rain in the forecast. all the way by the end of the week, by thursday, we could be upwards of 89 to 92 degrees.
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>> we will have another update at 8:56. [ woman ] before allegra, my allergy medicine took hours to work or made me drowsy. after allegra, i have the only one that's both fast and non-drowsy. after allegra, i have it all.
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i'm very competitive and i love racing. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> welcome back, everybody. i'm sorry for all the confusion. it's 8:30 here in rockefeller plaza. we are basically confused because we're in a confusing situation. we're surrounded by all kinds of people who have been out here since tuesday morning at 6:00 in the morning waiting for the justin bieber concert. leading off the line and trying to sleep is amina. you're 16 years old. good morning. what possessed you to get out here at 6:00 a.m. on tuesday morning, why so early? >> because i wanted to be like first, to be extra sure. >> is there a schedule? you can't be out here the entire time. it rained. >> we managed to just be here. we have a schedule one of us go back at home, take a shower for a few hours and come back. >> one of your friend jessica has gone to go charge your phone
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because that's one of the problems you have out here, right? >> yeah. >> i hope you get some sleep out here. you're amy, is that right? you don't look that happy. >> i'm happy. >> you'll be happy when justin bieber is having his concert. has it been cold out here? >> tuesday night. >> what makes this worth it? >> him. >> him? how much do you love justin bieber? >> a lot. >> well, you guys good luck. who else do you guys have here. >> there are more people here. >> do you think you're first in lynn since tuesday in that heavy rain? >> in the pouring down rain, it was crazy. >> what are you doing for sleep? are you actually managing to sleep here? how about showers? i don't even want to know. >> we have pool rafts we're sleeping on and that's like our mattress and that's about it. it's tough but it's a lot of fun. >> it will be worth it. >> it's definitely worth it.
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>> last time justin bieber sent out pizzas to the fan. justin, if you're listening, a lot of dedicated fans would love some pizza. >> maybe we should do that. the line goes straight down. >> justin, if you're listening, may maybe send some showers here as well. >> we have giada here with us, she's talking about pestos. >> and golf's u.s. open begins today. lots of people will be tuning in to see bubba watcher and jenna bush hager caught up with him. >> and bubba is playing today with phil mickelson and tiger woods, an incredibly great pairing. meanwhile, al roker is down in
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baltimore, maryland. we join him now with a check of the weather. al? >> thanks so much. as we've been telling you all morning, it's the sailabration, the bicentennial celebration of the war of 1812. they're playing "anchors away." it's been a great morning. let's go over what you can expect for the weekend as we look at all the tall ships, naval ships from all different countries. for tomorrow showers and thunderstorms through the central plains, mild if the in civic northwest with sunshine. saturday a gorgeous day along the eastern sea board. more wet weather and stormy weather moves into the upper midwest. sunday, father's day, sunny and cool in the northeast in new england.
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plenty of sunshine and heat, texas, lower mississippi river valley into the southwest, showers in the pacific >> we will have a little bit of cloud cover. it will be partly cloudy. temperatures 75 to 80 >> all these tall ships are coming in. take a look that the one. we're not sure which country that is. but all the sailors in formation on the masts. that is cool! >> it's a beautiful sight. thank you very much.
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when we come back, pesto three ways.
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. cooking with giada is brought to you by target. back now at 8:38 and this morning on "cooking with giada" is one, two, three pesto. she's cooking up a host of pesto recipes just right for any summer meal. good morning. >> good morning. >> pesto saves as you lot of time in the kitchen. >> the basic one is basil and pine nuts. and i've revamped it, lots of colors. >> you can freeze these ahead. >> i like to put them in little
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ice cubes, pull them out as you need them. >> take as much as you need in that situation. >> correct. >> the first is a grilled chicken and spicy pesto. >> we have a cup of walnuts, it's different than adding pine nut nuts, i add two cups of baby spinach and arugula. and spicy jalapeno. asiago, a little different. not parmesan. >> can you use the others or -- >> you can but this one has a nice kick to it, which is really good in here. >> am i doing the right thing? >> we're going to add a little bit of salt. >> and liquid? >> we're going to add the liquid in a minute. >> i'm not sure i know how to use it. >> they're a little cumbersome.
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we're going to take this out because we're going to add the olive oil. you chop it up. this is really easy because can you do it in the food processor. a quarter cup of olive oil. i like to use extra virgin because we're not cooking this. >> how do you know how much to add? >> you can just dump it. >> you add the olive oil. it starts to come together. >> maybe we should stop? >> yeah. >> especially with the cheese, this the kid might want to eat some of this stuff. they may not eat the salad stuff but they may eat the greens chopped up. >> and it has lots of flavor and cheese in it. >> now this is swordfish. >> it's a lemon pesto, pine nuts, basil and lemon juice and parmesan cheese. i like it on lemon because it's yellow and it brightens the fish up. here we're doing an artichoke
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pesto. we'll use juice from one lemon, walnuts. they're less strong and less oily, lemon zest, garlic. can you do the rest. fresh oregano. then parsley and a little bit of salt. >> and you're doing the olive oil given. >> yes, a little more olive oil. >> you're doing the cheese again. >> yes. >> do all pestos have cheese? >> no but it add flavor. you can also fold the cheese in. here we go. because the rest, we're just going to fold it in. just because i like it crunchy. can you just add the tomatoes
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and artichokes right in to the pasta. wonderful. >> okay. >> i did grilled corn. you can add any flavoring that you want. i chopped some those and add tomatoes. if that isn't beautiful for a great father's day barbecue, i don't know what is. add all the pesto in and toss it all together. zit a great way to get your v vegetables in. giada de laurentiis, you always show us things that so sensible. coming up, we're talking about bubba watson and talked about his uphill battle to become a father. but first this is
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we're back now at 8:44. the u.s. open golf tournament kicks off today at san francisco's iconic olympic club.
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among the favorites, reigning masters champion bubba watson. win or lose it will be a special weekend for the man who calls himself a new age red neck as he celebrates his very first father's day. here contributing correspondent jenna bush hager. >> in a sport phone for its refinement, meet the man known simply as bubba, named after his dad, 33-year-old gary lester watson, jr. is changing the face of golf, bringing it down to earth for many. he is a colorful player. pink's a favorite. >> bubba here. >> reporter: sharing bits and pieces of his life on twitter, he posted a video of a recent purchase, yes, the original car from "the dukes of hazard," he's a hit on youtube, performing with others in a charity band.
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and on the course, watson has some big skills needed to win big tourns. so how far can you actually hit it? >> keep going. >> reporter: driving the ball an average 315 yard, farther than any other player. he's won four times on the pga tour, sobbed after win and brought in over $15 million in prize money, yet bubba sees himself as just a regular guy. >> i'm just like everybody. never had a lesson. i'm like the weekend golfer, the guys who don't play that much. >> reporter: he began putting and chipping in florida and thanks to a patient mother, hit balls inside his living room. and he spent hours on the course with his dad, who taught him the importance of authenticity. after a successful college career, he met fellow georgia bulldog and basketball standout angie ball during a pickup game and took her on a first day to
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where else, the golf course. >> he hits it about 350 down the middle and i'm like, okay, you played before. he's like, yeah, i'm professional golfer. >> reporter: don't up think that was a strategic move? >> no question. >> reporter: after the second date of two talked honestly about their life long goals. >> i saw family in my future but i told him right away that doctors didn't think i would be able to have kids. he said i'd love to adopt. >> for me if god wants to us have a child, there's other ways to have a child. >> reporter: they began the adoption process a few years after marriage. the road hasn't been easy. >> we had a couple where the birth mom had to choose between a couple of families and we weren't the final choice. and it's hard. i mean, at times as a potential mom you think what is it about, what is it about me that they
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went to someone else? >> reporter: their luck changed. just would weeks before bubba's sudden death win at the masters, he and angie were chosen to be the parents of a little boy kaleb. >> it's imagine how much you love him. you just can't imagine that you love that much. >> reporter: while bubba may seem like a kid at heart, he's relishing his new role as dad, sitting out a few tournaments this spring to spend time with his new family. >> golf is just a game, just a sport. it certainly i enjoy doing. it's amazing to be able to feed your child, hold him in your hand, take care of him and see him giggle at you a. it's a blessing. >> reporter: for "today," jenna bush hager. >> congratulations. >> he has his priority straight. after that emotional win at the masters, the one person he talked to that night who called
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him to congratulate him, justin bieber. >> are you serious? >> i'm not kidding you. justin bieber called him the night of the masters. which is another way for to us remind you that tomorrow morning -- i'm kidding. he will be here tomorrow. you can catch nbc sports coverage of the u.s. beginning today at 3:00 eastern and all weekend long right here on nbc. up next, a very special family of dogs gets the bow to wow treatment. >> oh, my
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brought to you by petarmor. >> and we're back now with "from bow to wow" where we find animals loving homes. good morning. >> hi. i want to you say hello to dolly. this is an incredible story. of all of our segments and all the stories, this is the most unusual story. this dolly was found abandoned along a dark road with her five puppies clinging on to her for
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life. talk about a first and a shopping cart filled with love, this is the most incredible story. this is the mother, dolly, and her five beautiful puppies who were literally dumped alongside the road. >> dolly is a 5-year-old poodle mix. the puppies were only a couple weeks old at the time we rescued them. now they're seven weeks old. >> here's the biggest boy, teddy bear. a hefty little boy waiting for a wonderful home. they are so adorable. and here is his brother. they're almost the same, a little lighter named boomer. >> we think they're maltese poodle mixes with a little pomeranian. >> and this is also a boy, the lightest one, quincy. and then we have the two girls,
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the two leadiadies in the group bella and lulu. look at the beautiful babies you produced here. >> as always, we're joined by richard gentle from the animal control and care. all these animals are now up for adoption? >> all of them. think of if they hadn't found the mom and the litter what would have happened. >> we met the mom. let's meet the babies. bringing our first puppy i think is giada de laurentiis. you've got two! these are the boys. they're seven weeks old? >> they're seven weeks old. these are the most active and playful, the biggest of the group. >> their names are boomer and bear. they fit the name. they have a lot of personality and they're powerful. >> they are great. you're doing a great job holding two little puppies at once. >> just notice how affectionate and look at how mellow she is
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considering their background and from where they came. >> and a lot of loving, too. >> giada, i think you should take both of them. we've got our next dog walker or carrier is rob van winkle, also known as vanilla ice. >> this is quincy, the boy, the smallest of the group and the most mellow. he will just lay in everybody's arms. he's actually adorable. i think dolly is ready for them to get their new homes. sheets ready. >> you know, they seem -- this one especially seems very mellow. what kind of dogs do they grow up to be? is she an indication of that? >> definitely an indication. given what she's been through, look how mellow she is. she passed that trait on to her babies. >> some will be more active,
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some will grow bigger than the others. >> they're all in great shape. they're all in great health waiting for a new home. >> how are you doing with that? thanks so much, rob. now we've got bella and lulu, the only girls of the bunch. come on out! >> that's my sister. >> how are you? >> i'm great. >> so talk about how they feel. >> they've been really just chilling out in the back, mellow. these are definitely just really two little mellow ones. >> and lulu is literally the runt of the litter. she is a tiny little baby. they're quieter and a little calmer than the boys but just beautiful and lighter in color and very, very cute. >> so let's bring out all of the puppies one more time so everyone can see these gorgeous puppies. you just said -- let's not
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forget about hello dolly. dolly is up for adoption. this beautiful mother. what a trooper. she deserve as wonderful home as well. >> richard and jill, thank you so much. if you have want to find out how to adopt any of these dogs, go to we're back right after this. >> tomorrow on "today," justin bieber is live on the plaza. >> this is your special invitation to the party. >> the toyota summer concert series only on "today." >> on. in bc. >> live, local, latebreaking. this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. man is dead after a confrontation with baltimore county police. police say that officers responded to a call around 10:30 in randallstown. at some point, the suspect was injured, but he was not shot by
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police. the
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>> partly to mostly cloudy conditions. eastern portion of the day, more clouds and folks on the west. five to 10 miles per hour.
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