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tv   Today  NBC  August 18, 2012 2:05am-3:00am EDT

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and ho idea kotbe, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody, it is try day friday. it's august 17th. bobbie thomas is about to come out here in something very inappropriate for morning television. >> you thought it was sexy. >> she looks great. very age inappropriate but you be the judge. >> you be the judge. >> take it. >> i am so embarrassed. >> you should be. >> we'll show it to you. it's way inappropriate. it's for a 13-year-old. >> no. it's cute. >> all right.
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let's move it on because it's friday, after all. >> that's right. worst pick-up lines ever. nobody ever did pickup lines on me. >> pick-up lines are stupid. >> how did i miss out on that? >> it's friday. people go to bars and guys rye to come up with a great pickup line. there is a funny guy named scooter magruder. he does youtube videos about first world problems. >> very clever. >> anyway, he's got a video for this, the worst pickup lines ever. take a look. >> i see the recession didn't affect you at all because you look like a million bucks. when god made you he was just showing off. how you doing, fine? yes, you are. i wonder what our children would look like together. only thing your eyes haven't told me is your name. >> something's wrong with my phone. your number's not in it. you a parking ticket? you got fine written all over you. did you come from the library because i've been checking you out for a while. you must be jamaican because
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you're making me crazy. yea, man. where you going? is your body from mcdonald's because i am loving it. you're like a broom because you sweep me off my feet. >> do you have a band-aid? because i scraped my knee falling for you. you look like a tall glass of water and i'm surely thirsty. is your name google because you're everything i've been >> kiss me if i'm wrong. isn't your name gertrude? >> are your regulared tired because you've been running through my mind. call me. maybe. >> how cute. >> good for him. scooter magruder. awesome. love him. >> that was terrific. >> has anybody ever said anything to that you just went -- that you remember? >> no, i don't. no. i don't think pick-up lines really work. have i met you before, that kind of stuff. >> that's lame. >> those all are lame.
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>> no, no. i was just remembering as he was saying that when i first came to new york to work at another show, a certain young man, not as young, but frank gifford worked there and we became friends and colleagues. one day he called me and said the cowboys in town, you want to have lunch? meaning don meredith. i go, okay. i am so out of my league. i go right here locally. we have lunch. the two of them sit across from me. don meredith who was one of the funniest people god ever made, looks at me. i was telling him about this guy i was dating. he goes, no, no, no, this is not going to work. no, no, no. you know, kathie lee, you need to wait for a guy who is going to say to you, kathie lee, darling, i'm going to take a tour of you from the tip of your toes to the top of your head with lots of intermittent stops. i went -- >> that is hot. i'm sorry. that is hot. >> i was like -- frank's sitting
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there going how many times have i heard that? first time i heard it. i've never forgotten it. >> from the top of your head to the tip of your toes with lots of intermittent stops in between. >> he was right. >> i would fall for that one in a second. there is a study that talks about kissing. and here's the question. when was the last time you actually really kissed your husband? not a peck on the cheek. not a good-bye, honey, a real kiss. they say women show their love by kissing and hugging and guys show it by doing chores. >> how about we show our love by keeping them? keeping them, not exchanging them for somebody else. >> we kiss and they like to clean up, apparently. >> i don't know. i think it's important you touch and you kiss. last night i looked at frank and it was our birthday and it was with such affection. we've been through so much and
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i'm glad you're still here. >> that's great. >> it's not the big things. our kids were in their bedrooms. our house was full. the older you get the less you kind of want, you know? >> stuff you mean? >> yeah. >> i'm asking normal questions, okay? i don't know what you're talking about exactly. >> it's called get >> speaking of frank and i. >> when did you have your very first kiss? that's one of the questions they asked. >> sixth grade. >> i was sixth grade, too. >> my friend john lee was a buddy. he took me around somerset elementary school and kissed me, but i was in love with his best friend chuck kennedy and had a little crush on dewey pfeiffer. it was like a perfect troicut.
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>> mine was john, and we were living in alexandre, virginia. and it was so exciting and thrilling for me. i was so excited. i thought we were dating. >> because he kissed you? >> of course. i'm going to go with you. that meant go steady. are you going to go with me? >> it was go behind? >> no. we were in sixth grade. he used to mouth, this is so weird, across the way to me, he would look at me and go -- i thought he was saying i love you, but he was olive juice. i thought that was so awful. no, no, olive juice. it's a different thing. they thought that was funny. >> hilarity did not ensue. >> whatever happened to him? look where you're sitting. >> who knows what happened to these people. >> they say 22 is the age you should be able to support yourself. >> 22, that's after college.
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you've probably had a little bit of fun. >> that's cody's age and we're praying. >> 25 is supposed to be the best age to consider getting married. >> consider. going to a family wedding this weekend. very excited about it. these are two young people who waited much longer than that. i think our granddaughter's 29 now. they're so mature. they've been out in the world long enough to find out who they are. >> right. >> i remember turning 30, and feeling like, oh, my gosh, this is the first year i kind of know me, you know? you're answering so many questions until that point. >> it's funny. they say 38 is the age you felt your age. >> i have yet to feel -- that's not true. when i got both my feet surgery, i felt 110 then. since i got my new feet -- >> you are back to 16, baby. >> baby. >> so 84 is the age where we expect ourselves to live until. >> it's funny. who would have thought that years ago? most people never lived into
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their hire 80s. now that they do, i'm glad because my mom is 82, and frank just turned 82. i'm surrounded by elderly people. >> makes you look young. >> i'm approaching 60, baby. >> "prevention" magazine did this thing where they chose ten celebrities who decided not to fix their flaws. they are into natural beauty. number three, 66-year-old helen mirren. >> she would have been my first choice. >> she is the poster woman for aging confidently. she said "i don't want to be younger." >> apparently she likes us. >> she loves our show. >> she was at the olympics and said to your hair and make-up poox, laura and mary, i love those ladies. they're out of control. >> yeah, she wants to drink with us. >> i want to drink with them. >> we would love that. >> she is invited. >> number two, viola davis. she is 46. she decided to get rid of her wig and go au natural, and she
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said it made her feel younger. she says, i feel more powerful every day and i waited so long to feel that and it feels divine. >> when are you going to do that? >> let my hair go natural? never. nerve ever. never ever. >> ashley judd who is 44. it was speculated her puppy, in quotes face, was due to fillers, she took to "the daily beast" and said. >> the dialogue is constructive so that our bodies are a source of speculation, ridicule and invalidation. the insanity has to stop. >> i love the way she speaks. i would have said, i didn't. that's the difference. i didn't do it. >> this is funny to me. i've been very honest about the little things i've done along the way. >> a little a lot. >> we were number seven, you and i. you and i. i said you just want to look your healthiest and your best. >> why is that picture used? >> because that's us without any makeup at all that day. >> exactly.
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>> it's a frightening sight. how do you feel about it? you haven't done anything yet. >> i haven't done anything. >> you only have one arm deforested. >> i know. when we did laser, i only did it once. i don't know. i feel sort of weird doing stuff. >> tell them what you do when you go to that place and they smack the heck out of you. >> this is the best place ever. they put you on, like if you were getting an autopsy that, kind of thing, they lay you down there naked and they get these scrub brushes, two women and they scrub your skin off within an inch of your life and they take buckets of hot water and dump it on you and you're going, oh, and they don't care. it's over and over until your skin is like a baby. >> your arm is unbelievable. the one that is deforested. honestly, so you love that. >> i love that spot. >> shades of gray thing. >> men can come after 5:00 so i go before 5:00. it's weird. you don't want naked men walking around. it's very unusual. >> depends on the naked men.
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hoda interviewed somebody we like a lot. >> love. >> he has a new talk show coming out this fall. >> steve harvey. i'm doing a "dateline" on him this sunday at 7:00/6:00 central. he's so much fun to talk to. this is a little example of what he says men need in a relationship. take a listen. >> you say that there are three things every man needs to have in a relationship. >> every man has to have loyalty. every man has to have support. and every man has to have the cookie. >> the cookie? >> cookie. the thing that everybody likes. it's the cookie. vanilla, pecan, chocolate chip, dark fudge, doesn't matter. everybody loves cookies. >> so the man needs the cookie. >> it doesn't work any other way. we're pretty much happy guys after that. it don't take much after that. a little espn -- ta-da, it's a wrap. >> they are an inferior species,
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after all. it's time for "bobbie's buzz." come on, bobbie. >> let's look at the outfit. >> the best part is that when i'm getting dressed, i hear her in my head saying, kathie is going to say this is too young. >> it's so cute. you look adorable in it. >> i'm 38 trying to feel young. i have a brand-new manicure to show you. it's called the velvet manicure. feel this. this is a new manicure kit for $19. brand new just launching from sephora. >> it's like velvet. >> you put the nail polish on and then you pour the powder over it and blow it off and it sticks and looks like that. >> what's the advantage of that? >> you have a textured manicure for fall. it's new. a way to update your beauty routine. this nail polish is permeable.
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it's a brand-new technology so it's like a contact lens so water vapor, air and oxygen can go through so your nails aren't suffocated. last, but not least, this skin caroline is for anyone that partied too much, been in the sun. you name it, they've got it. >> hoda needs those things. you look gorgeous. >> thank you. >> we've got to run. kelsey grammer shows us who's the "boss." >> you need to get that magazine. >> hi, kelsey. at a hassle to ca! all that pre-treating and chlorine bleach. and don't even think about working up a sweat in the club! ♪ but i'm not worried... i use tide vivid detergent and boost. they keep my whites looking like new, wash after wash. tell me... yes?
2:19 am you sell a matching jegging? that's my tide, and that's how i break the rules of white. deal with it ! that's my tide, and that's how i break the rules of white. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. [ woman ] you know you don't have to put up with this. those annoying period symptoms. general pain relievers, like advil, only treat cramps, but midol has three active ingredients to take care of that... and fatigue and bloating. because you deserve better.
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and fatigue and bloating. why should golfers take 5-hour energy? playing golf all day can make you tired. i've been taking the product for about a year. and, after taking 5-hour energy, i feel more energized. i have more energy. you know, i'm not tired anymore after taking it. i was skeptical but i decided one day i'd try it. 5-hour energy works fast. i have the energy to get through a meeting, to get through a workout. it keeps me alert for a long period of time, and keeps me going. on or off the course, play with energy, 5-hour energy. for 20 years, he got into people's heads and hearts as the hilarious psychiatrist dr. frasier crane. kelsey grammer has taken on a more serious role as the mayor of chicago. >> he won the golden gloesh his pore frail of the ruthless tom kean, a man
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trying to keep a grip on power while battling a serious disease. >> the tremors can be suppressed. >> awareness, force of will. >> you're not god. you don't want to shake, how do you feel about seeing monsters or believing you can fly? your personality, your judgment, the way you look at the world, all those things will be compromised. >> purpose. i have purpose. >> mr. mayor, you have to know your best days are behind you. >> wow. >> kelsey, we should say right off the bat, you're so brilliant in this. this is something i lived through with seven years with my father. it's a disease your character has called body dementia. people thinks it's alzheimer's. >> was he misdiagnosed? >> in the beginning. my daddy ultimately died from it seven years later. but this rings quite true to me.
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did you know much about the illness before you started? >> no. we chose it because it's unknown relatively. it allows us some license, creative license to have varying degrees of the disease true or not depending on the story we're trying to tell. >> your character is interesting. you're not a nice character, the mayor of chicago. >> he's trying to find his humanity in some way. >> he thinks he's got this purpose. he's killing people. let's be honest. >> he does kill his adviser who gave him bad advice. >> the guy got in his way. the guy was about to let the world know some secrets, right? >> yes. once he figured out what was going on, i enjoyed the eighth episode of last year, the finale where tom kean asks his advisor says, well, knowing what i know, what would your advice be now, and he lays out what has to happen. he basically knows he is signing his own death warrant as he explains what tom kean will have
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to do and realizes at the same moment that it's already done, you know. >> this is very shakespearean in its tone. >> yes, it is. that was a deliberate thing. a deliberate choice. we wanted to try to find a way to frame an epic tragedy in modern culture. >> it's not really about politics. although you're the mayor of chicago. how come you didn't mix politics in there? >> politics is so predictable. >> sadly. >> and what becomes more interesting is actually human behavior with that as the back drop. >> your character has a couple of years to live, right? >> right. three to five. >> three to five, okay. i'm just wondering how long this is going to go on tv. you had a very successful first season. >> look into that, too. we were told seven years. you can have a much longer shot. >> another lady told me 15. >> my daddy was studied by johns hopkins because his brain was so
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brilliant they wanted to know about him. and so they said it was seven years. >> interesting. >> you've got a nice long life ahead of you. >> who knows, you know? we've already discovered the ability to make one entire season be a week long. >> there you go. >> nice to be the executive producer. >> yeah, it is. i have to tell you something about that clip you played. my wife does that, that scene all the time. she looks at me and goes, your personality, your judgment -- >> you bring up the luscious katie. it's fair game now here. she is beautiful. we saw the tattoo. >> yeah. >> we saw the tattoo. is this it finally for you? are you going to make a statement to the world, this is the woman of your dreams, enough is enough? >> dear, god, yes. >> you can't afford to half your half one more again. >> you know what, honestly, that's kind of liberating in a weird way. it isn't about wealth.
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it's about quality of life. >> the heart attack taught you that. didn't it? >> yeah. >> how do you like being a dad again? >> it's fantastic. this kid is great. you see them, you get to know them almost instantly. if you're really looking. she's a real kind person. she's interested. she has a kind of perspective about things. she is not a complainer, although she's got a little rage problem. >> diaper rash will do that. >> she's impatient. she's just impatient. get on with it. >> great to see you. so glad you're in new york so much. >> you look so happy, too. >> you do. >> i know. >> this is a contented kelsey. >> not exactly shakespearean. it's not working for you. >> no, that's true. playing the character has been a lot of fun. >> i bet. >> thank you, kelsey. >> it's on starz. >> by all means. >> you can catch the season two premiere of "boss" tonight at 9:00 eastern. sara haines is across the street lining up candid questions from our folks across
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the street. [ male announcer ] this is rudy. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches. so the production of twix was divided between two separate factories. left twix factory cascades caramel and chocolate onto cookie, while right twix factory flows caramel and chocolate onto cookie. today they share nothing, but a wrapper and a driveway. try both and pick a side.
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so what i'm saying is, people like options. today they share nothing, but a wrapper and a driveway. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is, you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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we are back. >> we are with "3, 2, 1 live with sara haines." she is across the street at the nbc experience store with some of our biggest fans. god love them. >> hopefully they've got fun questions. >> we have a big fan from houston. this is dee dee. >> hi, hoda, hi, kathie. >> go ahead. >> my question is, for the rest of the year, if you had to give up one or the other, which would you choose, your daily adult beverages or one night of sleep each night? >> that's a great question. would you give up sleep or drinks? >> sleep. >> sleep, definitely. why are we even asking that? >> i don't sleep as it is. that's not even a good question. >> great answer. >> dee dee, you're a doll. >> we love you. thank you, sara.
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>> we went a little long in our talk today. >> what is your travel pet peeve? >> we're very undisciplined. terrible. ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made fresh at subway ♪ ♪ subs made just the way i say ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made fresh at subway ♪ ♪ subs made just the way i say [ male announcer ] at subway, you got it made. exactly the way you say. like the turkey & avocado with spinach. start with freshly baked bread, chef things up with jalapenos, red onions and more. you so got it made. ♪ at subway
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it's something you smell. lysol no mess automatic toilet bowl cleaner not only cleans your toilet with every flush, but also freshens your entire bathroom. so even in between deep cleans, it's as fresh as any room in your home. available in spring waterfall™, citrus, and lavender fields™ scents. for tips on a healthy home, visit why should golfers take 5-hour energy? playing golf all day can make you tired. i've been taking the product for about a year. and, after taking 5-hour energy, i feel more energized. i have more energy. you know, i'm not tired anymore after taking it. i was skeptical but i decided one day i'd try it. 5-hour energy works fast. i have the energy to get through a meeting, to get through a workout. it keeps me alert for a long period of time,
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and keeps me going. on or off the course, play with energy, 5-hour energy. welcome back to "today" on this try day friday. time for another view when we get the guys' perspective on what they are really thinking. >> answering your burning questions, our friend willie geist, host of "way too early with willie geist" and co-host of "morning joe" on nbc. >> bobbie said no jacket today. she said friday, lose the jacket. >> bobbie is right. >> we are blaming bobbie. >> you could do with one less button. >> easy, easy. so handy on friday. >> sara, take it away. >> question is from amber, how can i encourage my husband to pick up after himself without sounding like i'm nagging him constantly? >> this is a tough one. i have a 3-year-old. at our core men are 3-year-olds. we have to be beat over the head
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and told exactly what to do. we don't know, in fact, we are doing something wrong. the same we my 3-year-old doesn't know it's not okay to color on the wall until i tell him, you might have a man who spent his whole life with a mom who picked up after him and he doesn't even know it's wrong. you need to sit down and say it's disrespectful of me, pick up your clothes, get the dishes out of the sink because you're hurting me, hurting the relationship. >> that's how you do it. hurting me, hurting the relationship. >> frank leaves the same thing in the same spot every single day and misses with the kleenex. he's the most -- finally, it never changed. i said, i'm going to take this opportunity each day, he doesn't know i do this to thank god for him every time i pick up the kleenex. i know. >> he throws it and doesn't go for the rebound? and the put back? >> no. >> wow. >> i say thank you that i still have him to clean up after. that make any sense? >> that's nice except it's making me sick. sara, let's have another one.
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>> next question from donna. how can you convince the man you love to open up to you? >> that's a hard one. a lot of guys aren't talkers. that's the truth. my wife taught me this one. you can write a guy a note because he doesn't like the face-to-face confrontation. he doesn't want to talk about it. he doesn't want an appointment where we say, honey, we need to talk tonight. if you start the conversation, let him respond in his own terms, he reads it, you can say something is upsetting you. or what's wrong with you, honey. then the guy can kind of respond the way he wants to respond. >> they say guys, it's easier to talk to them when walking with them as opposed to sitting face-on. when when they're not looking right at you basically, when they're walking on the beach or driving in the car. >> the way lionel richie was looking at you. >> go in the conversation side to side, not head to head. >> next up from sara. i know he loves me, when i don't see the lovie dovy stuff i panic.
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i feel like we are becoming too long distant. am i overreacting? >> it's got to be there. it's a slippery slope where you're roommates, you are buddies, sleeping in separate beds, not talking to each other. >> what's wrong with that? >> excuse me. uh-oh. touched a nerve. you don't have the to make out in public, although you may if you want to, but make sure the intimacy is there. especially married with kids. make time. >> do you have date nights? >> date night once a week. thank the producers of "toy story 3" because you can put your kids in a room with "toy story" and get lost for two hours. they don't even know you're gone. thank you. >> one more quick one. >> this one is from josie. why can't grown men stay away from video gapes? >> the average age of the video gamer is 35 years old. 35. it's a true story. >> no! >> i don't get it. i haven't played video games an
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since eighth grade. guys sit with headsets talking to 12-year-old boys and talking trash to them across the country because you can link up. i have no answer. i don't know why he is playing video games. >> civilization has come to an end. honestly. time to grow up, guys. >> i agree. >> don't you love willie? >> i am so crazy about big willie. >> she opened my shirt, it's clear she likes me. >> all right. >> from crying babies -- why are you sweating? >> bye. >> why are you sweating? >> where are you going? >> we'll talk about etiquette. travel etiquette. every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices.
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so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ [ ball hitting paddle ] [ orbit girl ] don't let food hang around. yeah! [ orbit trumpet ] clean it up with orbit! [ orbit glint ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling. try new orbit micro packs.
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back with "today's" travel, whether it's a family of screaming kids, someone with a smelly sandwich or the person in the seat next to you who takes off their shoes, there are lots of things that get on our nerves when we travel. >> we hit the streets to find out what some of your biggest pet peeves are. take a look.
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>> when people are talking too loud on their cell phones. >> you're driving and they don't turn the directional on and turn right in front of you and you're not expecting it. >> when somebody puts their chair back and leaves it back the whole trip. >> when the person next to you is snoring. >> when the stewardesses don't let you sleep. when you fall asleep and they try and wake you up every time. >> thing that annoys me the most is when i travel with my brother. >> here with tips how to handle problematic passengers is lin linda -- lisa gachet. when the woman is right, she's right. lisa gachet. she is founder and ceo of beverly hills manners. nice to see you. so sorry hoda got that wrong. >> we asked, hello, our facebook viewers to write questionsness to help it you address them. melanie writes, this is one of her pet peeves. women that wear heels and tons of jewelry and take forever to get through security because of it.
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>> absolutely. people need to understand they have to wear easy to remove clothes so they don't hold up the security line. that's where aggravation happens at the get-go. if wear easy to remove clothes, you need to be focused, stay efficient and then you move through the line quickly and then you get out as fast as you can >> it's usually the guy that's got to take off the belt, untie the shoes. >> exactly. they are unloading for days. you're just waiting. >> petra doesn't like people that hog the arm rest and pretend no one is next to them. let's add that people who lay down in the seats or fall asleep on their neighbors which is what i'm doing. i'm hogging yours right now. >> if you're the aisle, you have the aisle as your arm rest. that is your territory. if you're at the window, the window side is your arm rest. the poor person in the middle, >> got nothing. >> people don't know what to do. we need to pay deference to the person in the middle and allow them both arm rests.
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that's the thing people need to remember. >> how do you do it? what if you're in the middle and they are hogging? do you say something? >> you have yours, the other person has theirs next to the window. you let them do what they want. they got the short end of the stick. >> get their first and establish your territory. >> exactly. >> ow. >> and never move. >> some people slowly edge you out. >> they do. >> kathy writes, she doesn't like loud cell phone talkers. nobody does. >> no one does. we don't need to hear everybody's conversation. that upsets people. the other thing is that people who have the volume turned up on their music really loud. >> people enjoy my music. they like when i have it turned up. >> they will do, they're feeling the beat in their seat. >> i hate when people bring strong smelling meals aboard a short crowded flight. because they don't have food, people show up with pizza. there was a woman next to me with a bleu cheese salad,
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opened, eggs, bleu chinese and vinaigrette. she was pouring it on and eating it with a fork and knife. it looked good. i wanted some. >> my feeling is even if you're yearning for that pastrami sandwich from new york and want to bring it on the flight home, unless you're prepared to bring something for everyone on the plane i really think you need to keep the smelly or the pungent foods off the flight. >> bring trail mix. >> bring something that is not offensive. turk sandwich. >> if somebody smells of peanuts and they have an allergic reaction. >> i miss the old days when i was young. >> thank you very much, lisa. >> my pleasure. >> making the right statement with the right wardrobe. >> what is appropriate and what is not in the work place? >> you mean like bobbie thomas? >> yeah, she was appropriate. >> good morning. i'm crystal egger with the weather channel. do you have outdoor plans this
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weekend? there are a few areas to keep an eye to the sky, especially across the southeast coast and the gulf coast of mexico. showers and thunderstorms unsettled here all weekend long. if you have any beach plans, think about that. maybe late in the day especially, we'll have a change-up to your weather here if you're along the coast. in the northeast, most of the showers and storms will be before 1:00 and then we clear out nicely by sunday. beautiful weather across the ohio valley. cooling off down into the tennessee valley. a few showers and storms across the southern plains and hot and dry in the desert southwest where our temperatures are still in the triple digits through the inland valleys and deserts. 92 in albuquerque. notice the cooldown across the upper midwest. refreshing canadian air dropping highs into the 70s and 80s. morning lows start out in the 50s and 40s. crisp and cool across the upper midwest and the ohio valley. now, on sunday, still unsettled
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for the southeast. we can actually use some of this rain, especially in central georgia where the drought is at severe if not exceptional as far as the category goes. sunday looks dry across much of the country. as far as the temperatures go, we're going to stay mild for the upper midwest there on sunday and by monday, a few showers and storms lingering in the southeast will dry out new york city, new york city sunday looks good for you. and on tuesday, we'll keep it dry across much of the countries with the exception of the southeast. still stormy. a stalled out front and some tropical moisture in place. that's why it's not going to be so great along the gulf coast into the places like savannah and charleston if you're here in the southeast. 84 degrees in chicago. by wednesday, we start to warm up again next week. you can tune in any day right here on the weather channel. wake up with al and stephanie" weekday mornings at 6:00 a.m. no problem.
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you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. mike's being healthy and chewing like a man. introducing one-a-day vitacraves for men! it's a gummy multivitamin... with more vitamin b, to convert food to energy, and help mike do manly things, like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. new one-a-day vitacraves for men.
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back now with "today's" style. we all want to play up our
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assets. but some people show them off like bobbie thomas a little more than -- >> stop saying her name. whether you're at work or looking for work, the way you dress says a lot about who are you. here is "marie claire's" fashion senior editor and "today" contributor. susanna roberts. >> hello. >> look at you. welcome to the party. this is one of those things when you're looking for a job, that is especially important, and you're trying to figure out what is appropriate and not appropriate to wear, right? >> absolutely. there is an interesting statistic that says in the first three seconds somebody sees you they form an opinion. 97% of that is what you're wearing. it's so important to dress the part of the part you want. >> doesn't it depend on the job you're seeking? >> 100%. >> if you want to work at hooter's, i would think that you would think differently or you want to work at a law firm. a different approach. >> if you're working at an accountant or fashion magazine,
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there are rules and don'ts. >> what are they? >> microminis are never going to be appropriate. >> they're good at hooter's. >> never going to be good. do the sit test. if you sit down, it's up here, people will look at you and be distracted. you don't want to distract people and think you have other things on your mind other than the part in hand. >> you're at a job and you want eight different job. one agent i had said don't dress for the job you have. dress for the job you want. make sure you look like you're ready for new york if you want to work in new york. >> look at what your boss wears, look at people in your environment. think about how they've got to where they are. emulate that. use these people as mentors if you like. >> that's how you know the culture of where you're working. you have pedestals here. one are the dozen and one are the don'ts. >> this is dozen. one of the very important things is makeup. it's almost as bad to wear too
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much make-up as nothing. concealers are important. they cancel out red. really make skin look great. dry shampoo. shower in a can. time is of the essence. we all know that. spray this in but please remember to brush it out. there is nothing worse than the dead give away of dry shampoo. >> those things are great. >> unorganized, not great. >> we have great kitten heels that are back as opposed to the big heels. that's great. comfort, gives you enough lift and says professional. >> they are different from hooker heels. they really are. >> and having the right bag. i'm lugging around so much junk in mine. >> hoda has three bags. one for her bowling bowl, a gym bag. i said, why don't you get a lark. apparently that can't happen. >> those are great options. >> these are classic and they hold enough important stuff, let's put it that way. >> the don'ts involve sparkle, shimmer and high heels. >> pretty obvious. >> and sheer stuff.
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>> that's the snooki table. >> that is not the office table, exactly. >> we have two examples of a do and a don't. ladies, come on out. ladies look and see what we have. >> i'd say guess, but it might be obvious. >> it's adorable. the do is the blue. >> this is a great anne taylor dress. the thing about this is, it's not -- it's professional without being too fussy. it looks great. the color blue is a great color to wear to work. it means calm, it means in control. well done, kathie. the blazer has an air of authority about it. it's got that masculine meets feminine edge. >> it's modest but fashionable. >> is it just that the skirt is too short? >> the length of the skirt. the button down is too low. the color pink emits feelings of romance. and femininism. >> that button is too low? >> she's on the prowl, i can tell. >> and the hair is a little out of control and the pumps. they scream party.
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you don't want to look like a party girl. >> if she was going fob an interview with anna wintaur? >> i still say no. i think a short skirt. >> thank you. welcome. you did a great job in london. you were terrific. >> thank you. >> a light italian meal perfect for summer. this is "today" on nbc. my contacts are so annoying. they're itchy, dry and uncomfortable. i can't wait to take 'em out, throw 'em away and never see them again. [ male announcer ] know the feeling? get the contacts you've got to see to believe. acuvue® oasys brand contact lenses with hydraclear® plus technology, keeping your eyes exceptionally comfortable all day long. it feels like it disappeared on my eye. [ male announcer ] discover why it's the brand eye doctors trust most for comfort. if you have astigmatism, there's an acuvue® oasys lens for that too,
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in "today's" kitchen, we are getting saucy with the chef from the orange squirrel restaurant in bloomfield, new jersey. italian cooking isn't all about pasta and heavy sauce. he's showing us lighter res peas, perfect for the end of summer. >> how you doing? >> we have beautiful mushrooms here. we are doing oysters, shitake. and crimini. our version at orange grill of tempura. we have some rice flour and some cornstarch, equal parts. we can put that in. >> okay. you want me to whisk it? >> look at you using a big word like wisk. >> don't mess with me. >> we have herbs. >> what are they? >> thyme, rosemary and sage. they're overer. >> parsley? >> no, no. we're just going to add some beer here. >> i'm liking this. >> nice lily tallian beer here.
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get it going. >> you don't think of italian beer. >> if it gets lumpy, don't worry about it. work your muscles there. >> i give up. >> nice and light. >> there you go. you get this at the consistency you want. you can finish it with a little sparkling water. >> why would you? >> once you get that done -- >> it's a little lumpy. >> we'll work it out. >> say we had put in some effort. >> then we're going to get it in here. >> say we did that. >> so from there -- >> i smellal beer. >> you're going to drop them in the hot oil? >> right. right in the hot oil. right from here. >> what oil are we using there? >> vegetable oil? >> it's just a canola oil. >> oh, it's hot. >> that's going to be fast, isn't it? >> real fast. >> the they'll do their thing. they'll get crispy. we'll take them out, we'll drain it.
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>> about how long? >> three minutes. shouldn't be more than that. get them crispy, cook the mushrooms. we'll take them out. >> why the don't we taste while he's taking them out because we've got about a minute to go. >> you're putting them with tomatoes. delicious. don't burn yourself. >> we'll put a little white truffle oil, smoked paprika. >> come on back. we have about a minute. >> did you put truffle oil in there? >> absolutely. >> that's why. >> we'll get some broccoli gratin. we're going to slice it. >> come on in, sara. what are we making here? >> we'll whip it. >> 30 seconds. >> this is broccocoli gratin on top with veal meatballs. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> coming up next week, kirk cameron and kristin bell. last minute labor day get aways. >> have a great weekend.


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