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tv   Today  NBC  August 29, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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wednesday morning, the 29th day of august, 2012. we have a great crowd outside on rockefeller plaza on this wednesday. glad they stopped by. good morning, everyone. i'm savannah guthrie inside studio 1a in new york. isaac is battling the gulf coast, especially new orleans. hundreds of thousands of people without power, flooding and storm surges ar major concern because isaac is moving so slowly. we've got the region covered this morning. al roker and the weather channel's jim cantore are bracing the powerful winds holding onto each other just to stay there. janet shamlian on the coast. we'll talk to them in a moment. up next, "today's" professionals
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will break down the headlines that have you buzzing including governor sanford, engaged to his ex-mistress. new pens made for women. deals and steals for "today" show viewers, up to 70% off, personalized jewelry to hair care products. first a check of the top stories from natalie morales at the news desk. natalie, over to you. >> good morning, savannah. isaac battling much of louisiana and other parts of the gulf coast with high winds and flooding rains. the storm could drop 20 inches of rain or more in some areas. nbc's janet shamlian is in pass christian, mississippi with the latest. janet. >> natalie, good morning. we are getting pounded here. when people went to bed in this community, sustained winds of 30 to 35 miles an hour and now a system is stalled over this area, very slow moving overnight sustained winds of 70 to 80 miles an hour. look, this is usually a calm body of water.
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right now it's like an ocean, like a real ocean. you'll see behind me in the distance a sailboat that has come unmored after they asked him to move it and he did not. it's covered with water. the water is pushing onto u.s. 90 which will completely shut down pass christian because it is the main thoroughfare through this community. natalie, back to you. >> all right. janet shamlian there, do take care of yourself. tonight mitt romney's running mate takes center stage at the republican national convention as paul ryan accepts the party's vice presidential nomination. on tuesday delegates officially nominated mitt romney for president and he'll accept his nomination tomorrow. last night romney and at the convention to greet his wife ann after her prime time address. speaking of her husband, she said this is the man america needs. in his keynote address, new jersey governor chris christie said it is time to end what he
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calls an era of absentee leadership in the white house. can you watch nbc's prime time coverage of the republican national convention including paul ryan's vice presidential acceptance speech. that's tonight at 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific right here on nbc. a new book from navy s.e.a.l. is raising questions about the raid that took down osama bin laden and whether it was intended to capture or kill the terror leader according to the associated press. the military was concerned the book may reveal classified information but officials say while it may describe navy s.e.a.l. tactics it includes no deep military secrets. meantime the release date has been moved up. "no easy day" will hit bookstores next week. important news for parents with flu starting next week. the cdc is warning children with neurological disabilities are at an increased risk of complications from the flu. the study by health officials found 60% of children who died
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from the flu in 2009 had cerebral palsy or other neurological disorders. the cdc is urging parents of children with disabilities to make sure they get their flu vaccine. united airlines said it fixed computer problems in the passenger system led to hundreds of flight delays tuesday. passengers reported long lines at ticket counters. a young puppy has a lot of work to live up to its name. this is demon. he's just three and a half weeks old and working on his husky howl. get it eventually. the howl will take him from bow to wow shortly. pro football player and actor i old spice. it's one you have to see and hear to believe. >>
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. ♪ >> how did he do that? the commercial an his uniquely musical workout now hot online as can you imagine. pretty crazy. it is five minutes after the hour. let's go back to al and the weather channel's jim cantore both of in new orleans. guys, you guys are hanging on there for good. >> we really are, natalie. we need each other. we've always liked each other but today we need each other. >> it's gone to a different level. now you're starting to feel what i'm feeling. the first time. oh my god. >> guys, where we're standing here, down this street. we measured here, winds as high as 84 miles an hour, which is really representative of this hurricane. >> that's right. right now it's moving to the
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northwest at about seven miles per hour, 80-mile-per-hour winds, not going anywhere any time soon of that's right. the path of it is going to come up, make its way inland as a tropical storm sometime later tonight, early tomorrow. but in the meantime we are in for a world of pain. a lot of rain, storm surge still a big deal. 6 to 12 feet above normal. and oh, my gosh, the rain. the rain is going to -- >> so far nine inches at the airport in new orleans. from what we see here, a huge worry. so far, so good. >> some areas could pick up as much as 20 inches of rain. that's what going on around the country, here is what's happenin >> good morning. it is a beautiful start and we expect a lot of sunshine today.
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>> all right. savannah, back to you. >> all right. al and jim, stay safe out there. up next, the professional take on the hot topics that have you buzzing. later, more than 70% off trendy dresses, coats and jewelry in jill's steals and deals coming up after these messages. e to cover all of manhattan out of landfills each year? the equivalent of 140 million trash bags, gone. by using glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands to be stronger with less plastic waste, we can. it's a small change that can make a big difference.
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and try glad odor shield with febreze freshness... strong bags that neutralize strong odors. chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy-thick texture helps satisfy you. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied.
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pleeeeeeeease... [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. pleeeeeeeease... less than 100 calories and made with real fruit pleeeeeeeease... thanks mom! [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done.
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i'm gonna read one of these. i'm gonna read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags, swiffer 360 duster's extender gets into hard-to-reach places without the hassle. so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪ swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back.
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back now today's professionals chewing over the hottest headlines. star jones, donny deutsch and nbc's medical editor dr. nancy snyderman are assembled and ready to chat. let's talk about the rnc, chris christie gave the keynote address. it was hotly anticipated. but some in the room were a little bit peeved that it took him about 10 minutes to mention mitt romney. they decided it was a little too self-serving. >> what did they expect.
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>> is that fair criticism. >> he said that he spoke so long about himself because he didn't find mitt romney interesting enough to talk about. it was really a me, me, me speech teed up for 2016. >> you think that was ip appropriate. >> look, he did what he was supposed to do. he talked a lot about himself, his mom, dad, speaks the unvarnished truth. he took from how he speaks the truth to republicans. the mvp boy act, teed himself up for 2016 and played the convention role he was supposed to. >> let me talk about the christie brand. bullying will never be accepted in this country. there was a clip of him when a woman asked him about do your kids go to private school. it was an issue. he goes, none of your business. if you were a woman, if you were a minority, the entire country is getting more and more power in the digital age. they don't want somebody up
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there going, this is the way it is. his brand will never sell to the country. >> good thing you say that, one man's bullying is another man's straight talk. >> no, this is a bully. makes for good tv. typically with the emerging, everybody a power in the digital age, they don't want the soapbox age. this guy will never, ever get elected president of the united states. >> i know it's terrible but he's a big dude. a big dude with a finger pointing in the face of a woman will never go over well. >> the latino vote, this brand will never sell. remember that. we'll play this for you. >> i don't know if you guys will swing independent voters. what do you think, nancy? >> i think he is a bully. we've seen him not back away, the boardwalk in new jersey when he started walking after a guy and his own security people are saying, governor, come back. i think he has to remember leaders are supposed to have a certain amount of social deco m decorum. he's going to have to find his
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gentler side. >> two words, rudy giuliani, didn't really work. >> love and marnl. former south carolina governor mark sanford, you remember him? he, of course, came to fame or notoriety a few years ago when he was a sitting governor, disappeared, said he was on the appalachian trail but actually was out with his mistress. more than two years after getting a divorce, he's now marrying his mistress. what do you think about that? >> i'm going to defend him. i think there are a few times in laugh when people find their absolute true loves. i think he is head over heels in love with this woman. he was married, had kids, lied about where he was when he was governor. stupid, stupid mistakes. i hope he has a blissful life with this woman. >> do you think this happens a lot? >> the one thing that works against it is, you're not in a
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real life situation. people having affairs. i agree with nancy. this was the first scandal. obviously he made a mistake. where the gucame forward and said, i'm in love. i can't help it. there was something refreshing about that. it was very different than everything else. >> i sit here and i hear my nana in my ear saying he will cheat with you, he will cheat on you. i hope you're happy. i'm really glad for you. get married, have a good time. remember, next time your man says he's going out for milk, he might be with someone else. >> he threw his career away for this woman. one could argue this is a love story. >> i think this is a quintessential love story. he hope he and the argentine mistress do extraordinarily well. >> i wouldn't want to see my man going to portugal. they have pretty women in portuguese. >> we have brad and anglelinang
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tom hanks, all examples. >> i guess they are moving us on, epidemic of overtreatment. dr. nancy, there was a study in the institute of medicine, tests cost health care system $10 billion a year. we know this. what's the problem? >> this is medicine for the worried well. people who have money to spend. why shouldn't it's a ct scan to look at everything in my body. guess what, you'll find something, the you expect someone else to pick up the tab. you want the insurance company or employer to pay. those are dollars that you don't see. but they ramp up health care costs for everyone else. sometimes less is more. >> let me just ask about this. for me, preventive medicine has saved my life. there is no question about it. if i had not had the echocardiogram i did, i would not have had the next test which
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is the trans esophageal cardiogram, cost half a million dollars, but a lot less than open-heart surgery. i have issues with that. >> two issues, number one, tort reform. obviously doctors are covering their butts. until we have that -- other issue, if any one of us took a back mri, it would turn up 19 things. what are we going to do about it. sometimes ignorance is bliss. sometimes when you go looking, you're going to find it. if we all took a back mri or you took one right now, what's this, what's that? >> you can't say preventive health care for everything. i'm glad your heart surgery worked out well. when we start talking about preventive everything, every mole comes out, every expressway treated, every lab treated. it's a runaway train. >> so people are going to die is what we're saying. >> absolutes. >> yeah. >> nancy is going to tell the
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truth. it's a cost analysis is what we're talking about. >> yes, some people will die. >> we have to, as americans, accept that. >> but it raises the question, should a 90-year-old get the same preventive care as a 12-year-old? if you only have so much money in the pot, should we start talking about rationalizing money, spending our health care dollars well. it's the conversations americans don't want to have. will some people die? yeah. >> it's a longer conversation but one we'll continue for another day. women's rights. okay. bic, the pen company came out with a pen for her, designed specifically for women, a thin barrel to fit a woman's hand. >> i love it. >> you do? >> some women are kind of offended. >> i was so ready to be the one -- >> i love it. >> a lot of women offended. why are they making pens.
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>> if you think it's not for you, don't buy it. >> the first time i ever picked up a fancy cross pen, i thought, who can write with this. >> you know, i bedazzle my phone. i don't have a problem wit. i can talk sports with you if you want me to be a dude for a minute but give me a nice pen. >> this is setting us back to the '50s. >> here is the reaction along the lines you expected. some comments on facebook said oh, golly, i'm just waiting for my husband to come home from his long day at the office to make sure i can order this dreamy pen. >> some women like the pen. >> is some condescending to women. >> we sit up here. some advertising condescends to men, women, children. bit way, if you want to target a product to somebody. i guarantee you, a lot of women out there, feminists saying it's setting us back. >> part of being a feminist is being a woman and make choices.
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can you be a chick, it's all right. it doesn't take away your femininity. >> my favorite color is pink. >> we knew it would happen, star, donny, nancy, thanks. coming up award winning beauty products that won't break the bank coming up right after this. ♪ spread a little love today ♪ ♪ spread a little love my way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ ♪ ♪ spread a little joy... [ female announcer ] fresh milk and real cream. that's what makes philadelphia. ♪ so spread a little... [ female announcer ] and that's what makes the moment we enjoy it, a little richer. ♪ real belgian chocolate whipped with philadelphia cream cheese. new indulgence. the moment just got a little sweeter.
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but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free
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and save on refills at wmy credibility crawled out of the basement and got all street up in here. (in her head) holla! the dcs they want are in the house. famous brands. famously easy. famous footwear. victory is yours. [ music playing ] [ music playing ] give you the unexpected burden of constipation? certain prescription medications can cause occasional constipation --
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which is why people turn to senokot-s® tablets. senokot-s® is the leading brand that has the proven effectiveness of a natural vegetable laxative ingredient plus the comfort of a stool softener. senokot-s® tablets. proven relief for occasional constipation. we're giving away over $50,000 in daily prizes! go to to enter. >> we wanted to give ayou a loo at one of the cutest video ever, identical twin girls. they love to dance in unison whenever their dad picks up his guitar. take a look. ♪
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>> aren't they adorable. >> more than a million hits on youtube. they are only about 11-month-old. twins usually are in sync. i love the way the one looked at the other and kind of said, are you ready? and got their groove on. >> it's so priceless when she looks over. >> come on, daddy, play more the minute the music dies down. keep it going, then they go back. >> in unison here. >> something like that. >> it's not remotely as cute at the babies. meantime, still to come, today's kitchen and we are hungry. citrus barbecue pork chops. yum. easy grilling, too, and can you do it year-round. exclusive deals from photo collages steals and deals coming up. first your local news. mmmm, just how satisfying is every spoonful
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of new light & fit greek? morning donut cookies chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. cupcake! it's not gonna happen. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun!
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totino's pizza rolls.
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> it is going to be a beautiful day. in a lot of sunshine as we head into the afternoon. high temperatures between 81 and 86 degrees. we will start out in the 50's tomorrow morning and make it up to 85 in the afternoon. warmer on friday b
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that's a little ditty called "the remedy." jason mraz on the concert stage friday. we'll kick off early, tomorrow on the plaza british hot sensation takes the stage. on the unofficial last day of summer, a rare reunion of matchbox 20, live labor day morning all right here on "today." love all of them. haven't seen them together. >> their first album in pfeifer
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years. >> savannah guthrie alongside natalie morales. in the next half hour, get ready to do shopping. >> not a lot of damage. exclusive bargains in steals and deals. 70% off dresses, products, totes, jewelry and hair products. jill martin looking great in that dress, by the way. the best in beauty, the folks at shape magazine put dozens to the test from concealers to lip gloss. >> when we'll cook. the end of summer did not mean the end of grilling season. we've got easy recipes. you can throw these on any grill all year-round. >> that is an al menu. >> al, you're missing out, out there working hard in new orleans with jim cantore there, too. how are you guys holding up? >> hey, al, take it easy. holding on all right. >> doing great right now. but i'll tell you, it will be good to see this thing pull away but it's not going to happen for at least another 24 hours.
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we're hanging in there. >> literally hanging onto each other. there really hasn't been a letup, if anything the rains have increased in the last 20 minutes. so far nine inches has been dealt with well here. >> plaquemines parish taking a big hit. they have levees over top and a lot of flooding. folks are stranded. as we take a look at the rest of the country, we do have that risk of strong storms here in the gulf coast area, tornado watches in effect. northeast looks fabulous. a lot of record heat in the plains. beautiful weather in the pacific northwest. the heat continues down through the southwest. >> good morning.g on it is a beautiful start on this wednesday. the humidity is gone. we expect a lot of sunshine.
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>> all right. savannah and natalie, back to you. >> j and al, it seems to be funneling down the street. are wind conditions like that throughout or is it block by block, depending where you are. >> right here we have a unique situation. the wind is funneling down this street. you go a couple of blocks down and it's not quite so bad. but it's going to be repeated like this through the downtown area and anywhere you've got highrises. >> this tunnel, we measured winds, 80 miles an hour, representative of this hurricane. not only in this wind tunnel but 30 stories where you're talking about in the highrise. >> back to you guys. >> take care, guys.
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be careful. >> never felt so close to each other in their whole lives. >> guys, thank you. coming up next, we'll switch gears. big bargains for today's viewers in our steals and deals segment coming up right after this.
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thanks to new jif chocolate flavored hazelnut spread. ♪ now anytime of the day can be delicious time. ♪ choosy moms choose jif. the blissful pause just before that rich sweetness touches your lips. the delightful discovery, the mid-sweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. well, almost. the sweet reward, making a delicious choice that's also a smart choice. splenda no-calorie sweetener. with the original sugar-like taste you love and trust. splenda makes the moment yours.
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time now for jill's steals and deals, we bring you hot products and deeply discounted prices for you our viewers. jill martins back to take you through these deals. good morning. >> good morning. >> for those who have not done this before with steals and als, tell us how it works. >> not done this before. go to, we'll link you to the websites. things have been selling out in minutes. if you want something, go now. only available 24 hours but only available minutes. we'll give you deals and link you up and you'll get it within two weeks. these are great dresses by paggie london, a variety of dresses. >> retail, $138. you see the four different options starting with the brazilian print halter dress, which is great. you could transition into fall, also a great summer dress. this metallic dress, i hope you
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have somewhere to go. crochet knit dress here and the little black dress. you can't beat. a little cutout in the back. >> retail $138. >> deal is $39.99, for any options, that's 71% off. >> perfect. now to hair products. we've got great products from moses hair care. tell us about this deal. >> if you have curly hair naturally like me this is the kit you need. four things come in the kit. it's traditional moroccan formula. almond oil which i love. smoothing conditioning, at home spa and great gift if you want to pamper a friend. retail $150, the deal $52.50. that's 65% off. >> that is a great deal. >> this company rarely discounts. >> good time to stock up, too. next beautiful jewelry. this is from nisa, initial
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jewelry. it's still in. >> you're wearing one today. >> yes. $115 for these. they are classic meets vintage. the brifltacelets, necklaces, earrings. >> those are gorgeous. >> move in. >> no. >> come on. >> back away. >> retail 115, deal is $34, for any 70% off. >> a great gift. >> it is. great. >> maybe i'll make new friends. >> okay. now tell us about these great totes. >> these totes retail $99. i love the way these look. >> throw everything in there. >> 100% vegan tote, faux leather, looks rich. large interior pocket if you like to be organized with long straps. a great bag for the day.
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retail $99, deal $29.99. that's 70% off. >> good shopping bag. >> finally, last but not least, these are pretty cool. these are from what we're offering is the voucher. >> it's $89.99. let's look at you over the years. that's a lot of looks. >> i think you want this in your room. >> or your room. >> what you do is upload these photos and then they will put it into a collage for you. you can get a voucher, give as a gift. look at the versions, any way you like it. this is really great, a beautiful gift. the retail $89.99, the deal $27. 70% off. it's dummy proof. i went on the site to do it. it's pretty easy to do it. >> with kids rooms, a great way to decorate. >> comes ready to hang, like this. >> high schoolers, they like that, friends in there. jill martin, thanks so much. again, let's remind you what the
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products are today. dresses from maggie london, hair products for moses hair care. the initials jewelry, tote bags and finally the voucher for a custom collage from if you have questions go to our website and check out steals and deals page. coming up next, the beauty products worth the money they say right after this. thunder cr] [ male announcer ] if you think all batteries are the same... consider this: when the unexpected happens, there's one brand of battery more emergency workers trust in their maglites: duracell. one reason: duralock power preserve. it locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. guaranteed. so, whether it's 10 years' of life's sunny days... or... the occasional stormy one... trust goes a long way. duracell with duralock. trusted everywhere. never ending pasta bowl is back! trust goes a long way. endless combinations of pasta and sauce for just $9.95. plus, all the unlimited crisp salad
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or homemade soup and warm breadsticks you want. the pasta never ends but the offer does. only at olive garden. our family-owned company makes daisy... with 100% natural farm-fresh cream. no artificial ingredients. no preservatives. and no add hormones. ♪ daisy, do-do a dollop in deep red apples and in each golden bead. it blends into a perfect crunch you'll savor, giving us the most perfect lesson in flavor. nature valley, nature at its most delicious.
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nature valley, chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy-thick texture helps satisfy you. and at 80 calories, it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied.
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this morning on "today's" beauty, beauty products that are worth a try. editor-at-large from shape magazine is here with the annual beauty award winners. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. >> tell me the criteria.
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how did they become winners? >> at shape we really did our homework. we tested hundreds of products. we made sure we are looking at everything from texture, how it felt, how much it cost. we really did ask our readers to weigh in, of course some dermatologists and manicurists. everyone had a say in these products. >> when you say it's the best, you really mean it. >> we mean it. >> let's start with best primer, under the foundation. >> primer is really going to make your makeup stay all day long. what's great about this primer, it helps to get rid of imperfections and fine lines. we also love this particular one has a pearl tint to it. so you're getting a little luminosity on your complexion as well, which is lovely. >> different shades? >> this is a universal shade. with this, one person gets to use all of this. >> best foundation. >> i feel like a lot of women tend to shy away from foundation because they think it's going to
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look heavy and do heavy. at shape we found this great one from estee lauder, a flawless finish and lightweight. several shades. >> a variety. >> light to dark, you can find the best shade for you. >> the next thing is something kind of trendy just in the last year. bb creams is that what you call it? >> bb creams, also known as beauty balms. very, very trendy these days. it's basically trendy because it's everything you need in one tube. this from dior, it's going to hydrate, conceal empourierfecti control the oil and spf 30 as well. >> is the idea to wear it under a foundation or as a tinted moisturizer. >> you wear it by yourself, perfect for anyone low maintenance. >> tinted powder. >> we love this from revlon. a powder helps set your makeup
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and helps the oiliness in the t-zone. this from revlon has coconut water, very high draydratinhydr the touch, it will cool your face as you use it. >> this brush, nice. >> easy to use. >> concealer. >> is that what we have here? >> yes. sephora, everyone needs a concealer, it can hide a blemish to brighten under eye area. this has an ingredient to plump skin, very hydrating. i love it's super portable. pop in your purse for last-minute touchups. >> next eyeliner pen. kind of like a liquid eyeliner. >> lifestyle. a lot of women intimidated by liquid liner. >> hard to put on. >> if you look at the tip, it's super fine and very easy for application. this is the best of both worlds, the precision of a liner, pencil liner and intensity of a marker.
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wolf product. >> the thick plaque line we like to see. >> sexy cat eye look. >> the lip sticks, what do you like? >> for lip sticks, a lot of colors out there. sometimes lipstick can be a bit drying. this one from lancome, you're getting bold, beautiful color, a little bit of shine and lots of si silkyness on your lips. feels moisturizing. >> lip gloss. >> these are from l'oreal. what's great about these lip glosses, they are not sticky. nothing worse than getting it on your hair. these come in several different colors. wear them alone or layer them on. they have omega 3, good for you as well. >> great products. haw so much. >> thank you. >> coming up next, in the kitchen, easy grilling pork chops, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.
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kitchen we're grilling and chilling pork chops. chef frank from new york. his new book, rao's on the grill, italian recipes from my kitchen to yours. great to have you here. we think rao's, we think the hard to get into restaurant in new york city. >> i can't get a table. >> sure. >> thirty years in, i can't get a table. my goodness. you have your own cooking though. why the cookbook now? >> it's something i've always done, cooked, entertained. i pretty much do it all year long, even when i'm here on the east coast. easy to clean up, get involved, have a great time cooking together. >> i guess folks that can't get into the restaurant feel like they have a piece of it.
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how to make one of your recipes. this is pork chops with a citrus barbecue. >> this is pork line with the bone in. season with salt and pepper on both sides and let it rest for a little bit. turn it over. >> back side. >> i'll do the pepper. >> please do. >> what is the secret to the citrus barbecue sauce. >> that's what we have right here. the secret is you have the majority of these ingredients in the pantry, in your frig. it's good to go. you want extra for dipping sauce later on after everything is prepared. >> here you have ketchup. >> ketchup with freshly grated horse haddish, woos shir, garlic. >> the key ingredient. a little more horse radish if
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you like. >> a little kick. >> a lot of kick. it's be careful with that stuff. it's potent. finally red pepper. what we're going to do is whisk this all together. i'm going to ask you to do this for me as i start to sear pork chops. >> you're not putting it on the chops before putting it on the grill? >> well, it's going to go back on the grill. so as these are -- these are going to cook about 450 degrees medium high heat. okay. then you're going to turn them over and they will look something like this. >> a little seared. this is indoor, outdoor as well. >> grill pan at home, frying pan in the oven. it's great. it's really wonderful on the grill. that's where you take advantage of this barbecue sauce. it's easy. >> coating them through. >> coat them nicely, gently. then flip them over. you're going to let this sauce glaze. it's going to be absolutely
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wonderful. >> karcarmichae caramelize. >> 15 to 20 depending how you like your pork. >> some think pink is the way to go. other think no pink is the way to go. >> the good news is fda reduced serving temperature for pork chops, 145, used to be 160. while these are cooking, what we're going to do is add breadcrumbs on top, evenly distributed. >> a little crunch. >> crunch. great textures, carries the flavor. then squeeze some lemon on top. >> extra citrus. >> exactly. >> bake this in the oven to get it fully cooked, right? >> yes, you k again, very versatile. >> beautifully done. perfect chop. you've got these great sides to
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go along. >> pasta salad. particular lip this time of year, tomatoes at their height, fabulous. red onion, mozzarella. >> what is this. >> red, white, blue. my pastry chef in las vegas. >> we like your style. >> frank pell grino, thank you for being here. hoda and kathie lee next.
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