tv Early Today NBC August 31, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EDT
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muscle groups simultaneously to get a total body workout in a fraction of the time you could with circuit training or free weights. >> female announcer: anyone can use the total gym, regardless of age or fitness level, because your own body weight provides the resistance. you simply raise the incline to increase resistance and lower it to reduce resistance. more reps at the lower incline slenderizes, firms and tones for that longer, leaner look. >> male announcer: while fewer reps at the higher inclines are ideal for bodybuilding. >> female announcer: and because the total gym stretches you as you work out, workouts are fun and energizing, instead of boring and exhausting, and look at this! when you're finished with your workout, just fold it up and slide it under a bed, up against a wall or into a closet. >> male announcer: and when you call, don't forget to ask about the all-new, revolutionary ab crunch accessory. >> female announcer: total gym xls is built to last and it comes with a lifetime warranty. >> male announcer: and now, you can try the total gym absolutely risk-free. if you're not delighted, you can return it for a full refund. >> why wait? there's never been a better time to get into the best shape of your life with total gym.
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[♪...] call the number on your screen. [♪...] >> total gym recently teamed up with one of professional sports' top trainers, todd durkin, to create three new total gym high-energy workouts. >> i'm here on the total gym, one of my favorite tools. if you're anything like any of my clients, you often time start for a great workout. if you really want to get in lots of different exercises with great results, you can get in dozens of different exercises in as little as 20, 30 minutes to blast your metabolism, release fat and get nice and strong. and whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned, savvy fitness enthusiast, these exercises will surely work you as hard as you want to work. now, this is challenging as much as you want it to because i can vary the intensity by just the changing the height of the total gym. regardless of your age, or if you're a female who wants to get fit, or a recreational athlete, it really doesn't matter 'cause the total
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gym is going to allow you to work, live and play at your absolute best. >> one of the biggest reasons people give for why they don't work out is time. for example, take two friends, shari and tina. but while tina has to get in her car and drive across town to a gym, all shari has to do is walk across the living room to get to her own gym-- the total gym. not only does it give you a complete workout faster than if you drove to the gym, but the convenience of having it in your home means that you'll really use it. and since working out on a total gym is so easy, shari can finish her workout in just about the time it takes tina to get to the gym! how often have you decided against going to the gym because you didn't have the time or the energy to drive all the way there, work out and then drive all the way back home? but the total gym is always
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ready when you are. [♪...] >> man: when i'm looking through these pictures, i just can't believe that's me. >> i'm kind of disgusted. >> i'm embarrassed-- i can't believe that was even me. >> i didn't feel good about myself. >> very ashamed of how i let myself go. when i first started noticing a difference was my jeans didn't fit anymore. >> dropped a dress size in just the first month. >> a couple of my favorite exercises on the total gym are the chest fly... >> really like the leg pulleys. >> i was a size 12 and i went down to a size 5/6. >> my arms... and my stomach. >> biceps. >> now, with the total gym, i've lost 175 pounds. >> i lost 52 pounds. >> i was 278 at my highest and right now i'm right around 230. >> i love this one for the back of my arms. >> i lost a hundred pounds. >> doing those back-up squats... really feel it. >> lost 30 pounds using the total gym. >> the exercises are becoming more fluid-- i'm able to change from one to the other pretty easily.
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>> and then i can go from there straight into a bicep curl. >> now i've lost 80 pounds and i've kept it off for about a year and a half. >> gym's so nice, too; you don't have to mess with changing weights and changing barbells and switching everything out. >> i was a little over 180 pounds. my weight today is 158 pounds. >> it's a total... gym-- i guess that was a good name for it. >> this is something i definitely want to stick with the rest of my life. it's just all right there-- total gym. >> thank you, total gym. >> thank you, total gym. >> all: thank you, total gym! >> many times i'll come into the gym just to work on my triceps. why? because guys will always walk up to you and say, "hey, how's it going?" and they want to see if you have any muscle in your arms. and so that's what motivates me to come in here and work on these triceps, so when they do grab me by the arm, it's not gonna be all mushy. [laughs] so here's the exercise that i do. i'll do this here and i'll rotate 'em-- see how i'm rotating my hands?
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so this works different parts of the tricep. and then soon as i work this to exhaustion where i can't do any more, then i'll come up here and work the back. why the back? because as you get older, you have a tendency for your back to slump from lack of muscle, and i want to make sure that i'll always maintain a good posture no matter what my age is. and then soon as i do these then i'll go right back to exhaustion on my triceps. and once i can't do any more of these, then i'll go back to my back with my palms down this time. and pull back again to keep that back straight. then i'll go back to exhaustion again on the triceps. i just finished a movie called expendables 2 and this is how i stayed in shape to do this movie, and i think i was in better shape than all the other actors... [laughs] on the set.
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>> i did a movie with chuck norris and of course, chuck norris uses the total gym and his wife, gena, is so fit, and i said, "how did you get that fit?" and she looked at me and she said, "total gym!" "wow", and then all of a sudden, i had the opportunity to get one. when i started using the total gym, i was amazed that it could be fun and not torturous! i could get the results i wanted but there are so many different types of exercises that one can do on the total gym. i think the biggest surprise for me and the biggest reward for me using the total gym is that i can get great results in not a lot of time, because when i'm on a set and i'm working, and i'm working 16, 18 hours a day, it's hard to find the time. never did i know that i could work on the total gym for 15 minutes a day and see results. >> you know, i get so many people ask, "why the total gym?" well, i'd love to be able to give you just, like, a one-word answer, but the fact of the matter is there's a multitude of reasons, o.k.? i don't have to drive 30 minutes to the gym. i don't have to pay for gym membership. and once i do get into the workout, i don't have to
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worry about going to different machines. i don't have to worry about changing the pins, you know? i don't have to worry about guys already using the machine that i wanted to use. variety, convenience, affordability... i got news for you, man, there are a multitude of reasons why i use the total gym, and last but certainly not least, because it works. >> this is stephen sofia, the most patient man in the world. >> [laughs] >> who allowed me to realize my broadway dream. he's my dance teacher, and i got the chance to play roxie hart in chicago thanks to stephen and my total gym. why don't you show me some of your favorite moves? >> absolutely. i can go right from the chest right into my back. i can add a rotation so i'm getting my oblique. >> you're feeling that right now in your back. >> in my back. >> in your belly... >> in my belly 'cause i have to hold myself up on the glide board-- right into biceps.
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i can go from biceps right into my shoulder press and then i can bring this back and i go right here and isolate from the elbow and hit the tricep. >> that's the secret of the total gym, is that you're using several muscles at the same time. how many machines can go straight from your arms into the legs. >> exactly. >> you can also stand here and do little pulses. >> mm-hmm. >> and boy, those'll really... >> you're really targeting it, burning it out. >> really target that zone. >> yeah. >> i like to turn it into a little bit of a sit-up. >> absolutely. there's a nice, little crunch in there, but your arms are active. >> [laughs] >> i mean, this machine is... >> it's versatile. >> it's so versatile. >> it really is. >> there's so much you can do. it is truly a total body fitness machine. >> looking through these pictures, i just can't believe that's me three years ago. now, with the total gym, i've lost 175 pounds. when i weighed 338 pounds, it was hard for me to do anything. i couldn't run, i couldn't even tie my shoes.
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my kids were always after me, wanting me to go out and play with 'em and i couldn't really do it. i love the total gym because i've lost so much weight on it, it's just easier to spend time with my kids. we can play and i'm not all out of breath, and we have a good time now, don't we, baby? >> male announcer: now for the first time, you can replace an entire gym full of equipment with the one piece of equipment that does it all. your total gym xls comes fully assembled. just open it up and you're ready to begin. >> female announcer: and this instructional dvd gives you complete programs for beginning, intermediate and advanced workouts. and right now, you'll also receive john carleo's dvd with his amazing six-to-eight-minute- a-day total gym workout. and as a special bonus, you'll also receive trainer todd durkin's three-dvd series. >> i've created three new total gym workout programs promising to deliver maximum results at every fitness level. >> female announcer: todd will motivate you to increase your strength, stamina and energy, raise your metabolism and burn fat, whatever your fitness level.
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these videos will help you get into the best shape of your life faster and easier than you ever imagined possible. >> male announcer: with total gym, you can work your major muscle groups simultaneously to get a total body workout in a fraction of the time you could with circuit training or free weights. >> female announcer: anyone can use the total gym, regardless of age or fitness level, because your own body weight provides the resistance. you simply raise the incline to increase resistance and lower it to reduce resistance. more reps at the lower incline slenderizes, firms and tones for that longer, leaner look. >> male announcer: while fewer reps at the higher inclines are ideal for bodybuilding. >> female announcer: and because the total gym stretches you as you work out, workouts are fun and energizing, instead of boring and exhausting, and look at this! when you're finished with your workout, just fold it up and slide it under a bed, up against a wall or into a closet. >> male announcer: and when you call, don't forget to ask about the all-new, revolutionary ab crunch accessory. >> female announcer: total gym xls is built to last and it comes with a lifetime warranty. >> male announcer: and now, you
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can try the total gym absolutely risk-free. if you're not delighted, you can return it for a full refund. >> why wait? there's never been a better time to get into the best shape of your life with total gym. [♪...] call the number on your screen. [♪...] >> hi, my name's jenny walden and i lost 30 pounds using the total gym. i was watching tv and realized that all of a sudden, here i'm a size 12, the biggest i've ever been. it was time for a change, and total gym was the answer for me. it was encouraging, because i started to notice a difference in... the way i felt, in the way my clothes started to fit. it was easy, really, to lose the 30 pounds. i was a size 12 and i went down to a size 5/6. thank you, total gym. >> the total gym is so effective that even world-class athletes like pro football player kellen winslow use it to
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stay in shape. [whooshing] >> you know, they ask me a lot of questions-- "how does it work?"-- and i show 'em. and i usually show 'em by starting off with the chest, the bench press, and it really helps me with my blocking. get about three sets of 15, three sets of 10... how much time you have and it's real efficient. it just keeps me flexible. i can, um... it takes a few seconds, you switch from the workout and then you get your triceps in. come here with it... then you switch... just like that, and you can get your biceps in. [♪...] and just like that, within a minute, i've done three exercises. and it works, total gym works. >> olivia newton-john landed the lead role in the movie grease and she went on to win just about every kind of music award you can think of, but when it
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comes to looking and feeling younger, her secret weapon is the same as mine: the total gym. >> kind of a goal in my mind that i wanted to trim off a few pounds, trim off a few inches. total gym really is the perfect name for the machine, because i can do everything: i can do my upper body, i can do lower body, i can do pilates moves, i can do yoga moves. i think that if you want to make a change in your life, whether it's to lose weight, whether it's to get strong, whether it's to just lean out, whatever you want to do, the total gym can satisfy all those things. i look at myself now and i go, "wow, you really did it!" 'cause people have said to me, "you're looking good." i said, "yeah, i've been working out on the total gym." "really? it really works?" i say, "yeah, it really does. it really works." >> let me show you why the total gym keeps me motivated. i want to work the tris... do these here. if i want to work the lats... right here. if i want to work the chest... here. and i'll combine them. i'll do the chest...
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lats... and tris. i'll mix 'em all three together if i start getting bored. if you're sitting up here then you can work the chest. you vary it. so you work all sections of the chest-- up higher... and then i'll practice my punches. see that? see the tremendous variety that you have with this total gym? it's absolutely incredible. >> look at these pictures. i am embarrassed. i can't believe that was even me-- i mean, you have to remember, these are the pictures that i didn't delete off the camera right away. these are the ones that weren't "that bad." and so when i look at them, i'm just shocked. i can't believe that that's what i looked like. within the first month, i could really start to see results. i dropped a dress size in just the first month and i think i lost 10 pounds that very first month that we were trying it. i could feel my body and see my body being more toned and tightened. i could really feel results just
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within a few days. now i've lost 80 pounds and i've kept it off for about a year and a half. i'm so thankful that i had my total gym, that i stuck with it and that i don't look like this anymore. >> male announcer: now for the first time, you can replace an entire gym full of equipment with the one piece of equipment that does it all. your total gym xls comes fully assembled. just open it up and you're ready to begin. >> female announcer: anyone can use the total gym, regardless of age or fitness level, because your own body weight provides the resistance. you simply raise the incline to increase resistance and lower it to reduce resistance. more reps at the lower incline slenderizes, firms and tones for that longer, leaner look. >> male announcer: while fewer reps at the higher inclines are ideal for bodybuilding. >> female announcer: and because the total gym stretches you as you work out, workouts are fun and energizing, instead of boring and exhausting, and look at this! when you're finished with your workout, just fold it up and slide it under a bed, up against a wall or into a closet. total gym xls is built to last
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and it comes with a lifetime warranty. >> male announcer: and now, you can try the total gym absolutely risk-free. if you're not delighted, you can return it for a full refund. >> why wait? there's never been a better time to get into the best shape of your life with total gym. [♪...] call the number on your screen. [♪...] >> i saw some pictures of how big i'd actually gotten. in this picture right here, i was building a home and when i saw that picture, i thought, if i keep gaining weight at the rate i'm going, i'm not going to live in this house very long at all, so i had to do something about that weight. people started noticing results. they were asking me what i was doing to stay in shape or get into shape. here's the wash blade. i told them it was the total gym. well, i was 278 at my highest and right now, i'm right around 230 now, so 48 pounds. when i look at pictures like these and i see the difference
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in my size and the condition i'm in, it's just amazing. i feel great. glad i ordered the total gym. >> i started using the total gym when i was in my 30s and have stayed with it ever since. it's been perfect for me at every age, from my 30s to today. i have never found a piece of equipment that is as effective as the total gym. now in my 70s, i can still do all the things i enjoy. how about you? >> people come up to me and they say, "christie, i've used the total gym and it's changed my life." >> it has changed my life to where i want to tell everybody out there that i run into. i want to tell people, "this is what i've done in just a short time." >> why wait? there's never been a better time to get into the best shape of your life with the total gym. >> what's it gonna take to get you to just pick up the phone and change your life? >> what do have to lose except, you know, 70 pounds?
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>> it has worked for me and it can work for you. get ready to change your life with the total gym. >> announcer: the preceding program was a paid commercial presentation for total gym fitness. back to school time means back to school germs. that's why lysol partners with schools to help teach healthy habits, habits you can reinforce by adding lysol wipes and no-touch hand soap to your back to school list. learn more at those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine.
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a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna read one of these. i'm gonna read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags, swiffer 360 duster's extender gets into hard-to-reach places without the hassle. so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪ swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back.
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last day of august. as we head into september we're watching the rains from isaac. drought relief there. we're happy for that. east coast looks dry, but by the time we get to sunday some of the moisture will be across the ohio valley. we'll also see some rains possible on sunday around washington, d.c. well, if you're watching us on kfor, news channel 4, oklahoma city, oklahoma, see how different artists pick different golf or gins in scotland. it's growth of america at the art of golf at the oklahoma city museum of art. and that's your "early today" event of the day, lynn. i think everybody should play golf on sunday morning and everyone should be provided that by the government. i could get elected on that. >> you could. and now here's an early look at this morning's headlines in entertainment. at the box office this weekend one film seems to break a very dubious record. the big balloon adventure could have the worse opening every by
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a film playing on over 2,000 screens. on wednesday it averaged $47. that's six tickets sold per theater. that is kind of terrifying. well, the closest thing to a favorite in this low energy box office is "the possession" horror fans looking for one last scare before the end of summer. it should earn between 10 and $15 million. elsewhere country music stay lee an yiems has entered a 30-day stress facility to cope with anxiety and stress. a statement from the media. deadpan quote, while privacy isn't expected it's certainly appreciated. there you go. finally, cabs are here. they have canceled jersey shore. for those of you not rejoicing, there is still a whole new sixth season. it's set to premiere on october 4th. >> i watched the last season. it's kind of getting old. >> you're going to admit to watching it. really. you're going go there.
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>> never missed an episode. >> you liar. >> i have not purposely watched any of those. this comes to us from kge 17 news in bakersfield, california, where in nearby wheldon it's the romance that keeps on going. this is adorable. they're 97 years old. even more impressive, they just celebrated their 77th wedding anniversary after saying "i do" in 1935. their first dade consisted of a movie and dinner that cost a total of 25 cents. today their family includes 17 great grandchildren. >> they're still frisky. >> exactly. what's the secret to their success other than being frisky? bud says he lets his wife be the boss. bud's got it all figured out and his wife lets him play golf. i'm lynn berry, this is "early today," just your first stop of the day, today on your nbc station.
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>> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 5:00 a.m. >> good morning. 4:56. it is kind of the start for the labor day weekend. it is a beautiful morning with clear skies. almost a full moon and 70 at the airport. humidity, 97%. the humidity will be fairly low today. kind of like it was yesterday. 77 downtown at the inner harbor. kind of a high humidity reading.
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there could be a couple of patches of fog. dry weather and ice conditions today. what about the rain from hurricane isaac? >> how big is the moon? >> big old. >> 4:57. >> george huguely receives his sentence from a virginia court. >> mitt romney accepts the republican presidential nomination. the latest is coming up. >> we will hear the roar around the track in just three hours. m,ñí]ñ
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