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tv   Teen Kids News  NBC  October 20, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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♪ it's time to say goodbye. - hoo-roo. - bye-bye! - hoo-hoo! - bye! >> "teen kids news" is about to get started, and here's what we've got for you. >> some teens think it's just being playful or funny, but it's no joke. it's a form of harassment, and it's hurtful. >> the space shuttle enterprise has boldly gone where no shuttle has gone before -- to the intrepid sea, air & space museum on new york's hudson river. >> i'll tell you how ideas for the future are driving a science competition today. >> in "speak of the week," teens
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tell us about their dream... vacation. >> we'll show you some kids making a difference while getting their hands dirty. >> hey, everyone. it's gabrielle douglas here, two-time olympic gold medalist, and you're watching "teen kids news." >> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm mwanzaa. >> and i'm livia. here's this week's top story. >> it's a behavior that's illegal in the workplace, but a new study finds it's shockingly common in school. it's called sexual harassment, and as carina reports, it's all around us. >> when somebody tries to touch somebody in a sexual way. >> when someone is trying to force you to do sexual stuff.
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>> physically touched in areas you don't want to be touched. >> i think sexual harassment is anything that can make a girl or a guy feel uncomfortable on any level -- if someone's touching them or even inappropriate comments. >> she's right. simply put, sexual harassment is teasing or touching in a way that makes someone feel uncomfortable. >> i look at sexual harassment as a kind of bullying. verbal harassment can be calling people names. physical harassment can be grabbing or groping, pulling on someone's clothes. >> catherine hill works for the a.a.u.w. that stands for the american association of university women. the organization surveyed teens across the country. then they released this report -- "crossing the line: sexual harassment at school." >> and we found that about half of the students had encountered some form of harassment in that school year. >> girls are more likely than boys to be sexually harassed, but it can happen to anyone. and it can happen anywhere -- in big public schools and small
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private ones, in cities and in the rural areas, in high school, middle school, even elementary school. >> i think that they should teach the kids that it's not good to maybe touch each other inappropriately in the hallways and say inappropriate things. >> and it's not just at school. one in three students say they've been harassed through a text, e-mail, or facebook. >> i was in high school and really open about my sexuality, and then people had a problem with that. but then, you know, they were bullying me online. >> when you're harassed electronically through social media, it can be devastating. it doesn't end at the end of the school day. it continues on into the evenings. it seems like it's everywhere. it can seem like it's everybody. >> surprisingly, a lot of teens admit they harass others. some say it's no big deal or it's funny, but it's not. >> it can make them feel sick to their stomach.
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they can have trouble going to school. they may have trouble concentrating on their school work and may not even want to go to school. >> sadly, only half the students who were victimized reported it to anyone. >> well, i would report it, but nowadays, kids try to keep it to themselves, and it could end up getting worse. >> you don't have to live with sexual harassment. first you need to know that it's against the law. the supreme court ruled that schools must take steps to stop this harassment. schools are required to have policies that make clear sexual harassment will not be tolerated, but that message doesn't always get through to the entire community. i think, uh, -- i think they should have some strict punishment for that, but i honestly don't know the guidelines for that. >> they should be more concerned about it and do more things about it to try to control it, 'cause it's not good and no one deserves that. >> because it's a lot more serious than people realize.
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>> whether you see it happen or you are a victim yourself, report it. speak to your parents, a teacher, or other trusted adult. >> i told my guidance counselor and my administrator in school, and then they talked to the people. it was dealt with. >> i would probably report it to one of my teachers, maybe one that i'm closer to. >> and, you know, you can come to a.a.u.w. and you can contact us. we're here to help people find out about their rights and when is it the time to get some help to make sure that your right to an education is being upheld. >> we'll post the link to the a.a.u.w. on our website. and there's one last thing. don't be ashamed to report sexual harassment. the people who should be ashamed are the ones doing it. >> we'll be back with more "teen kids news" in just a few moments. >> stick with us.
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>> america's first space shuttle has a new home, and brandon has the story. >> it's a lot bigger than i expected. >> it's gigantic. >> i think it's massive. >> in fact, the space shuttle enterprise is as tall as a six-story building and almost half the size of a football field. >> i expected it to be more like a regular-size plane, and it's huge. >> the enterprise is housed inside a giant bubble on the flight deck of the intrepid sea, air & space museum. >> so, adding enterprise to our collection extends our ability to tell the story of america's space program. >> this was the world's first reusable spacecraft. that's why it's called a shuttle. >> before the space shuttle, american spacecraft were capsules. they would be launched into space on a rocket and fall back down to earth in the ocean, but
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they couldn't be used again. >> those capsules would return to earth by parachute and splash down in the ocean. helicopters would then ferry the capsule to a nearby aircraft carrier. the u.s.s. intrepid was often one of those carriers. to be perfectly accurate, while the enterprise flew missions, they were all within earth's atmosphere, so enterprise never actually went into space, but it blazed a trail for all other shuttles to follow. >> and enterprise was used for some very important tests at the beginning of the shuttle program, and one of the things that enterprise did was test the space shuttle's ability to land in the earth's atmosphere. >> and that launched a space program that lasted 30 years. shuttles like the enterprise flew 134 missions. the crews conducted experiments and brought supplies to the international space station. >> i think it would be pretty sweet to travel to space. >> when the shuttle program ended in 2011, a new kind of space race began. cities across america competed for the retired shuttles.
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the shuttle atlantis went to the kennedy space center in florida, los angeles won the endeavour, the shuttle discovery is now on display in washington, d.c., and the enterprise traveled in grand style to new york city. how did it get its name? >> enterprise was originally supposed to be called constitution, but fans of the television show "star trek" wrote in to president gerald ford petitioning him to change the name of the shuttle to enterprise, and president ford agreed, and so the shuttle was named enterprise. >> the pavilion is filled with lots of interesting things to see, and there's more to come. the intrepid museum is raising money to create an even more spectacular exhibit... >> and we hope inspire future generations of astronauts and engineers and scientists. >> no doubt about it. this is one piece of american history that's truly out of this world. for "tkn," i'm brandon. beam me up, scotty. >> the future is being invented by the teens of today. alexa reports on the winners of
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a major nationwide competition. this report is brought to you by toshiba. >> they came from all across the united states and canada with ideas ranging from new ways to treat cancer to shoulder pads that cool overheated football players. these kids took top honors at exploravision. it's a science competition sponsored by toshiba in partnership with the national science teachers association. >> when we started 20 years ago, we said, maybe this is something that kids can do that will engage them in science and math and engineering, and 20 years later, we continue to be absolutely thrilled with young people. >> and these little crystals here, they react to pressure. >> winners get scholarship money for themselves and tech equipment for their schools. >> too often, science is about
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"what did you learn?" and "what did you memorize?" and stuff. that's not what science is about. >> that's why toshiba exploravision stresses innovative thinking and problem solving. >> one of the things that really appeals to me about the exploravision competition, it is not, if i may, just science. it's engineering. you have to design a product or a thing or a system. and that really appeals to me. i think it's great. >> high-school students from north carolina came up with a way to capture drinking water. their inspiration came from the shell of a common bug. >> and it's a way, modeled after a beetle in the desert, to collect water from the atmosphere as it forms dew in the morning. >> they created a website and a video showing how their technology works. >> notice that our control had water droplets that are small and evenly spaced. >> while the competition is to envision the future, this collection concept is already attracting attention from companies today. >> we got an idea out there that could potentially change
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the world, and people noticed. >> we have hannah doerksen-goldwater and kayle watson. >> these seventh graders tackled a different drinking-water problem -- contamination caused by drilling for gas. here, they're showing toshiba's ceo their idea for removing dangerous radium. their teacher couldn't be prouder. >> the neat thing about kids with innovation is they don't know they can't do it, so they can. [ cheers and applause ] >> in celebration of the 20th anniversary of exploravision, winners from the very first competition were invited. >> and now they're back here to say, "look what's happened! look what's happened! we were right! we were on the right track!" >> so, i would encourage everybody to just get out there and think about what you can do that's gonna improve your world and improve the life of the people around you. [ kids cheering ] >> toshiba exploravision is open to students kindergarten to 12th grade.
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there's a link to the competition on our website. >> the call for entries is coming soon, so sign up. you could be the next winner. >> as the program says, today's young minds drive tomorrow's innovation. so don't wait -- innovate.
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>> it's time to get your opinion in "speak of the week." >> if you want to make just about any teen's eyes light up, just mention the word "vacation." for most of us, a vacation can simply mean a break from the everyday grind, but if you could go on your dream vacation, where
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would you go? >> my dream vacation? probably somewhere on a beach, quiet, not many people, and with my family. >> my dream vacation... i've been to mexico a few times. i think i would go back there. >> who knows? probably somewhere in south america. it would be really interesting to go there. all the mountains and waterfalls -- lot of nature. looks awesome to go there. >> i would probably to australia because there are really cool animals there and it just seems like it would be a really cool experience. >> probably l.a. 'cause it's a really nice city. you know, who wouldn't want summer all year? >> hawaii because i like the area of it, the beaches, the coast, and the wildlife there. >> i think i would go to miami. it seems like a very fun place. >> i would say...i don't know. i really like space. i feel like everything else is just sort of really attainable,
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but going to space -- going to the moon just seems really cool. >> the nice thing about dream vacations is that you can go anywhere you want -- and the price is right. >> the saying "you'd better eat your vegetables" has taken on a whole new meaning for a group of students. eden has the story. >> these students are digging into a new project with a purpose. >> it's something that you do for fun, and it's good to help others, too. >> they're planting a community garden. >> and we're growing tomatoes, string beans... >> spearmint and sweet mint... >> greek oregano and basil. >> the first step is giving the seedlings room to grow. >> 'cause it's all decomposable. this, however, is plastic, so the plastic is not decomposable. the plastic has to come off. i just pull it out like that. >> there's a lot to know to be a gardener. this student has some good advice for other beginners. >> i would just tell them that
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use the tags that you get with the fruit to help you and use a lot of water and sunlight and just stick with the rules. [ chuckles ] >> of course, one of those rules is water the plants regularly. another rule here is teamwork. >> working together is gonna make it happen. >> while the kids are enjoying learning about gardening, they're not doing this just for fun. >> we can take turns planting our own plants. >> when fully grown, these vegetables and fruits will be donated to a nearby food pantry. >> and the food pantry, not only do they give food out to individuals, but they allow individuals to come in and have a meal. and they'll be using our vegetables. >> yvonne started this program with the help of y.s.a., youth service america. y.s.a.'s mission is to get kids involved in community service. >> young people bring unique contributions -- energy, commitment, idealism, creativity. they bring new ideas that adults just simply don't think of. and they're able to engage their
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peers, which is really exciting. >> according to the department of agriculture, one out of every five kids in the u.s. struggles with hunger. that's why gardens like these are so important. yvonne believes we can all find a way to volunteer in our communities and make a difference. >> young kids, old kids, teenagers -- everyone can help each other, and you just have to ask, and sometimes you just have to open your eyes and just look around you. >> these students not only learned the value of community service, they also earned a new respect for veggies. >> after growing the vegetables, i, for some reason, like vegetables more and they taste better. >> since growing them takes lots of work and my parents always buy them, i have decided to eat more of them. >> something tells me that all the parents watching this story will be signing their kids up for a gardening class. for "tkn," i'm eden.
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at
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>> "teen kids news" is celebrating. this season marks 10 years that we've been on the air. each week, we're seen in more than 200 cities and in thousands of classrooms, and what makes us especially proud is that the program is broadcast to our country's military families all around the world. but instead of a victory lap, we're taking a look back. over the years, we've had lots of teen reporters. here's one of them. >> hi. i'm nicole, and this is josefina. we're on manhattan's famous fifth avenue, and we can't wait to see what's inside the american girl place. come with us. i started reading the "american girls" books when i was just a kid. here, the entire collection is on display. the series is fiction, and it takes place during important times in america's past. for example, felicity lives in virginia just before the start of the revolutionary war.
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and josefina was born on a ranch in new mexico in the early 1800s. wow, this place is amazing! it even has a hospital for dolls. don't worry, josefina. no shots. there's even a show to see. i'll be right back. [ upbeat music plays ] this was the play performed at the store in chicago. i got a chance to speak with some of the girls in the new york play. >> well, some parts are funny. some parts are serious. >> the best part is that you really get to show the audience about your character and her feelings and how she goes through conflicts and she resolves them. >> what is the message about the "american girl" dolls? >> i think they're basically role models for all kids all over america, and i think the message is to be brave and to just try to be the best that you can be.
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>> if all that walking, looking, and shopping makes you hungry, no problem. the café is the place for girl and doll to dine. table for two, please. >> sure. >> josefina, you have very beautiful hair, but i think it's time for a new do. very nice hair, josefina. they say you leave american girl place with lots of great memories. i certainly will. how about you, josefina? [ chuckling ] i liked that, too. for "kids news," i'm nicole.
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man, chanting, snapping fingers: oh, those boys are much too much! those boys are much too much! we got the spirit, we're hot, we can't be stopped! we got the spirit! we're hot! we can't be stopped! we're gonna beat 'em and bust 'em... announcer: the smallest moments can have the biggest impact on a child's life. both chanting: let's...get... a little bit rowdy. r-o-w--whoo!--d-y. announcer: take time to be a dad today. one more time. call or visit to learn more.
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>> this report is brought to you by nintendo. [ crowd cheering ] >> i can't wait to meet her. >> i think she's awesome. >> excited teens are lining up at nintendo world in new york city to see olympic gold medalist gabrielle douglas. >> she's an awesome gymnast. >> i really love gabby douglas. >> at the summer games, gabrielle won two gold medals as all across the country. >> she's awesome. >> really inspiring and really amazing to watch. >> after wowing a worldwide audience in london, gabrielle douglas is going for a new kind of gold in new "super mario bros. 2" for nintendo 3ds. >> i am so excited to be here. i am such a big fan of nintendo. >> new "super mario bros. 2" is the latest mario adventure that challenges players to collect as many gold coins as they can.
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>> the game is so much fun. the new "super mario bros. 2" has new levels, new power-ups, and it's all about going for the gold. >> to help celebrate the recent launch of the game, gabrielle teamed up with nintendo for its "play as you are" campaign. >> i'm part of the "play as you are" campaign. and the thing is about nintendo, you don't have to be a gamer to like the 3ds. and, personally, what i like about it is it's portable and on my downtime and on my breaks where it's handy, i just pull it out and play it. and i also play with my brothers and my sisters. we get so competitive. >> with a role model like gabby, we're showing girls and women of all ages that nintendo 3ds is a great way to explore their interests and really express their individuality. >> whether you like to draw, experiment with different fashion styles, or just play your favorite mario game, nintendo 3ds offers something for everyone. >> i feel so honored to work with nintendo, and i am such a big fan of nintendo. i've grown up with nintendo my whole life. >> new "super mario bros. 2" is rated "e" for everyone.
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and now you don't have be an athlete to go for the gold. for "teen kids news," i'm emily. >> that's "teen kids news" for now. thanks for tuning in. >> we'll be back next week. see you then. [cheers and applause] [woman laughing] man: where's my daughter?
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hey, baby. child: aw! come here. [cheers and applause] girl: i love you, dad. please sir, i want some more. more? well he did say please...


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