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tv   Today  NBC  November 8, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST

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we're back with more of "today" on a thursday morning. it's the 8th of november, 2012. some diehards, some hearty people out on the plaza braving chilly temperatures in the aftermath of this wter storm called athena that hit the east coast over the last 24 hours. we got rain in some parts, we got snow in other parts, record amounts of snow for this time of the year in some places. high wind, some minor flooding. anyway, it was a real mess. we're going to check in with al in a moment. meanwhile, here on the plaza, matt lauer along with savannah gurthrie and willie geist. >> we'll talk fashion, some easy
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style for those busy women who may be running from work to after school activities, to a night out. we've got easy accessories to change your look on a moment's notice. >> and we're going to perform a little magic this morning. we've got the two guys from the show "breaking magic" new on a&e, street magicians we're told are going to reveal secrets. although a good magician says he never reveals secrets. and we're so glad you agreed to be sawed in half at the end of the segment. very brave. >> anything for the show, willie. >> very brave. >> they've done it before. do you like magic? >> i do like magic. street magic in particular. >> fascinated by it. before we go any further, let's go inside, natalie's on assignment today. tamron hall with the headlines. good morning, everyone. a new nor'easter is slamming new york and new jersey, a region still trying to catch its breath a week after superstorm sandy rolled in. this latest wintery blast blanketing the coast already has tens of thousands of customers from new york down to the carolinas without power again.
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meantime, officials now put sandy's death toll at 121 people. president obama and leaders of a divided congress are making post election pledges to work together a major deal to reduce the deficit without stalling the economic recovery. house speaker john boehner said wednesday that republicans would be willing to consider hiking tax revenues under the right circumstances along with a package of spending cuts. concerns about the looming fiscal crisis and europe's financial problems led to a 312-point plunge on wednesday on wall street. wounded congresswoman gabrielle giffords is set to come face-to-face with her shooter today. the massacre in 2011, pleaded guilty to killing six people and wounding 13 others, including giffords. this will be giffords' first appearance in court for this case. and her husband mark kelly will
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be at her side. federal prosecutors say he will be sentenced to life in prison without parole. a pair of burglaries at nancy pelosi's california home on the eve of election and again on election day. this morning, detectives are looking to see what was stolen and arrested a local napa man in the case. police say 21-year-old kevin michael hagan admitted to burglarizing the residence twice saying he wasn't aware it belonged to pelosi until the second time. well, twin baby sisters joined at the chest and abdomen were successfully separated wednesday in children's hospital of philadelphia. the lead surgeon said 8-month-old allison and amelia tucker should be able to live full, healthy and independent lives. a judge in los angeles has rejected a bid by fox broadcasting to block the dish network's auto hop feature that lets users skip commercials. the dish network called the ruling a victory for consumer
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choice. but tv networks are concerned that the auto hop will undermine advertising revenue. and a new much-anticipated feature from online bulletin board pinterest, the popular website is unveiling secret boards today so that pinners can keep their favorite inspirations private, or if you're planning an event with friends and family, you can collaborate by sharing your pins with a selected bunch. and if at first you don't succeed, try, try again and again. and again. and again. unfortunately, for this -- and again, for matt lane, persistence might not be the answer. spoiler alert, matt never makes the stairs without a stumble. oh is right. but he kept trying, maybe he can get some advice from a famous skateboarder. now back to al for a check of the weather. he's in danbury, connecticut. hey, al.
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>> this guy could be a weather man. all right, tamron, thanks so much. let's show you what's going on with this nor'easter. this is it from yesterday. getting itself together, bringing in a lot of snow, wind, and rain. right now about 691,000 folks in the new york northeastern area without power. the nor'easter's peak wind gusts chatham, massachusetts, 53 miles per hour, wind gusts, montauk, 47. the snow, new york city setting the earliest 4 plus inch snowfall ever since 1989. 12 inches in manchester, islip, new york, 4 inches, newark set a record of the single biggest november snowfall ever. look at the radar right now, you can see we are still dealing with snow up through new england and rain along the coast in new england, as well.
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windy weather continues with wind advisories and high wind warnings for new england. wind gusts of up to 50 miles per hour. in cape cod, still windy and breezy along the northeast, as well. so airport delays for new york, philadelphia, washington, d.c., and boston. >> good o it will be a breezy and chilly day again today. it will turn mostly sunny later today. >> and that's your latest weather. savannah? >> al, thank you. and time now for today's "take 3," the three stories that have caught our attention and yours.
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and offering her take, host of nbc's "first look." good morning, welcome back. >> good morning. happy to be back. >> you survived the snowstorm last night? >> barely, i was wearing a dress, and us california girls don't understand. >> you didn't get the memo. >> we're going to talk politics, sort of. how the president ages. it's really striking when you look at what the office seems to do to the people who inhabit it. look at president obama in 2008. then he was the age of 47. >> looking good. >> and now fast forward just the other day, age of 51, hair is noticeably grayer. you know, it happens. okay, former president george bush. we showed him on election day in 2000 at the age of 54 and then in 2004 at the age of 58. did we show it? yeah? >> no, it's obama. >> there we go. there he is. >> which one was that, though? >> he looks younger there. >> that's young bush. >> there you go. >> i don't think -- it's not
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that dramatic, actually. finally president clinton in '92, he was 46 when he was elected, and then -- so we'll show that. all right. so he's always been gray, and then here we have him at the end of -- well, 1996 at the age of 50. anyway, i think the office ages you. >> it's the hardest job -- >> they should really be comparison to the very beginning and the very end. >> but that's not fair because the president's only be there four years, bush and clinton eight years, that definitely changed them. >> you gray between those years anyway. it's easier to look older between your 40s and 60s. you're not going gray between 19 and 30. you're going to look older. >> i think also, i think that if you're not getting enough sleep, those things age you. i think your cells don't regenerate as fast or something. >> they probably don't exfoliate the way willie does. >> i have a lot of product. >> actually, speaking of willie, you're starting on the "today" show. that also is that job that can age you.
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here you are in happier days. and here's what you might look like on the show. >> i kind of like that. >> distinguished. >> it's sort of a distinguished look. >> i think you're wearing that shirt today. >> well, i only have one shirt. i don't know, i can live with that look. a little silver fox thing happening. >> definitely. >> it's more distinguished as they get older, they say. >> some guys, not all guys. >> not all guys. willie does, but not all. >> i haven't decided whether i should just go with it or whatever. you're too young. >> she doesn't know what you're talking about. >> what language are you speaking? >> all right. did you hear this? there's a big story here on take two now in the nba right now. this is a los angeles lakers player named steve blake who was fined $25,000 by the league for getting into a rather rude exchange with a heckler seated on the front row. blake fouled out of a game and approached a guy yelling at him all game telling him to hit open
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shots. the heckler was a guy named lance jackson, the son of steve jackson if you can follow me here. the founder of l.a. gear, a 30-year season ticketholder. a guy with a replica of the staples center arena at his home in bellaire. so blake was ordered to have a sit-down and had to talk and apologize to the fan for this fight. so should the player have to apologize to a guy who has been yelling at him the whole game? what do you think? >> i do. not apologize necessarily, i just don't think it's necessarily the right thing to do. just because when you're a public figure, you take on the responsibility. people are going to heckle you, say bad things about you. you sort of have to be the bigger -- >> part of the deal. >> yeah. >> part of the deal. >> i don't like it because it's a rich guy's kid. would they make him apologize to any other fan? and ron artest, didn't he run in and try to clock someone. this guy's lucky he just yelled at him. >> what did he do? >> he was yelling at him to make
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open shots. steve blake has been harassed for about a year now because he missed a big shot in the game last year and got these threats on twitter. >> the baller's back. >> right. exactly. there is a good way to handle hecklers. there's a famous heckler who used to sit behind the bench at bullets game and would yell at michael jordan and charles barkley and they would smile and score 50 points. that's one way. he would stand -- he would -- >> look at jordan's face. >> he was a professional heckler. it's what he did. >> everybody's got to have a hobby. a group of hecklers out here. i can see it right now. >> don't give any ideas. >> i'll be out there later. >> let's go to take three. this is one of the most beautiful things. i cried last time when i read it. he's 101, his wife is 103, they married in 1924, and as part of a program in their town, they'd
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never had wedding photos, there were no cameras available in china at the time they got married. so local photographer who is participating in this program captured their moment for them to have. you see the blushing bride in her -- i love the roses. his hat is just so smooth. but this is their big moment after all of these years together, 80-something years and they finally get -- and they share it. oh, that's so sweet. they're liking it on facebook right now. what do you think? does it melt your heart? >> i think that's so adorable. i want to meet this couple. write a book or something, how to stay married. >> exactly. >> is that a record? how long were they married? >> 88 years. >> i say they go back and do the whole thing with modern standards. you have the pictures, throw a wedding and reception, a deejay and open bar, the whole thing. go nuts with it. >> willie says go modern. >> wait, i thought you were all emotional about it. now you're getting legal on me.
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we've got a bonus take for you too. the colts, indianapolis colts and the nfl supporting their head coach. more than two dozen colts players have shaved their heads to support the coach fighting leukemia, going through a second round of chemotherapy. a barber waiting in the hall to shave their heads after practice if they want to do it. and more and more are doing them now, including andrew luck, their big star quarterback, he's the latest to lose all the hair on his head. >> that's nice. >> that's a nice tribute to the coach. >> i think they look good with no hair. >> they do. >> no hair, all heart. >> thank you for being with us. >> thanks for having me. two guys with a few tricks up their sleeves right after this. [ female announcer ] what does the anti-aging power of olay total effects plus the skin perfecting color of a bb cream equal? introducing the newest trend in beauty. olay total effects cc cream. c for color. c for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging
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with a flawlessly beautiful complexion instantly. we call it a phenomenon. you'll call it possibly the most exciting skin care since...olay. cc for yourself. [ female announcer ] and challenge what's possible with olay total effects cc cream. [ female announcer ] and challenge what's possible you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. the freshenator. the buddy system. the do si go. the two-handed tango. el cleaño. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try it. then name it.
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that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. woman: oh! tully's. how do you always have my favorite coffee? well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee and even hot cocoa. and you'll always find your favorite. woman #2: with so many choices, keurig has everyone's favorite. i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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all right. have you ever stopped to check out a street magician and thought to yourself, how in the world is that strange man l levitating over the street right now? some of the secrets behind street magic. >> they are two of the magicians featured on the program. good morning, guys. i always think of magicians like the guy, the kid 6 years old in his room, maybe little willie, practicing. >> absolutely. >> anyway, carry on. so you were the kid in the room practicing -- >> i think we both started doing magic when we were young, and it's one of those things i think people get into when you're young and keep doing it. >> james, magic seems to be popular. we were talking about guys, chris angel, david blaine making this a cultural phenomenon. >> magic seems to be getting back into pop culture, which is really cool. that's exciting about this show. it's done on a pretty big scale.
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we do some pretty awesome stunts using science in the world and, yeah -- >> you're not spilling the secrets. >> no. >> that's one of the things -- the show takes the creative and showmanship required to be a magician and uses that to explore, perform, and talk about some interesting and sometimes dangerous scientific principles. >> we have no magic props, we have a science lab full of the coolest things in the world. >> and turn that into magic and perform it for audience. >> all right. >> let me show you something. does one of you have a coin i can borrow? >> i may have one. >> actually, do me a favor, take the pen there, sign your initials on both side of the coin. >> both sides. >> so magic challenges the assumptions about what we can and can't accomplish. magic is about possibility. the possibility for something exciting, something extraordinary, and sometimes something surprising. so if we take your coin with
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your initials on it and the can of soda, if i slam, i can make it look like it vanishes. >> no. come on. >> sometimes you can hear it. i want you to see there's nothing ton the bottom and the can itself still sealed. hold on. >> my heart is racing. >> yeah. >> towards the bottom. can you hear that? >> yes. >> and i just shook it up, and i do need to open it. >> okay. >> so let me just try -- >> look at that. >> if we pour the soda out. >> no, stop it. >> come on. >> i'm guessing you know. look at you. >> inside the can is more soda.
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inside the can is a coin, right? take a look. >> we can hear the coin in there, so how do we know you didn't put it in before? >> you put your name on it. >> okay. let's see. there's his initial. >> w.g. >> in fact, my gift to you, you can keep this can with your coin stuck inside. >> can you give me a little hint about how that happened? >> no. >> i can't figure it out. nothing? >> okay. listen -- >> i'm going to work on this one. >> while you're thinking about that. i want you to have a look underneath this orange. we're not going to look at this. it's an important prediction we're going to have a look in a second. first thing i want to see is that all the cards are different, no two cards are alike. don't let me see what it is. and once you've got it, have a look. show it to everyone, i promise i won't look at the monitors. show the cameras, everyone at home, and commit it to memory so you can see what the card is. have you done that? >> yes, i've done that. >> at this point, is there any way i can know what it is? >> no. >> what i want you to do is hold out your hand nice and flat.
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just one will do. >> i'm nervous. >> don't be nervous. >> okay. >> it's somewhere in the middle. it brings your card, the top of your card was the jack of clubs. was it spades? >> no. >> look at the jack. seriously? >> seriously. >> what was your card? >> am i supposed to tell you? >> should i tell him? >> are we supposed to tell you? >> yeah. >> have a look. >> oh, come on. >> are you serious? >> you were thinking, he's not a really good magician. >> i was so embarrassed for you. >> i was worried there. >> how did you do that? >> here's the way it's going to work. i'll tell you what we'll do, keep your eye on the five of hearts. watch closely. you still can't see the cards. >> okay. i can't. >> i want to make it invisible just like this. you see it's invisible. some people think it's on top. it's not on top. >> are you a ghost?
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who are you? >> you're creeping her out. >> what i want you to do is place the orange over here and turn over the card for me. >> oh, okay. you've got ten seconds here. let's see what you've got. no, it's no the in the grapefruit. >> what was your card? five of hearts. >> what you've got over here. >> are you kidding me? i could do this all day. >> unbelievable. wow. >> we're not faking excitement, this is -- i'm genuinely baffled. wayne and james -- >> you can watch the premiere of "breaking magic" sunday night at 10:00/9:00 central on the discovery channel. >> i think i have a new favorite show. wow. coming up, taking busy moms from day tonight. one pharmacist started it all: charles walgreen had a mission to help people be happy and healthy. from inventing the first chocolate malt... to creating a nonprofit pharmacy for our troops...
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to the first child safety caps. walgreens has been innovating for over a hundred years. and we're just getting started. with more and more ways to be well every day. here at the corner of happy and healthy. with more and more ways maybmaybe you can'; when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. you may have chronic migraine. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. i am making crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels. wow, i'm impressed! [ ding ] dad, the cable's out! you got that right? [ kiss ] thank you ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. dazzler, on. wow! dirt dazzlers let me clean and work out at the same time. shame, shame, shame. ooh, slippery, ooh! uh, let's ditch the cha-chas and get down to business. pine sol - a real clean. no gimmicks.
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it's real milk full of calcium and vitamin d. and tastes simply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk.
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coming up, don't stress over your thanksgiving feast. we answer the most common questions. >> after your local news and weather. with the simplest of grains, they are not hard to find. just four ingredients, it all starts here. just as it was back 100 years. from the seed to the spoon, simple things go into every flake, every bite, genuine, true. the simple grains cereals from kellogg's. start simple. start right. why hello, my name is cinderella. cinderella. ♪ beauty and the beast it's sleeping time. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe
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[ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. cape cod.ter south we might catch a brief shower or sprinkle this morning. basically, the sun is starting to break through and highs are moving into the 50s. north winds at about 10 to 15 miles an hour.
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♪ thanksgiving is two weeks from today, and we're leading up to the holidays by doing the traditional thing. we are going to have concerts starting with flo rida on monday, and then tuesday, we'll have kesha, and then the wednesday before thanksgiving, pit bull will rock us into the long weekend. kesha and then pit bull on wednesday. that's not all. are you sitting down, willie geist? >> yes. >> next tuesday, the band boy sensation one direction will drive their fans crazy right here on "today." so much music in so little time.
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lots to look forward to in the next couple of weeks. good morning, everyone, i'm savannah gurthrie alongside willie geist and tamron hall. >> did you notice i timed many uh debut on the "today" show, one week before one direction. i have a 5-year-old daughter who is excited. >> a lot of pressure on you, willie. well, just ahead from the office to the school pick-up line to an evening cocktail party. women are busy these days, always been busy, we've got easy style solutions to throw in your bag to change your style from day tonight. a lot of moms talk about what to wear, you don't want to look like you're all dolled up. what do you do? you want to look good for your kid. >> wear a sweat suit, isn't that the answer? >> and then if you've had your identity stolen or spent an entire afternoon on the phone with your cable company, you know dealing with people on the other end of the line can be frustrating. well, we've got smart tips to help you cut through that red
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tape, save you stress and money too. and then how about a stress-free thanksgiving. wouldn't that be nice? we're coming to the rescue today answering the most common cooking questions. we want to check in with al working so hard these days. in danbury, connecticut, this morning. good morning again to you. >> hi, i was told to hang out because you guys wanted to have some fun. man, this has been crazy. whoo! >> i don't know who told you that, al. >> anyway, let's see what we've got. yeah, boy, oh, boy. >> do you bring that stool with you on all your shoots? >> i always travel with my own stool. let's show you what we've got starting with tomorrow as we look ahead toward the weekend. we've got plenty of sunshine in new england finally, mild conditions through the gulf coast, look for some snow showers, back through the mountains of the pacific northwest, heavy snow through montana, saturday, risk of strong storms in the mid plains, wet weather making its way into the upper mississippi river valley. lots of snow through the western plains. sunday, sunday, sunny skies awe
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long the eastern seaboard. things get nice and mild after the rough week and a half we've been having wet weather through the mississippi river >> good morning. a slight chance for a passing snow shower this morning. mostly sunny this afternoon. >> and now back to the funsters. >> this from a man sitting on a stool -- >> in the snow. >> coming up next, easy style for busy moms. right after this. alright let's break it down.
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪
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flexpen® is insulin delivery... my way. levemir® (insulin detemir [rdna origin] injection) is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life threatening. ask your healthcare provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions, such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. with flexpen®... say good night to vial and syringe. ask your doctor about levemir® flexpen. covered by 90% of insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay at
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♪ ♪ ♪ grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. the same essential nutrients as fresh. del monte. bursting with life. "today's" style is brought to you by yoplait, take your look from good to so good with tips from today's style experts. >> this morning on "today's" style, fashions for mom even with busy schedules who can stay
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stylish and on trend with a few easy swaps to take you from day to night. they are co-founders of good to see you, ladies. we're busy moms, let's get back. this is carrie. >> she's going from work to a well-deserved mom's night out. >> she works at a school. >> yes. >> she's got these fabulous stretchy royal blue pants on that are great. >> trendy color. >> trendy color and these awesome sparkly old navy shoes only $24. but for going out at night, here's a little pump bootie for that extra lift. and watch this. take this off and we're a little bit sexier. >> i like that. does that come with the music? okay. so denise we've got with us tiffany, she works in corporate world. she looks business-y. >> she does, and she's in this
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great corporate to cocktail dress. she can quickly take her jacket off for a night on the town and she's got these sparkly, sexy platform pumps. she adds a necklace and tiffany is ready for anything. >> wow, that's a quick change. so change your shoes. and when you commute, you can store it in your tote. >> and it's a perfect dress from marshall's at $79. and she can wear this dress for anything. it's really great for her day job. >> i love that color. >> all right. let's move on. we've got laura. >> this is laura who is going from -- she's a yoga buff, going from yoga to meetings. and what's great is these great athletic pants from the gap. >> she's going to throw on a bootie, which denise has there, and throw on a belt and she's going to run to her meetings and you don't even know she was just at yoga. >> you look amazing in it, but i do have to ask the question, the pants are fitted. i love everything fitted, but would that work at a meeting, really? >> well, depends on what your job is, laura does pr, she also
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runs to her school in this, she looks great. and you can throw a tunic on, a long t-shirt, but people don't realize black pants, yoga pants, you can use as pants. >> i love that jacket too. >> and she saves time. she doesn't have to run home and change. >> and that belt adds sparkle. >> this is great. >> you look beautiful. >> now we have melissa. and you spend most of the day with kids, i understand. >> this is a great outfit for anything. she can start at the playground. >> you're going to wear this to the playground? >> why not? >> this is for a busy mom doing everything. >> a fabulous busy working mom. >> she looks great. by the way, if she wants to go out at night, she's got hot pumps. so it's a great everyday outfit. >> people don't realize accessories make all the difference. it's a quick fix. >> i love that you wear that to the playground. i want to hang with you. moms can be stylish. >> and here is cindy our pregnant mommy.
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>> aww. >> and what's so great. when you're pregnant, you don't want to spend a lot. so this sparkly jacket, she's going from errands with her kids all day to date night with the hubby. it's so terrific. these are stretchy. you want stretchy pants you can bend and up and down and feel comfortable. only buy -- if you're only buying one pant, this is it. >> i love it's a skinny silhouette. >> and don't forget the pumps for at night. >> these are what? 3 1/2 inches. >> i love it. sitting down and out of the restaurant. >> you see more pregnant women now in heels. >> for a small time. >> and last but not least. >> she's in another great outfit great for all day, every day. she works in a kitchen, a great, comfortable outfit. what's great about the sweater, it's sparkly. and it's a little hip and cool and sexy. if she wants to go out at night,
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she pulls it off her shoulder. and this is, again, a great mom outfit for whatever she has to do. >> it's $16.99, the sweater from t.j. max. >> moms want affordable and transformable. >> you can even belt the sweater. you can do the transformation. >> very nice. >> you look beautiful. come back over. >> i'm still hanging out at the playground. >> thank you very much. and good luck with the baby. keep us posted. >> thank you. up next, how to get a better deal on your phone and cable service right after this. fabulous. ♪ [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know.
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but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! "are you a cool mom?" i'm gonna find out. [ female announcer ] swiffer wetjet's pads are better than ever. now they have the scrubbing power of mr. clean magic eraser so you don't have to get down on your hands and knees to scrub away tough, dried-on stains. hey, do you guys think i'm "momtacular" or "momtrocious"?
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el cleaño. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try it. then name it. [ male announcer ] when you're sick, seems everyone and their brother has a home remedy to try. but walgreens knows that you need advice from an expert. that's why our pharmacists are trained to know just what you should take for your symptoms. they're here and ready to help before you try anything... too crazy. now walgreens pharmacists welcome express scripts members. you may stop by today for the service you trust. at the corner of happy and healthy. with no added sugar, just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very fruit-tritious. or, try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry-pomegranate and cranberry- concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. know...
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demonstrating how we blend the fruits. try all our tasty ocean spray 100% and light 50 juices. good morning. on "today's" money, cutting the red tape. and there's a lot of it and dealing with cable providers and mortgage lenders. how can you make these less painful? kim, good morning. >> thanks for having me. >> a lot to get to. let's start with your cable plan. is this something to negotiate with your cable provider? >> it is true. and now is a great time. there's so many ways to download movies and tv shows right now. cable companies are really having tough competition. so they're all trying to keep your business if they already have you. so, first of all, if a promotional deal has ended or if your rates are creeping up, call your cable company and see if you can get a better deal or get that promotional rate extended. and you'd be surprised because they want to keep you. and you could save maybe $30 a
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month, which $360 a year on just negotiating to a lower rate. now, if the company doesn't lower your rate, it's worthwhile to look around, see what else you can get, but be very careful about fees. you may have a transfer fee, you may have a service ending fee, you may have all kinds of installation fees. just make sure it's worthwhile to change to that new company before you sign up for it. >> and if you take a close look at your cable bill, there's probably a lot of stuff you could pick off. now, you've come with actual money and a fish bowl. >> actual money. and if you were to save that $30 a month, that would be $360 a year and that's just another way to cut costs and have more money for everything else. >> let's get that in the fish bowl. let's move on to my mobile phone plan. how do you cut costs there? >> well, one thing a lot of people don't realize is you can bring your own phone with you. and so many people have cell phones they've had for a while and are off contract from their other provider or go on ebay, amazon, some of the other services and buy a cell phone that can be used on many of the
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services. now, the key thing you need to know is whether it's compatible. t-mobile and at&t are compatible with each other. verizon and sprint, it's a little more complicated. t-mobile has a special deal right now trying to get people with old iphones who have been on at&t for a while to switch over to them. with that deal, you can save $50 a month. but if you were to do it to save $30 a month, another $360 a year. >> put it in the fish bowl. >> this one's a good one, stolen wallet and identity theft. take some of the stuff you don't need with you every day out of your wallet. >> that's exactly right. and we wanted to do things that were going to save people money but also save people hassles and prevent problems in the future. i get so many questions from readers about stolen wallets. they're worried about what could happen. few key things, don't keep your spare keys in your wallet. that makes it much more complicated to figure out what was there. and if you just have the wallet stolen but still have your purse, you don't have to worry
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about that. also, make sure you don't have anything with your social security number on it. which can be very difficult sometimes, especially military, families, a lot of times their medical i.d. has that. but one thing you can do -- and we can go through, you can go through and you can xerox copies of every credit card that you have ahead of time. if your wallet is stolen, it's really easy for you to know who to call, what to replace, or there's a few services discover and american express will make the call for you. >> good tips. you can fill up a fish bowl full of cash. thanks so much. great to see you. up next, thanksgiving 911 solving common kitchen emergencies. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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"today's" holiday kitchen is brought to you by oceanspray. tastes good. good for you. this morning in "today's holiday kitchen," solving
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thanksgiving emergencies. to avoid a last-minute crisis on the big day, we brought in an expert. sam is the national editor for the "new york times" and that food columnist in the "sunday times" magazine. also author of "thanksgiving, how to cook it well." good morning. >> good morning to you. >> you've heard pretty much every problem and come up with a solution for all of them, i think. >> i'm trying. >> you're doing great. one of the most common before we launch into some of these others, you wake up and the turkey's still frozen. how does that happen? and what do you do? >> you order chinese food. that's your move -- >> so there's nothing -- you open it, it's frozen -- >> it's a wrap. it's a frozen bird. it might be ready to go the day after, you can have a weekend thanksgiving. >> re-invite them. oh, my gosh. let's get into some of the letters people have s you. she says the cranberry sauce is still not completely gelled and sat over the fridge overnight. suggestion for next year. >> this is a common problem. we can look at one right here.
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this looks like cranberries in cranberry juice. >> yeah, like soup. >> see, what goes on here, you need to get them popping so within each of the berries comes out so that carbohydrate forms the gel you see there. >> that's got to pop. >> let them get popping. >> of course the age-old gravy question. sam, i need gravy help. hold my hand here. okay, ed. little needy, ed. >> what we've got here is the stuff from underneath the bird. we're going to take this finely milled flour. that's key, by the way. >> put it through the sifter? >> no, get it at a super market. you can find it and, look, we stir it into that fat, look how it's getting thick and not lumpy, because we don't want to have any lumps. >> that's not good. >> and then we add nice turkey stock we've made, we stir that
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around, stir it around and look what happens. we're going to end up with that beautiful -- >> the flour is the key? >> the flour combined with the fat cook for a while and we've got perfect gravy every time. >> the next one is from jim in maryland, to carve the breast, is it better to cut from front to back or across the breast. >> across the breast every time. >> why? >> well, in the norman rockwell ideal, you would see dad doing that. that's a big problem. this is like surgery. you want to come back to the kitchen where you're all alone and you want to just cut into that breast, big, confident stroke and another one right here coming down, coming down, coming down and you have a big cut of the breast right there. right? >> okay. >> then you have this guy -- i took this one off here, and we can come in here and go across with nice, big, thick slices and that's going to make for a delicious -- >> we've been messed up by seeing images of cutting turkey
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the wrong way. >> that's absolutely right. >> come on, willie, you smell turkey. the next one from francis in massachusetts. what's the truth about stuffing? is it toxic when cooked in the bird as we've been recently led to believe. >> hope not. >> i hope not. it would be toxic if left in the bird for a few days and then cooked. but you almost want to cook it outside because this is how much dressing we would have if we cooked it in the bird, and look at how much we have to eat today. >> it shrinks down? >> no, you can't get that much in the turkey. >> oh. >> savannah asked me to ask that question. from savannah, does it shrink down? okay. >> no, we want to cook it outside so we could have a ton of it. >> i'm a better eater than cooker. sam, thank you. >> good to see you. up next, kathie lee and hoda coming up after your local news. >> enjoy your day. da
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