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tv   11 News Today  NBC  November 14, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EST

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more on lawmakers demanding answers in this ongoing military scandal. >> vindication. the man who accused elmo creator of having sex recants his story. >> have we seen the last of the 60-degree days? [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 6:00 a.m. >> good morning. i'm mindy basara. >> and i'm stan stovall. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> tony has a look at the forecast. >> there will not be a wind. temperatures in the upper 20's and low 30's. 33 at the airport. the wind was calm at the top of
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the hour. we will see plenty of sunshine. high temperature of 49. >> good morning. we have to watch for fire activity in reisterstown on blake court. watch for closures. closures in effect at charles street because of water main repair. thing between madison and monument. checking on the major roadways. 10 minutes on 95 south from the beltway down towards 32. looking pretty good at the moment. the roads are dry. this is 83 at padonia road.
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traffic moving without delay. not tracking any delays from the beltway down towards 28th straeet. this is 50 at sandy point. a nice start on the bay bridge. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> a woman is rushed to the hospital after an overnight house fire in reisterstown. >> jennifer franciotti is live on the scene. >> good morning. the reality of how fast a fire can got a house is behind me. this fire started just after 1:00 a.m. this morning. there was a woman on the second floor. she is in her late 50's or early
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60's. she is being treated for burns or smoke inhalation. >> first units arrived with heavy fire on the second floor and called the second alarm. shortly thereafter, the victim was found on the second floor. she was brought out and we began resuscitation efforts and she was transported to the hospital. >> fire officials do not know how this fire began. investigators were here early this morning. you can see the fire trucks are gone. despite the fact that flames were shooting out of this home, they got the fire under control within 15 minutes. jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> one person is dead after a crash in carroll county. a grand marquis' was traveling westbound just after 10:30 when
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it took a turn wide and struck a dodge neon on the other side of the road. alcohol and drugs are not believed to have played a part in that crash. >> a long lafayette avenue --it is not clear how the victims were injured. an incident last night. police learned after the victims walked into a hospital suffering from gunshot wounds. anyone with information should call baltimore city police. >> a man was shot during an attempted robbery in parkville. this happened on harford road.
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>> a high-speed chase in howard county comes to a dramatic end. the driver crashed the car and running into a scaggsville neighborhood. the suspect remains in custody this morning. a bus driver is suspended after a fight between her and a female student is caught on camera. the driver got up and confront a student she said was disrespectful. what a fight with the driver pushing the student to the back of the bus. mta officials said the driver crossed the line. >> our operators are instructed to contact a supervisor. >> similar incidents recently happened in cleveland and florida. >> a man accused kevin clash of
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abusing him now says he lied. he says the relationship was consensual and it happened as adults. it is not clear why he made the false allegations in the first place. >> testimony continues in the murder trial of a former student charged with killing her roommate. prosecutor said there was an argument over loud music before a comedy show. police say simpson later turned herself in. she is charged with murder and with carrying a deadly weapon. >> who knew what and when? those are the questions leaders on capitol hill want answers to.
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billick get the chance to ask those questions during a closed- door hearing. >> we're waking up to news the secretary of defense is warning against leaping to any conclusions about another general. cameras tried to capture jill kelley after she and general john allen exchanged thousands of pages of e-mails. general allen denies doing anything wrong. general allen will continue as top commander in afghanistan. >> lawmakers will hear about the affair and resignation of david petraeus. his misdeeds were discovered after jill kelley complained of receiving e-mail us from his
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mistress. lawmakers wonder why the president did not hear about this sooner. >> the president should know that. >> was there a national security threat? >> if it involves court behavior, it would have been nice to know before we saw it on tv. >> the president will have a news conference this afternoon. hallie jackson, wbal-tv 11 news. >> attorneys for tiffany alston say she should be reinstated to her office. she was removed after pleading guilty to using state money to pay an employee of her law firm.
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her attorneys say that conviction was changed which should allow her to return to her seat. >> 3 people are dead after a plane slams into a home in mississippi. >> the investigation into a bizarre blast in indianapolis. investigators think may have happened, next. >> your morning commute is looking pretty good in terms of delays.
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>> good morning. this is a live look out stores. not too bad to start the day. the sun is trying to come up. you will be feeling the chill when you step outdoors. i am live at the bea gaddy family center.
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they are getting ready for their big thanksgiving dinner. you are one of the daughters of bea gaddy. she started the tradition of helping people in baltimore. so nice to see your family continuing that. >> continuing her legacy. >> you are getting ready for your big thanksgiving dinner. this shows how many places you'll be reaching with the thanksgiving dinner. >> we have a lot of requests from cynicism buildings that are asking us to help -- on senior citizen buildings. >> you really need help. how can people get involved? >> by contributing whenever they
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can. we need everything from transportation to canned goods and whinnied logistical support. we need everything. >> there was a big fundraiser last night. they need plenty more. 410-563-2749. >> i have posted that on my face the page and my twitter page -- on mike facebook page. look at that map. they will be -- all those communities. >> 60,000 meals. that is unbelievable. thank you.
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it is a wonderful organization. nothing going on on the east coast. high pressure is in control. we will see a lot of sunshine today. there is a disturbance that could produce some cloud cover on thursday or friday. no precipitation is expected. you can see that cloud deck around cincinnati. skies are clear around baltimore. it is a chilly start. 33 at the airport. 34 in catonsville. lots of sunshine but it will be chilly. a light north wind at 10. the average high temperature is 57.
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it will be another cold night tonight. it will stay dry but cool with more cloud cover on thursday and friday. thanksgiving week, a coastal storms will develop. we can see some rain showers beginning on sunday afternoon and lasted until wednesday. 6:16. >> good morning. we have the water main repair break in the city along charles between north and 21st street. major roadways looking good. 59 on 295 southbound down towards 100. out on 97, 63 miles per hour --
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south on 97, 63 miles per hour. here's a quick, live look at traffic. an update on the harrisburg express. southbound traffic is starting to build. those delays will develop shortly. no delays to and from the eastern shore. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> thank you. three people are dead after a small plane slams into a house in jackson, mississippi, overnight. witnesses say they heard the engines sputtering shortly after takeoff. all three casualties were on board the plane. natural-gas costs and expose it that decimated in neighborhood in indianapolis caylee two people, authorities believe.
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were no leaks in the gas main meeting to the house where the blast originated. two homes were obliterated. two snow boarders are safe and warm this morning. rescuers reached the man yesterday. they found a snow cave and survived on ritz crackers and a small stream for drinking water. >> toyota is recalling more than a million vehicles in the u.s. for a pair of unrelated the fax. prius hybrids have been reported steering shaft defect that may result in a faulty steering. other vehicles have deceptive --
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defective water pumps. numbers are out on kids and allowance. six out of 10 parents take their children and allowance. the average is $15 a week. the kids are spending their allowance as quickly as they receive it. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. what do you think is a reasonable allowance to give to your kids? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to walmart wants to send you treats in the mail. a big department store chain is under pressure to dump trump. jane king has the bloomberg business report. >> good morning. macy's is under pressure to ditch its donald trump brands
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after he attacked president obama during the election campaign. a petition is asking macy's to dump him. a spokesperson said the merchandising does not represent any political position. maryland live! casino is holding a job fair. to the human resources to permit with a resume in hand. you can click on careers for other careers. stocks were lower yesterday. investors taking a close look at the october sales report which reflects the direct hit retailers took from hurricane sandy. launching a food
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subscription program and that includes shipping and handling. price for the food treats will be $15 if you purchased the items separately. at the new york stock exchange, i'm jane king, bloomberg news, for wbal-tv 11 news. >> 6:21, 30 degrees at the airport. >> good morning. the baseball writers announce the manager of the year award. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers.
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>> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. check on youra morning commute. we have water main repair happening in two locations. over toward monument. not bad on the b-w parkway. there are some delays at the harbor tunnel. here's a quick, live look at traffic. 83 at padonia, no problems down
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to the beltway. this is 50 at sandy point. a nice start at the bay bridge. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> it is cold. 4030's.'s and low you may have to scrape some frost off of your windshield. lots of sunshine with ties to the upper 40's. we will check the seven forecast in just a few minutes. >> good morning. a dramatic turnaround was not good enough for the baseball writers association of america. they chose bob melvin of oakland and not buck showalter as the manager of the year in the american league this year.
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it was a close vote. buck showalter said he was happy for melvin but he acknowledged he does feel bad for losing a chance to win another postseason award. -- what he did is nothing shy of spectacular. the orioles went to a second place team in the american league east. all, he changed the culture around the orioles. he said his focus is improving the orioles. steelers week is on. the countdown is on during steelers week. this rivalry means everything. a single game between baltimore and pittsburgh. john harbaugh is no stranger to this game. despite the pressure, john harbaugh lives for this game.
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>> i think it is the best week of the year. it is where i feel the most comfortable. i think our coaches and players feel the same way. that is a team, a defining type of rivalry. it means so much to both teams. we like being in this week. we love playing these guys. i would say it is the best week of the year, both of them. >> that is sports. >> we hate the steelers. >> that is basically it. >> sometimes going into the family business can be a bad thing. we will explain. >> a quiet neighborhood lights up overnight as a fire sends a woman to the hospital.
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>> a teenager returns to the place where he nearly died to bring others the gift of life. >> ava marie live in east baltimore at the bea gaddy family centerw=!nño
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>> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 6:00 a.m. >> good morning, everybody. welcome back to 11 news today. i'm stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. some frost on the car windows this morning. >> temperatures in the upper 20's and low 40's in the suburbs. the sunshine will not help much with the temperatures. 49 this afternoon. that is 10 degrees below average. we will check the seven-day forecast coming up in just a few minutes. >> a woman is rushed to the hospital with severe burns.
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>> we get the latest from jennifer franciotti. good morning. >> good morning. you can tell how quickly this fire went through this home on blake court. this is a quiet neighborhood in reisterstown. this fire started just after 1:00 a.m. this morning. fire crews found the second floor of this house fully engulfed in flames. there was a woman inside the house. she was taken to northwest hospital where she is being treated for burns and smoke inhalation. >> first units arrived with heavy fire on the second floor and called the second alarm. shortly thereafter, the victim was found on the second floor. she was brought out and we began resuscitation efforts and she was transported to the hospital. >> this morning she is listed in
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critical condition. she was the only person in the house at the time of the fire. the cost of the fire remains under investigation. fire crews left the scene. they heard working smoke detectors in the basement of the home. they have no way of knowing if there were working smoke alarms on the second floor. jennifer franciotti, wbal-tv 11 news. >> a family business is in trouble with the law this morning. it appears the business was selling pot. paul burke and his wife and children were arrested. martin was also arrested in the raid. >> the conference of catholic
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bishops believes religious freedom is being weakened in the u.s. the church will never complied with the mandate the companies provide birth control and their health insurance coverage. to not givepared in. >> several catholics protested outside the conference and delivered a petition. >> state health officials want hospitals to get a the same page when it comes to supporting breastfeeding mothers. maintaining a breast feed policy, and practicing mothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day while in the hospital. >> the point is to support every
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mother's decision. and to give her all the information necessary to go forward and be successful. >> these recommendations are voluntary. go to for the full list of recommendations. >> daniel borowy returned to the scene of the shooting to oppose state blood drive. more than 60 people signed up to donate blood. it was their way of giving back to shock trauma and the american red cross. >> if we get a chance to support the hospital and give back to those who of helped us, we're more than happy to, right, dan? >> daniel return to class at
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perry hall high school last week. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. let's bring you up tod date. we have closures along charles street between north avenue and 21st street. delays forming on the west side from liberty down towards edmondson, 28 miles per hour on the outer loop. looking good on 95 towards the white marsh region. no delays at the harbor tunnel. the fort mchenry checks out ok. here's a quick, live look at traffic. an update on 83 at padonia road. southbound traffic looks a little heavier. the j.f.x. without delay it down towards 28th street.
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a nice start at the bay bridge toll plaza. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. ava marie is at the bea gaddy center. >> good morning. i am sure you have heard about bea gaddy. she passed away butter family continues the condition -- she passed away but her family continues the tradition. they are getting ready for the big thanksgiving dinner but they need more help. nations, monetary, and food -- donations, monetary, and food. and much cooler pattern. we had a little bit of a sleet area.
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50 degrees tomorrow. the weekend looks ok. increasing clouds. a chance for rain into next week. we will have details on the thanksgiving dinner when we come back. >> thank you. you never know what you'll find rummaging through somebody's discarded rollicelics. >> we are still taking your answers to our water cooler question of the day. what do you think is a reasonable allowance to give to your kids? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to
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>> which to toss out a piece of art -- would you toss out a piece of art? a rare piece of art was found. the bidding was at over $1,500. >> the newest addition at the san diego zoo now has a name. the suit waited 100 days -- the
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zoo waited 100 days before naming the panda. >> all right. still cute. 6:41. 30 degrees at the airport. >> we will fill you in on your morning commute. delay starting to crawl into place. arry to me. like a lowry to beautiful color on the horizon.
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[ male announcer ] what can you experience in a seat? inspiration. great power. iconic design. exhilarating performance. [ race announcer ] audi once again has created le mans history! [ male announcer ] and once in a great while... all of the above. take your seat in the incomparable audi a8. take advantage of exceptional values on the audi a8 during the season of audi event. ♪
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>> welcome back to 11 news today. 6:44. 13 senators are asking president obama to boost federal disaster aid to the states. officials at the maryland live! casino will be showing their plans for table games. this will happen in anne arundel county later today. legislation allowing table games passed in last week's general election. further raise the tobacco tax. it is scheduled to join isaiah leggett for a news conference later today calling for a $1
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increase in maryland's tobacco tax. there was a special session back in 2007. >> the debate over a potential life-saving drug for overdoses on drugs like heroin. here's deborah weiner. >> overdose cases are exploding. what if there was an antidote and it could save lives? what is it was more widely available? for this mother, the only thing more numbing was discovering there is an inexpensive drug that might have allowed dan to survive. >> i was sad to know that i could have if he had it. will that make a difference? i will never know. >> what is the antidote? why can some get it for free? why do some see it as a terrible
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mistake? >> do we want to give them heroin next? the reality is, why stop/ ? >> the effort to make this antidote more widely available and the controversy surrounding it. for the 11 news i-team, i am deborah weiner. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> we have a serious accident eastbound on 50. all lanes are closed with an overturned the vehicle. this is on the eastbound side of 50 all lanes closed. normal delays on the west side. that is our first to lay down towards edmondson, 23 miles per hour. watch for delays along the water main breaks over towards monument.
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here's a quick, live look at traffic. this is harford over towards perring parkway. here's a quick, live look at traffic. delays on starting to form. eastbound 50, all lanes are closed because of an overturned vehicle. we will continue to keep you posted on that. ava marie is that the bea gaddy center. they need help all year. >> especially this time of year as they gear ready for their annual thanksgiving dinner. maybe people who need a place to go to be around people. this is joyce smith, a volunteer. how long have you been a volunteer? >> three years. >> what will you be doing to get
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ready for the big dinner? >> we will be signing up volunteers. we need drivers. give us a call on friday beginning at 9:00 a.m. we will sign you up to a volunteer. 410-563-2749. >> i posted that number on my twitter page and on facebook. that is where you can find the phone number. you will be handing out a lot of meals. >> i hear the phone really already. look at all the food behind us. >> we need number 10 cans of stringeans and corn,
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stuffing, and instant mashed potatoes. >> they need plenty of food. there'll be a meal at the patterson park rec center. there will be sending home food. this is a bag they have prepared. a frozen turkey. who will be receiving those turkeys? >> our sick and shut-ins. >> the phones are ringing right now. thank you for all the work you do. we will go back to tony. this is the time of year when people are ready to give back. >> we love that organization. 60,000 meals.
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nice to know that people are watching. nice job to get the phone ringing. more at the bea gaddy institute. we have high pressure on the east coast. the front is off the coast. we should enjoy a lot sunshine. a disturbance in the midwest will drift in our direction. i don't think there will be precipitation. cloud cover approaching cincinnati. beautiful sunrise in progress. 33 at the airport. 32 in parkton. you may have to scrape some frost off of your windshield. lots of sunshine today.
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it will stay chilly. high temperature around 50 degrees. the average high temperature is 57. the record high for today is 77 . the seven-day forecast -- a few clouds on thursday, friday, and saturday. thanksgiving week, many models are developing a coastal storm. we could see some chance late sunday and possibly into wednesday of next week's. quiet and chilly in the short term. >> a fire in reisterstown sends a woman to the hospital. jennifer franciotti is live with the latest. >> good morning. take a look at that.
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that shows you how fast a fire can rip through a house. this fire started after 1:00 a.m. this morning. fire officials found the second floor pretty much fully engulfed. they were able to get the fire under control in about 15 minutes. there was a female victim. she was taken to the hospital and listed in critical condition. fire officials did here working fire alarms going off in the basement. no word if the smoke detectors were working on the second floor. the cause of the fire does remain under investigation. the fire crews were able to take care of this fire in fast order.
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now back to you. >> coming up, we'll look at your answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> we'll take a last look at weather and traffic together before you head out to start your day.
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>> time to get to your answers to our water cooler question of the day. we have had a lot of good ones. >> this morning we asked, what do you think is a reasonable allowance to give to your kids?
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>> good job, mom. good answer. we will post more answers on our website, >> we appreciate it. how many of your fellow travelers can you expect to be along for the ride. >> target workers are asking for a break for the holiday shopping madness. what is going on on 50? >> closures.
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we haven't overturned vehicle and that is backing up traffic. watch for that. no closures on the west side but we have delays from 795 down. closures between madison and monument. the north side is picking up at harford. this is 50 at st. margaret's. >> unless checked of the weather -- a last check of the weather. >> sunshine today and a cold start. we will make it to 49 today. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> we will be back with a live update at 7:25.
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