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tv   Today  NBC  January 1, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EST

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five, four, three, two -- >> good morning. and happy new year. hundreds of thousands of reve r revelers were in times square to say good-bye to 2012 and we are celebrating right along with them "today," tuesday, january 1st, 2013. i'm savannah guthrie along with matt lauer and natalie morales. al has the day off. let me be the first to say happy new year. >> happy new year. how was it in times square?
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>> i've hung out in times square because i've done new year's eve. >> i mean just new year's eve, though. >> no, no. >> we wish you all a happy new year. we'll pull out the crystal ball for a look at what 2013 has in store, when it comes to things like politics and the economy. the president, of course, facing a number of challenges in the second term as he tries to fulfill his campaign promise to boost the still struggling job market. we'll talk about that and much more with chuck todd and jim cramer straight ahead. what we'll all be watching, wearing and playing with in the months to come. call me a mind reader. i can tell you one of the top stories of 2013. of course, it's going to be the birth of the duke and duchess of cambridge's baby. and coming up, we'll talk about the preparations under way at kensington palace for his or her arrival and what it will mean for the royal family. >> probably not going to cover
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that that much on this show. first let's head to the news desk and check in with andrea canning. happy new year. >> new year to you. and happy new year to you at home. kelly o'donnell is on capitol hill this morning with all the details of the fiscal cliff. >> good morning and happy new year, andrea. frantic rush of negotiations leading through this holiday. there has been a breakthrough that could affect everyone's pocketbook, but it happened with time nearly running out. three hours before the midnight deadline and the vice president arrived on capitol hill. >> happy new year. did you think we would be here new year's eve? >> reporter: joe biden moved from key negotiator to his pa y party's closer, meeting behind closed doors with fellow democrats to make his case for his package. >> you shouldn't predict how the
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senate is going to vote before they vote. you won't make a lot of money and number two, you surely shouldn't predict how the house is going to vote. >> reporter: instead of sweeping tax increases for everyone, new higher rates would hit those making over $400,000 a year, $450,000 for couples. plus higher rates on savings, investments and large inheritances. overall, tax increases of about $600 billion over ten years. both parties compromised on taxes to mixed reviews. >> it does not address the number one priority, creating good, middle-class jobs now. >> i don't love it, but i think it is a very good job of negotiating where there are some wins and some losses and it's about even. >> reporter: the plan would also delay across-the-board spending cuts for defense and most federal aagencies but only for two months, kicking the can on tough decisions to reduce
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government spending. republicans wanted more cuts now. >> it's not even a small ball, it's a ping pong ball of a proposal. i think it's awful. >> reporter: the wait for a senate vote went deep into the night. hours passed for the actual bill to be written. by the time even some new year's revelers were worn out, the senate finally voted. >> the ayes are 89. the nays are 8. >> it does not mean negotiations halt. far from it. >> this shouldn't be the model for how we do things around here, but i think we can say we've done some good for the country. >> reporter: and passing in the senate is just one step. the house of representatives comes back today. they'll take a look at it. there is a hope because both democrats and republicans so overwhelmingly passed in the senate it can get through. as you heard, there will be new rounds of negotiations that are triggered but this deadline could get by with a resolution.
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andrea? >> a lot of action on capitol hill. thanks so much, kelly. this drama still has a long way to play out. more on that from nbc's chief white house correspondent, chief todd. good morning and happy new year, chuck. >> good morning and happy new ye year. >> it passed 89-8 votes. will it clear the house? >> it's going to clear the house. i spoke with someone very close to the republican leadership. yes, the sentiment that was expressed in kelly's piece is very close to what speaker boehner said. they hate the bill. they don't like the bill but 89 votes is a real message. you have literally only a hand ful of democratand a handful of republicans in the senate that voted against this thing in single digits. this means it will get through the house. it may be about 100, 110 republicans aat be s at best, b message was pretty clear and there's not much speaker boehner can do about it. they almost feel that the senate, in voting in those numbers, handcuffed the
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leadership, forcing them not to change the bill, throw it on there, not be happy about it, but live to fight another day. nancy pelosi and the democrats signed off on it. there may be more democratic votes that pass this house than republican votes at the end of the day, but it will pass. >> what kind of challenge does it face for the future when you see this kind of contentious situation going on for both sides? >> it means we'll have more of the same in the next, at least, three months. we have this whole setup coming up here in march. the fiscal cliff. we'll not sort of have this march madness of budget fights coming up. it is going to pale -- what happened here over new year's will seem small, petty and acquaint compared to what happens in march. it will be ugly. >> that doesn't sound good. >> happy new year! >> happy new year. chuck todd in washington for us. thanks so much. secretary hillary clinton remains hospitalized for a treatment of a blood clot in her head. nbc's chief science
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correspondent robert bazell is at columbia university hospital. >> reporter: good morning, andrea. she has a blood clot just below her ear on a blood vessel that drains blood from the brain but critically, it's not in the brain itself, which makes a difference in the prognosis. it's still a dangerous situation. you can see where the red dot there is on the diagram. it's being dissolved with blood thinners and over a period of days and all indications are that she will make a complete recovery. this is a dangerous situation, but she's going to be fine. andrea? >> good news. happy new year to you as well. thank you, robert. now to the weather. scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely today throughout the southeast and gulf coast. some areas may receive over an inch of rain. isolated snow showers through the ohio valley and into the virginias with one to three inches of snow. higher amounts of elevations.
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much of the country remains quite chilly with temperatures below average and partly cloudy conditions. that's a look at the national weather. i'll have your local forecast after this break. woman: we're helping joplin, missouri, come back from a devastating tornado. man: and now we're helping the east coast recover from hurricane sandy. we're a leading global insurance company, based right here in america. we've repaid every dollar america lent us. everything, plus a profit of more than $22 billion. for the american people. thank you, america. helping people recover and rebuild -- that's what we do. now let's bring on tomorrow. >> mostly cloudy to start out the new year. we're up near 40 degrees. mostly cloudy skies. a
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and that's a look at your local forecast. now let's go back to matt. lawmakers worry about getting their financial house in order, most americans are hoping the recession is in the rear view mirror and better times aawait. jim cramer is host of "mad money." good morning. >> good morning to you, matt. >> when you look at trends in the economy, numbers you're seeing, which ones jump out and tell you that things might be getting better or not? >> housing shortage. we're not building enough homes. homes are going up in value. that will be a crucial story for 2013. all year, what we're going to see, matt, is that those who buy homes now will be better than people buying them next year at this time. >> jobs, what do you see in
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terms of the jobs picture? >> we came in, literally, with a very strong tailwind from 2012. 2013 will be the year we start seeing tens of thousands of jobs created, but in odd places. manufacturing, oil and gas, construction. those are new areas. didn't have those last year. >> let's look at interest rates, what kind of challenges will ben bernanke face in trying to keep interest rates low? >> he will face the challenge of a lifetime. we may be looking at generational lows for mortgages. >> ben bernanke would be one person to watch. tim cook, ceo of apple, is he a person to watch in the coming year? >> oh, is he ever. people think there is a steve jobs legacy. what would jobs do? this is what would cook do? he will come up with dazzling omg is what we're calling them, products. >> brand new senator coming to washington from massachusetts. elizabeth warren.
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what are you expecting from her? >> will she be a thorn in the side of banking or will she become the voice of the government against bankers? she wants to be the latter. i think she'll only be the former. >> secretary of treasury leaving. >> right. >> gone. tim giethneithner is saying i'm. give me the short list of people if you had the power to replace him. >> i'll give you the type of person, because i think this is who is in the running. a lot of executives in 2012 began to embrace the president after the big win. we need to see someone not necessarily from banking. that may be too troublesome but from industry. major fortune 500 -- >> throw a name out there. >> how about dave cote, ceo of honeywell. why him? leader of the debt reduction talks. >> didn't he go on sunday talk shows and say i'm not hiring, i'm holding my money to see if the guys washington can get it
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together? >> you're right. and they will get it together and we'll see if he hires or moves over to washington. >> are you bullish or bear? >> these trends are so powerful. oil and gas, so powerful. second half of the year, don't miss it. >> jim cramer, aalways good to see you. you can catch "mad money" weeknights 6:00 and 11:00 eastern on cnbc. savannah? >> thank you. what are the big health headlines and developments in the medical world we can expect? dr. nancy snyderman is nbc's chief medical editor. happy new year. >> happy new year to you, too. >> let's start with the flu. >> sure. >> we've seen already a bad season. >> bad fall, bad winter. unnaturally warm on the east coast. people still have their windows open which means they're not crowding as much. an uptick in many states.
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i expect the flu season to get worse. here is the really big news. world health organization and cdc nailed this year's flu vaccine. not too late to still get your vaccine if you haven't. >> let's move to another big medical story. bear with us, viewers. this is the new diagnostic manual for the mental health field, something that professionals use, but it has some real world implications. >> every parent that's had a kid with autism or aspergers knows what the dsm is. hoarding will be its own medical diagnosis. why does it matter? doctors try to constantly figure out what we know, what's new and how we should change things. where does the controversy come? in the things you're looking at right here. will doctors accurately diagnose you and then does it mean that the insurance companies will recognize them and reimburse you and will you be able to get the
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services you need? autism spectrum disorder there's still a lot of controversy. >> i know we'll be speaking a lot about on this show the royal pregnancy. >> the longest gestation you can remember. >> you have to feel for kate, she has this cute morning si sickness. >> the serious but rare. only about 2% of pregnancies. in the early part of the pregnancy the woman can't hold down enough food and liquids and you run the risk to the fetus, risk of premature miscarriage. >> i'm going to make a bold prediction for swran and february. she has been hospitalized, accurately treated. if she's still suffering, she will get iv hydration at kensington palace. i don't think you'll see her out and about. the real speculation now is is
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she carrying twins? there's an increased risk of this with twins. >> we would be doubly happy for her in that case. >> especially if a girl comes out first. >> you impressed us last year because you got your telemeres. >> we mass screen everyone for the same stuff. we're going to increasingly have to figure out what's important in your genes versus my genes. in 2013, i'm going to have my complete human genome done, put out there in the public. i think doctors and people who can should get this done so we start to lerp more about what makes us tick, what makes me subject to cancer. the more we do this, the more we can research it.
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it will become more available to the public as the price drops. >> savannah, thanks. let's talk more about that royal birth coming up in 2013. with the duke and duchess of cambridge expecting their first child, some big changes are ahead for the royal family. nbc's michelle kosinski is in london. >> reporter: for william and kate they can now look back on an absolutely brilliant year with a new one beginning that will mean even more to them personally. this past year, virtually every time duchess kate stepped outside, there was a photograph or hundreds to document it. no doubt a long way since that first nervous speech. >> i'm only sorry that william can't be here today. >> reporter: kate now owns it, her unique elegant style and confidence. her first complicated christmas
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with the royals, traveled as the queen's companion, the jubilee, the olympics. not afraid to handle events solo or kick back, even with the whole world watching. her one embarrassment, those photos as she sun bathed topless in france on whifs to be a private holiday with william, she quickly came through, with a lawsuit and trademark smile. >> we saw her as a shrinking violent a violet and now she's a bloos blos blossoming flower. >> the face, the very essence of modern royalty aas they await their first child, thought to be due around july or august. >> huge marriage for william and kate. now we're going to have the birth and the whole kind of
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christening and the naming and, you know, the incredible drama and the fact that now we have another heir to the throne. >> the beautiful 400-year-old palace, brimming with history, where william spent much of his childhood. this will be their new family home, expected to be ready in the spring. marvelous golden gates and then orange construction barriers. what is going on back there? >> behind these green barriers here are sand bags and other areas to make sure there's no threat of security. and here, behind here, you'll see a lovely old english garden. that's, of course, where this little baby, in seven months or so time will be running around and enjoying his or her life. when they move into what was former princess margaret's apartments, that is palatial, fit for a king, which prince william ultimately will be, and king or queen the child will be.
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it's huge. >> 20 rooms or something? >> absolutely. in fact, this is really a serious place to live. >> hopefully, happy anticipation out weighing the difficultyies t the moment. kate's morning sickness requiring a hospital stay may return. she'll need to be near medical care while william will have to work out his military schedule that keeps him away. more time together. maybe the royal order for the start of the year not just for queen and country, but for them. prince william makes some appearances solo because kate doesn't feel well enough and there is expectation that we'll see prince william take on more and more royal duties even sooner than he may have expected. you can only imagine the excitement there will be when this royal baby is born. matt? >> michelle kosinski in london this morning. happy new year to you. if you had to make a bold prediction, which one of us will spend most time in london in the
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coming year. >> i think i'll be looking for an apartment. >> i'll go with you. we'll go shopping. >> go spend a couple of months in london. >> there go the frequent flyers. >> false alarm. turn around, come back. >> considering the trip i just took. >> natalie morales live in the martin room, in the delivery room. >> if only we could get that close. >> right. will you stick to your resolutions? this time around? >> from fifthy shades of gray to honey boo boo, the highlights and lowlights of 2012. low lights?
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coming up, we'll tell you about the cool new multi-touch technology a lot of us will be
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playing with in the coming year. >> 2013, the year of the superhero? from the new iron man to the man of steel, the hottest movies we'll be rushing out to see. first your local news. weight watchers online worked for us. we don't argue much. we really don't. meg usually just gets her way, and i go along with it. i think it worked for matt because i did it for him. when i'm the one cooking, i'm the one calculating the points. i can microwave things. you get to eat real food. we still get to go out. we're just so much smarter about it. we can keep each other in check. going, "okay, i see you." we've lost about 110 pounds together. it helped our love life. happy wife, happy life, right? right. [ jennifer ] weight watchers online. the power of weight watchers completely online. join for free today. for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime.
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double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ]
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♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™. you're always on, so we're always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. no preservatives, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we'll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. yep...doh. [ boy ] slurpably fun and a good source of calcium. dads who get it, get go-gurt. is a little frightening. i weigh myself naked. can i take my clothes off, too? [ woman ] oh, i don't want to look. ♪ [ woman ] let's get it over with. ♪
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satisfaction! satisfaction! pizzazz! pizzazz! confidence. i like it! joy! [ female announcer ] tell us... what will you gain when you lose? >> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. the search continues for keef burley. he opened fire on his sister over the weekend. she was struck in the back. and isdescribed as5'10" obviously considered armed and dangerous. anyone who sees him is urged to
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call 911 immediately. his sister is expected to survive her injury. let's look at your morning commute if you are committing anywhere. >> there are a few cars, but lighter in volume but tomorrow we expect things to return to normal with schools back in session. another one blocking fork road in cherry hill. westbound route 26 at liberty road in washington. so far so good on the j.f.x. those speeds continue towards 28 street. problem-free at the fort mchenry toll plaza into the tunnel. no problems at the harbor tunnel. i start on most of the area roads. over to you, ava. >> we were in the 30's overnight. 45 downtown, 30's as you head
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towards the d.c. suburbs as well rain is starting to break out across southern maryland. the central maryland sees anything today, it will be a light sprinkle. most of the rain is down to the south. notice how we are starting off this morning. the mountains will be ranging from 36 to 44, and baltimore is up to 46 in the afternoon.
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7:30 on a tuesday morning. it's january 1st, 2013. get used to saying that. we hope you had a fun and safe night, wherever you celebrated. i'm matt lauer alongside savannah guthrie and natalie morales. al is taking the day off, much deserved. >> indeed. honey boo boo and linsanity. lot going on when it comes to pop culture. lot of movies coming out. we'll get a preview of that. that new smart phone or tablet you just got for christmas already out of date? mario armstrong is here and will
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give us a sneak peek of the technology. i'm older than both of you are, but this is the kind of stuff we fantasized about ten years ago and now it's here. >> all your nerd dreams are about to come true. >> that's right. >> if you are making a new year's resolution from dieting to quitting smoking, the best days of the month to start, according to the farmer's almanac. >> first let's get a check of the top stories from andrea canning. >> good morning and happy new year to all of you. and topping our news this morning, there is good news for hillary clinton. her doctors say the secretary of state should fully recover from the blood clot she suffered as a result of a concussion. robert bazell is at the new york city hospital where mrs. clinton is being treated. robert, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, andrea. it turns out that it's a lot worse than people imagined it could be when she first got in here. but the treatment is successful.
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they dissolved the blood clot in a vessel in her brain by her near. the good news is that it's not in the brain. it could have spread to the brain and cause aid stroke. that did not happen. the doctors say there's no sign of neurological damage. she is expected to be at the hospital a few days and make a full recovery, which is very good news, indeed, for everybody here that are glad to hear that. that's it from the hospital here on the upper west side of manhattan. >> have people been coming and going? is she seeing a lot of family? an awful time to be stuck in the hospital. >> reporter: it is an awful time. we understand her family has been with her a lot. they come in through side doors. we don't see them come in and out. we understand the family has been by her side. everybody says she's in good spirits, communicating. there's absolutely no evidence of any kind of neurological
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damage from this, which is the best possible outcome. >> some people were talking about future runs she may make or how this will affect perception of hillary clinton in the future and her health. so, do you think that this is just a small health scare for her that should not affect her future? >> reporter: it should not. i spoke to doctors who did not treat mrs. clinton but treat this had similar situation and they say there's absolutely no reason to think she will not make a full recovery. she will probably have to be on blood thinners the rest of her life or at least a long time. that doesn't affect how she can carry out her life and get back to a very busy schedule. certainly has to take it easy for a few weeks or a few months. that shouldn't be a problem. she finished being secretary of state almost now and will be able to get much-needed rest and get on with her life.
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>> thank you very much for that update. that is good news. thank you, robert. in a surprise new year's speech today, north korean leader kim jong un called for an end of the confrontation between the two koreas. his address was the first in 19 years by a north korean leader. after the north bombed a southern island in 2010 killing two civilians and two soldiers. unsettled weather will impact the central and southern united states bringing rain to the southeast and snow through the ohio valley. lake-effect snow is expected throughout wisconsin, michigan and western new york. snow showers are possible in the northern plains. partly cloudy conditions along with rather chilly temperatures are on tap for much of the west as high pressure dominates the es >> the new year is off to a great store. temperatures will be up near 40
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with partly cloudy skies. >> and that's a look at your local forecast. now back to savannah. >> andrea, thanks. when it comes to pop culture, honey boo boo and mims helped to define 2012. a few pop culture pundits weighed in on what's in and what's out for the new year. >> we're saying bye-bye to psy. everybody loved gangnam style. it took over the world. >> two videos reached 1 billion views. >> performed with mc hammer at the american music awards.
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it doesn't get better than that. >> the makarena in 2012? can you do the makarena? like nobody does it anymore. >> beyonce is about to have a remarkable 2013. not only is she performing at the super bowl but just signed a huge $50 million deal with pepsi. >> it will be an improvement to have someone younger, no offense to madonna. >> took a little time off to raise her baby girl, blu ivy. it will be the year of sasha fierce. >> mariah carey and eminem. >> he has been a recluse so whenever he puts out new music his fans are excited about it. >> new royal baby, celebrity culture. >> every single moment of this pregnancy will be documented. >> jersey shore is out for 2013.
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but you know what? they went out on their own terms. >> when the show first came out it was such a train wreck tv show that nobody thought it would last a second season. >> it's over. snooki had a child. it's over. >> calculated and i can last for three and a half more days. >> a huge 2013 for selena du dunham. she had a huge 2012. second season of girl and a new book coming out. >> in a different way. last year it was all about the book. >> 40 million readers. >> this year it's all about the movie. >> get this thing done quickly it could be a huge hit in 2013. >> go see the film. usher and shakira, nikki minaj versus mariah carey. everyone is judging reality shows. that's the new trend. >> call me maybe, even the
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president had a lip dub. >> and this is crazy but here's my number. so call me maybe. >> you know, the -- the song is so sweet and it really made into a fun, sweet song that everybody could enjoy. >> great 2012 hit. not going to make it into 2013. >> don't call me. don't tweet me. don't facebook me. just, you know, don't. ♪ there's a fire starting in my heart ♪ >> pint-sized imports, definitely keep your eyes on, sophia grace and rosie, most adorable little girls from london and ellen has taken a huge liking to them. she has them on the show once a week now. they are little walking jukeboxes. >> i'm sad we're saying good-bye to twinkies. >> make me holler honey boo boo. >> one of the great mysteries of 2012 is why we fall in love with honey boo boo. >> they have incredibly high self esteem and, two, they seem
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to be so completely comfortable in their own skin. >> she will be in, in 2013. you look at phenomenons like jersey shore, they didn't just last for one year, but many years. a lot of us are invested in little alana and her family. we want to see how she grows up. >> a look at the hottest gadgets and gizmos of 2013 right after this. bigger! bigger! bigger! so, which would you rather have -- a big treehouse or a small treehouse? if it's big enough, you can have a disco. oh, yeah! why do you not want a smaller treehouse? because it wouldn't be able to fit a flat-screen tv, and then the tv would be about this big, and you would have to hold the wire, and the position you would hold the wire, you wouldn't be able to see the tv. that's a pain in the buns. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. bigger is better. and at&t has the nation's largest 4g network. ♪ ♪
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yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious try our entrees, snacks and new salads. salmon with basil, garlic chicken spring rolls, and now salads, like asian-style chicken. enjoy over 130 tasty varieties, anytime. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. introducing a revolutionary new mascara. clump crusher...crusher. 200% more volume. zero clumps. new clump crusher from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. but add some sauce, pepperoni and cheese and fold up the crescent dough...and presto!
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tuesday night just became crescent pizza pocket-tastic pillsbury crescents. let the making begin [ annoyed ] i'm pure milk chocolate on the inside. and i love that about you. and here i thought you loved me for my brain. is that made of chocolate too?!!! ♪
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>> we're back now with "today's" tech. in 2012, we saw an explosion in apps, ultrabook laptops. that was so 2012. mario armstrong is here with what's new in 2013. as we look at the technology you'll be showing us over the next few minutes, prices, will they be coming down in the years to come? >> they will. some stuff is accessible now. some of it is affordable now. but some of it is unattainable, in my opinion, but prices will drop. >> multitouch technology. explain to us how it works. >> uses windows 8 operating
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system, which has made touching much more innovative. this is a very new experiment of sony creating a full desktop computer, multitouching means she can use ten fingers. >> what was so last year, when you had a touch thing, you could take one thing and drag it. >> that's right. >> but here you can manipulate it from a lot of -- natalie solved the puzzle. congratulations. on a third grade level there. that's very good. congratulations. >> enjoy fourth grade. >> you made a butterfly. congratulations. >> but it's really cool. you can even carry this around. this is battery operated as well. i can take the power cord out of this and actually -- it's the first time you're seeing devices where you can carry a gigantic tablet. >> it's not too heavy. >> natalie has set the bar very high. we go over here -- >> oh, come on. >> gesture technology, is that right? >> that's right. we're talking gesture technology, the ability to get rid of the mouse and keyboard
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and just use our hands. >> i've seen this with my kids and video grams. >> you have, but this is a much broader stroke. this is 200 times more precise than stuff like kinect and things of that nature. you can do what savannah is doing right now, which is slicing -- >> slicing the heck out of this fruit. >> doing a good job. >> thank you. no pineapple survived that. >> imagine playing a game like jenga, grabbing a piece of jenga and moving it. think of this as 3d but hands free. >> think of the medical application. >> absolutely. huge. think of the surgeon in the operating room who wants to look at 3d medical datea. doesn't want to take off their gloves to look at that information. lots of applications. lots of excitement about it. >> you keep working out your frustrations there.
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this is also gesture technology? >> samsung series 7, this is also gesture, nontouch. it is touch as well. this does a little bit of both. if you're looking for devices -- there are some different combinations, things you can do without touch, things you can do with touch. you don't want to get oil, vinegar all over your keyboard. wave at the computer. >> that's great. this is ingenious. we've been through superstorm sandy here. a lot of people lost power. this is a way to bring light into your life when there is no electricity. >> it's called luminaid. charge it in the sun for five hours. >> pouch that folds flat like this. >> waterproof. you blow it up and it looks like this. then basically to turn on the light it has two settings with this little power button. it will be hard to see maybe in the studio. you can see lights being generated from that.
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>> you store half a dozen of those and you blow them up at a time when you need them, you've got light in an entire room. >> you do. they're waterproof, puncture proof. two women, one from dartmouth, the other from columbia university came up with this idea of luminaid. disaster tech is the trend for 2013. >> a plus on this one. power when there is no electricity. a lot of people frustrated, they lost their batteries in their cell phone. this table is very cool. >> this table is. power mat technology is embedded in the table. you can see these little mats here. as i place phones down that have their casing, they will begin to charge. this cable actually came from madison square garden. >> you do need power because the table plugs in. >> the table is powered but this is available in places like starbucks, airports. they're taking regular everyday counter tops and turning them into charging stations. >> same little power disk on
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this lamp. >> you will not have a wire for that. you will just hit blend and it will start working. >> we see people exchanging information with their smart phones. they're getting smarter. >> they are getting smarter. these are the s3 phones. near field communication, nfc. devices can communicate with each other. >> what can you exchange from one to the other? >> photos, video, contact information, apps, movies. all types of applications can be exchanged. i can make payment s by tapping the nfc card reader at the store and make your payment. >> 3d. people love that. personal viewer that makes it feel as if you're in front of a massive screen. >> that's probably an understatement. huge screen. this is like being in maybe the sixth row of a movie theater. 650-inch screen that's only six
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feet away. very immersive. you put this on. it's in 3d as well. you can also watch hd. it has ear phones to give you surround sound immersion as well. we'll start seeing more personal viewers. they're 800 bucks. >> i don't have it here in the studio. what is 4k tv? >> yul hear a lot about this in 2013. this is almost four times the 1080 resolution we're used to seeing today. four time that is resolution. sony is really championing this with an 84-inch tv. you'll see it in places throughout this year. >> mario armstrong, thank you very much. appreciate t once again, happy new year. >> happy new year to you as well. how to start off 2013 on the right foot when it comes to your diet. first these messages. [ male announcer ] let's go places. not just the ones you can find on a map.
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but the ones you can find in your heart. let's go beyond everything we know. and embrace everything we don't. and once we've reached our destination, let's keep going. because inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still. it dances with the daring... ♪ oh, oh, oh-oh, oh [ male announcer ] ...and rewards the courageous with ideas that excite, challenge, even inspire. ideas that take you places you never imagined. ideas big enough and powerful enough to make the heart skip a beat and, in some cases, maybe two. toyota. let's go places. that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love.
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plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. ♪ i got it made, i got it made ♪ i got it made ♪ fresh at subway ♪ breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] at subway, you got breakfast made. like an under 200 calorie steak egg white & cheese. subway. eat fresh. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪
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i think this is fantastic. >> you just inflate it. >> no, i just ate. >> i have all this lipstick on. >> and i might cramp up. >> i'm not doing that. i'm not falling for it. >> in an emergency. >> considering all the batteries people ran out of and flashlights and all of that. an idea whose time has come. >> absolutely. just ahead we're going to get special holiday performances
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from colbie calet. >> movies that will be big at the box office this year. we'll take a look at those, with you first your local news and weather. ♪ aww man. [ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u.s. postal service. we'll even drop off boxes if you need them. visit pay, print, and have it picked up for free. any time of year. ♪ nice sweater. thank you. ♪
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here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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with a samsung galaxy ii from we straight talk pillsbury grands biscuits he'll get the same great nationwide coverage for half the cost. let's see if he notices. everyone noticed. joe saved $950 a year. enough to buy some sweet mother of glory pyrotechnics. rock on, abigail. rock on. same phones, same networks. half the cost. a samsung galaxy s ll with unlimited everything just $45 a month. straight talk wireless. only at walmart. home of the all-new grilled onion cheddar burger, topped with melty white cheddar and caramelized onions. plus all your tasty favorites for just a dollar each. every day. ♪ but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose.
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thanks. that's the cold truth! thanavoid bad.fats. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. for multi grain flakes that are an excellent source of fiber try great grains banana nut crunch and cranberry almond crunch.
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. are there any cars out at there? >> very few this new year's day, but we are tracking a couple problems. york road closed at cherry hill avenue, due to an accident rate north side of york road, very smooth ride. if you want to head west on route 26, liberty road and washington avenue, the right lane is closed with downed wires. in little bit of a delay forming just past i-70 towards edmondson. looking good security making
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your way down in the outer loop. 55 miles per hour on 200. we're looking at the tunnel. everything checks out ok on 97 to and from 50. >> i think it is getting quieter out there, quite the opposite from what traffic reports are normally like. the weather is not too bad to start off the new year. 45 downtown. 38 any parkton. b.w.i. dropped down to 41 degrees. this may warm-up a couple more degrees into the afternoon. the stormy passes to our south. 46 of the high-temperature around baltimore. seven-day forecast shows that we're up to 39 tomorrow. that is a cooler day with partly sunny skies.
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people may have some plans lingering throughout the holidays. very minimal chance for precipitation, and each day we will see a bit of
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8:00 now on this tuesday morning, tuesday, january 1st, 2013. as we ring in the new year in the heart of midtown, a lot of people just getting to sleep after a long night of celebrating. >> if you like holiday decorations, head down to rockefeller plaza because just about a week left. if you're in the area, come on down and check it out. >> i love this time of year. >> it is sad to see it go. >> sad to see it go. i'm savannah guthrie, alongside matt lauer, natalie morales. should mention al has the morning off. >> that's right. we talked about our new year's resolutions, pedestrian ones.
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nobody is going out for anything really big. whether you decided to lose weight, exercise more or kick a bad habit in 2013, what you can do to see your resolution through this year. we'll have some real advice on that. >> all right. this is going to be a big year for robert downey jr. we'll predict that right now. he is reprising his role as tony sparks in ironman 3. one of the superhero flicks coming out in 2013. we'll get a box office preview. plus we'll break down the bold new trend in fashion for the new year. and two big names in music, colbie caillat and davin mcgraw will stop by to perform for us. >> let's get a check of the weather and top news stories from andrea canning. >> happy new year, everyone. an air of hope after the senate approved legislation to block the impact of across-the-board tax increases and spending cuts
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scheduled to take effect today. we have details on the deal from kelly o'donnell. it's been a wild 24 hours on capitol hill. happy new year, kelly. >> it sure has. while most people were celebrating this new year, congress was working on this deal. the president and senior republicans were able to reach an agreement. in the middle of the night, senate passed it with bipartisan support. this means most people's taxes will stay the same and income tax rate also go up but only to the highest earners. unemployment benefits will keep coming for those that have been out of work the longest and spending cuts for government programs and the military will be on hold a couple of months, giving congress more time to figure out how to reduce the deficit with other kinds of changes. that was just the senate working in the middle of the night. the house of representatives comes in today with pressure on them to make a deal as well and to cast a vote. that fiscal cliff has arrived but it looks like a solution is in place.
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andrea? >> thanks, kelly. your voice sounds a little like mine this morning. >> reporter: indeed. doctors treating secretary of state hillary clinton for a blood clot in her head say they're confident she'll make a full recovery. more from chief science correspondent robert bazell. happy new year, robert. >> reporter: happy new year to you, andrea. the story could be a lot worse. it now appears that hillary clinton was in a dangerous situation, but it's been resolved successfully and every indication says she'll made a full recovery. she had a blood clot in a vein not in her brain but next to her brain. had it grown it could have cause aid small stroke. extensive examination has shown she has not suffered neurological damage. it would have indicated there was a small stroke but there wasn't a stroke. doctors are clear iing away the
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blood clot with blood thinners and believe she'll be in the hospital a few days and go on to make a full recovery. the news here at presbyterian hospital is very good and we're looking forward to mrs. clinton going home in a day or two. have a wonderful new year's. >> thank you so much, robert. that is good news for the clintons. thanks so much. and in rome, pope benedict celebrated the arrival of the new year with a service at st. peter's basilica. inequality between rich and poor and the impact of greed on so much of the world, he believes peace will prevail. optimistic new year's eve address by president putin. he made no reference to the protests in his country throughout the past year. some areas may receive over
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an inch of rain. expect isolated snow showers through the ohio valley and into the virginias with one to three inches of snow with heavier >> mostly cloudy to start out the new year. we're up near 40 degrees. mostly cloudy skies. a >> now back to matt, savannah and natalie on this new year's day. >> andrea, thanks. every year the farmers almana krchc
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tells us what is the best day to start our resolution. >> for the smokers out there, the almanac says the best days to kick the habit are tomorrow, january 27bd, the 6th of january and 29th of january. >> they base these, by the way, on the astrological passage of the moon. if you're hoping to grow out your hair, the best days to cut it to encourage growth would be the 14th, the 15th, the 19th and the 20th. >> insert joke about matt lauer. >> not nice. >> i'm not even going there. thinking about redoing part of your house? the best days to start a new project this month, the 12th and the 13th. >> and let's get to what is probably the most popular resolution of all, losing a little bit of weight. according to the people at the farmers almanac tomorrow, the 27bd, this coming sunday and the
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29th. >> does that mean you have a few more -- >> it's emotionally hard to start new year's resolution on new year's day. because you're still in that celebratingry move. you have to hit rock bottom and start anew. >> i love when you go to the gym. tomorrow, you'll see all these new people that you have never, ever seen. >> and probably the last time you'll see them. >> that's me. i'll meet you there at 10:00. >> right? >> yoga. >> ohm. coming up next, more on our resolution and also tell you weighs to slim down that actually work. good ideas. good advice. right after this. [ woman ] weighing myself in times square is a little frightening. i weigh myself naked. can i take my clothes off, too? [ woman ] oh, i don't want to look. ♪ [ woman ] let's get it over with.
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♪ satisfaction! satisfaction! pizzazz! pizzazz! confidence. i like it! joy! [ female announcer ] tell us... what will you gain when you lose? big time taste should fit in a little time cup. new single serve cafe collections from maxwell house now available for use in the keurig k-cup brewer. always good to the last drop. she gives me snickers peanut butter squared and i eat it. it's snickers with creamy peanut butter, would you like one? let's just keep an open mind. [ groans ] [ male announcer ] if you like peanut butter and chocolate, you'll love peanut butter and snickers. try snickers peanut butter squared.
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you'll love peanut butter and snickers. i've always kept my eye on her... but with so much health care noise, i didn't always watch out for myself. with unitedhealthcare, i get personalized information and rewards for addressing my health risks. but she's still going to give me a heart attack. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. because it helps you keep doing what you love. no wonder it's america's #1 selling pain reliever. you took action, you took advil®. and we thank you. try our entrees, snacks and new salads. salmon with basil, garlic chicken spring rolls, and now salads, like asian-style chicken. enjoy over 130 tasty varieties, anytime.
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lean cuisine. be culinary chic. [ female announcer ] go from zero to pizza in just 60 seconds with totino's pizza rolls and grab a bite of snack-defying, satisfying... because pizza...never...misses. it's on. let's roll. to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue.
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and we're back now with a new year, new you. we have our favorite contribu contributors here to help us out. >> let's get started with your diet. joy bauer is "today's"
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nutritionist. it's hard to keep the resolution to lose weight. >> the pattern is that we start off really strong and committed, do these strict diet plans and by week four we fall off the wagon. we're going to start off with one small manageable goal and we'll conquer it this week. next week we'll add on another and by the sixth week, you are slimmer and feeling great and you have gained momentum versus losing momentum. >> you call this small but i think it's big. exercise for 30 minutes a day, but walking counts. >> anyone can do it. you can even break it up. walking starts your metabolism, you burn calories. it puts you in a positive mind-set so you make great decisions. lose the soda. one 20-ounce soda is 250 calories. if you just lose one each and every day, you saved enough calories at the end of the year to lose 26 pounds.
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>> good to cut out diet soda, too? >> it's great if you can cut out diet soda. ideally you want to replace it with water. >> eat a high-protein breakfast. for example? >> eggs, cheese, lean bacon, canadian bacon. when you have protein in your morning meal it helps to stabilize your blood sugars so that then you don't crave as much during the day. you will lose more weight. nonfat greek yogurt with a banana. >> that's a lot of yogurt. >> that's a small container. perfectly fine. >> another tip you have is to add more produce. >> at least one cup of produce, fruits and vegetables with breakfast, lunch and dinner. it's high in volume and it's low in calories. it helps to fill you up without filling you out. >> i love this next tip. brown bag your lunch. we have the brown bag as an example here. >> when you prep your lunch at home you're not only saving cash but calories as well. you control what goes into your
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food and what stays out. when you bring your brown bag lunch to work you're much less apt to cave for your co-workers, burgers and fries or pepperoni pizza. >> what's a good take-to-work lunch that you like? >> easily you can make a turkey sandwich. pull back on the starch at each and every meal. this turkey sandwich here, i lost the top slice of bread. you can save yourself 100 calories. that's a great goal, too. >> if you have pasta, add more vegetables and cut down on the pasta portion of it? >> right. this has one cup of cooked pasta with two cups of vegetables. you still get a great big bowl but the calories are way lower. >> last one is put your tv on a diet. explain that. >> we have hard data that shows that people who lost significant amounts of weight lost ten hours of television a day. so a great goal is to only watch two hours of tv each and every day. of course, it should be the "today" show. >> bad news for us grazers,
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close the kitchen after dinner? >> a lot of people can't control the nighttime nibbling. get out of the kitchen. brush and floss your teeth, sip on a nice decaffinated tea. anything that gets you out of the kitchen. >> gail salts is a "today" contributor. you say people need to own up what they need to change. >> if you're not honest with yourself, you're not going to be able to make change. >> you have to write down your goals. >> correct. >> why is that so important? >> otherwise we use denial. i didn't really say that. >> we know we said it. >> but you don't actually. in a month you don't. the brain is like that. if you write it town, it's concrete. and you put it some place you have to see all the time. on the refrigerator, on your screen savor so you constantly in a way are reminded, yes, i said that. >> what's this thing you call, a journal of why.
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>> if you don't look at the deeper reason that you keep this habit that you want to break, you're not going to break it. there's sort of like a little self analysis. you don't exercise. why? if you really think about it, because you stunk in gym class. you don't think of yourself as athletic and that's what keeps you from making the move. understand the reason behind it. >> how do you feel about personal bribes or the better word would be incentive. i want to work out more and if i stick to my pln i go out and buy something i like. >> humans are mammals. mammals respond to incentives. it's positive behavioral training. it works. the carrot on the stick. if i did this and i keep the weight off for three months i get a cute workout out fit, whatever it is that would sparkle your day. >> i'm not sure a cute workout out fit would work. >> maybe not for you. >> tell someone else what you plan to do. >> it's easy to cheat on yourself. when you put people around you, your family, your loved ones and tell them what you want to accomplish, it will keep you in
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check. even if they don't say anything. you know they know and you keep in check. >> let's switch over to the more emotional side of this for a second. one thing you would like people to try in 2013 -- i have to say i like this -- is be more present in the moment. explain that. >> people are very future oriented. that's what keeps us anxious and stressed. we're so distracted that we don't think about what's going on in this moment. and i mean the grass is green. my coffee tastes delicious. i really like you, matt. those present things make life more meaningful and actually destress you and they actually make life more enjoyable. >> you want people to practice stress reduction. maybe easier said than done but important. then you would like them to create some kind of gratitude list. >> gratitude makes you happier when you actually experience it. if you write down three things a day that you felt grateful for that day, i love my cup of coffee. i've had such nice conversation with you. little things even.
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practiced over time, the data shows that it makes you happier. >> when you're feeling happy and feeling warm towards someone, share that love. that also makes you feel better. >> we don't tell people we love them or even like them. and relationships are the number one force of happiness, not money. so, strengthen those by sharing your positive feelings. it will be reciprocated. i like you, matt. >> i like you, too, gail. appreciate it. i feel better already. the movies to watch in 2013. first these messages. [ mom ] dear chex cereal,
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i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it can even be a game changer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif.
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. your mouth has been snacking, gift stacking, nutcracking and yellowing. because if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest whitestrips remove over 10 years of stains, just in time for a white holiday. crest 3d white whitestrips.
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back now with a box office bonanza. jason, good morning. >> good morning, savannah. happy new year to you. 2012 turned out to be a pretty good year at the box office. for movie fans. and when the twilight saga came to an end, the field opened up for 2013 to fill the void. starting off the new year, "gangster squad" scheduled for release later this month, first highly anticipated movie out of the gate for 2013. >> "gangster squad" was to come out in 2012 but after the "dark knight rises" shooting in colorado, they had to go back and reshoot it because it had a
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scene of a shooting in a movie theater. ryan gosling, sean penn. >> it may be a new year. 2013 will be filld with sequels, reboots and remakes. robert downey jr. is back as tony stark in ironman 3. >> the summer is going to be, as it always is, the really busy time where we'll see all the superhero movies, ironman 3, wolverine, man of steel, the new superman. the plot of the rebooted superman franchise is a closely guarded secret but there are high expectations for the new man of steel. >> this new superman, henry caville, will do as well as christopher reeves did. he will give a more real look and put it in a more real world as opposed to a comic book
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world. >> the lone ranger rides again, it stars johnny depp as the american warrior, tonto. another relaunch of a classic, oz the great and powerful. in the 2013 version, the story is told through the eyes of the wizard, played by james franco. >> i may not actually be a wizard. >> the story of how he came to be the wizard of oz, how he was insecure and unsure of his skills and powers. >> the 12th installment of star trek in theater this is year along with the hangover part 3. >> the big studios always bank on big studios. they do cost more to make but they're more of a safe bet. that's why you're seeing another star trek film, another hangover film. hunger games catching fire, the
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sequel to hunger games that did so well. >> anything starring brad pitt is expected to do well. >> tell the kids i'm coming back. >> tries to protect his family and save the world against a legion of flesh-eating zombies. >> so this is the hobbit. >> look for the hobbit 2 to cap things off later this year. >> i'm going on an adventure! >> they shot all three movies at the same time. the first one came out in december 2012. the next one is december 2013 and the third one is 2014. >> just in time for christmas. a few of the highly anticipated films for the new year. 2013 may turn into the year of the superhero with ironman 3, the lone ranger and the man of steel all battling for those box office dollars. >> jason kennedy, thank you. just ahead, how to go bold in 2013 when it comes to your personal style. first your local news.
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. here's sarah caldwell. >> new year's day, lighter volume. we have a few problems to get to bid route 30 and bought their road, watch for accident activity there. another one shutting down this cherry hill avenue in the fork of a large bearde -- roark area. most of liberty road, right lane closed there.
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security, these speeds continue down the west side and edmondson. 953 howard county and 97 through the glen burnie area, problem- free at 100 bid 10 minutes to get to southbound 95 from the beltway southwest to contribute -- 32. >> not too bad for the start of january. temperatures had been in the low forties for the morning hours. we are going to coast through the afternoon. 41 at b.w.i., 45 downtown. low-to-mid-forties across the lower eastern shore. part of the reason we will stay steady is that we will have cloud cover city area as the storm makes its way through the mid-atlantic. this is where the light rain is falling down across the lower eastern shore. most of your day is dry with cloud cover. we have to watch out in the mountains as some of the rain could be mixed with snow.
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watch out for eight q six spots out there. -- a few slick spots out there. upper 30's by the afternoon. >> happy new year. another update at 8:55.
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we're back now, 8:30 on the 1st of january, tuesday, 2013. happy new year to all of you out there. i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie and natalie morales. al is off this morning. we wish him a happy new year as well. just ahead, two music stars have joined forces for the new year,
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colbie caillat and gavin mcgraw will be here to perform. >> a few weeks ago we told you that the color of the year is what? do you remember? >> brown. >> emerald green. maybe next year. >> it's inspiring designers to come up with all kinds of new looks so we'll get a fashion forecast. >> if you're already planning your yearly vacation, we've got some help. coming up, the hot destinations you'll want to visit this year. >> looks kind of nice right now. first, let's get a look at the morning's top stories and weather. andrea canning. >> i think it is time to hit the beach. good morning and happy new year, everyone. legislation to avert the fiscal cliff tax increases and spending cuts increases is headed to the house. the house will be back in session this afternoon. house speaker john boehner hasn't endorsed the deal but has promised to vote on it or a
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republican alternative right away. the type of blood clot detected in secretary of state hillary clinton is relatively uncommon, but can occur after an injury like the fall and concussion she suffered in september. doctors are treating mrs. clinton with blood thinners and are confident she'll make a full recovery. midnight fire works show was canceled after a fight at a restaurant ended with two people fatally shot and three injured. the new year was greeted with con feti and fireworks for the most part, champagne, eiffel tower in paris. crowds were smaller than last year. hong kong held its biggest ever celebration, including a massive fire works display that cost $1.6 million. now a look at the forecast. unsettled weather will impact the central and southern united states, bringing rain to the southeast and snow through the ohio valley.
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lake-effect snow is expected throughout wisconsin, michigan and western new york. snow showers are possible in the northern plains. partly cloudy conditions along with rather chilly temperatures are on tap for much of the >> the new year is off to a great store. temperatures will be up near 40 with partly cloudy skies. let's head to washington to check in with the birthdays.
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good morning. >> in washington, d.c., the skating rink. i guess you could figure that out for yourself from the people skating. happy birthday from smuckers. elizabeth woodard, 104 from greensboro, north carolina. she was a pediatric nurse for years. happy birthday. and here is roma. i like that name. roma leuthold. love that name. 100 years old today, portland, great state of oregon. beautiful. beautiful ocean. longevity, she says, peaceful spir spirit, calm, relaxed. we love you. ted stern, charleston, south carolina, 100 years old today. and he was president of the college in charleston and he also is a very philanthropic gentleman. thank you, sir. ann satton, 103 years old today.
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a great bowler and is in san ho jose, california, in case you know the way. and here is albert taten, pine buff, arkansas, 100 years old today. handsome fellow. carpent carpenter, built his own house, he did. how about that? grace kilber from bismarck, north dakota. she is 101 years old today. longevity she says take nice of long walks and always have dessert. i agree with that. finally, here is the lovely zein maleki maleki-rai from columbus, ohio. 100 years old today. speaks seven languages. how about that? he loves gardening. that's all. back to ice skating here in washington. new york, you have a beautiful rink up there. this is pretty nice. back to new york. >> it does look nice. >> it does, willard.
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thank you. what we'll all be wearing in 2013, the hottest fashion trends of the new year. first this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents on their own are fantastic but add some sauce, pepperoni and cheese and fold up the crescent dough...and presto! tuesday night just became crescent pizza pocket-tastic pillsbury crescents. let the making begin here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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this morning on "today's" style, what else, fashion forecast for 2013. you just might have some of these items already in your closet. audrey mcclellan is a fashion blogger. happy new year to you. >> thank you. same to you. >> this is a year a lot of people try to get organized for the new year. >> absolutely. i love the trends we're going to talk about today. it doesn't matter your size, shape or age. there's something for every woman. i love that. we'll kick it off with this bold stripe. >> i like this look. >> bolder is better. we are so used to a subtle stripe.
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you walk into a room and you're making a statement. gorgeous banana republic dress and banana republic blazer. these are pies bees that is you're walking through rooms. they're very bold and beautiful. >> we're used to seeing them spring and summer, but you can kind of see stripes year round now. >> absolutely. we have more fun stuff here. >> accessories. if you don't like to wear it boldly you can carry it boldly. >> what a great tote, overnight, beach. moms of kids, you can toss everything in these bags. >> cell phone. >> i love these. $35 for that. you have the trend year round. very easy. >> the wellies. >> aren't these fun? i got these at zappos. i loved the bright, vibrant colors. it's a happy time. bring in some color. along the same lines as that, target, get really cute scarves, tees and cardigans. it's a very bold trend, very beautiful. zblsk now the top color of the
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year, as we've heard, is emerald green. >> yes. >> this is their color of 2013. you'll be seeing it everywhere, including the dress you're wearing. >> i planned that accordingly. this is my favorite color. not just the emerald green. we'll see so many different shades of greens. i have the sea wonder blouse, gorgeous necklace as well. pair these together. you can pair greens together which also just adds a fun, bold statement. cute little j. crew top. very classic, sophisticated. >> with a hair accessory. >> i love these. sparkly sole has these. pop one of these in your hair, a ponytail, messy bun. doesn't matter. >> wear all black and put that on. >> absolutely. it's that pop of color. >> green shoes here. >> very easy. nail polishes, too, in front. a fun way to bring in this color of green into your spring wardrobe. >> all shades of green here. from a neon green.
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>> have fun with it, let it pop. very big pop. >> flats, pumps. >> flats, heels. bringing us over to the met metallics. >> the other big trend. you're seeing it in everything from booties to the heels and flats. >> it's like a one-stop shop. pop in gold. pop in silver shoe, pop in metallics and really choose what will be the most style for you. i love it. start now with the boots. work your way into a fancy party shoe. flats again are adorable. blue. we saw a lot of cobalt blue in 2012. it's here to stay. i always ask what if i don't want to wear this color? i want to bring in a lot of accessories. this is from target. >> nail polish. >> that's still in. i have some on today. sunglasses and then you can't go wrong with any kind of accessory. >> really quickly. lace is continuing to be a hot trend. >> i combine everything on this
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mannequin. i combine it with this gorgeous top with lace on top of it. gorgeous detail. >> audrey mcclellan, happy new year. >> colbie caillat and gavin mcgraw perform in our studio. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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>> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> back now on this new year's day morning with two music stars for the price of one, colbie caillat and gavin mcgraw have teamed up, including for one song on colbie's new christmas album. good morning. happy new year. >> good morning. >> how did you get together as a writing duo?
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>> do you want to answer that? >> we met a few years ago at a radio show and kept in contact, stayed friends and at the beginning of this year we started writing in l.a. when he was in town. then we went on tour together all summer and kept writing more songs. one for the movie. >> how has the response been on tour when the two of you are on stage? >> it's been amazing. actually, i hadn't been used to getting up with other artists on stage. typically just me and my band. getting up on stage with another artist who is colbie caillat is different than any other artist. it was shared. i think it was shared. most of the writing happened at her house and then on the tour bus, you know. we broke free of our tour, we were out for about 1 hyundais in the summertime and gotancy and decided we would cruise into nashville for the night to hang out. we were sitting on the bus and kind of like passing the guitar around and writing.
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it was a really great experience. >> sounds incredible. >> pretty cool. >> this is your first christmas album. something you always wanted to do? you love this music? >> of course. i wanted to wait until i had the right amount to time to properly record the record. gavin singing "baby it's cold outside with me" and "merry christmas baby." i have 15 songs and i wrote four of them. i'm glad this guy got to join me on the record. >> i know we'll get a lot of music for you. colbie, you're up first. gavin, come with me. >> enjoy. >> take it away. ♪ got me in the corner you hit me like a vision i i i wasn't expecting but who am i to tell fate where it's supposed to go with it don't you blink you might miss it
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say we've got a right to just love it and leave it find it and keep it because it ain't every day you get a chance to say ♪ ♪ oh, this is how it starts lightning strikes the heart it goes off like a gun brighter than the sun oh, we could be the star falling from the sky shining how it was brighter than the sun ♪ i found this love i'm going to feed it you better believe i'm going to treat it better than anything i've ever had because it's so damn beautiful ♪ ♪ just feel it we go together like peanuts and penne marley and reggae ♪ ♪ this is how it starts lightning strikes the heart
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goes off like a gun brighter than the sun we could be the stars falling from the sky shining how it wants brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ yeah yeah ♪ everything is like a white out shine down even when the lights out i can see the glow got my head up in the rafters you got me happy ever after never felt this way before never felt this way before ♪ ♪ swear you hit me like a vision i wasn't expecting but who am i to tell fate where it's supposed to go ♪ ♪ oh, this is how it starts lightning strikes the heart goes off like a gun brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ oh, we could be the stars falling from the sky
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shining how it wants brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah ♪ oh, this is how it starts lightning strikes the heart it goes off like a gun brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ oh, this is how it starts lightning strikes the heart it goes off like a gun brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ oh, this is how it starts this is how it started brighter than the sun ♪
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>> this is "today" on nbc.
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>> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> we just heard gavin degraw
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talk about his collaboration with colbie caillat. now it's time to hear him sing. here is gavin degraw. ♪ dreams that's where i have to go to see you're beautiful face anymore i stare at a picture of you and listen to the radio hope hope is a conversation we both admit we had it good until then it's alienation i know that much is understood ♪ ♪ and i realize if you ask me how i'm doing i would say i'm doin' just fine i would lie and say that you're not on my mind ♪ ♪ but i go out
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and i sit down at a table set for two and finally i'm forced to face the truth no matter what i say i'm not over you ♪ ♪ not over you ♪ damn girl you do it well and i thought you were innocent took this heart and put it through hell still you're magnificent ♪ ♪ i'm a boomerang doesn't matter how you throw me turns around and i'm back in the game even better than the old me ♪ ♪ but i'm not even close without you if you ask me how i'm do in'
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i would say i'm doin' just fine i would lie and say that you're not on my mind ♪ ♪ but i go out and i sit down at a table set for two and finally i'm forced to face the truth no matter what i say i'm not over you ♪ ♪ and if i had the chance to renew you know there isn't anything i wouldn't do i could get back on the right track but only if you'd be convinced so until then ♪ ♪ if you ask me how i'm doin' i would say i'm doin' just fine i would lie and say that you're not on my mind
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but i go out and i sit down at a table set for two and finally i'm forced to face the truth no matter what i say i'm not over you ♪ ♪ not over you not over you not over you ♪ >> gavin degraw, thank you so much. gavin and colbie will be back with more music. we'll also have the best places to vacation in the coming year. but first your local news.
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. same-sex marriages are under way in maryland. the first legal ceremonies were held just after midnight. mayor stephanie rawlings-blake performed the very first ceremony.
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marylanders voted to approve the
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>> we are seeing rain to the south and clouds right now. afternoon for the central and eastern part of the state. mountains could see a couple of snow flurries. we're dropping down a 39 for the high tomorrow. quiet for the rest of the week. quiet for the rest of the week.
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