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tv   11 News at 6  NBC  January 17, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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>> let's go live now to annapolis to explain why. >> john leopold throwing a major curveball this morning, waving his right to a jury trial and instead deciding to go with a judge trial. we spoke to a number of dismissed jurors and they said they were not surprised by the move all. some said they feel it's the only way he can get a fair trial. >> john leopold leaves circuit court with his legal team after dropping a small bomb shell earlier, opting to waive his right to a jury trial and have his case heard by the judge. while leopold and his attorneys had nothing to say to reporters about the move, potential jurors in that being dismissed have plenty to say, saying they could have done a good job. >> i would have been very impartial. i had no knowledge of anything. i'm a single mom, i take care of
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my kids and we just don't have very much tv time. >> there was an area of things there. questionnaires from the police department and fire department. it would have been interesting to hear what everybody had to say. >> leopold has pleaded not guilty to four counts of misconduct in office and one count of fraudulent misappropriation. the charges were brought forth after a grand jury indicted him in march. it alleges leopold used his executive security detail for personal and political gain by using police officers as a campaign workers and instructing officers to drive him to sexual encounters in parking lots with a former in court -- former employee of the county executive's office. he's also been accused of forming a so-called enemies list and ordering officers to keep a close eye on his opponents. while he would not elaborate on why they change their opinion on a jury trial, those waiting to
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see say despite not getting picked, they feel he will get a fair trial. >> the man is accused of something and needs a fair trial. i think he will be presented in court and i wish the best to him. >> opening statements are scheduled for 9:00 tomorrow morning. if convicted on all counts, he faces up to five years in prison. >> new at 6:00, baltimore city is looking for someone to write a crime-fighting plan and they will pay handsomely to get it. a request has gone out for proposals from outside consultants who can write a new strategic plan for the police department. the city hired a new commissioner in august. the outside consultant will be paid $400,000. >> some legislators and animal activists today are howling
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happy about a new bill regarding a court ruling last year that labeled pit bulls and inherently dangerous breed. lawmakers released the details. let's go live to annapolis for more on the compromise. >> this legislation addresses the issue of who is liable wide -- who is liable when a dog bites somebody. it's applicable to all breeds, not just pit bulls. it's a compromise that has everyone from pet owners to animal activists to lawmakers howling. >> we think the compromise is fair to victims, owners and landlords. >> the new legislation creates the perception that a dog owner should know whether there pit bull is likely to present a danger. the burden is shifted away from the dog bite victim and allows all dog owners, not just dollars a pit bulls, to defend themselves in court rather than be automatically held responsible. >> somebody has to go out and
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say hey, that dog bit me. >> its response thing -- in response to a court opinion saying pit bulls are an inherently dangerous breed. it applied to landlords who rented to a pit bull owners. >> i'm in the alley behind and i just saw a dog attack a little boy. he's covered in blood. >> of the ruling stems from a 2007 civil attack. his family sued the dog's owner and the owners' plan lord. but the dad is not pleased with the bill. he says even though the measure has no bearing on his case, it will testify against it. >> it undermines the whole philosophy of how are victims getting retribution. >> the ban of pebbles cause a stampede into adoption centers. >> we are really happy with it. >> the builder of -- the bill would only hold up landlord's
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liable if they knew a dangerous dog was being out of their property. >> we believe we have taken away the incentive for landlords to get rid of tenants who have pit bulls or other dogs. >> this is considered emergency legislation. on the fast track in annapolis and a hearing is scheduled for january 30. if it lands on the governor's desk, it becomes law upon his signature. >> thank you. a call for campaign finance reform today. members rallied on all lawyers ball in costume. they dressed up as corporations and billionaires' to show their support for a bill intended to overturn the citizens united decision. that allowed supertax to make unlimited campaign contributions to political candidates. john sarbanes call that money drones. >> you don't know who is
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operating it because there is no disclosure, no transparency. you don't know where the money is coming from. >> the supreme court has threatened to create a government of the corporation and for the corporation. >> special interest groups spent more than a billion dollars to influence the outcome of the last election cycle. >> get ready to cue the dream sequence. the road to new orleans and travels a familiar path. for the second straight season, the ravens have to beat the patriots had to let stadium to make it to the super bowl. >> we have the route to the super bowl covered. but still live to enemy territory in a bit, but let's start with how the team prepares to win it -- to leave new england with a win on sunday. >> it took the ravens of 38
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points to beat the denver broncos and it might take more to beat tom brady this sunday in foxboro. that's because if there is one thing and the patriots do better than anybody is put points on the board. only one team has held in england to fewer than 20 points. arizona beat and 20 to 18. since then, the patriots have scored 30 points to 10 different times. dickey is not just out playing that patriots, you have to outscore them. that could mean scoring a lot. >> you go in with the same mindset. we go in with a different script in terms of the game plan because they have different strengths and weaknesses, but our job is to score points regardless of who we are playing an score as many as we can. >> while the ravens have to be counting a lot of points on sunday, in foxboro, they're
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counting down the end of rayless -- of ray lewis'career. they are a little premature on that. >> the truth is, as we have been talking with patriots fans all over the area, many have been reluctant to go on camera. when you get to the heart of the matter, it's because they believe there's nothing to talk about. they are absolutely certain the patriots are going to win on sunday. there is even a billboard about 40 miles north of here just outside of boston with a bold prediction about the fate of realists -- fate of ray lewis. >> there's only going to be one winner and i know the winner is going to be. >> you are pretty sure it's the patriots? >> yes. >> it's how all the patriots' fans feel about the matchup, back again for the championship game.
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a developing rivalry between the patriots and the ravens. >> they are going to crush them. they pulled out a win in the last second. they will be a lot of luck. >> didn't the patriots get lucky last year? >> we always pull out the fourth quarter when. >> there is a little billboard on 93 with some of budget details of re's retirement party. the billboard company has something else to say -- all in fun according to the company spokesperson. but as confident as patriots fans are, some admit they are nervous this time around. >> i am pretty worried about them. it will be a close game. >> have you heard about the billboard in boston? >> i have. >> what you think? >> i think it's pretty funny. it's pretty cool. >> having ray lewis the last
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game makes me nervous. i think will give the team some motivation. i feel confident. >> , but it doesn't even described as an. >> a wanted them to win because i want another home game. i think they are destined to be thin and it will be a good game in new orleans. >> in your dreams, buddy. >> tomorrow, if they don't do anything like that here, the patriots don't rally of the troops, there is an event on saturday where fans have to pay to participate. can you get over that? >> they don't have to organize it. we know you say it's cold. we're wondering if the patriots fans have been giving you the cold shoulder or if they have been treating you nicely. >> they have all been very nice. the difference between coming
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here and going to pittsburgh is there is an open hostility in pittsburgh for the ravens. they don't show is that here because they believe there's nothing to worry about. i guess you face the hostility in pittsburgh and the arrogance in new england. but everyone has been very nice. no one has been mean and that's a nice thing. >> patriot nation is arrogant. you've got that right. >> i will send it back to you guys. go ravens. >> thank you. >> there is purple everywhere. stella -- she brought smiles to the newsroom with her purplhad been dead jersey. and at this photo -- sen your fan photos to ulocal. >> our reverence coverage
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continues up to game time on sunday. you can join us for one that winning drive, recapping the of really incredible win and looking ahead to new england. on saturday night, we will air the ravens report championship addition. that is this saturday, 7:00, right here. >> having lived there myself, i will take the raven's fans over new england fans. >> the president is hitting the road trying to sell his plan for national gun-control legislation. >> why that nra says universal background checks cannot be part of the solution. >> at reagan's camp, the defensive coordinator has a unique background that could help him figure out how to stop tom brady. >> rain,
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>> it the debate over gun control is drying heat from at least two people on capitol hill. the president kick off a campaign for universal background checks and the nra says the focus should be on shooters and other firearms. the group is pushing back against the universal background check. >> if you can get a record of the owners of guns, the government could sell them -- could force them to sell them back to the government.
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that is confiscation. a new wall street journal poll finds the nra has not lost support. key congressional democrats say a weapons ban will never pass congress. >> there has been no lack of activity on the radar screen. the observations that crumb level have not reported it precipitation around baltimore. that is the case that most of the precipitation we see on the radar, detecting the raindrops and snowflakes, all that dries up before it can reach the ground. you may have had light showers or sprinkles and sleep in extent, but it has been light precipitation. the bulk of the storm approaching us is well to the south and west. a trace at the airport today for the month. the temperatures, certainly not winter storm like. it's more like a normal high
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temperatures this time of year. 45 for the actual high. it will get colder overnight but most of the cold air will be with us as the storm is departing late tonight and tomorrow morning. around the beltway, temperatures above freezing. columbia, 39. western maryland is a little colder. where the colder air is, the storm is not going to move in that direction. you notice temperatures beginning to cool a little bit. that would be the prime area of we're going to see anyone to reconditions. those areas might get a few inches of snow tonight as the rain moves in. changing over to snow perhaps tonight. this will be living off the
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carolina banks and you can see alabama and north georgia, up into west virginia, they're picking up heavy snow. the storm is off the outer banks and that pulls down the cold air. you can see the snow late tonight and early morning along the coastal areas as the storm moves out. that clears the area and sunshine returns tomorrow and experience a warmup on saturday before a stronger front rolls out of the great lakes sunday night into monday. when the next front comes through, it might bring in the coldest air of winter so far. pretty much nothing appear as far as that goes. we could get rain or snow but the ground is warm and it will cost a lot of problems. 36 to 41 with sunny skies and northwest winds at 10 to 20
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miles an hour. the arctic front sunday afternoon brings snow showers and cold weather and temperatures below normal. >> with you from the performance center where work continues for the coaches tonight. they will travel to foxborough and face the patriot to on sunday. the defensive game plan features a complex series of items the ravens have to succeed at to beat new england. but it starts with tom brady. you have to do more than just stop tom brady. but you can't beat the patriots if you don't limit the effectiveness of tom brady, the most experienced and successful quarterback in nfl history. he is the former patriots defensive coordinator.
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he knows that with tom brady, you better be ready to play before, during and after every play come game day. >> if you don't get lined up right and right away, you've got no chance. on defense, there's always adjustments and checks, always some kind of communication. he's as competitive a person i've ever been around. he can give you a boyish look on tv but he's a very competitive guy. he doesn't like losing a practice. i have a couple of trash talkers -- the more you write him, the harder he plays. >> stability at the top might be the new marketing slogan for the orioles. the team talked about the new contract extension. both men having deals extended through the 2018 season.
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they spoke about having the deals in place under the owner. they've never before had a manager and general manager in for so long and in the future. they held their deals include overseeing a lot of runs into the postseason. >> i was very grateful for the opportunity. i miss baseball and i was glad to be back. i appreciated the confidence and the opportunity to contribute to the team. i hope as part of eliminating some of the challenges we have had in the past. i think that's what they had in mind. we felt comfortable and we can move on to more important things. that is our players. >> stay with us. we're back in with your championship game and seven-day forecast.
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>> and a sophisticated swipe of people's mail. how some cracks are cashing in. meet the men behind the voice of
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the presidential inauguration. the presidential inauguration.
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>> storm passing to the south and a mild saturday before the coldest air of winter rules and early next week. highs in the '20s next tuesday. >> thank you for joining us. >> the nbc nightly news with brian williams is next. goodnight. goodnight. but
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