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tv   Today  NBC  February 14, 2013 2:05am-3:00am EST

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>> from nbc news, this is a special edition of today with california girls, kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb in santa monica place in santa monica, california. >> this is our third day here and we love it. the crowd. it keeps getting better and better. you guys are so much better than the last two crowds. how are you? >> wines day wednesday.
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you knew that before you got here, didn't you? >> shall we? this is a lunar -- this is from the sonoma wine garden. >> what do you think? do you like it? >> so sad you don't have any. >> you don't? >> that tastes so good. really nice. >> hold on. everyone's got signs. we have been so excited about the signs you bring. they keep improving. welcome to hodywood. >> love it. love it. i want to draw attention to the woman in the back. she has been here the last three days and never goes home. >> i still don't understand her sign. >> i like it. it's a monkey. we like it, it looks cute. >> a precious baby over here who said i'm spending today with my mommy. >> the winner of the sign contest -- clearly there are slim pickings, somebody is getting a mug. >> somebody is getting that mug.
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they just took another poll recently and they talked about which city in america has the worst commute, the worst traffic. . you know which one it is? >> you guys did not win. everybody in california constantly complains about how much time you spend on the road. washington, d.c. i think was the city that won. hoda? >> yes. . let's see. number two is the d.c. area. three is san francisco. l.a. is listed as the city with the second worst traffic. >> so why is it washington, d.c.? >> i don't know. >> it's not great traffic and i'm not used to it. in new york it's easy to walk from place to place. now we understand about what you all call the 405. what you guys call the 101. and the 10. the 10. >> all of them. they had this great snl sketch. have you guys seen this one? what's it called? californians. oh, my god. i didn't get it until i saw this
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skit. take a look, you guys. >> what are you doing with rosa? >> dude, i was just teaching her some english free of charge. >> she works for me. don't you get it. don't you get enough action from malibu county? >> it's okay, stewart. i was leaving, anyway. i was going to take cold water canyon and riverside drive and get on van nuys and hop on the 101 to tarzana. >> do it then. get on the 101 and skip all the exits and never come back. >> so there is no traffic on the 101? >> not what i'm talking about. get out of here. >> so get on the 405? >> get in your cav car and go, devon. >> all right. get on the 405. >> apparently you guys spend around 61 hours a year in your car. 2 1/2 days. sometimes it feels like a week to get somewhere.
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>> i get sort of weird road rage when i drive and it gets ugly. i had a couple of bad brushes. i don't like when i wait in line for a toll and i'm polite waiting and someone cuts in and puts their blinker up. you know they go up past everybody? >> unless you are having a baby, don't do that around hoda. >> the guy was inching and we were playing the game of chicken. >> hoda -- >> chicken. i keep going until -- >> her chicken was the bird. have you guys ever done that in traffic? >> i don't recommend it. >> some people do it. kathie lee and i took a driving quiz to find out what our driving says about us. this is what kathie lee's answers show. kathie lee's say that you are a polite driver, you're a calm and peaceful person. you realize arguments are temporary and try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
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>> is my halo showing? >> you have respect for authority figures and feel rules and enforcement are important and make sure you are doing the right thing at all times. >> let me read about hoda. >> you are a mostly polite driver. you are generally easy going and laid-back, but you can't help but feel jealous and competitive sometimes. you have mixed feelings about figures of authority and somewhat focused and can be scatter brained. maybe it's the radio and distractions can get you in trouble. >> i know. >> we have some ways for you guys to entertain yourself while you are sitting in traffic no matter what freeway you're on. some suggest you sing along with the radio. top of the lungs with your windows down and wave at other people and see if they wave back. i'm not kidding. this is what they say to do. >> when we were kids we used to get the attention of the person next to us and turn the other way and waive.
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>> don't do that, hoda. the other thing we used to do is sit in the back of the station wagon. remember the seats that faced out the back and pretend like we were punching something and the people behind would be like what is wrong with those kids? we would just beat -- we thought it was hysterical. violent children. >> that's so cute. >> one thing you can do instead if you want to freak people out, you can stare up in the sky with horror in your eyes. enough of that in the world. make a sign that said honk if you have to pee. what's more fun than that. who made this up? let's move on. >> okay, you guys. not working. you guys have gone to the gym and we talk about gym etiquette and how this works. i had this thing yesterday where -- not yesterday but when i was in the gym in new york. people get dressed while they are speaking to you. they are naked and say hey, how's everything at the show.
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i never know what to do. the instinct is to try to stare at their eyes and the other is you can't help but compare. you are like wow. >> especially if somebody's not exactly symmetrical. >> no one is. >> you have a bigger side and smaller side. >> if one is hanging low and one is perky. you know who you are. >> i can't help but compare even though you don't mean to. who's looked at other women's boobs before? you say oh, my god, she looks my age and hers are up and mine are down. >> absolutely. >> you feel insecure. >> i try to do it discreetly. >> when i get out of the shower i'm bundled up and i have my towel like this. >> how many of you don't mind walking around the gym naked? you are a naked? really?
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of course you are. you, too? double mastectomy, you go, girl. >> you have a reason. good for you. >> we are going to choose our creative sign of the day. among the two. seriously. >> how lazy is everyone, seriously? >> well, you know what, she has been here three shows. would someone please bring this woman from the back. please bring her up here. >> let's just send the mug to her. >> we pointed out on the first show, we didn't give away a mug. you know what we gave away. a car. a toyota rav 4. >> that's a shame you weren't there for that one. >> come on up and take a mug. >> what else, hoda woman? >> we have a big show coming up. kathie lee gifford and chelsea handler. get on up here. kathie lee gifford and chelsea
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handler are in a smackdown fight. congratulations. thank you. here's your mug. >> thank you. >> thank you for being here with us the last three days. i have no idea if we are out of time, but if everything else doesn't work on the freeway, joanna marcus swears that this will work. oh, my gosh. i don't know what's coming up. >> the chelsea handler feud is back. >> we'll tell you guys about that in a little bit. cheers. aspirin, really? i haven't thought about aspirin for years. aspirin wouldn't really help my headache, i don't think. aspirin is just old school. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. what's different? it has micro-particles. enters the bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of pain.
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visit today for a special trial offer. more than a it represents all the time you've spent helping those around you. so when it comes to taxes, we're to help you. that's why we have cpas, enrolled agents and tax attorneys to answer your questions. helping you get deductions for uniforms, union dues, and even the miles you drive for a job interview. you deserve to keep more of your hard earned money. and we're here to help make that happen. try it free at turbotax dot com. add resolve deep clean powder before you vacuum. the powder is moist. lifting three times more dirt than vacuuming alone.
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don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. i played a round of in the last five hours? then i read a book while teaching myself how to play guitar; ran ten miles while knitting myself a sweater; jumped out of a plane. finally, i became a ping pong master while recording my debut album. how you ask? with 5-hour energy. i get hours of energy now -- no crash later. wait to see the next five hours.
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kathie lee and i have a feud going with chelsea handler, and
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it started when she was supposed to be on her show and she cancelled. she said she was sick allegedly. >> i happened to be in her neighborhood a couple of weeks ago and i went by the studio to find out for myself what the story was. >> what happened? >> let's say i had my way with her. >> any time now. is she here? come in. i'm sorry, you caught me. >> i want to make up with you. >> i was worried about you today. i heard that you canceled "the today show" i heard you have food poisoning. >> that was a lie. >> she was supposed to show up and she didn't. >> cancelled about an hour and a half before the show. >> hit her eye on the shower curtain -- >> allegedly. >> and then later she had food poisoning.
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>> allegedly. >> i don't have a good reason so to hoda kotb and kathie lee gifford, i'm sorry. >> because of my relationship with you and kodabuh i felt like you would be the safest people to do that too. >> hoda is hurt. >> hoda is very sensitive. she's always been this way. >> she is egyptian. >> before you met me, you didn't even drink in the morning. >> it's never too early for a cocktail. >> didcould i give you a tour? >> yeah. >> you ready? >> did you ever in your wildest dreams think it would come to this? >> no! >> this building would be for you? all these people? >> no! >> i pulled up here for the first day at universal studios and you said miss handler your parking spot is here and i had one of those moments. i got out and some woman went wait!
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chewy! >> you do this. >> then i came on stage for the first show and look what my writers put. a jewish star to remind me of my roots. >> i think that's wonderful. >> this is where i stand every day. when the audience roars. >> it's chelsea handler. >> who has been your favorite guest since you've started? was it your best friend 234 the world jennifer aniston? >> jen is a great guest. the best guest ever is probably like will ferrell. so stupid. >> this is chunk. say hi, chunky. >> hello chunky. >> getting the back stage tour. what do you have to say for yourself, you big masculine man?
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>> i have my refrigerator bar, and all my things. chewy's feet are bronzed. >> this is a lot of different boyfriends. >> those are friends. i haven't slept with any of those people hardly. this is kind of a mess my closet. there's chunk again. that's where he goes when he's being filmed. >> is that his favorite place to be? is that your mommy's place to be? you a good baby? how cute can you be. >> someone is being sexually harassed, they go in there. that place must be rocking all day. >> there is always someone in that chair. my brother makes lunch for us every day. >> he does? >> he's the caterer. >> how fabulous. >> nepotism, huh? >> i'm all about nepotism. >> me too. >> why not. >> people are like you are not supposed to hire family or friends or sleep with anyone you work with. i'm like i disagree with all three of those things. whatever is the most convenient.
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and you can help out -- >> and makes the most people happy. i'm with you. >> we can agree on something. >> you know what, i think we're bonding. >> it looks like all sweetness and light. she did ask me -- beg me actually to stick around and film an episode of her "after lately." the new season begins on february 25th. let's just say it got ugly. >> the feud is on! >> it continues! >> coming up next, the quirky photos that make you say "what the what?" [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction
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to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo
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and return to sleep again. ♪
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♪ >> now it's time for what the what when we take a look at all the photos that make you say, what the what? >> sara sifted through all of
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them and we picked five of them. >> you will love this segment. our first photo comes from lake havasu city, arizona. look at that pool. on a car. that is car pooling. >> the 4-year-olds in the audience love it. >> we are working up to the good ones. marissa from west hartford, connecticut. i hope this is not appropriate. it's a hoda ipa beer. that's in a bar in connecticut. >> what? >> hoda ipa. >> $18? is it $18? >> you have been tapped. >> you are sick. >> from ohio, they submitted this photo. i leave you alone for five minutes and the dog is in the fruity pebbles box. there's a second photo where he actually ripped the bottom off as well and she took a picture. that's really cute. >> i like that one.
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from oakland, maryland, they sent this photo. baby powder is the caption. that should be, "i leave you alone for five minutes." >> that's right. that's funny. >> finally laura from hawthorne woods, illinois submitted this. instead of chicken caesar salad, you can't see but her pet parrot is on there. so she captioned it "parrot ceasar salad." i'm all for sleeping with dogs, but that's nasty. >> was that it? nice job. >> good job, sara. >> coming up, kathie lee is going out into the audience to play a fun game of who knew? also, the hunky guys from the galaxy are here. >> soccer players. check out the view. >> all after this. hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes.
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i thou??t you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined. diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there.
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♪ we are back from santa monica place with the weekly trivia game called "who knew." los angeles is the home of all things hollywood, but there are a few things you may not know about this particular destination. kathie lee is out in the crowd with $100 for those who get the answers right. if you don't, you get kathie lee's cd and my book. losers get that stuff. ready to help me out here in l.a. is the founder of the website hidden l.a., lynn garrett. >> hey there. >> lin, are you ready? >> i am so ready. >> klg, do your thing. >> look at this darling guy from sydney, australia. g' day mate. the beach boys' close vocal harmonies are synonymous with the california scene. but how many members of the band actually surfed? all of them, one, two or three of them?
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>> i reckon all of them would have to have surfed at one point. >> you would reckon wrong. >> you are going to love this. we are so big in australia. here you go. the correct answer is only one surfed. >> only one. only brian wilson. dennis wilson actually. dennis was a surfer. the band was formed in 1961 and they were teenagers and he thought they should write a song about his favorite hobby and the kids would like it and they did. >> all right. back to you, kath. >> she came all the way from san diego. what item was sold on the beaches of santa monica in the 30s? frisbees, volleyballs, tennis rackets or surf boards? >> surfboards. >> no. you would be wrong. it's a good day for me and hoda. >> the correct answer there is frisbees. frisbees were first sold by the inventor and his girlfriend, but they had come a long way because they were called flying cake pans. that's what they were. they were flying cake pans.
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>> okay. back in the day. this lady is from camarillo. how much does it cost to get a star on the hollywood walk of fame. $10, $1500, $30,000 or $1 million? >> $1 million? >> that would be worth it. wouldn't it? excellent day, as i say. >> this is our favorite day ever. the correct answer 30 grand to get a star on the walk of fame? >> it's gone up over the years. you have to be nominated and accepted and approved, and then there's a $30,000 fee for the creation, installation and the upkeep of the star. it's usually not paid by the celebrity, but a fan club or their agent or something. >> okay. back to you, kath. stop flirting. what's going on? >>, apparently he and i took a picture 13 years ago, but i don't want to talk about it. >> it's beautiful. >> true or false, the cobb salad was invented by a guy named bob
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cobb. >> i hope i'm the first winner and i'm going to say true. i just bought the book. >> thank you. >> you can buy four more with that coupon. >> thank you. >> his name was bob cobb. >> mr. cobb was the owner of the brown derby restaurant in hollywood. one night he had a craving and he was in the kitchen at midnight and he came up with a salad they ended up putting it on the menu, and everyone knows it as the cobb salad. >> we have a tape coming up a few weeks from now a taping i did in the brown derby. but that story is true. this gentlemen is from frank's adopted hometown of bakersfield. the blinking light on top of the capitol records spells out what word? >> i would say all of the above. >> no. so wrong. not a lot of people know this,
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but it actually does spell out hollywood. >> the reason is that the original then president of capitol records when they came here in 1956 he wanted it as an advertisement that it was the first record company to have a base on the west coast. >> we will wrap it up because we have a lot of show coming up. stick around and we will talk jazz and other things i don't know about yet. right after this. all right that's a fifth-floor problem... ok. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. a squeeze at the neck of the bottle releases a light mist
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>> oh, no. you are here in sunny santa monica place just gearing up for spring break. there are lots of great goodies and gadgets that can spice up your fun in the sun. >> you know who is here? >> i don't. >> brooke lee from >> all this fun stuff. >> you are in the sun and look at your phone you're running out of batteries. this harnesses the sun right
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into your phone. >> it's like a battery? >> yes, it's solar powered. >> this is california, hoda. >> you have sun, you have power. >> until you can charge it. >> all your things. $99. a great buy. this is great. it's vacuum packed. go ahead and dunk it. >> whose is it? >> doesn't matter. dunk it. now you take it out and it's fine. >> how do you know? >> i can take a picture of you right there. >> how do we look? not good. >> talk about who wants to dunk next? >> i will dunk it. i don't give a rip. i didn't buy it. >> you put your mp3 in there and dunk it. >> i would never put my phone in there. >> do it. >> no! >> $150. $50. it's great. >> we like it. trust me. it works. it's wonderful. >> i think we ruined my watch. >> this is $89. >> my watch went in.
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>> this is called a cooladio. part cooler part radio. you keep your things cool and tunes hot. this is a radio and mp3 player. inside you keep your drinks cool. ladies. water is filtered through the filter right here. never run out of water again. as long as you have a tap, you have filtered water. >> why would you drink water? >> we don't drink water. >> i love water. we will talk about that. >> this i think you will like. this is elegant. you stick it right into the bottom. it's all elegant and the bottle holder right in front of you. >> i like that. >> right here in front of you. great gift. now speaking of gifts for the young at heart, this is like a ring toss. i would make you do it, but we don't want to hurt each other.
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>> it looks like a sword. >> you toss it back and forth. >> we got it. i will do it. >> that was close. >> i got it. >> so far this game is not fun. >> $20 and you catch it, see? there you go. >> you have to get used to it. last one. >> here we go. it gets dangerous. now you are done with your vacation and have all your photos. the easiest app that you can use is called familiar. you download the app and put your photos on it, and you send it instantly to all of your phones on their smart phones and computers. familiar. >> she tuned out. it's a free app. >> now i'm in. >> all you need to remember. a free app. this is going to shock you. >> this is called a shake shack. $49.99 at step back. it could get dangerous. >> i don't know what it is, but
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i want it. >> look how small it was and how big it gets. >> instant cabana. 49.99. this little tiny bag. isn't that great? >> that's fantastic. you're a sweetheart. >> you are welcome. >> where are those guys? the hot men from the galaxy are here. there they are. i'm meteorologist chris war warren with your weather channel forecast. we're seeing a clipper that's going to move across the upper midwest and great lakes today. this is after any snowfall from the overnight and early morning hours of today in the northeast. you can see later on today that's long gone. we're looking at a chance for some snow throughout parts of the rockies. cold air is going to seep in from the north. and by this weekend it's going to be all the way down in the south. this is what we're looking at for tomorrow. we're looking at a chance for some more snow throughout parts
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of the great lakes. also we're going to see that snow here on our friday throughout upper new england as well. northern new england. also that cold air here. we're going to see temperatures into the teens. then on saturday a few showers around the great lakes. also throughout the northeast. this does not look like a major snow event by any means. watch out for a few snowflakes. temperatures starting to come down here in the south. atlanta 45. that's going to be the high on saturday. and then on sunday, much of the south will be cooling down as well. what really the big story in the south will be the overnight lows. with temperatures down below the freezing mark in some cases. so much of the day is going to stay cold and then gradually warming up. you're going to know it's cold in the northeast with highs only in the 20s on sunday. about monday another system working through the middle part of the u.s. bringing rain up pushing off throughout parts of the northeast. a third of the country will have a chance for snow and rain. temperatures returning a little bit closer to normal there
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throughout parts of south florida. and another system moving into the pacific northwest while the warmer temperatures a few areas in the southwest like phoenix, tucson, temperatures will be back onto the warmer side of things. and 60s for houston. remember week days on the weather channel you can wake up with al. i played a round of in the last five hours? then i read a book while teaching myself how to play guitar; ran ten miles while knitting myself a sweater; jumped out of a plane. finally, i became a ping pong master while recording my debut album. how you ask? with 5-hour energy. i get hours of energy now -- no crash later. wait to see the next five hours.
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that's why i take new trubiotics. it's a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. one helps support digestive health, the other immune health. stay true to your health. new trubiotics. from the makers of one-a-day.
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>> okay, hoda. >> we are back with guys who definitely know how to score. >> they do. >> they are one of major league soccer's most decorated champions. l.a. galaxy. you guys are the reigning champions. >> they are going to show us their best moves in order of appearance. todd donovan, rafael garcia. collin clark. marcelo and where is clint? down there. a heck of a soccer player too.
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>> good to see you guys. >> when does your season start? >> our first game is sunday, march 3rd at home depot center. >> you're preseason right now. your season lasts until when? >> all the way through december. >> you have like a month off or six weeks. >> not a lot. >> how hard is it going to be to keep the title? >> most gorgeous? >> yeah. >> the most gorgeous, that might be easy. >> and they are modest too. >> just kidding. definitely competing for the title is going to be tough. it's a long season. all of the teams are looking strong. we will be fighting hard. >> when we came up here, we looked at all of you and you are very good-looking guys. the guys with the best physiques are soccer players. is that true? >> we did win the championship last year. >> you're missing my point. >> water polo and basketball. we are going to ask a favor.
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>> hoda, i think she is going to ask. >> we want you guys to show us a move, but we would like you to take your shirts off when you do. i'm serious. >> oh, no. they did warn us about you. >> you guys -- come on. >> maybe the young guys. who is going to do it? >> you are. >> hoda. >> all right, i will. >> there you go. >> all right. hoda, come out here. you are going here. >> grab a ball with each. you guys have the pretty six-inch heels on. >> be careful. >> you are going to pass back and forth and use the inside of your foot and not your toe.
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nice and easy. there we go. >> that didn't take long. >> what's the next thing? >> oh! >> don't forget that thing. ready? >> you get that one. >> kick them in the shin. >> yeah! >> what else have you got? >> you have to do some kind of celebration. you can't score and run away. >> what do you have in mind? >> i don't know. do a little dance or something. >> we will if you will. >> ask hoda. she'll do anything. >> these guys always have a competition when they play at the field and everything. now we have a competition with you guys. both of you each get a ball and both of you i assume are right-footed? >> i guess so. >> you have to kick left footed into the goal. it's not very far. hold on. let's get started.
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whoever misses, the other one owes the other a bottle of wine. >> okay. >> do we do it together? >> one at a time. >> see the goal? you got to aim right there. one at a time. here we go. oh! >> i owe you. >> that was so easy. left footed. >> that's a shame. that's just a shame. >> all right, kids. we want to thank you guys so much. what were you guys here for? >> one of you could have taken off your shirt! >> this is "today" on nbc. more . it represents all the time you've spent
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helping those around you. so when it comes to taxes, we're to help you. that's why we have cpas, enrolled agents and tax attorneys to answer your questions. helping you get deductions for uniforms, union dues, and even the miles you drive for a job interview. you deserve to keep more of your hard earned money. and we're here to help make that happen. try it free at turbotax dot com. in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal.
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intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪
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>> fish tacos are a california favorite. >> you can get these tacos high end or at a vendor. >> if you want to sink your teeth into something special, you have to try the super snacker taco. richard is the chef and owner of la sandia in santa monica place.
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he has been with us in new york. great to see you. >> nice to see you again. >> you are making us fish tacos. >> we're starting with red snapper marinated in mayonnaise and oil. canola oil. >> that's what we were asking. >> keep the calories down. >> we are going to add the fish. it's mayonnaise and the paste comes from the chili and spices. >> for already sounds good. that cooks up quickly. >> a couple of minutes and you should be ready it go. >> if you want to help me. we have napa cabbage here. we are going to add salt and pepper and a little bit to the fish. >> you want to flip it? i don't know how to do that. >> a little bit of pepper and salt. >> so far i'm exhausted. >> me, too. >> lime juice.
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>> and then the chipotle. >> that's the key ingredient. the calories. >> you want to help me heat up the tortillas. let me pop this. >> look at me stirring. >> you have pico de gallo. you have the cilantro with the tomato. and onions. >> toss that around. for those over a little bit. >> am i overcooking the fish? >> no, it's perfect. >> you don't want it to be overcooked anyway. nice and tender. >> is that good? >> a little more. that's perfect. >> okay. >> now we have a taco holder here. >> oh, my gosh. >> okay. >> if you want to bring the fish over here. >> what do you want me to do? >> you put it on here. >> oh, yeah. that looks delicious.
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>> it gets a nice caramelization with the mayonnaise and the chilies. a real nice aroma there. then we top this off. >> get in there! you are going to get in there. >> i can't even wait. what are we waiting for? >> they get messy, but they are worth it. >> they are worth it. whatever. ready? >> they are supposed to be messy. >> come on. get in. >> sangria for you. a little margarita if you want to -- >> hold on. >> how is the flavor on that? >> so good. thank you. >> heaven. >> the shows from california continue tomorrow. we are going to do a tour of l.a. by we i mean sara. hope you guys are all doing great.


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