tv Today NBC February 19, 2013 2:05am-3:00am EST
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from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today" with california girls kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from universal city walk at universal studios, hollywood. >> oh, boy. >> huh? >> she's going to make a special stop on the tour right here on universal studio walk. >> uh-oh. stop over there. >> i went to the ladies room.
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>> of course you did. that's what you do. >> i like the change of scenery. i like it. >> hope you enjoy doing the show out front. >> hi, everybody. >> whoa. >> thank you. >> ladies, welcome to universal studios, hollywood, universal city walk. have a great show. >> oh, oh, oh, oh. >> can you feel the love? >> hoda, we can feel the love. we are so in love with
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southern california. >> sit down. take a load off. >> get comfy. get cozy. >> we have a little issue here at universal studios, hollywood on city walk. we want to thank the los angeles bureau -- >> l.a. tourism board. >> that's what i meant. >> we keep thanking them every day. if i had my way, we would keep thanking them for the next two months, you know what i'm saying? >> of course you would. since you came out today on this beautiful sun-splashed day in l.a., somebody in this audience is going to get an incredible prize. now, you don't even know what we're talking about, but we're going to pick names out of a bowl or a wine glass and we are going to choose somebody. >> that's closer by. what's that supposed to mean, ma'am? >> anyway, we've been having a lot of fun. we want to wish a happy birthday to the folks here at city walk because it's their 20th birthday. >> happy 20th birthday.
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>> who knew? >> we've got some birthday cake, and we want to thank the dancers too, you guys. did you see the samba dancers? of course, you did. yes. exactly. >> i wish we had a camera in the ladies room when we were all trying to do our business, all four of us before the show. >> where is the cake? >> there is our -- >> eric coppella. >> oh, oh. >> i wanted to get the party started. >> talk to us. >> so this is universal city walk's 20th birthday, and we wanted to get the party started, so we have been up all night making this cake. >> yes. >> we understand that some people aren't real thrilled with dairy, so we made this low cal, low fat. >> why does my lactose issue always come up? >> well, we wanted to start this
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party off, and we wanted you to -- >> taste it. we'll taste it right now. >> it is absolutely -- >> i don't have a bit of a problem. oh, my god. >> that's great. >> eric, delicious. >> happy birthday. we're going to cut it for everyone so everyone can celebrate. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> have a great day. >> thank you, eric. >> we do need something to wash it down. >> oh, yeah. >> come on. forget the ladies. >> come on. we have these drinks that have come from brazil's national cocktail in honor of the samba dancers. >> they're inspired by -- >> the brazilian steakhouse. >> how are you? >> it's only tuesday, so -- >> what are we drinking? >> we are drinking a sangria thing. >> casparinia. >> too bad everybody else can't
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have one. >> they are so good. >> and healthy. >> thank you so much. >> we want to see your signs because someone is going to get a prize. california wine inn. >> she's clever. oh, look. someone went to the trouble -- >> that's darn good. >> you know what -- oh, my god. look at the baby reading kathie lee's book. that is crazy. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, my gosh. >> okay. all right. okay. >> it's going to be hard. >> it's going to be very hard. >> somebody brought "scandalous." my parents love your musical. >> we see you over there. uh-huh. porn is over there. i see you. kind of. the winner is going to get a mug that costs $5. we're going to -- i promise you're not going to believe what the prize is, and it's not a kathie lee cd. we're going to play a little
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game with you guys. >> because it is presidents' day also. how many of you knew that? >> uh-huh. you guys are all very smart. >> it is. duh. >> are you ready to play your trivia game? true or false, in today's dollars george washington would be the poorest president ever. raise your hand or applaud if you think it's true. okay. applaud if you think it's false. nope. everybody is very noncommitmental. >> well, those of you who said it was false are right. he would be the richest. >> worth $525 million. >> after taxes it's not so much. >> he didn't do so well. here's another within. true or false warren harding -- who knows who he is -- was an avid poker player who once bet the white house china and lost it all.
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true or false? >> false, false. >> the answer is true. >> can you imagine explaining that to the secretary of the treasury? by the way -- >> sorry. >> i'm sure there was alcohol involved. >> true or false. our second president john adams often skipped school to secretly take ballet classes. true? >> now, if you know anything about john adams, you'll know the answer to that. >> or false? false. >> the correct answer is false. >> i love my handwriting. >> she does. can i tell you something that's bugging me? we changed hotels since i have been in los angeles, and you know what i keep doing? losing everything. >> everything. >> no, my phone was lost for a whole day. it was under the seat of the car. >> uh-huh. >> i arrived at my second hotel with two shoes that didn't match, and i called the other hotel, and they said we did find a pair of shoes -- >> mismatched.
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>> mismatched shoes. i was just thinking about how much time in my life i spend searching for the other shoe. >> i've been trying to get you organized for almost five years, hoda. you don't listen, though. >> i know. >> i think you lose -- she would lose all her charm. >> if i could find anything? >> if she was as perfect as i am. >> excuse me for one second. >> one more here, hoda? >> i don't know. i can't do anymore. >> did you see where john adams was? >> john adams was not taking ballet classes. he was hunting and fishing. >> that's right. >> allegedly. i don't know if that's true. >> how many of you had an awesome, awesome valentine's day? >> wait. how many of you had a not so great valentine's day? had not so great. >> yeah, yeah. >> would you -- turn around. >> and go. yeah. not great. >> the question is how do you know if the guy that you're with is the one, for those of you
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still dating? >> or looking. >> surveyed a whole bunch of women, and they say one of the most important factors that we have when we are picking someone we like to find out if our friends or family like the guy, and if they don't like the guy it colors how we feel about it. i kind of agree with that. >> yeah. well, they said that's second. second. what was first? >> i don't read the note. i don't know what was first. >> number one is he makes you happy and gives you emotional security. that makes sense. for men and women. >> i think number two, though. the fact that your friends and family have to like him. if my best friend doesn't like the guy i'm dating, i start to see the flaws. >> let me ask you a deep and probing question. >> what is it? >> do you have the same best friend type now at the age of 40 -- as you did at 20-? >> no. >> say you're 22 and your friends think this guy is awesome, that's different. you don't even have your frontal
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lobe developed yet and you're making huge decisions about your life partners. in your 40s if you don't have good friends, you have not learned much. >> let's talk about or favorite breakup song. this song is so great, okay? this is a song i chose. it's kind of a teeny bopper break-up song. it's called "i look so good without you." have you heard this song by jesse james or -- let's hear it. this is such a great -- that's not it. that's "i will survive." ♪ without you got me a new hair-do ♪ ♪ with your lives ♪ brown eyes >> i look so good without you. you know when your hair gets good and your skin gets clear and he is gone? that is so good. >> that happens when i leave town.
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all righty. they also say -- what was your favorite -- >> what was my favorite one? i think my favorite one was by chicago. >> the eagles. >> chicago. ♪ if i you leave me now ♪ it takes away the biggest part of me ♪ ♪ whew, no, baby please don't go ♪ >> i like that song, too. >> you should. >> favorite things real quick. just a minute. oh, we don't have time? we can't do favorite things. we are going to do it tomorrow, but you're going to wish you were here tomorrow, and don't forget, we're giving away a humungous prize coming up. >> i don't know. i think they would be disappointed in it. >> we'll be back right after this. aspirin, really? i haven't thought about aspirin for years. aspirin wouldn't really help my headache, i don't think. aspirin is just old school. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain.
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or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪
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>> we're going to give away live before we start our next segment. all right. >> it's that time. >> one goes to the lovely lady right here in the front row. come on, girl. come on. >> 20 years later. >> number two right there. hold up your sign. >> thank you. >> come here. come here. come here. come here. come to mama. come to mama. >> thank you. >> this is for you, k.l. >> we're back here at city walk at universal studios, hollywood, and right at the end of city walk is the entrance to the park, and hoda and i went and fwot in touch with our childish side yesterday. >> we rubbed elbows with some of the stars and hit some of the rides, and we had a grand old time. take a look. >> give it up. >> uh-huh. ♪ >> we made it. >> where are we, hoda woman?
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>> we are at universal studios hollywood. >> read that sign. it's the entertainment capital of los angeles. >> are you a ride person? >> nope. >> well, that makes one of us. and why is it always me? what's happening here? ♪ la, la, la, la, la, la, la >> this is the theme park. not a stand around park. keep moving. >> looking kind of familiar, isn't it? >> i thought you were in l.a.? >> no, you're in new york. >> hello, ladies. >> we're here. >> i heard about you down there wielding a pool cue in a bar the other day. >> you got a problem with that? we're on vacation. nobody was hurt. we were all consenting adults. >> the girls are on vacation. hold to your boyfriends. >> yeah. >> this is my thing.
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let me just show you. go. get in. >> all right. we tried. >> this is a ring around the do-dah. >> does anybody ever win? oh. that was close. we are zero for zero. >> that's simple. >> everything is harder than it looks. >> almost. >> wait a second. >> just some elbow in it. >> yes. yes. sfwroo. >> one, two, three. one, two. >> who is winning, hoda? >> welcome to universal studios! >> whew! >> i need my volunteers. >> pick us! pick us! pick us! >> come on up. >> yeah! >> children, look over there. >> run, everybody!
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>> ah. >> look at us. >> you have a big line for this. >> let's do this! >> sorry, hoda. sorry, hoda. oh! >> no, no, no, no. >> she's okay. special effects are all about you believing what you see is real. >> let's hear it for hoda. >> oh, my god. i think we tricked them. i'm game for this ride. i'm rusty. >> see you. >> kathie lee is missing out this time. >> what's so frickin' funny?
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>> oh, my god. that ride rocked. >> we had a great time. it was fun. >> we love universal. >> we're going to spend the whole week here. >> that's right. we promised to come back and pay for all this stuff. >> all righty. it was a lot of fun and we brought it all back for you guys. >> we're going to give it away to you guys. come on. spongebob right there. right here. >> hold on. >> two slippers. >> oh, oh. >> oh, i see you. oh, i see you. >> and. okay, you guys. coming up, you guys, coming up, if you guys thought these prizes were good, you have no idea what's coming up next. we are giving away a monster
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prize. coming up right after this. at turbotax, we know this is more than a paycheck. we know all the hammering, shaping, driving, serving, planning, writing, nursing and teaching it took to earn it. so we give you the power to keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible. our customized interview covers everything from a service member's deployment to a student's loan interest, right down to a teacher's crayons. you've worked hard to earn your money. we're here to help you keep it. turbotax. the power to keep what's yours. try it free at our go sleeveless deodorant for five days. everybody got two t-shirts. which would they wear on day five? sleeveless. [ female announcer ] for visibly softer and smoother underarms, sleeveless ready in just five days. but i'm still stubbed up.
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[ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth! want to know what i did in the last five hours? thanks. i disproved the theory of relativity. i mastered origami while beating the record for hacky sack. found bigfoot. swam the english channel. and then i swam back. and then i took the dogs for a walk. how do i do all of this? 5-hour energy. hours of energy now with no crash later. andale!
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♪ having a good time out there >> oh, my god. we are so excited because right now we're going to do our big audience give-away. here at universal city walk. >> let's dive right into our -- >> this is the winner. >> and the winner is -- >> who is it? go. >> edgar. >> where's edgar? edgar, edgar. edgar. edgar. oh, my god. >> edgar, nice to see you. >> thank you. >> so here's the deal. you are going to -- there are three prizes. >> three prizes. there are three prizes and you're going to pick one, two or three.
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>> number three. >> turn around. >> oh, that's -- >> well, that's too bad because that could have been a great prize. let's see what else -- let's see what else he could have won. >> oh. >> wait. wait. there's one more thing that maybe you could have won. let's take a look. turn around. >> oh, my god! oh! >> edgar, even though you didn't choose it, it's yours. >> edgar gets a brand new toyota rav4. >> oh! >> come on. >> making wishes come true with this car. >> get in there. get in there. get in it. >> edgar, look, he is a little eager. >> kathie, get on that side. come on. come here. edgar! crank up the tunes. ♪ >> there you go. >> can you even believe what just happened? edgar got a brand new car. >> oh, my god.
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plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. it has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e...
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♪ >> we are on this fun day monday here at universal city walk, and even though it's winter here in los angeles as well, you are going to need your sunglasses everywhere you go. >> doesn't feel like winter to us. >> we love it. >> choosing frames can be difficult, but you know who is going to help us out? melissa. she's the smarty pants from the city of style, and she's here to show us what frames fit on what faces. you selected these for us, right? >> i selected them for you because you both have beautiful oval faces, which is the most common face shape. an oval face looks great in like a large square frame. >> i love these. >> it looks beautiful with your hair color. those look beautiful with your hair color and your coloring. >> are people distracted? >> they're lovely. has to do with -- >> why aren't they in sunglasses?
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>> they're showing off something else. >> let's talk about the glass that is work in the aviators. >> good-bye, ladies. shake it on the way out. >> thanks. >> aviators are such a great uni-sex shape. they're his and hers. they're a classic shape. they've been worn for years. we've got beautiful models. >> yeah. those look good. those look great. >> his and hers aviators. from dkny, and you are wearing a classic ray-ban shape. these are, like, really well priced. they range from, you know, really, really inexpensive. the ray-bans, the classic shape are just a little over $100. they're really, you know -- really great. really flattering. >> never goes out of style. >> thanks, guys. >> wayfayers are the his and
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hers. who do we have up here? >> katie and jason. >> how cute are these two? >> i love the way wayfarers have the hip 1950s vine to them. you put them on, and you have a lot of style. it's retro. yours are a little bit more square and angular, and yours are that classic ray-ban shape. >> what are the price points on those? >> these are only $95, and these are ray-bans for about $150. >> all right. >> thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> it's hard to know what shaped face you have. i really don't know if i'm oval, round, or heart, but if you have a square face, what are the right kind of glasses? >> you're tempering the shape of your face. you don't want -- >> nobody wants to be more square. >> nobody wants to be a square. she has a squared off beautiful defined jaw, so we have a pair of sun glass that is are more rounded, like a key hole shape. it's tempered and softens her lines.
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she's got beautiful cheek bones. beautiful jaw line. >> gorgeous lips. >> gorgeous lips. >> let's bring up jim. he is the guy. >> jim is our guy version. he has a nice square jaw as well. >> how can you tell? >> it might be a heart face. >> he has a more rounded frame. just to kind of temper and soften those lines. these are -- i love this on you with the tweet hat and the gray jacket. >> thanks, hon. >> last we have the heart-shaped face. this is debra. >> the heart-shaped face is like a heart. your forehead salgts bit wider. you have great high cheekbones. this cat eye really compliments her cheek bones so well. look how beautiful that is. >> very chic. >> well, thank you. thank you so all of our models. thanks, melissa. >> nice to see you. >> coming up, sara goes behind the scenes with very popular shows. i heard she's on "jeopardy." >> don't forget these. >> those look good. >> yeah.
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and...done. did you just turn your ringer off so no one would interrupt us? oh no, i... just used my geico app to get a tow truck. it's gonna be 30 minutes. oh, so that means that we won't be stuck up here, for hours, with nothing to do. oh i get it, you wanna pass the time, huh. (holds up phone) fruit ninja!!! emergency roadside assistance. just a click away with the geico mobile app.
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our go sleeveless deodorant for five days. ♪ everybody got two t-shirts as well, a short sleeved and a sleeveless one. which would they wear on day five? ♪ sleeveless. definitely sleeveless. ♪ what? i just like the t-shirt. [ female announcer ] for visibly softer, smoother underarms, sleeveless ready in just five days. dove go sleeveless deodorant.
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it is time for sara in the city. it's almost impossible not to get on tv when you are in this town. >> there's so many getting on. our own sara has tried to bully her way on to a few sets. how did it go? >> there she is. she's is he hard rock cafe. >> it's called name-dropping. it's all fun and games until you get busted sneaking into a show without a ticket. >> today i'm at stage ten for a taping of "jeopardy." i'm going to see if i can sneak in with the audience. >> what is your name? >> george. >> no. you have to ask who is george? >> i don't know. >> how much do you love alex?
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>> that much. >> do you think you can love alex or you could love alex? >> all right. ♪ >> i don't have a ticket. sshhhh. ♪ >> my parents are watching. >> what is the morning program that has made drinking before 10:00 a.m. fashionable and regular? >> now, see, you phrased that in the form of a question. you asked the question. >> how do i -- >> you didn't give the clue. you were supposed to say or should say this program. >> that is delicious. >> colby red. >> what is the fourth hour? >> kathie lee or hoda, which one is more your type? ♪ >> so we've shown you how to get
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into a show with a ticket. now i'm going to see where this little bad boy gets me, my work id. >> this is my pass. my name is sara. >> we don't -- i don't think so. >> okay. well, 0 for 1. >> wait! wait! can i have a ride? i'm on the road to nowhere. >> where are we going? >> i don't know. where are we going? ♪ >> oh, my gosh. hi. i work kind of here. does this get me in, like, your -- >> i guess so. >> i'm ely. >> we're kind of family. >> oh. >> this is like exactly how it looks on tv. >> this is "the office" bullpen. >> this is my id to get into "the office." ♪
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>> just a little bite. >> i'm sorry. you don't actually work here. understand? >> i do. i do. see, this is my id. >> we're shooting a television comedy. i play the character of dwight. i'm in preparation for my next scene. >> let's prepare. >> and you are disturbing me. >> let's prepare. >> there's no let's. this is not help. we're about to shoot. >> vocalize. >> excuse me. come here. >> he needs to prepare. >> kick her out. >> so i tried to get an audience experience today, but i pretty much just crashed a bunch of shows. i think i would recommend for anyone else definitely have tickets in advance. worst case, you can name-drop. kathie lee is going to be doing some favors, and hoda has -- i
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a date with alex trebec. hope you're free friday. sorry. >> if you are heading to l.a. and you want to be in the audience of a show, just check out their individual web sites. it varies show to show. they do book in advance, so get there nice and early. >> nice to see you guys. >> nice job, sara. we see you. >> all right, honey. the kids are at home, and they're probably getting a little stir crazy. >> actress kelly martin has the end of all of that. >> oh, really? okay. >> good morning. your seven-day forecast. a lot of changes on the way. we start with today as we track a winter storm moving across the east. that will bring mostly rain to the southeast, especially in here in the mid-atlantic. snow showers, light snow up across the great lakes. so you get up in the u.p. of michigan, there are some sweet spot where is we will have as much as six inches, maybe even up to a foot of snow and then
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east of the lakes. more snow coming through. but for most aer yeahs it's going to be rain. all the way up to new york city, chance of showers by the evening. 6 in minneapolis, that's as warm as you're going to get. only 20 in chicago. that's about 30 degrees colder than it was just yesterday. 58 in atlanta, a chance of showers especially in the morning. we turn to the west as the next storm comes in. 55 in los angeles. it was a nice sunny weekend, a beach weekend. that's all changes as the storm pushes through and brings some colder air. and with that, we're looking at quite a bit of snow. flagstaff may see a foot. and of course, the san juans of colorado, beneficial snow pack here. salt lake city, 2 to 5 inches of new snow. and this really gets cranking as we head into wednesday night and thursday with snow spreading across nebraska and kansas. on the southern side it's rain and the chance of severe weather. and look at our temperatures as they come down in kansas city.
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35 degrees. only 40 in d.c. 51 in atlanta. now by thursday, chance of severe storms here across the south. an icy mux for the central plains. and then snow on the northern side. so big storm to track through the rest of the week. and by friday, it moves into the east, still expecting rain there through the southeast. tune in to the weather channel for the very latest at 5:30. what did i do with my last fii was a dietician..... a housekeeper... a pediatrician... yeah, that was a third degree booboo a housekeeper... a sanitation engineer... a housekeeper... good thing i had 5-hour energy to keep me going. what will you do with your next five hours?
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[ angry gibberish ] [ justin ] mulligan sir. mulligan. take a mulligan. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] truth is, a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ angry gibberish ] [ fake coughs ] sorry that was my fault sir. [ male announcer ] alka seltzer plus severe sinus. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ male announcer ] try alka seltzer plus severe sinus day and night for complete relief from your worst sinus symptoms.
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>> coming up. zoom all right. this is president's day, and that means the kids are probably at home. maybe they're bouncing off the walls. >> they are. >> actress and mom kelly martin, best known for her roles on "life goes on" and "e.r." she's the owner of romp, a children's boutique. >> hi. >> we met when i was 13, when i was on "life goes on." it was one of my first interviews i ever did was with you and regis. >> look, you survived. >> now you're thriving. >> i am. >> you're a mom of a 6-year-old. >> he's so inspired me. my favorite store was closing down, and i decided to buy it. >> oh, wow. >> i am the now the proud owner of romp i brought some of the things that maggie loves to do. my kid is the opposite of plugged in. she is unplugged. i have toys that encourage imagination and creativity. she can make a basket of sticks a toy. >> that's awesome. >> i love to bake with maggie, so i brought this beautiful baking set. it's got everything you need. it's practical, but it also could be for pretend play. this is the thing i love the most about it. that's a proper pastry cutter. that's very, very french and high-end. >> this is a magic set. my daughter started kindergarten, and she basically came home and wanted to tell jokes and do magic. i think this could keep your
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child occupied for a week or spring break. this is a bag. if you put something in, then do you the switch-a-roo here, and something else comes out. nothing in there. so this is a fun little magic set. then i have some juggling balls. would anyone like to try that? >> i would like to try it. >> you try them. >> i would like to try. >> i'm actually very good at it. >> she won't come over here and -- >> whoa. you're good. >> can we end the segment right now? >> i feel like by the end of presidents' day if your child starts, they will be a juggler by the end of the day. >> keep at it. >> absolutely. >> basically it comes -- starts like this. then it comes with thread and needle and fabric, and by the end your child has made their doll their way. >> given it their own name. >> exactly. i think this is raggedy ann or pipy longstocking. spring is coming, even though it doesn't feel like it in new york. here we're good.
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the birds are about to come out, and so here's a bird house that you can do yourself. so it comes with paint and paint brushes. it starts like this, and then you can make it like that and have your little feathered friends come out when it's finally warm enough. this is make year own pop-up book. >> oh, my gosh. so adorable. >> make your own pop-up book. it comes with markers and it is like this when it starts. then by the end -- >> look at that. >> it's like that. >> with all the gadgets and stuff out, can you see how a kid will have so much fun with everything on the table. >> my daughter, she keeps asking for an ipod or an ipad. and i'm like, you can have this. and this is one of my favorite manufacturers. they make this beautiful mosaic toy. it doesn't look exciting, but this, i'm telling you, will keep your child occupied for hours. if they can make it a puzzle. they can make shapes out of it,
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and they're using their minds and their math skills and all these future skills that they have no idea they're doing at that time because they're having so much fun. because it's presidents' day -- >> of course, it is. >> here's a little travel puzzle. presidents. maggie only knows about barack obama right now, but i'm going to try to encourage being more. exactly. there are some more. this is a book of whacky presidential facts. you can start that education. >> a little bit. >> these are all terrific. what's your website? >> >> >> great to see you. >> coming up next, we're doing a big workout, baby. it's going to be something. this is "today" on nbc. going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep.
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out march 1st. you're going to teach us how to -- >> tell us about it. >> make some new moves. our audience also -- they've all got their gloves on. >> this is a mix. pilates and boxing. >> i'm going to get on this side of you. >> you burn maximum calories. like 900 calories in one hour. you want to tone up the body, right? >> you know what, you have half pound bells, and we're toning your arms. ready? we're going to do some boxing moves. okay? stand like this and box four times forward. here we go. four times. here we go. one, two, three, four. shuffle two, three, four. one, two, three, four. shuffle two, three, four. one, two, three, four. shuffle two, three, four. one, two, three, four. shuffle, two, three, four. >> what? >> the core away and then lift the leg. yes. oh, yes. then you hold, and then you hold it.
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you want me to hold you. i can hold you. hold your balance. hold your balance. all right. here we go. hit it. hit it. yeah, hit it. roll it out. come on. come on. you know what -- move it, move it, move it. you know what -- >> are celebs doing this? is this really a trendy thing? >> we have hillary duff. we have -- >> you know what -- >> we love it. >> we love melissa. >> we're going to hold your balance again. lifting up the leg. >> we really can't. >> then, you know what, crunch down like this.
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dw like this, guys. hold that leg. >> i have spanx on. >> i know it. hold it. hold it. go like this. now we're going to get into the energy again. energy. get funk in it. get some funk in it. get some funk in it. oh, yeah. the kick. and shake it. shake it. burn it out, burn it out, baby. burn it out. >> all right. >> all right. we burned four calories. >> here's the thing, tonight -- coming up tonight we're going to be on "chelsea lately." >> all right, you guys. we have a big show tomorrow. thanks for coming, and we will see you back here tomorrow.
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