tv Today NBC May 23, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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around theworld. >> the two suspects in custody are claiming their actions are in retaliation for the killing of muslims in afghanistan. >> let us get to michelle kosinski in london. good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, matt, the government here has called the brutal killing of the soldier in the middle of the day on a neighborhood street sickening and barbaric. this morning while police searched a home, top security officials met. the prime minister is calling this terrorism. police are asking the public for help, support, and calm. >> move back. move back. >> reporter: terror was the motive for this horrific attack. that is what it caused here. citizens screaming at police. one suspect, hands covered in blood holding large knives delivers a speech to cell phone camera in front of the young
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soldier's body. >> that's eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. i apologize that women had to witness this today, but in our land, our women have to see the same. >> eyewitnesss say two men in a car knocked the soldier down on the sidewalk and then jumped out and started brutalizing him. >> they were hacking at the poor guy, chopping him, cutting him. >> some witnesses say the soldier was beheaded and the men asked people in the terrified crowd to take pictures. but a few women risked their own lives to try to help the soldier, guarded his body. and watch this woman bravely talking to one suspect. she is mother and cub scout leader who says she wanted to keep the men from hurting anyone else. >>yeah, that's what you had. and blood allver him. and i thought what the heck happened there. >> but it ended in more violence. police closed in. witnesses say the men tried to attack them, that one had a gun. police opened fire hitting both
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suspects who were taken to hospitals and arrested. >> these are some of the most difficult attacks to stop. when two individuals do this with potentially no other connections to stop them when they're using things like knives and cleavers makes this almost impossible to stop beforehand. >> it is early to try to characterize this, but terrorism analysts say attacks by small groups without strong ties to larger terror networks is a trend we've been seeing over the last several years. the boston bombing is one of them. and the uk has seen similar attacks. savannah? >> thank you. national security and counterterrorism will be the focus of major speech by president obama today. peter alexander is at the white house with details on that. peter, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning to you. this is the first counterterrorism speech of the second term. and the white house says mr. obama will make a strong case for the continued use of drone strikes.
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really this administration's tool of choice in the war on terror. also highlighting new efforts to bring about transparency and even new restriction in the so-called hidden war. president obama today will shine a spotlight on an issue that's been shrouded in secrecy. drones. senior administration officials tell nbc news the president's expected to outline plans to begin shifting authority over drone operations from the cia to the military. >> the significance is the pentagon will now control the drone program, which increases transparency both for congress and the american people. >> reporter: evidence of that renewed focus on transparency, this letter on wednesday where the obama administration for the first time formally acknowledged the u.s. targeted and killed an american citizen with a drone strike in yemen in 2011. attorney general eric holder writing that u.s. officials determined al alawqi posed that threat. the government also acknowledged three other american citizens
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involved in terrorism have been killed by drones. todapresident obama will also renew his first term pledge to shut down the camp at guantanamo bay where a hunger strike has been ongoing for more than 100 days. >> it's a recruitment tool for extremists, it needs to be closed. >> reporter: and laying out his strategy in the face of an evolving threat from al qaeda. >> the president needs to explain to congress and the american people why we need to confront this threat and what tools, tactics and strategy he will use to deal with it. >> reporter: and while transparency is expected to be a mar theme today, matt, it's unclear if the president will confront the issue cracking down on journalists who have been on the receiving end of national security leaks. >> peter alexander, thank you. as always, the pentagon dealing with yet another sex scandal this morning. the latest case, an army sergeant accused of secretly videotaping female cadets at
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west pointe. mick, good morning. >> good morning, matt. you know, these military sexual assault and misconduct cases seem to be piling up. this time, at least 1 female cadets were the victims. allegedly videotaped covertly by a west point staff member they should have been able to trust. it's the military's most prestigious acady. defense officials say army sergeant first class michael mcclendon is accused of using a hidden camera to secretly videotape female cadets in locker rooms and showers. mcclendon has been relieved of duty and charged on four counts. as a west point staffer, he was responsible for the health and welfare of the very cadets he'd allegedly targeted. earlier this month, lieutenant colonel jeff krisynski was himself charged with sexual
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battery. and at ft. hood, texas, the army is investigating accusations that a sergeant first class there sexually assaulted a woman. he too was in charge of sexual assault prevention. >> the very person that is supposed to be there to protect you inhe military is found to be abusing women. how can any woman in the military say that i have a safe place to turn? >> reporter: there were 26,000 sexual assaults in the military last year. but fewer than 4,000 were repoed. many victims fear the military justice system is stacked against them. joint chiefs chairman martin dempsey shares that concern. >> if a perpetrator shows up with a rack of ribbons and has four deployments and a purple heart, there's certainly the risk that we might be a little too forgiving of that particular crime. >> in fact, the accused in this case is a decorated combat
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veteran who earned bronze star in the war in iraq. many lawmakers on capitol hill argue, however, the only way to really crack down on sexual assault in the military is to dramatically change the military justice system. and they're pushing for legislation to do just that. >> thank you very much. kirsten gillibrand is the senator from new york and serves on the armed serces committee. good morning to you. >> good morning, matt. >> you can't blame people for shaking their heads at this. every couple of weeks there's another headline involving sexual assault or sexual harassment within the military. do you think the military in this case isimply a microcosm of society in general? or is there something deep within the culture of the military that turns it into a breeding ground for things like this? >> well, matt, i think you're right that these allegations coming to light over and over and over again continue to
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undermine or confidence that the military can address these problems. what we need is better transparency and accountability and victims to know that justice is possible. and that's why so many of us on a bipartisan basis are advocating when a victim is assaulted or raped, she should be able to report those crimes directly to a military prosecutor and not have to tell her boss. >> i understand that. >> the chain of command. >> that's dealing with something after it happens. what is happening in the culture of the military that causes it to happen in the first place. >> well, i think when you have these cases occurring over and over again and there's no response and there's no accountability for these kinds of rapes and crimes, it allows the culture to continue. and that's why we think we need dramatic change. i believe that these kinds of cases are serious crimes and they have to be treated like other serious crimes and tha means elevating them out of the chain of command. >> you are a mom, i think you have boys, but if you had a teenage girl and she were to come to you and say, mom, i'm thinking of joining a certain
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branch of the military, would you have severe second thoughts about that? >> well, matt, i think any parent would ask, is my child going to be safe? because more than half of these sexual assaults and rapes are actually committed against men, more than 50%. so you have men and women who are offering their lives to serve this country, to defend this country, to die for ts country, and you should not be asking them to be subjected to this by the hands of their colleagues. and men and women who sacrifice so much need to be treated with respect and be protected. and this latest case at west point, someone was supposed to be looking after these young cadets, not subjecting them to this kind of treatment. >> before i let you go, really quickly, your reaction to anthony weiner running for mayor of new york. he's a former colleague of yours from congress. is he the guy qualified to run the largest cit in the country? >> well, you know, we have a lot
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of great candidates in that race and i'm staying out of the primary. but i expect the voters of new york to make that decision about what's best for them. >> i'll let that be the answer on that one. senator, thanks so much. thanks for your time this morning. >> thank you. >> thanks. the first funeral will be held today for one of the victims of monday's devastating tornado in moore, oklahoma. in moore this morning with the latest recovery efforts. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. moore just can't seem to catch a break. we're the middle of thunderstorms here right now and conditions like this are expected to last much of the day. it comes as some residents for the first time were getting into their homes to try to salvage what they could. >> there's tons of debris. >> reporter: new video is a jaw-dropping look at the tornado's power. >> it's going to knock those poles down. >> reporter: as the cleanup continues in moore, officials say as many as 13,000 homes were damaged. losses could total $2 billion. >> we know that people are
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really hurting. i mean, there's a lot of recovery yet to do. >> we're learning more about the victims, among the dead ten children, two infants. the youngest, case, he and his mom died in the 7-eleven. and bestriends and third graders at plaza towers elementary along with classmate nicholas mccain. >> he's my boy. he's a good boy. >> oh, my gosh. it's everywhere. >> reporter: for those who lost their homes, life is nowhere near normal. how do you start over? >> that's what i'm trying to figure out myself. >> jason williams and his wife kat pull out soggy furniture and personal items. one pickup full at a time. for now, the couple and three boys are staying with family. 15 minutes and seemingly a world away in a home still standing with power. >> i mean, just insulation,
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debris. >> they're wearing donated clothing. their stuff is in trash bags. nothing feels like it used to. surviving on a small starter check from their iurance company. >> really, we're thankful we're here and we just take it one step at a time. >> their job's on hold, lives in disarray, so much unknown. can they rebuild? and where will the kids go to school in the fall? >> reporter: and the williams family is a story of so many families who lost their home. they do have a place to stay, a roof over their head, but there's so much to do, they don't know where to start. meanwhile, president obama will tour the devastated areas on sunday. back to you. >> thank you so much. so many of our viewers have asked what they can do to help. if you want to find out about those resources, we have a special page set up on our website, go to >> we encourage you to do that. natalie's down in florida. there are new developments linked to a deadly shooting
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involved with the boston bombing incident. >> we are learning more this morning about the man shot and killed by the fbi on wednesday who had ties to deceased boston bombing suspect tamerlan tsarnaev. pete williams has more for us from washington. pete, good morning. >> good rning, tamron. investigators say the man they were questioning told him that both he and tamerlan tsarnaev killed three people near boston two years ago. that statement came, they say, from todashev, a mixed martial arts fighter. while being interrogated tuesday night by the fbi, massachusetts state police officials say he attacked an fbi agent and was shot and killed. but authorities say just before that, todashev confessed to playing a role in a brutal triple murder in massachusetts in 2011. one of the victims was a friend of tsarnaev's. law enforcement officials say
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todashev claimed that tsarnaev was involved in the killing too and started as an attempt to steal drugs from the three victims but ended in their deaths to keep them from talking. officials stress they do not believe that todashev, the man shot and killed in orlando had anything to do with the boston marathon bombings. >> pete, thank you very much. a fourth grade field trip in minnesota has turned deadly. a rock slide at a mississippi river park knownor its fossils killed one child, injured two others, and right now one more is still missing. poor construction materials blamed for last month's factory collapse in bangladesh, this according to a government investigation. that probe also recommends life prison terms for the building's owner and others found guilty of violating building codes in the disaster that killed more than 1,100 people. now to wall street, cnbc's jackie deangelis. >> good morning, tamron. well, the volatility could extend on wall street today,
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this after the roller coaster ride we saw yesterday. the dow up by more than 150 points, but closing 80 points lower. and some traders blaming that on what they call a conflicted fed. one that's worried about paring back the stimulus program but also concerned with short-term economic growth. and that backdrop now makes the data today very, very important. investors watching weekly jobless claims and data on new home sales and home prices. tamron? >> thank you. it is prom season, i probably don't have to tell you that, and most of us have cringe-worthy photos from our big night to prove we were all awkward teenagers at some point. well, now thanks to "time" magazine, we have proof that even the commander in chief donned the white dinner jacket. there he is, that is 17-year-old barry obama at his senior prom in hawaii in '79. president obama's classmate released the pictures to "time" complete with the yearbook inscription to her calling her, quote, extremely sweet and foxy.
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>> this was his friend's girlfriend? >> no, it was his date. he called her foxy. >> this is the friend's girlfriend. >> but i don't know if it's more troubling the white jacket or that he used foxy at 17. who says? >> it was '79. >> exactly. >> there's a lot probably great about being president. having your prom ptos out for everyone to see, not one of those. >> the ladies knew they looked good, that's why they released the picture. if you thought you looked bad -- >> guys don't look good in the photos. never do. let's get down to al roker. al, good morning. >> good morning, everybody. of course, we're still thinking about our friends in oklahoma, especially this morning. we're here at universal orlando resort, we'll tell you why. part of our great american adventure. but let's go to oklahoma right now, the radar is firing up, unfortunately, we'reeeing more strong storms, a lot of lightning strikes coming out of this. hopefully, though, where that's the worst of it. but you can see, we do have a
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risk of strong storms from the west of there, amarillo, lubbock, rainfall amounts about 1/2 inch to an inch of rain. and then we've got along the eastern sea board, we've got severe weather firing up, as well. airport delays up and down the east coast, risk of strong storms from washington up to burlington and a lot of rain, we're talking 1 to 3 inches of rain from new york on up into new england. we don't have a lot of good news for memorial day either. we'll have your local forecast. but first, this message. we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do yomake sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ >> good morning.
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we expect some showers and thunderstorms off and on today. we could see some severe weather weather today. that's your latest weather. we did have some troubles getting in here, matt and savannah, airport delays, and that's our plane right there. >> that would be the reason right there. >> and did it fit willie and natalie. we know they're with you too. we'll see all you guys in a little bit. >> all right, al, thank you. coming up, they're calling it swarmageddon.
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i am stan stovall. baltimore police are investigating a late-night triple shooting in northwest baltimore. officers found three men suffering gunshot wounds at love from: 20 last night. investigators believed they were shot sometime earlier -- at 11: 20 last night. investigators believe th were shot sometime earlier at clifton enue. police believe that one of the victims was shot multiple times. the street was shut down in both directions for several hours as detectives investigated but it has reopened. time for a check on your morning commute with sarah caldwell and traffic pulse 11. >> it has been a difficult ride for motorists on southbound 83. the delays stretch back to shawan road towards timonium. asked in any fuel spill at timonium. it is clear but this is what it looks like prior to the exit. at new cut road, we have an accident coming in. broken land parkway, left shoulder taken up by an accident.
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we have one being cleared and moravia park drive. as far as delays, seeing them out of the northeast on 95. .4 minutes towards the 83's 16 on the west side outer loop. this is what it looks like at baltimore national pike. very of have a traffic developing their. >> it is a warm and muggy start with temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s again. this will pick up and coverage as we go through the day. some of the storms will be strong and we have to keep an eye on that. chance for a few showers and thunderstorms today. it will turn cooler going into the holiday weekend. -- a high of7. only 67. injured warm-up act into the mid-70s by the the time we have the holiday on monday.
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[ male announcer ] say goodbye to suits and suitcases, and say hello to the white sands and sunny beaches of northwest florida. feel good getaways. that's how we fly. southwest airlines is offering nonstop service from bwi airport to panama city beach, florida. book now online, only at
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we are southwest. welcome aboard. ♪ 7:30 now on a thursday morning, it's may 23rd, 2013, and that is the scene in seaside heights, new jersey. we're happy to say the jersey shore bouncing back from hurricane sandy. ready to reopen for the summer season. of course, coming up, we've got memorial day weekend. and we can wait to get there
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tomorrow on "today" as we help them celebrate with a great concert from the group fun. tomorrow morning live from the jersey shore. i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie and tamron hall. >> speaking of great performers, psi is getting a lot of attention in cannes. celebrities lining up to take pictures with him. just one problem, that is not psi. we'll have the story on that coming up. sure looks like him. >>they give you instant cash for your old cell phones, but are these machines in hundreds of malls around the country actually fueling violent robberies? we've got a rossen reports on that subject. then, is it a simple case of a law being broken or more to the story? we'll hear from an 18-year-old girl charged with a sex crime for having a relationship with another girl who is just 14 years old. all right. first, brace yourselves, we warned you they were coming and right on cue, the cicadas are here.
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one of our producers shot these images in her own backyard in new jersey. can you see them? there's tight shots there. they're on just about every leaf of those plants. she says her dog is eating them. nbc's tom costello has the latest on what some are calling swarmageddon. tom, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, they're everywhere. this is what you're up against right there. this is actual size. >> if they get that big, i'm moving to another country. >> reporter: no, it's about this size, actually. not to freak you out too much. the bottom line, depending on where you live in the country, the ground under your feet could start to sound a little crunchy. it's late may 2013 and the cicada orchestra is just warming up, and no one could be happier than the self-professed bug guy. he insists this is going to be a great show. >> this is going to be like a
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drama. there's going to be birth, there's going to be death, there's going to be romance, there's going to be sex. >> reporter: and best of all, no one will get hurt. the bugs don't bite and pose little danger to plants. but if you've noticed holes suddenly appearing in the ground, get ready the cicadas are coming out of a 17-year hibernation. they're expected from north carolina up to new york and parts of new jersey, maryland and virginia they're already here. everywre, actually. >> i think they're really cool. we may not like them in a month when we're listening to them. >> reporter: oh, you'll hear them, that's their mating call. and mating is the whole reason they climb out of the ground. there can be 1 billion in a single mile. singing together, their chorus can reach 90 decibels and the bug guy loves it. >> it'll be as loud as a rock concert, but hey, these are teenagers, they're going to get into trees, they're going to
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sing. >> reporter: the warmer it gets, the louder that i get until they mate and die in about six weeks. then a 17-year wait as those cicada eggs transform from larva to bug. that means they'll be back again in 2030. now, i hate to gross you out at breakfast time, but some people actually likto eat these things. they call them land shrimp. and our professor bug guy even offered to eat one on camera and we said, you know, we've got people getting up in the morning, that's not a good idea. guys, back to you. >> we've got to eat more than one to do anything about this problem, tom. >> didn't the united nations encourage us all teat more bugs? >> protein. >> on a silver platter. >> i think i've reached my quota of bug and larva footage for the morning. thank you very much. >> reporter: see you in 17 years. >> okay. let's take a check of the weather from mr. roker down in orlando. >> "today's" weather is brought to you by the american cancer
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society, the official sponsor of birthdays. well, it is nice and balmy here down in orlando, florida. but not so much up into the plains. take a look at some of these temperatures. my gosh, it feels more like fall than spring. the green bay, wisconsin, 60 degrees, ten degrees below normal, des moines, 69, well, louisville, 72 seems nice, that's still five degrees below normal. the rest of the country temperature wise, we're expecting those temperatures to look pretty decent as you get down through the southern third of the country from the southwest into texas on into the gulf coast. we expect to see temperatures in the 90s and 100s, chilly in the pacific northwest where they've got more rain coming into the jet stream dips down to the south, and temperatures in the >> good morning. we will see a few showers and
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thunderstorms. the best chance for showers will be in the afternoon. and that's your latest weather. savannah? >> all right, al. thank you. now to the art of the political comeback in the wake of disgraced former congressman anthony weiner's decision to run for mayor of new york city. andrea mitchell is in washington with that story. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. anthony weiner joins a long list of political figures who have attempted comebacks, most successful, but none with a personal scandal quite like his. >> i will fight for you every single day. >> two years after resigning his
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house seat in disgrace for posting sexually suggestive pictures of himself on twitter, anthony weiner is now hopg new yorkers will give him a second chance as mayor. kicking off his campaign with a video featuring his wife and child. >> look, i made big mistakes and let a lot of people down, but i've also learned tough lessons. >> there will be some people who will not vote for him, i suspect there'll be people willing to give him a hearing and an opportunity to make the case. >> weiner is just one in a long line of political comeback attempts. >> people are willing to give a candidate a second chance after a scandal if the scandal has not impeded forever his or her ability to do the job and also if they apologized. >> how many of you want to change washington, d.c.? >> reporter: most recently, south carolina republican mark sanford won back his old house seat. only four years after tearfully admitting to lying about an affair with his mistress while he was governor. >> i did not have sexual
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relations with that woman. i never told anybody to lie, not a single time. never. >> famously, president clinton who once called himself the comeback kid survived impeachment and is now a global philanthropist and statesman. >> i'm deeply sorry i did noit live up to what was expected of me. >> eliot spitzer tried to make a comeback on cable tv after being forced to resign as new york's governor because of a prostitution scandal. >> i'm completely responsible. >> louisiana republican senator david vitter was caught on a d.c. madame's client list in 2007 but still won reelection three years ago. weiner is hoping new york voters are willing to forgive and forget. >> i hope i get a second chanc to work for you. >> weiner has a big campaign war chest and according to one poll, he could even come in second in a crowded field and there'd be a runoff. but that could all change now that he's actually a candidate and voters have a chance to really take a look at him.
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and although he's married to hillary clinton's long time close aide, the clintons have signaled they are not supporting this comeback bid. >> thank you so much. coming up next, instant cash for phones sounds good, but those special machines may be fueling more cell phone thefts according to police. we'll have that story. and the new pills promising to do for women what viagra did for men. but first, these messages. excuse me. thousands of cancer patients can't afford a place to stay when the best treatment is far from home. a room shouldn't be the difference between life and death. let's make sure that everyone who needs a room, gets one. let's make some noise. let's help the american cancer society finish the fight. text "room" to 41518 to donate ten dollars. chalky... not chalky.
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don't blame him. instead, rely on frontline plus. it kills adult fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, destroying future generations. ask your vet about frontline plus. try our new chipotle chicken flatbread, made fresh to order, with a crispy house-baked crust and served with a soup or salad. chili's lunch break combos starting at 6 bucks. more life happens here. booo p. more life happens here. hi, listen i think you could do better. oh no, he's a nice guy. no i'm talking about your yogurt. in a national taste test dannon oikos fat free strawberry flavor beat chobani 2 to 1. look babe i'm doing better. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. ♪ dannon whoa, wait for me!
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oh no! my m just cleaned this place! calm down, squishy, this'll be easy to clean. [ female announcer ] swiffer wetjet pads have the scrubbing power of mr. clean magic eraser. they trap and lock away even monstrous messes to make tough cleaning a breeze. now that's clean. wow. scottie! we won! uh-huh, uh-huh. mom?!! [ female announcer ] swiffer gives cleaning a monstrous new meaning. monsters university, in theaters, in 3d. we're back at 7:42. this morning on rossen reports, thieves targeting your cell phones. some officials say a machine that's popping up in malls across the country is actually inspiring criminals. today national investigative correspondent jeff rossen is in los angeles with more on this. jeff, good morning. >> hey, matt, good morning to you. sounds like a great idea. an atm where you can trade in your used cell phone and get instant cash for it. but now some police say these machines are actually making it
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easier than ever for criminals who can steal your phone and quickly profit from it. >> they strike without warning. thieves snatching cell phones right out of your hands. some victims even getting beaten up. >> hi. >> now a top cop says these machines are fueling the violence. >> it's a motivator for the criminal element. >> they're called eco atms, kiosks that recycle your used cell phones. there are more than 400 of them in shopping malls across the country. here's how they work. you put your phone in a bin, the machine scans it for market value, and then gives you cash right on the spot. but critics say these machines are driving thieves to steal more phones for a quick payout. washington, d.c. police chief kathy lanier. >> i can knock you down, steal your phone, find an atm and get up to $300 in cash for that
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phone. >> a thief stole her iphone right from her purse. she used an app to track it down and found it at this mall inside an eco atm. she got it back. >> they made it so easy for the thieves. it's a magnet. >> police say stolen phones have turned up inside eco atms nationwide. from georgia to texas to california. the company says it has a system to keep criminals away. first, scanning the person's driver's license and then ting a photo of them. >> and we have a team of people who verify in realtime that the person who is standing in front of the machine is the person who is placed in the license. >> what happens if the person in front of the machine isn't the same person in the license? >> we deny the transaction. >> we found that's not always true. >> i need to take your picture. >> we sent these two producers who obviously looked nothing alike to eco atms in two new jersey malls. >> please press your driver's
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license agait the scanner block. >> we had this producer use the other one's i.d. to cash in a phone. it's clearly not her, yet the machine still takes the phone and spits out the money. >> don't forget your cash. >> same result at another eco atm. remember, the company makes money off the phones. we shared our findings with them. >> i want to show you a picture. >> sure. >> does this look like the same woman to you? >> no. >> what if i told you this woman went up to your machine and used her i.d. and sold two different phones. >> i would say we missed that one. >> twice. >> we learn from each transaction we do. >> if we found this in one day, who's to say this is not happening at a lot of your kiosks in a lot of different states a lot of different days? >> well, we work hard to make sure it's not. >> he says out of every 10,000 phones bought, they discover five are stolen and tho are returned. but d.c. police say they're finding a lot more than that. tracking at least 200 stolen phones to these machines.
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eco atm says it also provides photos, fingerprints and phone serial numbers that have helped police make arrests. >> we're collecting more information about these people sellinstolen phones than anyone else. >> working with us after the fact helps, don't get me wrong. >> the phone companies says because of our investigation they're reviewing their i.d. verification system and looking for ways to improve the system and employee training. here's the take away. right now, grab your smartphone and write down the serial number of the phone if it's ever stolen, matt, police say that's the best way to track it and get it back. >> that's good advice. thank you very much. up next, a first look at kmart's newest tongue in cheek commercial which could have some people blushing. that's right after this. >> i'd love big gas savings. [ female announcer ] get ready for the latest splash from mcdonald's.
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introducing the mccafé blueberry pomegranate smoothie. made with a luscious blend of blueberries and raspberries with a splash of pomegranate juice. hurry in and try a small for just a dollar. ♪ can you start the day the way you want? can orencia (abatacept) help? could your "i want" become "i can"? talk to your rheumatologist.
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orencia reduces many ra symptoms like pain, morning stiffness and the progression of joint damage. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you are prone to or have any infection like an open sore or the flu or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. [ male announcer ] now learn about a program committed to you and copay assistance that can reduce monthly orencia out-of-pocket drug cost to $5. if you're not satisfied after 6 months, you get that money back. call 1-800-orencia. with the red, white, and blue. ocean spray cranberry, white cranberry, and blueberry juice cocktails. [ coughs ] okay, i believe this one is yos?
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[ clears throat ] to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. she can't control herself around chocolate. she'll devour you. really? yeah, uh, thanks for introducing us. anything for a friend. ooh, strong grip! ow! ♪
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[ agent smith ] i've found software that intrigues me. it appears it's an agent of good. ♪ [ agent smith ] ge software connects patients to nurses to the right machines while dramatically reducing waiting time. [ telephone ringing ] now a waiting room is just a room. [ static warbles ] kmart are at it again.
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we showed you their tongue in cheek ad that sold the virtues of shipping your pants. >> now advertising a huge discount on gasoline. take a look. >> oh, i hate these big gas prices. >> sounds like you could use some big gas savings. >> i'd love big gas savings. >> save 30 cents a gallon. >> 30 cents a gallon, that's a big gas discount. >> a really big gas discount. >> really big gas discount. >> this solves yourig gas problem. >> totally solves my big gas problem. >> look at that big gas truck. >> hello, big gas man. >> get big gas savings. save 30 cents a gallon when you spend $50 or more at kmart. >> i think that's great. >> by the way, mission accomplished. theyut this online 11 hours ago, it's got a ton of hits. >> i want to see how many outtakes there were. >> well, basically they blend it together so much it doesn't matter.
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>> you think they designed the ad campaign and then said, okay, we'll make it abougas. fans of "friends" get a reunion they've been waiting for for years after your local news. . ryobi has over 50 products that work off of one 18 volt battery. and with new improved lithium and lithium plus batteries, you'll get a whole lot more done in less time. plus, they'll improve the performance of every 18 volt tool we've ever made. now that's getting more power for your money. ryobi one plus. the one system that delivers more. available only in one place. the home depot. now pick up a special buy lithium ion drill kit for ju $79.
7:52 am
thto fight chronic. osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes.
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tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, nfusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to youroctor. cymbalta can help. it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! ( birds chirping ) exceptionally smooth with a harmonious blend of flavor and aroma. green mountain coffee for your keurig brewer. brew a better day.
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♪ [ female announcer ] when is it okay to lose the cover-up? when you can. take the special k challenge... and lose an inch from yr waist in two weeks. ♪ my, my, my, my with the help of delicious special k red berries cereal, you can truly enjoy a cover up free summer. what will you gain when you lose? >> good morning. i am mindy basara. time for a check on the morning commute. here is sarah caldwell. >> finally some improvement on the harrisburg expressway. heavy delays from padonia to
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timonium. fuel spill at timonium. that is now clear. things are getting better at padonia. north side, 16 minutes on the outer loop towards the 83 plus. 18 minutes to travel through the west side outer loop. lots of volume making away from 795 to 70. delays for marriottsville road it would on wall street and interstate avenue, watch for crash. white marsh area, right top of your screen, delays extend down to the 895 but. j.f.x. southbound in the yellow from the beltway down to 20 eight st. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> warm and muggy start with images the upper 60s and low 70s. 67 degrees in westminster. there is rain to start the day, although the best chance for showers and thunderstorms common this afternoon.
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drifting to these, these are around baltimore. inyou get breaks in the sun the morning and the afternoon, secretary strong thunderstorms. severe weather is possible today. chance of showers and thunderstorms. it will cool off as we head into the weekend. high of only 67 tomorrow. morning low temperatures and saturday and sunday.
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out on the boardwalk. good morning, everyone, i'm savannah guthrie alongside matt lauer. >> i always knew it was great to lose your hair. i don't have to worry about this. it's windy out here. and you've got a problem. but that's okay. coming up, we'll tell you about a story. allergies, a lot of people having trouble here. but the story getting a lot of attention out of florida, an 18-year-old girl charged with a felony for a same-sex relationship with a younger classmate. now, she's been offered a plea deal that would make her serve no jail time. her parents aren't sure they p want her to take that deal. we'll explain why. >> yeah, it's an interesting case. and women have been talking for years when the female viagra pill might come for them. there's new research out there, trials right now on medications. we'll talk about that in a few moments. all right. first, let's go inside,
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natalie's in orlando, tamron hall is inside with a check of the headlines. british officials say the murder of a british soldier who was hacked to death was a barbaric act of terror. one of the two suspects recorded on cell phone said he was avenging the killings of muslims in afghanistan. wednesday's attack happened near london's military barracks. police opened fire and wounded both suspects taken to hospitals and arrested. charged with secretly videotaping and photographing female cadets. michael mlendon recorded some of the women in bathrooms or showers. he's been transferred to ft. drum in upstate new york. the allegations come amid recent series of military sex scandals. tiger woods says a remark by sergio garcia was wrong, hurtful, and clearly inappropriat but woods tweeted wednesday that it is time to move on. on tuesday, garcia said he would serve fried chicken if woods comes over for dinner during the
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upcoming u.s. open. the spaniard later apologized but is taking heat from his main corporate sponsors. the spat erupted during a recent tournament when garcia accused woods of purposely getting the crowd worked up while garcia was in the middle of a shot. chilling video is among the evidence being released by utah police in the susan powell investigation. the mother of two young boys disappeared in 2009 under suspicious circumstances and was clearly worried something might happen to her. >> this is me, july 29th, 2008. it is 12:33. >> a year and a half before susan powell disappeared, she shot this home video documenting her mily's personal belongings. >> covering all my bases making sure that if something happens to me or my family or all of us that our assets are documented. >> west valley city police released the video along with thousands of documents and photos from their missing persons file when they announced the end of their active investigatioof the case this
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week. >> no stone has been left unturned. >> many of susan powell's friends and family said she had concerns about her safety. among the documents released is a handwritten will where she wrote for mine and my children's safety, i feel the need to have a paper til at work which would not be accessible to my husband. and if i die, it may not be an accident even if it looks like one. take care of my boys, i want my parents, chuck cox, very involved in charge of their lives. on the tape with son charlie playing nearby, she hints at a rocky relationship with husband josh. >> got in a rage as you can see and broke this. >> despite the grave concerns about her marriage, powell expressed a bit of optimism on the video. >> hope everything works out and we're all happy and live happily ever after as muc as that's possible. >> josh powell killed their two boys charlie and braeden and himself in february of last year. susan has never been found.
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president obama spoke about the comforting power of music when he honored carole king at the white house last night with the gershwin prize of popular music given by the library of congress. take a listen to the big moment. ♪ when you're down in trouble and you need some loving care ♪ >> king, of course, the frequent guest here on our show is the first woman to receive the award. it is now 8:04, back to matt and savannah on the plaza. hey, guys. >> love carole king. >> thank you so much. let's check in with al in orlando this morning. al, good morning again. >> yeah, we're at universal orlando resorts, and hey, kathie lee and hoda made it. no, kidding. we've got curious george, the grinch, thing one, thing two and the always popular olive oil and popeye. let's show you what we've got
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weather wise here in orlando. it's going to be pretty spectacular as our great -- today's great american adventure continues. temperatures are going to get into the upper 80s to low 90s today for a high. and tomorrow, we're on the jersey shore. not so good. temperatures in the 60s. and it's going to be raining. well, it's still going to be a good time. let's look at your forecast for saturday, wet weather in the plains also through texas, showers the pacific northwest, windy and wet in new england in the northeast, for sunday, sunday, more rain in new england, sunny and hot through the gulf coast on into texas and the southwest and then memorial day, here's what we're shaping up for, we are looking for more rain from the plains into the mid and lower mississippi river valley. showers continue in new england. we will have some sunshine in the northeast, some rain along the coast in northern california. plenty of sunshine, though, continuing from texas into the southwest and the plains. >> good on
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we expect some showers and thunderstorms off and on today. we could see some severe weather weather today. and we'll have more here from universal orlando as our "today's" great adventure continues. savannah? >> thank you so much. coming up, a "friends" reunion nine years in the making. then, a pregnant woman's heart stops, but thanks to coworkers d doctors, mom and baby survived. incredible story. and viagra for women. could it become a reality? would it work?
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but first, these messages. booo p. hi, listen i think you could do better. oh no, he's a nice guy. no i'm talking about your yogurt. in a national taste test dannon oikos fat free strawberry flavor beat chobani 2 to 1. look babe i'm doing better. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. ♪ dannon to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ itlways makes the home team cheer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif.
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♪ i know a place before five old friends were once again the five fine fillies... before earning 1% cash back on all purchases... and 2% back on groceries... even before automatically earning 3% back on gas... red meg got a bankamericard cash rewards credit card and called little lilly to say, "it's time to rock." that's the sweet sound of rewarding connections. that's bank of america. smoke? nah, i'm good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq. nicoderm cq is the unique patch that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. double your chances of quitting with nicoderm cq.
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introducinthe mccafé blueberry pomegranate smoothie. made with a luscious blend of blueberries and raspberries with a splash of pomegranate juice. hurry in and try a small for just a dollar. ♪ [ camera shutter clicks ] ♪ ♪ [ camera shutter clicking ] ♪ [ male announcer ] meet the best low-light smartphone camera. [ camera shutter clicking ] better than iphone. better than galaxy. the windows phone nokia lumia 928.
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♪ we're back now at 8:10 with what's trending today. images and topics hot online. earlier today we talked about anthony weiner who just kicked off his bid to become the mayor of this city, new york city while he spent the first full day of his campaign holed up in his apartment with a horde of reporters camped outside. when there is no story to cover, reporters wait. his aides sent the group of reporters down some pizza. what do the reporters do? they cover the pizza. they start taking pictures of the pizza on the sidewalk.
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that is the day in the life of a political porter. and you actually mentioned you had an entire class in school of whether you are allowed to eat a pizza given to you by all subject you're covering in the news. >> yes, in journalism school we talked about if you go to an event to cover it and there's food supplied it was a matter of journalistic ethics not to eat the food. so we know that the reporters -- >> where did you fall on that? you never eat the food? >> well, i try not to eat the food -- >> pizza -- >> put it this way, it always occurred to me, but i can't say i have never strayed because sometimes you're starving, you know. t i don't know if the reporters ate the pizza or took pictures of it. >> by the way, he's now campaigning at a local subway stop, not a subway station or subway store. no, he's actually greeting commuters in the subway this morning. >> remember a few weeks ago when rumors of a "friends" reunion had everybody buzzing, had to
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have jennifer aniston and nbc quash them. some familiar faces for hosting advice. >> some advice well, maybe you shouldn't show up at somebody's house at 8:00 in the morning and you should call first. >> wait, what are you talking about? we used to walk into each other's apartments all the time. >> no. >> we're friends. >> no, that was a tv show. you know, we haven't actually seen each other in a really long time, like eight years. >> now, david, that is not true. >> it's matthew. >> what's going on here? >> court? >> lisa. >> it' jennifer. >> we're still on for tomorrow night, right? >> yeah. >> good. >> portia. >> no.
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>> that's ellen. >> no, it's not. >> no. >> see, she just said no, is not. you really should've called first. good luck with the show. >> i should have called. >> leblanc, get out of the fountain, man. >> not the friends reunion i had in mind. >> all right. take a look. psi took cannes by storm this week posing for photos, hitting the parties and enjoying the limelight which is what psi's supposed to do, right? the problem, that's not psi. this is a look-a-like of the gangnam superstar, a dead ringer. i think it looks like alec baldwin. >> no. >> what are you talking about? >> what do you think? >> a korean alec baldwin. >> psi tweeted that's a fake version of him and he responded with the hashtag real psi in
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singapore. i think it looks like alec baldwin. >> we have to go back and look to see if it was actually psi who performed on the plaza here. it could have been the imposter. >> that got me thinking about you dancing again. >> dancing. >> i can't get that image out of my head. >> has me thinking about this subject. are teens finally finished with facebook? new evidence suggests enthusiasm for that social networking site could be waning among the country's youth. the pew rearch center found that teens, in particular teens, don't like rubbing virtual elbows with their parents, grandparents and other adults on the site. so oversharing and too much drama were also popular complaints among the teens. instead, that age group seems to be fcking to some other social networking sites like twitter and instagram to stay connected. now for its part, facebook says, you know what, we're still pretty popular with the under 25 crowd and let's not forget, they do have 1.1 billion users. >> they do. >> as of may. >> this does not surprise me at
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all. i think once you are crossin paths with your mom or grandparents on facebook, i think the cool factor is just -- >> it goes away. we have a 16-year-old and all of his grandparents are on including my mom who has spied on him recently. >> or when your mom starts friending ur friends. >> which she's done. >> if i'm on twitter now, am i going to kill twitter? >> yeah, probably. >> come on, no. >> actually, yeah. exactly. if we're on it, it's by definition not cool. well, this morning, you probably had a donut or perhaps a croissant for breakfast. have you had both at the same time? introducing the cronut. >> this is a pastry hybrid, a new york based chef came up with this. does anyone want to try it? >> what's it filled with? >> find out. >> heaven. >> you coordinated it with your outfit. >> i didecause when i get it all over me, it won't blend in.
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>> no, i'm way behind. >> i'd love to try it, but i have to read the next story. >> i'll try it for you later. >> tamron les it. >> now we will turn to a case that's getting a lot of attention in florida, actually. an 18-year-old high school student facing criminal charges for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old. nbc's kerry sanders is in sebastian, florida, with that story, kerry, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning, savannah, the lawyer for the 18-year-old does not dispute the facts in this case. her client has been expelled from the high school here and now that teenager faces a difficult decision. accept a plea deal or fight the charges, two charges or lewd and lascivio lascivious behavior on a minor. >> shep wanted to speak, but when she walked to the microphone, she couldn't find the words. wrapped in her father's arms,
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the cheerleader's story has become a cause to more than 150,000 online., a petition on and facebook posts all urging the state attorney drop the prosecution. the honor student faces two counts of lewd or lascivious battery. if convicted, she could go to prison for up to 15 years, the same as if a boy were convicted of the same crime with an underage girl. and she would be a registered sex offender. >> she's been robbed. >> katelyn's parents say they believe the charges resulted because the parents of the 14-year-old cannot accept their daughter had sex with a girl. >> this is killing us as a family. i would just beg for them to look at that and look at the reality of it, listen to their own child, what she says, you know. and just what's the purpose of this. >> charles sullivan is an attorney representing the
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14-year-old alleged victim and her parents. >> this is a violation of the law that's based upon an adult having sexual relations with a minor. the gender, sexual orientation of the parties has nothing to do with the prosecution. >> how are you holding up? >> every day's different. some days i'm my happy self, other days i'm overwhelmed, scared, i have my days. >> the state attorneys offered kate a plea deal, but her attorney says she would still be a convicted felon and would have to attend sex offender counseling. her hope now -- >> i'm definitely hoping for a better plea deal, but if not, then we'll have to do everything that we can do to win the fight. >> the clock is now ticking. the state attorney has told katelyn's lawyer they have until friday afternoon to accept the plea deal or go to court. meantime, the 14-year-old in this case has now turned 15. savannah. >> all right, kerry sanders, a
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little bit of a lightg issue there. kerry, appreciate it very much. let's turn to lisa bloom. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> does this case raise a lot of questions. but let's start with thi straightforward application of the law. the fact of the matter is, there are statutes in every state in the country that prohibit sexual conduct with a minor and that minor's consent is not a defense. is this an open and shut case on the law? >> well, that's right, savannah, an 18-year-old is an adult in the eyes of law. and in florida if you're 18 and have sexual relations with a 14-year-old, that's statutory rape. an 18-year-old can drink, can work, live independently sign contracts, a 14-year-old can't do any of that. there's a line in the law on age. >> there's a law that looks at it and says there's a power imbalae when you're talking about an adult and minor. >> and psychologically there's a big difference between 14-year-old and 18-year-old. >> a lot of people look at the facts of this case and ask would this be prosecuted at all. forget the law is on the books, if not for the fact this is a
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relationship between two girls. >> and that's the question. so i looked at fbi statistics online and turns out that 9 out of 10 people prosecuted for statutory rape are male and 9 out of 10 victims are female. overwhelmingly it's heterosexual boys prosecuted for this. this seems to be an outlier. >> they've been offered a plea deal from the prosecutors which would mean no jail time, house arrest, she would be a convicted felon and there would a chance that the judge could withhold adjudication and she wouldn't have to register as a sex offender. do you take the deal? because he parents aren't so sure she should. >> very reluctantly if she were my client, i would say, yes. two years house arrest is a long time, but she's facing up to 15 years in prison. this is a tough law. she can petition the court under the romeo and juliette statute, which is she wouldn't be the sex offender list. the long-term, not all that
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bad for her in the two year short-term, pretty bad. >> and what's the alternative? if she doesn't take the plea, she goes to court, isn't the verdict going to be guilty because she's acknowledged this conduct and as we just discussed the law's straightforward on this. >> she really doesn't have a defense. ignorance of the law wasn't a defense. the law just looks at the age of these two girls, both of whom admitted to the police they had sexual relations. >> very quickly, there's a public petition now and i think it has something like 150,000 signatures to get the prosecutors to drop the charges. is that the kind of thing that can be persuasive to a prosecutor? >> it can be. the prosecutor has broad discretion here. he can offer a better deal to her. that's within his power. the petition could affect that. if she goes to court, of course, the petition can't affect what a judge would do. >> a lot of interesting legal issues and parenting issues too. thank you very much. send it over to matt and tamron. now a story out of texas also getting a lot of attention. a baby born after the mother's heart stopped beating. >> oh, man, this i amazing,
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matt. this is a story we first heard about through our houston affiliate kprc. three co-workers are credited with saving two lives, that newborn baby and her mom. >> reporter: for this family, every day is a gift after 76 days in e hospital, 3-month-old elena finally home after a touch and go delivery into this world. they call elena's birth a miracle, mother erica is an english teacher. she collapsed in a co-worker's classroom when she was nine months pregnant. >> i told her, i feel very faint. and i put my head down and essentially just passed out. >> erica's husband is a teacher at the same school and was only two classrooms away when his pregnant wife fainted. >> i opened the door and walked in and erica was lying on the floor. >> erica says an undetected heart defect caused her heart to
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stop. >> i had what's known as athlete's heart. nine out of ten times people die from the initial collapse. >> they used cpr and a defibrillator to keep erica and her baby alive until a paramedic arri arrived. >> it was literally a ticking time bomb and happened when i was 36 weeks. >> erica was rushed to the hospital and within minutes, doctors delivered her baby an emergency c-section. >> there were two lives that were hanging in the balance the whole time. >> doctors told her family it was a postmortem birth because her heart stopped beating in the delivery room. but thanks to physicians and erica's three co-workers bot she and her baby have beaten the odds. >> i'm extremely lucky. i don't call it lucky, i call it blessed because if i didn't have the people there that were there, i wouldn't be alive and neither would she. >> erica's co-workers were honored by the missouri city council. baby ele is expected to be off oxygen tanks by early next week.
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doctors implanted a pacemaker to monitor her heart. it is incredible. but to see her hugging that baby and both okay. it makes your day. >> yeah, really good ending to what could have been a tragic story. tamron, thank you very much. still ahead, the gang down in orlando is challenging us to a little movie trivia competition. >> can i already wave the white flag of surrender? you want to go up against al roker on movie trivia? >> no, i don't. >> we'll have that and more. but first on a thursday morning, a check of your local news and weather.
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northeast. you can see the delays that are forming as a result. they stretch prior to not mountain road but white marsh boulevard. 126 and archer road, getting word of a crash there. from thes the 83 plus j.f.x. to the beltway towards northern, tapping the brakes. experiencing0, delays for marriottsville road and. this is what it looks like to baltimore national pike. heavy congestion although it down towards the outer loop. john, over to you. breakst of clouds, a few with a thin spots here and there, and showers. --wers west of the city showers west of d.c., primarily to the east and northeast.
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72, summer like this morning. eight.southwest winds at here is the forecast for today. 77 to 82, the high. thunderstorm chance will be increasing as the day heats up and the cold front gets closer. at the seven-day forecast. rain still in the forecast tomorrow in the morning. i have only 67. dry only in the weekend. back with another update at
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morning. it's the 23rd day of may, 13. got a nice crowd out in rockefeller plaza this morning. and thers also a nice crowd down in orlando. that's universal orlando resort where al, natalie, and willie are hanging out this morning. and today the gang get back together on the jersey shore. >> we're headed to seaside heights, checking on the recovery from superstorm sandy. governor chris christie will join us live and we'll have a special concert series from the band we've been playing this morning, fun. we're going to start summer off right tomorrow. >> meantime, inside studio 1a matt lauer alongside savannah guthrie and tamron hall. we'll reveal consumer picks for the best and worst airlines in this country in time for your summer travel plans. and viagra for women. how it works and how soon it could be avlable. >> all right.
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but first we want to check in with al and the weather. good morning again to you. >> well, not just the weather, guys, but i've got exciting news. yes, that's right. all you transformer fans out there. that's right, the battle continuing here in orlando with transformers the ride 3d opening up here at the universal orlando resort june 20th. joining us, bumblebee and with an exclusive interview, optimus prime. good morning. you don't have to go for the mike. how involved are you in designing this ride? >> if you are resigned to headquarters, that information is classified. >> oh, okay. i've got clearance. >> my apologies, mr. roker. all recruits who enter the facility will be briefed in all possible danger that megatron and decepticons present.
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>> that's megatron right there. >> yes, and i would advise you keep a safe distance. he's the greatest evil we have ever faced. bumblebee, prepare for battle. >> i like the sound of that. all right. so all i get -- i'm going to do the weather before things get out of hand. autobots, roll. let's check the weather and show you what's going on. first of all, for our friends down in oklahoma, severe thunderstorm and flash flood warnings. we've got rainfall rates of over 2 inches in the last hour. a lot of lightning, hopefully it's going to stay. that's as bad as it's going to get. and we won't be looking at any more severe weather for that. for today, we have a risk of strong storms just to their west and south and oklahoma and texas. rain in the pacific northwest. risk of strong storms in the northeast later today all the way into the mid-atlantic states, rain in the pacific northwest. sunny and hot through the
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southwest tomorrow, we're going to see more rainmaking its way through the mid-atlantic states into the northeast and rain back through the plains. all right, so, mr. optimus, since i said your line, why don't youay mine. >> of >> good morning. we will see a few showers and thunderstorms. the best chance for showers will be in the afternoon. >> and that's your latest weather. by the way, savannah, in the break, optimus telling me very upset about the engagement plans
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if you know what i mean. >> really? i never knew he was a fan, al. thanks so much. well, now we'll take a turn and talk about the effort to find a drug that would boost a woman's sexual desire. they may be nearly here. >> don't let erectile dysfunction get in the way. >> for 15 years, the little blue pill has offered men help in the bedroom, but what about women? studies show between 1 and 4 years into a relationship, a woman's sexual interest begins to dive. and up to 15% of women between the ages of 20 and 60 years old suer from what's known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder defined as a lack of lust that creates emotional stress. in an excerpt from a new book, "what do women want" the "new york times" magazine highlights a new set of drugs that aim to increase sexual desire in women. let's turn to sex and relationship experts ian kerner and logan lepcot.
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i should mention, actually, these two new drugs we mentioned are created by a company called emotional brain. they're still in the trial period. could be years away before we have fda approval. let's get that out of the way. first of all, let's address the problem that this aims to correct which is that women in monogamous relationships have some sort of inordinate dropoff in sexual desire. do you find that on the front lines of this? >> i would say for couples as a whole men and women sexual desire does tend to wane as you go through a relationship. we did a survey of about 5,000 men and women on the topic of sexual boredom and relationship boredom and 50% were bored in their relationship. >> but we seem be surprised when it's men. when women are saying i'm bored, i want novelty, i want diversity and it calls into question this concept of monogamy. we might choose it, but is it natural? jury's still out . >> and boredom is not a medical
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issue. you don't take a pill to make your relationship less boring. >> that leads me to my next question. let's say a woman does have a drop you've in sexual desire that she finds to be so problematic she wants to address it with a pharmaceutical. can you even do that? isn't female sexuality kind of complicated? >> hugely complicated. and we are a pill-popping society, but women have been socialized and brow beaten for years, turn off your sexuality, don't be sexual, you're not equal to men in these areas. all that guilt and shame plays a role in our libido. >> what are the implications of trying to fix this with a drug rather than addressing deeper relationship issues. >> i think you're treating a symptom and not the cause. for me, your sexual well being is connected to your overall well being. if you don't feel desire in the bedroom, there could be something wrong with et, exercise, stress levels, your health. >> your partner. >> your relationship. >> last but not least, your relationship. but i will say, you know, particularly like for the millions of men and women who
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are on antidepressants and who have artificially high seratonen levels, perhaps having a pill to balance and lower it temporarily -- >> be careful, sex therapist, let's not get too graphic here, but some people call this viagra for women, thas a little bit of a misnomer. >> it works by increasing blood flow to the genitals, female sexuality is different. the lens through which we like to talk about sex is always b biological. >> what's interesting about the drugs being tested is it seeks to address desire, something more psychological. >> exactly, and the other thing to remember is even with viagra, doesn't address desire in men either. and there are millio of americans, in fact, in all of my work with couples, it is just as likely for a guy to be experiencing low desi as for his female partner. >> all right. thank you so much. we appreciate it.
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we're back at 8:40 with "today's" travel and something to consider when you book your get away. >> out with the new best and worst airlines list. mandy walker is the senior project editor. good morning. >> gd morning. >> it'll be a great morning for some airlines, not a good morning for others. what are the criteria? >> we look at a lot of things. we look at specifically how easy is it to check in? how clean are the cabins? how is the cabin crew service. what's the inflight entertainment like? how comfortable are the seats in many cases not so comfortable. >> you've got a newcomer on the list coming in with a bang. >> we do. >> tell us about that. >> virgin america, first time on the list coming in at the number one spot. people were really happy across the board. check-in was a breeze, they love
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the air flight entertainment, the screens on the back of t seat that provide free tv and movies too. one woman told me she flew from palm desert, california, and lax and spent the night just to fly. >> last year'sumber one fell to number two, that's southwest. is it because they did something wrong? or virgin america was that good? >> no, they got a high score. number two and jetblue, number three were very close. people were happy with them, as well. southwest, people have to love the fact you can check first and second bags for free, jetblue, you can check one bag for free, which is great. people love jetblue's seatback entertainment. >> people wished the inflight entertainment was a little bit better. >> yeah. >> hawaiian airlines, another fairly new airline and new to the list. new to our list, expanding the number of cities they serve like virgin america. and when you got to the middle of the pack, hawaiian airlines,
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frontier and delta, did well, but people were a little less happy with the seating comfort and lack of inflight entertainment. >> so we've done the good. i guess we have to do the ones that weren't beloved. >> the ones that were the bottom of the list. >> spirit airlines. it's interesting, their whole business model is to charge a much, much cheaper price. >> and they do, yeah. >> but there are a lot of what consumers consider hidden fees. >> being charged unexpectedly for a fee, translated to people being very unhappy. and it's true that spirit might charge 90% less on some routes and other airlines, but they have a lot of a la carte fees. >> we don't just pick on spirit. what were some of the airlines that finished toward the bottom of the pack? >> u.s. air, american and united. and when you get down to that level, people were a little less happwith how easy it was to check in and the cleanliness of the cabin and cabin crew service. >> a lot of times it seems people were liking newer planes. sometimes jetblue has a newer plane. >> and because they've been making so much money on fees, there are new planes coming online, especially a lot of the
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we're back at 8:45. as you probably know, we were all headedo yellowstone national park as part of our great american adventure when that tornado in oklahoma changed our plans. actor and author steve schirripa was going to join us there and made the trip ahead of time to find out how city folks cut it in the wilderness. legend has it there's a man who lives deep in the wilderness. >> i heard he fishes with his bare hands. >> i heard he was raised by wolves. >> a man so rugged, so extreme he's known around these parts simply as el oso, the bear.
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he rarely ventures into the civilized world, he's rarely been seen until now. >> hey. >> howdy. >> i'm steve. >> steve, i'm jenny. nice to meet you. >> so you going to teach me how to fly fish? >> i'm going to do it. you can't do it looking like that. hate to say. >> what's wrong with this? >> you ready to hit the water? >> let's go. >> this ain't coney island, i'll tell you that. all right. >> maybe not. >> this is terrible! >> no, no, no, it wasn't that bad. >> i'd rather go to the fish store. have you taught celebrities, other famous people? >> yeah. you're the biggest. >> you're the biggest, not the most famous, the biggest. >> their her waders, weren't they? >> they were not. >> tell the truth. >> come on, baby.
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>> you really can't find any better place to fly fish than montana, especially here. you have people coming all over the world to fish here. >> i taught oprah to fish, gayle to fish, kevin costner to fish. it's some of the hardest fishing you can get out here. >> oh, this is where the fish are. wonder why i didn't catch nothing earlier. >> there it is! >> oh, come on, baby! come on! we got one! >> you got it. all right. >> let me say hello to it first. >> this is a rainbow trout. well done. i'm so proud of you. >> whenever you comeo montana, there's one food everyone has to try. >> a little bit of new york right here in montana. not bad.
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can anyone say frozen? so i'm here with warren. let me ask you, how long have you had the ranch here? >> since 1979. >> what time do you wake up in the morning? >> 3:30 every morning. >> 3:30, you're like matt lauer. i assume one of these beautiful horses i going to get up on. this is a tall one. >> no, none of these horses here, steve. your horse is in the barn. >> special horse? >> yeah, special. >> let's go, pal. ♪ >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> here's your horse. >> get out of here. what's the name of this horse? >> wildfire. >> really? i'm not riding that. i'm not riding that, warren.
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>> he's really gentle, steve. >> yeah, i can see. >> no, no, no. >> that's the best you got, huh? >> that's the best i got. think you can handle it? >> let's do it. ♪ >> this is what i'm talking about festus, the mule here in montana for the "today" show. all right, easy baby. >> i wanted to see him on wildfire. >> i know. oh, my gosh, the clap, it's killing me. >> we want to thank steve for being such a great sport and, of course, we're sorry we never made it out to yellowstone, it would have been a lot of fun. >> i hope we get a chance to get back there. it's beautiful. we'll go head to head in a movie trivia challenge with our gang in orlando.
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back now at 8:52. al, natalie and willie is spending the morning at universal orlando resort. and guys, i guess you've been studying and you have a little challenge for us. >> we sure do, guys. so you know, of course, the rides here include everything from the hulk, spider-man, jurassic park, we thought we would test your movie trivia knowledge and put it to aittle game. >> and we've asked greg foster
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of universal orlando. he's the emcee to help us out. the first question goes to new york but we can steal, is that correct? >> correct. >> take it aw. >> a right, everybody. let's get started. this first question is gng to go to matt, savannah and tamron in new york. the wizarding world of harry potter is here at universal orlando resort. how many harry potter films were made in the franchise? >> five. >> i know. >> i'm going to go with there are seven. >> i know. can we steal? >> that's your answer? >> is that our final answer. >> sure, why not. >> if we stall, we have to answer fewer questions. >> okay. >> seven. >> that is incorrect. >> eight. >> eight is correct. >> split the last book. >> you're fired. both of you are fired. >> these ringers are terrible. >> second question, willie, natalie and al on the orlando
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team, which film was not directed by steven spielberg, a, jurassic park, b, jaws, c, the terminator, or d, "e.t.." >> "terminator." >> correct. >> easy. >> okay. >> rub it in a little. >> all right. now we're going back to new york. "despicable me 2" comes out later this summer, who voices the lead character? is it, a, robin williams, b, steve carrell, c, russell brandon, or d, jim carrey. >> we are going to go with -- >> i think it's -- >> really? >> i'm not sure. >> i'm going to go with steve carrell. i'm going with steve carrell. i'm taking an educated guess. >> that is correct! >> i never get it. new york is on the board. >> showed them a little mercy. >> there we go, coming back to
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orlando. now, the sixth film in the "fast and the furious" franchise opens this week. >> natalie just went to london and interviewed this entire cast. >> this is us. >> why don't you ask natalie what her middle name is? >> i can give you -- >> the good thing is it isn't all about universal movies we've got coming out. >> all right. now, this one for new york in the film "e.t." what is "e.t.'s" favorite candy. >> oh, my gosh. >> is it, a, m&ms, b, reese's pieces -- >> what's that? >> reese's pieces. >> that is correct. there it is. back to orlando, here we go. here we go. >> that's a lot. >> like two. >> all rit, guys. in the film "beetlejuice," what must be said three times to make him appear? >> oh --
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>> beetlejuice. >> correct, yeah. >> wow, that was tough. that was good. >> here we go. we're coming back. coming back to new york. last question. >> is that it? >> we're done. >> we're out of time. >> here we are the trophy. >> what? >> what was the final score. >> we want thank all the little people. >> we are the world's greatest superstars. >> who set this contest up? the same guy that rowed the canoe for natalie and savannah? >> we'll see you guys in a few minutes. first aheck of your local news and weather.
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. harford county officials arrested 15 people allegedly involved in a coast-to-coast drug operation. four of the suspects would drive large amounts of marijuana from california and settle them in baltimore and harford counties. back i
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>> hey, scooby, where are you? welcome to a special edition of "today" on thursday, may 23rd, 2013. we are live from universal studios resort in orlando, florida. just the latest stop on "today's" great american adventure. and what a welcome it is. >> that's right. oh. i love lucy. >> classic tunes. "i love lucy." >> all the superstars. >> they're all here. >> right here, by the way, outside the gates of universal studios, florida. and this is the studio brass band playing some of our favorite theme songs. some of the most iconic characters here in the park as you can see, we've got lots of "despicable me" minions and we have diego and dora the explorer. spongebob. >> they're all here. >> who's not here? >> woody woodpecker over there.
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