tv Today NBC June 5, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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no charges yet, looking into this guy. >> there's not a lot of substantial charges, it's basically names in a book. >> literally scribbled names in a book. >> how many clients who were visiting and who got what. so it remains to be seen what will be revealed. >> exactly. so this did get us thinking. it's not the first time we've heard a-rod and ryan braun as well. >> superstar heroes for kids. >> a-rod one time the biggest stars in baseball, barry bonds, go over to golf, tiger woods, lance armstrong. >> think of all the scandals in the sports world. >> if you look back through history, there are a lot of these all the way back to, you know, questions about babe ruth, about lou gherrig and different people, but i think our media was different then. >> right. >> our sports heroes were normal human beings, regular human beings with flaws just like the rest of us, but we didn't report everything. >> right. >> but we were talking about it
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more not so much in the sports context but as parents who have young kids who play little league or play, you know, a lot of the sports at some of our superhero athletes as we see them are exalted, put on a pedestal and we see they do, they show their flaws, and then you have to explain to your kids well what did they do, how did they do it? it's a good lesson for them but at the same time it makes it hard as a parent to say, well, you know, that guy not so great after all. >> i will say, though, as a guy who follows sports for every a-rod there's a derek jeept jet the nba there is a kevin durant. if you invest that much in an athlete for your kid, you should reevaluate a little bit. >> the other thing, teaching who our real heroes are, firefighters, teachers, police officers, our men and women in service uniforms. >> but sadly in this day and age kids when you ask them what do you want to do when you grow up?
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oh i want to be a big superstar either, or reality tv star or i want to play in a sports and be a professional athlete because they see that's where the fame is. they're not, sadly, they don't see enough attention given to the true heroes. >> we just got a statement actually from major league baseball, from the senior vp for public relations at mlb saying "since we're in the midst of an active investigation we cannot comment." this is a report that came -- >> so it's a non-comment about it. >> until we know more, no further commenting. our take two, the no kids allowed restaurant. do you like this idea? >> i think it's brilliant. >> a restaurant in alexandria, virginia, it says no one under 18 allowed inside the restaurant. >> at any time? >> at any time. before we think this guy is an anti-kid restaurant owners has three restaurants of his own and two other restaurants that are
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teeming with kids. he said this is an oasis if you want a quiet night with your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever it is, come here. >> i think it's wonderful. i think a lot of parents probably would like to have a place where they can go and a night to have a babysitter, leave the kids at home and go to a special place where you can have the romantic evening out, without the kids. >> i'm mixed about it. i get it, believe me. because we like going out for a nice evening without our children, but i see people with their kids there especially if it's early i think between 6:00 and 8:00, there are kids there. i don't get that upset. >> you have a choice. this guy's made a decision for this particular restaurant that it works for him. our take three, talking songs of the summer. >> no, i don't think we have to talk about it. no, i feel like you no he what? >> we should play it. >> i'd like to go back to something that happened yesterday. >> oh, okay. you can do that. >> we were talking about how we met our spouses and our weddings
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and we put this picture up of -- >> oh, no. >> take a look at this. this is natalie's wedding picture. it just didn't go well. take a listen. >> do we have natalie's wedding picture as long as we're throwing it up? >> we do, i think so. yep, my dad with the bad piece back then. >> whoa! >> wow! >> what the heck?! >> sorry, dad. >> by the way, nobody would have known that was a piece. >> no, he said to me after the wedding he was like, why did you let me take those pictures with that piece? he knows it was a bad piece. >> you know the good news is, father's day's coming up. what would you like for father's day, dad? hey, how about you throw me under the bus? >> so we had to go back there? >> we did. we figured equal time. mario morales is on the phone. >> good morning, what would you like to say to your daughter?
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>> good morning. i've been the, i've taken a lot of flack over the years for wearing that, we used to call it the rat rug, but i felt that period of my life was kind of long gone and forgotten, but now natalie resurrected it with that picture. >> sorry, dad. >> and before a national audience. you can imagine -- >> it's so much more useful now. >> i got a big chuckle out of it yesterday, it was a big surprise and to have my face folded in like that, that was a big surprise. >> thanks, "today" show is what he's saying. >> no, thanks to natalie. did you get much reaction from family and friends, mr. morales? >> quite a bit. i got a lot of phone calls right after that. >> now mr. morales -- >> sorry. >> natalie comes she pleaded with you in the weeks before the wedding to lose what she calls the bad rug. did you ever consider not wearing the rug to the wedding? >> i did. however, i got used to it and i
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did not want to make a drastic change to my appearance just before the wedding so it was soon after the wedding, though, that i took it off permanently. >> i'll tell you what predated the rug was a very bad combover, so. >> wow! you just doubled down. >> we gave you a chance to make amends. >> for years we've been telling my dad you look so much better, just be free of it. >> and he looks great in the picture we see here. >> see? >> i didn't believe you. >> we love you. >> i love you, too. hopefully we won't have to talk about that rat rug ever again. >> it's all over now, mr. morales. >> it had its own private memorial service. >> thanks for calling in, and happy father's day. >> thank you very much. >> dad i'll call you later. >> okay, bye, natalie. love you. >> did you really have a ceremony where you buried it in the backyard?
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>> willard scott used to have one like that. >> he'd keep it in a drawer. >> it's alive! >> do you feel better having worked through that with your dad? >> thanks for that therapy session. >> that's what we're here for. so much for the songs of the summer, we'll talk about that another time. you got me all ready for that. in our headline this is morning, a shakeup at the white house today, national security adviser tom donilon is stepping down and being replaced by u.n. ambassador susan rice. rice came under fire last year for her comments soon after the attack that killed four americans in benghazi, libya. white house official says the president will name former aide samantha power to be the new u.n. ambassador. a new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll suggests scandals at the irs, the justice department and benghazi are taking a toll on the obama administration. while the president's job approval rating stands at 48%, virtually unchanged from two months ago, the controversies over benghazi, justice department media subpoenas and
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the irs have raised doubts about the administration among more than half of those surveyed. far fewer though consider the president personally responsible for the scandals. an online petition with more than 330,000 signatures is urging the government to change a policy and save a young girl's life. 10-year-old sarah murnaghan in pennsylvania needs a lung transplant. current rules created by doctors don't allow children under the age of 12 to receive adult lungs and very few children's lungs are available for transplant. lawmakers are urging health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius to intervene. sebelius calls the case agonizing but so far is refusing to change the rules. forecasters expect more rain today around west alton, missouri, the last thing people there, following a levee break along the mississippi river. voluntary evacuations are in place in west alton, a town not far from st. louis, about 15% of
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the people in the town he left. the fire chief says everybody else is ready to go at a moment's notice. and one man in new zealand hasn't let a few years slow him down. bob edwards is 105 years old and has driven for 88 years since he was 17 and keeps going and going, during all that time, he's only gotten one speeding ticket, though, asked how it feels to be new zealand's oldest driver, bob edwards says simply, "i don't think i'm old." he has a young attitude then. it is 11 minutes after the hour. you're up to date. top that. >> notice how the streets were empty. everybody says old bob edwards is coming down, clear a pass. >> only one speeding ticket. >> god bless him, that's fantastic. >> how about a look at the weather? >> we have more rain to talk about in the midwest, severe storms for another day and then hopefully it's over from arizona all the way to arkansas, possibility of tornadoes, heavy rain as you can see we've got heavy showers and thunderstorms making their way toward the
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mississippi river valley. then as we make our way down into florida, and the gulf, we've got a 50% chance of the investigation area and the 91-l becoming a tropical entity. you can already see heavy rain moving into central and southern florida, over the next 72 hours we're talking about anywhere from 3 to 5 inches of rain locally, could be eight inches but if you think it's just florida, guess again as we move on into friday evening, this rain spreads along the eastern seaboard with another two to four inches of rain by saturday morning. that's what's going on in the country. here's what's happening >> good morning. it will be another beautiful and states today. we expect a high temperature in the upper 70's and low
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>> and that's your latest weather. up next, is chasing after success -- she's still upset about the dad thing. these two women familiar think they know what will. arianna and mika will share with they know what will. arianna and mika will share with [ jen garner ] imagine a makeup that can make your skin grow more beautiful every time you wear it. neutrogena® healthy sn liquid makeup. 98% of women saw improvement in their skin's natural texture, tone or clarity. it's healthier for your skin than wearing no makeup at all. does your makeup do that? healthy skin liquid makeup. from ntrogena® cosmetics. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's
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plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. then dessert! three courses just $12.95. go olive garden. john. loo. latrine. head. bog. the oval office. the porcelain throne. the toilet. no matter what you call it, clorox has been trusted to keep it clean for nearly 100 years. to support strong bones. and the brand most recommended by... my doctor. my gynecologist. my pharmacist. citracal. citracal. [ female announcer ] you trust your doctor. doctors trust citracal. how ya doin'? mmm. [ birds chirping ] okay bye bye! [ female announcer ] help satisfy your hunger longer with special k protein bars and shakes. willpower. what will you gain when you lose?
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on "today's woman" they say eat healthy, exercise, get eight hours of sleep, try to make a little time for yourself. oh, yeah, right. who has time for that? >> finding the right balance isn't easy but what one woman said in a college graduation struck a chord with women across the country. she said don't buy society's definition of success because it's not working for everyone. >> that woman, arianna huffington, president and editor-in-chief of ""the huffington post"" and mika brzezinski, author of "obsessed,
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food addiction and my own." >> long time no see. >> it's been minutes. we crossed 49th street and here we are together again. the commencement address at smith college got a lot of people talking about this third metric you introduced for women. explain it a little bit. >> we've all bought into this male definition of success which is money and power and it's not working for men. it's not working for women. it's not working for anyone, so what we are suggesting and mika and i are co-hosting a conference tomorrow on the subject called the third metric, is a third metric, which is adding a sense of well-being, our ability to wonder at life, to be wise, to give back, all of these things that really make life worthwhile, how can we make them part of our everyday life instead of thinking that life is some kind of straight line towards the top, no matter the price you pay in terms of your health and your ability to
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connect with others. >> so you don't necessarily disagree with sheryl sandberg sentiment of leaning in, it's in a sense making more of a balance? >> well it's leaning in and also leaning back. leaning back in order to recharge, renew ourselves and then really be back at work in a way that is not burnt out, exhausted, the way you walk around the workplace today, and it's really sad to see people driving themselves into the ground. >> let me ask you, you both working mothers, you all have had to sacrifice a lot in your lives i imagine to get where you are. do you feel that women nowadays can really have it all? are we sold a bill of goods that really doesn't exist? >> i think we're half way there and i think this conversation we're having is going to be the hardest hurdle in some ways, because i think we've been scrambling for a couple of generations to get where we are and we still have a lot of work to do, including especially in the amount of money that we're paid compared to our male
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counterparts. having said that, that mad scramble i think a lot of women when they have children and jobs and they're trying to balance their marriages, their lives, they lose themselves in the process, and so you've gotten so far but you lose your own sense of health, well-being, your relationships with people and that's got to be possible, too. >> and for men, it's an equal opportunity. >> men are going to be huge beneficiaries of the third metric and incidentally we have a panel at our conference, men who get it, and it includes the ceo of aetna, the third largest health insurance in america, who is actually offering benefits of meditation and yoga to his 34,000 employees. actually men are beginning to realize it's better for the workplace and the bottom line if employees are not so stressed. >> we asked the question do men get it. we changed the title to do men get it because some don't as we saw lately in the news with the governor of mississippi. but anyhow.
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that's a whole nother topic. >> do you think employers get it? not all offer nap time like you offer at "the huffington post". >> absolutely. that's why we are starting this conversation, which beyond the conference tomorrow will continue on "the huffington post," we set a dedicated section called the third metric, this is the huffington magazine where we talk about the conference because we don't have all the answers but we believe it's an important conversation for men and women to engage in and women pay a higher price, all the data shows that there is 40% greater threat of heart disease among women in stressful jobs because we internalize stress more. >> our producers are stressing right now because we're just about out of time. arianna and mika, thank you so much. >> thanks, ladies. >> conference is tomorrow. also coming up two handsome guys make it one hot summer. we're going to -- sorry al and
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willie, you've been trumped. you've been trumped by those guys. we'll have more on that but first these messages. ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula ula ula al revés, ♪ hago que lo imposible sea posible, ♪ ♪ que todo lo increíble se vuelva visible, ♪ ♪ tres, dos, hola, ula... ♪ aplaudan en la luna. ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula ula ula al revés, ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula ula ula al revés, ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, ♪ ula ula, hagamos ula ula, which is why he's investing in his heart health by eating kellogg's raisin bran®. good morning dad. hi, sweetie. [ male announcer ] here's another eye opener. not only is kellogg's raisin bran® heart healthy it's a delicious source of potassium. ♪ mom make you eat that? i happen to like raisins.
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now that's what i'm talkin' about. [ male announcer ] invest in your heart health with kellogg's raisin bran®. to find out we filled this car with trash, attached a febreze car vent clip, and let in real people. it smells good. like clean laundry. i could sit in this all day. [ laughs ] febreze keeps your car fresh. breathe happy. febreze keeps your car fresh. you see the "mini" ion my chest? funny, yes? no. i'm huge. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested.
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outdoor toys and backyard grownups entertained with fun outdoor toys and backyard gadgmom... yes honey? dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. [ dad ] jan? ♪ [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] celebrate dad, get him this black & decker max gyro screwdriver for just $29 at lowe's.
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some business news the company behind words with friends is slashing 520 jobs in an effort to cut costs. employees were pretty mad when they heard the news but on the bright side they had an easy time coming up with four-letter words. >> boom! that hurts. >> he's a big words with friends guy. i don't because once i get started it takes me down that path. >> you get locked in. >> what path is that? >> then i'm like this all day. it's bad enough that -- >> it becomes dark, natalie's in the basement, kids haven't eaten in two days.
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don't bother mommy, i've got a triple word. >> i'm telling you it's a dark path. >> i didn't know there was a gateway. meanwhile you are? >> i'm willie. >> and you are? >> al. >> and i'm natalie. coming up -- >> we're going to show you how to have a good time. >> did that segue work? >> what do we have here, we'll turn your backyard into a bona fide party zone this summer, we have the margaritas flowing, we have a bar that lights up at night. >> the whole entire crew is partaking already. >> popular segment. and then we're going to learn how to get out a little aggression with boxing champ and the daughter of the world's greatest, that's right, mohammad ali's daughter, layla ali, to show us a few moves. >> show us an upper cut. she's not giving that away just yet. we'll get warmed up first. we have two of the hot guys of
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the summer, "graceland" we'll catch up with them as well. for all of you "transformer" fans enter today's ride of your life sweepstakes to join us june 20th for the opening of transformers, the ride, 3-d. you can win a trip for four including transformers the ride 3-d grand opening event. go to to enter, make sure you check out all the official rules. >> very cool. how about a check of the weather? >> first of all for today we have a risk of strong storms making their way from arizona all the way on into arkansas, a lot of wet weather along the eastern seaboard, moving into the eastern seaboard later today. sunshine out west and for tomorrow a lot of rain from texas up into the great lakes, the mid-atlantic states, moving into the northeast and rain down through florida, plenty of sunshine and mild weather for the eastern make that the western third of the country, sunny and sizzling in southern california. that's what's going on in the
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country. n >> good morning. it will be a beautiful day today. a mixture of sun and clouds. high temperatures into the low 80's >> and that's your latest weather. now to a bunch of sexy guys, living in one malibu beach house. got your attention? that's the backdrove of "graceland" where things are really heating up. >> this show revolves around undercover federal agents living and working together, but then when a rookie joins the group, things get complicated.
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"graceland" the stars, good morning to both of you guys. this is a little different for you. everybody's really good looking but this is a little darker. >> yes, a little rougher around the edges than their standard fare but usa is trying to widen their viewership and hopefully "graceland" will help with that. >> aaron you play the newby to the fbi, he moves into the house with experienced agents. >> mike is right out of fbi academy and got all the book smarts in the world but kind of gets thrown into the deep end of the pool and they say learn how to swim, very fast. >> this is a different departure for you guys, because you both have cut your acting chops on broadway. you're musical guys. >> this guy nor so than me. i don't sing as well as aaron does, just in the shower but yeah we've both been on broadway. >> i always like to say working on the stage is like ballet for a dancer, i think. it's kind of you know if you have that base training you can kind of do anything.
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that's kind of my belief. >> including an fbi agent. >> including an fbi agent. >> you do move into this house together and i understand that this comes from real life example, right, there is a house that the fbi agents, the dea agents work together? >> it was a house they seized in 1991 from the head of a mexican cartel, and that's kind of the nod to the name of the show "graceland" this guy was obsessed with elvis so it was decorated about graceland so that's what the government called it, it was an operational safehouse for fbi, dea and customs agents, we're basing that on the concept of the show. >> since it's california you get to do a little surfing. you kind of got beat up. >> i sure got beat up out there. >> our co-star manny montana is a real surfer, he can really cut waves but -- and aaron is good. i would say i'm the worst of the group. i actually tossed my lunch while we were shooting that scene, as a matter of fact. wonderful memories.
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>> it's a good thing they cut away from that before you tossed your lunch. >> glad we could bring that up. i guess we want to test your skills here. we have a couple of -- >> you're expert marksmen. >> the expert marksman on the show is this guy right here. but -- >> so let's see a nerf gun not the real thing. >> i believe you got to -- >> we've got -- >> what's the range, that's the question. >> we'll find out. >> oh! >> they shoot pretty far. >> it's all about how you hold it. >> oh that was close. >> where's layla ali when you need her? get over here. >> none of you have kids clearly, right? >> you have to aim up. >> oh gary's gone. >> there we go! >> all right, that he's enough, man, that's enough.
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>> you have to point and shoot. >> you guys keep spinning that suddenly -- >> it's like you're getting very sleepy. >> yes, of course. >> you are in a nice warm place right now. >> thank you, guys, catch the premiere of the series "graceland" tomorrow night at 10:00, 9:00 central, usa network. >> the ratings are going to be huge. >> suddenly i'm a chicken! as they say it must be 5:00 somewhere, right? willie is cozying up upstairs to the bar checking out some of the coolest outdoor items that you must have at your house this summer. better save one of those for me, willie. we'll have that right after this. lucky charms?!
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diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. on "today's home" cool items for your summer fun from light up toys to an illuminated bar, you're never going to want to leave the backyard. >> here is george hurst host of "george hurst lifestyle" on pbs. >> nice to see you again. >> we're ready to throw a party. we want to keep the kids occupied while we're partying. >> we can unplug and take the indoors outdoors and a great way to kick it off is not with a couple bubbles but a bazillion bubbles from fubbles. >> this is just kind of a
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battery operated deal that keeps blowing bubbles. >> no need to watch over time. you can keep it going. >> keeps them distracted. >> but for more active fun game you have to put the glasses on, they're already prelit. >> so am i but that's another story. >> this is from nerf, from fir fox as you throw the football you can play in the dark and be able to get your passes. >> you got a bar going and -- >> why is a ring coming out green? >> you see it as red and you see it as green. >> go play action. >> come on. >> all right! >> unbelievable! >> what are you doing with the -- >> i like that, very nice. >> the action play and you want to chill a little bit, now you got a 360 ipod from ihome.
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>> speakers. >> blue tooth. >> you can play in that in blue tooth and take your party wherever. you don't have to be plugged in. >> you always worry about the speakers by the pool. with these -- >> this is great. i'll let you be the splash master there. and what's nice about this is the fun doesn't stop when you're out at the pool. i call this the -- ♪ good morning willie, al george dance-a-thon. >> this is in the water. you get it under water and it comes up. >> wow, still working. >> it's still working. >> if you were in the water you'd hear the music. >> maybe don't drown the speakers. >> it doesn't go all the way down in the water. i guess it's water resistant. >> come on al, work with us. >> ooh it's a little wet now. it's back! yeah!
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>> if you put the glasses on and go long, it will still be wet. >> mark, catch! >> oh! >> still working. >> here we have the grill going outdoors, everybody party has a grill, this is the kenmore elite, and what's really hot this year is colors and this is brand new, just came out only a week ago, vermilion red and the best part about this, al, feel how heavy that is. >> that's not heavy at all. >> oh, he's been doing weights. lift that. lift that. >> that's a heavy cover? >> that's heavy. >> okay, that's heavyduty, man. >> let's get to the bar. >> we have cast iron grates, good heat and the steak is made with char crest rub and also you can do any type. >> it's a heavy lid. >> it's a heavy lid. here we have two items from dorchill which keep it chilled in a chamber that does not make
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the bar wet. >> nice. >> what's nice is this is all new this year, it's from bella luna, which they make a very romantic patio set. you can set the outdoor lighting of your patio, your bar, this is a three-piece bar set here from agio and great way to bring it over to a blender. >> willie, lift up this bar. this is heavy, gosh, unbelievable! george hurst, thank you so much. >> thanks, george. >> thank you, guys. coming up next let's go a few rounds in the ring with layla ali. >> seems like a bad idea for you. we're going to try it anyway, right after this. i'll be right back. booop. hi, listen i think you could do better. oh no, he's a nice guy. no i'm talking about your yogurt. see dannon oikos is so rich and thick and smooth. so smooth. in a national taste test dannon oikos fat free strawberry flavor beat chobani 2 to 1.
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mmmm. stamos? look babe - i'm doing better. she means the yogurt. join us babe. try it for yourself. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. ♪ dannon don't blame him. instead, rely on frontline plus. it kills adult fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, destroying future generations. ask your vet about frontline plus. destroying future generations. go ! destroying future generations. olive garden's three course
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italian dinner, just $12.95. five new choices like new grilled chicken toscano with parmesan risotto. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. then dessert! three courses just $12.95. go olive garden. so i can't afford to have germy surfaces. but a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth. it's durable. and it's 3 times cleaner. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to new bounty duratowel. it's durable. and it's 3 times cleaner. have led to an increase intands clinical depression. drug and alcohol abuse is up. and those dealing with grief don't have access to the professional help they need. when you see these issues, do you want to walk away or step up?
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with a degree in the field of counseling or psychology from capella university, you'll have the knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others. let's get started at you'd love to come home to. a home that's more joyful. more playful. more you. we listened. that's why we are introducing our all new home store. we have all the brands you know and exciting new brands you'll want to know. many on sale now, at 20-40% off. you add the kids, the pets, the craziness, the laughter, and the love. ♪ which is why he's investing in his heart health by eating kellogg's raisin bran®. good morning dad. hi, sweetie. [ male announcer ] here's another eye opener. not only is kellogg's raisin bran® heart healthy it's a delicious source of potassium.
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♪ mom make you eat that? i happen to like raisins. now that's what i'm talkin' about. [ male announcer ] invest in your heart health with kellogg's raisin bran®. all right, we are working out with four-time world boxing champ turned fitness and wellness expert layla ali. >> i will lawill show us signature moves you can do at home to get into shape for summer. great to see you. >> thank you, happy to be here. >> before we start swinging things around at each other. >> you got to watch her. i got her back. >> two on one? i want to ask about what you're doing in times square the get old campaign. >> get old is about getting americans to think about what they can do today to make sure they get old the way they want to in a healthy way, taking control of their health. i'm 35, proud to be, proud of my accomplishments as an athlete and mom. i want to be around so i'm
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always trying to be healthy and trying to encourage other people to do the same so they can come out to times squareoday, claim their age and their face can end up on a big billboard with their sign., there's more information there. >> now i'm going to get beat. >> we don't need to talk, just get working. >> everyone can do, i did do a boxing workout video available on amazon. you got to know how to jab, that's one of the mother important functions in boxing. put your weight on your front foot. >> you're not doing too good. you're doing great. pink gloves, watch it now. you're my students, listen, listen, listen, we're not done. listen to the teacher, right hand, right, natalie once again you look great. we don't know about willie. all right, okay now we're going to do the jab right and then dip underpunch, jab, right, dip,
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dip, come on, dip, baby, dip. what's up with your coordination, willie? gosh! >> whoa! >> put on the gloves, layla, let's go, let's go! >> all right, let's go, one, two, dip, we need some music for willie. let's do something else. let's do something else. he can handle this. >> keep talking moralemorales. >> come on, willie, you can do this, jump in place. people can do this at home, it's all about getting your cardioup. >> whoa, they want to get in it, too. >> we have some targets for you. >> oh but i love these ladies. >> we love them, too. >> you're the target. >> you want to punch on natalie? that is not nice. >> wow! what's going on here with you, pal? >> no! >> that's not nice.
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>> they're right there. i can't do that. >> that is pathetic! >> how do you get in? are you kidding? oh no indeed. >> so unconventional. >> this is a good idea. we'll tell what you we have, ready? ♪ >> i'm sorry, that's why we had to do things now, right. >> she always said i had a big booty but that's a good thing now. >> you don't have to buy this. >> i didn't buy this. >> the squat, it's all real. >> you're not going to beat us up? >> no. >> what's the point? we just wanted to get you in here. you look pretty. >> get in line, everybody wants him. >> i made the mistake of talking
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willie is going to be starring in a new movie. >> go ahead. what is the title? >> you came up with the title. come on, own it. >> "white men can't box." >> and "white men can't dance." >> thank you, layla. great to see you, layla. say hello to your dad for us, too. >> kathie lee and hoda making an appearance. the big show to spruce up your house from the inside to the outside. house from the inside to the outside.[ kool-aid man ] people don't realize it,
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but, my life isn't all cherry and sweetness. oh yeah? i put my pants on one leg at a time except my pants are 22 different flavors. i've got grape pants, i've got watermelon pants. and i wear them in my head. it takes work to look this good. but other than that, i'm completely normal. well, relatively normal. [ male announcer ] try any of our 22 delicious flavors. smile. it's kool-aid. and now introducing new kool-aid liquid.
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michael: yo! elly: this is crazy! the man is engaged, calm down. [laughter] michael: i don't mind. keep me covered. that's right. [applause] kelly: june 5, 2013. this good-looking audience today. what has gotten into y'all? [laughter] michael: somebody might have some coffee this morning. kelly: i know. maybe -- did you have a good night last night? michael: yeah, i did. you know what i did yesterday? kelly: tell me. michael: i went to see a
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