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tv   11 News at 6  NBC  August 7, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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ta least make it appear. congressman elijah cummings addresses reporters after his park avenue -- park avenue office was closed due to a suspicious substance. according to cummings, two staff notice arrived in priority mail stickers on the glass and what look like plastic explosives around the door connected with wire. he said one of the staff members was a former marine and became very concerned about what she saw. >> the action of a dumb woman on my staff who is a former marine, having been familiar with these kinds of things, immediately she did the very responsible thing and alerted the appropriate authority so we could figure out exactly what was going on.
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take a baltimore fires has met team began to show up and run the test on the substance. to cut their running a battery of tests to see what the and -- to see what the substance is. -- >> they're running a battery of tests to see what the substance is. >> i think it is a new normal in america. we have to deal with suspicious things happening. the new normal all around the world. >> onlookers did not seem to surprised with the situation as the buildings were evacuated. in the end, he said he was told by officials as substance was not hazardous or explosive but still bother considering he gets one threat a week. >> sadly, it has become our normal to expect negative things to happen. not moreank god it was than what it was, but again, these things do happen. take up the fbi finished
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gathering evidence at 2:30 this afternoon and let staffers back in. the congressman told me he is glad not only that staffers did not get hurt but folks that work and live in this area. live in mount vernon tonight. wbal-tv 11 news. >> police have arrested a northeast baltimore man on child pornography charges. he faces two counts of possessing and eight counts of distributing child pornography. he was taken into custody today after the task force learned he was sharing the material over file sharing network. investigators recovered a computer in his home and found pictures depicting children in various sexual activity. if convicted, he faces 90 years in prison. with a becoming an ever growing problem, tonight we ask why
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aren't smart phone smarter about theft protection. jane miller is live in the news room with more. take your smart phone is capable of many tasks, something you cannot do, tell it not to work it stolen. it is the way nearly everyone stays in touch, and thieves know it. over the past week several doggers have been assaulted and robbed of their phones in the northern part of the city. during the morning hours by a group of these tubes tthieves. >> we have seen a number of cell phones that's taking place. baltimore police could provide no number of cell phones best's, but some cities report cell phones are involved in 50-60 percent of street robberies. they are a valuable item for illegal resale.
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>> they do have a street value, depending on the type of phone and will resell -- resell them anywhere from 50-$100. last year the sec started a database so that the stolen funds could be reported. they say this does cut down on the ability of thieves to wipe clean the memory for someone else to use. policing manufacturers could do more to include anti-the technology. kill switches their call. as it stands, they know how to unlock the memory so it can be used by someone else. >> a lot of them are from marble to attack and being wiped clean. there is a process by which the people can wipe them clean and it becomes their phone. >> how often does someone say and what my own? >> every day. we do not a lot phones here. >> samsung and apple told us
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today they are adding heightened anti-theft features to the latest generation of smart phones. a coalition of police, prosecutors and advocates want them to do a hardware fix that they cannot work around. reporting live from the news room, wbal-tv 11 news. >> police and baltimore county continue their search for a man who attacked a doctor in broad daylight. it happened that year the state park. investigators confirmed she was attacked and was able to escape by biting her kidnapper. the man tried to strangle her and pull her into a wooded area. it is not clear whether he was after her iphone or other electronic device. crews spent hours fighting the fire in the 2800 block of eastern avenue. officials say a crack found in the building and other concerns forced them to fight the fire
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from outside. >> any time the building has been renovated, it poses an additional threat. authorities say the building housed to apartments and people were inside of the time, but everyone was able to make it out safely. >> the port ofaltimore is setting major export and cargo records. over the past fiscal yr they can build more than 9.5 million tons of general cargo, sitting -- setting a record number. last month alone, nearly 23,000 left the port of baltimore for worldwide destinations. foras also a big draw construction machinery, containers and forest products. >> what would you do with $425 million? >> thinking about it is almost the best part. the power of jackpot swelling to
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near record proportions. >> one of the biggest jackpots in power balball history. that story coming up. sweep orioles trying to the padres. that story coming up in sports. >> most of this off to the west. we will track these when we come
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spend $425d you million? i guess it when you want to.
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certainly on the mind of people buying tickets to night. take of the drawing is tonight. $425 million is up for grabs -- up for grabs. the third largest ever. >> everyone has a dream and investment. >> players lined up early in east baltimore to get their tickets and the chance of the back -- jackpot. >> i normally buy one ticket or two. i have favorite numbers. today i boughseven tickets. >> i usually do the picked four numbers. because the jackpot is so big, that is why i am finding it today. >> all the extra people buying tickets is what drove is so high in the first place. 300 million for saturday night's
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drawing but no one had the number. >> 300 million was the tipping point. people really started buying the tickets. 300 million to four under 25 million in just a few days. if no one hits this time, we cannot a imagine how high it will get. >> the lump-sum payout is $162 million. everyone who buys a ticket is hoping to get it big -- hit it big. .> i would not take it all i will give it to people, different people that i know that would need money. >> i am hoping to win some money and try to pay off the bills that i own. these playersope someone in baltimore will bring home the jackpot but say they're happy for whoever wins. >> i'd like to see five or six families win. tonightave until 9:59
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to get the tickets. you can catch your right here on 11 news at 11:00. now, your 11 insta-weather-plus forecast. >> today it turned out about 10 degrees warmer than yesterday. we hit 81 degrees at b.w.i. marshall. unofficial number so far. average is 86 for this time of year. we went below that. the day started out below normal. that is what we normally pect when it is so humid. the night smiled and days humid. nights miles and days humid. this is picking up in intensity. i would not be surprised if we see lightning strikes out of
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this. right now moving to the north and east. on this eye it will definitely bring heavy downpours. we are only seeing light sprinkles pop up west of baltimore. and another shower here. still some activity getting going here, especially as the clouds have broken apart a little bit. and most of the showers and storms have been well off to our west. most of these are not producing anything severe of this point. heavy rain will be a problem. maybe wind gusts around 40 miles per hour. these have already produce damaging winds. now this move towards state college. this could produce damaging have ahat is why we
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severe thunderstorm warning across western pennsylvania as the long of storms continues to move east. a scattered nature. a quick downpour, but you wind gusts. some of this will be showers and will not see the lightning. mostly cloudy tonight. a few isolated showers. los 70's downtown and upper 60's in the suburbs. another warm and humid start to the day tomorrow. more clouds throughout the day tomorrow. bring gusty could winds and heavy downpours as well. now looking for any widespread severe weather at this point. highs tomorrow a few degrees warmer in the mid-'80s. getting the warmth and humidity out of the low pressure system. the high is off the coast. cold front making its way into the mid-atlantic this weekend.
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at least in southern maryland we may have showers around for the weekend. we watch as the front could bring showers back in place monday and tuesday. whether or not the orioles are in the race, this largely depends on the current west coast in early trip. five games against teams with losing records. perhaps a change in the wind last night. they got to see this, a home run to left field for adam jones.
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baseball today. j j harding havinfun in the sun. home run to left. the orioles had the lead. 3-0 orioles in this game until the sixth inning. good bounce back. the bounce back starts. i am sure some of him had called him worse names after this home run tied. in the eight the tie was broken. so was gravity perhaps. update iss moonshot no. 41. 106 rbis. 7-3 in the' lead ninth. the ravens pre-season starts
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tomorrow night. you know we're heading towards the end of summer. the final major of the golf season starts tomorrow. oak hill country club for the pga championship. tiger woods and roy mcelroy still looking for a major. he won last year the bridgestone invitational. check out the majors. one effect of the masters. 41st at the u.s. open and did that make the cut at the british. the good news is he is the defending champion at the pga. >> i feel good. i've been watching a few videos of some of my best weeks i have played. just taking a few things away from that. wild february a -- a while, february 3 to be exact.
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take offset for just after 7:30. you can watch it right here. predestined coverage starts at 7:00. raymond james stadium. stay with us. a back -- back with a look at the forecast.
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fun center or public nuisance? concerns of business owners near a popular teenager hang out. police have arrested this man on child pornography charges. the evidence uncovered by investigators. plus, power ball
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be rainingr may not depending on where you are. >> a few showers out there. we will deal with them through the night. maybe we clear out by the weekend, but no guarantee of that just yet. >> thank you for joining us, everyone. >> nbc2 lightly -- nightly news is next.
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test. on the broadcast tonight, chilling effect for the u.s. and russia after president obama abruptly cancels a summit with vladimir putin. tonight, what's behind the decision and what it means.
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moving on. a house of horrors where three women were held captive is torn down as one of the victims rises up to start a new life. pool safety. tonight the issue getting urgent new attention over those drain covers at the bottom of the pool. and must see tv. more than 30 cameras capturing their every moves in one of the best new shows in black and white. "nightly news" begins now. good evening. i'm lester holt sitting in tonight for brian. while the cold war has been over for more than 20 years the growing chill of late between washington and moscow became downright frosty today as president obama called off his planned meeting with russia's vladimir putin. a response to russia's grant of asylum to accused american spy
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edward snowden, but the split goes deeper than that the and highlights the failure of the two most powerful men in the world to everything from syria to arms control. the president is speaking publically for the first time about the terror warnings from the arabian peninsula. chief white house correspondent chuck todd starts us off with more on that. chuck. >> reporter: good evening, lester. both sides insist the cold war isn't back, but it is clear the relationship with the united states and russia is getting pretty icy. today's announcement that the president will not meet vladimir putin in moscow next month represents a new low in the combative back and forth over issues from trade to adoptions on syria and iran which has been building for two months. it was russia's refusal to extradite nsa leaker edward snowden even after appeals including a personal phone call from president obama to putin that was the last straw. the president showed frustration
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last night on "the tonight show". >> there have been times when they slip back into cold war thinking and a cold war mentality. what i consistently say to them and what i say to president putin is that's the past. >> reporter: mr. obama will still attend the g-20 economic summit taking place in st. petersburg, russia. he's snubbing putin in moscow. >> the relationship with russia doesn't have to get worse. it has to get better. we may be at a low point now. it's the time to find ways to make it better. >> reporter: to say the two have no personal chemistry is an understatement. from the first time they met outside moscow after mr. obama took office to their june meeting in northern ireland when putin awkwardly rebuffed the president's attempt to lighten the mood. >> the president wants to relax me with his statement. >> reporter: the leaders couldn't be more different. put ds in flamboyant, the president buttoned down and measured. >> putin


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