tv Teen Kids News NBC August 10, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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playing a game -- you enter a different world. >> bobby was lucky. he was able to take control of his game controllers. over time, he was able to step back. setting limits helped. >> he knew that at 9:00 or whatever, that the computer would be shutting down, so he should finish up a game or not start a new one. >> he also started seeing his friends more and getting into other activities. his advice to kids who love gaming a little too much? >> try regulating it, not playing as much, doing other things. >> the key is moderation, self-control, and maintaining balance, doing the other things in your life -- physical activity, hanging out with friends, spending time with your family -- that are very important to a healthy and balanced life. >> if you think you might have a problem, see if you can stop playing for a week. if you can't, you might need some professional help, so definitely speak to your parents. video games are supposed to be fun, but life's supposed to be
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>> you may have seen the movie "school of rock." well, emily got a chance to visit a summer camp that gives teens a taste of what it's really like to be part of a rock band. here's her report. >> this is a home for kids that live and breathe music. >> welcome to school of rock in montclair, new jersey. >> check, check, check. >> as mark explains, this is more than just a summer camp. >> well, the school of rock is a year-round performance-based music program for kids age 7 through 18. >> campers are divided into bands based on instrument, age, and ability. >> first day off the bat, we teach them, you're gonna be with this band for a week. know each others' names, make friends, and communicate it, not just musically, but just with
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each other as friends. and then at the end of the week when they perform, it's clear that they've become friends and they're a band -- they're a real band. >> each band has a professional musician assigned as their coach and instructor. >> owen, you're gonna be going with phil in the red room today. >> what do you like better -- playing in a band or just playing on your own? >> playing with a band 'cause it's really just a lot more fun. >> so, let's go check out these bands. >> i play guitar, bass, and vocals. >> how long have you been playing drums? >> i've been playing for a few years, and i love it. >> i've been singing since the day i could speak. >> i play drums, guitar, bass, and i sing, so a little bit of everything. >> a little bit of everything. what do you like the best? >> probably drums 'cause it's, like, fun to hit things. [ laughs ] >> it's awesome. they have a blast. so, they get to just rock all day long and hang out and -- it's awesome. >> what's your favorite band?
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>> ac/dc. >> animal collective. >> nirvana. >> either the beatles or u2. >> green day. >> radiohead. >> i like led zeppelin. >> just think -- this could be somebody's "stairway to heaven." [ indistinct singing ] one of the things that was so interesting here at the school of rock is how shy teens can suddenly transform into flamboyant performers. [ rock music plays ] [ indistinct singing ] >> obviously, teaching music is the real purpose, but that's just a vehicle to help people with self-confidence and get onstage and be empowered. >> and when they're plugged into their amplifiers... [ rock music plays ] ...empowered is what it's all about. >> it's cool to have the experience, just to know that you can be your own person while you're onstage and just do whatever you want and have fun with it. >> where do you see yourself musically after school of rock?
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>> well, i think i see myself trying to make a couple new bands. >> well, i'm actually going to berklee college of music next year. >> next year, actually, in school, i'm starting up jazz band. >> maybe starting up a rock band with a few of my friends. >> i'm probably still gonna practice singing and all my other instruments and try to become the best musician that i can be. [ indistinct singing ] >> by now, i was feeling my own inner rocker. so first, i tried lead guitar... so like here? >> yeah, right there. [ notes play ] >> ...then, the bass... is it like there? >> yeah. >> okay. two. >> ...and the drums. the truth is, i'm a violin player. but, like they say, when in rome, do as the romans do. [ indistinct singing ] >> it's as if they're the ones that originally created the record.
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>> you don't need to be a scientist to know that we need to find new ways to reduce our dependency on oil. first of all, the world will run out of oil one day. and secondly, when you burn oil or a product made from oil, it causes pollution. so finding alternatives to oil is a high priority for companies that care about the environment. carina visited ford to see how they're using chemistry to build greener cars. >> so, here we are in the biomaterials research lab at ford research and innovation center.
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this is where we've been looking at making our materials for vehicles more environmentally friendly, both by looking at putting in bio-based materials, things that we can grow, as well as recycled content. we started doing this about 10ears ago, and one of the first areas we looked at was including soybean oil into the seating foams that we put into our cars. >> america is the world's leading producer of soybeans. by using oil from soybeans to make materials like the foam ellen showed me, ford now uses far less petroleum. and soybeans cause less pollution. >> so, one of the other areas we're working on is over here. and do you know what this is? >> it's wheat, right? >> exactly. so we're looking at wheat, as well as other natural fibers, to put into our hard-molded plastics in place of things like fiberglass and minerals to make our plastics stronger. so, in addition to putting natural materials to improve the environmental friendliness, it also makes our plastics lighter in weight. >> why is lightweight so
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important? >> well, the lighter the weight of our vehicles, the better the fuel economy. >> and that means cars can go further on less gas. >> this is a fiber called "kenaf." that can either be combined with plastic and molded into a part like this or something that's more like this. and this one, i think, is one of the more interesting ones we've been looking at recently. do you know what that is? >> money? >> yep, this is shredded money. so, every year, the u.s. government retires money that's too old to remain in circulation, and they shred it. and most of that goes to landfill. but instead, we're looking at whether or not we can combine it with plastics to make something more environmentally friendly, to keep something out of the landfill, as well. so here's the regular old material, and here's the same part made with the shredded money. it has really good properties, and it has a really interesting look, i think. and here we just have a couple of things that we're looking at, in terms of recycling. this is a fiber that goes into things like carpeting and fabrics for vehicles, but it's
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made from 100% recycled water bottles. >> [ chuckling ] wow! >> so we're starting to look at things that we can have a closed loop, that we can just keep reusing and reusing again to keep things from going into the landfill. and this one is kind of interesting -- is recycled denim. >> oh, whoa. >> so, jean manufacturers, when they have scraps and things like that, they're too small to make into clothing anymore, and so it goes into a material called "shoddy," like this, that deadens the sound and the vibrations inside our vehicles. >> wow. so, do you have any other environmentally friendly ideas on the drawing board? >> of course. we always do, but we can't necessarily tell you everything. >> [ laughs ] >> a lot of the things we're working on in the lab have actually made it to our vehicles. so, let me show them to you in our all-new 2013 ford escape. >> okay. >> why don't you get in? >> sounds good. >> so, what do you think? >> it feels like a normal car. >> yeah, so let's go through some of the materials that we talked about in the lab. the seat cushions -- how do they feel? >> soft. good. >> that, as well as the seat
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back, the headrest, and the headliner up here all contain soybean oil in the foam. >> wow. >> yeah, there's approximately 32,251 beans per vehicle. >> oh, that's crazy. >> yep. we also have, in the arm-rest bolster here, the kenaf fiber material. that's the natural fiber that i showed you in the lab before. and the use of these reduces our petroleum usage by over 300,000 pounds every year. >> that's amazing. >> we also have recycled content. so, right here in the sound-deadening materials under the dash is recycled denim. >> so, like my jeans? >> exactly. so there's approximately two pairs of jeans' worth of material inside there. >> wow. >> and then, finally, the carpeting down here, that's made out of recycled water bottles. >> that is so cool. i didn't even tell the difference. ford says it's committed to reduce, reuse, and recycle. clearly, that's driving some pretty amazing green innovations. for "tkn," i'm carina.
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annie wang is a co-founder of the popular website she started the site when she was a student at harvard. hi, annie. >> hi. >> i understand you were recently invited to test out some new intel inspired devices. how cool was that? >> it was really awesome. i got to try out some of the latest intel inspired touch-capable 2-in-1 ultrabooks and tablets. >> when you say "2 in 1," what does that mean? >> sure, so intel has actually inspired a whole new category of ultrabooks and tablets that give you more than one way of using them. so for example, this lenovo yoga is currently in tent mode, and you'll see that here. so like say you want to just relax and watch a movie, you can do that in this mode, but it will also convert into a number of different modes -- for example, back into clam-shell mode like a traditional laptop, and then you can have all the productivity you need. >> what a great idea! but is it a budget breaker?
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>> so these devices are actually great news for a high-school back-to-school budget. being able to wring every last cent of that student budget by getting just one device that serves two needs and is also powerful and stylish to boot is a game changer. >> okay, say we plan on doing a lot of travelling. what do you recommend? >> so, i actually travel quite a bit myself, and my pick is this asus vivotab. it's light, powerful and super portable. just fits right into my carry-on purse. so if i want to, you know, work on a spread sheet or change the layout of a webpage in flight, i can do that in this mode. or if i want to, you know, relax and just watch a movie, i can actually detach the screen right here and just go into this mode right here. >> i like that a lot. all right, what's next? >> yeah, so this is the asus taichi. at first, it just looks like a slim and stylish laptop. but wait.
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actually, it packs a second screen here on the lid and that will allow you to just collaborate in class, you know, even work on something on this screen while your roommate checks her e-mail on the other. >> impressive. i see that you have one more device. what's special about that one? >> yeah, so this dell xps actually has a screen that flips, so if you actually just go like this, it will flip, and then you can use it in tablet mode very easily. >> and what do these devices cost? >> these devices are available at retail stores like best buy starting at $500 and up through $1,000-plus. >> great information, annie. thanks for joining us. >> thank you so much for having me. >> if you've been unable to decide between a laptop and a tablet, a 2-in-1 device may be the perfect answer. for more information, you can check out 't the only
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>> "north by northwest" is a classic movie thriller by alfred hitchcock. it's famous for the climactic chase scene that takes place on top of mount rushmore. actually, the actors never got to shoot on the famous presidential heads, but nicole did. grab your hiking boots. she's about to take us on a climb very few people get to make. >> every year, millions of visitors come from around the world to mount rushmore in south dakota to gaze in wonder, take pictures... [ camera shutter clicking ] ...and walk the trail. >> make sure you bring water to drink. we do have some high temperatures here. good comfortable shoes 'cause you'll do a lot of walking. our presidential trail is 1/2 mile long, 400 stairs, so you're gonna get some exercise. >> ranger ed had a treat in store for us. we had special permission to leave the presidential trail and climb the mountain. >> at first, there was only gonna be three presidents up
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there. as you look at the mountain, the order was jefferson, washington, and lincoln. believe it or not, jefferson was on the other side of washington for 18 months. after 18 months of work, they just got done doing his nose, they're working on his mouth, and they ran into some bad rock. they couldn't carve it. there was only one thing to do. borglum had his men go up there, drill behind jefferson, pack it full of dynamite, and they blew jefferson right off the mountain. now, the order changed. they moved jefferson where he is today, that moved lincoln down further where he is, and now they had room to add theodore roosevelt. >> how much further? >> oh, not too far. got to go up the stairs, and we're gonna be there. >> how'd the workers get up here? >> well, believe it or not, it was a climb of over 760 stairs every morning from down by the studio, walk right up this way. and then in 1936, the upgraded train-car system would carry five people. so you got a free ride up in the morning, walked down at night. are you ready? >> all right, let's go.
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>> okay. >> on the way up, we passed the remains of an old pipeline. it once carried the compressed air that powered the jackhammers used to carve the faces. i'll show you something really cool that most people never get to see. this was gonna be the hall of records. gutzon borglum was mount rushmore's ingenious sculptor. he wanted a place where america's most important documents would be safely stored for future generations. although the hall of records was never completed, part of borglum's dream did come true. >> so, in 1998, park services were developing mount rushmore. they took a titanium vault with a teakwood box inside, put 16 porcelain panels down in the vault describing the history of the united states, why those four presidents were chosen, one about borglum. so, right behind us is the repository, and below that is the titanium vault and the teakwood box. >> then it was back to climbing.
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but at least here, there was a stairway -- a very long stairway. still, it beat climbing over rocks and tree stumps. maybe i spoke too soon. >> almost there. >> i can do it. finally, i could see we were getting to the top. yeah! so, was the long climb worth it? you bet. far below, you can see the building where the sculptor had his studio. some of the motorized winches used to lower the workers over the side are still here. the view from up here is absolutely amazing. being this close, you really get a better appreciation for just how massive these faces are. the presidents seem to be keeping watchful guard over our land of democracy. this is definitely an experience i'll never forget.
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their service and their sacrifice are real. and too often when they come home, their struggle continues. for over sixty years, paralyzed veterans of america has been fighting to help our injured veterans get the benefits they need, and have earned. paralyzed veterans of america was there for me when i came home. join me in supporting our paralyzed veterans. visit p-v-a dot org. plse sir, i want some more. more? well he did say please... please and thank you. pass it on.
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>> "teen kids news" is next, and here's what we've got. >> we'll give you some great ideas for starting your own service project. >> i'll show you how ford is using virtual reality to prevent real accidents. >> why does a state put a beehive on its flag? i'll have the buzz. >> they're called going dark, but these teen rockers are sending a positive message. >> so, join us now for this week's "teen kids news." >> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm mwanzaa. >> and i'm siena. we'll start with our top story. >> if you think you're too young to do something about the problems our world faces, get ready to think again. diyu reports there's an organization that's ready to
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help you help others. >> planting a community garden in the middle of a city... delivering food to a soup kitchen... or cleaning up a street near a school in faraway india... programs like these have two important things in common. they're run by people like you and me, and they got a helping hand from youth service america, y.s.a. >> y.s.a. is a global nonprofit that reaches out to young people around the world, now in over 106 countries, and asks them to change the world. >> i help the senior citizens locally through a charity. >> i'm an adviser for prep for prep on saturdays, which is this program that helps low-income kids get into independent schools. >> i'm going to nicaragua to build for a community. >> i definitely want to start a charity for people and children in the world who don't have everything that we have, but i don't really know how to. >> we often report on service
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projects kids are doing. that's how we found out about y.s.a. it helps great ideas find support and funding. according to y.s.a., there are four ways kids can change the world. >> the first is through awareness, where they raise awareness about big issues. second thing is service, where they intervene. they provide their time and their talents to a big problem. third is through advocacy, where they might do letters to the editors, have their voices heard. and then finally, philanthropy, 'cause sometimes it just takes money to solve a problem. >> which means that even simple fundraising events like car washes and bake sales can play a big role. >> [ singing indistinctly ] >> speaking of big roles, miley cyrus is a longtime y.s.a. supporter. she's a partner in a program called "get ur good on." >> every little thing we do has the potential to make our world a better place to live. >> miley has lots of ideas to help you get started. you can find them through the link on our "tkn" website. >> join now to share ideas a
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