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tv   Today  NBC  August 13, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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reconsidering how it tries drug cases. eric holder says mandatory minimum sentences are not reducing crimes and leading to overcrowding of prisons. holder is telling federal prosecutors not to report the number of drugs in an arrest. if your teenage son didn't get a summer job this year, he is not alone. these guys already had a trick shot video that got a million hits last time around. this time it's 11 guys the basketball, roller skates and one speedo and once again they pull it all off to perfection. i wonder how much practice they had to pull that off. >> how many takes. >> 7:04 now guys. you're up to date. >> that's a worth while summer. that makes your whole summer there. >> they've gone viral. >> mr. roker is here with tornado warnings. >> that's right. breaking weather right now into the mid-atlantic states. you can see we've got severe
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weather going on currently so we have a tornado warning until 7:15 for parts of delaware, maryland and pennsylvania as this storm system races to the north and east. we are looking at violent weather out of this. we have a risk of strong storms today. pretty much this morning on into the early afternoon from wilmington up into philadelphia and the northeast. isolated tornadoes. winds and torrential downpours. could be up to 4 inches of rain through new england. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. peanut butter and jelly is a staple in our house for school lunches. look at walmart's price. wow. that's great. now all your back to school meals are covered. thank you. ok, ready? what?! that's the walmartow price guarantee backed by ad match. save time and money getting your kids ready for school. bring in receipts from your local stores and see for yourself. save more this back to school packing kid friendly and tasty lunches with low prices on velveeta slices, kool-aid jammers 10 packs and jif creamy peanut butter. with our low price guarantee backed by ad match. >> good morning.
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off and on thunderstorms will be with us through the middle of the afternoon. a flood watch is in effect until 3:00 this afternoon. and that's your latest weather, matt. thank you very much. 16-year-old hannah anderson is back in california this morning following her kidnapping ordeal and we're learning more about the shoot out that lead to her freedom. joe friar is in san diego. good morning to you. >> good morning. hannah anderson is staying out of the public eye after returning to the san diego area but her father came here to the
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sheriff's department to thank the many people that helped rescue her and to ask for time to grieve. >> reporter: when hannah anderson finally emerged from the idaho wilderness after a daring rescue she was confronted with devastating news that her mother and brother had been killed. investigators told her it was at the hands of the man that kidnapped her, james dimaggio. >> during the law enforcement interviews with hannah it became very clear to us that she is a victim in every sense of the word. from the time of her abduction to her recovery she was under extreme extreme duress. >> reporter: she said when they moved to rescue her she was standing close to dimaggio and he was armed and shoot first. >> one shot was fired and possibly a second and he was killed shortly there after. >> at that moment the manhunt came to an end but for 16-year-old hannah the recovery
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was just beginning. >> as for my daughter, the healing process will be slow. she has been through a tremendous to risk ordeal. >> reporter: investigators say hannah did not witness or even know about the fire at dimaggio's southern california home where authorities found the bodies of tina and ethan anderson. the sheriff isn't releasing any details about what happened during hannah's abduction. after a week of praying for hannah, breath anderson proudly wears his shirt that reads hannah, strong. >> i'm very proud of her and i love her very much. she is surrounded by the love of her family, friends, and community. give us our time to heal and grieve. >> reporter: the sheriff says there are still two on going investigations in this case. the first here in san diego into the abduction and murders. the second an fbi investigation into saturday's shooting in idaho. savannah. all right. joe in san diego for us this morning. thank you. emergency crews in florida are keeping a close eye on the
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sinkhole that swallowed part of a resort near disneyworld. kerry sanders is on the story for us again this morning. kerry, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. why did this happen? geologists are looking at rainfall levels. so far this year there's been about 29 and three quarter inches of rain. not a high amount but it may have been enough to set this sinkhole in motion. this morning, geologists say this sinkhole, already the length of a basketball court maybe growing even bigger. >> the open sinkhole may open other sinkholes. >> triggers? >> yes, it's possible. >> reporter: as the earth opened up and fwan to sry the building full of sleeping tourist there were panicked calls to 911. >> we're trying to get them evacuated and they're saying it's collapsing so fast they don't know if they can get to all the rooms. >> reporter: maggie on vacation with a friend and three toddlers escaped the collapsing building
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with little time to spare. >> it was a near death experience. >> reporter: maggie and everyone else in the building were able to escape because a security guard went running through the halls ordering more than 100 people out. >> there were people sleeping. i had to wake themp and tell them to get out of the building. >> reporter: the resort manager says the security guard is a hero. >> had he not acted on his own as he was trained to do we were confident there could have been many people trapped in those buildings. >> reporter: why do sinkholes happen? sandy soil sits on top of clay and that's supported by a layer of limestone. when there's too much rain or a drought it can create a void. as the void gets bigger the earth on top becomes too heavy and the limestone gives way. but for those that lived through it, all the scientific explanations won't make the experience any less terrifying. >> it's hours later. hold your handout there, are you calm? you're still shaking. >> yeah. >> it was that traumatic. >> yeah.
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>> reporter: the tourists who scrambled to safety left behind their clothes, their laptop computers, just about everything. they're working with the red cross now to at least get some of those things together while they try to piece together their continued vacations at disney. matt. kerry sanders, thank you very much. attorneys for james whitey bulger are already working on an appeal for the notorious boston mob boss. he was found guilty on racketeering, conspiracy and a string of murders. kristen is at the federal courthouse in boston. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. the newspaper says it all. guilty 31 times. at one point james whitey bulger was on the fbi's most wanted list and now he'll likely spend the rest of his life in prison. as the verdict was read, the courtroom was packed. whitey bulger, the 83-year-old prone to expletive raced exchanges with witnesses stood
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quitely. based on a litany of crimes including involvement in 11 murders, extortion and drug trafficking. >> this day of reconning for bulger has been a long time in coming. >> reporter: his father michael was murdered in 1982 when he was just a boy. he left his job to spend every day at the trial. >> he wanted to be known like a big popular gangster and he's going down as the biggest rat in history and that's what we wanted to do and that was my goal is to make sure he's not going to get glorified. >> reporter: through the trial bulger was portrayed as an fbi informant. in the law of the streets, some say it's considered worst than murder. it was bulger that jack a nicholson's character was based on in the departed. he skipped town and wasn't captured until he was found in 2011 living in santa monica california with fake ids,
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weapons and $800,000. most of it hidden in the walls. >> mr. bulger knew as soon as he was arrested that he was going to die behind the walls of a prison. it's never been about jim bulger being set free. >> reporter: the defense said bulger was pleased he wasn't found guilty in all of the murders. like in the case of steven davis's 26-year-old sister deborah. they had no findings. >> it's not over for me. it's not over until i'm in the ground. a lot of you know that of me. i have fight beyond a reasonable doubt, you know? >> reporter: now many of the families are seeking some type of addrerestitution. many angry that he committed some of these crimes while apparently working for the fbi. the defense plans to appeal. the sentencing is set for mid-november. >> thank you very much. steven davis' sister deborah was a victim of the gang and he is a
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member of the defense team. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> a lot of guilty verdicts on racketeering and conspiracy charges, 11 of 19 murders but in the case of your sister deborah the jury came back with no finding. not guilty. not innocent. no finding. how did you react? >> my stomach turned. i was beside myself. i didn't know what to think. there was enough evidence brought to the juror's attention. we had testimonies i thought were strong. some were a little weak and edgy. but most of them were strong. >> he'll spend the rest of his life in prison. that seems all but certain. does that give you satisfaction. you said there's no closure but are you satisfied that that will be his fate? >> not at all because i failed
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with him going to prison the rest of his life that i had no part in that. my sister's murder is still in limbo there and -- >> you wanted that conviction to be a part of that sentence. mr. brennan, already you're talking about appeal. 31 of 32 counts when you're talking about racketeering, conspiracy, 11 of the 19 murders he was convicted. what are you appealing? >> at the beginning of this case we saw transparency. it was important to us to bring to the jury but also to the public the truth about what happened, the corruption within the fbi and the department of justice for decades. james bulger was a leading organized crime figure in boston for over 20 years and he wasn't even charged with a misdemeanor. this was a unique opportunity for james bulger to testify and tell the jury and tell the public about everything that happened. >> he had a choice. he could have testified. he chose not to testify, why?
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>> the reason why james bulger didn't testify is because of the ruls of the court andhe order of the court limited his testimony. to get up and give a confession served no purpose. he wanted to tell not only the truth but the whole truth. he would have been one of the most compelling testimonies many this case. >> are you disappointed he didn't take the stand? >> in a lot of ways but my theory on that is if he was to testify in aymaner of politicians and fbi agents and local law officials, he was pulling his brother billy bulger into that whirlpool of sludge of the dirt and corruption of the politics of boston, you know? >> there's a chance you may get to speak in november during his sentencing. what would you like to say if you get a chance to come face to face with james whitey bulger? >> i would like him to look at me when i speak to him.
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i'd like to -- the answers i'm looking for to questions that haven't been asked yet and i don't know where i'm going to go with it. i'm disappointed. not even thinking that far ahead. i'm still disappointed of the evidence that was brought. this guy had three cemeteries of his own within a half mile of each other and his condo was so many yards away from this where he could oversee all of these cemeteries. my sister wasn't planted there by some act of god. she was put there by him and his cohorts, you know. >> we'll be following this obviously november 13th, i think is the sentencing. we'll follow any appeals process. mr. brennan, thank you very much. mr. davis, thanks for your time this morning as well. >> thank you. >> let's go to savannah. >> all right, matt, we'll take a
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turn now to politics. a candid new interview with anthony weiner. the former congressman is speaking out about his campaign, his scandal and his wife. stephanie gosk has details on that. good morning. >> good morning. this is a long online interview. nearly 40 minutes. buzz feed scheduled it before recent revelations about weiner sent his poll numbers tumbling. but he showed up anyway. anthony weiner isn't backing down repeating his impassioned plea to new york city voters. >> if you want to have someone who fights for you, someone who believes in the things that you believe in. someone that won't back down and shows the toughness and the independence, the job is mayor. >> he did spend time talking about issues but the conversation alway cycled back to the scandal that forced weiner to re-sign fm congress. sometimes with a bit of stark, the kind that has made the website so popular. >> why not use snap chat.
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>> as in the app that limits access and deletes photos. >> i don't have a good answer for that. >> a new poll says 75% of new york city voters now have a negative opinion of weiner. >> the coverage has been brutal but remember when i got in the race the numbers weren't that much better, you know, 55, 56, whatever it was. >> weiner topped the polls soon after entering the race but after admitting to more inappropriate texts and phone calls even after leaving congress, now he sits in fourth place. >> are you on the way back up or have we bottomed out? >> i hope so. i would hope so. >> once again weiner was asked about the effect the scandal has had on his wife, houma abdean. a long time aid to hilary clinton. >> do you know what the role in hilary's 2016 campaign is going to be. >> i do. >> what will it be? >> i'm not telling you. >> do you feel like you have damaged her place in that world. >> i feel that what i have done has hurt her, yeah.
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it's hurt her professional. it's hurt her personality. >> weiner says the sexting has stopped and wouldn't go into sidney leathers. the woman that went public about her exchange with the former congressman. >> do you think you got set up? >> i did this to me. i made these mistakes. >> weiner has less than a month to convince new york voters that his past mistakes won't effect his ability to be mayor of new york. the vote is scheduled for september 10th. >> we'll stay on it, thank you. >> racial discrimination claims against paula deen have been thrown out by a judge. will that help her repair her imagine? >> and the hyper loop unveiled. one big idea to have you traveling in tube from place to place at 700 miles per hour. >> i'm on board with that. >> i'm ready to go. but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> 45 minutes.
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coming up, jimmy fallon on being a first time dad and where he got the name winnie. >> and are you a serial returner? after your local news. unrise with a taste of vanilla biscotti. with folgers gourmet selections, you can enjoy a variety of roasts and flavors from one perfectly brewed k-cup or a freshly brewed carafe. ♪ turn any day gourmet with folgers gourmet selections. ♪ ♪ ♪ that hasn't been cleared yet. ♪ uh! i just want to celebrate [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win.
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who are you? i still got it. [ male announcer ] invest in your heart health with kellogg's raisin bran® cereals. [ male announcer ] invest in your heart health say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. ♪ ♪ >> this is wbal tv 11 news today in baltimore. i am stanrning thread
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stovall. brake lights along the j.f.x. last night after an overturned truck had traffic at a standstill for hours. 7:00 monday evening, a truck traveling northbound overturned near the exit of west northern parkway. the truck spilled its contents and we are told that traffic to not start moving again until 11:00 last night. we are told that one person did suffer non-life-threatening injuries. no word on what caused the crash. here is sarah caldwell and traffic pulse 11. >> we are recovering from severe weather the past from harford to settle county. my view of 95 from the tidings cecilal ridge at the county line. in move that quickly. we are not dealing with much in the way of problems in 95. 196 and medical hall wrote, accident with a down the pole. no reports of opens at this
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moment on class key highway. accident southbound on 295 and 97. tracking speeds on average of 19 miles per hour heading southbound. live picture of 295 at 175, traffic coming towards us. we have one at 140 and pikesville. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> we still have showers and thunderstorms to start the day. there are no severe weather reports. that could change this morning. we have showers from baltimore city into the western suburbs. the heaviest rain from right now is incessant county near -- in cecil county near elkton. heavy rain on harford county year the pennsylvania line. off and on showers and thunderstorms. some of them will be heavy. it is a muggy day. high temperatures between 81 a
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i mean, we love her. she is a little angel. she is so cute and so fun. a friend of mine said that little girls especially like unlock something in a dad's heart where it just makes you more, you're like oh my gosh. >> the joys of a new father.
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that's late night host jimmy fallon opening up to savannah about the new girl in his life. we think he's talking about his new daughter. we hope so. winnie is her name. such a cute picture of him walking out of his apartment. like he almost had her like a football and a briefcase in the other hand. multitasking there. >> three weeks he has got this down. it's such a cute interview. we all love jimmy fallon, i guarantee you will love him more after you see this. >> that's a good recommendation there. perfect. >> also ahead, something that's an object of cut fascination. it was deemed so offensive he vowed it would never see the light of day. 41 years later the video has been unearthed. we'll tell you about that story. >> and a new reason to have a big family along with a surprising connection between the number of siblings you have and your chances of getting a divorce as an adult. >> interesting new research. we'll begin this half hour with a major ruling and the loss of
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it cost paula deen much of her business empire. mara has the details on that. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. that lawsuit was filed by a former manager at a georgia restaurant. it claimed sexual harassment and discrimination but now a federal judge has thrown out the part involving alleged racial bias. >> i'm getting a fresher flavor. >> reporter: paula deen's public persona maybe in tatters but she scored a legal victory. the judge's 20-page ruling is said the former employee is not an agrieved party when it comes to racial discrimination at uncle bubba's seafood and oyster house. she has no standing to sue over alleged racial bias aimed at african americans. >> if you allowed everybody to sue under the statute then the flood gates of the entire court system would open up. >> reporter: a lawyer for jackson had no comment on the ruling but dean released a statement saying she is
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confident that those that truly know how she lives her life know that she believes in equal opportunity, kindness and fairness for everyone. but the damage nut court of public opinion has been extreme. in a deposition stemming from a lawsuit she admitted to using racial slurs in the past. that read to online apologies. >> i beg for your forgiveness. >> reporter: and to an emotional today show interview with matt. >> i'll ask it to you bluntly, are you a racist. >> no. no i'm not. if there's anyone out there that has never said something that they wish they could take back, if you you are out there, please pick up that stone and throw it so far at my head that it kills me. >> reporter: after that appearance qvc cut ties with deen joining other business partners including the food network, target and home depot.
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despite the fall out, she still has plenty of supporters. >> it has nothing to do with it. people say things all the time they don't mean. >> she's a nice lady. they need to leave her alone and let her go about her business. >> reporter: she and her brother are asking to have the rest of the lawsuit, the part involving sexual harassment resolved as well. the judge will make that ruling at a later date. let's bring in star jones and donny. let's start with the legal question. to be clear here, let's see what the ruling is and what it is not. it does not say that paula deen never said those allegedly offensive things. >> no not at all. what it does is it simply says that the person who is bringing one portion of the lawsuit was not in a position to bring that portion. she still has the lawsuit for sexual harassment and abuse that is pending right now. >> without -- thiss an old
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principle in the law. you yourself have to be injured to bring a lawsuit. >> it's one of the first things we learn in law school is if you're not the injured party you don't have a right to just go out and sue people. this person was not the subject of the racial discrimination and the court said that's not what you can come in here and argue. >> this plaintiff is a white woman who said she witnessed racial discrimination. >> donny, to you, does this help paula deen nonetheless. if people only read the headline and it says judge throws out racial discrimination claims it has to help her. >> doesn't help her because corporations will know the truth. the reality is it didn't come out and say she didn't say these things or wasn't planning a plantation themed party. so the horrific racial things that she did still stand. unfortunately, for her, corporations will never be able to stand next to her because even if five years go by and they say you're a good person and made a stupid mistake then
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they get thousands of letters from consumers, i'm not shopping at your store anymore. that's unfortunate. i want to ask star a question, there's nothing that mel gibson could ever say to me that would make it okay for the antijewish slurs. i'm just wondering as a black woman, if you're the one on the receiving end of the offense, can you forgive. >> i quote maya angelo, they'll forget what you said and what you did but never sforget how i makes you feel. it makes you feel like less than a person. >> are you shocked that paula deen and her lawyers didn't settle this case? if they had this deposition may never have been taken and never have come out. >> settle it for a little money. >> when you're a corporation, you always settle. >> great to get your perspective. we'll see you in a bit for the professionals. but first a check of the weather
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with al. >> savannah, thank you so much. we have a lot of fun folks here. it's jack's first time in the big apple. you're jack. >> all right jack. you have a whole passe here. you don't even have to talk. say your name. >> jack arnold. >> jack arnold ladies and gentlemen. he's here until thursday. let's show you what we've got for today. oh, man, if you are down in the southeast, you've got a rough week ahead. especially toward the latter part of the week. the soil is already saturated. we may be look between now and saturday another 5 to 8 independence from lands of rain from new orleans to wilmington into northern florida, the panhandle. it could be a real mess. we have wet weather from new england into the southeast and back into the plains. the sunshine is abounding toward the southwest and four corners. another gorgeous day. 81 in seattle.
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it's been warmer in seattle the last 17 days than inn >> good morning. often on thunderstorms through this afternoon. it will be a muggy and that's your latest weather. matt and savannah. >> all right, al, thank you. coming up next, could this be the future of travel? the hyperloop promising to whisk travellers 400 miles in minutes. >> and chris generkris jenner ft
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we're back now at 7:42 with something that has a lot of people talking. a billionaire inventor's idea to dramatically change the way we travel. it's super fast a super cheap. tom costello has more on this. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. he says he was up all night working up the final design details. he calls his system hyperloop. it would have us speeding through hollow tubes at the speed of sound. no turbulence, no weather delays, no air traffic control. if the idea had come from anyone else the world would hardly notice but this idea of transporting passengers at 700 miles per hour through tubes just like the jetsons comes from well, ironman. yeah, that ironman on the rich inventor that hollywood based the tony stark character on.
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he is the billionaire who helped found paypal, then founded telsa motors which turned heads with it's battery powered cars and then founded space x becoming the first commercial company to dockith a space station. now he is talking super fast travel called hyperloop. >> how would you like something that can never crash. it is immune to weather. >> on monday he released the details. 57 pages of artist renditions of his plans to whisk travelers 400 miles from l.a. to san francisco in 30 minutes. the tubes would sit along interstate 5. a quite ride without turbulence. >> it's a cross between a concord, a air hockey table. a colorado company has been working for years on a similar plan, only bigger, going 4,000 miles per hour.
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>> new york to beijing china for instance in about two hours. >> but while it may be possible, how likely is it? >> it costs billions of dollar to build, how much are consumers going to have to pay to ride this thing. >> he insists a ride would cost less than an airplane ticket and has proven skeptics wrong in in the past. >> the ironman costume sits on floor. >> so you're ironman. >> maybe in certain respects. >> the question whether perloop will fly. well, i have been reminded many times over the last 24 hours that of course the ironman comic character predates him himself. true, but hollywood used him as their character. he says he doesn't have time to actually build hyperloop. he is busy running space x and tesla but he hopes others will make his dream a reality. >> tom on this story, thanks very much. first of all, would you try it.
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if they could build it, would you try it. >> of course. >> not the first time. >> i was going to say, i'm going to ride after you. >> it's like a fast mri is the only concern. >> are you clostrophobic. >> yeah. but we were talking about how long it took them to build the thing to kennedy airport. >> yeah. >> i like how he said he would build it but he doesn't have time. he thought of the idea in one night. >> he spent one night thinking this thing up. >> the travel fare would be about as much as a plane ride. so it would be worth it. >> wouldn't you want to be the guy going bacard the whole way up. is your favorite store tracking you if you return things over and over again? >> coming up next, the lost film of jerry lewis. footage the hollywood icon never wanted you to see pops up online. we'll tell you about it right after this [ music playing ] hi. i'm jan. welcome to toyota's once-a-year clearance event.
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can i still get a great deal? yes, there's lots to choose from, but you'd better hurry. they're going fast. [ gasping ] what is that?! this is ted. he's gonna help pick the color. blue. we have that. can you take him? [ gasps ] ah, we have that, too. aah! [ male announcer ] save big on a great selection at toyota's nationwide clearance event right now, get 0% apr financing on a 2013 camry. hurry. the amazing deals won't last long. did you find him? still looking. [ male announcer ] toyota. let's go places. ♪ mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™.
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served on a toasted pretzel roll, our new bacon avocado chicken sandwich comes with fries and your choice of soup or salad. it's just one of chili's delicious lunch break combos. more life happens here. thto fight chronic. osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk.
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severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. body washes with paper that reacts like skin. if others can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] dove is different. its breakthrough formula changes everything. dove. this is care. its breakthrough formula changes everything. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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you see the "mini" ion my chest? funny, yes? no. there's nothing mini about me. i'm huge. ahem. any hoo. even my wrapper has a wrapper. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. quality like this... (muffled):...doesn't come everyday. well technically it does because i'm in the grocery but... ooh, how you doin'? rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. we're back at 7:50. jerry lewis once ruled the box office but there's one project in his past he did not want you to see and now clips from that film have found their way to youtube. >> ladies and gentlemen. >> reporter: he's the director and star. a down on his heels clown that
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stumbles through lame routines. the narrative having him lead children to nazi gas chamber before joining them himself. it's from a documentary and now seen with fascination the world over. >> i should be 80 years old. >> reporter: but he said the film was so bad he would never allow it to be released. >> i was embarrassed. i was ashamed of the work and i was grateful that i had the power to contain it all and never let anybody see it. as a comic actor, lewis was hollywood's biggest star for two decades. from the 17 buddy movies he made with dean martin to his solo star turn in movies like the nutty professor. put lewis was always a polarizing pig yofigure. but french critics seeing him as
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one of the transformative talents in american film. it was toob a holocaust theme. it has added to it's cut status. >> it stayed hidden from public view and that increased interest in it. >> he took over other projects in king of comedy he is a talk show star stalked by a relentless film. but this was his biggest split, the ugly split from dean martin to the add ending as his run as a telethon host. he invested so much in this project. >> he thought he was doing something good and potentially great. >> when it wasn't, he locked it away. >> it will never be seen, sorry. >> except for seven minutes now debuting online. for today, nbc news los angeles. sure when he said it will never be seen he didn't invision
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the youtube generation and the proliferation of social media and things like that. >> he was the guy that created the idea of a video play back at movies so that a director could see. >> the dailies. >> so he was innovator. >> well, we'll one-on-one with with jimmy fallon about his baby girl winnie and what made her arrival all the more special. >> then it's a georgia teen being kept off the transplant list because of his run ins with the law. we'll talk about a controversial story after these messages, your local news and weather. hershey's s'mores.
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pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. when the chocolate is hershey's life is delicious. new kellogg's raisin bran® with omega 3 from flax seeds. plus plump juicy raisins. flax seed? who are you?
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i still got it. [ male announcer ] invest in your heart health with kellogg's raisin bran® cereals. i don't miss out... you sat out most of our game yesterday! asthma doesn't affect my job... you were out sick last week. my asthma doesn't bother my family... you coughed all through our date night! i hardly use my rescue inhaleat all. what did you say? how about - every day? coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. we're donating more of our food to shelters in need, keeping more dogs happy, healthy, and ready to go home. ♪ pedigree. see what good food can do. ♪ we replaced people with a machine.r, what?
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customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. here is sarah caldwell. >> let's bring you up-to-date with what to expect. we have wet roads in the often
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region. -- elton region as far as traffic elsewhere, j.f.x., we are recovering from an earlier accident. 20 eight st, the accident itself has been cleared. in churchville, accident with a down all. -- down the pole. delay-wise, looking at them heavily from the northeast side. 19 minutes to get you through that stretch towards the 83 plus . 17 minutes on the west side outer loop. russell street, watch for an accident. watch for delays around this accident. 295, speeds on average of 25 miles per hour. on 95 south making her way towards 32. a lot going on with delays and problems and a lot of them are weather related.
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no severe weather warnings in effect right now but we have heavy rain showing up in places. you can see these rates of showers and thunderstorms from the west. heaviest storms are out of howard county into anne arundel county just to the east of laurel. this is going to head towards glen burnie and maybe the airport. these rates of thunderstorms coming through. -- waves of thunderstorms coming through. the high that is triggering all of this -- we expect nice weat
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i waited 40 years to meet matt lauer. >> we came to the today show. >> good morning mom and dad in virginia. >> al roker. >> happy birthday, dad.
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>> good morning, wisconsin. and we are back on a drizzley tuesday morning, it's august 13th, 2013. these are the fine folks willing to stand in the rain with umbrellas in hand to meet matt lauer. >> i'd like to figure out the math here. you have been waiting 30 years to meet me but i have only been doing the show for 17 years. >> but i'm 40 years old. >> your whole life. >> my whole life i have been waiting. >> well it's great to meet you. >> nice to me you. >> where are you from. >> chicago, illinois. >> great to have you here teri. >> here we go, al. >> thank you for your support. >> reminder to everybody if you're out in this area we have great concerts this week. jimmy buffet is here on thursday and on friday country super star
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luke bryan will be on our stage. i'm savannah guthrie along side al roker and matt lauer. we'll have part one of a candid interview with jimmy fallon. he is beaming over his new daughter winnie. we'll talk to him about fatherhood and their struggle to have a baby. we'll find out the meaning of her name. there's a story. >> winnie, i like that name. i do. also ahead, are you one of those people you buy a lot at the store and tend to return a lot at that store. >> i've done it from time to time. it's on the up and up though. >> you're not a serial returner? >> no. >> we'll tell you why your favorite store maybe tracking you. >> next week is a special one around here. we're moving our whole show to the plaza while we spruce up studio 1-a. so we're making it fan appreciation week full of fun events and special surprises.
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so come on down. >> that includes our hunt for today's biggest fan. do you think you're the "today" show's biggest fan? submit a 30 second video telling us why. you can find out how on you can get a trip to new york city. are you sitting down? >> no. >> today's biggest fan will get vip passes to one direction. [ screaming ] >> when you say one direction, mean like this squeal. >> oh my god, one direction. >> see what i mean. go to >> we have that effect on people. >> natalie has a look at the headlines. >> good morning matt, savannah, al. good morning everyone. attorneys for james whitey bulger say the former boston crime boss will appeal monday's guilty verdicts that would send him to prison for the rest of his life. the jury convicted the 83-year-old of 11 murder as long with conspiracy and other racketeering charges. bulger spent 16 years as a fugitive until he was captured
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two years ago in california with more than $800,000 stashed in his apartment. >> an autopsy is being done on a baseball fan that fell to his death from the upper level deck at turner field in atlanta. he landed in the parking lot. it happened during a rain delay game between the braves and the phillies. >> new cell phone video emerged showing the moment when the florida villa collapsed into a sinkhole on monday. the hole could be growing larger. tourists staying at the timeshare in orlando lost their belongs but nobody was injured thanks to a security guard that ran through the halls warning people to get out. >> we have more on a story we brought you on monday. a young mother fighting a judge's controversial decision to change her baby's name. here's kevin. >> reporter: what's in a name? well, for this 7 month old baby boy and his mom, a fast food
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waitress, it's one super sized delima. >> if i have to do what i have to do for my child and rights i will. >> her baby's birth certificate reads messiah martin. but mom and dad couldn't agree on a last name. would it be his or hers. they ended up in front of a judge in tennessee. >> it's a title that has only been earned by one person and that one person is jesus christ. >> so the judge changed messiah's name to martin mccullough. the last name of each parent. >> i refuse to call hi child martin. his name is messiah. >> in the wild open world of what will you name your baby, there's a lot of creativity. >> michael jackson named his son blanket. >> she names happle.
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>> but can the court dictate your child's name. >> the judge will have to devise the decision and give her a chance to correct her own mistakes. >> he'll be messiah. >> her two older children are micah and mason. she was carrying on the m tradition. >> i wanted to keep my ms going. if you're wondering what the number one baby boy's name in america is these days, the social security administration says it's jacob. messiah is number 387. for today, nbc news, chicago. a jailbreak caught on tape has officials trying to recapture dozens of inmates seen escaping monday from a detention facility in brazil. they set fire to mattresses and held staff members hostage. the director was seriously injured. >> call it a million dollar mistake. a cincinnati casino awarded kevin lewis a $1 million prize
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as part of a summer give away promotion. but during the final give away, they discovered a second resident with the same name was the true winner of the prize. but they said it was their problem and the right thing to do was award it to both men. >> that is a nice solution. you don't hear that often. that's cool natalie. >> let us get a check of the weather from al. it is raining. >> yes it s. we have friends here. america's got talent tonight on nbc and chloe chanel is it? >> yeah. your family members? >> friends. >> what is she doing? >> singing. >> all right. good luck to her. let's see what we have got for you. our pick city of the day happens to be utica, new york, newschannel 2.
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showers and thunderstorms. a high of 73. look at those heavy thunderstorms making their way into the northeast. we're looking at a lot of wet weather. airport delays already being reported. risk of strong storms along the southeastern atlanta coast. >> good morning. the country off and on thunderstorms will be with us through the middle of the afternoon. a flood watch is in effect until 3:00 this afternoon. and that's your latest weather. now back over to matt. >> all right, al, thanks very much. coming up, what's the secret to a happy marriage?
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why the answer could have something to do with your siblings or the number of siblings you have. >> and speaking of happy, jimmy fallon is happy. he opens up about father hood and his long road to get there. >> and never been seen imagines of the man in black. we're talking about mr. johnny cash. but first, these messages. explaining my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis to another new stylist. it was a total embarrassment. and not the kind of attention i wanted. so i had a serious talk with my dermatologist about my treatment options. this time, she prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer have happened.
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♪ eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. is that your favorite? i don't know... i also like strawberry, boysenberry, red raspberry, blackberry, sweet orange marmalade, apple,
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pineapple, concord grape, apricot, peach, blueberry... [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that with so many delicious varieties, it's tough to choose just one favorite. apricot pineapple... [ male announcer ] for five generations, with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. the new samsung galaxy s you about.five generations, it's got a front and back camera so you can take pictures at the same time. seriously! yeah - and it's on verizon's network. sweet! we can stay in touch when we go to school next year. that's so great! get the samsung galaxy s 4 for only $148 on verizon - america's largest 4g lte network. walmart. to take skincare to the next level you're ready for roc® new roc® multi correxion hasn exclusive 5 in 1 formula it's clinically proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles together these 5 elements create ageless looking skin roc® multi correxion 5 in 1 it's high performance skincare™ only from roc®
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we're back now at 8:12 with what's trending today. we have the things you're talking about online. trending on the associated press. you know the phrase many happy returns? if you're talking about merchandise, not so fast. if you like to return a lot of items you should know some retailers are keeping track of how many times you do it. whether it's with a receipt or not. they can create a return profile that catalogs and analyzes your returns. it's happening at retailers like home depot, jcpenney, victoria secret and nike. when you hand over your id at the counter it should only be used to confirm your identity and every year consumers return about 264 billion, that's with a
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b, dollars worth of merchandise. do you return a lot? >> if i buy online. >> a lot of companies have great return policies but people misuse it and it costs them money. >> it's the retailers right to know what get returns and why. >> for what reason. >> meantime on the website of usa today, are siblings the secret to a happy marriage? the new study says having more brothers and sisters makes you less likely to divorce later in life. each additional sibling up to 7 reduces the likelihood of divorce by 2%. these findings are from the general social survey which track participants over a 40-year-old period. they help you develop social skills like openness and communication. i would say sharing also. >> conflict resolution. >> also for a marriage but one critic says this does not mean only children are at a disadvantage and won't have happy marriages but it's a thought provoking study. >> each of the duggar children will stay married.
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>> exactly. trending on twitter, a pop music emergency. lady gaga and katy perry are the latest stars to take action after their new tunes were released online. her single applause surfaced over the internet over the weekend. not to be outstandidone she rel it herself. take a listen. [ music playing ] . well, she tweeted that hackers and abundance of low/high quality leaks we issue this pop music emergency. monsters spread the word. katy perry also tried to one up hackers over the weekend when her new song roar hit the web three days early. but on the line some questioned whether these so-called leaks are part of a marketing effort to boost sales. >> does have that feel a little publicity? >> it worked for them. it drives up interest and now the song is out. we're talking about it.
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>> yeah, our show was leaked three minutes before we went on the air. >> how did that go? >> not too well. >> we weren't sitting here. >> do you know what's trending around here? our very own ray of sunshine, savannah guthrie. that's right. savannah is featured in the september issue of elle magazine. >> wow, you're kate upton. >> you look fantastic. >> it's due out a week from today and the headline morning, sunshine. >> it's a nice article. >> it really is. >> and our whole audience is getting into it as well. >> we love that. >> that's a great photo. >> and great article. >> it's outrageous that they put kate upton on the cover. >> oh my gosh. do you blame them. >> marketing er error. >> it's great. what an honor. that's what is trending today. coming up in our 8:00 block we have a transplant controversy to tell you about. where is a georgia teen in need of a new heart denied on the
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recipient list? but first our one-on-one with jimmy fallon. he might be having the best year of his life. from an emmy nomination to become a father. >> how does it feel? >> reporter: jimmy fallon, the comedian so beloved for the way he seems to burst with joy every minute of his life. >>h yeah, you should listen to the president or as i like to call him the prezzy of the united stezzy. >> he's experiencing a joy like no other. congratulations on the new baby. >> oh my gosh, thank you so much. the most unbelievable thing. you can't describe it. i'm floating in a new bubble. it's a whole new life and everything is about the baby. i'm so happy. >> i had this sense it might be hard for you to keep a secret
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but you managed to keep this a secret. we didn't know that little winnie was on her way. >> yeah it wasn't really a secret but my wife and i have been trying for awhile to have a baby and so we tried a bunch of things and anyone who has tried will know it's just awful. it's like -- so we had a surrogate and it's just we tried before we told people and then it didn't happen and it's really depressing and really hard. so this time we said we're not telling anybody. it would be just more fun if it's just private between me and my wife and we get to introduce her to everybody i. was great. honestly when it happened we were in traffic like who do we tell? who is going to be mad at us? we had to call everybody and it's so emotional and you call everybody and you tell everybody like this happened. it comes out of nowhere and they're like what? everyone just started crying and was really happy because we tried for a long time. i mean, for five years and i
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know people have tried much longer but if there's anyone out there who is trying and just losing hope, just hang in there. try every avenue. try anything you can do because you'll get there. you'll end up with a family and it's so worth it. it is the most worth it thing. i'm just so happy right now i'm freaking out. >> it must be all more amazing and precious because tried so long. >> yeah. really you just like -- we just love her. she is a little angel. she is so cute and so fun and i think -- a friend of mine said that little girls, especially, like unlock something in a dad's heart. where it just makes you more -- you're just like oh my god, your voice gets higher. i couldn't come to work because of my voice. i can't have a serious interview like this. but it's so -- i'm very like, i have to get my sports in. i entered a fight club. i can't talk about it. just to keep my --
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>> your man card. >> my man card. have to hold on to that a little bit. but she turns me into mush. >> winnie. how did you get the name? winnie as in pooh or the wonder years. >> it's not winnie the pooh at all. nancy my wife and i got engaged in new hampshire at this lake house that her family had forever and we went there every summer as we were dating and we got engaged on the dock of the lake and we were talking about different names and you overthink names. you don't want one that's seemed done. >> it's a little long. i thought winnie. i love winnie and winnie from the wonder years is the coolest girl and tv show ever and also she is a win for us. so it's a big win for us. >> well, you have another baby, which is this show. >> yeah. >> i don't know if you've heard but the show has been nominated for an emmy again.
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>> what? >> that's right. >> oh my gosh. this is my reaction. >> i'll hold you. >> this is the real reaction. thank you. >> but the good thing is, if you don't win, you have practiced your neutral humility face. >> i'm good at that. so it's like just say the winner is daily show with john stewart. >> the winner this year is the daily show with john stewart. >> honey, where did you go? you're leaving me? because i lost again? >> she's withdrawn. >> she is going up on stage with john. >> if he wins again i'll go up on stage with him just to see what it's like to hold it and look. >> well, we are rooting for jimmy in every way. >> when you said in the beginning this has been a pretty big year, that's an understatement. an amazing year. >> tomorrow, part 2, we talk about his transition to the tonight show and also why i am a
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better guest than matt and al. >> wow. good tease. >> yeah. >> meanwhile, there is a controversy but we're following another controversy this morning tied to a potentially life saving transplant. >> that's right. well, a georgia teenager is in desperate need of a heart transplant but his mother claims the very people that could save her sons life are getting in the way. four weeks ago 15-year-old anthony stokes checked into children's healthcare in atlanta with shortness of breath and chest pains. today she is dealing with the reality that he may only have months left to live. the teen needs a new heart but the boy's mother says the hospital won't even put his name on the transplant list. hamilton provided a letter to nbc news saying anthony is not a transplant candidate due to having a history of non-compliance. in medical terms, non-compliance means a patient is unable or unwilling to follow through with
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a medical regiment. for example, failing to take prescribed medications or missing doctors appointsmements. but anthony's mother said her son had no history of illness and she believes he is being punished by the hospital for run ins with the law. he was under house arrest and wearing an ankle monitor when he was admitted to the hospital. punishment for a recent fight. >> he's a young boy. he's going to make mistakes. but i think he still deserves a second chance. >> the hospital told us it can't discuss the case because of patient privacy law but they did dismiss a statement saying the well-being of our patients is always our first priority. we're continuing to work with his family and looking at all options regarding this patient's healthcare. we follow very specific criteria in determining eligible for a transplant of any kind. his mother fears that without a new heart, her son could be in for the ultimate punishment. >> i just pray. i pray constantly.
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>> let us bring in dr. goldberg. a cardiologist and medical director at the women's heart program. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> when we hear non-compliance. denied a transplant because of non-compliance, is there one set of guidelines for all of these transplants? >> there is one set of guidelines for all transplants. first it's medical to make sure the person is healthy enough. they have good functioning kidneys and normally functioning liver. don't have alcohol or drug abuse and are healthy enough to go through the procedure. we have the technology to do the procedure. that can be done pretty easily. all you need is a heart. >> then you hear this family say they're concerned that perhaps this is something other than about a medical concern, this could be because of run ins with the law. is that something that the board overseeing a transplant would consider? >> not necessarily the fact that the person has been in trouble with the law but we do worry about people who fail to be
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compliant or are able to follow through with the program after transplant. >> but if you have had run ins with the law would you that place you in a lower spot on the transplant list. >> not necessarily. what places you on a lower part of the transplant list is evidence that you haven't followed through with taking your medications in the past. research has shown if you have failed to take your heart failure medication before the transplant you're unlikely to take them after. >> this is life and death for a patient. this is the world for that patient's family. if they feel they have been judged wrongly in this and that they haven't been given the right consideration, what avenues are left open to them? >> i think there has to be better communications between the medical personnel and the family. certainly they can always go for a second opinion at another hospital. >> can they appeal the decision. >> they would appeal the decision to the ethics committee of the hospital and that could be decided with the ethics committee of the hospital.
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it sounds like the one thing this young man has going for him is a really committed family and that also counts with someone who is on the transplant list. >> all right, doctor, thank you very much. i appreciate your input. >> when we come back never been imagines of johnny cash. but first your local news and local weather. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. here is sarah caldwell. >> very busy since early this morning, when the storms passed through harford and cecil county.
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and 279, we have an accident coming in. i water along route seven. eastside route hundred -- route 40, watch for closures. northbound 222 shut down past 276. in the area of fayette street, we have an accident at the j.f.x. causing delays back to the beltway. inner loop of the beltway at 295, getting word of the crash. speeds on average 22 miles per hour. 38 miles per hour on southbound 95. live look at 295. southbound traffic at a standstill. looking at heavy delays on the north and west side of the beltway.
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you. over to >> pockets of heavy rain out there. .o severe weather warnings yet waves of showers and thunderstorms coming through. heaviest stuff is south of andimore city towards i-95 195. storm and a pretty strong when crossing over the day into kent county on the eastern shore. off and on showers and thunderstorms are likely today. some of them will be strong. beautiful weather the next few days. dry and less humid. back with ano
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it's 8:30 on a tuesday
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morning. the 13th day of august 2013 as we say hey to our intrepid crowd. showers have visited us here in the northeast in the new york area. not too bad but not too nice either. we decided to stay indoors. i'm matt lauer with savannah guthrie, al roker and natalie morales. there's a reason we're playing that song. >> it's a classic by johnny cash. >> we love it. but also there's a new biography with never before seen photos and unheard music. we'll give you a first look and listen coming up. >> also ahead, the professionals are here. much of them -- many of them wanting to discuss a controversial decision that effects law enforcement here in new york city. that is about stop and frisk and we'll be getting into that in just a couple of minutes. >> all right. then want to look years younger? we'll reveal the products that received high marks.
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>> we're ready to go shopping. >> and we'll head up to the kitchen. you can do this. one of the most respected chefs in america shows us how to make a simple, savory gourmet dinner. >> all right. but first how about a check of the weather? >> well, we have a lot of heavy showers and thunderstorms here in the northeast. all the way down in the mid-atlantic states. wet weather from the southwest up into the great plains. and for tomorrow, that wet weather moves through pretty quickly. so we'll have sunny mild continues throughout much of the northeast into the great lakes and back into the pacific northwest with a few cloud as long the >> good morning. often on thunderstorms through this afternoon. it will be a muggy
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and don't forget, get that weather any time you need it go to the weather channel on cable and online 24/7. >> all right, al. now to a look at a true legend. johnny cash 10 years after his death. craig melvin is here with that story. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. to celebrate his historic career life partnered with sony music to launch an illustrative biography of cash and his family. it's called life unsceeen, john cash. it's with rare and never before seen photos of the legend. it's with life unheard that contains never before heard songs from the man in black. >> hello, i'm johnny cash. [ music playing ] >> reporter: he was an icon and
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a rebel known simply as the man in black. johnny cash forever changed the course of country and rock music. from the chiselled face to the trademark growl. cash emotiobodied outlaw imagin >> my father grew up in northeast arkansas picking cotton. he had humble up bringings. he carried this throughout his life. he always understood the hardships of people. >> reporter: his career spanned five decades. he wrote more than 1,000 songs. hits like ring of fire, cry, cry, cry, folsom prison blues. he was the hottest act in the world even outselling the beetles. but he struggled with addiction, alcohol and drugs. >> i'm a chemically dependent
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person. >> reporter: he talked about his struggles on today in 1984. >> with the help of god and my family and loved ones i was able to refrain from mood altering drugs and alcohol for a period of nine years. >> reporter: cash would credit the love of his life, his wife june carter with helping to bring him back from the edge. their relationship the heart and soul of the 2005 film walk the line. >> johnny cash's relationship with june carter is one of the great love stories in popular culture. june carter comes in and gets johnny on the straight and arrow. >> it commemorates the tenth anniversary of his death. life unseen johnny cash is a bio gra biography. the birth of his son, john. >> my father first was a very gentle man. he is known as the man in black but deep down my dad was a very
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tender, very simple hearted person. >> that tenderness was evident in the powerful video for the song hurt recorded just prior to his death in 2003. [ music playing ] >> reporter: today his spirit and his music live on. the man in black, musical pioneer, country rock legend and the voice of the down trotten. so cash had this sort of outlaw imagine he never actually served any time in prison. he went to jail seven times for various misdemeanors but never went to prison and each of those jail terms, one day. only one day in jail. >> folsom prison someone of the great songs especially when he did it live. >> i love jackson. >> his sense of humor. boy named sue. >> ring of fire. >> yeah, johnny cash. a fantastic guy. >> thank you very much. >> up next, today's
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professionals weigh in on a dust up between kris jenner and the president of the united states. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back now 8:38. tackling the day's hot topics with another addition of today's professional. star jones, donny deutsch and happy huntsman from msnbc's the cycle. let's start with the story making headlines in new york but has ramifications all across the country. stop and frisk. a policy implemented by the new york city police department supported by the mayor and police commissioner has been overturned by a federal judge. stop and frisk for those that don't know, police can stop anyone on the street, frisk them looking for things like illegal handguns. the mayor says it helped reduce crime. what do we think about the ruling? >> it has helped reduce crime but 88% of the people stopped are black and latina and 90% of
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those people are found to have done absolutely nothing wrong and the court correctly ruled that stop and frisk is a policy that should be in place and okay but not the way new york has been doing it. >> you're exactly right. it was hard to look at the evidence presented by the judge yesterday and not say something is a little off here. that doesn't seem right. facts are the facts. crime has fwon down so i think bloomburg and the nypd commissioner have the right to say crime is down but facts are the fact. >> will new york city and resident of the city will less safe without this policy. >> i'm not a young black male. but it's the business of fighting crime. it's target marketing. 90% of the people are innocent but 92% of the crime is committed by young african american males and young hispanic males. if i'm selling dentures i'm not advertising to everybody. >> but the law doesn't allow you to do this. it might be uncomfortable for
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you and it may make you irritated but just in order to stop bad behavior you can not violate the constitution of the united states of america. that's the basic bottom line. >> the conversation we're having about the role of the nsa it's the right balance between our safety and personal liberty. >> and to change the constitution, you cannot do that. >> the mayor will appeal this decision. does he have grounds to appeal? >> he does have grounds to appeal however the policy that the court struck down was simply the manner in which we're doing it in new york. >> it's an uphill battle. >> let me move on. two people in the news making headlines for a spat they're having. the president of the united states and kris jenner of the kardashian family. the president was asked as if a boy or child he ever wanted things he couldn't afford or his family couldn't afford. he said i never felt i was deprived. were there things all of us might have liked to have?
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sure but partly think i tluz i was a shift in culture. we weren't exposed in the same way kids are these days. there was not the window into the life styles of rich and famous. kids weren't monitoring every day what kim kardashian was wearing or where kanye west was going on vacation and thinking that somehow that was the mark of success. >> unfortunately kid versus the window into everything now and if everything, strangely enough, when you see the kardashians and their whole brand is accessible wealth. that's a real person. that's not an actor, i can get there. it maybe opens up opportunity to more people and drives them more. on top of that kim kardashian is a hard working young girl. >> let me let you hear what kris jenner had to say in response to the president's comments. >> kim kardashian is the hardest working young lady in the world. she never sleeps. she never stops, she never slows down and works so hard for what she has got. i started thinking about her 10,000 square foot house and i thought, wow, her job affords
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her to live in a 10,000 square foot house and i think, if i'm not mistaken, that mr. president's job affords him to live in a 55,000 square foot house. >> what do you think of this argument? >> of course she is going to use every opportunity to seize this attention. you have the most powerful man in the world mentioning your daughter and her fiancee, whatever he is, by name. she's going to take as long as she wants to talk about it. i felt like it was an awkward moment. i'm not sure if she understood what the president was trying to say when he was talking about the american dream. >> i think the president was trying to explain that hard work and education is what will get the vast majority of young people the success we all crave. when you see young people like kim kardashian who does work extremely hard and i like her as a young lady, and kanye west with their excessive life style. kids think i can do that and be
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that and the vast majority does not. the vast majority can only success with hard work and education. >> we celebrate the royals. which is a fantasy. this is a reality fantasy. what we can't tell kids is you'll just get a tv show but this is just who we are. >> you're not going to be the one that plays nfl football, nba fastba basketball. you're not going to hit the ball like a-rod did the other night. you're not going to be that person. >> which is why you understand what the president is saying. someone that watches a kardashian episode or two i knew what he was saying. he knew it would get a response. >> you look at the old news reels from hollywood and we have always been looking up to people and aspiring to things a lot of us could never reach. >> it's more accessible now. >> i have another one i'll save for next week when you guys come back. >> thanks matt. >> we're going to be back right after this. ready?
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happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry.
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(woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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we are back at 8:46. store shelves are filled with skin care products promising to make us look years younger which which ones work? well they tested 84 products over the course of 11 months to let you know which ones are worth the money. rosemary ellis is the editor and chief. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you are doing a great public service here. you tested this. tell us how you picked your winners. >> we're all so confused since we did this test three years ago more than 300 nu skin care products have hit the store shelves. how do you know what to buy? good housekeeping is the only place we test them. we spent 11 months and tested on almost 1,000 volunteers plus our lab tests. more than 25,000 lab
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measurements and these, we came up with ten category winners. >> we'll look at five of them this morning. first one is a day cream with an spf 30. you did a gold and silver. gold is the topper forming. silver performed very well. this is a perfect example that you don't have to spend a lot of skin care to get great results. let me tell you, spf 30. that's the baseline. we don't test anything below that because if you're not protecting your skin from the sun nothing will work well. >> tell me about the silver. >> the silver is by r.o.c., it's 29. they're under $30. they perform well. testers love the way they plumped and moisturized and you're getting some protection. >> these are night creams without retinol. >> it can irritate the skin of some women so you may not want to use it in the daytime and at night and they're more drying. so these are moisturizing power
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houses. >> no 7 won the gold. not expensive at all. this came in second and worked well and was rich and hydrating. >> sometimes the gold medal winners are the less expensive ones which we love to hear. let's move on to eye cream. >> this is a case where the topper former is incredibly expensive. it's $260 but let me say this. if you're going to spend a lot of money. >> it's glued to the table. >> the skin in your eyes is the most delicate on your face and you want to protect it. this had perfect scores on two of the top categories that we score on. >> which one is silver. >> it's a lot less expensive. it's under $50 and worked well also. readers loved how nongreasy it was. so good choices. >> let's talk art dark spot reducers. we want these to work.
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>> loreal came in top as the gold winner. the silver winner is much more expensive. the loreal paris worked well on the chest area. this one worked a little bit better to fade spots on your face. >> it really did lighten up the dark spots. >> you don't put it on a spot here and spot there. you spread it all over your space it brightens your face and does slowly reduce the spots and you have to make sure to put sunscreen on to protect them. >> you may have saved the best for last. instant wrinkle smoothers. talk to me. >> we were spectackeptical. they said they would use them for a special occasion. the winner is this one. it has something that just relaxes the muscles in your face for a couple of hours. the runner up, they love the applicator on this.
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this has oil which just puts a film over your face. you put it under your make up and around your forehead and crows feet. don't use it around lip liens. doesn't work as well. >> our producer said wrap and bring me a bottle. thank you so much. coming up next, the gourmet meal you can make at home is perfect for this time of year. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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wre back now at 8:52 with you can do this. this morning we're showing you how to make a shallow poached halibit. he is the coowner of the famed new york restaurant. it means? >> means olive oil with capers. >> all right. >> a bit of lemon juice. >> it's a simple kasauce. can you use any fish with it. >> yeah, even chicken. so we have it here. >> what do i have to look for. >> there should be no smell. we don't smell the fish. it's not fishy at all. >> okay. >> and that is very important. then i'm going to slice it thinly like that. and the idea is to cook it quickly. >> when we talk about poaching
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we're talking about cooking it in liquid and shallow poaching means very little liquid. >> yeah. >> you want that to be hot by the time you put in that there. >> a bit of olive oil, some lemon juice on the fish and then we are -- we have two plates while it's cooking. >> how long will that make probably? >> it will take about two minutes to be cooked. >> it should workout perfectly. >> while i'm doing this presentation with the tomatoes you can make mix all of those. >> before you do the tomatoes, will you tell me what kinds of ingredients we're talking about here? >> capers, shallot, olives -- >> okay. all in there. >> i'm using my tomatoes here to put it on the plate and that will give nice color.
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>> how much olive oil? >> be generous. don't be shy on it. you can pour. >> i'm pouring. >> that's it. a bit of salt. >> okay. >> so i'm flipping the fish. it's really fast. >> it's a minute on each other. >> about a minute or minute and a half. it's something that you can do at home very easily. very simple. and i'm still doing the presentation. you have the sauce. >> can you make the sauce ahead of time? >> if you keep it in the fringe for a few hours it's going to be really, really good. when the fish is cooked, we take a skewer and we go through the flesh of the fish like that and when it comes back to the hand it should be warm. >> okay. i've never seen that done before. >> if it's cold it means it's raw, obviously and if it's well
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done you burn yourself and it's your fault. >> it's your own fault. >> as the french say it's your own fault. >> we'll put the fish on top. >> fine. >> some salt on the tomatoes. >> i'll let you. >> hello. >> double air kiss, sorry. >> and we just have to -- i'm going to use yours matt, you did a good job with yours. why not. we're going to put some on the fish like that. >> that looks so delicious. >> thank you so much. >> you make everything sound good. >> more on today but first your local news.
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>> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. baltimore fire officials are trying to figure out what sparked a fire in mount washington. the blaze started monday night at south road. flames were shooting out of the single-family home. firefighters got the fire under control after about an hour. no one was hurt to read no
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>> watching a cold front out of the mountains. off and on showers and thunderstorms. if you get underneath some of those storms, high temperature near 84. beautiful weather expected tomorrow.
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>> people support her in some ways more because she has been through a hard time. >> she is a proxy in this country. it was an outrage for some people but business went up for his customers. >> it will be interesting to see what happens with the rest of the case. you hope as you say, we are a country of second chances and you hope that that could actually be the case. >> yeah. >> we shall see. >> we'll find out. i think what's been really interesting this morning. >> what have you got here. >> something in the wall street journal. >> there we


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