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tv   Today  NBC  August 20, 2013 2:05am-3:00am EDT

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a unique solution for you, guaranteed. no other company on the planet can make that claim. hair club has been the recognized leader in hair loss solutions for over 30 years, with centers in over 90 locations and over 50,000 satisfied clients. call now and get the facts. hair club's new breakthrough educational booklet is yours free. this vital new information endorsed by prominent physicians can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you free with absolutely no obligation. as an added bonus, we'll also give you a free, private, and confidential microscopic hair and scalp analysis. this is a $150 value, but it's yours free if you call right now. this offer is for a limited time only. don't tolerate hair loss another day. look younger and feel more confident. take on the world like your old self. call now and change your life forever. hair club-- we do it all.
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for you. [♪...] >> when i first got my hair, i couldn't believe the difference it made. i felt so good about myself. i've never felt better. >> some people didn't even notice i had anything done. they just said, "you look good, you look younger," and it's just a pleasant experience all the way around. >> it looked so natural to me, so i went and checked it out, made the phone call, and it really changed my life. >> i don't second-guess going to the store or going to the movies or going to have a drink. i'm confident. i'm comfortable. >> now let's talk about the proven solutions available to you at hair club and the hair club guarantee of satisfaction. what is proven to work? hair club has expertise in three areas: non-surgical hair enhancement, f.d.a.-approved hair therapies, and microscopic follicular unit hair transplants. available only at hair club, the biomatrix strand-by-strand process is known around the world as the gold standard in hair replacement.
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hair club's groundbreaking technology is the only process available to date that gives you a full, healthy-looking head of hair by adding real human hair to your own hair. biomatrix is not a toupee. it's not a wig. it's a custom-made blend of your own hair with real human hair that is matched to your individual requirements. that includes hair color, facial structure, and skin tone. the process is natural and virtually undetectable. when you brush your hair, it all blends together. if someone touches your hair, it feels normal. it's easy to style. you can rough it up. you can go swimming, biking, jogging, or anywhere life takes you, and you will look great. >> i can swim, i bike, hike, i do everything, and the key point here is no one has noticed. everybody thinks i look better, but they can't quite put their finger on it. so when they told me that would happen, i didn't believe it. i thought everybody would notice right away, but they didn't. they just thought, "well,
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your hair's different. what'd you do?" and so i just, you know, in some cases... people that were close to me, i told them. other people, i just let them guess. and so i think that's important for women, especially, to know is that you're gonna look great, you're gonna feel great. >> i didn't want to be one of those guys that you walk down the street and say, "hey, buddy, nice hair! who shot the mannequin?" you know, that kind of thing, it just didn't fly for me. it was very important that it be undetectable. >> we are very lucky today to grow up at a time where technology is as advanced as it is. i've had a chance to replace my hair with a technology that is unbelievable, and i'm very happy that i did it. >> people think that i have probably found some magic ointment or something, right? they have no idea that i've actually gone to hair club. i have, in fact, shared it with some, but not many, right, because i like to keep 'em guessing. do you realize how nice it is for someone to walk up to you and say, "my god, you have the most beautiful head of hair"? and i say, "thank you." >> hair club is also a leader in
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hair therapies, with its extreme hair therapy program. >> dr. gaffney: the e.x.t. program and product regimen includes high-quality shampoos, cleansers, and conditioners, as well as the f.d.a.-approved hair regrowth agent, minoxidil. it is an excellent program for men and women in the early stages of hair loss, and has been proven to work for many people. the success of the program depends on your level and type of hair loss. i recommend you have a consultation at hair club to determine whether or not you are a good e.x.t. candidate. >> hair club also offers in select areas the gold standard in hair transplantation-- microscopic follicular unit hair transplants. it's natural, permanent, and your transplanted hair is guaranteed to grow the way mother nature programmed it to. >> if you are a hair transplant candidate, when choosing a hair transplant physician, the three most important aspects you must consider are artistry, experience, and patient care. hair club's physicians are highly experienced artists, having performed more than 50,000 procedures, and patient
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care at hair club is paramount. >> when you actually see the hair grow, you're amazed. you're watching it grow day by day from a thinner look to a fuller look till you can then do the things that you've always wanted to do with your hair, using different products and styling your hair differently. >> i finally went to the hair club, and i found that they had the best technology and they were far superior than everyone else. they treated me like family, like i was somebody important. i decided to go with them, and the results speak for themselves. people will just kind of look at you and wonder, "what's going on," you know, "this guy's looking younger and younger," and i'm feeing better and better about it, and it just, it's a great feeling. >> hair club is the only company that offers all proven hair loss solutions backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. you are not 100% satisfied with the option you've chosen, hair club will apply your initial purchase price to any of its other proven hair loss
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solutions. hair club has changed many people's lives. you might not know it now, but i used to have a hair loss problem. is your hair loss bothering you? maybe it's time you did something about it. when we come back, we'll introduce the people who can help you find the right solution. >> announcer: don't tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair. because now the solution you need to get a fuller, natural head of hair is just one phone call away. hair club is the only company in the world to offer all tested and proven hair loss solutions, because no single solution is right for every type of hair loss. call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get a free microscopic hair and scalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. young or old, man or woman, no matter what kind of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. no other company on the planet can make that claim. hair club has been the
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recognized leader in hair loss solutions for over 30 years, with centers in over 90 locations and over 50,000 satisfied clients. call now and get the facts. hair club's new breakthrough educational booklet is yours free. this vital new information endorsed by prominent physicians can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you free with absolutely no obligation. as an added bonus, we'll also give you a free, private, and confidential microscopic hair and scalp analysis. this is a $150 value, but it's yours free if you call right now. this offer is for a limited time only. don't tolerate hair loss another day. look younger and feel more confident. take on the world like your old self. call now and change your life forever. hair club-- we do it all. for you. [♪...] >> you've heard from the experts. you've heard from the clients.
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so let's talk about another aspect of hair club that truly makes this company unique-- its staff. at hair club, you'll meet a caring staff that will help you through all aspects of hair restoration, from informative consultants to hair loss experts to world-class hairstylists. hair club is the only company that offers all proven hair loss solutions backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. >> after people get their hair, you can really see the change in them. you see a confidence, newfound confidence that people often have. >> when you have a full head of hair, there's a lot you can do with it. you can shampoo your hair, condition it, blow it dry, and also curl, iron, and style your hair. >> they want to make sure that you walk out of there completely satisfied and comfortable, and they want you to be able to say, "hey, you know, this is me. i got a full head of hair, and i feel great." >> i'm an expert because i also suffer from hair loss and i have been through all the emotions. i've experienced it from the time i was a child until i found my solution at the hair club. i am passionate about what i do.
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>> the way that i was treated was outstanding, and one of my main great experiences is the way they treated me. my hairstylist and i were able to vibe, we were able to communicate. she knew exactly what i wanted. >> i'm here to tell you that it's a wonderful experience. people were very kind, very sensitive. >> you know, this is really a personal thing. i mean, the hair club, they take the time to listen and they take the time to get it right. >> hair club will lay out all the solutions, and they'll do what's right for you. as a matter of fact, you'll make the decision what you want to do. >> i believe that the hair club has the best solution for anyone that is suffering with hair loss. >> i love working at hair club. it's really an incredible job. to come to work ever day and really help people and see these transformations in people, it's amazing, i love it. >> now we'll show you how you can get your hair back with proven hair loss solutions. >> announcer: don't tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair. because now the solution you need to get a fuller, natural
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head of hair is just one phone call away. hair club is the only company in the world to offer all tested and proven hair loss solutions, because no single solution is right for every type of hair loss. call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get a free microscopic hair and scalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. young or old, man or woman, no matter what kind of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. no other company on the planet can make that claim. hair club has been the recognized leader in hair loss solutions for over 30 years, with centers in over 90 locations and over 50,000 satisfied clients. call now and get the facts. hair club's new breakthrough yours free. booklet is this vital new information endorsed by prominent physicians can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you free with absolutely no obligation.
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as an added bonus, we'll also give you a free, private, and confidential microscopic hair and scalp analysis. this is a $150 value, but it's yours free if you call right now. this offer is for a limited time only. don't tolerate hair loss another day. look younger and feel more confident. take on the world like your old self. call now and change your life forever. hair club-- we do it all. for you. [♪...] >> at this very moment, hair club has more than 50,000 clients nationwide, 50,000 people who, like you, wanted to do something about their hair loss. we'd like you to meet some of those clients now and view some of their amazing results. hair club has changed their lives, and it all started with one simple phone call. >> i'm an old guy with a young wife and young kids. i got a five-year-old, i got a seven-year-old. there's a lot of guys out there like me. i know a lot of you guys waited till later in life to get
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married and raise your families. it's kind of important for me when i drop my kids off that the other kids don't think i'm their grandfather, o.k.? you know, guys, we don't sit around and talk about fashion and hairstyles a whole lot, and when i'm sitting around a poker table or under the lights of a pool table, nobody gives me any grief. it looks good, it looks natural, and that's all that anybody cares about. people ask me about it, i'm not afraid to tell 'em, "yeah, man, i did something different. i got my hair cut." >> my sister actually saw the hair club commercial, and she dragged me out of the house on a saturday, says, "come on, let's go." i get there, right? i see the infomercial. they talk to me about, you know, what it would be like and what they could possibly do for me. at that point, i says, "i'm willing to give it a chance." i am so glad that i did. it has been the best thing that i have ever done in terms of helping my self-esteem, right, looking like the woman that i can be, right, and i flaunt it because i can. >> i first realized i started losing hair about 21, 22, and i
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was looking 32 rather quickly, so it added 10, 15 years to me immediately. you're a little embarrassed. there's no way before i had my hair i could have walked up to demena and asked her to go out with me and be where we're at now. i just didn't have the confidence before. we've got about a few months left until the wedding, and that's all she thinks about, i know, but... 'cause i'm not gonna look, well, 30 years older. i'm gonna look like a young man marrying a beautiful woman, so it's gonna be great. >> we have a library of thousands of testimonial letters from happy clients. although hair club maintains a high level of confidentiality and discretion, these clients were so happy with their results, they wanted to share their experiences with you. >> when you go into these centers, the staff is so well-trained and they're so caring, because they truly care about people's looks, and one thing you need to know is a lot of people are doing this, more people than you'll ever know. i just immediately felt rejuvenated. i felt like i had a face-lift, the whole nine yards. it was just a wonderful experience.
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>> i started losing my hair when i was 28 years old, and i was devastated. i saw the commercials. i had to order the brochure. the men on the commercial looked so natural, so real. i went into the center. it changed my life. i'm telling you, men, i felt so good about myself. i've never felt better. >> before i went to hair club, my hair was limp and lifeless and there was so little that i could do with it. i remember traveling outside on summer days, having to wear a hat because my head would come home and i would be sunburned. i would get home and it would be sunburned. now i don't have that problem. i can have nothing on my hd, and i can ride around in a convertible with my hair flipping around, and it feels great. >> as a high diver, i've been everywhere, and i dive in front of thousands of people every day, and i walk right up close to every one of these people after the shows, and nobody can tell the difference. it feels great. i mean, the confidence that i have when i walk up to 'em is great, and it gives me the confidence when i'm standing up
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on the ladder to know that i look good and i look good from all angles, and that's been just a great experience for me. >> criteria was very simple. if it was detectable, i was out. >> with the line of work that i'm in-- i'm in sales-- my image is everything, so the better i look, the more i sell, because they're buying aart of me. so my appearance is very important to me. and i know that regardless if i'm at the gym or with my man, my hair is looking fantastic. >> as you've just seen, hair club really listens to its clients and really cares about improving people's lives. when we come back, you'll see what proven solution is best for you based on your age, level of hair loss, and expectations. we'll be right back. >> announcer: don't tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair. because now the solution you need to get a fuller, natural head of hair is just one phone call away. hair club is the only company in the world to offer all tested
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and proven hair loss solutions, because no single solution is right for every type of hair loss. call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get a free microscopic hair and scalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. young or old, man or woman, no matter what kind of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. no other company on the planet can make that claim. hair club has been the recognized leader in hair loss solutions for over 30 years, with centers in over 90 locations and over 50,000 satisfied clients. call now and get the facts. hair club's new breakthrough educational booklet is yours free. this vital new information endorsed by prominent physicians can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you free with absolutely no obligation. as an added bonus, we'll also give you a free, private, and confidential microscopic hair and scalp analysis.
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this is a $150 value, but it's yours free if you call right now. this offer is for a limited time only. don't tolerate hair loss another day. look younger and feel more confident. take on the world like your old self. call now and change your life forever. hair club-- we do it all. for you. [♪...] >> since 1976, hair club has been delivering solutions that actually work. the proof is in the pictures. visit hair club today and get started on a customized solution that will work for you. you've seen a number of clients today who have improved their appearance by taking that first step and calling hair club. imagine what we can do for you. whether you want a full head of hair or you're just trying to keep what you have, hair club has an option that's right for you. so get ready to look great and feel better than you've ever felt before. hair club has more than 50,000 clients in north america. that's more than 50,000 reasons
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to call, but the most important reason is you. whether you're 25 or 65, you'll be amazed at what hair club can do for you. call now. stopping your hair loss is just a phone call away. >> and i can do whatever i want every day. i can go swimming. i can play sports. i can do whatever. it's fabulous. >> that one day that i made that phone call was the best decision i made, so if there's any advice that i can give, make that call. >> [chuckles] you guys don't need to shave that head. you know, keep some hair on there. join the hair club like i did. >> i called hair club, and i have never felt better. i've got great, healthy hair, i look younger, and i feel terrific. >> don't hesitate. go in right now, because you will feel better, you'll look better, and it'll be something that you will appreciate in the long run. >> it's all about you. hair club does what's right for you. >> i love my hair. i love how i feel about my hair. >> so i went and checked it out, made the phone call, and it really changed my life. >> and if you want to look
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better, if you want to feel better about yourself, hair club is the way to go. >> every day that i get up, i can say "ooh," right? "this is me. this is who i am. i look great today." thank you, hair club. you have made such a difference in my life. [♪...] call the number on your screen. [♪...] >> woman: ♪ ooh... yeah ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah [♪...] >> announcer: hair club-- we do it all. for you. [♪...] the preceding was paid for and furnished by hair club for men and women. this station is not responsible for claims made in the preceding program. [♪...]
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for hip hop abs brought to you by beachbody. pay close attention! don't miss your chance to save 75% off hip hop abs. if you're looking to shed the fat... >> in the first week, i lost 12 pounds. >> announcer: a way to flatten and sculpt your core... >> you're hitting every part of your abs. >> announcer: and finally get those tight, sexy, toned abs of your dreams.... then stop doing sit-ups. >> woman: say what?! >> announcer: and start dancing with hip hop abs, the fun, new, ab-sculpting system that takes the world's hottest dance moves and turns them into ab-sculpting, fat-burning
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routines so you don't even feel like you're working out. and something so much fun, it doesn't even feel like exercise. >> it was so much fun, i thought i was in a nightclub. >> announcer: that's right, say goodbye to sit-ups and crunches, and start shedding pounds, losing inches off your waist and sculpting flat, sexy abs without ever getting down on the floor again. >> i didn't do one sit-up on the floor and i was totally sore. >> my abs, they tightened, everything toned up quicker and firmer. >> announcer: hip hop abs is created by fitness expert shaun t. you may have heard of him from insanity, but what you may not know is that he's a world-renowned dancer and choreographer. that for years, people have waited in sold-out lines to take his hip hop abs classes to learn shaun's fun, easy-to-follow moves designed to transform their abs, all while they're just dancing to great music. >> i don't want you to ever get down on the floor to do crunches again. i'ma break it down so you burn the fat and sculpt those abs fast. >> on the hip hop abs program,
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i did not do one sit-up and i did not do one crunch. in 60 days i lost 21 pounds. i went from 143 to 122 pounds. never did i expect going from a 10 to a size 4. >> yeah, sit-ups and crunches suck, like nobody wants to do 'em, and with hip hop abs, it kept my interest because it was fun. people see my stomach and they're just like, "wow, how did you do that?" and i did it with hip hop abs. >> announcer: shaun's secret to great abs is his revolutionary dance technique used in all his moves: tilt, tuck, and tighten. it's designed to engage your entire core. it hits your upper abs, middle abs, lower abs, and obliques, all while you're dancing, so you're not just dancing, you're dancing with purpose. and nothing makes you want to get up and dance more than great music and that's what hip hop abs is all about. >> you hear the music and you can't do anything but want to move, and i just love it. >> it was easy. i'd step on the scale and the pounds were just coming off. >> what you're looking at now is two months of some really hard
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tilt, tucking, and tightening. i don't have the love handles, i don't have the back fat anymore. >> i went from a size 18 to a size 2. i have abs now, i've got a six-pack. >> announcer: these real customers followed shaun's hip hop abs program for 60 days and they lost pounds. they lost belly flab and they got tight, toned abs without doing one sit-up or crunch. all they did was dance. and now you can try the very same program right in your own home risk-free for an entire 60 days, plus keep watching, because you're gonna find out how you can get hip hop abs for 75% off! now that's fun! >> hi, i'm jennifer slimko. when i was introduced to hip hop abs and heard i could get amazing abs in two months, well, i wanted to be in the best shape of my life for my wedding day. so i used hip hop abs and only hip hop abs. i lost six inches off my waist and two dress sizes. my abs have never looked this good.
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that's the magic of shaun t's hip hop abs. ...why does hip hop abs work so fast? >> because you're literally working your upper abs, middle abs, lower abs, and obliques at the same time. you're tightening and toning your abs while you're dancing and you never have to get on the floor to do a single sit-up or crunch. >> and that is the best thing about hip hop abs. >> these are my problem areas. really it's the center and then the love handles. my name is abby, so everybody calls me abs, and i feel like it would actually be nice to live up to my nickname for once. ...before hip hop abs, i was at the gym not getting any results and nothing excited me. with hip hop abs, every day is different. there's such high-energy music, it was easy. i'm getting that full body workout in as i'm dancing, but i'm still focusing in on my abs. hip hop abs defined my abs. i lost the muffin top, the layer of fat is gone, um, it's just tight. i lost 20 pounds, i went from a size 12 to a size 6, and now i have abs.
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so, when people say, "hey, abs," i'm like, "yep, i've got 'em." [laughs] >> announcer: well, if you want abs too, then stand up right now in your living room. that's right, stand up and let shaun show you how easy it is with hip hop abs. >> now i'm gonna show you how to tilt, tuck, tighten, engaging your core with every single move. all right, so check it out. first, bring your feet together. step one, tilt-- tilt your shoulders over, easy. step 2, tuck-- just tuck your hips under. and step 3, exhale to tighten. [exhaling] shh... i mean, do you see my abs working? >> yes, i think i see his abs working. >> i mean, we're literally doing a standing crunch. you're dancing, having a good time. and the great thing about this is you're working that lower abdominal area really, really hard. >> that's a tough spot to get. >> announcer: and these hip hop abs moves are so fun and easy to learn, you'll want to rock them out in a club. get ready, because shaun's about to show you "the party bounce." >> take your feel apart. you're gonna bounce side to side, two times each-- and five, six, seven, bounce down.
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here, now see, we're utilizing that tilt, tuck, tighten, see? shoulders over, hips under and i'm exhaling every time i do it. it's so much fun. feet together right here, up, boom, boom, we're doing that party bounce, feel it. i mean, you could do this at the club, and it's so much fun. >> and i'm really tilt-, tuck-, and tightening my abs. and i'm getting the sides, i'm getting the top, i'm getting the bottom, i'm getting everything. >> sometimes i don't even realize that i'm working out, because i'm so focused on dancing with shaun t. >> my first hip hop abs workout, it was so much fun, i thought i was in a night club. it was like, "oh, yeah, this is exercise, this is something different than me running on the treadmill." 25 pounds in two months? [laughs] it's incredible. >> the heaviest i was, was 160 pounds. before i started hip hop abs, you know, i belonged to a gym, or how i like to say, i was paying their rent. doing hip hop abs was my answer to everything. i sculpted my midsection by the tilt, tuck, and tighten that shaun t taught me in
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hip hop abs-- i love it! shaun t is amazing. you can just feel his energy right through that television screen. i've lost 32 inches all around from head to toe. i've lost 17-1/2 pounds in the last eight weeks. i just feel amazing-- can't wait to keep on going. >> announcer: looking for even faster results? shaun designed a special 6-day imdown, so you can lose three inches off your waist in just six days. >> after six days, i lost six pounds, which shocked me. >> literally, in six days, i lost over three inches. >> oh, in my first six days, i lost 3-1/2 pounds and three inches from my waist. >> in six days of the slimdown with hip hop abs, i've lost 13 pounds and 3-1/2 inches off my waist-- i can't believe it. >> announcer: all you need to do is stick in the dvd and follow along for less than an hour a day-- it's that simple. no gym, no equipment, just a small space in front of your tv and hip hop abs. hip hop abs has helped thousands of people transform their bodies. shaun invited some of them
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to come to new york city to dance with him and share their stories. watch this. [cheering and applause...] >> what's up, y'all? what's up? >> my name is amanda bushley. i'm from lake roy, missouri. i have lost 75 pounds on hip hop abs and i have got some rock-hard abs. >> yeah! >> hi, my name is amy. i have two kids and a six-pack thanks to shaun t. >> yeah! >> i'm anne robinson, i'm 32. i'm from roy, utah. got three beautiful daughters and i am a hot mama. >> my name is tamara jackson and i lost 70 pounds thanks to hip hop abs. >> my name is diane. i'm from salt lake city, utah. i've had two kids, gone from a size 16 to a size 6, and look at these abs! >> announcer: get ready, because you're about to find out how to save 75% off hip hop abs! if you're looking to shed the fat, a way to flatten and sculpt your core and finally get those tight, sexy, toned abs of your dreams, then stop doing sit-ups.
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>> woman: say what?! >> announcer: and start dancing with hip hop abs, the fun, new ab-sculpting system that takes the world's hottest dance moves and turns them into ab-sculpting, fat-burning routines, so you don't even feel like you're working out. it's designed to engage your entire core, all while you're just dancing. and nothing makes you want to get up and dance more than great music, and that's what shaun's complete ab-sculpting hip hop abs program is all about. first, shaun will teach you his secret to flat abs with his targeted training technique designed to engage your abs without getting on the floor for sit-ups or crunches. next, turn up the music and dance. you'll start burning the fat off your abs with shaun's fat burning cardio dvd, filled with hot moves set to hot music, designed to burn fat and calories fast and easy. you'll also get ab sculpt, a targeted dance workout designed to tighten and tone your upper, middle and lower abs without a single sit-up or crunch, all while you're jamming
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to the music. then, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, shaun will step it up with total body burn and take your body to the next level with a mind-blowing, head-to-toe, body-sculpting workout. all you do is follow shaun's hip hop abs workout calendar. it shows you which workout to do each day. no guesswork-- just have fun dancing for maximum ab-flattening results. and to accelerate your results, shaun personally created a step-by-step nutrition guide, filled with healthy foods, meals and recipes, all designed to help you lose weight and burn inches off your waist. it gets even better! you'll also get these three bonus gifts. bonus number one: hips, buns and thighs, to slim your hips, trim your thighs, and lift your booty, so you can get back into your skinny jeans fast. bonus number 2: shaun t's results on the run fast food guide. he shows you healthy food choices, so you can still get great abs even when you're on the go. and bonus number three: shaun t's also including his amazing
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6-day slimdown program. so you can you lose up to three inches off your waist in just the first six days. >> in the first six days of hip hop abs, i've lost four pounds and three inches off my waist without doing one crunch. >> announcer: you'll get all three bonuses, a $60 value, yours free. that's the entire 60-day hip hop abs system plus $60 in free bonuses for only four easy payments of $19.95. that's less than the price of one personal training session with shaun, and we're still not done. shaun t is also including four free gifts. you'll get hip-hop groove and take it to the dance floor, where you'll learn to dance like shaun t. plus two five-minute routines when you're short on time: last minute abs and last minute buns. you can even add these to work your biggest problem areas for even crazier results. and these four gifts, a $60 value, are yours absolutely free. get the complete hip hop abs system, including four ab-sculpting workouts, shaun's step by step nutrition guide, his hip hop abs workout calendar, plus $120 of free
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bonuses for only four easy payments of $19.95. but wait, order now and hip hop abs is 75% off! >> woman: say what?! >> announcer: that's right. the complete $80 hip hop abs system is only $19.95. we'll even let you try it risk-free for a full 60 days. that's right, you'll get two full months to try hip hop abs and if you don't see results like the people in this show or if you're not 100% satisfied for any reason, return it and get your money back. but check this out: you get to keep hips, buns, and thighs, results on the run, and shaun t's 6-day slimdown just for trying hip hop abs. that's dope! we're even going to give you 24/7 v.i.p. access to shaun t live on the internet, live chats with shaun, customized meal plans, and access to a free coach and support, so you're never alone. all free at no extra charge. as if that wasn't enough, you're not gonna wait three weeks for regular delivery-- oh, no. we're even gonna upgrade your order to express delivery,
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so you can start your ab transformation in just three to five business days, guaranteed. another $15 value free. crazy, right? so, call now for the entire hip hop abs system, $120 in free bonuses, plus 24/7 online support, and a free upgrade to express shipping, that's a $400 value for the insane price of only $19.95. that's 75% off. >> woman: wait just a minute! you trying to tell me it's 20 bucks for all of that? how many months of $19.95? >> announcer: just one-- eight workouts for just $19.95. >> woman: you crazy! what's the catch? >> announcer: no catch, except there's only 17 minutes left. >> woman: and i'm not gonna get charged again next month? i'm not in a subscription i gotta cancel? >> announcer: nope, you save 75% when you call or order online right now. >> woman: that's a steal, baby! [♪...] call or go online now. [♪...]
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>> announcer: we know how frustrated you are. that belly flab is stubborn. you spent hours in the gym, you tried every diet and cleanse, and still no six-pack. well, your luck is about to change, because in just 60 days you will lose the weight and you will get the abs! but this special offer is only available for a limited time, so you must call now. >> the problem areas that i have are really the lower part of my stomach, the love handles, the lower, um, it's a little jiggly. .i have serious cuts. even on the side, my obliques, like... hah... chh.. doing hip hop abs, i could tell that my body was changing. my abs, they tightened, everything toned up quicker and firmer. my jeans were literally falling off of me. [laughs] i lost 19 pounds and 15 inches with hip hop abs-- unbelievable. >> so, these were the day one
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pants... and it's just crazy, like i said-- it's like a whole 'nother person in here. it was frustrating being 235 and knowing i had so far to go, and i started hip hop abs... it's amazing what happened. i lost 36 pounds just dancing. the fact that i was able to do dance moves and get the same effect as if i had done sit-ups and crunches just blew my mind, 'cause i was so focused on just having fun... that just was phenomenal. >> i've probably lost the same 20 pounds about 10 or 12 times. [laughs] i've done boot camp, i've done pilates, i tried yoga, and i still wasn't getting the results that i wanted. in 60 days i lost 20 pounds and four inches off my waist. one of my friends said to me, "damn, you look hot." >> announcer: with hip hop abs, you're not just having fun dancing to great music while you're learning how to tilt, tuck, and tighten. you're actually working your upper abs, middle abs, lower abs, and obliques the entire time. and the moves are so fun and easy to learn. check this out. >> in the "kick it,"
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you lift your foot off the ground, automatically engaging your lower abs. look, i lift my feet off and then my knees, utilizing the tilt, tuck, tighten to get a full body workout and, of course, a full ab workout. >> i feel like i need a tummy tuck. there are rolls in the front, there are rolls on the bottom, there are rolls on the side. i found back rolls too. ...when i started hip hop abs, it was just for me the start of something great. we're working on our abs, we're contracting our abs all the time. within two weeks i started seeing results with my body. i don't have the back fat anymore, i don't have the love handles. you can see my shape. i never even had a waistline before. my hip hop abs are pretty sexy. shaun t, like, he puts a smile on my face and he just-- he's so motivating. these last two months in hip hop abs, i shed the 22 pounds and the 18 inches and the five inches off my waist. it's very exciting and i felt like a dancer, you know? i feel like i could be in a beyonce video. [laughs] >> i kept saying to everybody, "oh, i just had a baby... i still have the baby pouch." and people would say to me,
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"oh, how old's your baby?" and i'd be like, "two!" shaun t did what i needed him to do: he motived me, he inspired me, and above all he pushed me. and i saw results so quickly on the hip hop abs program, it motivated me to do mo, and it was fun. it was dancing. it didn't feel like working out. it was in my living room with shaun t and my son dancing next to me. i wanted to do it every day. a few weeks into hip hop abs, i started to see a line up here on my abs which i have never had in my entire life. and i was like, "oh, my goodness, look, i got a line, i got a line!" 60 days on the hip hop abs program, i lost 21 pounds. i went from 143 pounds to 122 pounds. after hip hop abs, i feel sexy. [laughs] >> announcer: you are so lucky you are watching this show right now, because for a limited time you can get 75% off hip hop abs when you call in the next 12 minutes. that's right-- you can get the complete $80 hip hop abs system for only $19.95. shaun t's also including hisamal
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help you lose up to three inches off your waist in just the first six days, guaranteed or your money back. >> i did the 6-day slimdown and i lost 12 pounds in week one. >> with the 6-day slimdown, i lost 4-1/2 inches off my waist and 7-1/2 pounds off my whole body, and i didn't do one sit-up. >> i have lost six pounds and 3-1/2 inches in six days. >> announcer: and we're still not done! shaun t is also including four free gifts, including two five-minute routines for when you're short on time: last minute abs and last minute buns. you can even add these to work your biggest problem areas for even crazier results. and these four gifts, a $60 value, are yours absolutely free. and you're not going to wait three weeks for regular delivery. we're even gonna upgrade your order to express delivery, so you can start your ab transformation in just three to five business day, guaranteed. another $15 value free. >> here is my personal guarantee: try my hip hop abs
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program for 30 days, and if you don't complete transform your abs, i want you to return it and we'll refund the full purchase price, no questions asked. just stick with me, shaun t, and you're gonna have the abs of your dreams. >> announcer: but wait... rewind! did shaun say 30 days? well, right now, during this exclusive tv offer, we're doubling shaun's guarantee. that's right, not 30 days, but a full 60 days. so you can try the entire 60-day program. this is an exclusive tv offer that won't last, so have your credit card ready and call now to get hip hop abs for only $19.95-- that's 75% off-- plus $120 in free bonuses, a free upgrade to express delivery, and a full 60-day money-back guarantee. call or go online now. [♪...] it's time to say goodbye to sit-ups and crunches. stop wasting time
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with ab gizmos that don't work. it's time to start having fun while you burn off the fat and sculpt your abs without ever getting down on the floor to do a single sit-up or crunch. with hip hop abs, you'll be dancing to great music. >> but you're not just dancing, you're dancing with purpose. now i'm gonna show you how to tilt, tuck, tighten, engaging your core with every single move. let me show you the "get busy." it's a full body workout. take your feet apart. you're gonna go back, back, front, front, squeeze, obliques. do it again. tilt, tuck, tighten, using the three t's, obliques right here. one more time. see my abs working? it's a full body workout and it's my favorite move. >> everybody in my family now knows this one, the "get busy." this one, i love this one. >> so, you bring your arms back, and then forward. >> you crunch in and then you twist. >> and you're just moving and tilt, tuck, and tighten. your shoulders go down and your hips go up. >> and i do it kind of sexy, like i throw a little swing in there, you know... oh! [laughs].
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>> you're hitting every part of your abs. >> the front, your lower abs, your middle abs, your upper abs. >> the obliques. >> it's literally a full ab workout and it's fun. >> i had like, one, two, three stomach rolls-- i could actually bunch them together like, "why won't you go away?" i did sit-ups and crunches but my stomach wouldn't go down. my first hip hop abs workout, it was so much fun. something different than me running on the treadmill. you're really burning calories and really tightening your core. when you do the move over and over again you can really feel that it's, it's working. i lost 25 pounds, seven inches off my waist. to finally look in the mirror and say, "you know what? i'm ready for my close-up." i'm ready for my close-up. i feel confident. i would never wear a bikini before and i have the confidence to do that now. shaun t inspired that confidence in me and he's just definitely one of a kind. i really love him.
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>> before hip hop abs, i was about 200 pounds. i had no energy, was very unhappy. i didn't want to go to the gym, i wanted to do something fun. and the first thought in my head when i saw hip hop abs is, "i want a flat stomach, i want to look like that, theyook really good!" so, i got up in front of the tv and i started doing the "get busy." after the first couple of days, i was tightening my stomach and dancing without even realizing it. it just-- automatic, you just-- "wow, this is cool, my abs are tightening!" but shaun makes it very easy. he walks you through it step by step. i felt like he was talking to me through the video. in the first week, i lost 12 pounds. i was beside myself. i thought, "this is working, this is great." i went from a size 18 to a size 2-- that is amazing. i have abs now, i've got obliques, i've got a six-pack, i've got a waist. one person asked me, "are you amanda bushley?"
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and i said, "yes, i am." he goes, "oh, my gosh, what happened to you?" and i said, "i've lost all my weight with hop abs." i feel sexy, i feel attractive. if you're sitting on the couch right now saying, "i can't do it," you can do it. i did it, you can do it. >> commit to me and you will succeed. are you ready? hit it! >> announcer: if you're looking to shed the fat, a way to flatten and sculpt your core and finally get those tight, sexy, toned abs of your dreams, then stop doing sit-ups. >> woman: say what?! >> announcer: and start dancing with hip hop abs, the fun, new ab-sculpting system that takes the world's hottest dance moves and turns them into ab-sculpting, fat-burning routines, so you don't even feel like you're working out. it's designed to engage your entire core, all while you're just dancing. and nothing makes you want to get up and dance more than great music, and that's what shaun's complete ab-sculpting hip hop abs program is all about.
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first, shaun will teach you his secret to flat abs with his targeted training technique designed to engage your abs without getting on the floor for sit-ups or crunches. next, turn up the music and dance. you'll start burning the fat off your abs with shaun's fat burning cardio dvd, filled with hot moves set to hot music, designed to burn fat and calories fast and easy. you'll also get ab sculpt, a targeted dance workout designed to tighten and tone your upper, middle and lower abs without a single sit-up or crunch, all while you're jamming to the music. then, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, shaun will step it up with total body burn and take your body to the next level with a mind-blowing, head-to-toe, body-sculpting workout. all you do is follow shaun's hip hop abs workout calendar. it shows you which workout to do each day. no guesswork-- just have fun dancing for maximum ab-flattening results. and to accelerate your results, shaun personally created
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a step-by-step nutrition guide, filled with healthy foods, meals and recipes, all designed to help you lose weight and burn inches off your waist. it gets even better! you'll also get these three bonus gifts. bonus number one: hips, buns and thighs, to slim your hips, trim your thighs, and lift your booty, so you can get back into your skinny jeans fast. bonus number 2: shaun t's results on the run fast food guide. he shows you healthy food choices, so you can still get great abs even when you're on the go. and bonus number three: shaun t's also including his amazing 6-day slimdown program. so you can you lose up to three inches off your waist in just the first six days. >> in the first six days of hip hop abs, i've lost four pounds and three inches off my waist without doing one crunch. >> announcer: you'll get all three bonuses, a $60 value, yours free. that's the entire 60-day hip hop abs system plus $60 in free bonuses for only four easy payments of $19.95. that's less than the price of one personal training
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session with shaun, and we're still not done. shaun t is also including four free gifts. you'll get hip-hop groove and take it to the dance floor, where you'll learn to dance like shaun t. plus two five-minute routines when you're short on time: last minute abs and last minute buns. you can even add these to work your biggest problem areas for even crazier results. and these four gifts, a $60 value, are yours absolutely free. get the complete hip hop abs system, including four ab-sculpting workouts, shaun's step by step nutrition guide, his hip hop abs workout calendar, plus $120 of free bonuses for only four easy payments of $19.95. but wait, order now and hip hop abs is 75% off! >> woman: say what?! >> announcer: that's right. the complete $80 hip hop abs system is only $19.95. we'll even let you try it risk-free for a full 60 days. that's right, you'll get two full months to try hip hop abs and if you don't see results like the people in this show or if you're not 100% satisfied
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for any reason, return it and get your money back. but check this out: you get to keep hips, buns, and thighs, results on the run, and shaun t's 6-day slimdown just for trying hip hop abs. that's dope! we're even going to give you 24/7 v.i.p. access to shaun t live on the internet, live chats with shaun, customized meal plans, and access to a free coach and support, so you're never alone. all free at no extra charge. as if that wasn't enough, you're not gonna wait three weeks for regular delivery-- oh, no. we're even gonna upgrade your order to express delivery, so you can start your ab transformation in just three to five business days, guaranteed. another $15 value free. crazy, right? so, call now for the entire hip hop abs system, $120 in free bonuses, plus 24/7 online support, and a free upgrade to express shipping, that's a $400 value for the insane price of only $19.95. that's 75% off.
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>> woman: wait just a minute! you trying to tell me it's 20 bucks for all of that? how many months of $19.95? >> announcer: just one-- eight workouts for just $19.95. >> woman: you crazy! what's the catch? >> announcer: no catch, except there's only five minutes left. >> woman: and i'm not gonna get charged again next month? i'm not in a subscription i gotta cancel? >> announcer: nope, you save 75% when you call or order online right now. >> woman: that's a steal, baby! [♪...] call or go online now. [♪...] >> you just tilt, tuck, tighten. >> mm, mm, up, up. >> [laughs].. i like this. >> announcer: the preceding was brought to you by beachbody.
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>> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for dr. bader's pest cures, brought to you by telebrands. [whoosh] >> hi everybody, i'm forbes riley. ooh, oh! did you ever get surprised by a little spider or an ant or worse, a cockroach in your house? well, this guy isn't real, but there are tons of creepy crawlers from spiders to ants, icky earwigs and even mice in your home. and what do you do when you find one? well, if you're like me, you take out your shoe and you start smashing 'em or you take one of those harsh chemical sprays that kills them. but that's also dangerous to your family, your kids and even your pets. so if you've got pests,
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you're not going to want to miss today's show because i'm going to introduce you to this-- this amazing book, ooh, can't live without it. it's called natural solutions to things that bug you. now, in here, are secrets that are all-natural. in fact, many of them can be found right in your pantry. they're inexpensive and they're completely safe. it's the best way to get rid of pests in your home i've ever found. now, my guest who's written this, he's got the solution. he's a doctor of public health who spent more than 20 years researching this. he's published more than 24 books, they've sold millions. please welcome dr. myles bader. >> well, thank you, forbes. >> hey-- oh, o.k., what do you have here? >> oh, gosh, i've got poisons and pesticides. this is what you're going to have around your house to use to get rid of insects and bugs. i've got 23 grandchildren; this is the last thing i ever want in my home, which is why i started researching and writing the book. >> well, it's really scary if you read the labels and we're trying to be all-natural and keep the health of our family. look at this: typical ant and roach killer. it says "harmful to pets and keep away from children." well, that's what's in my home. so let's take all of these
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chemicals and let's just rid of them. >> let's get rid of them. >> i want to replace them with what you've written because i can't live without your book. i mean, there are things in here i'd never heard of before. >> well, that's exactly it. i mean, these have been handed down from generation to generation. i interviewed farmers in the midwest, i interviewed everybody i could possibly find to get natural solutions that really work. everything in the book works. >> well, i know, i've tested a lot of them. i'm a huge fan of yours, a lot of your books i have. finally, not having to take sprays and harsh chemicals. i mean, you look right here on page 140, there's a way to get rid of ants-- i love this! >> everything. everything you can possible think of, every insect, every critter, every bug, you'll find in the book with an easy solution with things that you have around the house. >> o.k., myles, you got a little something on your shoulder there. >> i do? >> yes! >> oh gosh, it's a spider. >> yes, it is a spider. i don't like spiders. i try to get them out of my house. we have a lot of them in florida, but there's that old joke if you kill a female spider, her eight million babies get really mad at you. but the truth is in my house, it's her babies or my babies. >> well, you know, spiders are beneficial, so we don't want to kill 'em, but... come on over
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here and i'll show you how to get rid of them naturally. >> oh, o.k., now that's a really big spider. >> that's a really big spider. if you've got a spider that big in your house, i'd move. really fast. to get rid of spiders, all you have to do is mix some white vinegar with coconut oil and put it in a spray bottle, spray all the corners in your home, you will never see another spider. they do not like coconut oil and vinegar. now, if you want to get rid of ants, all you have to do is take bay leaves. put bay leaves in all the drawers of your kitchen, your sugar container, your flour container, everything. put a bay leaf in there and you'll never see an ant around there. now, take some white vinegar, put it in a spray bottle, spray your counters and that'll take care of the problem on your counters. >> so all these secrets and more, they're right here in this book-- i mean, it'll pay for itself in no time. >> oh, there's no doubt about it. everything is natural, everything is in the book. silverfish-- you want to use a white powder there, it's called diatomaceous earth, d.e. >> diatom-- what? >> diatomaceous earth. you get it in any garden supply, nursery, use food-grade, not pool-grade and it's safe for the children and pets. >> so i can touch this? >> it's harmless. it's got little spicules in


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