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tv   Today  NBC  August 20, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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specialists in helping customers with "upside down"'s our promise to you during "drive for 99" - if you owe more than you're current vehicle is worth - even if you owe $5,000, $10,000, even $15,000 more than your current vehicle is worth and want to drive the brand new car, for 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month we will make it happen...but it all starts with one thing - a phone call - to us - by now and take advantage of our instant approval process and you will have a loan and loan amount approved within minutes. take advantage of our state of the art and exclusive instant loan approval process. call now! can you believe my car was repo'd the other day? man, i was so upset i just did not know what i was gonna do. then a friend told me about drive for 99 so i called them and they said come on down. i mean here i am, i have a repo on my credit and everything and they told me they could help me.
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so i went down there and they did. they gave me a really nice car for just 99 dollars down. i was able to drive it away that day. thank you drive for 99 you really saved the day. with my bad credit i couldn't get a car anywhere. i went to 10 different dealerships, then i called during the drive for 99 event, they got me a great car, with a 99 dollar down payment. thank you drive for 99. now is the time to act there has never been a better opportunity for people with severely damaged credit to drive the car truck, van or suv they have always imagined themselves behind the wheel of! get out of that high mileage vehicle you're paying way to much for and step up to a brand new car, truck, van or suv you've always wanted for just 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month. this may sound "crazy" but i can assure you these deals are real. we have been delivering for good people over the past 30 plus years and we plan on doing it for 30
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more so call us today. you have nothing to fear. i know it can be intimidating getting up the nerve to apply for an auto loan yet again after being turned down multiple times. but for 30 years we've been saying yes when others say no. call us now. there's never been a better time to act. take advantage of our exclusive instant loan approval process only available during our drive for 99 event. call us now. your credit. other than a mortgage loan, there is nothing that is looked at more closely by lenders than an auto loan. so do yourself a favor if you're considering re-establishing your credit. get yourself an auto loan; pay those payments on time, because every payment you make on time is an incredibly positive mark on your credit report. even my fault, and with the mounting medical bills, i couldn't get financed for another truck. then i called the drive for 99 event and wow they helped me out, get a new truck for just
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99 dollars down. i love drive for 99. i maxed out all my credit cards and i couldn't make the payments on time. that made my credit score go down. i thought i would never get a new car but with drive for 99 i got myself a beautiful car for 99 dollars down. thanks drive for 99. during the "drive for 99" once in a lifetime sales event - don't worry about your trade in! push it in! pull it in! tow it in! drag it in! it doesn't matter just get it in! upside down credit? who cares, we don't...we'll give you top dollar for that trade and pay it off no matter what you owe. how can you lose during "drive for 99?" you can't. we must be insane - making this unimaginable offer to you for 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month. but it's real. and, here's the best part...everyone qualifies, regardless of past credit history...bankruptcy, divorce, medical bills, multiple repossessions,
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no credit immigrants, bad credit, slow credit, no credit...we've seen them all walk in our front door! and, then we've seen them a short time later drive off our lot in a brand new vehicle. but it all starts with one simple phone call. we urge you to pick up the phone and call us now! we can help! and, "drive for 99" is the most unique and opportune time for us to help you with our instant loan approval process! call us now you have nothing to lose, so act now! i'm dr just 99 dollars down. 99 dollars a month. even with a repossession i was able to get a brand new car for just 99 dollars down. i got a new truck for just 99 dollars down. and i'm driving for 99 dollars a month. thank you drive for 99! drive for 99! that's right every car and truck on our lot 99 down or 99 a month. every van and suv 99 down or 99 a month 99 dollars
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down or 99 dollars per month is all you pay, regardless of your past credit history. the auto finance network proudly presents this unprecedented offer where for 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month everybody rides. this is a one of a kind event - the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again! the auto finance network guarantees you three things 99 dollar down payments or 99 dollar monthly payments and guaranteed credit. that's right because during "drive for 99" - "everybody rides" regardless of how severe your past credit circumstances may have been. everyone qualifies, regardless of past credit history...bankruptcy, divorce, medical bills, multiple repossessions, no credit immigrants, bad credit, slow credit, no credit...even if you've got upside down credit, who cares, we don't...we'll give you top dollar for that trade and pay it off no matter what you owe. because if you've got "upside down"
7:06 am's our promise to you during "drive for 99" - if you owe more than you're current vehicle is worth - even if you owe $5,000, $10,000, even $15,000 more than your current vehicle is worth and want to drive the brand new car of your dreams for 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month we will make it happen...guaranteed...but it all starts with one thing - a phone call - to us - by now! every credit application will be approved - guaranteed. people who thought they would never get auto financing in the past have gotten approved on the spot during the unprecedented "drive for 99". there has never been a sales event like this one before and there may never be one like it again - only 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month. that's right if you've got 99 dollars you drive. this is an almost unimaginable offer to you for only 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month. now is the time for you to drive the car, truck,
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van or suv of your dreams for only 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month and everybody drives, regardless of past credit history. this is a sales event the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again. so you must act now! this is an extremely limited time offer... call now! there has never been a better time than now for people with severely damaged credit to drive the car they really want to drive. the car they have always imagined themselves behind the wheel of. but you must act now! call the number on your screen now and drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams tomorrow. take the first step, pick up the phone and talk to one of our friendly loan consultants. drive for 99 extends to every make, every model and ery style vehicle imaginable. don't let past credit problems stop you any longer! drive for 99 is any extremely limited offer so you must act now. drive for 99 is a promotion the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again. during this unprecedented promotion we've made new
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vehicle ownership obtainable for everyone and we mean everyone. because during drive for 99or 99 the auto finance network promises you three things - 99 dollar down payments or 99 dollar monthly payments and guaranteed credit. stop now and drive the new car, truck, van or suv of your dreams before you know it. we've removed all of the obstacles so what are you waiting for? call us now! call now. when you call and talk to us there are no high pressure sales tactics or any other unpleasantries that come along with buying a car from most dealerships. we've been serving this area for 30 years plus and we plan on doing it for at least 30 more. credit is our specialty but people are our business. maybe you're still sitting there thinking we are out of our minds. you might be saying to yourself - i've never been able to qualify for any of these great sounding car promotions before or you think those great deals
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are only for the few and the chosen...the people with "good" credit"...well you're not crazy...and to tell you the truth neither are we. we just know how to get the deals done - that's why we're the largest volume special credit dealer in the nation...people drive for hours and hundred of miles to shop with us. call us and give a chance...wouldn't a brand new car, truck or suv fit very nicely into your future budget at only 99 dollars per month. what are you waiting for? call us now. never an obligation, and never a charge. the call is completely free - find out more about this offer - i assure you its right for you, call now and get your instant loan approval over the phone and you'll be shopping before you know now! at my age i haven't had enough time to build up good credit. everybody turned me down. and i couldn't get financing anywhere. i was beginning to feel like that all my hopes of getting my very first brand new car were going
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right out the window and there was nothing i could do about it. well finally my older brother came to me with some advice and he recommended i try contacting drive for 99. so without any other real options, that's what i did. and i kid you not, for just 99 dollars, drive for 99 had me driving off that lot with the car of my dreams and it was my very first brand new car. drive for 99 really changed my life. i knew that getting sick was going to do a number on my bank account, but i had no idea what the medical bills were going to do to my credit. i still needed a car. i called during the drive for 99 event and now i get a brand new car for 99 dollars a month. thanks for getting me back on the road. you won't have to settle the car other dealers say you have to drive or is all that you can afford or qualify for. during "drive for 99" you'll drive your dream car, truck or suv for just 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month. and with prices like these you'll think it's 1999
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during the one and only "drive for 99" event. but it won't last long. so you must act now. don't forget folks - all vehicles qualify for this unprecedented 99 dollar event - 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month even extends to our unequaled pre-owned inventory. we've got 100's and 100's of low mile, high quality, e owner cars, trucks, vans and suv's for you to choose from. and don't forget, everybody rides during the "drive for 99" event, regardless of past credit history. we don't concern ourselves with your credit history - we concern ourselves with your credit future - driving the car of your dreams. pre-owned vehicles and the our line of brand new vehicles make this an event the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see us now! and, remember instant loan approval won't last long and it is only good for this once in a lifetime "drive for 99" event.
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after my divorce my credit card bills kept getting higher and higher and i got late on the payments, but i needed a new car with really good gas mileage to get to my new job. i called the drive for 99 event and i found out i could get a car for 99 dollars and i am so thrilled. now, i not only can i drive for 99, but i can put money in the bank as well, thanks drive for 99. i got into a car accident, i had all these medical bills that i couldn't pay, it totally ruined my credit. then i heard about drive for 99 and i called them and they said my past credit problems were no problem what so ever. so i came down to the lot and drove off for 99 dollars. thank you so much drive for 99. you totally saved my life. time is running out on this once in a lifetime "drive for 99" event. remember you're under no obligation...there is no harsh sales techniques or high pressure sales tactics. so pick up the phone and make that toll-free call to us right now.
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we're standing by 24/7 to help you and help shape your credit future. it's instant loan approval. take a just couple of minutes and talk with one of our loan approval experts. they are standing by to serve you. they have more experience and talent than any other loan approval department in the entire country. that's why we are the only ones to offer the exclusive instant loan approval process. why settle when you don't have to. you deserve better and we understand this. you've already heard from countless people during this program why you should join them and the countless others we've helped during the past 30 plus years. what are you waiting for? call us now! know their credit score add this to the fact that 3 out of every 4 car dealers are not properly equipped to deal with people with bad credit and you have a situation where you might feel that your credit score is worse than
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it actually is. using the system like the one described in the show puts you in a position of power and gives you the confidence you need to get the car you want, not the one the dealer wants you to take. so the two keys to credit success are number one: education, and we give you this for free at living with bad and number two: applying for credit in the right places. that's right every car and truck on our lot. 99 down or 99 a month. every van and suv. 99 down or 99 a month. 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month is all you pay, regardless of your past credit history. the auto finance network proudly presents this unprecedented offer where for 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month everybody rides. this is a one of a kind event - the likes of which this area has ver seen before and may never see again! the auto finance network guarantees you three
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things 99 dollar down payments or 99 dollar monthly payments and guaranteed credit. that's right because during "drive for 99" - "everybody rides" regardless of how severe your past credit circumstances may have been. everyone qualifies, regardless of past credit history...bankruptcy, divorce, medical bills, multiple repossessions, no credit immigrants, bad credit, slow credit, no credit...even if you've got upside down credit, who cares, we don't...we'll give you the top dollar for that trade and pay it off no matter what you owe. because if you've got "upside down"'s our promise to you during "drive for 99" - if you owe more than you're current vehicle is worth - even if you owe $5,000, $10,000, even $15,000 more than your current vehicle is worth and want to drive the brand new car of your dreams for 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month we will make it happen...guaranteed...but it all starts with one thing - a phone call - to
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us - by now! every credit application will be approved - guaranteed. people who thought they would never get auto financing in the past have gotten approved on the spot during the unprecedented "drive for 99". there has never been a sales event like this one before and there may never be one like it again - only 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month. that's right if you've got 99 dollars you drive. this is an almost unimaginable offer to you for only 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month. now is the time for you to drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams for only 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month and everybody drives, regardless of past credit history. this is a sales event the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again. so you must act now! this is an extremely limited time now! there has never been a better time than now for people with severely damaged credit to drive
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the car they really want to drive. the car they have always imagined themselves behind the wheel of. but you must act now! call the number on your screen now and drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams tomorrow. take the first step, pick up the phone and talk to one of our friendly loan consultants. drive for 99 extends to every make, every model and every style vehicle imaginable. don't let past credit problems stop you any longer! drive for 99 is an extremely limited offer so you must act now. drive for 99 is a promotion the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again. during this unprecedented promotion we made new vehicle ownership obtainable for everyone. and we mean everyone. because during dve for 99. the auto finance network promises you three things - 99 dollar down payments or 99 dollar monthly payments and guaranteed credit. stop now and drive the new car, truck, van or suv of your dreams before you know it.
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we've removed all of the obstacles so what are you waiting for? call us now! call now. we know how to help the credit challenged customer better than anyone in the country. here are some facts about credit you might not know. 1 in 4 credit reports contain errors. these errors are serious enough that you will be denied credit. none of this is your fault! errors are not your fault, falling on hard times are not your fault, and especially, being turned down for an auto loan is not your fault. 90% of customers with bad credit are turned down at traditional car dealerships. not with us. we approve 100% of people, 100% of the time. have you ever seen your credit report? do you know what your credit score is? 75% of our customers didn't know what their credit score was! we know that managing your credit is difficult and we understand. we will not take advantage of you because you haven't
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been given information. let us handle the hard part; all you have to do is make one phone call. what information does a lender see when they pull your credit? three credit bureaus have different information on you depending on your credit history. once a lender has a credit report from one of the bureaus, there are many different scores that a lender uses depending on what you are purchasing. there are auto credit scores for people getting an auto loan, mortgage credit scores for people getting a mortgage and a different credit score if you are getting a credit card. all of this is very confusing, but we know how to sort through it and get you into a car on your terms, not theirs! last year was a record number of repossessions, if you have had a repossession, we will help get out of that rut. so if you've got bad credit don't sweat it during the once in a lifetime "drive for 99" event. because during this event. everybody rides! i'm a first time buyer, and i work at a supermarket
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which means i barely make anything. everybody turned me down for a loan, i didn't know what to do. i needed a car. so then, i heard about the drive for 99 event and i couldn't believe it. i drove a way in the car of my dreams for just 99 dollars a month. thank you so much drive for 99, you really helped me out. i'm divorced, and my wife took everything including my car and my credit is ruined. so what i did is i called during the drive for 99 event and i was able to get the car i wanted and put 99 dollars down. thank you, drive for 99. well this it, our time here is up. but yours is just beginning. i hope you realize by now you're just one short phone call away driving a car, truck, van or suv of your dreams. we urge you to pick up the phone now - with no obligation to buy - and talk to one of our friendly loan approval experts and have your instant loan approval within minutes.
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remember this is the one and only time we are offering our instant loan approval in conjunction with the once in a lifetime "drive for 99" event. you only live once. call now you never know what you might qualify for! call now! that's right every car and truck on our lot. 99 down or 99 a month. every van and suv. 99 down or 99 a month. 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month is all you pay, regardless of your past credit history. the auto finance network proudly presents this unprecedented offer where for 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month everybody rides. this is a one of a kind event - the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again! the auto finance network guarantees you three things 99 dollar down payments or 99 dollar monthly payments and guaranteed credit. that's right because during "drive for 99" - "everybody rides" regardless of how severe
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your past credit circumstances may have been. everyone qualifies, regardless of past credit history... bankruptcy, divorce, medical bills, multiple repossessions, no credit immigrants, bad credit, slow credit, no credit...even if you've got upside down credit, who cares, we don't...we'll give you top dollar for that trade and pay it off no matter what you owe. because if you've got "upside down"'s our promise to you during "drive for 99" - if you owe more than you're current vehicle is worth - even if you owe $5,000, $10,000, even $15,000 more than your current vehicle is worth and want to drive the brand new car of your dreams for 99 dollars down or 99 dollars per month we will make it happen...guaranteed... but it all starts with one thing - a phone call - to us - by now! every credit application will be approved - guaranteed. people who thought they would never get auto financing in the past have gotten approved on the
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spot during the unprecedented "drive for 99". there has never been a sales event like this one before and there may never be one like it again - only 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month. that's right if you've got 99 dollars you drive. this is an almost unimaginable offer to you for only 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month. now is the time for you to drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams for only 99 dollars down or 99 dollars a month and everybody drives, regardless of past credit history. this is a sales event the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again. so you must act now! this is an extremely limited time offer... call now! there has never been a better time than now for people with severely damaged credit to drive the car they really want to drive. the car they have always imagined themselves behind the wheel of. but you must act now! call the number on your screen now and drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams tomorrow.
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take the first step, pick up the phone and talk to one of our friendly loan consultants. drive for 99 extends to every make, every model and every style vehicle imaginable. don't let past credit problems stop you any longer! drive for 99 is any extremely limited offer so you must act now. drive for 99 is a promotion the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again. during this unprecedented promotion we've made new vehicle ownership obtainable for everyone and we mean everyone. because during drive for 99. the auto finance network promises you three things - 99 dollar down payments or 99 dollar monthly payments and guaranteed credit. stop now and drive the new car, truck, van or suv of your dreams before you know it. we've removed all of the obstacles so what are you waiting for? call us now! call now.
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for rockin' body, brought to you by beachbody. pay close attention. this is your last chance to save 75% off rockin' body. if you want to shed the fat... >> i went from a size 16 down to a size 6. >> announcer: ...and sculpt your body... >> the fat melted off over my whole body, literally. >> announcer: get that slim, sexy look of your dreams, then you need to stop working out... >> say what?!
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>> announcer: ...and start rocking out with rockin' body, the fun, new body-makeover system that takes the world's hottest dance moves and turns them into fast, fun, fat-burning routines so you don't even feel like you're working out. >> it's like going to a club, you know? you're dancing. you're having fun. you're working it out, and you're actually getting results. >> i lost 33 pounds and 7 inches off my waist. i am ecstatic. [ chuckles ] [ up-tempo music plays ] >> announcer: that's right. say goodbye to boring treadmills or struggling for hours at the gym and start having fun shedding pounds, losing inches off your waist, and sculpting that lean, sexy body you've always wanted, all while you're just dancing. >> i lost 30 pounds dancing. >> when i would be at the gym, i kind of felt like i was in a fishbowl. you know, i always felt like i was the biggest person trying to work out. i lost 30 pounds dancing. with rockin' body, the moves are so easy, anyone can do it. >> announcer: that's because rockin' body was created by fitness expert and insanity creator shaun t.
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but what you may not know is that he's a world-renowned dancer and choreographer, and for years, people have waited in sold-out lines to take his dance classes to learn shaun's fun, easy-to-follow moves designed to transform their bodies, all while they're just dancing to great music. >> i've created many workout programs, and some of them are insanely hard, but if you want something easy and fun and gives you the same amazing results, then rockin' body is perfect for you. so, come dance with me, and i'll help you lose weight the easy way. >> if you can walk, you can rock. >> you're having fun while you're getting the best workout for your body that you possibly could. >> i danced my head off, and i had a great time, and now, 24 pounds later, 30 inches overall, i'm a new person. >> announcer: the secret is shaun's easy-to-follow, fun dance progressions designed to tone and tighten your abs, shrink and shape your hips and thighs, and lift and firm your booty -- all while you're just dancing. it doesn't matter how much weight you have to lose -- 30 pounds, 40 pounds, even 50 pounds -- just put in the dvd
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and follow along to get the body you've always wanted. all you need is a small amount of space in front of your tv -- no gyms, no equipment, just 30 to 45 minutes a day for rocking results like these. >> with rockin' body, i lost 13 inches and 57 pounds. >> i lost 31 1/2 pounds just dancing. >> with rockin' body, i lost 43 pounds, 10 1/2 inches just off my waist alone, just by dancing. >> i rocked my body down four sizes and dropped 27 pounds dancing. the best thing about it is that it's completely fun. with rockin' body, i'm me again. >> announcer: these real customers followed shaun's rockin' body program, and they lost pounds. they lost inches. all they did was dance. and now you can try the very same program right in your own home risk-free for an entire 60 days. plus, keep watching, because you're gonna find out how you can get rockin' body for 75% off. now, that's fun! >> i like to create workout programs that get people fast
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results, and some of my programs are a little hard, but rockin' body is a little easier but a lot of fun, and best of all, you get fast results. >> probably within the past five years, my weight has increased steadily. when i look in the mirror, i don't see me. i lost 30 pounds with rockin' body, and now when i look in the mirror, i love what i see. i love to dance, and before you know it, five songs have gone by, and suddenly, you're losing weight. with rockin' body, i lost 30 pounds just by dancing and having fun. i did it. [ chuckles ] look at me. >> i guess i had just kind of accepted being a big guy, and that was just part of my persona. year by year, i just got bigger. i like to dance. that's what drew me in at the very beginning was that it's gonna be good music, and it's gonna be fun. with rockin' body, i was able to lose 56 pounds. i was able to lose 46 inches off my entire body. 11 of those inches were just right here in my stomach. it's, like, just changing my
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life completely -- like, a complete 180. you just dance, and the weight just comes off. [ chuckles ] >> so, for years and years of just neglecting myself, i ended up becoming someone i really disliked. with rockin' body, i have lost 33 pounds, 11 inches off my waist, and i've gone from a size 16 to a size 6. amazing. shaun t is incredible! you're moving and you're feeling great. you're having fun. i feel sexy, you know? >> announcer: well, if you want to lose weight, too, then get ready to go backstage and let shaun show you how easy it is with rockin' body. >> rockin' body's so easy, anyone can do it. let me show you. everything starts with a march, and i cue you in. 5, 6, march right, left. all right, marching out. you already know i cued you in. i'm telling you what to do before you do it, before every move. that's what makes it seamless and fun. listen, 4 and 3, step side to
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side with me, right here. so, you step side to side. you know what to do, but now we're gonna start to work some muscles while we're dancing. remember, this is all about dancing. ready? cross your arms to your hips. arm to hip. i'm going down and up, working my glutes, working my shoulders, working my arms. i'm having fun and i'm dancing. 4 and 3. now listen up. two heels out. look -- heel and walk right. okay, check it out. i'm gonna take my arms and add it in with the walk. pull down. working my abs here. again, heel, pull your arms down and move. let's take it high impact. so, we can do a little kick and take it out, pull it down. one more time. remember, you're dancing. you're still having fun. and march it right and left. that's how rockin' body's gonna work for you. that's how you're gonna burn a lot of calories and lose a lot of weight. >> anybody can do it, even if you're not a dancer or you've never exercised before. >> you don't even realize that you're actually working out. >> when i shot these videos, i was like, "i'm gonna have fun because i want the person on the
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other side of that screen to be smiling. i want them to laugh. i want them to have a good time." i want you to think that you're onstage dancing with me. like, let's go in. let's have a good time. >> shaun makes working out fun. it's -- i know it's impossible to understand, but once you start it, you won't be able to stop. >> oh, ah, go, jeanette. >> [ chuckles ] >> you're just dancing at home. it's fun. >> i never thought i could lose so much weight and have so much fun. >> he does this rocking move and you go this, this, and break it down. >> pop like this and turn. >> you're having fun, and you're getting a great workout, all at the same time. >> rockin' body is fun and exciting, and it works. >> announcer: looking for even faster results? shaun designed a special "3 day slimdown" so you can lose up to five pounds and five inches in only three days, guaranteed, or your money back. >> the first three days, i lost eight pounds and three inches off my waist. >> in three days with rockin' body, i lost 5 1/2 pounds, and i'm so excited.
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>> announcer: all you need to do is stick in the dvd and follow along for less than an hour a day. it's that simple -- no gym, no equipment, just a small space in front of your tv and rockin' body. rockin' body has helped thousands of people ju like you transform their bodies. >> you can have fun losing weight, and i promise it's easy. so, let's burn some calories together. >> announcer: get ready to order, because you're about to find out how to save 75% off rockin' body. if you want to shed the fat and sculpt your body to get that slim, sexy look of your dreams, then you need to stop working out... >> say what?! >> aouncer: ...and start rocking out with rockin' body, the fun, new body-makeover system that takes the world's hottest dance moves and turns them into fast, fun, fat-burning routines so you don't even feel like you're working out. it's designed to give you a full-body workout. you'll be having fun while you tone and tighten your abs, shrink and shape your hips and thighs, and lift and firm your booty -- all while you're just
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dancing. and nothing makeyou want to get up and dance more than great music, and that's what shaun's complete body-sculpting rockin' body system is all about. first, shaun teaches you his secret to dancing off the pounds with "mark, move & groove," where you'll learn all his dance moves step by step so you can be up and dancing in no time. next, turn up the music and dance with "party express." this quick 20-minute workout is filled with hot moves set to hot music, designed to burn fat and calories fast and easy. now get ready for "disco groove." in this 30-minute jam, shaun turns it up a notch so you can keep dancing and losing, all while you're having fun. then comes "shaun t's dance party." it's his ultimate calorie blaster, filled with more great music, more fun moves that'll keep you motivated. this program burns so many calories, you'll start calling it the "dropping-pounds party." then, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, shaun'll step it up with "rock it out," a fun
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strength-training workout to firm, sculpt, and tighten your entire body, all while you're getting your freak on. don't you worry -- every workout has a modifier doing the moves, so it's easy to follow along, no matter what kind of rhythm you got. all you is follow shaun's rockin' body workout calendar. it shows you which workout to do each day. no guesswork -- just have fun dancing for maximum results. and to accelerate your results, shaun personally created the healthy-eating guide. it's filled with healthy, yummy snacks and recipes you'll love -- all designed to help you lose weight and burn inches off your body. it gets even better. you'll also get these three bonus gifts. bonus number one is shaun's "hard core abs." you'll never have to get on the floor -- no sit-ups, no crunches, and it's only 10 minutes to flat, gorgeous abs. bonus number two is shaun's "booty time" workout. he'll show you how to dancyour way to slimmer hips and thighs and get the firm, lifted butt you always wanted. holla! and bonus number three --
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shaun t is also including his amazing "3 day slimdown" so you can lose up to five pounds and five inches in only three days, guaranteed, or your money back. >> the first three days, i lost eight pounds and three inches off my waist. >> in three days with rockin' body, i lost 5 1/2 pounds, and i'm so excited. >> announcer: you'll get all three bonuses -- a $60 value -- yours free. that's the complete rockin' body system, $60 in free bonuses for only four easy payments of $19.95. that's less than the price of one personal-training session with shaun, and we're still not done. and so you're never alone, we're gonna give you 24/7 v.i.p. access to shaun t live on the internet -- live chats with shaun, customized meal plans, and access to a free coach and support -- all free, at no extra charge. that's the complete rockin' body system, including all seven body-sculpting workouts, shaun's step-by-step nutrition guide, his rockin' body workout calendar, plus $60 in free bonuses, and free 24/7 online
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support for only four easy payments of $19.95. but wait. order now, and rockin' body is 75% off. >> say what?! >> announcer: that's right. the complete $80 rockin' body system is only $19.95. we'll even let you try it risk-free for a full 60 days. that's right. you get two full months to try don't sesults like theou pelen this show or if you're reason, return it and get your money back. but check this out -- you get to keep "hardore s," "booty time," and shaun's "3 day slimdown" just for trying rockin' body. if that wasn't enough, you're not gonna wait three weeks for regular delivery. oh, no we're even gonna upgrade your order to express delivery so you can start your transformation in just 2 to 5 business days guaranteed -- another $15 value free. so, call now for the entire rockin' body system, $60 in free bonuses, plus 24/7 online support, and a free upgrade to express delivery. that's a $400 value for the insane price of only $19.95.
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that's 75% off. i know what you're thinking -- "what's the catch?" but there's no catch. you really save 75% when you call or order online right now, but there's only 17 minutes left, so don't wait another minute, because this special offer won't last. so call the number on your screen or go online right now. we knohow frustrated you are, that losing weight can seem impossible. you spent hours in the gym. you've tried every diet and cleanse and still can't see results. well, your luck is about to change, because with rockin' body, you will lose the weight, and you will see results. but this special offer is only available for a limited time, so you must call now. >> my entire life,eriously,
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has been an up-and-down battle with weight. with rockin' body, i've had amazing results. i've lost 33 pounds. i've lost 36 inches, 7 inches off my waist. i am ecstatic. [ chuckles ] it's no gimmick. it's just fun -- lose weight and feel great. i never thought i could lose so much weight and have so much fun. you're dancing. i feel like i'm in great shape. yesterday, this woman's like, "you have nice arms." i'm like, "really?" [ chuckles ] "thank you." i now have a rocking body. >> i have been trying to lose weight for nine years. i've used, i think, every possible workout video on the market, and i just got no results. i was miserable because i'd walk into a room, and i would feel like i knew i was the fattest girl there, and i hated being the big girl. with rockin' body, i've lost 41 pounds and 42 inches. i went from a 14 to a 6, and i
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haven't been a 6 in 10 years. i lost 41 pounds dancing! the fat melted off over my whole body, literally. and this is the happiest i have been as far back as i can remember in my life. this has been a life-changing experience, all thanks to rockin' body. >> announcer: with rockin' body, you're not just having fun dancing, you're getting a full-body workout at the same time. the secret is shaun's easy-to-follow dance progressions. every move is designed to tone and tighten your abs, shrink and shape your hips and thighs, and lift and firm your booty -- all while you're just dancing. and nothing makes you want to get up and dance more than great music, and that's what rockin' body is all about. >> for my rockin' body workouts, i picked the best music, and that's what makes it fun, and that's what's gonna keep you motivated through the entire workout. when you have great music, you work harder. the harder you work, the more calories you burn. the more calories you burn, the more weight you're gonna lose. >> once you start it, you won't
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be able to stop. it's like you're out at a dance party. >> right when you think you're starting to get tired, another great song comes on, you get amped, you push a little harder, and it gets you through your workout. >> it's so much fun, where i don't even think it's like exercising. >> with rockin' body, i lost 55 pounds, 10 inches off my waist, and i feel great. wife winks at me more. [ laughs ] >> so far, i've lost 27 pounds, 10 inches off my waist. he doesn't like to dance, so anything dancing, he was a little bit like, "what? you know, that's something that, you know, girls should do." if we didn't do this together, i mean -- >> i'd probably be 330 right now -- 330 pounds. >> yeah. i was like this before, you know, and now i can be really close up to him. [ laughs ] >> it's always good. >> announcer: you know what else is good? saving 75& off rockin' body when you call and order in the next 15 minutes. that's right. you can get the complete $80 rockin' body system for only $19.95. shaun t is also including his amazing "3 day slimdown" that will help you lose up to five
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pounds and five inches in only three days, guaranteed, or your money back. >> i lost 7 1/4 pounds in three days. >> in the first three days, i lost eight pounds and three inches off my waist. >> in three days with rockin' body, i lost 5 1/2 pounds, and i'm so excited. >> announcer: and we're still not done. you'll also get these two free bonus workouts. bonus number one is shaun's 10 minutes to hard core abs. you'll never have to get on the floor -- no sit-ups, no crunches, just flat, gorgeous abs. bonus number two is shaun's "booty time" workout. he'll show you how to dance your way to slimmer hips and thighs and get the firm, lifted butt you always wanted. and these free gifts, a $60 value, are yours absolutely free. and so you're never alone, we're gonna give you 24/7 v.i.p. access to shaun t live on the internet -- live chats with shaun, customized meal plans, and access to a free coach and support, all free, at no extra charge. as if that wasn't enough, you're not gonna wait three weeks for
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regular delivery. oh, no. we're even gonna upgrade your order to express delivery so you can start your transformation in just two to five business days guaranteed -- another $15 value free. we'll even let you try it risk-free for a full 60 days. that's right. you get two full months to try rockin' body, and if you don't see results like the people in this show or if you're not 100% satisfied for any reason, return it and get your money back. but check this out. you get to keep "hard core abs," "booty time," and shaun's "3 day slimdown" just for trying rockin' body. now, that's a rockin' deal. this is an exclusive tv offer that won't last, so have your credit card ready and call now to get the complete rockin' body system, plus $60 in free bonuses, a free upgrade to express delivery, and a full 60-day, money-back guarantee for only $19.95. that's 75% off. but there's only 12 minutes
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left, so don't wait another minute, because this special offer won't last. so call the number on your screen or go online right now. it's time to say goodbye to boring treadmills. stop wasting time with yo-yo diets that don't work. it's time to start having fun while you burn off the fat and sculpt your body, all while you're just dancing. but this special offer is only available for a limited time, so you must call now. >> i lost 20 pounds dancing. >> let me tell you something. i rocked those pounds off my body. >> the fat melted off over my whole body, literally. >> with rockin' body, i lost 21 pounds and 27 inches. [ laughs ] it's fun to say. >> announcer: with rockin' body, you're not just having fun
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dancing to great music. you're getting a full-body workout at the same time. the secret is shaun's easy-to-follow dance progressions. every move is designed to tone and tighten your abs, shrink and shape your hips and thighs, and lift and firm your booty -- all while you're just dancing, and the moves are so fun and easy to learn. let's go backstage with shaun and check it out. >> anyone can do my workouts. i'll have you dancing in minutes. everything starts with a march. rockin' body's about fun, and i tell you what to do before you do it so you can burn calories. and it's easy. step side to side right here. now we're going into a move called the dip because you know what? i want to work my legs right here. are you ready? two more, and one. let's dip it out. dip down and up. i'm working my legs. i'm working my glutes. let me pull in my arms right here. look, pulling my arms in, working my arms, working my abs, working my biceps, working my triceps. four and three. i'm going to a new move. it's called the snake. snake it out here. now, i'm gonna break this down for you step by step in the
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workout dvds. but so you can just snake it up, you're working your legs and abs. let's do it all together. in three. ready? step side to side. you're dancing. dance it out. have fun. ready? let's dip it out. use your arms. dip, pull. use your abs right here. use your arms. snake it out. remember the snake? snake it. arms out right here. abs. and again. let's go. push. i'm dancing, i'm having a good time, and i'm getting great results. keep snaking it out. so, once you learn these routines, you can put them all together. your heart rate will be higher. the music's great. you're gonna have fun. you're gonna know the calories. you're gonna lose weight. >> i've tried a lot of things in the past to try to lose weight. i would just look at myself, and i would just be like, "can i just change everything?" with rockin' body, i danced my head off, and i had a great time. and now 24 pounds later, 30 inches overall, i'm a new person. i have the results of my dreams. you see all those other infomercials out there, and they're like, "hey, i've lost 20 pounds." and you're like, "what a crock."
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but when those are your pants [laughs] it's amazing. >> the results that i have had with rockin' body have been phenomenal. 43 pounds from my body gone. this is the beginning of my new life. i am right now 155 pounds and still losing, and i went from a size-16 dress to a size 8. beaming with my results from rockin' body. >> my biggest problem areas are my stomach and my hips. being overweight has been a pain. [ laughs ] it's just no fun. you don't want to go shopping. you don't want to go out, so you just stay home and eat. [ laughs ] it's shocking, and sometimes you just all of a sudden go, "how did i let this happen?" i rocked my body down 4 sizes and dropped 27 pounds dancing. i have no dance background at all whatsoever. apparently, i'm a closet dancer and didn't know it. the best thing about it is that it's completely fun. with rockin' body, i'm me again. >> you can have fun losing weight, and i promise it's easy,
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so let's burn some calories together. >> announcer: if you want to shed the fat and sculpt your body to get that slim, sexy look of your dreams, then you need to stop working out... [ record scratches ] >> say what?! >> announcer: ...and start rocking out with rockin' body, the fun, new body-makeover system that takes the world's hottest dance moves and turns them into fast, fun, fat-burning routines so you don't even feel like you're working out. it's designed to give you a full-body workout. you'll be having fun while you tone and tighten your abs, shrink and shape your hips and thighs, and lift and firm your booty -- all while you're just dancing. and nothing makes you want to get up andance more than great music, and that's what shaun's complete body-sculpting rockin' body system is all about. first, shaun teaches you his secret to dancing off the pounds with "mark, move & groove," where you'll learn all his dance moves step by step so you can be up and dancing in no time. next, turn up the music and dance with "party express." this quick 20-minute workout is
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filled with hot moves set to hot music, designed to burn fat and calories fast and easy. now get ready for "disco groove." in this 30-minute jam, shaun turns it up a notch so you can keep dancing and losing, all while you're having fun. then comes "shaun t's dance party." it's his ultimate calorie blaster, filled with more great music, more fun moves that'll keep you motivated. this program burns so many calories, you'll start calling it the "dropping-pounds party." then, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, shaun'll step it up with "rock it out," a fun strength-training workout to firm, sculpt, and tighten your entire body, all while you're getting your freak on. don't you worry -- every workout has a modifier doing the moves, so it's easy to follow along no matter what kind of rhythm you got. all you do is follow shaun's rockin' body workout calendar. it shows you which workout to do each day. no guesswork -- just have fun dancing for maximum results. and to aelerate your results,
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shaun personally created the healthy-eating guide. it's filled with healthy, yummy snacks and recipes you'll love, all designed to help you lose weight and burn inches off your body. it gets even better. you'll also get these three bonus gifts. bonus number one is shaun's "hard core abs." you'll never have to get on the floor -- no sit-ups, no crunches, and it's only 10 minutes to flat, gorgeous abs. bonus number two is shaun's "booty time" workout. he'll show you how to dance your way to slimmer hips and thighs and get the firm, lifted butt you always wanted. holla! and bonus number three -- shaun t is also including his amazing "3 day slimdown" so you can lose up to five pounds and five inches in only three days, guaranteed, or your money back. >> in the first three days, i lost eight pounds and three inches off my waist. >> in three days with rockin' body, i lost 5 1/2 pounds, and i'm so excited. >> announcer: you'll get all three bonuses, a $60 value, yours free. that's the complete rockin' body system, $60 in free
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bonuses for only four sy payments of $19.95. that's less than the price of one personal-training session with shaun. and we're still not done. and so you're never alone, we're gonna give you 24/7 v.i.p. access to shaun t live on the internet -- live chats with shaun, customized meal plans, and access to a free coach and support -- all free, at no extra charge. that's the complete rockin' body system, including all seven body-sculpting workouts, shaun's step-by-step nutrition guide, his rockin' body workout calendar, plus $60 in free bonuses and free 24/7 online support for only four easy payments of $19.95. but wait. order now and rockin' body is 75% off. >> say what?! >> announcer: that's right. the complete $80 rockin' body system is only $19.95. we'll even let you try it risk-free for a full 60 days. that's right. you get two full months to try rockin' body, and if you don't see results like the people in this show or if you're not 100% satisfied for any reason, return
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it and get your money back. but check this out. you get to keep "hard core abs," "booty time," and shaun's "3 day slimdown" just for trying rockin' body. if that wasn't enough, you're not gonna wait three weeks for regular delivery. oh, no. we're even gonna upgrade your order to express delivery so you can start your transformation in just 2 to 5 business days guaranteed -- another $15 value free. so, call now for the entire rockin' body system, $60 in free bonuses, plus 24/7 online support, and a free upgrade to express delivery. that's a $400 value for the insane price of only $19.95. that's 75% off. i know what you're thinking -- "what's the catch?" but there's no catch. you really save 75% when you call or order online right now. but there's only five minutes left, so don't wait another minute, because this special offer won't last. so call the number on your screen or go online right now.
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>> let's dance, lose weight, feel great, look great. i did it. >> this could possibly be the world's easiest weight-loss program. >> at 48, it's like, "how is it possible to change your body?" and it happened with rockin' body. >> it's not a workout, and yet you get a workout. it's having a party. >> working out is no longer a chore. i know that for the rest of my life, i can do rockin' body and stay with it. >> you just really have to give it a shot, because it'll change your life. >> you can sit there and watch this and think, "whatever," but it is the truth. it's no phony gimmick. it's about really changing your life. and this has changed my life. it has changed my life, and i want to scream it out loud. >> announcer: the preceding was a paid presentation for rockin' body, brought to you by
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. ahhh, isn't this great? look at us. an earth family sitting around together on a beautiful autumn evening, playing a nice, friendly game. yeah, a game called sex or consequences. "the naughty, bawdy adult party game where everybody wants to be on top!" whoopee. oh, come on, sally. you're not even trying. look how far you are from "the erogenous zone." fine. ok, "lover or loser." that should be fun. "with what celebrity would you be tempted
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to cheat on your mate?" jon voight! man, let her answer. say "jon voight." i don't have a mate to cheat on, ok? uh-uh. that sends you right back to "chastity corner." i'm done. tommy, will you please move her little metal buttocks back 5 spaces? uh, excuse me. sally is the tongue. i am the buttocks. you think she's ok? sally? sure. she just gets this way sometimes since her painful breakup with don. huh. which one? well, i hear that. tommy, your spin. 1, 2, 3... "swap partners and smooch"? ooh. sexy! hey! no, no, no! dick, why don't you go play this with dr. albright? ok? oh, fine. but that's the last time i bring home a sexually explicit board game for this family! i hate that game. you wanna play strip parcheesi? you're on! captioning made possible by carsey-werner company l.l.c.
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and the u.s. department of education
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the picture quality is really sharp and really clear. [ male announcer ] get a new kindle fire hd, plus a free custom cover, and a free $25 gift card. this is a limited-time offer, and you won't find it anywhere else. kindle fire is amazing. it's a life-changer. [ male announcer ] call or click to order now.
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kindle fire is amazing. it's a life-changer. oh, good morning, dick. strudwick. [slurps] must you slurp? sorry. it's a rich, delicious cappuccino. i just made it. so you have a cappuccino machine. it's a gift from the chancellor just to acknowledge the success of my book. oh, yes. your little pamphlet on physics. it's going into its third printing. yep. it's quite a machine. it's got an auto-frother. oh, well, i prefer to froth manually. would you like me to make you a little cappy, dick? oh, no, thank you, strudwick. i find that excessive caffeine tends to make one look puffy. like a jerk. ok. we got one pastrami lasorda, mm-mmm.
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and one mozzarella fitzgerald. i don't get the names of these sandwiches. tommy, here's your hammy connick jr. well, that one's obvious. look, it's piled high with ham and connick. yeah. [motorcycle engine shuts off] don! nice motorcycle, man! shiny! sally. been a while. that is the most incredible machine i've ever seen. you're looking at rutherford p.d.'s one and only hog. i've been waiting 5 years to get my-- get back on it. excuse me? get back on it. oh, yeah. can i buy you a wrap? ok. uhh...
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uhh... unbelievable. every hot mama in this place was checking him out. what's the deal? must be the machine. hot mamas love the machine. why? why do the hot mamas care? i don't know. but i'll tell you something, me little buddy, i'm gonna find out. hey! [slurring] 4, 5, 6. straight to martini island! all right! would you like me to shake it? oh, please. mmmmm... mmm! ha ha. this beats the scrap out of crabble. ahh, "naughty or nice." "what's the craziest thing you've ever done in bed?" well... there was the time i staged
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a reading of othello, and the role of desdemona was played by a down comforter. i'm not going to give you any spaces for that. "truth or dare." "who was your last fling?" oh... that would have to be... [both laugh] vincent strudwick. ha ha ha. ha ha ha. strudwick! no! yes! i'm back on martini island! you can set me up. you can kiss my tiny pewter ass! oh, i can't get his face out of my mind! strudwick's? no, nina. little davey tennant, the boy down the block.
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you see, ever since he was 3 years old, davey's wanted more than anything to see a real professional baseball game. he wished the biggest wish his little heart could muster. but his dad was laid off and couldn't afford the tickets. well... one day last week, little davey was outside playing ball like he always does, and who should walk up the block, tall as a building, but home-run king mark mcgwire. to see little davey's eyes light up as mcgwire handed him 4 seats on the first base line, well, it's something that i will never forget. yes, strudwick's face! stop asking such stupid questions! look, you knew about her past. yeah, but until last night, her past was--was faceless! now it's got a face. the fuzzy, smirking face of vincent w. strudwick.
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i am hung over. ohh. well, mary, that's just nature's way of telling you what a tramp you are. what? mary, did you fill out your form 8-as for your graduate-level courses? i didn't think we needed those until next semester. strudwick: the bursar's office says we need them before midterms. i'd better get on that. do you have any blank ones? fresh out. but they've got them at the administration building. oh, i'll call helen. oh, why don't you two just get a room?! i'll bring some by later. what is your problem? oh, my problem? so it's my problem that you had an affair with strudwick. nina, how could you tell him? you told him. oh, i told hi-- oh, i told him. oh, dick, you've got to understand. vincent and dottie were separated. it was 7 years ago. i didn't even know you then. it's ancient history! oh, ancient history? ancient history is dead people-- pyramids, gladtors smiting lions,
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a bottle of milk for a nickel. this is not ancient history! oh, my god, i can still smell him on you! are the any professors you haven't slept with? there's a guy in the psych department, but i think he's gay. dr. watkins? no, no, i slept with him. hey, i read this crazy statistic in the paper this morning. did you know that 70% of people our age are sexually active? and 40% have inhaled solvents. really. so, uh... which crowd you want to hang with? are you suggesting that we have sex? well, you-- or inhale solvents. you know, it's really up to you. i'm just trying to be a gentleman here. well, the guys at the dealership wouldn't sell me a harley.
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they said i didn't have enough money. bummer. did they have something cheaper? well, they had a yamaha, but i didn't have enough money for that either. how much money do you have? i have no money. you didn't plan this out very well, did you? no, sir, i did not. hello. something wrong? yes, something's wrong, thanks to that mincing cretin vincent strudwick! hey, that's my dad you're talking about. oh, i am so sorry, honey. what was i thinking? would you please leave so i can trash your father? but we-- get out! dick! tommy... i don't know how to break this to you. oh, my god, what is it? now try to stay calm. here it comes. 7 years ago, my beloved mary had a torrid affair with vincent strudwick. oh, god. i thought it was going to be something i cared about. hey, dick. harry?
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there's no good way to hear something like this. you might want to sit down. albright dorked strudwick. i almost sat down for that? the universe is out of balance. nothing makes sense anymore. strudwick gets everything i deserve. if it's not a cappuccino machine, it's a book deal. if it's not a book deal, it's mary. if it's not mary, it's... a cappuccino machine. well, maybe you should even the score. yes. yes! i could sleep with strudwick's wife! well, i was thinking you could get a cappuccino machine. wait. dick, you're talking about sleeping with my girlfriend's mother? uh-huh. don't you see? alissa looks up to her mom. if you do that, it'll undermine all of her morality, all of the values that she spent years trying to instill in alissa. that is so perfect!
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pave the way for the little guy, caligula! hey, hey! what? we could take them out together! what could be cooler than double-dating with your dad?! hey, yes! yeah! how fast will this baby go? you want to go faster, baby? oh, yeah, let's go faster, baby! you got it, baby! aaah! redline it, baby! redline this hog! this is a hospital zone, baby. do it, baby! do it! pop a wheelie! yeah! aaaah! sally: that's it, baby. taste the asphalt! [doorbell rings] hello, alissa. tommy forgot his air freshener. his what? he was supposed to forget his bookbag, but he forgot to forget it. oh, thank you, dick. mm-hmm.
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well, ok. bye. oh, uh... as long as i'm here, is--is your father at home? no. your mother at home? yeah, but she's in the shower. oh. in the shower. then my work is half done. but then why is he the one in the doghouse? don't blame him. instead, rely on the number one choice of vets for their pets, frontline plus. the killing force of frontline plus uses two ingredients. one to kill adult fleas and ticks, plus another to kill flea eggs and larvae, destroying the future generations of fleas. and it keeps fighting for a full 30 days. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less.
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[sighing] aah! ohhh! hi, dottie. d-dr. solomon? oh, call me dick. please, sit down. what are you doing here? let me explain. you see, 7 years ago, your husband slept with my girlfriend mary albright? vincent? slept with mary? yeah, i know. it's an outrage. but let's address the situation like rational adults. for the sake of both our relationships, you and i need to sleep together. agreed? i don't believe this. well, i know, but it's the only way. uh, fortunately, we're both very attractive,
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so it needn't be an unpleasant experience. oh, i am going to get him! now you're talking. what say we climb back into that shower and get it on, huh? mom? oh, my god! uh, alissa, please. your mother and i need to make love. so, uh... shall we leave these adults alone and adjourn to the jacuzzi? ohhh! ohhhh! ohh. what just went wrong here? i honestly don't know. doing ok in there, donny? mmmm. boy, he don't look so good, do he? down at the precinct, they're calling him the human scab. ok, how's my patient doing?
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what? you mean the skinless wonder? i'm referring to don. or as we're calling him here... don tartare. ol' gravelback! how about the amazing colossal scab! i already had the human scab. yeah, that was good, too. mine's just a bit more...clever. sally: oh, don! don! look at you! [groans] that is don, right? yeah. oh, don. how is it he looks like that, and you look like that? well, you see, we were going into the skid, and...i... i just used donny's body as a sled. [groans] oh, god. he was so heroic. now look at you. oh...prone, helpless... tied up.
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see, it never fails. babes love guys on machines. well, that's good for don, 'cause he's gonna be hooked up to that mechanical bladder for quite a while. i think it's sexy. have you gotten dottie strudwick on the phone? she keeps hanging up. ohhh. please clean up your phone manners, nina. i'm trying to sleep with this woman. you're having me call so you can sleep with her? oh, nina. you're right, that is so impersonal. i'll bring her flowers and candy. no, no! just flowers. i don't want her fat. what's the rush? oh, i'm off to the florist, then sex with dottie strudwick, then, hey, what say i swing by and pick you up for a celebratory dinner at mario's, huh? lovely. i don't know how the hell he thinks he's gonna get a reservation at mario's-- nina, what did he just say? he's going to the florist. no, no, no, no. after that,
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but before mario's? strudwick's. oh, my god! dottie! dottie?! are you home? the door was open! dick: dottie? are you home? the door was open! mary, what are you doing here? i came here to stop you from doing something completely irrational. mary, please. it's perfectly rational. i'm evening the score with strudwick. it doesn't even involve you. what?! oh, god. now i've got to explain things to dottie. oh, no, don't. i want to keep her mad. anger breeds revenge. strudwick: dottie? dottie?! honey, the front door was wide open-- dick. mary. what the hell is going on? what are you doing here, strudwick? this is my master suite. why the hell are you here? i'm trying to stop mary from talking to your wife. about what? oh, like you don't know. oh, my god. no, no. she's got to understand that what happened between us was a mistake.
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i didn't know it was a trial separation. mary, what are you thinking? what is going on out here? hi, pumpkin. pumpkin?! who are you calling pumpkin? should i turn off the jets, dottie? dottie, what is our pool guy doing here? oh, my god! you have a pool?! god. it's all out in the open, vincent. you and your dirty little secret. we were separated. it was a trial separation. i did not know that at the time. ohhhhh. oh, for god's sake, dottie... i'll get dressed. what a ripoff. look what you've done. oh, me? you're the one who had the fling with a married strudwick and then got drunk and blabbed all about it. ok... but, dick, you've got to understand. i had a life before i met you. but i didn't. i feel like my life on earth started
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when i met you. you're the only thing that's been mine and mine alone. in the "mary" column, it's always been dick, one, strudwick, zero. and now it's a tie. well, if it would make you feel any better, you've been to the plate a hell of a lot more times than he has. oh, mary. oh, dick. now let's go to mario's. dick? i'll meet you there. i'm gonna go pee in his pool. dick! right.
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don. ohhh! sally. what are you doing here? i had to come. we've been apart too long. i must be with you. i don't have any skin. ow! i can't resist you any longer! ohhh! shh! i'll be gentle. aaaah! oooh! ohhh! oh. ah. so, tommy, how did alissa take all this? well, she kicked me very hard. in the, uh, swimsuit area. oooh. oooh. but that counts as second base action, right? well, in my book it does. you know, these terry-go-rounds are really comfortable. yeah, they really are. it's the towel that wears like a pants.
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hmmm. hmmm. hey, dick, you feeling any better? ohh, a little. but, you know, there's still an empty space on my scorecard. everyone else in the game... everyone but me... has gotten some forbidden nookie. what's up with that? hon, i think it's time to let it go. oh, you're right. the past is past. time only moves in one direction on this planet. i just have to move on. captioning made possible by carsey-werner company l.l.c. and the u.s. department of education oh, who am i kidding? i can't let it go! [doorbell rings] uh, hello. you don't know me, but my girlfriend's ex-lover's wife slept with your husband. excuse me? ok, that's not important. what's important is that the universe is out of balance, and the only way for us to bring some measure of justice to the world is for you and me to make love.
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man: what's going on there, carmen? hi, dick. nooooooo! captioned by national captioning institute "this is a tablet that i'm going to have to learn how to use." literally the flip of a switch i was logged onto our wi-fi network at home and i was off and running. [ male announcer ] now you can get a state-of-the-art kindle fire hd, built and backed by amazon, with stunning high def screen, dolby sound, ultra-fast wi-fi and access to 23 million movies, tv shows, music, apps and more -- all for much less than an ipad mini. i use it for everything. it gives you all the options with the apps as far as netflix, hulu, great internet browser; you can do all your email on there. and then when i'm on business trips there's a skype feature so i can keep in touch with my husband and the kids. [ male announcer ] call or use the web address below to order now, and as part of this special tv offer,
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lindsay "extra" -- comes clean. >> are you an addict? >> yeah. >> the drugs, the money she flushed away, the promise she made to oprah. >> do you think you can turn it around? >> yes. >> i truly believe that she believes that she is now ready. >> can she do it? dr. drew analyzes lohan's mea culpa for "extra." >> she understands this is a serious illness and she needs to do something about it. >> plus, oprah reveals her own addiction. lady gaga versus perez hilton. >> this is a crazy story.
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gaga says he's stalking you. >> now perez and his baby are getting desperate. >> true true-crime mysteries. a suicide at olivia newton-john's, and why this "rizzoli & isles" star took his own life. the new diana murder theory. plus, prince william breaks his silence today about baby george. >> he's a little bit of a rascal, let's put it that way. >> new pics. madonna dressed up as marie antoinette for her 55th birthday. "extra's" g.p.s. tracking the stars around the globe. plus trueblood's full frontal shocker. is one of the stars leaving the show? [captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> welcome to extra here at the grove, i'm mario lopez. >> i'm maria menounos. coming up, two shocking suicide headlines. one involving a 29-year-old star of "rizzoli & isles," and the other involving olivia newton-john.
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we have all the details. >> wow. but first, lindsay lohan's oprah tell-all. i saw it and i thought lindsay looked healthy, she was forthcoming. >> oprah made a big confession too,. here's jerry. >> truthful. >> are you an addict? >> yeah. >> hopeful. >> do you think you can turn it around? >> yeah. >> remorseful. >> i have to regain the trust of people in my career. >> will lindsay's gut-spilling post-rehab interview rehab her image? >> i'm my own worst enknee, and i know that. >> no topic off-limits. >> i don't think you held anything back. >> i don't hold anything back. >> what is your drug of choice? >> alcohol. that in the past was a gateway to other things. i tried cocaine with alcohol. >> lindsay also revealing she was hooked on the adhd drug adderall. >> what are you on now? >> advice minutes. >> you're -- vitamins. >> you're not on any prescription drugs. >> no.
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>> no holds barred for oprah. even she's making confessions. >> i have a food addiction. >> lindsay on what it was like having millions as a teenager. like a kid in a candy store. but no one to say when to stop smacking. >> i wasted so much money. >> if i, at 19 years old, had been given $7 million, i would have completely come unglued and destroyed myself. the perception in the public is that your parents have exploited you and taken advantage of you. do you feel that at all? >> no. nobody's perfect. >> after coming clean to oprah, lindsay vowing to stay clean. >> i'm in a different head space. i feel whole again. >> i truly believe that she believes that she is now ready. >> dr. drew with his take. >> she understands it's a serious illness. she's starting to get the fact that something needs to change. >> what's next? she's settling down in new york,
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spied furniture shopping, spending some of her $2 million from her own docu-series. >> what is the trajectory of somebody trying to put their life back together? >> after six stints in rehab, the world asking the same question -- will she finally do it? >> i don't have control over tomorrow. >> you may not have control over tomorrow, but you definitely have control over yourself. i thought it was really interesting that the one thing she told oprah was nearly word for word what she told our jerry back in march of 2011. >> i have to regain the trust of people and my career. there's going to be a lot of steps that i have to go through to get the trust from people i work with. >> hopefully this time it sticks. teaming up with oprah certainly doesn't hurt. >> that's for sure. and speaking of oprah, she had a huge weekend. her new movie,ly daniels "the butler" was number one at the box office, earning $25 million. >> let's get to the other stories trending, starting with breaking news. police on both coasts investigating two tragic deaths.
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>> a giant mystery at olivia newton-john's florida home, now a crime scene. did someone commit suicide? the investigation unfolding outside palm beach. police called to the mansion owned by the pop star and her businessman husband john easter ling just after noon today. the report -- someone discovered a man's body outside by the pool. the word is rosie o'donnell was planning to buy the mansion. workers were making repairs at the hole. police confirmed olivia and john were not there at the time. california police investigating the suicide of disney star lee thompson young now seen on the "rizzoli & isles." he was discovered in his l.a. apartment after panicked co-workers called to say he hadn't shown up to work today. reports say he had shot himself. his rep is confirming he did take his own life. lady gaga's war with perez
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hilton goes nuclear. the pop star ang rilly attacking him on twitter -- "stay away from me and my family. you are sick trying to rent an apartment in my building to stalk me." >> gaga, are you worried about perez hilton? >> she refused to answer questions. hilton fired back with his own statement -- "any allegation i'm stalking her based on a day of hoe hunting with my baby boy and mother is utterly false." overzealous fans, gaga says, threatened her family's life online. >> we also talked a little bit about his concerns for his son's future. your son might be the kid at school that's being bullied. >> he probably will. people might say things to me in front of him when we're in public. so it won't be easy for him. >> the frenemy fight unfolding, just as gaga celebrates the release of her new music video, "applause". >> so a wild night in your hometown for controversial yankee alex rodriguez.
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>> i know. first he got hit by a pitch. then he got his revenge by hitting a home run. >> look at this. >> a-rod just lawyered up in his fight with major league baseball over his drugs suspension, and his pit bull attorney, joe tacopina, was on the "today" show. >> i know the evidence against alex rodriguez. it will never stand up in a court of law. >> like a soap opera happening in baseball right now. well, there's a big story out of london today. a new theory about a secret princess diana murder plot. >> we've all heard the conspiracy theories before. but scotland yard is actually taking this one seriously. >> was diana murdered? was her killer a british special forces soldier? the stunning headlines, an s.a.s. officer bragged his units was involved in arranging and covering up the crash that killed diana and dodi alfayed. this on the heels of a new book, "the princess diana conspiracy." author alan power on "g.m.a." claiming motorcycles were used to chase the car into the tunnel
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at a high speed. >> a strobe light would be used to disorient henri paul and lose control of the car. >> power believed the royal family didn't want diana to reveal damaging sexual details about prince charles. >> these allegations are incredible, but they're also going to be proved not credible. >> imogen lloyd webber and author saying don't believe the hype. >> three separate inquiries came up with the same conclusion -- her death was a tragic accident and the driver of her car was drinking and also speeding. >> scotland yard confirms they are looking into this, but tells "extra" this is not a re-investigation. >> catherine and now little george are my priorities. >> just weeks away from the 16th anniversary of her death. her son, prince william, giving his first interview as a new dad to cnn. >> he's a little bit of a rascal. he's minds me of my brother or me when i was younger. >> he says katherine is getting up in the middle of the night
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with little george. >> she's not getting that much sleep, which is a little bit of a problem. >> brand-new pics of baby george at >> all this baby talk. are you ready for round two, lopez? >> well, i don't know if you're ever really ready, but i'm excited. it's only a few weeks away. i'm more curious as to what i'm going to have, a daughter or a son. i say girl. >> we have a big pool here at work. i'm thinking boy. >> i hope you're right. >> well, 55 years ago madonna was born, and we've got some new pics of her wild birthday party. >> the queen of pop as the queen of france. it's her party and she'll get down on the floor if she wants to. a onna celebrating 55 with marie antoinette-themed party snapped in the lap of her boyfriend, brahim, and celebrating in france, instagramming with the caption "perhaps we had too much cale," later correcting that with cake. then later saying "perhaps i had
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too much champagne." she's on tour for her latest film "we're the millers." and we're sure this is not the welcome home jennifer aniston wanted. completely surrounded by paparazzi at l.a.x. ignoring questions about her upcoming wedding to justin theroux. >> jen, any chance you'll get married by the end of the year? >> beyonce and nicole murphy soaking up the last month of summer in portofino. enjoying gelato in the riviera. from a happy summer to a good fall. olivia munn posting this video on twitter. she dislocated her shoulder when the swing broke. watch it on replay now at >> up next -- "extra" exclusive. christina aguilera breaking news on the set of "the voice." what ed sherron did that has her freaking out.
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>> you better come crash my party. >> we're crashing country chart topper luke bryan's new york party and revealing his secret connection to "duck dynasty." us, we're grilling the stars of "scandal" and "revenge" for all-new secrets and spoilers. >> very shocking. >> "extra" brought to you by l'oreal paris because you're worth it. >> coming up -- country superstar luke bryan got a tattoo for his wife. let's say it's not on his arm.
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>> "extra, extra!" ♪ baby you can crash my party any time ♪ >> great song. great song title, "crash my party" from country superstar luke bryan. >> luke's on fire right now. let me ask this young lady how well she knows mr. briian. can you get what tattoo he has on his backside? >> well, my husband has my name on his backside. >> really? where exactly does your husband have your name? >> right cheek. >> on the cheek itself? >> yeah. >> wow! well, you're right. much like your husband, luke has his wife's initials on his backside. that's an interesting choice to put it. but right now we're with luke in new york. >> hey, mario, it's luke. next time we're in the same town, you better come crash my party. ♪ you can crash my party any time ♪ >> country's newest superstar, luke bryyn, pulling off one the
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most stunning upsets in history, beating out taylor swift and blake shelton for the coveted entertainer of the year award. >> to actually win it i don't think i can put words to. it was the top of my dream pyramid. >> here's what you don't know about the georgia boy. he's married to his college sweetheart, dad to two kids and best buddies with "duck dynasty"'s willie. luke's fourth studio album, "crash my party" blowing up the charts. more than 500,000 copies are predicted to blow out its first week. "extra" crashing his album launch party in new york. ♪ you had your sunglasses on incident >> last year an opening act. this year an a-list headliner on his way to another quadruple platinum hit. >> if it's not a hit, then it won't be and i'll have to figure something out. >> judging from these new york fans, he's already got his answer. >> well, his good buddy blake
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shelton might be giving him some help on "the voice." we just found out christina aguilera is bringing in her own celebrity secret weapon. it's official. ed sheeran is joining christina on "the voice." >> i've been having a good time with him. >> the feeling is mutual. he's already a big fan. his favorite song -- >> "ain't no other man." >> just do your thing, honey. >> christa b. allen sexting up a summer soiree, predicting tough times ahead for her alter ego, charlotte. >> we figured out her boyfriend died and she's with child. >> "scandal"'s tony goldwyn catching up with his co-stars at the party. and giving the gladiators a preview of things to come. >> leaking the fact that olivia and i are having an affair, which is very shocking. >> nothing is shocking about this -- alec baldwin and kim
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basinger's daughter, ireland, is gorgeous. she graces the pages of the september issue of "elle" magazine telling a.j. she's having the time of her life. >> it's so exciting. >> i started my sunday like any other day, hair, makeup, a little yoga. but this was no ordinary sunday. this was wwe "summerslam" day. the other half of my dream team, natalya, tackying down brie bella of the bella twins and eva marie. >> that's how we roll! >> now, that is the face of wrestling right there. >> oh, my goodness. i can't even move my neck today i'm so in pain. >> sticking with the costume theme, check out the cover of "the new york post." my girl maria named best celebrity beach body. get it. all right. beating out rihanna, kate upton, all kinds of girls. that's what i'm saying. >> very flattering, mario. you know, i always got to represent greece-wear when i
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can. >> coming up, alexander skarsgard's new to "blood." >> you really don't wear a lot on trueblood. >> season finale shockers. then "orange is the new black" star, dishing about wardrobe and makeup secrets. plus, the three dress must-haves for the fall season revealed. >> "extra's" like no other show on television. >> we've got all the moments. >> all the action on the red carpet. >> you're the best! >> from new york -- >> it's all in the knees. >> oh! >> to l.a. >> the booty shake. >> oh! >> the only place to go for your entertainment is "extra." >> yeah. >> every day is a live event. > don't do that. >> "extra."
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>> next "extra" -- all new kardashian chaos.
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kris jenner on the rumors they kardashian chaos. kris jenner on the rumors they are quitting the reality show. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool.
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only from progressive. >> "extra, extra!" >> all right. we are back. last night's trueblood season finale full of shockers. we have the "extra" list of the three biggest. shocker number one, full frontal. alexander skarsgard letting it all hang out in a fiery death. he did reveal to me his secret to his ripped-up body. >> i eat whatever i want. i've never been on a diet. >> good to hear, no diet. fans are going to be asking, is he dead, is he alive? we're not going to be finding that out until we get a first look at next season. i'm pretty sure, though, that sookie's love interest, played by rob kaczynski, he's dead for good. >> that's number two. >> which leaves us with number three. sookie is back together with her werewolf. >> we're letting you sound off on our facebook page. >> another show getting all kinds of buzz, "orange is the new black" of the it's about a
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woman in prison busted for transporting drug money. have you seen it? >> no, i haven't, but i've heard good things. >> it's really cool. i just talked to one of the stars, tear inn manning, one of the stars. >> taryn, one of the break-out stars of one the most buzzed-about shows. >> i want you to feel the same pain as you have made me feel in my heart. >> you've already been picked up for next season. congratulations. >> when it got picked up before it was even out i thought, wow, that's interesting. >> word is laura prepon won't be back as a regular for season two. >> i have no idea what that's about. i love laura, though. she did amazing. >> taryn's alter ego, pennsatucky, is a former methhead turned born-again christian. >> looks like you guys are not wearing any makeup and no wardrobe changes. >> that's like a joke. it doesn't matter what we eat because there's no shape in anything we're wearing. >> online now, six things you didn't know about the cast.
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>> are you a former karate champion for arizona? >> yes. >> on >> while orange may be the new black, the new jacket for fall is motorcycle chic. >> i have just talked about it actually in my column for the neissue of "style watch." it gives you an extra edge. >> i love that. we've also got three more fall fashions in today's l'oreal wow cam. >> the dress, just one piece, so many ways to wear it. >> so many options of where you can wear it to. >> and three, got to get fall fashion trends. >> leather, lace, and the color oxblood. >> lisa leavy-fisher breaking it down. >> almost like a deep red in the maroon family. it's sophisticated, it's rich. t's a perfect office color and now lace can be worn during the day. there's cotton laces, colored laces. at the same time she could wear it to the office and not just
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for an event. leather is feminine. it can be worn for the day or for the evening. and we're working with a vegan leather. there are so many people that would prefer to be in the vegan world. jessica chastain, carrie underwood. >> which stars are dressing up and dressing down at just click on l'oreal paris wow cam.
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>> closed captioning and other consideration for "extra" provided by --
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>> time to get our workout on, because i'm doing some flywheel, which is one of snooki's secrets to her new body. what makes flywheel so cool? >> it's technology. it gives you accountability. we can go online and check your profile and see how well you've done and compare yourself with
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other riders. this is it. >> it's a beautiful bike, too. for your chance to win one, go to we will see you tomorrow, everyone. let's pick it up, let's pick it up, whoo! >> come on, mario! captioned by the national captioning institute >> welcome home, lisa g! >> today on "tmz" -- >> thomas in a hot tub and this f.b.i. agent has a big machine gun. >> that's my water gun just in case. >> he is on "criminal minds" and plays an f.b.i. agent. he got catfished worst than i have ever seen. >> worse than manti te'o? >> second worst. >> melissa mccarthy at the gym. >> when did he get so buff? >> come on, dude.
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>> he is going to kill all of the jews himself. >> the lindsay lohan/oprah interview, lindsay lohan is still lying about how much cocaine she did. >> i really haven't done it more than 10 times. >> she did it like for six months straight and that counts for once. >> she doesn't count it unless >> i got matt right now. >> how long do you brush your teeth? i can do better. >> i used to date a girl, she would gag on it. that's how you knew she was done. e goes i have done the same. >> it's "tmz's" celebrity hot tub party with "criminal minds" star thomas gibson. >> it's really beautiful here. let me see behind me, yeah. >> so there is tom filming a rather embarrassing selvie in a hot tub for this woman, only it's not that woman. guy got catfished, he
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is married, by the way. >> he started an online relationship with a mystery woman in north dakota who was posing as this woman and in videos she hijacked from various porno websites. >> north dakota, that's where they're all based. >> number one. >> thomas gibson didn't realize and so he kept sending photos and explicit stuff back to her. >> seriously, a big machine gun? >> more of a pistol. >> that's my water gun just in case. carry it at all times. >> he says he plays an f.b.i. agent on the show. >> and, of course, what happens when you release a video like that, it ends up here. >> oh, god. >> yeah. >> anyway tom figures out the woman is a fake, his lawyers tell him to leave him alone and he breaks off contact. all right, man, you got on the,
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these things happen. hey, hot tub looks cool, though. what kind of hot tub is it? >> must be some kind of hot tub time machine. >> good, maybe you can go back in time and not do this. hey, tom, your wife is coming! just kidding. >> selma blair, got at her farmers market, she is there with arthur, her son. she is offering him something to drink. it's in a bottle this time. >> a bottle? >> that's the question. >> a week ago we did the piece on her breastfeeding. >> the interesting part is then she goes and jumps on, you know how they have one of those trains that goes around the factors market. she is sitting in the back seat and whips it out. she goes to the back seat of a moving vehicle and breastfeeds. >> why would you give him a bottle at one point and then -- >> it's a comfort thing. he just wanted it. >> i don't have experience with kids that much at all. what i have learned, what we think, people without children, we're wrong. it's not that says as we come to
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learn. >> you take an 8-year-old and tell them to play the stock market and they do better than merrill lynch. we should raise a kid and see how he turns out. maybe he will be a successful kid. i'm really serious. >> you couldn't handle a fish. your fish killed itself. [laughter] >> he has been hailed top of hot dogs, destroyed countless chicken wings and the 2008 world dmatzo ball champion. he has tasted defeat. >> joey chestnut lost in the gyoza world eating championship. he is a reigning champ, 266 is what he ate last year. >> that was last year and this year -- >> you blew it! >> yes, he did. and who is responsible for this
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upset? >> enter matt stonie. he is an asian kid. he is like a ringer. asians win these things. >> yes, and stonie used his asian eating powers to destroy hestnut! > joey chestnut came in at 251 gyoza, matt stoney, the 21-year-old kid, 268. >> he killed him. >> i didn't find my rhythm. he came out hungry. >> god, he has humility and probably blocked arteries and blownout kolon. what is next for champ mean matt stonie? >> it's competitive eating. >> he is going to pooh a lot. and for joey, the eating legend says defeat has made him hungrier than ever. >>


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