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tv   Today  NBC  August 20, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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i'll win. >> nothing can stop him except a stroke or massive coronary or losing a leg to diabetes. competitive eating, it will probably make you die. better luck next year, joey. >> next year i'll work hard. >> absolutely hard. >> last week we were asking where michelle williams was, the third destiny's child member, remember the big conversation obviously? >> i think i was having diarrhea. >> oh, my god. >> diarrhea. >> was that my diarrhea day? i was thinking it was friday. >> that is so gross. i have got michelle, she is out in her convertible b.m.w., still doing awesome. she is driving behind the "tmz" tour bus. >> wow! i was in destiny's child, too! right here.
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don't worry, i'm not wearing a ra either! >> well, i guess congratulations are in order because -- >> he had lena gretzky got engaged. >> yay. >> wayne gretzky's pride and joy is engaged to pro golfer dustin johnson. >> instagram with a big fat diamond ring on. they have never been happier. >> forgive us if we're not excited, the question going round the office is -- >> doesn't it affect her instagram. >> like when she posts stuff like this and this and this. >> as a married woman it will be harder to be -- >> sexy, slutty. >> a fondling look back. a fond look back. ♪ ♪
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>> sad day, sad day. not for you, dusty. well done. now golf back to the golf course and work on your putts. >> we all will. >> i got ben mclemore. making money now, do you have to shop at thrift stores? >> absolutely. >> i go, i bring up a question, it's kind of weird. how long do you brush your teeth for? is there an average? >> i have white teeth. >> very good teeth. >> two minutes. >> i wish i had the patience to do that. >> how long are you supposed to brush your teeth for? >> i could do better. maybe 45 to a minute and a half. >> i tell him, i used to date a girl, when she was done brushing her teeth, she would gag on it. that's how you knew she was, like, done. he goes i do the same thing. [laughter] >> she had a clean mouth.
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that's all i care about. [laughter] >> hey, buddy. thanks. >> good seeing you. >> hi, how are you? you're beautiful. >> regina hall at l.a.x. she is from "law-abiding citizen" and "scary movie." we asked her if you were dying at 12, what would you be doing at 11:45? >> [beep]. >> that sucks if you're a guy you like, you would die on him. >> you would finish before. >> 15-minute sex? that's it? >> 125 minutes. -- 15 minutes. 15 minutes is a misnomer of the decade. >> thank you. >> take care. >> coming up --
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>> toni braxton at a concert, she gave the crowd a little more than they paid for. as she was performing -- i don't know what song it was exactly. >> "break my heart." >> yeah. >> dodgers superstars, yasiel puig, matt kemp and carl crawford went to miami after they lost and partied their faces off with lebron james. >> they're playing on monday night. >> they're going to destroy them. >> as long as they stop drinking like right now, they'll be ok. >> "tmz" brought to you by j.
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>> coming up -- >> going to get grounded because he has told everybody that j.lo [ male announcer ] now you can get a kindle fire hd,
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with high def screen, ultra-fast wi-fi and access to 23 million movies, tv shows, music, and apps -- all for much less than an ipad mini. i couldn't believe how good the value was for the money i paid. it gives you all the options with the apps as far as netflix, hulu, great internet browser. [ male announcer ] act now, and as part of this special tv offer, you'll get a custom cover worth over $30, plus a $25 gift card -- both free with your kindle fire hd. i can play games, listen to music, watch television shows. my daughter is really into caillou, curious george. the picture quality is really sharp and really clear. [ male announcer ] get a new kindle fire hd, plus a free custom cover,
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and a free $25 gift card. this is a limited-time offer, and you won't find it anywhere else. kindle fire is amazing. it's a life-changer. [ male announcer ] call or click to order now. ♪ ♪ >> hey, it's toni braxton in new jersey singing a song? >> is it "unbreak my heart." >> trying to "break my heart." >> who cares, this video is getting more exciting than a tony broxton concert where she is singing one song we know. ready and boom! toni contractionton. >> what happened? glittery a loose
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gown. right in the middle of her performing, the whole back end of it falls off. >> maybe it was part of the performance? >> definitely not. everybody goes nuts when she turns around and you see her whole butt exposed. i think she is thinking they're o into the song. finally she goes to like pat her butt and she realizes what is going on. >> then the cover-up begins. she tries to pull it up. someone tries to fix it. she puts on some guys jacket and then the final solution, the nonholocausty one. she got naked! awesome! >> she has a full body suit on. >> it doesn't count. if she has a body suit on, that's like clothes. >> less awesome. lose the box. >> it's sheer. >> you can't see through it, right? >> it's sheer, that's what sheer means. >> i thought you said cher. >> snap out of it!
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>> oh, cher, gay men of a certain age love you. back to tony braxton. >> she has a great body. >> yes, she does. thanks, toni braxton, for going broke so you can only afford cheaply made clothin >> robin, how are you? >> we got robin thicke at l.a.x. he is there with his son julian who is super duper cute. little blond towhead kid. >> if you had 30 seconds to say anything to the world, what would you say? >> robin thicke is one bad ass dad. he has a black jacket, he is smoking a cigarette. >> that is bad ass. >> he is absolutely careless. he is careless. >> wait a minute, he is careless? >> you mean carefree? >> no, i like careless. >> all right, plan, appreciate it. >> today on "tmz" sports, startling new evidence that superstar athletes have better
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lives than you. "tmz" sports, "tmz" sports. >> so the dodgers got derailed they were on a 10-game streak and got beat by the phillies. >> the kind of question that makes dodgers like yasiel puig, carl crawford and matt kemp take sides and fly to miami to party after midnight with lebron james until 1:00 in the morning. yep, and the dodgers are probably at the bar because -- > this spent $20,000 on vodka, petron, grey goose and champagne. >> do they have stupid on their forehead? >> they got all stupid sunday night, yo! >> they're playing on monday night. >> they're playing the miami marlins. >> that's why they went partying. >> it doesn't matter, as long as they stop drinking right now, they'll be ok. >> the marlins suck. what doesn't suck is the way lebron got to the jay-z justin timberlake concert a couple days
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earlier. >> the police escort on the wrong side of the street, heading to the big concert, holla. >> he is going to holler. >> hold on, hold the phone, this is wrong. >> getting a police escort to the concert was wrong. lebron said traffic was nuts. >> it's terrible that the police did it. it's terrible that he is bragging about it. >> oh, harve, you know rules don't apply to the rich and famous. >> it's really terrible. i mean, that's why people, that's why celebrities -- it's like at a point, come on, guys. >> celebrities, i mean, come on guys. thanks, special people. "tmz" sports. >> casper smart is going to get grounded because he told everybody that j.lo is coming back to "idol." something tells me he didn't get information to say that. >> there is supposed to be a big announcement. >> someone asked him. at least he is honest. >> i mean, can i just say is it really worth it? let's get real. >> to get j.lo back on "idol"?
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>> probably. >> $15 million, really? >> harvey, do you know how much er makeup and hair is a day? $35,000. > $35,000? [laughter] >> coming up -- >> lindsay lohan first started saying she did cocaine three or four times. now it's 10 or 15 times. she did it like for six months straight and that counts for once. ?ó
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where teams compete to make the right decisions about safe food preparations. our challenge in this round -- read and follow package cooking instructions, and use a food thermometer. let's see how our teams are doing so far -- team 1? we just got 100 points. we separated our raw food from our cooked food. team 2? we got a 100-point green card for proper hand washing before our meal prep. referee: we've reached a critical safety point in the challenge. okay, team 1, let's check this out.
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uh-oh, not a safe internal temperature for those hamburgers. that puts everyone at high risk for food-borne illness. you get a red card -- undercooked. always read and follow the package cooking instructions and use a food thermometer. let's see how our winning team cooked it safe and avoided problems. well, i just kept focus on the four food safety steps -- clean, separate, cook, and chill. and we followed the package cooking instructions and took the temperature. can you cook it safe? >> "tmz" online and on your phone 24/7. >> get on the "tmz" hollywood tour. our state-of-the-art bus takes you to celeb hot spots like hollywood, the sunset strip, and beverly hills. >> somebody spotted ouren the "tmz" tour. >> see where the stars hang out, where they booze, where they shop. the "tmz" hollywood tour, we
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show you the real hollywood. >> and now cocaine confessions with lindsay lohan. so remember when lindsay said she only blew coke three or four times. it turns out she was lying! take it away, oprah! >> so what is the truth? >> i have done it 10, 15 times. >> this interview is amazing. i have done cocaine 10 or 15 times. who counts, a, b, when you get to four or five, you start counting. >> exactly. >> yes, it was all part of oprah's big lindsay lohan and save the o network at the same interview. let's talk about coke. >> it's like a party thing. people would have it and i would do it. >> those 10 to 15 parties must have been epic. >> how do you know you did coke 10 times?
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that was number 12. >> that's why phone numbers are only 10 digits, that's as far as you can remember. >> we'll get right on that. all kidding inside, lindsay is over 100 days sober and swears she is finally headed in the right direction. >> what are you on now? >> vitamins. >> you're on just vitamins. >> yes. >> you're not on any prescription drug? >> no, no, no. i take nexium for acid reflux. >> probably from all of the cocaine. thanks, you will keep charlie sheen away. >> melissa mccarthy at the gym. >> when did he get so buff? >> whoa! >> he is going to kill all the jews himself! his veins are just like popping out of his arm. >> maybe that's a sign that he is living like healthy. >> or not healthy. >> i have had so many people come up to my gym saying they saw this show and they saw you
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guys say that people -- >> you're totally right. not everyone does it. >> yeah. they were like really offended. >> because you go to a gym where everyone is on drugs. >> no. >> coming up -- >> we got blair hamilton. >> we need to go to new york for a second. >> stop right there. >> oh, my god. [laughter]
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>> closed captioning and other considerations for "tmz" provided by --
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>> we got blair hamilton, the b.y. surfer. >> kelly slater is one of the most dominant figures in sports history. is he more dominant demand muhammad alley possibly? >> i'm dying to know what he says. >> boxing and surfing is hard to compare. kelly is as good as anybody that has ever been good as they do. >> kelly slater one more in the sport. the >> we need to go to new york for a second. >> look right there. >> oh, my god.
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>> harvey! >> look right there. cheers and applause] >> shaquille o'neal! cheers and applause] >> i'm a lawyer! [captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution]
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hey, it's me, progressive insurance. you know, from our 4,000 television commercials. yep, there i am with flo. hoo-hoo! watch it! [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 million people switched to me last year, saving an average of $475. [sigh] it feels good to help people save...
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with great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. so call me today. you'll be glad you did. cannonbox! [splash!] captions paid for by the fox broadcasting company welcome to "dish nation." hottest gossip on celebrities across the country. >> brooke and jubal representing from seattle. >> yes, sir. >> and we're joined by heidi and frank in hollywood. >> wow. >> we're going to kick it off right here in atlanta on the morning show. >> so today we are dishing about gaga versus perez and katy
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versus kanye. >> and oprah interviewing who just got out of rehab. >> that's ludacris. >> and we might have casting news on a hulk hogan biopick. >> that's ludacris. >> who do we have in the house? >> ludacris. >> that's right. i'm taking over the entire show. that's what i'm going to do. >> you have a film career, a music career, a chicken and waffle business and headphone, why do you need it? >>ic never have enough. >> point taken. >> ludacris in the building. let's get this show started with our folks in l.a. take it away heidi and frank. >> no big surprise here but kim kardashian is back in the news. apparently she posted a picture of instagram of a present and a note she received from katie couric. and # i hate -- may you not send
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gifts and then talk --. katie couric said may i humbly suggest you carry on the k tradition and name something with a k. she sent a present even though she's bashing kim k. in a recent in-touch magazine. i guess that -- kim kardashian off. somebody sent you a card. who cares. >> i don't think it's a slam. >> katie did apologize saying i didn't mean to hurt her feelings. the gift is ygenuine and hopefully everything is fine. >> if you're kim kardashian, you have to have thick skin when it comes to that statement. >> one of them has thicker skin than the other, that's all i'm saying. >> bruce jenner. >> looks like women i've dated. looks like an old lesbian. >> looks like women you've dated? >> not recently, but i had a rough year. what's your name, ellen?
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it's fine. >> it's bruce. >> okay. whatever. >> all right, thanks, l.a. now i have the most important kardashian news. over the weekend it was kim' sister's birthday. she celebrateder sweet 16 birthday party. kim kardashian wasn't there but she did her normal i'm going to do a video and show you from here on up because i don't want to show my stomach right now. drake performed, big sean was there. if i had a sweet 16 party, this is how i'd want to do it. >> this is the first time big sean has been spotted since the attack. >> which attack do you speak of here? >> the one gets him on his racket. [ laughter ] >> he's okay. >> so it wa't a party, it was an alice in wonderland theme. >> why would she give an alice and wonder land party. >> the difference is she's a
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jenner. >> what is a male stripper, a dude that scared -- >> some other girl suld have had on bikinis and boys should have had on thongs and should have did that. we sitting here playing like we're just going to disappear. lamar was not there. kanye was not there. why was lamar not there? >> he proent e probably went to pick up stuff when the party started and never came back. >> glad it's not chicken and waffles or something. that's what i would say. >> ludacris, would you perform at a sweet 16 party? >> i've performed at plenty sweet 16 parties. >> so it's chick 16 and she turns 16, do you kiss her on the cheek and say happy birthday. >> yeah, i kiss her on the cheek. >> like how you do that? >> ludacris. >> yeah, l's do it. [ laughter ] >> that's what we dish about. >> we going to wait for the cameras go off i'm going to give her a real kiss. >> last night oprah sat down
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with lindsay lohan on her network, own, so you probably didn't see it. and asked the hard hitting questions to miss lohan about her past and drug addiction and everything else. >> what else is different about this time in rehab versus all the other times? >> well, i don't think in the past i've ever fully surrendered to the fact that i just need to shut up and listen. >> yeah. she wore an orange dress. her skin color was about the same. >> she's just wearing orange. >> she looked good. >> been to court and everything else. >> they're sitting in an all white room and it is a little evil of oprah to choose a mirrored coffee table for the event. >> yeah, just throw it in her face. it's a nice table, isn't it, lindsay? what do you think of it? >> lindsay's scratching to herself. i don't know what you're talking about, oprah. >> remember, this is all setting oprah up because oprah will be following her around for a reality series. >> that's right. >> afterwards. and lindsay lohan's getting a huge paycheck for all of it. >> and they kept showing
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pictures of the rehab facility. >> yeah. >> i want a drug addiction. >> yeah. >> it's shocking that that place with a swimming pool and beautiful views and the lush greenery around it is bottom. that's rock bottom for lindsay lohan. >> that's an awesome vacation for most normal people. yeah. talk about the cocaine usage and here's lindsay's response. here's what she said about that. >> then i read that you said that you really hadn't done cocaine but three or four times. >> i really hadn't done it -- i really haven't done it more than ten to 15 times. of course i said three or four. i was terrified of being judged. >> uh-huh. so what is the truth? >> i've done it like ten to 15 times. [ laughter ] >> ten to 15 times in the last ten minutes. >> yeah, i was going to say, a night? >> maybe she was using some sort of calculus equation and ten to 15th power is what she meant. >> in my opinion the biggest
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confession that lindsay made was this right here. >> you're not on any prescription drugs? >> no. >> no? >> no. i take nexium because i have acid reflux. >> that's too much information. that's like telling us you need to take fiber pills. >> and it's supposed to be taken orally, not snorting it. doesn't help with the acid reflux, lindsay. >> the biggest smack of it's all about oprah came at the end of the interview. lindsay's talking about how she's going on a european vacation to do a yoga retreat, open trah tells her i don't thi you should go. >> i'm just asking you to consider that. >> okay. >> consider it. >> i'm going to. >> okay. >> instead of the end of the interview being a shot of either one of their faces, the screen goes black and it says, two days later lindsay canceled her european trip. >> oh, because of oprah. >> yes, all because of oprah. god tells you to do something and you do it.
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>> well, i have good news for everybody. there may be a hulk hogan movie, a biography of hulk hogan's life. they want chris hemsworth, the guy who played thor, to play hulk hogan. i say he's way too pretty. chris hemsworth is way too pretty. >> who should play hulk hogan? >> in a world where speedos and handlebar mustaches reign supreme. the hull kier they are. the harder they fall. coming this summer, or next fall, or if they ever decide to actually make this movie. heidi hamilton is hulk-amaniac. >> i'll tell you what you got to do, brother. you got to call me up on the phone, brother. and i'm going to play hulk hogan, brother. that's what you got to do. just give me a ringy-dingy.
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>> i nailed that audition. >> seriously, thank you so much. thank you. >> is hulk hogan and brooke hogan had a baby, it'd look like you. [ laughter ] >> that's right, brother. oh, you should hear my brett the hit man heart. >> "dish nation," we need laughs from you. take a look at today's photo of shaquille o neil and kevin hart. ♪ we are flintstones kids [ female announcer ] today, flintstones means more than multivitamins. introducing flintstones healthy brain support gummies. an omega-3 dha supplement. specially designed to help support healthy brain function. that's the flintstones effect. specially designed to help support healthy brain function. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that.
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well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii!
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lady gaga and perez hilton are in a twitter feud. and things are getting incredibly nasty. so apparently this all started because he was talking a lot of crap about her new album and her
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new song "applause". >> they used to be besties, right? >> yeah. but they're not anymore. a fan tweeted lady gaga that he had seen perez hilton inside her new york city apartment building. well, that sent lady gaga off. >> what's up with hilton? is he actually stalking you? >> demanding to know if it was true she needed to know. then asked him to take a photograph. told him that she has called security to let this random twitter person into her building. >> i think it's good to know that if you want to get into a celebrity's house all you have to do is tweet them that somebody else is there and they'll grant you entry. >> i like that celebs don't call the police, they tweet. >> right. it's not going to be handled on twitter. >> and then she tells peres hilton in capital letters stay away from me and my family, you're sick try to rent an apartment in my building to stalk me. do i need to be shot in the head for people to understand that him and everyone else that harasses me has gone too far? i'm a human being. >> she has to remind everybody that she's human in her tweet.
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i'm just a human being. i was born out of an egg like everybody else. [ laughter ] >> peres said in his public statement that he released, i'm devastated and my heart hurts that my former very good friend, a person i used to call my wifey and travel the world with is making very public and very untrue things about me on twitter. >> what do you think lady gaga could have done to make him hate her so much? >> obviously stole his eyeliner. i mean, if they were going to handle this the old fashioned way in a boxing ring. >> oh. >> who would you put your money on? >> i'd put it on gaga i think. >> would you? >> yeah. i feel like she might actually box. i feel peres hilton is more of a slap fighter. >> that's what we're dishin about. ludacris has been hanging out with us. >> oh, yeah. >> a lot of people want to know, fast and furious 6 was one of the highest grossing films of 2013. seven is on the way. >> it is, man. >> what can you tell us? >> my contract doesn't allow me
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to really talk about. >> come on, dog. >> i'm sorry. i don't want to mess up what i have going. therefore i would love to be able to tell y'all something, but i can't. >> but this is "dish nation" and we always dish about it first. and you're like family, so you're supposed to tell us. >> yeah, but i don't want to be the black man to die in the movie first. so i can't dish a thing. >> it jason stateman going to be in this movie. >> give me one second. let me think about this. no, i'm sorry, i can't tell you about it. >> he's not going to be in the movie? >> no. i don't know anything. i can't tell you. >> what about james in the saw movies and did the conjuring that made a lot of money and no money. >> i can't tell you. >> they also tell us that this movie is going to take us back to tokyo and connect the event of tokyo drift. will bow wow be in this movie? >> i didn't hear nothing about this. >> y'all can't be badgering this dog. you could tell us something
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though. [ laughter ] >> who's going to be taking their shirt off? >> i have no idea. hopefully some women. >> is will smith going to be in the movie? >> man, i don't know. >> now, there was a rumor that sam yell l. jackson will be your boss in the upcoming movie. >> now y'all are making stuff up. i don't know none of this stuff. >> you confirmed that to not be true so we actually did get something out of you. >> all right. i'll tell y'all one thing about fast and furious 7, i can't tell you a -- thing. >> next, in reality bites, the new show reminds us that in big time wrestling the only thing that's faker than the wrestling are the bobs. >> we tell you how to -- one million mobs. your mama's so fat. >> that's what we're dishin about.
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where is flo? anybody know where flo is? are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive. closed captioning sponsored in part by -- you've got new one a day women's proedge. a complete multivitamin with 8 essential b-vitamins
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that help convert food to energy. because an active lifestyle has its rewards. new one a day women's proedge. it's time for dish celebrity twist. we take some of the hottest celebrity couples and combine their best features into a creature that only their mother could love. then you guess the duo and we'll reveal the answer later in the show. can you guess this celebrity couple that we squished together? here's a hint, she recently portrayed an actress who loves lace. and he's been known to love mac computers. hit us up on facebook and twitter using #
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and it keeps fighting for a full 30 days. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less. welcome back to "dish nation." we've got the answer to our dish celebrity squish. our dish celebrity squish is justin long and amanda cypress or amanda and c long. a lot of you thought marilyn manson was involved, but you can't squish a squid. here's a sneak peek about our next dish celebrity squish. let us know on facebook and twitter at #dishsquish. back in june the group, one million moms, this is like the conservative group of moms that are kind of the watchdog over media to protect their children. well, they freaked out over the craft, let's get zest ty campaign, remember that one featuring the shirtless man with the salad dressing. >> they freaked out because it
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made them feel funny in a part of their body that hasn't felt funny in a while. >> they wanted to shut this man down, but thanks to their complaints, there's more zesty guys for everybody. >> yeah, nice. >> see, the campaign's photographer said one million moms generated so much interest in advertisements that had already run their course breathing a second life into zesty. that leads me to say, thank you one million moms. thank you. >> it backfired. what did they say was wrong with it? >> who knows. i mean, if i was always associating broccoli and dressing with this guy, heck yeah i'm going to eat my veggies. i mean, look at that man right there. >> do i need to get you a cucumber? >> oh. >> for the salad. come on. it's zesty. >> right. reality bites is a show called wwe total divas. tyson paying more attention to sports than his fiancee, so now
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gave him something to look at. >> sick of watching tv? >> yep. >> what am i wearing? nothing. is there something wrong? >> nothing's wrong. >> like i don't know if i have to dress up as daniel bryan for him to like notice me. it's making me feel like i'm not pretty or attractive. this is totally ridiculous. >> i don't know what's going on there, but he strikes me as somebody who would rather be in a locker room with his home boys. >> i don't get it. >> give that man space. sometimes he does not want to be bothered. >> he might be tired of wearing that thing out. wore it out already. >> dude did have a knee injury. there's only so much you can actually really do from that point on, you know? >> she's too obvious with it. like, you just can't come out and pose. you've got to, you know, do stuff by mistake. >> she need to come clothesline him or something like that. >> if she would have come out in a bra and different colored panties, then he might have been down for it. >> yeah, he was stroking the
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wrong cat. >> last night arian went for a breast implant consultation and asked trinity to join. while they were there trinity brought her boyfriend in the room for a little demonstration. >> they don't look fake at all. like, mine are not real, but i can show you if you want. you can touch one and you can touch one. >> my, god, where is this place? i want to go. >> it's super professional, don't you think? >> women i think with the boobs like that, they're fake, they're not really that girl's boobs. >> it's still that girl's skin. >> might as well bring a stripper dress and didn't look like she was qualified. where's the white lab coat, something to give you credibility. >> at least put the coat on. >> the guy in the clip though he is like never seen boobs before. he turns around. he gets all weird. he looks like a 12-year-old boy. >> he had to play it like that or he would have been in
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trouble. >> that's not even believable because i know you in a situation like that, if that was you -- >> i'd be like. these are good, honey. [ laughter ] >> next, 60% of people say they like to do in the bedroom alone? who finally had the gall to stand up to betty white? [ male announcer ] now you can get a kindle fire hd,
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with high def screen, ultra-fast wi-fi and access to 23 million movies, tv shows, music, and apps -- all for much less than an ipad mini.
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9:53 am
♪ won't touch this. ♪ won't touch -- stop. eggo time. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles can win over the pickiest of eaters so everyone can enjoy breakfast...together. can't touch this. ♪ [ girl ] l'eggo my eggo™. we have a bunch of big stories and just a little bit of time. and, you know, since jubal doesn't get to talk enough, we're giving him 60 seconds. that's it. here's headlines with jubal. >> value kill mer says betty white is his nemesis. betty white says her nemesis is incontinence. >> oh, sad. >> jennifer garner says ben affleck could go into politics if he wanted to. although he'd have to wait for
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matt damon to pave the way first. there's a $95 million penthouse for sale in new york city. it comes complete with 14 rooms and all of the bathrooms are equipped with poor people tears. the average person spends 32 years on a diet. >> whoa. >> that is ridiculous. >> congrats to jessica simpson on not being average at all. good for her. 60% of people prefer to sleep alone, according to a new study. i'm telling you this just so jennifer anniston doesn't feel so bad. >> wow. glad that was only 60 seconds.
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9:56 am
>> announcer: it's timeu for t fálp guests kerry washington. plus, modern day ñrmatchmaker, paulçójf carrick brunsonñi answ. and chris brown makes añi drunk confessionçó on video. find out about his bizarreq lov trying and. now, here's wendy! ♪i]t(+c
9:57 am
>> wendy: hi.çóñr thanks a lot.r appreciate it. happyt(ok columbus xdfdpv how you doin'? i'm doing great. we've got a terrific show for you. chris brownlp youtube video abo% being in love with twoi] women? okay. we got to talk about this. plus, hulkr the reasons again. this time that leaked sex tape, let's talk about thatw3 and mor. ñú
9:58 am
have a seat, everybody. so first of all, i want tohs+out out to all the schoollp teacher% in our studio audience.fá all right. because this is the kind of mom i am. as of friday, i'm planning for a three-day weekend. i'm all ab%u11ñ okay, well, it' friday. no, you know, you can wait and do your homework on, yout( know sunday afternoon. then mondayq you'll come to the show with us. he says to jfme,ma, we have schl monday. i said+ no, youñi don't. in the 1492 columbus sailed the ocean blue. he sailed and sailed and sailed and sailed.3wlp sales at the stores and teachers in the audience and you're staying home. don't tell me. 8 he school.. the internet was down,lp i couldn't logon to see wat schedule was for the school. i just sat there like a dummy all weekend long.e1 i was too embarrassed to call any of my mom friends.
9:59 am
instead, i watched my phone all morning long. is the boy going to r wow. wow. )(qj aren't open. here in new york, i think the side of the street parking are in effect in all fiveq boroughs and we've got allñ teachers here, so anyway --ings so ilp hopuk you had a great weekend. you know, lifetimevp was the ple to be this weekend. on satutway night kikilp palmer with the t(fácarlina white stor. did you see it? really good.


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