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tv   11 News at 5AM  NBC  September 13, 2013 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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more, as long as you don't own a cat. otherwise, it'll drive them crazy. now, if you want to get rid of mice, any kind of rodent, take some oil of peppermint. put oil of peppermint on a cotton ball, place it anywhere you have a rodent problem. you will never see another rodent. >> drive them away, they don't die. >> they don't die. you're driving them away. they're allergic to oil of peppermint, so they really get out of the way. >> o.k., 'cause i once bought that sticky little pad and the poor little mouse was sitting there dead in my garage. it was horrible. >> i don't really like that. i'd rather chase 'em away. >> o.k. >> now, if you want to get rid of moths, just make some sachets with cedar chips, cloves, peppercorns, rosemary and some bay leaves. put it in the sachet, hang it in your closet, put it in the drawer-- never see a moth. you don't want to use mothballs. mothballs are poisonous to kids and pets. o.k.-- if you want to get rid of earwigs, all you have to do is take some paper towel and toilet paper holders, fill it with straw, leave it anywhere you have an earwig problem. they'll crawl in there and go to sleep at night, then you come out the next morning with a bucket, soapy bucket of water and drop them in there and that'll kill 'em off. >> page 176.
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if you hate earwigs-- and i do-- it's right here in the book. >> now with grains and flours, the government will allow certain insect parts and eggs to be in there. >> you're kidding. >> you can't avoid it, so they do allow it. now, in order to get rid of them, take a piece of spearmint gum, put spearmint gum in the container and believe it or not, they won't hatch, they won't come out. >> all you have to do is take a stick of gum and do that? >> that's all you've got to do. cockroaches. all you have to do to get rid of cockroaches is to use some hot sauce and water, spray any area that you're having a problem with or take some cheap wine, put it in a shallow dish, put it under the sink or wherever a problem, they'll go to the wine, they'll drink the wine, they'll die and then they'll lay with their little legs up in the air. >> gone. >> or just sprinkle diatomaceous earth again around the area they frequent and that'll kill 'em off. now, bats. if you get a bat in your attic let's say, turn the fan on if you have a fan in the attic or turn a light on in the attic. that'll drive 'em right out of there-- they'll get out the same way they came in. >> wow. >> if they're in the house, open a window. they'll feel the air immediately and they'll leave the house.
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>> right here in the book. >> fruit flies. all you do is take some apple cider vinegar, put it in the glass, put a funnel-- make a funnel out of piece of paper. that'll attract 'em. then they'll go in there and they'll die in the apple cider. and that'll happen almost immediately when you do that. >> well, myles could go on and on and that's why there's more than a thousand solutions in this book. here's how simple it is: you simply look up your pest, you find the page, your problem is solved. and here's what you don't have to do anymore: you don't have to buy expensive and dangerous products like this. you know, this kills the bugs but it also affects your family, your pets and your loved ones. so let's say good-bye to this and say hello to natural solutions to things that bug you. how do you get your copy? well, it's so easy. you just call the number that you see right now on your screen or go to the internet, but do it right now. do it for the ones that you love. [whoosh] >> the solutions are always natural products that you already have lying around your house. you go in the kitchen and you put your stuff together and you're done. >> i used the dryer sheet solution for mosquitoes, putting a couple of dryer sheets into my pockets and rubbing them over my nds before i went out for the evening. the mosquitoes left me alone the
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entire night, it was fantastic. it worked like a charm. >> i don't like spiders. i don't like anything creepy crawly, so i went to the book, i opened it up, i found out that all i needed was coconut oil and white vinegar. i put that down-- safe, economical. spiders gone. >> announcer: big bugs, little crawlers, disgusting critters can all be gone from your home with dr. bader's naturalsolutions to things that bug you: the must-have guide to safe, natural and easy pest solutions. ants in the kitchen, mice in the walls or mosquitoes on the porch. why use dangerous pesticides when you can stop pests for good the natural way? dr. myles bader has packed thousands of amazing secrets into this one-of-a-kind book. with over 400 pages of solutions in large print and a complete index for easy reference, you'll save time and money right away. and best of all, most of the solutions are already in your home. so don't spend $150 for an exterminator when you can get all the secrets in this book for
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only $19.99. but wait! call or click right this minute and you can get the companion book natural solutions to bigger pests. this book tackles every animal pest from the smallest squirrel to the biggest bear and everything in between. are neighborhood dogs getting into your garbage? dr. bader has the solution. need to keep rabbits from eating your garden? the answer's in the book. forget chemicals, poisons and traps. dr. bader's book will give you the easy humane way to keep away nuisance animals naturally. this two-volume collection is a must for every home. but we're not done yet! be one of the first 500 people to order and you'll get dr. bader's pest calendar absolutely free. thisalendar has unique tips that will help you solve pest problems before they become a problem for every day and for every season. see how to stop flies from breeding in your home year-round. or why you should never store firewood indoors. that's 365 additional tips. both books sell for $29.99 each and the calendar is a $15 value.
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that's an amazing $75 value, but you can get them all exclusively through this special tv offer for $19.99. >> you won't find this information anywhere else. it's all tried, true and i guarantee you it'll work. >> announcer: so stop spending money on dangerous chemicals that could put your family at risk and start solving pest problems the natural way. these incredible books are not sold in any store, so pick up the phone or go to our website now. plus, call in the next 20 minutes and find out how to get free shipping. call or go online now. [♪...] call or go online now. [♪...] [whoosh] >> everybody, welcome back to a show that deals with pests that really bug you. well, actually, before the break, we were talking, myles, abouoffering your one book, natural solutions to things that bug you. well, myles has been generous enough to throw in your second book about dealing with bigger
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pests and he threw in a year-long calendar. all right, well, since you're the expert and i get to ask this question, i've got something for you. i've got dogs and you know what, i used to buy flea collars. well, you've got natural solutions in there because get this-- and i was amazed-- this says natural and green and the only thing that's green in this box is the box. if you turn around and see the back of this, it says this is hazardous to humans and domestic animals. gee, that is your dog. and this one, cute little picture of a dog, right below it, it says keep away from small children. come on, that's what you've got, little kids are running around touching these collars. these are dangerous. you've got a solution. >> no doubt about it. let me show you some natural solutions that you can use on your pets. >> excellent. >> and they're amazing. >> ha-ha. well, everybody say hi to lola. hey baby girl, how you doing? >> now, here's an orange. >> o.k. >> if your pet has fleas, you want to just take an orange, score the orange and rub it on the dog or cat, but do it outside because the fleas are not going to be very happy and they're going to be jumping off the dog. so you want to be careful they
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don't get all over you. >> something this natural and this affordable makes the fleas jump off? i love this. >> and there are more facts that really relate to this in the book. now, we also have a lint roller here. and i'm going to show you how to use a lint roller to get the fleas and ticks off your pet as soon as they come in from outside. but do it immediately. now all you do is just take your pet and run the lint roller over your pet and it'll pick up the fleas and ticks and that solves the problem. >> oh, we like that one, don't we? >> now, if you want to keep the fleas out of your pet's bedding, all you have to do is use a few drops of lavender oil in the dog or cat's bedding and that'll keep the fleas away. as far as cats, get a pillow for your cat if it doesn't have one and put some chamomile in there, pennyroyal and catnip. that'll keep 'em really happy and it'll keep the fleas away. >> all right, all of this is in the book-- now here's what you need to do. if you want to get this incredible book and the bonus book and the calendar, what you need to do now is pick up your phone, call the number you see on your screen or go on the web-- you've got
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more for us, don't you? >> oh, i've got much more, come up here, let's have some fun. now, here's a pet collar. you want to make a natural pet collar, you don't want the poisons around your pet's neck. so children may touch the collar, put their fingers in their mouth. this is extremely important. what you want to do is take a leather collar, a brand-new leather collar. you want warm water in the bowl, rosemary, oregano and citrus oil or some lemon slices. put the collar in, let it sit overnight, then put it on your pet. it'll be a natural flea collar. it'll last about three to four weeks before you have to reactivate it. >> natural solution, right here in the book, how to make a homemade flea collar. and just for pennies with things you have in your house. >> oh, exactly. it's really easy to do. as far as the cat, keeping it out of your garden, from making a bathroom out of it-- >> oh yeah, like the neighbor's cat. >> all you have to do is use some red pepper or black pepper, sprinkle it around, that'll solve the problem. >> they don't like that? >> they hate that. puppies-- if you want to keep them from chewing on the legs of the furniture, take some oil of cloves, rub it on the legs of the furniture, that puppy
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will not chew on the legs of the furniture. >> tell me that works on shoes too. >> it'll work on anything. they don't like oil of cloves. it's a repeller. >> excellent. >> works great. now, if you have a dog dish full of food and you don't want ants getting into the food, which happens very frequently, all you do is take a piece of chalk. draw a chalk line around the food. ants will not cross a chalk line. >> o.k., now, can i share one of the secrets that i use that i love? >> sure! >> because we live out by the country and i'll tell you what. if your dog comes home with burrs and all kind of in their fur, it's horrible. your solution, i got this in your book, i think it was on like, page 134, you simply take vegetable oil. let the burr soak for about five minutes. they slide right off. one of my favorite solutions that you've got. >> i've used that probably dozens of times. >> you could go on and on and on, but you know what? we don't have a whole lot of time. they're all right here inside this book. and i'll tell you what, if you love your pet the way i do, you need to pick up your phone right now or go on the internet and get this book. all right, coming up, we've got something really fun that's happening in the bedroom. you're not going to want to miss this. so guys, ahem, bring in the bed.
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o.k., very funny, guys. o.k., they're dressed in hazmat suits and they think that's funny, but if you've ever slept in a bed with bedbugs and gotten bitten, you might want to sleep in a hazmat suit. let me tell you what's lurking in your bed. there they are. icky bedbugs, dust mites. now, myles, you're an expert on this-- how is that? >> well, i'm director of public health for the n.b.b.r.a. that's the national bedbug resource authority. >> wait a second-- to get rid of bedbugs, what page is that on? 'cause i want to know, don't you? >> you've got about 20 pages in the book, that's how serious the problem really is. >> o.k., so if they're in your bed, what do you do? >> all you do is take the dryer sheets, put at least four of 'em between the mattress and the mattress pad. and what that does is repel 'em so you've got a chance here to do prevention and repel 'em. >> now the other thing that's interesting is when we travel, you recommend putting them in your suitcase-- why? >> well, you can get bedbugs almost anywhere. you can get 'em from a hotel. you need to put the dryer sheet in the suitcase, in every pocket of your suitcase. >> o.k. >> and that'll help alleviate the problem. >> i gotta tell you, when you
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turn to chapter 15, you read all about bedbugs, you're going to be surprised. one, it's easy to get rid of. but if you've got them, you gotta get this. so, in the book are secrets to figure out if you've got them and then how to get rid of them. >> exactly. >> if you have an infestation of dust mites and bedbugs, what should you do? >> you want to call a professional if it's really bad. >> i've got two little kids. we love our stuffed animals. why is he sitting in a plastic bag. >> i'll tell ya, if your children have a runny nose or sneezing or even an asthma attack... >> it could be him? >> it could be dust mites. now, dust mites are in almost every single home in the world. >> wait, wait, do i have to throw out all my kids' stuffed animals? >> no, you don't. but understand, one ounce of dust has about 40,000 dust mites in it, so they're all over the place, especially in stuffed animals, pillows, bedding, sofa. >> so how can i save this? my daughter's favorite animal. >> you want to put the stuffed animal in a plastic bag, put it into the freezer for 24 hours. that'll solve the problem, but it really needs to be done. >> you know, i have to thank you because as a mom with a family, this is so important to me. these are all-natural,
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they're inexpensive. you found solutions for things that are already in my house. >> that's exactly it. and it was handed down from generation to generation. this is not something you're going to find anywhere. >> it's not on the internet, it's not in bookstores, it's right here and the only way you can get it is to pick up your phone right now or go visit us on our website, but do it right now. [whoosh] >> we had a lot of mosquitoes in our yard and in dr. bader's books, i found that putting out a birdfeeder is helpful for that. so i put a birdfeeder in my yard and before i knew it, the birds were eating up all the mosquitoes and we didn't have a problem any more. >> the solutions in the books were easy to find and they worked. i had trouble with cats in my neighborhood for ever. by using one of the solutions in dr. bader's books, i was able to get rid of the cats once and for all. i haven't seen them in my garden in i don't know how long. it's great. [whoosh] >> announcer: big bugs, little crawlers, disgusting critters can all be gone from your home with dr. bader's natural solutions to things that bug you: the must-have guide to safe, natural and easy pest solutions. ants in the kitchen, mice in the
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walls or mosquitoes on the porch. why use dangerous pesticides when you can stop pests for good the natural way? dr. myles bader has packed thousands of amazing secrets into this one-of-a-kind book. with over 400 pages of solutions in large print and a complete index for easy reference, you'll save time and money right away. and best of all, most of the solutions are already in your home. so don't spend $150 for an exterminator when you can get all the secrets in this book for only $19.99. but wait! call or click right this minute and you can get the companion book natural solutions to bigger pests. this book tackles every animal pest from the smallest squirrel to the biggest bear and everything in between. are neighborhood dogs getting into your garbage? dr. bader has the solution. need to keep rabbits from eating your garden? the answer's in the book. forget chemicals, poisons and traps. dr. bader's book will give you the easy humane way to keep away nuisance animals naturally.
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this two-volume collection is a must for every home. but we're not done yet! be one of the first 500 people to order and you'll get dr. bader's pest calendar absolutely free. this calendar has unique tips that will help you solve pest problems before they become a problem for every day and for every season. see how to stop flies from breeding in your home year-round. or why you should never store firewood indoors. that's 365 additional tips. both books sell for $29.99 each and the calendar is a $15 value. that's an amazing $75 value, but you can get them all exclusively through this special tv offer for $19.99. >> you won't find this information anywhere else. it's all tried, true and i guarantee you it'll work. >> announcer: so stop spending money on dangerous chemicals that could put your family at risk and start solving pest problems the natural way. these incredible books are not sold in any store, so pick up the phone or go to our website now. plus, call in the next 10 minutes and find out how to get free shipping. call or go online now.
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[♪...] call or go online now. [♪...] [whoosh] hey everybody, welcome back. you know, myles, i want to say thank you. you've covered so many problems with different pests that you can have in your home and you've saved us money, it's all-natural and they're things that we can actually use in our house, solutions in these books. >> well, it was really important to me. i've got 23 grandchildren, i wanted to do it not only for them but literally everybody. what i'm going to do now though is take you outside and i'm going to show you some solutions to outdoor pests and critters. >> do you believe it? there's even more. it's all right here. >> o.k., forbes, now i'm going to show you some outside insects that are really bad. >> oh, no, no, those are ladybugs, don't hurt-- >> no, they're not ladybugs. they're asian beetles and asian beetles are really bad. they'll bite you, they'll eat your vegetation and they're very common and it really is
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a big problem. but don't get 'em confused with ladybugs. all you do to get rid of them is take some diatomaceous earth and water. mix it in a spray bottle, spray the area and that'll take care of them. w you can even hook a hose up, do the whole house if you have to, because they get all over the house. every insect and animal you can think of almost is in the books and the solutions. >> wow. oh, spiders again. >> spiders. well, if you have spiders on your patio, you need to get rid of them. you don't want them hanging around because they-- >> no cobwebs exceptor halloween. >> no cobwebs. all you have to do is take coconut oil and white vinegar. put it in a spray bottle, spray the area and that takes care of the problem. no more spiders. >> i've gotta ask you, have you picked up your phone yet? this book is going to pay for itself over and over again. these are all-natural, inexpensive cures for bugs that you've g everywhere in your home. but you know what? myles is not going to give us just this book; he's got a second book 'cause you've got solutions for bigger critters. >> for bigger critters and you name it, it'll go from the smallest critter to the biggest critter, like a bear. i mean, i've got everything covered. >> let's go check it out.
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>> o.k., well, let's start here with gophers, moles and voles, the underground critters. what you do is take some laxative, drop it down the entrance to the gopher or mole hole and when it sends them on the run, they will never come back to your yard. don't tell your neighbor what you've done. now, if you have any fire ants-- >> oh, those are the worst if you've ever been camping. >> you gotta make a bait out of boric acid, some jelly and some wet cat food. leave it out for the workers. they take it back to the queen. and the queen will eat it and that'll kill the whole nest off because it'll kill the queen. >> that's amazing and they're all, i mean, these solutions are all right here in both of these books. keep going, i'm so intrigued. >> o.k., now, with deer. we have a whole chapter on deer. i'm just going to give you one fact here. all you do is take some mint soap. you grind up the mint soap, put it in little bags, hang it on the trees that you want 'em to stay away from and it'll work great. now, this is a lot of fun. because in florida, when i lived in florida, i would see people with these sticking out of their pants, sticking out of their pockets. >> i don't understand. >> well, these will repel mosquitoes. dryer sheets again. if you're a fisherman, you take
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it and put it under your hat when you go fishing and the mosquitoes and flies won't bother you. >> genius. o.k., squirrels. these are cute, but they're pretty much rodents with tails. >> well, they're rodents-- again you can use the oil of peppermint on a cotton ball, but if you don't want them bothering your bird feeder, you take some vegetable spray, spray it on the pole and then take out your camera and watch 'em slide down the pole. works great. they'll do it a few times and they won't come back again. grubs. with grubs, you want to spray the area, your whole backyard if you have to, with garlic and water spray. now, with raccoons, skunks, possums, spray the area with ammonia and water. spray around the garbage cans, spray in the garbage can and that'll keep 'em away. >> because they only came to your house for food anyway. >>hat's what they're looking for. >> all right. >> o.k., now if you're outside barbecuing and you don't want a lot of wasps and bees around, you want to take a two-liter bottle of soda. make sure you put about two inches of soda on the bottom, not diet soda or they're going to be very mad and come after you. they want the real thing. when they go into the bottle, they can't figure out how to get out of the bottle, so then just cap it and throw it away. that's the end of the problem.
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>> i just gotta ask you a question: what would you rather do? i got a solution here for wasps and hornets, it says it's dangerous, keep away from kids and small pets... or use a soda bottle that you're already drinking. i like your solution. >> easy solution. o.k., well, rabbits. to keep rabbits out of your garden with certain plants. there are plants you can plant in your garden and the rabbits will not come anywhere near your garden. or you can sprinkle red pepper and black pepper around the area. but that works 100%. termites. you want to keep termites away from your house, of course. >> without big exterminator bills? >> without a big exterminator bill, providing you don't have a big infestation. >> o.k. >> then you have to. but, all you have to do is plant catnip plants around your home. if you plant catnip, you won't have termite problems. >> oh my gosh. >> now, if you've got a lot of neighborhood cats, you're not going to be very happy about that. >> [chuckles] >> and of course, snakes. >> oh! sorry... [both laugh] now, the thing is with keeping snakes away, this is a beneficial, so all we want to do is chase them off the property, we don't want to kill them off. if you have a bird feeder, you're probably going to have
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snakes because the bird seed drops down on the ground, the husks and the seeds that the birds are eating and that attracts mice. that's the favorite food for the snake. so they're going to be around waiting for the mouse to come over to eat the bird seed. so get rid of the bird feeder and you should get rid of your snakes. >> are you starting to get it? see, when it comes to getting rid of critters big and small, dr. myles bader, you've got solutions to get rid of them all. >> i'll tell you, i worked for 20 years of my life creating these remedies in these books and i guarantee, there is nothing like them anywhere. thousands of solutions passed down from generation to generation. easy to do, low-cost and safe for your whole family. >> just amazing. so here's the deal. if you're bothered by pests from ants to spiders, cockroaches, mice, bedbugs and more, these books and the calendar, they're chock-full of cost-saving solutions that are natural, and believe me, these two books are going to pay for themselves time and time again. and there's no hazardous chemicals, no residual build-up and best of all, no costly
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exterminator bills. all you need to do is look up the pest, find the page, problem solved. well, here's the deal, we're at the end of our show. so this is your last chance. you know what you need to do: call right now or visit us on the web. i'm forbes riley. thanks so much for watching. >> everything you need is in there and it's economical. you already own these things. i love dr. bader's book. >> dr. bader's book covers every pest you could imagine, from ants to mice to moles, everything. and it deals with them naturally. >> by using the simple solutions in his book, i was able to get the spiders out of my house, but not harm the environment. >> announcer: big bugs, little crawlers, disgusting critters can all be gone from your home with dr. bader's naturalsolutions to things that bug you: the must-have guide to safe, natural and easy pest solutions. ants in the kitchen, mice in the walls or mosquitoes on the porch. why use dangerous pesticides
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when you can stop pests for good the natural way? dr. myles bader has packed thousands of amazing secrets into this one-of-a-kind book. with over 400 pages of solutions in large print and a complete index for easy reference, you'll save time and money right away. and best of all, most of the solutions are already in your home. so don't spend $150 for an exterminator when you can get all the secrets in this book for only $19.99. but wait! call or click right this minute and you can get the companion book natural solutions to bigger pests. this book tackles every animal pest from the smallest squirrel to the biggest bear and everything in between. are neighborhood dogs getting into your garbage? dr. bader has the solution. need to keep rabbits from eating your garden? the answer's in the book. forget chemicals, poisons and traps. dr. bader's book will give you the easy humane way to keep away nuisance animals naturally. this two-volume collection is a must for every home. but we're not done yet!
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be one of the first 500 people to order and you'll get dr. bader's pest calendar absolutely free. this calendar has unique tips that will help you solve pest problems before they become a problem for every day and for every season. see how to stop flies from breeding in your home year-round. or why you should never store firewood indoors. that's 365 additional tips. both books sell for $29.99 each and the calendar is a $15 value. that's an amazing $75 value, but you can get them all exclusively through this special tv offer for $19.99. >> you won't find this information anywhere else. it's all tried, true and i guarantee you it'll work. >> announcer: so stop spending money on dangerous chemicals that could put your family at risk and start solving pest problems the natural way. these incredible books are not sold in any store, so pick up the phone or go to our website now. plus, call in the next five minutes and find out how to get free shipping. call or go online now. [♪...]
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call or go online now. [♪...] the preceding was a paid advertisement for dr. bader's pest cures, brought to you by telebrands.
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how you can get hip hop abs for 75% off! now that's fun! >> hi, i'm jennifer slimko. when i was introduced to hip hop abs and heard i could get amazing abs in two months, well, i wanted to be in the best shape of my life for my wedding day. so i used hip hop abs and only hip hop abs. i lost six inches off my waist and two dress sizes. my abs have never looked this good. that's the magic of shaun t's hip hop abs. ...why does hip hop abs work so fast? >> because you're literally working your upper abs, middle abs, lower abs, and obliques at the same time. you're tightening and toning your abs while you're dancing and you never have to get on the floor to do a single sit-up or crunch. >> and that is the best thing about hip hop abs. >> these are my problem areas. really it's the center and then the love handles. my name is abby, so everybody calls me abs, and i feel like it would actually be nice to live up to my nickname for once. ...before hip hop abs, i was at the gym not getting any results
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and nothing excited me. with hip hop abs, every day is different. there's such high-energy music, it was easy. i'm getting that full body workout in as i'm dancing, but i'm still focusing in on my abs. hip hop abs defined my abs. i lost the muffin top, the layer of fat is gone, um, it's just tight. i lost 20 pounds, i went from a size 12 to a size 6, and now i have abs. so, when people say, "hey, abs," i'm like, "yep, i've got 'em." [laughs] >> announcer: well, if you want abs too, then stand up right now in your living room. that's right, stand up and let shaun show you how easy it is with hip hop abs. >> now i'm gonna show you how to tilt, tuck, tighten, engaging your core with every single move. all right, so check it out. first, bring your feet together. step one, tilt-- tilt your shoulders over, easy. step 2, tuck-- just tuck your hips under. and step 3, exhale to tighten. [exhaling] shh... i mean, do you see my abs working? >> yes, i think
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i see his abs working. >> i mean, we're literally doing a standing crunch. you're dancing, having a good time. and the great thing about this is you're working that lower abdominal area really, really hard. >> that's a tough spot to get. >> announcer: and these hip hop abs moves are so fun and easy to learn, you'll want to rock them out in a club. get ready, because shaun's about to show you "the party bounce." >> take your feel apart. you're gonna bounce side to side, two times each-- and five, six, seven, bounceown. here, now see, we're utilizing that tilt, tuck, tighten, see? shoulders over, hips under and i'm exhaling every time i do it. it's so much fun. feet together right here, up, boom, boom, we're doing that party bounce, feel it. i mean, you could do this at the club, and it's so much fun. >> and i'm really tilt-, tuck-, and tightening my abs. and i'm getting the sides, i'm getting the top, i'm getting the bottom, i'm getting everything. >> sometimes i don't even realize that i'm working o, because i'm so focused on dancing with shaun t. >> my first hip hop abs workout, it was so much fun, i thought i was in a night club.
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it was like, "oh, yeah, this is exercise, this is something different than me running on the treadmill." 25 pounds in two months? [laughs] it's incredible. >> the heaviest i was, was 160 pounds. before i started hip hop abs, you know, i belonged to a gym, or how i like to say, i was paying their rent. doing hip hop abs was my answer to everything. i sculpted my midsection by the tilt, tuck, and tighten that shaun t taught me in hip hop abs-- i love it! shaun t is amazing. you can just feel his energy right through that television screen. i've lost 32 inches all around from head to toe. i've lost 17-1/2 pounds in the last eight weeks. can't wait to keep on going. >> announcer: looking for even faster results? shaun designed a special 6-day slimdown, so you can lose three inches off your waist in just six days. >> after six days, i lost six pounds, which shocked me. >> literally, in six days, i lost over three inches. >> oh, in my first six days,
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i lost 3-1/2 pounds and three inches from my waist. >> in six days of the slimdown with hip hop abs, i've lost 13 pounds and 3-1/2 inches off my waist-- i can't believe it. >> announcer: all you need to do is stick in the dvd and follow along for less than an hour a day-- it's that simple. no gym, no equipment, just a small space in front of your tv and hip hop abs. hip hop abs has helped thousands of people transform their bodies. shaun invited some of them to come to new york city to dance with him and share their stories. watch this. [cheering and applause...] >> what's up, y'all? what's up? >> my name is amanda bushley. i'm from lake roy, missouri. i have lost 75 pounds on hip hop abs and i have got some rock-hard abs. >> yeah! >> hi, my name is amy. i have two kids and a six-pack thanks to shaun t. >> yeah! >> i'm anne robinson, i'm 32. i'm from roy, utah. got three beautiful daughters and i am a hot mama. >> my name is tamara jackson
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and i lost 70 pounds thanks to hip hop abs. >> my name is diane. i'm from salt lake city, utah. i've had two kids, gone from a size 16 to a size 6, and look at these abs! >> announcer: get ready, because you' about to find out how to save 75% off hip hop abs! if you're looking shed the fat, a way to flatten and sculpt your core and finally get those tight, sexy, toned abs of your dreams, then stop doing sit-ups. >> woman: say what?! >> announcer: and start dancing with hip hop abs, the fun, new ab-sculpting system that takes the world's hottest dance moves and turns them into ab-sculpting, fat-burning routines, so you don't even el like you're working out. it's designed to engage your entire core, all while you're just dancing. and nothing makes you want to get up and dance more than great music, and that's what shaun's complete ab-sculpting hip hop abs program is all about. first, shaun will teach you his secret to flat abs with his targeted training technique designed to engage your abs
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without getting on the floor for sit-ups or crunches. next, turn up the music and dance. you'll start burning the fat off your abs with shaun's fat burning cardio dvd, filled with hot moves set to hot music, designed to burn fat and calories fast and easy. you'll also get ab sculpt, a targeted dance workout designed to tighten and tone your upper, middle and lower abs without a single sit-up or crunch, all while you're jamming to the music. then, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, shaun will step it up with total body burn and take your body to the next level with a mind-blowing, head-to-toe, body-sculpting workout. all you do is follow shaun's hip hop abs workout calendar. it shows you which workout to do each day. no guesswork-- just have fun dancing for maximum ab-flattening results. and to accelerate your results, shaun personally created a step-by-step nutrition guide, filled with healthy foods, meals and recipes,ll designed to help you lose weight and burn inches off your waist.
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it gets even better! you'll also get these three bonus gifts. bonus number one: hips, buns and thighs, to slim your hips, trim your thighs, and lift your booty, so you can get back into your skinny jeans fast. bonus number 2: shaun t's results on the run fast food guide. he shows you healthy food choices, so you can still get great abs even when you're on the go. and bonus number three: shaun t's also including his amazing 6-day slimdown program. so you can you lose up to three inches off your waist in just the first six days. >> in the first six days of hip hop abs, i've lost four pounds and three inches off my waist without doing one crunch. >> announcer: you'll get all three bonuses, a $60 value, yours free. that's the entire 60-day hip hop abs system plus $60 in free bonuses for only four easy payments of $19.95. that's less than the price of one personal training session with shaun, and we're still not done. shaun t is also including four free gifts. you'll get hip-hop groove and take it to the dance floor,
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where you'll learn to dance like shaun t. plus two five-minute routines when you're short on time: last minute abs and last minute buns. you can even add these to work your biggest problem areas for even crazier results. and these four gifts, a $60 value, are yours absolutely free. get the complete hip hop abs system, including four ab-sculpting workouts, shaun's step by step nutrition guide, his hip hop abs workout calendar, plus $120 of free bonuses for only four easy payments of $19.95. but wait, order now and hip hop abs is 75% off! >> woman: say what?! >> announcer: that's right. the complete $80 hip hop abs system is only $19.95. we'll even let you try it risk-free for a full 60 days. that's right, you'll get two full months to try hip hop abs and if you don't see results like the people in this show or if you're not 100% satisfied for any reason, return it and get your money back. but check this out: you get to keep hips, buns, and thighs, results on the run, and shaun t's 6-day slimdown
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just for trying hip hop abs. that's dope! we're even going to give you 24/7 v.i.p. access to shaun t live on the internet, live chats with shaun, customized meal plans, and access to a free coach and support, so you're never alone. all free at no extra charge. as if that wasn't enough, you're not gonna wait three weeks for regular delivery-- oh, no. we're even gonna upgrade your order to express delivery, so you can start your ab transformation in just three to five business days, guaranteed. another $15 value free. crazy, right? so, call now for the entire hip hop abs system, $120 in free bonuses, plus 24/7 online support, and a free upgrade to express shipping, that's a $400 value for the insane price of only $19.95. that's 75% off. >> woman: wait just a minute! you trying to tell me it's 20 bucks for all of that? how many months of $19.95? >> announcer: just one-- eight workouts for just $19.95.
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>> woman: you crazy! what's the catch? >> announcer: no catch, except there's only 17 minutes left. >> woman: and i'm not gonna get charged again next month? i'm not in a subscription i gotta cancel? >> announcer: nope, you save 75% when you call or order online right now. >> woman: that's a steal, baby! [♪...] call or go online now. [♪...] >> announcer: we know how frustrated you are. that belly flab is stubborn. you spent hours in the gym, you tried every diet and cleanse, and still no six-pack. well, your luck is about to change, because in just 60 days you will lose the weight and you will get the abs! but this special offer is only available for a limited time, so you must call now. >> the problem areas that i have are really the lower part of my stomach, the love handles, the lower, um, it's a little jiggly.
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...i have serious cuts. even on the side, my obliques, like... hah... chh.. doing hip hop abs, i could tell that my body was changing. my abs, they tightened, everything toned up quicker and firmer. my jeans were literally falling off of me. [laughs] i lost 19 pounds and 15 inches with hip hop abs-- unbelievable. >> so, these were the day one pants... and it's just crazy, like i said-- it's like a whole 'nother person in here. it was frustrating being 235 and knowing i had so far to go, and i started hip hop abs... it's amazing what happened. i lost 36 pounds just dancing. the fact that i was able to do dance moves and get the same effect as if i had done sit-ups and crunches just blew my mind, 'cause i was so focused on just having fun... that just was phenomenal. >> i've probably lost the same 20 pounds about 10 or 12 times. [laughs] i've done boot camp, i've done pilates, i tried yoga, and i still wasn't getting
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the results that i wanted. in 60 days i lost 20 pounds and four inches off my waist. one of my friends said to me, "damn, you look hot." >> announcer: with hip hop abs, you're not just having fun dancing to great music while you're learning how to tilt, tuck, and tighten. you're actually working your upper abs, middle abs, lower abs, and obliques the entire time. and the moves are so fun and easy to learn. check this out. >> in the "kick it," you lift your foot off the ground, automatically engaging your lower abs. look, i lift my feet off and then my knees, utilizing the tilt, tuck, tighten to get a full body workout and, of course, a full ab workout. >> i feel ke i need a tummy tuck. there are rolls in the front, there are rolls on the bottom, there are rolls on the side. i found back rolls too. ...when i started hip hop abs, it was just for me the start of something great. we're working on our abs, we're contracting our abs all the time. within two weeks i started seeing results with my body. i don't have the back fat anymore, i don't have the love handles. you can see my shape.
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i never even had a waistline before. my hip hop abs are pretty sexy. shaun t, like, he puts a smile on my face and he just-- he's so motivating. these last two months in hip hop abs, i shed the 22 pounds and the 18 inches and the five inches off my waist. it's very exciting and i felt like a dancer, you know? i feel like i could be in a beyonce video. [laughs] >> i kept saying to everybody, "oh, i just had a baby... i still have the baby pouch." and people would say to me, "oh, how old's your baby?" and i'd be like, "two!" shaun t did what i needed him to do: he motivated me, he inspired me, and above all he pushed me. and i saw results so quickly on the hip hop abs program, it motivated me to do more, and it was fun. it was dancing. it didn't feel like working out. it was in my living room with shaun t and my son dancing next to me. i wanted to do it every day. a few weeks into hip hop abs, i started to see a line up here on my abs which i have never had in my entire life. and i was like, "oh, my goodness, look, i got a line, i got a line!" 60 days on the hip hop abs program, i lost 21 pounds.
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i went from 143 pounds to 122 pounds. after hip hop abs, i feel sexy. [laughs] >> announcer: you are so lucky you are watching this show right now, because for a limited time you can get 75% off hip hop abs when you call in the next 12 minutes. that's right-- you can get the complete $80 hip hop abs system for only $19.95. shaun t's also including his amazing 6-day slimdown that will help you lose up to three inches off your waist in just the first six days, guaranteed or your money back. >> i did the 6-day slimdown and i lost 12 pounds in week one. >> with the 6-day slimdown, i lost 4-1/2 inches off my waist and 7-1/2 pounds off my whole body, and i didn't do one sit-up. >> i have lost six pounds and 3-1/2 inches in six days. >> announcer: and we're still not done! shaun t is also including four free gifts, including two five-minute routines for when you're short on time: last minute abs
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and last minute buns. you can even add these to work your biggest problem areas for even crazier results. and these four gifts, a $60 value, are yours absolutely free. and you're not going to wait three weeks for regular delivery. we're even gonna upgrade your order to express delivery, so you can start your ab transformation in just three to five business day, guaranteed. another $15 value free. >> here is my personal guarantee: try my hip hop abs program for 30 days, and if you don't complete transform your abs, i want you to return it and we'll refund the full purchase price, no questions asked. just stick with me, shaun t, and you're gonna have the abs of your dreams. >> announcer: but wait... rewind! did shaun say 30 days? well, right now, during this exclusive tv offer, we're doubling shaun's guarantee. that's right, not 30 days, but a full 60 days. so you can try the entire 60-day program. this is an exclusive tv offer that won't last, so have your credit card ready and call now
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to get hip hop abs for only $19.95-- that's 75% off-- plus $120 in free bonuses, a free upgrade to express delivery, and a full 60-day money-back guarantee. call or go online now. [♪...] it's time to say goodbye to sit-ups and crunches. stop wasting time with ab gizmos that don't work. it's time to start having fun while you burn off the fat and sculpt your abs without ever getting down on the floor to do a single sit-up or crunch. with hip hop abs, you'll be dancing to great music. >> but you're not just dancing, you're dancing with purpose. now i'm gonna show you how to tilt, tuck, tighten, engaging your core with every single move. let me show you the "get busy." it's a full body workout. take your feet apart. you're gonna go back, back, front, front, squeeze, obliques. do it again. tilt, tuck, tighten, using the three t's, obliques right here.
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one more time. see my abs working? it's a full body workout and it's my favorite move. >> everybody in my family now knows this one, the "get busy." this one, i love this one. >> so, you bring your arms back, and then forward. >> you crunch in and then you twist. >> and you're just moving and tilt, tuck, and tighten. your shoulders go down and your hips go up. >> and i do it kind of sexy, like i throw a little swing in there, you know... oh! [laughs]. >> you're hitting every rt of your abs. >> the front, your lower abs, your middle abs, your upper abs. >> the obliques. >> it's literally a full ab workout and it's fun. >> i had like, one, two, three stomach rolls-- i could actually bunch them together like, "why won't you go away?" i did sit-ups and crunches but my stomach wouldn't go down. my first hip hop abs workout, it was so much fun. something different than me running on the treadmill. you're really burning calories and really tightening your core. when you do the move over and over again you can really feel
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that it's, it's working. i lost 25 pounds, seven inches off my waist. to finally look in the mirror and say, "you know what? i'm ready for my close-up." i'm ready for my close-up. i feel confident. i would never wear a bikini before and i have the confidence to do that now. shaun t inspired that confidence in me and he's just definitely one of a kind. i really love him. >> before hip hop abs, i was about 200 pounds. i had no energy, was very unhappy. i didn't want to go to the gym, i wanted to do something fun. and the first thought in my head when i saw hip hop abs is, "i want a flat stomach, i want to look like that, they look really good!" so, i got up in front of the tv and i started doing the "get busy." after the first couple of days, i was tightening my stomach and dancing without even realizing it. it just-- automatic, you just-- "wow, this is cool, my abs are tightening!" but shaun makes it very easy. he walks you through it
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step by step. i felt like he was talking to me through the video. in the first week, i lost 12 pounds. i was beside myself. i thought, "this is working, this is great." i went from a size 18 to a size 2-- that is amazing. i have abs now, i've got obliqs, i've got a six-pack, i've got a waist. one person asked me, "are you amanda bushley?" and i said, "yes, i am." he goes, "oh, my gosh, what happened to you?" and i said, "i've lost all my weight with hip hop abs." i feel sexy, i feel attractive. if you're siing on theouch right now saying, "i can't do it," you can do it. i did it, you can do it. >> commit to me and you will succeed. are you ready? hit it! >> announcer: if you're looking to shed the fat, a way to flatten and sculpt your core and finally get those tight, sexy, toned abs of your dreams, then stop doing sit-ups. >> woman: say what?!
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>> announcer: and start dancing with hip hop abs, the fun, new ab-sculpting system that takes the world's hottest dance moves and turns them into ab-sculpting, fat-burning routines, so you don't even feel like you're working out. it's designed to engage your entire co, all while you're just dancing. and nothing makes you want to get up and dance more than great music, and that's what shaun's complete ab-sculpting hip hop abs program is all about. first, shaun will teach you his secret to flat abs with his targeted training technique designed to engage your abs without getting on the floor for sit-ups or crunches. next, turn up the music and dance. you'll start burning the fat off your abs with shaun's fat burning cardio dvd, filled with hot moves set to hot music, designed to burn fat and calories fast and easy. you'll also get ab sculpt, a targeted dance workout designed to tighten and tone your upper, middle and lower abs without a single sit-up or crunch, all while you're jamming
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to the music. then, just when you thought it couldn't get any bett, shaun will step it up with total body burn and take your body to the next level with a mind-blowing, head-to-toe, body-sculpting workout. all you do is follow shaun's hip hop abs workout calendar. it shows you which workout to do each day. no guesswork-- just have fun dancing for maximum ab-flattening results. and to accelerate your results, shaun personally created a step-by-step nutrition guide, filled with healthy foods, meals and recipes, all designed to help you lose weight and burn inches off your waist. it gets even better! you'll also get these three bonus gifts. bonus number one: hips, buns and thighs, to slim your hips, trim your thighs, and lift your booty, so you can get back into your skinny jeans fast. bonus number 2: shaun t's results on the r fast food guide. he shows you healthy food choices, so you can still get great abs even when you're on the go. and bonus number three: shaun t's also including his amazing
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6-day slimdown program. so you can you lose up to three inches off your waist in just the first six days. >> in the first six days of hip hop abs, i've lost four pounds and three inches off my waist without doing one crunch. >> announcer: you'll get all three bonuses, a $60 value, yours free. that's the entire 60-day hip hop abs system plus $60 in free bonuses for only four easy payments of $19.95. that's less than the price of one personal training session with shaun, and we're still not done. shaun t is also including four free gifts. you'll get hip-hop groove and take it to the dance floor, where you'll learn to dance like shaun t. plus two five-minute routines when you're short on time: st minute abs and last minute buns. you can even add these to work your biggest problem areas for even crazier results. and these four gifts, a $60 value, are yours absolutely free. get the complete hip hop abs system, including four ab-sculpting workouts, shaun's step by step nutrition guide, his hip hop abs workout calendar, plus $120 of free
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bonuses for only four easy payments of $19.95. but wait, order now and hip hop abs is 75% off! >> woman: say what?! >> announcer: that's right. the complete $80 hip hop abs system is only $19.9 we'll even let you try it risk-free for a full 60 days. that's right, you'll get two full months to try hip hop abs and if you don't see results like the people in this show or if you're not 100% satisfied for any reason, return it and get your money back. but check this out: you get to keep hips, buns, and thighs, results on the run, and shaun t's 6-day slimdown just for trying hip hop abs. that's dope! we're even going to give you 24/7 v.i.p. access to shaun t live on the internet, live chats with shaun, customized meal plans, and access to a free coach and support, so you're never alone. all free at no extra charge. as if that wasn't enough, you're not gonna wait three weeks for regular delivery-- oh, no. we're even gonna upgrade your order to express delivery,
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so you can start your ab transformation in just three to five business days, guaranteed. another $15 value free. crazy, right? so, call now for the entire hip hop abs system, $120 in free bonuses, plus 24/7 online support, and a free upgrade to express shipping, that's a $400 value for the insane price of only $19.95. that's 75% off. >> wan: wait just a minute! you trying to tell me it's 20 bucks for all of that? how many months of $19.95? >> announcer: just one-- eight workouts for just $19.95. >> woman: you crazy! what's the catch? >> announcer: no catch, except there's only five minutes left. >> woman: and i'm not gonna get charged again next month? i'm not in a subscription i gotta cancel? >> announcer: nope, you save 75% when you call or order online right now. >> woman: that's a steal, baby! [♪...] call or go online now.
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[♪...] >> you just tilt, tuck, tighten. >> mm, mm, up, up. >> [laughs].. i like this. >> announcer: the preceding was brought to you by beachbody.
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guaranteed credit. that's right. because during sign & drive for 45, everybody drives. lawrence craig is one of the funniest stand-up comedians in america. he's a national television star and one of the most successful touring comics in the country. but tonight, he's hosting a very special show for people with credit issues who need a car right now. stay tuned. you know i am about to start another show and all these people are here to see me. we're going to have some fun, but we're gog to learn something also. see, i am a stand-up comedian. i know what you all are thinking. ha ha, man this is a joke. no. that's not the case. they chose me because they didn't want credit to be scary. so you see, i am also the spokesperson for sign & drive for 45 where you can get a car for no money
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that confuse em a little, slam right there. what are you trying to do to me tyrone? can i say hey to the people? there's always one at a comedy show right? you remind me of my ex girlfriend baby. there's always one. you remind me of my ex girlfriend. i used to date this big strong girl. used to wear the tight shirts, the shirts that you gotta button up through the middle. got velcro on it. no, i'm just joking man. i don't want no trouble. i'm here to have a good time. we're here for a purpose. plus you're a big dude. i don't want you comin up here. you run up here if you want to i got a baloney sandwich in my pocket. i'll set it yeah you gotta make a decision. is that baloney?


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