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tv   Today  NBC  September 13, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> are you cheating on taylor? >> not at. announcer: she shouldn't of -- >> photos on the phone she saw. >> i can't control what people send me at the end of the day. it's a phone. >> it's a response. are you begging. i need money. i don't help you with money? >> look -- we [beep] they pay for it i mean at the end of the day. >> i don't know that stuff. >> i'm saying they pay for it it shouldn't be a problem. >> the girls are paying for something. >> yes, they give me money so i can take care of our situation. >> you take my money. you take their money, my money and -- >> taylor, let's back this up. women give you money? >> pretty much. >> what are you doing for the money. >> nice women. >> unfortunately some women are more vulnerable than others. they come at me with stuff. i don't push them off.
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i have a girl, yes. >> any minute someone in the audience may throw you money. >> i can't control what they do. i can't control what they do. >> that's a great business. >> where is the money. how come i don't see the money? >> when we go out to eat and i pay -- >> you pay. >> yes. >> when? >> numerous times. >> i always pay for everything. that's what hurts my feeling the most. it comes from my own pock elt. pocket and my son's mouth. then you're here -- sorry. i think that's alright. >> it's not true. >> this is embarrassing, dude. >> it shouldn't of gone this far. we should have left it at the house. talk it at the bad. >> clear ly what is happening at the house is not working. she came here for answers. >> exactly this is what he's doing. [ applause ] >> i mean, your best friend marcus --
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>> not my friend. >> you were friends since childhood. he told her you have been cheating. >> that's the thing. >> people tell the truth when they're drunk. >> is that because he wants her. >> exactly. if he was a man when we met her he would have stepped up to the plate. you aays eat first. >> obviously. >> he told -- he sat there and waited. what can i do about my situation. you're a grown man. step up to the plate. >> you may of just been henningy that night. you wanted her more. >> yes. if i see t i like it, i will get it. >> i regret it i regret it >> so, you think marcus wants you? you want marcus? >> me and marcus, i can't even. i can't even go there right now. i'm so stuck on this situation. i mean marcus has been a sweetheart. >> i wonder why.
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he's trying to get to you. he will tell you anything to get in your drawers. >> marcus has been a good friend. he hasn't tried to come at me. i don't want to hear nothing. what you say is irrelevant. >> if james fails the test will you think about marcus. >> yes. [cheers and applause] >> alright. >> welcome marcus to the show. [cheers and applause] >> do you see this? do you see this [beep] [beep] [beep] >> what is your problem. >> i seen you disrespect, dog women and lie. >> you been there with me. >> i seen you -- >> back up. >> you see what happens. >> i never been afraid of you. i ain't never afraid of you. >> i -- >> alright. let me tell you. this. >> you disrespect. >> put your hand down when you talk to me. >> no touching each other.
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>> you're not fit. you deserve -- [beep] >> this is a good woman here. what you're about to do in front of everyone and lose a good woman. >> she is going to be with a real man. a real man. >> let's take it down a notch. >> i can't believe we use to be friends. i don't. i see the way you act. >> you seen how i act? you skwrael outs. >> how am i jealous. >> check it out. check it out. >> no, did i or did not tell you from the jump i was feeling taylor. >> it doesn't -- >> if someone knows i feel her you don't dog the girl that i feel. i told you. [beep] [beep] >> i told you. women are not disposable. that's what you do. you treat women like that. >> if you were so good you would have a woman. >> i'm about to take a good
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woman. you missed what you. have a treasure here. you treat her like trash. that's why you're sitting there. >> listen, james, you asked where his woman his. it might be right next to him. >> you ain't got it. >> it doesn't matter. >> he may need a booster seat. sorry. [beep]. >> why did you tell her he was cheating? >> it was too much. it wasn't the alcohol. i would of been on sprite and told her the same thing. it's too much. too much. >> you're a snitch. >> you broke the guy cold when i told you i liked her. you started this. >> no, no, no. >> hang on one second. >> marcus, marcus. you want to be with taylor? >> i do. i really do. >> can i ask you a question? have you been with her yet? >> not the way i want. >> what's that [beep] what way have you been with her. >> taylor knows i want to grow with her, provide.
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[cheers and applause] >> you got a lot of growing to do. >> you know -- what is there, you deserve better. you deserve better. you deserve better. he deserve what he -- he deserve what he's going through with the rags. >> the ratchets. >> i do. >> this is my baby. regardless. >> no. >> can i ask you a question. can i ask a question. if you want to be with this woman why are you responding to naked photos and say i can't wait to hook up? i mean -- [cheers and applause] >> you tell people what they want to hear to get what you want. >> that's what you are doing to me. telling me what i want to her. >> i seen him. >> you need to quit attacking him physically. >> i will show how big i really am. >> we will work something out -- >> let me tell you something. he seems like he doesn't need
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anything. if she's not with you. she's with him. >> that's all he wants -- >> that's all you need to know. >> he's trying to, he broke guy code. he's hopping in on mine. >> hop in on yours? >> hop in on mine. >> you hopped in -- >> a real man -- >> hang on a second. hang on a second. you say you broke guy code. let me tell you the code you broke man/woman code. you broke that code. >> nobody is perfect. >> here is what i see. i see him being honest. okay. >> look -- >> all i see you doing is attacking him. you're so petty. get above that. >> i'm petty, this is my woman. >> what's in it for you? >> if it's your woman why not respect her? [cheers and applause] >> you have to respect your woman. >> it's 4:00 o'clock in the morning. what are you doing with him? i'm upstairs knocked out. why aren't you with me? i could of raised --
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>> why you out together. you are my woman. >> we were all, there you passed out. >> you should be with me. >> i wanted to make sure i wasn't just tripping. >> you talking to my boy. i don't go to your girls. >> you probably are going to my girls. what are you talking about. >> you just said you have a bunch of women giving you money. >> she is under the impression she is the only one. >> maybe if you weren't -- >> no, no. >> he wants to be funny . he wants to be funny. get taller. you're this big. >> you want the seconds too. >> what happened last time you tried to step up. >> i ain't nev been afraid of you, bro. i ain't never been afraid of you. >> what did i say? what did i say. >> he stepped up. i'm not going to - >> what did i say? nothing physical here. alright. >> you're bigger. >> it won't happen again. >> i ain't never been afraid of
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you. >> what [beep] [beep] >> you saw what happened last time [beep] >> i didn't move out [beep] >> see what i'm about to stay. [cheers and applause] >> alright. when we come back we find out the lie detector test results after the break. stay with us. >> coming up on "the test." >> you ready for the lie detector results. if he fails is this who you go home with? and later. >> we have accusations lying he's sleeping with the baby mama. >> it's not okay. >> she's cheating at the dominatrix job. and most shocking she's hiding fake junk in the
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>> are you worried your daughter is having sex for money? does she have unexplained cash? if you want to get to the truth with a lie detector test put her to the test. call 1-855 or go to
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announcer: this program contains mature subject matter. viewer discretion is advised. >> welcome back to "the test" i'm here with taylor, james and marcus. they were childhood friends. now taylor you're in the middle of this. you think your boyfriend might be cheating? why did you choose him that night and not marcus. >> i have to be honest it was first impression. marcus, it wasn't that he was inappropriate with it. the way he came at me. he was mature about the situation. how you doing and all that. he didn't get a chance to say too much. >> a real man needs to step up. >> he does it all the time. >> you have to -- >> it's like coffee and cake with him. it's the same thing. >> coffee and cake. >> i disregarded him. i want to know if i have wasted a year. >> we will find out. >> i would like my [beep] money back though. [cheers and applause] >> so, you were one of the women giving him money.
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>> yes. one of the women, tiger woods. >> she gave him money. >> you ready for the lie detector test results? [cheers and applause] >> alright. if he fails is this who you go home with? >> huh-uh. [cheers and applause] >> is that the kind of woman she is. she goes home with my homeboy. that's not, that's not a woman. >> that's not your boy. >> i'm not your homeboy. >> i ain't your homey . >> you haven't talked in months. you're done. this isn't your friend anymore. you threw him out. you ready? alright. our lie detector administrator asked james the following questions. >> ready? >> for someone who says he has so much game your attacks are so petty. [laughing] >> listen -- >> you give -- he's a petty
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individual. >> you attack him physical ly. >> if a man steps up to you. you sit there and take it? he's a to the letter. >> that makes you look even worst. >> so when he steps up -- am i suppose to back down. >> from a toddler. >> yes. >> you said a toddler. >> alright. ready. alright. since you have been in the relationship with taylor you have had sexual in course with any other woman. your answer sir? >> no. >> give your new boyfriend a kiss. you failed. [cheers and applause] [beep] [beep] >> you are going to lie to my face. you going to lie to my face. you still lying though, right. you still lying. i don't want to hear nothing. [cheers and applause] i think so no, no, no. >> what.
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>> again, again? [cheers and applause] [beep] >> stay close. >> moving quick. >> i ain't worried about it. >> we are going to break. when we come back. when we come back i will find out why you're so upset when you should be happy. we will be right back. [cheers and applause] >> next on "the test." >> he still ain't got it. >> does very a chance to get you back?
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announcer: monday on "the test." >> in a exclusive interview -- announcer: her first interview. >> we fell in love with each other. love at first sight. announcer: she's taking the test. >> did you have sexual intercourse with omar. announcer: and telling it all. >> threesomes and wild sex parties. >> yes we had a threesome. >> did you see lamar do drugs? >> did you go to a game? >> yes. i sat court side. announcer: when we reveal the shocking results. >> does lamar talk about having
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a a bee with you? announcer: all new on "the test." >> the following program contains mature subject matter. viewer discretion is advised. >> welcome back to "the test." i'm with taylor, jails and marc. before the break we learned that what marcus said about his childhood friend cheating on you was correct. marcus said he had strong feelings for you. you clearly have -- [cheers and applause] >> you're obviously, you're obviously upset. why is that? >> it's -- >> wasting a year. >> not even that. my son. he has a relationship with him. what do i say when he asks about james. you didn't think about that when you were with the other females. >> james ain't nothing.
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>> you say my son is irrelevant. >> no, he is. >> james, james. why were you cheating on this woman that you claim to love so much? >> i do love her. >> why would you -- >> we didn't have her take a test. i didn't go through the, you know, this crap. >> you need to take a test. you have been faithful this last year. yes, i wish i wasn't. >> and you say, you say marcus is irrelevant. he's holding hands -- [cheers and applause] >> he can hold her hand all he wants. that's my ring. >> no you can delete my number. >> what you -- >> taylor, he says he can get you back. does he have a chance to get you back? >> not in hell. [beep] [beep] >> an issue -- >> if you were a real man --
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>> kirk! >> apparently he ain't got it. >> you ain't got nothing. >> he's back up against the law. >> that's why, that's why -- you're in that position. you need to relax. >> okay, james, james. hold on, one second. you say you're in the driver seat. >> let me tell you something. you are in the driver seat. agree. you're in the car by your self now. >> she going to call me. >> she going to get roses -- >> i don't know. you know what i'm saying. >> he can't afford [beep] >> you don't get it. you by your self. you don't get it. >> i never by myself. >> exactly. you're never by your self. >> taylor -- >> i will be honest with you, it's over. >> we will finish this up. i will say this. you may of eaten first.
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but he's eating now. [cheers and applause] >> we will be right back. announcer: coming up on "the test." >> you have had work done? >> it's me. big trans woman. >> nothing wrong with that. >> if we see butt implants we will see a large black mass. >> how often do you check butt implants. >> it's my second time doing this. nothing worked on my eczema until cortizone-10 intensive healing eczema lotion.
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the power of cortizone-10 plus restora helps heal my symptoms. cortizone-10 -- feel the heal.
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the power of cortizone-10 plus restora helps heal my symptoms. >> do you think your girlfriend got pregnant on purpose to trap you? do you think she lied on being on birth control or put holes in your condoms? if you so call or go to
9:27 am to share your story. announcer: this program contains mature subject matter. viewer discretion is advised. [cheers and applause] >> welcome back to "the test" let's face it sometimes woman can be fake. fake nails, fake hair, fake teeth, fake boobs. a man wonders what am i waking up to in the morning. [laughing] >> we're about to meet a couple who says nobody is keeping it real at their house. we have accusations flying all over the place. he's sleeping at the baby mama. she's cheating at the dominatrix job. the most shocking of all she's hiding fake junk in the trunk. that's right. rafael thinks his love azia's booty is bogus and wants to put the tush to the test. please welcome rafael. [ applause ] >> thank you.
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>> go ahead. >> well, kirk, i'm here to find out if my gir is cheating ob me or not. when i come home from work she's sweating. she looks suspicious all the time. the second thing is about her booty. >> before we get to that. let's get to everything. i have to know where the accent from. >> puerto rican. >> okay. >> my accent is a little funny. i'm a new yorker too. >> not funny just curious. okay back to the story. you come home. she's sweating, out of breath. >> ya like -- >> maybe she -- >> slamming the door. >> possibly working out. >> it's funny. i don't like it. i need to find out the tru and what is going on. >> you think she is cheating. you also think she has a fake booty. >> yes. >> she has a fake boot aoefrplt. >> why do you think this?
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>> her booty is hard. it's soft, you know. it's -- >> are booties not allowed to be hard? >> suppose to be soft, smooth. >> i have to go to puerto rico. >> i guess so. >> now if you find out she has a fake booty, is that going to change some things. >> not really, no. it's not. >> you will just approach it differently. >> yes. >> now you know it's hard because she's working out when you come home. maybe you're wrong about everything. >> maybe i am. maybe i'm not. i will state how i feel now. until the test results. >> she's also a dominatrix. >> yes. >> so, that's one of the reasons. is that a reason she might be -- >> yes. >> when she goes to work she's dominating. >> yes. >> does she dominate you? >> no. not at all.
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[laughing] >> alright. >> raphael says azia's booty is too hard to be real. it's time to bring out the owner of the famous butt. azia are you bty licious, are you fake and fabulous? welcome azia to the stage. [ applause ] >> alright. nice to meet you. [beep] >> night to meet you too, kirk. >> alright. >> so, even if it is fake they did a hell of a job. >> it's not. >> why does he think that's not god given. >> i don't know. a lot of transsexuals get silicone injections and i have a lot of friends who have silicone
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injections [beep] body exaggerations. so, that may give him the reason. you know. >> you have had any work done. >> no, everything is natural from hormones and from me being me. a big beautiful trans woman. >> trans woman. nothing wrong with that. >> nothing wrong with being big and beautiful. [ applause ] >> whatever you are, wear it proudly. >> i do. >> you certainly are. >> now he also -- he also doesn't trust you. you think -- he thinks you are cheating. >> no. >> he comes home. you're sweating and opening and closing closets. >> a woman has to take care of the house. it's hot in there, the boiler is on. i'm a big girl, i sweat honey i'm not skinny like you. >> maybe she's getting the house ready for her man.
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you're also a dominatrix. > yes. >> he's a little suspicious of that. >> yes. >> what do you do with the clients, tell me don't show me. >> okay. well i offer the type of service that i tell them what to do. i let them -- >> you should tell them to clean your apartment so you're not out of breath. >> i don't think he would allow that in his house. i go to a different dungeon sometimes to do it or i do it at their home. >> basement or dungeons ? >> there are dungeons in the city of manhattan. >> one of the reasons i rarely go to new york. [laughing] >> i do like the way you two met. >> from what i read harlem bridge? >> yes. >> he was walking. you thought he was cute. >> i was drunk. i just -- >> you just -- >> i like the way he looked. cute. >> you picked him up and took
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him home like a puppy. >> i drabbed him. i said you're so cute. you think i'm cute. you do. come wit me. >> she picked you up. >> she grabbed me. [laughing] >> listen. >> blink twice if you're being held here against your will. okay. i just want to make sure. this could be part of the big dungeon of life. >> no. >> how long you have been together? >> ten months. >> it was so fast. >> she also thinks you're cheating with your baby mama. you're suspicious? >> yes. he has other relationships with her girls. he end up back with her. >> i'm a good father to my kids. >> that doesn't mean you havto be with the mother. >> you with the kids or the mother. >> the kids. she has her boyfriend. >> i don't believe that. i have been in situations.
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kirk, i have been in situations with baby mothers and baby fathers. they think it's okay. it's not okay. >> alright. well, we have done the tests. we also, we will find out if the butt is real. >> definitely i have nothing to hide. >> you want to know if the rump is real or there is junk in the trunk? we have a sonogram back stage and we will watch as we put her tush to the test. [ applause ] announcer: coming up on "the test." >> we have a sonogram technician standing by to test to see if he finds signs of a implant. >> it's funny. crisp, fall rocky mountain air makes an epic journey through pines, wildflowers, and aspens.
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and is matched only by our journey to capture its scent. crafted by expert perfumers for your home, air wick mountain woodlands and crisp air is part of our limited edition national park collection. airwick. the craft of fragrance.
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>> do you like action? >> you want to witness shocking results? if you are in the l.a. area and would like to be in the studio audience for a taping of "the test" go to thetestit >> audience: take the test! >> the following program contains mature subject matter. viewer discretion is advised. [ applause ] >> welcome back to the test. well, we really hit rock bottom.
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by that i mean azia's bottom. rafael says it's too rock hard. but azia swears her rump is real. we have a sonogram technician standing by to test to see if he finds any sign of a implant. >> we will utilize technology used millions of times in the united states. traditional ultra sound. >> if we find no butt implant it will look as though we're looking through an airplane window going through clouds. if we do see butt implants we will see a large black mass. it will be very easily to clarify the difference. >> now i'm curious. how often do you check butt i am plants. >> it's actually my second time doing this. [laughing] >> so, this is, this is your second time checking for a butt implant. >> it's turning into a cottage industry. >> it's a sonogram. what if we find out there is a
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baby in there. [laughing] >> i would be excited. a miracle. >> you will definitely apologize to the rump. >> definitely apologize to the rump. >> you will think twice about spanking it. >> ya, i spank -- >> alright. do what you're getting paid for now. >> alright. >> check it out. i want to see it. >> i see it, i'm good. >> time telling you. right now. >> so, as i described to you we see as though we're looking through clouds. >> azia, how do you feel. >> it's funny. [laughing] >> now as a dominatrix you may feel right at home here. >> no, i usually have my hands on their [beep], not their hands on mine. >> sometimes it's important to flip. >> so, i can tell you quite clearly that azia is all natural. >> no way.
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>> no body implants. >> baby, i'm saoefrplt i didn't mean to say that. i love you. i love you, i love you. sorry. >> that's okay. >> listen. >> are you sure? are you sure? >> i am certain. no doubt in my mind. >> you're okay with that. >> i'm sorry babe. azia, i love you. >> we got to get to the lie detector though. >> when we come back it's time to find out if rav rafael is keg it real or if he's doing the horizontal hustle with the baby mama behind azai's real backside. >> you have have sexual intercourse with your baby's mother since dating
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announcer: coming up on "the test" one of our most controversial guests. >> wendy. >> i drink to forget. announcer: now for the first time the question everyone wants answered. >> did you put your r5 year old daughter in a tanning booth? announcer: look out here is farrah. tvs most talked about teen mom. >> she knows how to have safe sex. >> she's not having it. >> some things were out of my control.
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announcer: all new on the test. announcer: the following program contains mature subject matter. viewer discretion is advised. >> welcome back to "the test." we helped azia proved her butt is real, grade a round rump. now we're back to the classic story of boy becomes girl. boy meets girl on the bridge, girl is you pebgts boy of cheating with baby's mama. it's tim to put rafael in the hot seat. we will get to the questions in a sec. how do you feel now? >> how d do i feel. >> i found out she's all real. i apologize. i love you. know i'm here for you. >> now we will find out what you're up to. >> ya. >> alright. >> our lie detector administrator asked rafael the
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following questions. here is the first one. you have had sexual intercourse with your baby's mother since dating azia. >> would you like to know this, right. >> what are you going to do if he fails? is there a special dungeon? >> in my heart, maybe. i still want to love him. >> you still want to love him. >> i will see if we can make it work. i don't want the same patterns over and over again. >> your answer was. >> i said, no. >> your answer was no. he passed. [cheers and applause] >> question number two. you have had sexual contact with your baby's mother since dating azia?
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>> your answer? >> was no. >> he passed that as well. [cheers and applause] >> alright. >> it's all love. >> it's all love. >> also you may be scared of her. >> that's another thing. >> that's another thing. [laughing] >> azia, now it's your turn. question, you have had sexual intercourse with anyone besides rafael since you have been together? your answer? >> she passed. [cheers and applause] >> excited about that? >> i'm excited, definitely. >> i feel like i'm in between love.
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>> question number two. >> you have had sexual contact with anyone besides rafael since you have been together? your answer. >> she pass thad as well. [cheers and plause] >> i mean so, listen. there has to be, you can have that trust now. we have learned a lot today. you learned that butt is real. you also realized that when you come home and surprise her, she might be cleaning the apartment.
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she is also a big girl. she just might be winded. [laughing] >> i am going to be there for her. the way we live is very, you know. it's a little like risky a little bit. >> she's a dominatrix. you're a masseuse. >> we both make good money. we live a good life. i want to maintain it and keep focused and see that we accomplish things we never done before, in other relationships. >> dock nate ricks you can beat them up and then you can massage them. >> you know what i'maying. >> it's like a match made on the harlem bridge. >> alright. we will be right back with more of "the test."
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>> the following program contains mature subject matter. viewer discretion is advised. check out what is happening next time on "the test." announcer: coming up monday on "the test" omar's allege mistress first tv interview. >> we fell in love with each other. announcer: she's taking the test. >> did you have sexual inter course with lamar odom. did lamar odom talk about having a baby with you? announcer: that's monday on the test. >> we learned a lot today. is there renewed trust in the relationship? >> yes. hopefully. i see you love me. i love you. the love is real. so, i'm going to keep doing what i got to do. >> what is next? is there marriage in this picture. >> yes. we are engaged. >> you are engaged?
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congratulations. phraurs. >> like, i just hope. you know we keep doing what we doing. things go as we plan that we wanted. our lifestyle and our community. representing we can do and they can follow us. >> you represented today. >> let's do it. >> we trust and doubted. you came on -- >> i'm confident and a better man. >> you came on you got the answer. it's a happy ending for everybody. we wish you the best of luck. and that's all for today, guys. thank you for watching. remember if you need to put someone to the test or if you don't think their butt is real go t to we will see you next time.
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next up on "the wendy williams show," grammy winner
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kelly rowland opens up about "x factor" and beyonce. plus kelly performs her sexy new hit single. and wendy has the latest in the paula deen controversy. here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: ooh! shout it out. thank you. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: thank you, studio audience. i appreciate you coming. better today than last week. we have a terrific show for you.
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kim and kanye reveal the baby name. i have my opinion more. and there was a showdown last night on the "the housewives of new jersey" and paula deen's hot controversy. let's talk about it and more. it's time for "hot topics." [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: thank you, everybody. have a seat. so i hope you had a terrific weekend. mine was the best weekend in a few weekends because it was the first weekend i was able to sleep through the night and stop coughing. do you remember the cold from last week? do you remember the cold from the week before? >> yes. you. >> cough for five days, fine. you cough for seven days, people start looking at you like you're
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crazy. by last week i was going on eight, nine days of coughing. i had my tea mug in the audience to help squelch the cough. so i went to the doctor and she sticks the tube down my throat and another through my nostril. that one made me cry. i cried like kim when she was laying on her back with the baby thing. but here's what my brilliant ear, nose and throat specialist found. a cole was no longer a cold. it had turned into something really nasty, funky, discolored and, yes, other worldly. so she gave me a fistful of pills. i started feeling better in about six hours. now, look, i have got a course of medicine to take for ten days. so unfortunately my broadway debut, which was supposed to be tomorrow as matron mama morton
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in chicago has been put off until friday. i was disappointed also, because because i'm ready to go out there and zoo it! [ applause ] >> wendy: but it is very disrespectful when you cough while you sing and act and even more disrespectful while roxy and them are trying to deliver their lines. i'm the queen of turning lemons in lemonade. i've rationalized it that friday might be a better debut day for a foodie like me anyway. if i debuted on tuesday, i wouldn't get out of the play until 10:00 at night and i would have to wake up first thing in the morning to come here to do the talk show. and this friday there's no matinee which means after the show we can go out for like shrimp and lobster and stuff and have


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