tv Today NBC September 22, 2013 8:00am-9:00am EDT
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you know, it w a tmendous trip thahe's just done. it's another little baby, hey? hey? but i-4 hasn't just helped commando. hey, commando. hey? they have helped chimfunshi as well. miracle? you know, it wo't be long before the chimpzee is extinct, and the only ones that are living are the ones that are in captivity. >> chimfunshi was the only sanctuary in africa able to offer the chimp a home since all the other sanctuaries have been forced to close their doors to new orphans because they are filled to capacity. >> oh, you poor little man. hey? >> can you show his mouth? >> the total wild population of chimps today is estimated at around 100,000, a far cry from the millions that once roamed in 25 countries in west and central africa. >> and look what we got here.
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look. >> but this is one of the success stories. this young chimp called commando has a new lease on life because of many compassionate people. >> oh! ha ha ha. mm, you lovely--look at-- look at this man and his camera. look at this man and his-- ha ha ha. >> what a happy ending to a great animal rescue. don't go away, we'll have more of "animal rescue" right after this brief break. pa
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creatures from around the world that also provides these critters the most advanced medical care available. >> today we're going to capture up our mountain lion reno. we did an mri a number of years ago, and we found that he had a narrowing of the bones that surround his spinal cord. and by having an increased weight, it can cause more damage to that and cause the severity of his clinical signs to increase. and, um--so we're going in today to try to find out what's causing this weight increase. and we don't believe that it's due to increase in his food intake, because he's not getting any more food than he normally does. we think this may be possibly a thyroid problem or some other metabolic disease. because he's such an old cat, and because of the problems he's had in the past, we need to get this weight down as quick as possible. otherwise it can have a severe effect on his overall health. i've loaded the dart in the hospital, and now 're going to be pressurizing the dart so that when it goes into the animal, it will express and inject inside the animal. and then he'll--ok, now. reno? stop. ok, good.
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[firing dart] ok. so we've darted the cat. and so, once we do that, we try to turn the lights down, clear everybody out except for my technicians, who will monitor him and wait till he actually starts to feel the effects of the anesthesia. >> caution is also the watchword for these animal rescuers because treating any large wild animal, even tranquilized, can be dangerous. >> i know, reno. i know. yeah. ok. and do you have the, um... cord? white part of the ear, if we can. so right now, we're just trying to get him stabilized before we start doing our work, make sure he's nice and sedate. we'll get the ekg machine out in just a few minus and go from there. but we're going to get him--make sure he's nice and sleepy before we start all of this. my first
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observation for this animal is that, yeah, we have put on quite a bit of weight. and i worry about that because of our previously diagnosed back problem. so what we're going to do is do some testing to find out what's causing this, and then try to reverse that and get some of this weight off this cat. [heart monitor beeping] heart sounds good. again, we've got an aged animal that has a history of arthritis and back problems. and again, we worry about the heart as well. his heart's sounding good. we're going to check it with an ekg, though, make sure that it's pumping properly. you got stuff for his eyes? >> yeah, you going to look at-- >> yeah, i'll need to take a peek at them real quick. >> they look a little hazy. >> he's starting to show some cloudiness in the eyes, too. >> is he? >> you can just look at it just from reflective. and when you look in it, i can see the structures behind it, but they're not clear. we're still seeing, but we're not getting clear vision. again, with a cat like this in the wild, this would impair our vision enough where we
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wouldn't be able to hunt for our prey. so, again, signs of old age in a cat that sometimes you necessarily wouldn't even see in the wild. when we have the animal down like this and we can do everything, we try to do as much as possible. so we tm the nails, um, we check eyes, ears, nose, throat, the teeth. we do everything we can because we don't like to knock these animals--or to sedate these animals often because each time you have an anesthetic procedure, there's always a risk of complications. so we try to do this as infrequently as possible. but we have to do it often enough so that we maintain the good health of the animal and check and find these things that we will start to see over time. [beeping] oh, that's cause they're probably messing with his leg. >> visitors to the living desert get a unique, up-close view of all medical procedures conducted in the hospital. >> even if he's looking, the telazol--he's still feeling it, so he's not gonna wake up. but yeah, do watch your fingers. safety is utmost importance. he's got a little bit of tartar on his teeth, so we're just
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cleaning it up. and then we're going to flip the cat over, i'm going to check the other ear and then we're basically going to be ready to go back to our enclosure at that point. ok, watch that. ok, ready? 1, 2, 3...flip. and then let's scoot him back. ok. hopefully we'll have some answers. um, this kid's actually currently on thyroid medication, but it could be that the thyroid medication now really isn't enough for him. we may need an increase in the dose, and that could be why--when your thyroid's low, you tend to put on weight even though you're not eating a lot ofood, per se. checked eyes, ears, mouth, heart, lungs, abdomen, and the temp was normal. ok. and you guys did the claws? other than the increase in the weight, he actually appears to be in pretty good health. it can take probably about a day for the blood work to come back, and at that point we'll be able to evaluate his thyroid, make sure the medication we're giving him currently is adequate or if we need to increase the dose.
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we'll also be checking other organ systems throughout his body to make sure that they're functioning just as well. we did find some haziness in the eyes, which is just some old age changes. nothing that we're going to be too worried about at this point. and, um-- the rest of him, though, looked actually pretty good. ready? 1, 2, 3... there you go. come around, sarah. set him down. i know, you're so good. ok. ready? >> it's now back to his enclosure as reno's medical examination is complete. we'll have more of "animal rescue" right after this brief break.
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>> animal rescuers are special people as you'll see in this next story. at the wilshire animal hospital, dr. frank lavac prepares to treat a very sick reptile who's a beloved pet to many southern california youngsters. >> this is a king snake, a male 6-year-old king snake. he's from the california science center, where he's used to educate children, that was presented for not eating for several weeks and they noticed the swelling for over a month. and so now we're going to examine the snake and see if we can determine exactly what's wrong with the snake. it's a pretty friendly snake, so we don't have to worry so much about him biting us. but you can see right
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in his mid--mid-section of his body he's got this really dramatic swelling. and so what we're going to do is x-ray the snake and see if that gives us some insight io why the swelling is there. and we're also going to do an ultrasound, and we're going to tap it. that is, put a needle into it, and remove some of the fluid, and have that fluid analyzed to see if it tells us whether we're dealing with an infection or a tumor. this is a side view of the mass, and this is from the top down. you can see all the vertebrae along the back here, and all of the ribs. and this whole area here is the swollen area. it has what we call a loss of detail. we don't see a specific mass there. so this doesn't necessarily tell me exactly what's wrong. it still could be an infection. it could be a tumor. >> dr. lavac will try to get more detailed information by doing an ultrasound. a special geis placed on the snake's abdomen to improve contact
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with the probe. >> right here, we're looking at thenside of the snake. this is the backbone here, and here is the mass in this area here. what we can tell is it's a cystic mass. that is, there are some pockets of fluid. and again, we can't tell whether it's a tumor or infection at this point. each test is trying to determine what i might expect to uncover, in essence, as far as what's wrong with the snake. so with the information that we have now, it looks like we're going to have to do surgery. see, we've hooked up the anesthetic machine. he's getting gas and oxygen through the tube here, and we have a doppler over the top of his heart so we can monitor his--whether he's doing well or not. ok.
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again, this is the mass that we're dealing with. i'm still trying to dissect around and figure out exactly what it is. right now, it looks like the mass is associated with the intestinal tract. so it extends through this hollow tube throughout the entire length of the snake. i've not seen a mass like this before, and i'm still trying to dissect and figure out exactly what it is. >> though dr. lavac successfully removes the lump, its nature still remains a mystery. >> well, we've seemed to have gotten the whole mass. we're trying to stabilize the snake at this point. and now we're going to tie off a blood vessel and flush the area, and then close the area as well.
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the surgery so far has been a success. we went in looking for the swollen mass. we found a mass. we don't know what tissue it's associated with at this point, but we removed that mass. we've closed up the snake. the snake has remained stable throughout the procedure. and now we just need to support him while he is waking up. and then it could take many weeks to know if the surgery was a success. once we find out the results from the pathologist, we'll have a better idea exactly what's going on at that point. 'cause right now, we don't know how seris it is. but surgery went very well, and the snake is recovering. and the snake is strong, and so i'm very hopeful the snake will fully recover. >> time now to check our "animal rescue" mail bag. >> ♪ "animal rescue" mail bag >> shirley from bala, pennsylvania writes...
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>> every day in the u.s., more than 70,000 puppies and kittens are born. and unfortunately, many of these animals don'have proper homes. spaying and neutering can help with overpopulatio spaying female dogs and cats eliminates problems of pregnancy and the common difficulties of cancer and other medical issues. neutering male dogs and cats eliminates the urge to seek out females in heat, reduces aggression against other animals, and reduces prostate problems. >> ♪ that's your "animal rescue" safety tip ♪ >> and that's this edition of "animal rescue". thanks for watching. join us next time as we showcase those caring individuals who help the various creaturein the animal kingdom. i'm alex paen, and here's what's coming up...
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team? we got a 100-point green card for proper hand washing before our meal prep. referee: we've reached a critical saty point in the challenge. okay, team 1, t's check this out. uh-oh, not a safe internal temperature for those hamburgers. that puts everyone at high risk for food-borne illness. you get a red card -- undercooked. always read and follow the ckage cooking instructions and use a food thermometer. let's see how our winning team cooked it safe and avoideoblems. well, i just kept focus on the four food safety steps -- clean, separate, cook, and chill. and weollowed the package cooking instructions and took the temperature. can you cook it safe?
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[captioning made possible by telco productions, inc tioned by the tional captioning institute] aouncer: the lling paid advtisement f montel's living well healsterroht to you by tristar products. today on "living well with montel"... >> sylvia browne! [ cheers andpplause >> announcer: ...sylvia browne d montel togetr again for
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the first me in more than a year. don't miss sylvia's huge announcement... [ cheers and applause ] ...a h shocking pshic predicon inclung woma..enrevelation aboutne >> i call this the desert riod >> announcerthat could save her life and yours. plus, see why even sylvia's in love with montel's newest ling wl pruct. hi, i'm montel williams. a few years ago, my life took a dramatic turn and my health became the complete and total focus of my life. since that time, through research and advice from world-renowned doctors and healthcare experts, i've learned how to live well to get the very most out of my body each and every day. i wrote my book about it -- "living well with montel" -- and you've seen articles from the fitness gazines, a even consuming fresh fruits and vegetables can increasyour energy levels, re yo rk imne stem,nd rhargyourur tire body so you can start living well. vingell is something that we you think.and it easier than whetr you ha a cnt oblem or you just want t yo energy and vity, or berease
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th you can be, i'm gonna show you how you can do it with this baby right here -- the living welhealthmaster. it's my cr weapon. and trust me, the amazing health d weight-loss benefits that u can get from this on machine are nothing short of raculous. announcer: stayunedo meet montel's medical dream team. >> i've never endorsed anythin for anyone. >> announcer: you won't believe what they say about the amazing health benefits of the living well healthmaster. >> one of the biggest causes of nc is looxen. g you ling oxygen >> announcer: plus, a family desperate to get healthy. >> we need some help right now, and i hope montel can help us. >> announcer: montel and the healthmaster could be their last hope. wait till you see all the nutritious, delicious recipes even your kids will love. and get ready to witness a weight loss miracle. it can happefor u, too. the healthmasters the biggt breakthrough in kitchen apiances in decades. the secret is e healthmaster's high-speed, state-of-the-art digital emulsification system.
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this unique and proprietary procs literally pulverizes and vetables, leafy greens in just cond turning ordinary produce into supercharged delicious and nutritious food thatetai allf th powerful, potentand luable vitamins and minerals that other machines leave behind. the healthmaster does it all, replacing over 20 kitchen applia saving you time, saving you moy, and helng you lose weight and feel great. comingp, you'll see the amazing healthmaster do what other machines simply can't -- make chill smoothiesnd per drinks. then in a snap, make hot, simmering soups, even frozen sorbets and low-calorie ice creams. stay tuned to find out how you can get the living well mini fusionbooster free. quickly chop and blend your favorite all-natural ingredients into a personal-sized, nutrient-boosted smoothie on thgo. boost your smoothies with super antioxidants, like powdered green tea and acai powder to cleanse and lose weight. boost with magnesium and calcium
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for bone and joint health. add protein powder for a complete amino acid-enriched meal on the go. all of these smoothie-boosting recipes are online. the living well minifusion booster is an incredible $40 value, but it could be yours free. and now it's time to start living well with your host, montel williams. >> welcome, welcome, and thank you so much for joining us today. hi, i'm montel williams, and i want to welcome you to my brand-new sh, "living well with montel [ cheers and applause ] go ahead, have a seat now. have a seat. i'm really excited about this because i'm gonna be giving you brand-new ways to live wl physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. now luckily, i happen to have a very good friend who knows the spirit inside and out, and there is no way i coulara new adventure without her. you know who she is. >> i grew up in a middle-class family in kansas city, missouri. at 3 years old, they told me that i knew who was coming, who was gonna ring the phone.
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at 5, i was sitting on the couch facing two of my great grandmotrs, and saw their faces run... which scared me to death, not knowing at the time until my maternal grandmother -- thank god i had her -- who was a psychic said that means thattheo god's house," is how she put it. and within two weeks, bothf them were dead. at 71 years of age, doing it for 53 years pfessionally, if i didn't have passion for it, i would be dead by now. really, really love it. i mean, everybody that knows me, seen in my concert, or heard m on the phone, i've never lost my enthusiasm. when that day comes,l stop. [ cheers and applause ] >> ladies and gentlemen, we are back together again on the same stage for the first time in a year, please wcome world-renowned psychic sylvia browne! [ cheers and applause ]
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that's for you, girlfriend. sylvia, i'm telling you, i've had people stop me in malls, stop me on airplanes and say, "geez, montel. my family -- we don't get no sylvia browne?" i'm like, "she's all over the country," but ey want to see us together. >> but they said the same thing to me. here'shat they said to me. "you look naked wiout montel." [ laughter ] >> what have you been up to for this last year? tell everybody. it's been exciting. >> yeah, i've been doing lectures. i've been writing books. you know, the same old, same old. >> you had a stint -- >> and i also got engaged. [ cheers and applause >> sylvia, i'mo cited about the sh, the whole idea of living well. and know when i wrote the book "ling well with montel," i wrote about making sure people uld change their lives through diet and exercise. we created an unbelievable pruct. it's called the living well healthmaster, and here to help
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me talk about it a little bit is my friend, our newroduct guru. please welme forbes riley to the show! [ chrs and applause ] hey, girl. how you doing? good to see you. you have actually used our healthmaster yourself, personally. how well does this thing work? >> well, here's the thing about eating well and livi well, i don't know if you remember, but i used to be about 30 to 40 pounds heavier than i am. >> yeah, you did. but you lost it. >> she's honest. >> no, but you were cute. comen, you've alwayseen pretty. always said to me.yone "you have a pretty face. could you just lose the weight?" and i never could. i never understood. i don't really like eating i dn't ustand how to cook them. and the conct of juicing was so foreign. so wt i d was, it figured it out, and you did too -- livg we, eating great food, and if you don't really love all those fds, find aay to get them to your diet. wato ditand healthmaster is the >> i call itsteahing stealth your vegetables. stealth them. you can hidehem. at we'na do -- i'll tell
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you what? i'll prove this to you. name some fruits that you like. give me me fruits. >> apples, i like watermelon and cantaloupe, and oranges, banana -- yeah, i like all of them. >> we're gonnao back, and i'm gonna put some spinach in that drink. i'm gonna put some beets, some carrs. i'm gonna put something that you think that you could not drink, and we're putting the entire vegetable in this thing. that's what's so great about the new living well healthmaster is that it's an emulsifier. guys, you can takehe entire fruit and stick it in ere. [ imitates whirring ] >> you g the nutrition. u gee zymes. your body's gonna be supercharged. and when it works great, i have to tell you, it just melts away, and of course, your sex life just kind of heats up. >> there y go. wel be back right after this. [ cheers and alae ] >> announcer: coming up next, montel's medical dream team reveals how the healthmaster could make you live healthier and longer. and later, sylvia's back. can you predict if she'll like her ultra-healthy fruit-and-vegetable smoothie? >> who would ever think about
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ming vegetabs and frui together and have taste like >>ere'the azy thing. bere t heahmasr, y couldn't do it. >> announcer: plus, a revelation that could save your life. [ applause ] >>elco. i'm montel williams,nd i'm so excited about the day, becau i'm about to take you on a nutritional journey that i know will turn yo ente family's life of po eating habits into a whole new world of living well. today, we're in a kitchen, and could make the most delicious and nutritious wonders that i guarantee will help you lose weight, feel better, and jump start and supercharge your life. now is is the revolutionary living well healthmaster. it's not a mixer. 's not a juicer. it'such more than even just a blender. and believe me. this is going to babsolutely the most important appliance not just in your kitchen, but in america's kitchens, and i guarantee it. here to help me show you how to prepare healthy and tasty foods and even how to get your kids to eat the vegetables that you know don like to eat is celebrity tv host, mother of
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twins, and product expert, forbes riley. welcome her. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> how are you? >>oh. ar't you so excited? oh,'m exced. first of all, how are the twins? >> oh, ama -almo 6, >> and inow that they're dng really bauhey'veee livi well like this their whole lives. sohaare gna do?ell,ou know wha? is n just a kitchen applianc and it's not just a blder. it is souch more. this is a professional-grade ulsier -- oh, biword. se thi youoinethefr" mean? phrase "stealth veggies. because i can make sauces, soups, ice cream you can make all kinds of food,e healthy that you don't le with things that you ve at's the beauty of this product. do with th?nt to see what we can >> yes. let's bring out can wbr up s >> yes. i think we ought tjust get busy let's get someeople up here.e, michle, anjoel. apause ] sit up her we had a conversation eaier. tell the truth. how many servings of vegetles >> one or two weekat a week?
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>> yes. >>ow aboutou? >> about the same. ow abo you? >> maybe three. >> okay, howbout you >> about twi when my wife is looking. >> [ laughs because veggies, they don't taste so good, dthey? >> no. but they're so od for you. you know what you're looking at? you' looking at table full of minels, vitamins, antioxidants, phytonutrients. your body needs these things to survive. well,hat is tha w let me tell you something. every single day -- every day of my life now for the last three ars, i srt my dawith a drink. my green fruit it reay simp, and is is wheryou can really your tablesnsidof whwao s, we want to put some fruit in here. so i picked oranges. >> oranges. >> and we'll drop two orges in. >> oh, look. how nice. >> whole apple -- whole green apple. put another grn apple in. >> all right, another green apple -- two green apples. could you do this with your regur blender? >> berries -- as many berries as you want. i'll throw in a banana. th is kind of cool. and en, is is the one that will drive your kids nuts. inach, as you can shove in
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youon'tven t >> tow aittlic. >>ka now ts is t genius. by the way, ifou put ice inmost? th stop wog. li gst 2 horsepoweis ts it c almt por a all almost 2orsepower, 10watt st of ur blenders, 300 to 40watts. the trli moru somethg? ther-in-law's boat is a 2 horsepowotor. all the time gofishing that ok, pulittleater in. all you have to do is securehe is blend it's so nice about fety mechanism. itas bmpletely secure t on on e lid, but on the base for it to even come . anwatch this happen?e hi"run" long au want run this foas beuse itl start to warm up. 'll ta aut thain a minute but e co thingbout iisthat maked non-gritt-- tre's not grind pinachuce,ie, at can
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sws chard, carrots an the container at exacsame at dyou ink?to aine noing. >> m. it goo i taste ples >> my wife would be proud of me. >> [ laughs ] not nearly as proud as we are. finish it.ur face. >> that's good. >> [ laughs ] can go to a smoothie if you get a glass osmoothie like this, what is it? $3, $4 now for a smoothie? this food feeds your body, fds your brain. you get smart, healthy, well-adjusted kids all through their nutrition. one ofhe -- that's it saves time and money. [ applause ] lg we m tg action, let's hfrom some folks who did ju that withhe hethster themselves. take aook thi >> one othe in goals that i waed w to haveore endunce,avmore sminato feel stronger. and i have accomplished all that with the living well program. i have lost about 30 pnds. e of the things that has impacted me the most is people's reactions my chan i'm happy to go to work d have
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people cup tme, d th st c't bieve ce that i've made in my life. it s, d i'm so thankful. it does work. it ds work. li well program,'ve loel 24 pounds. i never thoughu calose this much in a short amot of time. it wl change your life. itmake you hlthi. itl yave t re energy. and it'll put you back into shape, and everything else will follow. your whole life will change. [ applause ] >> now, forbes, listen to me. knowe'velready pron to them that th can get a nutritious, coolcold drink fruits.eblnd bui'm gonna tell you -- wah anof gs beeve at wca make hot sp insi thi healthmaster. >> no. >> what do you mean "no"? >> no. come on, man. are you kidding me? >> here's the thing. cooking kills. when you cook your vegetables, you boil them. you boil the nutrition outf your celery, out of your carrots. you nt to get the nutrion, enzymes anthe tamins.gethe so i'm gonna throw in some beautiful vine-ripened tomatoes, a whole potato -- just pop it rit in there. >> you got to tell them a little
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ece, becau as u bo things, you kill the phytonutrients. you kill all the enzymes. it makes it more difficult for you to absorb. this way, we're just spinninit because this thing's 3,000 rpm. >> now this is the genius. you set it for eight minutes. you can set it and stay and away and do the other thingslk that you need. but t, simmering soup in eight minutes. [ whirring ] hello? and that's the "wow." that is the most amazing thing about the healthmaer is that you can make hot, simmering soup, nutritious and delicious. how's it tasting? >> you're t just saying thatt. because i'm right here. >> nah. nah. that's great. >> this is hot, hot soup -- protein plus a lot of raw what more could you ask for? when we come back, more taste sensations, more weight loss stories, and i'm gonna take the healthmaster out for a littl visit to a local farm. so don't go anywhere. >> announcer: introducing the living well healthmaster fruit and vegetable emulsifier. the healthmaster is more than a
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blender, because blenders only blend and leave clumpy messes, while mixers only combine ingredients and leave even bigg messes. and juicers simply discard the nutrient-rich skin, seeds, and pulp. the healthmaster truly is the kitchen appliance breakthrough that does wh other machines simply can't. the secret iits amazing high-speed digital emulsification system. this unique and proprietary process literally pulverizes and liquifies whole fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens in just seconds, while reining all the powerful, pote, and valuable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients that other machines leave behind. you can increase your energy, improve vitality, and lose weight the healthy way. and the healthmaster saves you money by utilizing inexpensive fruits and vegetables from your grocer, turning them into healthy, vitamin-rich chilled juices, smoothies, and power drinks, and all-natural,ealthy baby foods, delicious hot soups, sensational low-calorie salad dressings.
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plus, instantly mix ingredients for cupcakes, muffins, pizza dough, and breads. you can even make frozen desserts, like creamy, mouth-watering ice cream and fresh-fruit sorbets. the healthmaster literally does it all, replacing over 20 kitchen appliances and performing over 31 jobs. saving you valuable time and money, making the healthmaster the one kitchen appliance you can't live without. the healthmaster features a motor that's almost 2 horsepower, 1,100 watts of power, and these commercial-grade culinary angled, stainless-steel blades that emulsify wet or dry whole foods at over 3,000 rpm. that's enough power and performance to decimate these chunks of solid concrete into a super-fine powder, and the healthmaster is still good as new. why boil fresh vegetables and lose healthy nutrients, when you can make hot soups and sauces right inside the extra-large carafe? the key is the healthmaster's centrifugal friction which cooks foods naturally, retaining all the healthy nutrients and delivering hot, flavorful, and
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robust soups in a snap. and with its preset timer function, you simply set it and walk away. similar consumer and professional machines could cost you as much as $1,200. but you won't pay $1,200 for the incredible healthmaster. in fact, you won't pay half of that, not even a fraction of that cost. call now, and during this exclusive television offer, you can own the amazing living well healthmaster for just 4 payments of only $49.99. plus, you'll also get this "super slim me" eating plan, designed with nutritional secrets to help you lose weight the easy, healthmaster way. be one of the first 500 to order, and we'll also send you these four bonus recipe books free, loaded with over 100 delicious recipes for smoothies, power drinks, soups, sauces, desserts, and so much more. as a special bonus, we'll also send you the living we mini fusionbooster free. it's perfect when you need to quickly chop and blend your favorite all-natural ingredients
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into a personal-sized, nutrient-boosted smoothie on the go. boost you smoothies with super antioxidants, like powdered green tea and acai powder to cleanse and lose weight. boost with magnesium and calcium for bone and joint health, and boost with protein powder for a complete amino acid-enriched meal on the go. all of these smoothie-boosting recipes are online, simply fill the personal-sized travel bottle with the healthy ingredients of your choice. in an instant, you'll chop and blend a supercharged wellness drink you can take with you in the convenient to-go bottle and enjoy anytime. the living well mini fusionbooster is an incredible $40 value, but it's yours free with your order. just pay separate processing and handling. >> i'm so confident that you're gonna love my healthmaster as much as i do, that i've asked the manufacturer to drop one entire payment for you and forget about the 30-day money-back guarantee, because guess what? i'm gonna double it. so you can try the amazing healthmaster for a full 60 days. if you don't love it as much as i do, simply return it for a full refund. no questions asked.
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that's my promise to you. >> announcer: and because the healthmaster is built to last, it also comes with an unprecedented 100-year motor warranty. so what are you waiting for? call the number on your screen or log on to so you, too, can save time, save money, and start losing weight and feeling great. when you call, find out how you can upgrade to the new and imoved healthmaster elite. this commercial-quality kitchen breakthrough features a shorter, compact design and comes in your choice of white, red, or black so you can match the decor of your kitchen. and new moms will love the healthmaster eli's 100% bpa-free carafe for making wholesome, safe, and all-natural by food right at home. order your living well healthmaster right now. [ plause ]
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>> and here to helme and teach you hoto live well froinside t isy dream team of experts. ladies and gentlemen, please best-selng book, "the cu," dr. timothy brantley... applause ] nutritionist and ahor of the book, 2 ways to healthy you," ura lewis. welce her. d, ocourse, yoknow ouown . mike, come on , guys.e show.. thk you.. sidown. i got to telyou. i'm so excit abo this ojecand excited abouthe out to people to me thti undetand that u can impact thway you feel just by wt you put your mout guinea pig'd mysf foa full year, changing t way i eat and i have impacted almo eve symptom i have from m.s., every single one of them. i'm not curing my sease. but i'm gonna tell you. i feel better every single day. [ plause ]
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what do you think? i mean, you know, i'm trying to make se -- you know, this show derstand that you can get the fruits and vegetables and change your diet and the way you eat by emulsifying, juicing, stealthing. what do you think about this whole idea >> wel you just talked about emulsifying and juicing. what people have to remember is this is a living body. we were made, created, designed to live off of what comes from the earth. live food for a life-living body. >> increase your fruits and vegetables, you can wer your risk for type 2 diabes, multiple forms of cancer, disease after disease, right? right, exactly. and i'm so passionate about i've worked with peoe fomany years, and one of the things they reallare missing is real food -- you ow, food that's fresh and full of life and ful of enzymes and wonderful vitamins and nutrients. >> and see, i got row in my shameless plug right this nute, but you know, our living well healthmaster blender, for families who have a problem sitting down and eating a bowl of broccoli or sitting
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spinach or sitting down and eating fr orive servingsf fruit in a daytime. i'm gonna show you guys, especially you in this audience. i'm gonna show you by the end of th hour how can ke any one of these vegetables more palatable thanou'd ever think. i n't ve to cook them. i don't have to rn tm up. i don't have to stroy the enmes. and you wi drink them and be, "are you kidng m" , ifs, and or ts. but it's just getting more and re through your body, correct? >> it is tru -- in easiefor ople to , which is li"yhaea isan s,ndn this w, inhi delivery, it's a fabulous for you, and it's very ptecte of your cells >> listen, ts is gna be a sewage system we n't ean it, d thinsi of this by is going to be indative what we end up wh onway it's just thatimpl >> dr. mike, this was rfec-- lookwatch. we're gonna like on a otball team, pass it o to drmike'cause he's talking about what goes on inside the body.c,k th. >>etalk abt the real de, 'c wt i is -- ke iaid, i love the body, and i nt to show you what the body's all about. now let's take a look, all now, look at tha
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all right,his an actu colon caer. that is the enemy, and that's a nasty, gnarly diase. you t want tt. sidegettg a lonoscopy anseei your doctors on a regular basis, is to eat the right foods. you are what y eat. >> i've never endorsed anything for anyone. and the reason that i'm really of us needs to do is becausefe is. when y taka look at these fruits and vegetables, it's hard toat 10, 12 different types of vetables every day -- sit down at a mea but when you can take a uciferous vegetable, you can take a delicious fruit, and you can put them in blende's also a juicer and give yourself the fiber and control the amount of fiberou want from each one of these things, you can actually create the health that you want. anget the amino acids, theng. esseial tty id the micromineral--hite corols your biochemistry which has do th ogen the
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cellul level. ottoarbu wonhe nobel pze in 1931 for discovering onof the biggest causes of cancer was w oxygen. this gives you living ygeno feedhe system and an easy way. you don't have to go out in your lawn and eat the grass. >> i don'tnow at i got to do to make people get what i'm already nna give you -- one of the payments off. i'm gonna give you 60 days to try it outt home. if you don't like it, send it back. we will give you your money back 100%. tellou what. i'm gonna take a little break. and next up, a mother who's afraid right now for her family because she believes that their eating habits are killing them. 'll be back right after this. [ applause ] >> announcer: next, help for a little boy who's weight is already out of ctrol. plus, more of montel and fors with the amazing healthmaster. and still to come. sylvia's back with a vision that could save an audience member and you. thhealthmaster truly is a one-of-a-kind kitchen appliance that does what no other blender watch the healthmaer turn solid ice into smooth, blended frost in seconds, while the
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dale skips and grinds leaving behind the solid ice chunks intact. how about leafy gree and vegetables? the standard blender is no match for the healthmaster. watch as it qulverizes even large vegetables in seconds into a silky, vegetablpuree. even solid grains are no problem for the healthmaster. the typical blender simply swirls at the bottom, while the power of the healthmaster turns the grain into flour right before your eyes. the healthmaster's digital emulsification power makes it more than a blender. it's your in-home commercial-grade appliance that blends... chs... liquifies... and ev processes food in just seconds. the healthmaster does it all. [ applause ] >> well, we're back. and i'm telling you. with the living well healthmaster, you can get healthy. you can feel great. and you can lose weight. and i got to say this. everyone deserves an opportunity to live well. that's why i want you all to go out and get a living well healthmaster. this is your fst step in vegetables, and proteins into
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extraordinary tasty sensations >> i don't really like raw vegetables. how do you get them into your diet? >> you can do so wita really fabulous drink that i make, again, every single day. and it's in my top 5. and why i call it my top 5 -- because you know that drink that comes in a can that they say, "everybody got to have one." >> or, "i should have had." >> you know what i'm talking about? you don't have to pay for that and buy that. it's got all these preservatives in it. i'm gonna show you how to make this at home yourself. all you got to do is throw in tomatoes, and, you know -- >> no chopping. >> no chopping. throw in three tomatoes. i got a red pepper. i kind of like that flavor. i'll put in a couple carrots real quick. you don'have to pre-chop this or anything. it will do it itself. throw that in there. a little bit of celery. get it down. >> get this lile green pepper. >> and this is a green -- that is a jalapeño pepper. >> oh, okay. >> it's a jalapeño pepper. i'll throw a little ice in this bad boy. >> a scallion, too, for taste? >> throw a scallion in there. see, i like it. that's what i like. now, again, we're talking about completely raw. a little water in there. let's fire this baby up. >> it's not all about taste.
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it's all about nutrition. turn it on. [ whirring ] >> now let this run for about 1:30, put enough ice in it, and again, this is taste. >> this is one of the secrets, too. if you want to be healthy, shop the outside of your grocery store. the outside's where all the fruits and vegetables are. if you buy the things in the cans in the middle, you're not getting the nutrition that you want and you wonder why you're fighting the same 10 and 15 pounds over and over again. it's because there's so much in the foods that you're buying in a can. doesn't that taste yummy? you eat a whole plate of all of those vegetables. would you eat that? >> no. >> all the nutrition and enzymes that were in there is in that. tell me, would you drink that? >> would i drink that? yeah. >> would you eat a whole plate of vegetables? >> and wait, i got to ask the reaction. you guys had my vegetable drink. what do you think? is it okay? [ cheers and applause ] >> you can hang with that, right? >> who here is trying to lose about 5,0 pounds? >> anybody losing weight? >> okay, the same 5 and 10 pounds over and over again. when you feed your body food that's this good, this nutritious, this raw, this food feeds your body, feeds your
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brain. you get smart, healthy. you can't believe it. >> nobody knows anything about losing weight like our special expert, forbes, because take a look at this picture right here. >> i put on 75 pounds. that's a 65-inch waist. there's two 7-pound babies in there. i was always fighting the weight thing. once i discovered my healthmaster, juicing, portion control, i eat what i want. i don't fight anymore. it's not a daily struggle. you know what? take a look at this photo. i got all dressed up 'cause as a mama, sometimes you just want to get dolled up and look sexy. what do you think of that picture? [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: introducing the living well healthmaster fruit and vegetable emulsifier. the healthmaster is more than a blender, because blenders only blend and leave clumpy messes, while mixers only combine ingredients and leave even bigger messes. and juicers simply discard the nutrient-rich skin, seeds, and pulp. the healthmaster truly is the kitchen appliance breakthrough that doewhat other machines simply can't. the secret is its amazing high-speed digital emulsification system.
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this unique and proprietary process literally pulverizes and liquifies whole fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens in just seconds, while retaining all the powerful, potent, and valuable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients that other machines leave behind. you can increase your energy, improve vitality, and lose weight the healthy way. and the healthmaster saves you money by utilizing inexpensive fruits and vegetables from your grocer, turning them into healthy, vitamin-rich chilled juices, smoothies, and power drinks, and all-natural, healthy baby foods, delicious hot soups, sensational low-calorie salad dressings. plus, instantly mix ingredients r akmuffs, pizza dough, and breads. you can even make frozen sserts, like creamy, mouth-watering ice cream and fresh-fruit sorbets. thhealthmaster literally does it all, replacing over 20 kitchenppliances and saving you valuable time and money, making the healthmaster the one kihen appliance you
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can't live without. the healthmaer fturea tor that's almost 2 horsepower, 1,100 watts of power, and these commercial-grade culinary angled, stainless-steel ades that emulsify wet or dry whole foods at over 3,000 rpm. that's enough power and performance to decimate these chunks of solid concrete into a super-fine powder, and the healthmaster is still good as new. why boil fresh vegetables and lose healthy nutrients, when you can make hot soups and sauces right inside the extra-large carafe? the key is the healthmaster's centrifugal friction which cooks foods naturally, retaining all the healthy nutrients and delivering hot, flavorful, and robust soups in a snap. and with its preset timer function, you simply set it and walk away. similar consumer and professional machines could cost you as much as $1,200. but you won't pay $1,200 for the incredible healthmaster. in fact, you won't pay half of that, not even a fraction of that cost. call now, and during this
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exclusive television offer, you can own the amazing living well healthmaster for just 4 payments of only $49.99. plus, you'll also get this "super slim me" eating plan, designed with nutritional secrets to help you lose weight the easy, healthmaster way. be one of the first 500 to order, and we'll also send you these four bonus recipe books free, loaded with over 100 delicious recipes for smoothies, power drinks, soups, sauces, desserts, and so much more. as a special bonus, we'll also send you the living well mini fusionbooster free. it's perfect when you need to quickly chop and blend your favorite all-natural ingredients into a personal-sized, nutrient-boosted smoothie on the go. boost you smoothies with super antioxidants, like powdered green tea and acai powder to cleanse and lose weight. boost with magnesium and calcium for bone and joint health, and boost with protein powder for a complete amino acid-enriched meal on the go. all of these smoothie-boosting recipes are online, simply fill
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the personal-sized travel bottle with the healthy ingredients of your choice. in an instant, you'll chop and blend a supercharged wellness drink you can take with you in the convenient to-go bottle and enjoy anytime. the living well mini fusionbooster is an incredible $40 value, but it's yours free with your order. just pay separate processing and handling. >> i'm so confident that you're gonna love my healthmaster as much as i do, that i've asked the manufacturer to drop one entire payment for you and forget about the 30-day money-back guarantee, because guess what? i'm gonna double it. so you can try the amazing healthmaster for a full 60 days. if you don't love it as much as i do, simply return it for a full refund. no questions asked. that's my promise to you. >> announcer: and because the healthmaster is built to last, it also comes with an unprecedented 100-year motor warranty. so what are you waiting for? call the number on your screen or log on to so you, too, can save time, save money, and start losing weight and feeling great. when you call, find out how you can upgrade to the new and
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improved healthmaster elite. this commercial-quality kitchen breakthrough features a shorter, compact design and comes in your choice of white, red, or black so you can match the decor of your kitchen. and new moms will love the healthmaster elite's 100% bpa-free carafe for making wholesome, safe, and all-natural baby food right at home. order your living well healthmaster right now. [ applause ] >> my first guests say their entire family needs to lose weight to get more healthy before it's way too late. take a look at this. >> my son's name is brent, and he is 10 years old. he weighs 165 pounds and most of the kids in his class that are at a healthy weight, weigh, you
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