tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX September 8, 2009 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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edition". . >> i mean, i just see some projects coming along. >> cracking down on a robbed neighborhood. the plan for place. >> the battle over speed cameras how the vote went in baltimore county. >> and a lot of loose change. where a armor car spilled a cargo full of coins on. >> live in high definition, from fox 45 news in baltimore, this is fox 45 news "late edition". >> i am jeff barnd. >> and i am jennifer gilbert. >> a plan to fight crime. police say it worked in the past. and they believe it can work again. >> this time, for a troubled neighborhood in southwest baltimore, keith daniels live at city police headquarters with more tonight. keith? >> well, jennifer the plan is part of a city program called operation protect. and they are called safe zones. police are focusing on the carrollton ridge community. a neighborhood that includes south mason, ramsey and best
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bentlo area. and they are calling it a safe zone, which means officers will set up a perimeter to monitor coming and goings. and allow only a few into the neighborhood two to 10 wednesday through sunday during the next month. and same initiative caused legal trouble for dc police saying it violated constitutional rights. but baltimore police say they do not believe there will be any legal trouble here. mainly because the community likes the idea. >> it will keep out the people looking for their prostitutes. and keep people out from coming in to buy their drugs. >> well, the plan was created back in 2005. again, police say it has worked in the past. and they say it will work again, or it can work again. this time in southwest baltimore. live in city police
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headquarters. keith daniels, fox 45 news "late edition". >> baltimore county gives the green light to speed cameras tonight. but not without some resistance. connecticut council voted 6-1 in favor of installing cameras in 15 school zones throughout the county. drivers caught going 12 miles an hour or more over the speed limit will get a $40 fine in the mail. some parents like the plan to put speed cameras in school zones. protestors out of the county council meeting this evening said there has to be a better way. >> a police officer can deter,, the sex offender, deter the gang recruiter. deter the drug dealer. the only thing a police officer does not do as well as a speed camera is raise money for the county. >> great idea. if it saves, somebody from getting hit by a car, that's a great purpose. >> the final list of locations is being worked out as well as the contractor that will provide the cameras. >> the county council also union nan musly passed a bill
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preventing people from owning or using tasers. takes effect september 21 and required all old and broken electronic devices to be recycled. >> the start of school means concerns about swine flu. the university of maryland already reports more than 172 suspected cases of swine flu since classes started less than two weeks ago. the schools health center is treating at least 25 students a day, for flu-like symptoms. however, no one has been tested and no cases of h1n1 have been confirm. >> anybody that has flu-like symptoms we're assuming has h1n1. we have been educating people about washing hands frequently. and using hand sanitizer. and also practicing good hygiene habits when they cough and sneeze. >> school officials hope once the vaccination is available in mid october students will take advantage of it. but doubtful. the school population is close to 40,000 less than 2000 last
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year received a flu shot. >> the debate over health care reform. now switches from townhalls back to washington. tomorrow night, president obama will discuss health care during an address to congress. here in baltimore, senator cardin rallies support of the president's health care initiatives. spoke before a group called organizing for america. many of the members campaign for mr. obama last year. >> we need health care reform now. this is the year. this is our time. and with your help, we are going to go the job done in isnora2009. thank you all very much. >> but some small business owners worry that the health care reform bill will end up hurting them. >> new poll out shows despite all the shouting at the townhall meetings in recent weeks, opinions remain relatively the same. gallop pole released showed 39 percent of americans want congressman to vote against the
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measures and 37 percent want lawmakers to vote yes. and 24 percent still have no opinions. >> the nation's doctors delivered the u.s. physicians appeals to lawmakers today. sent to all 100 u.s. senators. with more than 10,000 doctors signatures on it. they are asking lawmakers to include physicians in reshaping health care, including the costs of health care reform. so what's the cure for health care? we examine that very issue, and the proposed measures in-depth, this saturday night. cure for health care, will be airing at 10:30p.m. september 12. >> and tell your congressman what you think about health care reform. contact information for your senators and congressmen is all on the website, voice. >> kind of a gloomy day out there. >> is the sun going to come out tomorrow or the next day or next day or next day? >> meteorologist tony pagnotti. >> sun will come out not tomorrow or the next tomorrow or next tomorrow. but sooner or later it has to go here. try to speed it along the but you can see with the hd radar
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composite, we're seeing the pop up showers as we speak in and around the area. that will be the case, eastern shore had more rain than we had today. because of the coastal storm. 67 degrees with a few sprinkles out at bwi thurgood marshall airport. and here is what it looks like. midnight tonight. scattered sprinkles. tomorrow morning. between six and nine especially. and then later redeveloping in the afternoon. with only a daytime high of 70 to 73 degrees. we will check for some sunshine, in my full forecast coming up in a bit. . >> new product that claims to keep your prescription drugs out of the hands of teens. it is called the med safe cabinet. and it costs about $60. it works like a digital lock box. securing your prescriptions with a combination. someone tries to open it and uses the wrong combination, the box goes into lock out mode. >> as a parent you never want to think that your child could possibly do prescription drugs.
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but you know what i would never say never. i hope my children aren't but i don't want to give them the temptation. >> partnership for a drug free america estimates that one in five teens has used prescription medications to get high. and every day 2500 teens try a prescription pain killer for the first time. >> big purses are in style right now. but be careful. walking around with everything in them. all of that stuff that you throw into the big purses, could be hurting your health. doctors say carrying a heavy bag, especially on one side, can stress your neck, shoulders, and back. and they say there is no certain weight limit that you should pay attention to, but the best thing to do is listen to your body. >> a bit of a mess along route 50 today. this is the aftermath when coins spilled from a armor car in buoy. losing its money, when the back door opened up. officers were able to clean up the cash before someone else did. no word on why the armor truck's doors opened in the first place.
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>> calling on each you to set your own goals for your education. and do everything you can to meet them. >> president obama's motivational speech to students. why kids weren't the only ones watching in the classroom. >> some eastcoast speeches are on shock alert for the massive sharks are being spotted. still ahead. >> and ted kennedy's nephew said he would not be running for his ( laughing ) hey chuckles,
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it stinks. ( sighs ) wasting money stinks. stop wasting money. use... hefty! hefty! hefty! with unscented odorblock technology. it neutralizes garbage odors, and can save you money. i love this bag. hefty! hefty! hefty! wasting bags stinks. stop the stinks. get hefty with unscented odorblock technology. at new lower prices. . >> do that homework, just one message president obama delivered to school children as the school year begins. the president's speech at a school in arlington virginia was broadcast live. craig boswell reports from dc. >> president obama challenged the students across the nation to stay in school and take control of their education. >> i am calling on each of you to set your own goals for your education. and do everything you can to
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meet them. >> the president's speech to students at wakefield high school in arlington virginia was broadcast and streamed live on the internet. mr. obama urged kids to find their talent and not be defined by occasional failures and work harder to achieve goals. >> you cannot dropout of school, and just drop in to a good job. you have got to train for it. and work for it. and learn for it. >> the roughly 15 minute address was at times percentage and motivational. critics feared the speech was a platform to a partisan political agenda. and also objections to a lesson plan accompanying the speech that originally called for students to write letters about what they can do to help the president. education secretary later called that idea an error. >> the speech was fine. the lesson plan was not fine. they changed the lesson plan. but even so the fact that the education department thought it was appropriate to send out a less son plan is revealing. >> before the address, the president took questions from students and then later repeated his advice about doing their best in the face of all
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adversity. >> if you don't do that, if you quit on school, you are not just quitting on yourself but on your country. >> other presidents have given similar back to school speeches including ronald reagan and george w. bush. in washington, craig boswell fox 45 news. >> most maryland schools decided to on show the speech live. in baltimore city there was a classroom discussion. at heritage high school, one english class led by mayor sheila dixon and congressman elijah cummings. but different sentiment in harford county schools. administrators decided not to show the speech live. and instead they recorded and plan to show it later this week. along with a structured lesson plan to accompany the president's remarks. >> if parents wish to opt out, as with any activity they can do so. but we want to ensure that consistently throughout the county, our teachers have meaningful, discussions, and activities that will occur before and after students view the president's powerful
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message. >> well some parents protested the schools's decision. felt students should see the speech live. and that not showing it was disrespectful. >> well that brings us to the question of the day. was it appropriate for politicians to be in the classroom during president obama's speech? at last check 29 percent say yes. 71 percent say no. one viewer writes, it is great to have positive role models, especially in schools. but jim from timonium writes, it is one more move toward total control over the public by this administration. >> to read more responses, go to and click on the question of the day. >> and as you can see more of president obama's speech on our website. log onto"raw news". >> hundreds of teenagers took to the streets in downtown amarillo texas over the weekend after a club closed for teen night. police say at least 150 teenagers could be seen fighting
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punching, yelling and shouting gang names. one witness claims they saw two kids holding down another teen and stomping on his face. >> not far from where the movie jaws was filmed. cape cod is on shark watch. this is for real. so far eight sightings since this weekend alone. chat am and no, sir set beaches in orleans remain closed and scientists say they are great white sharks. and this is the first time great whites have ever been tagged in the atlantic ocean. thousands of seals in the area are apparently attracting the great white sharks. >> ted kennedy's nephew said he will not run for his uncle's senate seat. djoken dee said he would rather advance social causes through non-profit organization. and citizens energy provides heating oil for the poor in the northeast. but that oil, comes from venezuela's government owned citco and that is part of the problem. >> i think, the latest revelations about the hugo
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chavez connection with citizens energy, as well as the controversy over his annulment plans in the first marriage, i think real convinced him that the massachusetts voters probably would not accept him this time. >> senator kennedy's widow said she is not interested. but some speculate has now that joe's decision is made she may reconsider and keep the kennedy legacy alive. >> cloudy day today weather wise in these parts. >> it could be for awhile. when will the sun come out again? check in with tony pagnotti. tony? >> well, bearer of gray news, another gray day tomorrow. temperatures in the mid to upper 60s. 71 down at the inner harbour. the cool spot, out in western maryland. oakland checking in at 57 degrees. and we show you the winds tonight. because they are going to be kicking in tomorrow. up to about eight to 10 miles per hour. and the wind shift comes from the northeast. that will fetch more moisture. into central maryland. and thus bringing a better shot of rain. today it was hit and miss, and
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maybe you did not see any in your neighborhood. but right now in and around baltimore. light shower activity. will continue during the overnight hours. right through tomorrow. on the big picture. we know all about this storm. that has been really causing coastal flooding down in the carolinas, three and 4 inches of rain. rain out to the midwest. two systems converge. that's why we will not be getting rid of the moisture or on clouds for the next three days folks. and here is what it looks like. stationary front that is not going anywhere, any time soon. rain out to the west. and we will put those together. and come up with a gloomy forecast. we do need the rain, actually. but folks we're taking that last vacation first week of september along the eastern shore toward down the outer banks not enjoying it. tomorrow see the flow nearly and that's when we think rain possibilities will increase through the afternoon and evening hours. and here is our future scan. by tomorrow afternoon, and evening, look at this. we can get a downpour here and there tomorrow night. and into your thursday.
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forecast is looking like this for you. no real sunshine on the horizon right now. as we see, on the eastern shore tomorrow. 73 degrees. western maryland rather first in central maryland, will be having temperatures 74, with the scattered showers. and tomorrow, in and around the area, 73 degrees. and the shower activity. i am going to take a look at the five day and see if i can find any sunshine. well, you can see, tomorrow, thursday, friday, showers scattered throughout. but notice the possibility of precipitation goes down each and every day. saturday right now, notice the temperature. we should be at 80 degrees for this time of year. and, i think, on the big opener for the ravens 80 degrees, and sunshine. so you have to be a little patient with the precipitation. >> last year, he blocked for the ravens three headed monster at running etcetera, etcetera.
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. >> get this. take a look at this dramatic video of a motorized parachute as it crashes into a utah crowd on labor day. the parachuteer and his son were dropping candy during a festival, when the parachute dropped suddenly into the crowd. officials say six people were hurt. including some children. >> some major league eating was going on at the skyline chili spaghetti eating championship in cincinnati. contestants gobbled down the pasta covered in chile and cheese. hum bol bob, best eater in the world. defended the title. eating 13 pounds and winning $2500. >> check out the town in illinois. devoteed to popeye the sailor man. created in 1929.
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a 6'bronze statue of the spinach loving sailor stands tall in a park. city predicts 16 statue around the city by 2020 thanks to private donors. >> we have a guy that is from cape girardeau, in his will if he dies between now and whenever, money comes out of his will to go on these statues and in the town suv near store you can find character t-shirts, popeye back scratchers, and, of course, cans of spinach. patrice harris "late edition". . >> those of you that have been waiting for the ravens to sign a receiver may be getting your wish. superbowl hero tyree cut by the giants this weekend. less than two years after that spectacular catch helped to win superbowl xlii over new england. and the ravens do need a wide out. contact was made. and tyree worked out for the ravens today afterward took a
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physical. we hear he stayed into the evening hours. but as of right now no deal is forth oncoming. tyree missed all of last season with an assortment of injuries and a lot of training camp as well. he did not play in the giants last two preseason games before being cut. and also conversations with veteran fullback lorenzo neil spent last year with the ravens and signed a deal with oakland last spring. cut by the raiders. and strong veteran voice and good guy in the locker room. he is also talking with the jets. but told a radio station last night he wants to be in baltimore. and one raven barack obama would love to see him back. >> to have lorenzo back, it would be a plus. i played with him for a long time in tennessee. and i know what his veteran leadership means and what he brings to the table. and he brought that same type of veteran leadership to this locker room last year. fiery attitude. because lorenzo, he has been on enough teams, and he played in enough playoff games. and he played in the superbowl game. so, you know, veteran leadership he brings, is always a plus.
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>> meanwhile, ravens quarterback dominique foxworth has to be the happiest guy in baltimore. a western tech product that played collegiate at maryland. fox worth signed a free agent deal in the off season that gave him the opportunity that every player wants. this sunday he will take the field for his hometown team. >> this team is in my blood. it is not like they were drafted and kind of running joke that i have had before the draft was -- i mean i am a fan of whoever is paying me. now it is genuine. i was a fan of the ravens when they won the superbowl. i have been a fan -- i am playing for the city. it is my city. the city i grew up in. it is genuine no matter where i play for the rest of my career. >> high school sports now. subway high school game of the week con test. where we allow you the viewers to determine which game we show highlights of here on "sports unlimited" on friday nights.
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ask your doctor if viagra is right for you. ♪ viagra! . >> mcdonald's loses a battle over its trademark. >> the fast-food giant tried to prevent a local record in malaysia called mccurrie from using mc prefix. eight year legal saga over there. toed the u.s. supreme court ruled it cannot make any more appeals and mccurrie can use the name. judge said there were no similarities in the menu, so no infringement.
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>> we so happy that we can now put the thing behind us, and start extending our business, what we thought about eight years ago. >> small correction, the highest court in malaysia made the determination. not the u.s. supreme court. they were busy with other things to do. >> and incidentally mccurrie is short for malaysian chicken currie. >> all right. makes sense. >> thumbs up. >> we have a lot of clouds in our future. rain too. >> here is tony pagnotti. >> we deserve a break today. tomorrow, the next day. from mother nature. because we have no sunshine to show you. at least for the next 3 1/2, possibly four days. tomorrow, pretty much like today. with more shower possibilities. 70 percent chance. 60 percent on thursday. friday, notice only a 50/50 shot. and here comes the weekend. if we had a to plan it this weekend. sunday right now has to be the hit for the opener.
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