tv U.S. Farm Report FOX September 27, 2009 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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♪ the uso is a bond that we share to help us stay close. [male announcer] find out how you can help at uso dot org the uso until every one comes home. . >> today on "u.s. farm report," the latest crop progress report shows illinois slipping further behind average. >> iowa land values show their first full year price drop in two decades. and thanks to doddling crops buckeye farmers they have plenty of time to attend the u.s. farm show. >> "u.s. farm report" brought to you by chevy, an american
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revolution. >> good morning and welcome to "u.s. farm report." i'm john fipps. i actually committed some pre- meditated harvesting last week as a friend of mine needed to beat the rain to capture a big premium. we captured profusely but to be honest i would have paid him to get that dreaded first day over with. and we forgot to make one adjustment produce add broken belt. while in the cab erin was having a serious discussion with a skull beingy yield monitor. but the happy part of it it wasn't our field or our delay. let's get started with the news now and al pal. >> thanks john. the value of prime iowa farmland continues to check lawyer. the land institute shows the statewide average dip 9.5% for the 12-month perioding ending the first of this month.
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over the past six months values in the southwest corner of the state dropped more than 5%. the biggest drop in the state. a number of factors are driving this trend including lower commodity and livestock prices and declining confidence in the global economy. it's called a crop progress report but this year it could be renamed lack of progress especially when looking at the illinois corn crop. the latest ag department report shows 20 percent of the nation's corn has reached mature stage. by now it is usually well over half. cool conditions hammer development. right now the illinois corn crop is 56 points behind its average pace. in the buckeye state crops are also behind schedule but that doesn't mean yields are lagging. that's the world from growers i talked to at the science re veer near columbus this week. >> the best bean crop i've ever raised. >> really? >> and i've been pardon me farming since i was in high school. >> you haven't harvested them
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yet. >> but you walk out in them and i've never seen beans like this. >> you go give me an estimate what have it could be? >> i sold a $53-bushel acre for $10. >> what do you think it will be? >> it will be above that. way better for me than last year. >> that doesn't take a lot. that doesn't take a lot. we averaged $105 on corn and $27 on beans last year. >> you will do better than that. >> i will do better than that this year. but auto it's another dry one in a row but not as bad as last year, into. >> that's it for headlines and now back to john for crop watch. >> crop watch is brought to you by agasure. launch your world with singen it tis hybrids. even though we've heard about the big corn crop in nebraska this year some producer shall devastating hail
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damage. one grower in boone county says he may just turn cattle on to his field. just east of little rock a producer said they had five inches of rain this week. rice is slow to mature and rains are very erratic. it could be worse. 50 miles north they had about a foot of rain. and a grower from he is sex county, ontario south of detroit said his soft red wheat is especially good getting $180 an acre. also expected to start his soy harvest this week. when we come back we return to the farm science review for our market roundtable. the discussion begins in just two minutes. please stay with us. as harvest
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here we are at the ohio farm science review, very near london, ohio. our guests are rugler marketing. and carl from ohio state university. and borrow from borrow trading. we have an audience asking some very prominent questions. one of the questions they came up with that they asked is lapsed price. what is it going to do? i am going to go with you first, carl. and also can you tell me what land prices? so how do we stand in ohio? >> the primary driver of cash and land drivers with the agricultural return. when happened in the last couple of years it decreased. it is going to be hard for land prices to go up, for land to go up. one would think they would be under pressure. >> so you say it's going to stay about even. you didn't say it is going to
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go down? >> i think there will be pressure to the downside in part because of decreased cash flow on farmers. but i don't think at this point you would see any large drop but just a minor move down. >> okay. let me move new closer then to some of these suburban areas. it seems like there used to be a lot of pressure for these guys to come out and build additions of housing. has that happened in the housing? >> in the transition areas yes, but not in the broader farm areas that is what farmers are willing to pay and bid on farm land. >> well, that's what we want to know. we got that answer. i will ask you jim borrow the question store or sell your grains this fall corn or beans or whatever? >> the market will go through a pretty difficult time here i think with harvest activity now going into full swing. we are not exactly sure about
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this final yield yet. a relatively large scale question out there yet. i think if you have on-farm storage and you don't have a lot of bills to pay right here at fall probably hold out for a little bit of a seasonal rally. seasonally corn tends to bottom at or near october 21st on the 30-year seasonal chart. so we have got maybe some rough sledding between now and then. i think the corn acres globally will start to drop. bean acres slowly will increase in the southern hemisphere. looking for 23 to 2700 metric ton increase in the southern hemisphere per crop if they don't have a strong winter. a relatively strong export here out of the united states from november through march of next year and in that timeframe hoping we can get a weather related rally out of south america in soy beans. but on the market the size of the average on return, on return of your investment get it sold and if you want to
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defend it with a call. as i've said many, many times before i am opposed to using put options. >> store or sell what do you think? >> well, i think the corn market is telling you to store it. you are at 80% of full carry from december to july. it is basically saying it doesn't want that 13 billion- bushels to all come in at harvest. it is telling you to put some of it away. you are getting some local bases pushes because ethanol plants and so forth are getting enough crop corn to come in right now. but essentially corn is saying store it. on the soy bean side it is a different situation. china already has 370 million of corn contract they did business with us. they wanted most of that between now and march because they can't get those beans out of south america. so you will see the trade trying to get you to sell the cash beans and when i say trying to, that means either the board is up or the basis has to be push because the pressure is trying to keep it from going to the gulf or the
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bmw. but with all of that export business it has got to move. so to me that's as you sell the beans maybe three or four months rights off the combine in some cases corn is probably a better long-term hold from a basis stand point. >> just are you saying that soy beans will go down in the future? i will ask bob that question again in a minute. >> if you can entice the south americans to plant and they get it planted and all comes up you will want it to be all sold or most of next year sold because they are going to flood the market starting in march. >> what do you think? >> i think allan is essentially correct. it is a market where you have to be timed right. essentially what has happened from a worldwide standpoint in the last two years is essentially we made that spectacular move up, we went from a market -- we have gone from a market of scarcity to a market of surplus. that depends upon weather, so far the weather in most of the world has been relatively good
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this year. we don't know about 2010. but the markets have changed a lot. and where most producers are making a lot of their market mistakes is not looking at the return of investment and trying to analyze from a local, regional or national level. the markets are all global so pay attention to the global factors as much as you pay attention to the local factor. >> back with more "u.s. farm report" in just a moment. [ applause ]
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questions with our audience. some of them have been pretty good for the most part. i wanted to go into another issue that one gentleman asked a little earlier and i think it's important. how about next year's import costs in allan, are we going to cost minister to put out a crop or less? >> well, probably net it won't get any cheaper. but fertilizer costs are down considerably. >> yes. >> last year we got hung because the dealers bought the stuff at the height of the market and still trying to move it to the farmers until december and jan after the grains came down. >> yes. >> this year we have very low natural gases in particular which drives the nitrogen products, you should have a more attractive nitrogen price this year. there is a little more difficulty with your other p and k. but again, that side of your input costs should be a little lower this year. the chemically-derived stuff like pesticides that won't go
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down with $70 crude oil. >> paul, i will ask you to talk about that a little bit more and relate that to margin. because you talked in the first segment about land prices not rising a little bit. cash crop prices are. how about the margin for farming is it going to be good? i read some information just yesterday that indicated that the margins are actually going to be down, a negative this year? >> i think the margins will be down because margin is your price and your yield versus the cost of the inputs. while fertilizer inputs are down, as allan said most people aren't thinking about seed and chemical costs coming down so they will kind of balance off the lower fertilizer prices. and prices are way lower than last year. and even with these good yields that's going to put pressure. so i think margins will be less next year unless we somehow stimulate demand internationally or nationally to get prices back up. i think margins will be lower and that's one of the reasons i
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said that i think that farmland and cash rents will be under pressure. negative with the negative margin. and that means that you are going to be lose ag little bit on a per bushel basis. how can a guy stay in business? >> well, in the short run it is about cash flow. no one is talking about prices getting low enough that cash flow goes below zero. so i don't think that right now we would see that. so i think in the short run the cash flow will still be positive. but relative to total cost, relative to how much of that excess you can put into land prices, that's what will be down. >> jim, i am going to ask you to come up with a question that is skillful marketing. these guys really need to come and look and know what their margin is so that they can be able to lock in a profit when it's there and not wish it would get bigger? >> well, at bauer trading we have a simple theme in marketing 101 and that theme is addressing those input costs as we have been discussing to the finest tuneup you can possibly
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get it. i have a customer that has 18 calculate liquors hand-held in the combine and the tractor and the pick-up truck and he or she knows where they are at all time. when you know the input costs and you get the opportunity that we had this summer not bauer trading the client, the client himself or herself has to look at what the input is on that farm and the price that they are given. and then when it's at or above the five-year average of return on the investment, get it sold. sell and defend and stay away from the puts. get it sold in the cash market. get your money. if you think it might go higher, defend it with a call. very simple but the customer has to do his or her job. >> a question i am going to ask carl and i know he is really known for the acre program. but farm programs we have only got a minute to tell which ones you should, should not or avail yourself of to participate in from the farmer's advantage? >> well, you have a choice between -- you have a choice
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for 2010, 2011 and 2012, do you want to take the new acre revenue program or stay with the traditional price program? i think you've got to look at your individual farm situation just as jim was talking about in marketing. i think it applies here. but you have got to remember you are making a choice about programs. do you want want a revenue program that covers the crop year or do you want something fixed by government? do you want something that's targeted to price? do you want something that moves with the market or is fixed? acre is designed to work in an environment of volatility. we are in a volatile environment. i think you have to look closely at acre. this is not a decision that you should -- i am not trying to sell acre. i think you have to look at it. it does offer good risk premiums or good risk management alternative to the traditional programs. have you to look at acre, that's the mistake whether you choose acre or not.
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. welcome back to "u.s. farm report." we continue to kind of watch the same areas as far as drought situations are concerned. start in wisconsin where it has actually got answer little worse. severe drought showing up in northwestern sections of the state. then into western up a lot of areas under moderate drought. parts of indiana and owe high 0 owe and an area of severe drought near in south carolina. it has improved at least in much of south texas. but nonetheless under a severe to exceptional drought in at least some areas from san antonia southward and eastward. you can see out west, arizona, california and nevada a lot of areas showing up extremely dry. let's head into this week. a pretty good trough to start the week. so a two or three shot of
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chilly air into the great lakes and the planes and eventually the east. see another trough kind of comes in. but nothing really goes really far south. so we are not talking about any of the central planes or southern planes or the southeast getting too cold out of this situation. let's take a look at monday then as we head into this week. the state fair of virginia and texas continue through this week. it will be wet through the eastern seaboard. thunderstorms and rains into southeast texas. scattered showers apart the parts of the great lakes. and some flakes of snow there in the west fringe. stationery storms causing some storms as well. >> high pressure under this high where you could get a frost or freeze. it just depends on whether you get a clear cold night or not through the northern states. chilly temperatures down into the central appalachians. you can see also rain and even some higher elevation snow in
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as harvest stumbles into full swing in the next few days for . as harvest stumbles into full swing in the next few days for much of the country, there are almost ritual warnings to be sounded. many center on rural roads and the hazards of ever-larger machinery especially at night. some sound the alarm about grain handling and people at risk in bins and wagons. most of all, the alerts for keeping children safe should be uppermost in our minute. i would like to add one small encouragement, take care of
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your hand. my estimate is in any group of 100 farmers there are only about 985 digits. harvest is a time too often when we damage these most unique features of human construction. hands are not just the primary tool manipulate tores for humans, they are how we lift the fallen, applaud the excellent, guide the wayward, comfort the despairing and cuddle the future. we refer to productive workers as good hands. and place hands on those to be blessed. our hands are marvels of natural inn degree newt and efficiency. to damage them in a moment of thoughtlessness is not just the loss of capability but self disrespectful. so this fall, take care of your hands, please. and given the prospects for a nasty flu season, wash them often. as always, we want to hear from you. send comments to info at "u.s. farm report".com or leave us a
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voicemail by calling. coming up in our next half hour, are farmer inside a buying mood? equipment dealers give us the answer. stay with us. the second half of "u.s. farm report" is coming right up. . today on "u.s. farm report." farm state legislatures take aim at the indirect land use calculation. the usda announces a program to help reduce pesticide runoff
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into the mississippi river. and canberries become an international ingredient as exports take off. >> u.s. farm reports brought to you by chevy, an american revolution. >> good morning and welcome to "u.s. farm report." i'm john fipps. one of the most name famous cooking shows sends out an edit. he talks about the garden from the incessant rain and while he won't have as much wonderful home grown produce he won't go hungry either because this is a home grown garden. vast fields of lettuce or potatoes or corn may not have the flavour or charm of locally produced items. but nobody worries about whether those vegetables will be in stores every day.
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the local food trend trend is a wonderful way to improve diets and lives. but industrial producers make it worry-free. time for the news now and al pell. >> thanks, john. a renewable fuel standard is creating debate on capitol hill. the goal is to require more et until be made from feed stocks other than corn. but some farm state lawmakers are concerned that the epa will consider controversial practices in other countries when it comes time to write the new rules. now, what they are referring to is something called indirect land use. for a country's clear land to produce biofuels. tom and chuck are co-producers aimed at barge them from refusing indirect land use when they write it. roger bernard says even if that amendment is pulled off the table it shows how climate issues changes are critical to farm state lawmakers.
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>> well, the number and scope of the amendments that lawmakers offered up for the senate consideration of that interior and environment spending bill certainly reflect what they have been hearing a lot from their constituents on and that is renewable fuels and climate change. now, the environmental protection agency is one of the keys in both of those topics. and lawmakers certainly want to use the amendment process on the spending bill to make their points on exactly what issues they want epa to address or maybe, more importantly, not to address. so how do they go about getting an agency's attention like that? well, by basically controlling the purse strings. it is not that they are telling epa they cannot do this or that. the way they go about it is by saying you can't spend any money to do a certain thing. so that's how lawmakers use the appropriations process to effect how an administration handling a given program or project. for "u.s. farm report" and roger bernard. >> also this week the epa
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finalized its rules that would require big factories and the largest animal farms to report their emissions to the agencies. this step will help the government regulate greenhouse gases. the rules require refineries, steel companies and large livestock operations that emit 25,000 metric tonnes or so of gass to report their emissions. they include carbon dioxide, methane and other goes. the first report would be to cover emissions produced in 2010. moving from air emissions to water health the ad department announced a plan to control pesticide runoff into the mississippi river. they pledged $260 million in the next four years that would pay for farm management practices that growers could use to reduce runoff from fields. the money would be used for the projects and the 12 states that border the mississippi. work is underway to establish nationwide food safety practices for processors
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and handlers of leafy greens. the rules would be similar to a california plant enacted after the 2006 e.coli outbreak linked to bagged spinach. the usda is seeking public comment on the plan hoping to determine whether there is enough interest and support to enact a voluntarily national agreement. the first of at least half a dozen hearings is held this week in california. now, the canberry marketing association reports exports are up nearly 18% this year even though production is down. according to the latest usda report the kranberry crop is down 10%. wisconsin leads the state in production and they hosted 12 countries in an effort to promote the fruit in other countries. well, that's it for news time. now for the forecast from meteorologist mike hoffman. [ music ] . and we're going to start this week with a pretty good trough in the east.
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we are not talking about real cold air coming into the southeast obviously. that will stay up pretty far north because we are talking a two or three day shot here as everything is moving from west to east across the country. wet areas from southeast texas which is some good news there up and down the eastern seaboard and scattered showers back to the east lakes. that first trough is moving off the eastern seaboard by wednesday. a little ridge popping up in the middle of the country dry things out, warm it up in a day or two. chilly air with another trough coming in out west. by friday then we will see that trough developing a little more in the western planes and eastern parts of the rocky mountain areas so see another shot of cold air into the northern planes. cool air into the central planes. and both of these shots of cold air could bring a frost or freeze mainly through the northern tier of states. i don't think this cold air comes very far south. good news is there is another chance for rain in texas. especially south texas that needs it and into the great lakes and parts of the
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southeast. let's go out another week, the week of october 4th for the 10th. go above normal for mid- atlantic near normal for the southeast and the mississippi valley. from the western planes probably below normal. about normal still in south texas. precipitation then for that week about normal for the central states. a couple of systems are moving through. below normal then for the eastern sea board. the far eastern ohio valley also below normal in the southwest. then look at the 90-day outlook. most of the corn belt near normal is the best we can do at this point. above normal from west texas through most of the west. and precipitation over the next 90 days, again most of the corn belt i can't go too far from normal at this point on this either. although above normal i think for the northern states minnesota into the western parts of the great lakes. the far southeast especially florida and below normal for northern utah for most of the pacific northwest. john? >> thanks, mike. when "u.s. farm report"
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unique aspect of agriculture in the golden state. california is known for growing produce in all shapes sizes and colors. and now a new kind of watermelon is making a name for itself. tracy sellers from california country has our story. >> reporter: in a world of super-sized menus, some food is actually shrinking which is apparent in fresno county. here small round watermelons will the size of cantaloupes are being bred to meet consumer demand and a hunger for something new. >> we understand the public is looking for convenience. there is nothing more convenient than these personalized watermelons don't have a seed cavity to deal with like a cantaloupe and some other crops. but they are so easy to store. they store for a lengthy period of time. so i think it's the future. >> when people ask us what crops we grow and we tell them a personalized watermelons, they do say oh, yeah, i've had
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some of those. and they are terrific. so convenient. just cut them open and eat them right up like a bowl. and they do speak for themselves very well. and probably the sweets watermelon most people have ever tasted. >> and while the watermelons may be small the harvest is a big one. and what amounts to a giant easter egg hunt some of the most skilled eyes and hands in the business scour the green vines looking for signs of ripeness. >> well, the watermelon being a striped melon changes color as it develops. and these folks have a trained eye to know when the color is just right. and i think some of them actually can tell by the stem development. it will turn a little as it gets ripeer in higher and sugar. >> reporter: the mini- watermelon that is thrive in mike's farm are part of a resurgence in the whole industry. consumers are now snatching up nearly 83 pounds of the fruit a year which is exactly why mike and other growers were approached by the orange county
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based farm to grow new melons, as well as other exciting and different fruits and vegetables that the public was demanding. >> the main thing, something that's common across all of the products are we really want it to taste good. we want it to be convenient. we don't want to waste it. and that really goes back to a couple of different items like on the watermelon with the small and or particularly on some products which might have a longer shelf life. >> reporter: the company reports a relatively new idea for growing smaller produce is growing leaps and bounds along the west coast. so much so that they recently launched a campaign back east to get folks interested in this new way of looking at an old favorite. so why some smaller fruits may have seemed a little far- fetched a few years bark, for those in the watermelon trade whether he is is definitely more. for california county i'm tracy sellers. >> thanks, tracy. the mini-melons weigh between
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slowing across north america. . the market for farm equipment appears to be slowing across north america. in its monthly update the association of equipment manufacturers reports tractor sales for the first eight months of the year are down 27% in both the u.s. and canada. on a more positive note, combine sales are up more than 30% for the year for the states and up 10% north of the border. 2008 was a record sale for machinery sales in part due to record high prices for grain. but it could be a different story this year as a global recession with depressed grain and livestock markets are sure to impact the buying power of
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groceryers nationwide. she asked if farmers were buying or just kicking tires. >> reporter: traffic has been high at farm shows this summer. in fact you would never know there was a recession going on or that commodity price versus dropped more than a year ago. the slow down hasn't hitting a are you cultural as much as the other parts of the economy so sales are down slightly and only for some sales of the equipment. >> 2009 has been a good year. >> reporter: machinery and equipment will not hit the record level sit in 2008. but vendors here at the show say that farmers are still buying. they are just being more selective about what they buy and they are looking at tools that directly impact their bottom line. >> and where precision ag comes in is they might not be buying a new piece of equipment but they can certainly upgrade their consist existing
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equipment and tie in precision ag into their operation. there is a lot of little things they can add in that are cost efficient that will give them a good quick return on investment. >> reporter: in fact he says even in the down economy more farmers are invest not guilty gps because they are looking for ways to improve the efficiency. >> with seed costs and fertilizer and chemical costs that are a little bit higher they can add in a piece like automatic section control for very low cost and get an immediate return on investment and cut down on wasted seed and chemical and fertilizer and any of that. >> reporter: another sector that has seen increased sales is the grain handling business. >> one of our best years, one of our biggest years for grind dryers. >> reporter: when the grain season is low that's when their business booms. they have been busy all year putting up bins. >> we are putting up bins on farms and farmers are getting bigger. a lot of the crop is wetter so they want to store it and dry
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it and preserve it to get a better price later on because as you know the price is dropped on corn. so they want to store it for a little longer period of time and get a better price for it. >> reporter: and it means a better year for the grain drying business. >> with the wet fall last season it has really created a demand for drier this season knowing that the crop is late and it will be wet and they will need a -- there will be a real need for driers. >> reporter: the good news is farm income should improve in 2010 and expect increased for grains and livestock and that means more dollars for farmers to spend at next year's farm shows. i'm malicious i will rook reporting forums farm report. >> thanks, michelle. when "u.s. farm report" turns it is time for tractor tales and our country farm salute. >> head to "u.s. farm report".com to watch this program online. "u.s. farm report," the spirit
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. this week on tractor tales, an indiana collector shows off his classic farm haul h that has been in the family for a long time. >> this is a 1948 farm haul h that my grandfather noble bought new. it was on display at the michigan fair just across the line in indiana. he bought a 1948. and he passed away in 1941. and my dad bought it. and after my dad passed away i bought it from my mother. we still use it to run augerings and odd little jobs like that. we stored this i guess eight years ago. it had never been repainted at that time. and the engine has still never
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been overhauled. still the original engine in that tractor. i drove it a lot when i was young. my dad had the same model and i actually learned to drive on that same tractor. but when i was at my grandfather's i drove this tractor a lot. farm haul h in the letter series there was more of these built than any other than the letter carrier. it was very common. it was a size that fit on a whole lot of farms that was the big reason. pulled a two bottom plow and cultivated four rose. >> rows. >> served you well. >> yes, it did serve us well. >> it was the second-best selling tractor model of all time in north america with over 390,000 units sold. our first country church salute this week goes to rural mapleton, minnesota. and the buford united methodist church celebrated their 125th anniversary last week with a reenactment of the 12-mile walk
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from alma where the church began. the current church building was completed in 1935 and seen numerous improvements. the pastor is dodd. we thank' lane for the information. it is a perfect example of how our old bearers brought their tradition was them. the 3-rockford illinois is our second salute this week. the congregation marked their centennial last week after a year of festivities. the par issue continues many italian traditions like joseph's table and st. anthony's bread for the poor, often called the parish with a heart over 1,000 families are fulfilling their heritage and building a future of service through faith. as always, we would like to learn about your home church as well. salutes can be sent to the address on the scene. please stay with us. the mail bag is next.
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[ kick ] stronger, healthier babies. learn more about healthy babies at... . closed captioning is brought to you by optimum brand innovations from pioneer high bred, science with service delivering success. [ music ] . time now for our weekly look inside the farm report mail bag. robert blain from cedar falls, iowa is concerned about trade deficits.
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our government hasn't run a trade surplus in 40 years and it just gets worse. we cannot continue with large trade deficits, particularly in regard to china. they already have too many leverage from their dollar denominated holdings and are getting nervous. no end insight except for some sort of severe economic miss pap. robert you are not alone in your apprehension. in fact since we last had a trade surplus in 1969 warnings of dire consequences have been standard economic advice. so why hasn't something really bad happened by now? it turns out to be more complicated than it would seem. economists are not uniformly alarmed by our trade deficits. one reason is the same one that became apparent when the trade surpluses starting piling up in japan in the eighties. countries like china and japan have their own problem. after taking our dollars and giving us real products they have a big interest in makes sure those dollars don't become worthless. since they hold so many, trying to unload them rapidly would
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devalue the surpluses drastically. like loaning someone a lot of money it's hard to say which partner has the greater risk. above all, governments do not run trade deficits. economies do. and our economy is 70% you and me. we could decide to change our buying habits by ranking source over value. and our deficit could decrease. but even then, neither we nor our trading partners would be better off. please let us know when you think. feel free to contact us directly. send e-mails to info at "u.s. farm report".com or call us and leave us a voicemail. for al and mike i'm john fipps saying thank you for watching "u.s. farm report." be sure to join us next week. we will be working to do even better.
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