tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX February 8, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EST
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next on fox 45 morning early edition. it was perty when it was coming down, but it is not pretty now. how many people are still without power and how long it will take the crews to clear all the roads. it's 12:00. working non-stop for days, how road crews are dealing with burn out. do your kids have school today? the latest list of closings and delays. good morning. you are taking a live look at a
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winter wonderland. this is north baltimore right outside television hill where we are. you can see it's snow-covered, fortunately they're making progress on the roadways bought a lot of people have to get out this morning and get back to work. the main roads are pretty clear. you still need to be careful because not all of the lanes are clear. you may come up the snow-covered lane not realizing that it's still covered. cars are moving out. good morning, i'm patrice harris. maryland is digging out from a record breaking snow blast. we were with snow for more than 30 hours of snow with some areas seeing more than 30 inches. we will have reports on how people are managing and joel d smith is reporting on the big
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day from north baltimore. we will bring all of that in a few minutes. of course, stud anticross studes maryland will have a snow day. i don't think anybody can get out here is the list of closures. cecil county schools, charles, dorchester, garrett, harford, and howard county schools have closed along with kent county, montgomery, prince george's queen ann and st. mary's county schools. somerset, talbot, wha wacomico, worcester county schools all closed today. whenever severe weather hits, tune in to fox 45 morning news. our morning ticker will all of the closings and delays. that ticker updates automatically and even runs during commercials. meteorologist steve fer ter is s joining us with what we got over
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the weekend and unfortunately more to come. that's right. patrice, you told everybody what i was going to tell them. we have clear skies over our region. the story is the temperatures because we may be talking about black ice and you want to be careful if you're are heading this monday. 17 in wilmington, and 20 degrees in salisbury and delaware. these temperatures are definitely creating problems with regard to the slippery roads with the roads that not been treated other than the main roads. it was a record 28.8 inches is what we got. the previous total was on president's day in 2008 which had more snow but over a total of three day period, other than this storm that lasted two days. a winter storm watch for most of the counties especially to the north where we could see more snow. we give you snow totals concerning what we are expecting in a few minutes. we could see temperatures at
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33 degrees that is not going to help a whole lot. then we are going to talk about more snow on the way and how much in just a little bit. right now here is candace with the traffic edge and what it looks like out on the roadways. >> reporter: there's definitely side streets that are covered with snow and the slush and crunchy ice as well. you definitely need to use caution and we have a warning as for the mta buses. the commuter bus service is completely canceled for today. that is going to affect a lot of people. we will continue to keep you up-to-date and hopefully they will get running tomorrow. an accident shouts highway 50, an overturned snowplow and it shutdown route 124. we want to check on the scene right now. here it is, not many cars traveling because it's blocked there. so this is going to be the westbound lanes, unfortunately completely shut. we will continue to keep you up-to-date. hopefully we will get them
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cleared. they don't have an estimate of as for the time as of yet. southbound 95, it's a slow go from the beltway down to 332, 16 minutes at 41 miles per hour. and in southbound 95 through baltimore fort mchenry tunnel volume increasing at 9 minutes at 47 miles per hour. these are the averages. you don't need to go that fast. allow yourself a lot of time. there's ice outside and inside of the vehicles this morning. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back over to you. the latest update from the state highway admnistration continues to reiterate what you might have already guessed, this snow is going to be around for a while. most of the major roads have been plowed but they're still not completely clear. the state's department of transportation secretary is urging people to be patient and cautious as the clean up
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continues for next several days. >> we just urge people to be very, very careful, particularly on the ramps, particularly watching for partial lanes and lane closures and for slippery spots where the water has melted, it's been wet and turned to ice. >> i came across that myself this morning. state officials are continuing to ask anyone who doesn't have to be out on the otherwise today to please stay off the roads. if you do have to get up and go to work, stay clear of the road crews so they can continue the clean up. in baltimore city crews are making progress but there's still a lot to be done. will people be going back to work or just continuing to dig out? joel d smith is live in met feed witfieldwith that answer. joel, they have a lot of work to do before they can think of getting out. >> reporter: unless they're getting help. what we are seeing no one is driving but people are starting
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to walk, something we saw for a few folks who had to go to work. they left their and walked out to the plane street falls road a few blocks that way and then they were catching rides from there and getting to work. falls road has packed ice and about this much of it it's passable. as for these roads in the actual neighborhoods here in metfield not great, not great at all. this is the best one you are going to see, buchanan, there's metfield elementary school, no surprise why the schools are closed today, very hard to go to school. if you were there, the sidewalks are not all clear, either. that can become an issue, you know the rules that you have to clean up the sidewalks. look at how high the he snow isw is right there. that's a lot of snow to be moved. if you think of driving, think of driving in this stuff. this is some the side streets that have not been touched at
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all. different vehicles have made at tempt to get through here to get to work. look at this truck has a high clearing and even that has been hitting everything. you see the bumper piece underneath is kind of loose. a lot of things can happen to your vehicle in weather like this, you think of sliding and think of ice, just take a look at the under carriage of these vehicles getting touched by snow and ice. a lot of vehicles have been touched, yesterday it was a big dig out, even 1 of 10 vehicles had attempted, now close 7 out of 10 have cleared off their vehicle and maybe gotten space for them to get out of here. it's going to be a long day of people walking to where they can get rides. kids are off of school today and no trash pickup in the city live in north baltimore, fox 45 early edition. you were pointing of the truck and the under carriage that is touching everything. if you don't have a truck, it's almost impossible to get around in a car these days?
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>> yeah, unless you has been to the perfect street, roland heights avenue, let's say you dug out and you have a clear pathway to get to that road. it's packed ice, snow, whatever you want to call it, that will get you to falls road as well. if you're on one of the side streets getting through here, unless you have a four-wheel drive, and even then we have seen cars get stranded. it's not going to happen. you need a lot of happen if you want on to go somewhere else, and you're stuck on some of these side streets at least one more day. thank you, joel smith at met field. it's monday and a lot of people are trying to figure out how they are going to get around in the city. angela with mta is joining us this morning. good morning, angela. >> reporter: good morning to you patrice. >> people are thinking, i can't get my car out maybe i will take mta is that a possibility. >> that's a possibility on a limited basis. limited being the operative
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work. >> which routes are up and what buses are out, can you give us an idea. >> what we're dealing today on the marx train -- >> angela. i'm having a hard time hearing you, can you hear me? all right. i think we lost angela with mta but we're going to check back with them throughout the day because as she said it's running on a limited basis. can you check on our website to get more information on which routes are running and go to links and you will get more information. we will get back to the mta. the winter storm blast knocked out power to thousands and there's still many bge customers in the dark. here are the most updated numbers. there are just over 4600 customers still without power most of them in anne arundel county, more than 90,000 customers lost power during the storm so they are making
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progress. good news if you are trying to catch a flight out of the thurgood marshal airport to someplace warm and tropical. the airport was able to get one runway open yesterday evening. a lot of flights are canceled. the airport had been at a stand still since the snow started to accumulate, a record 28.4 inches fell at bwi. thousands of passengers were left stranded. crews have been working round the clock to clear those run ways. >> the driving factor in all of this is safety, obviously we need to provide a safe environment for our airline passengers. >> we came down yesterday afternoon and expect to leave saturday morning at 7:30 and we're still here. >> of course, bwi officials ask that you check with your airline before going to the airport. you can log on to our website to do that. maryland's general assembly is getting a snow day.
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all meetings and hearings including tonight's 8:00 session have been canceled because of the weekend snowstorm. liberal leave is in effect for state employees. even doctors need to take a break every once in a while and of those working at sinai hospital this weekend decided to go out and enjoy the snow like many of the rest of us. staff sent us pictures of the their doctor snow creation. thanks to everyone who sent in pictures over the course of this weekend. we want you to keep them coming, go to and click on the see it, shoot it, send it icon. you can send photos directly from your cell to pics at coming up on the early edition clearing the roads is a tough job. we talk to a few plow drivers who have been part of the recent assault on the snow. and believe it or not, we're under a winter storm watch, i
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record we broke. reports for this weekend. is what we saw the most with a snow that fell around the howard county area in el rick bridge. -- elkridge. and 34 itches there. and baltimore county we got 34 inches. look at randallstown, and 39 inches so everybody getting a heavy dose of snow. it was a record breaker in terms of two days snow fall totals, 28 inches. compared to the president's storm in 2003, the total snow from that storm was more and it's still number one but this is a number one two day snow fall total. we broke a record. and it's the second time we have had two, 28-inch snow events in the same season. looking dry as we speak and that is certainly welcome. we got a lot of cleaning up to do. it's not going to last forever, however, because we have have me
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snow on the way. it's two systems and the system is -- des a winter storm warning for the north part of the state. the south a little bit of a mix. as you look at the future scan model and look at a the northwest flow, you get the high conditions, you get the northwest flow getting us cold air moving in and windy conditions, too. these two systems, once again talking about the two low pressure centers. the first one the low pressure to the north and going to stay to the north. the low to the south which has more rain toward the southeast comes up the coast probably not really exploding in terms of strength until it moves further points north and east of us. nevertheless, on the backside of that we get the snow moving in. the northern part of the area getting the most and this time around it's going to be a new york down through the western and northwestern part of our state and northeastern, i should he throw that in where this area will blowup.
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thanks to the low pressure center strengthening as we get toward the tuesday morning. 8-10 inches possible the northern part of the eastern shore so this is a major event even if it's not historic proportions. you can expect as much as a coating to an inch of snow for tuesday night. these are early projections and may vary a little bit. right now it's looking like a 1-2 inches of snow on wednesday but more to the north and east. temperatures are a bigger problem this morning with temperatures being very cold up there. 20 degrees, we're concerned about black ice, 19 in salisbury, 17 in hagerstown and the windchill is going to feel like it's in the single digits in many locations like in baltimore where it feels like 5 degrees. a 10-20-mile an hour wind. the central part of the state climbing to 15-mile-an-hour wind.
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and back to the state a 5-15-mile-an-hour wind. west northwest wind at 5-10. 34 degrees for tomorrow, and in comes the snow later into the afternoon and into the evening and overnight again. timeframe similar to the last one just not with as much snow, still we are talking several inches possible. 37 degrees on thursday, and partly cloudy, 36 and 38 for your saturday and sunday. fox 45 sky watch weather is always at your finger tips. iradar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you know when rain or snow will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. now for a look at what is happening on the roadways with the traffic edge. candace dold is back. candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. it's quite a mess out there. a lot of roadways are still not cleared out. there's an icy, crunchy kind of stuff out there a bit slushy as well. we within the to tell you -- we
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want to tell you what it looks like. you can see the mounds of snow piled up on the side of the road and across a little bit of the road as well. that is going to be the main issue. black ice as steve mentioned is going to be a problem out there. as the temperatures dip down it's causing even more issues and in fact, we have an overturned tractor trailer completely shutting down westbound route 50, that is right at route 424. we want to show you what that scene looks like over here. you can see the flashing lights on the side of the road. the cars are letting through, the problem it's going to be a slow and slick go as well. to get around that activity, use 97 as the alternate route. on route 50 right at 97, let's check in on that area for you. here it is, the eastbound and westbound lanes of 50 looking good there. again 97 the best way. as for 97, it's incident free, moving from crownsville all the way up toward the beltway. and then the west side of the
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beltway right now really not too much to complain about as far as incidents but you can see a little bit of a slow down moving through catonsville and moving back toward liberty road, at the west site at liberty. there's a lot of scars that are starting to -- cars that are starting to travel up there, inner and outer loop direction as well. now back to you, patrice. ♪ ♪ you voted for the winning couple now it's up to you to decide the he details of their wedding. it's our wedding in a week contest brought to you by fox 45. wedding and the baltimore bridal show. arthur and tiara are our lucky bride and groom, this morning starting at 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. tonight you get to choose which dress she will wear down the aisle. we will show you the options coming up in our 8:00 hour.
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>>to stay on top of this storm hundreds of crews have been out all weekend. they're working in shifts and around the clock to try to keep the roads clear and it's a hard job. karen parks talked with some of those weary workers. >> 12:00, there's a lot of snow. >> reporter: snow and more snow leaves workers like jesse wiley with little time to sleep. >> stop salting and go plow, clear up the curve. >> reporter: mounds of snow mean long hours to clean up the mess and just downtown at the traffic management center another batch of weary workers. >> everybody has been here since really before the storm started and what day that was, i'm not really sure anymore. >> reporter: but ma lonni has worked around the clock. >> i was going to go and check a couple of roads and see my two
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boys and my wife who i haven't seen in a while. >> reporter: but they try to make the traffic center a home away from home. >> it reminded me my days in the millitary. >> reporter: bob says that sleep is secondary and sometimes not an option. >> while there's a lot going on. >> reporter: while he can barely talk to us, there's still so much to do. no rest for the weary as another storm lingers just days away. >> i understand there's more coming. i hope it goes out of the way. we hope that, too, mr. wiley has worked for the city for 42 years and he says this will be his very last big storm. coming up later on fox 45 morning early edition, something fun during snow magged noden. how this will
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its low the dow was down 168 points. the nasdaq gained under 68 points. investors worry debt problems in greece, portugal and ireland could affect the recovery in europe which could affect the recovery here. business has shed another 20,000 jobs last month, the trend is improving but there's few jobs being created. toyota's chief executive gave his first public apology on friday over the crisis of the safety of its vehicles. however, he stopped short of announcing a recall on a latest issue over the 2010pr us. it's been fixed for models fixed after january but no repair has been put out for models manufactured after that. they are looking to brakes in lex sis hybrids for possible
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