tv First Business FOX March 25, 2010 4:30am-5:00am EDT
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homebuyer tax credit... and is it really helping the housing market? plus...a small business owner and student give their take on new healthcare law. filing deadline is less than 3 weeks away... last minute tips on how can you can save time and money - it's all ahead on today's first business. good morning everyone its thursday march 2015 to 2010 and today the federal reserve chairman ben ricky hall has talked about about the fed's strategy taking billions of dollars out of the voluntarily system so you can bet investors are gonna be paid attention to that. and so far looks like at least 17 states have filed lawsuits against the health care or
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legislation to try to put an end to talk more about that on the show. that's pretty hard to watch and good news for struggling home owners at with loans and at bankamerica they're beginning extra help loves to look at this not at all the big to be getting a $3 billion hit to modify loans at first the run of the offering to cut the mortgage balance. i had and then at reduce interest rates is the second option. out of the planet that is supposed to help 45,000 customers loans under out all things the big pressure from massachusetts attorney general's office to settle the lawsuits filed against countrywide which is now owned by bank of america. let the fall out begin.. it's been a couple of days since president obama signed off on health care reform legislation. and that-- has the general public thinking about how the new law will effect them while on capitol hill, senators are still debating. as the owner of off the tracks grill, bill kokalias says the cost of providing health insurance to his employees has risen 20%-30% a year. he's relieved the healthcare reform legislation passed.
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"i think it's definitely going to help considering that it's very hard to get insurance there's not enough insurance companies. in the state of illinois it's more of a monopoly than anything else, so i think it will help." under the law small businesses can pool together to buy insurance which means an estimated savings of 12%. .plus, companies with fewer than 25 employees can qualify for a tax credit. the law also allows young adults to remain on their parents insurance until they are 26, which helps college grads this spring. "after school i won't be under their insurance anymore. i'll have to find something as soon as possible and it's a little scary. reporter: now you can get coverage: right now i can it, it's really exciting." at avanti staffing senior personnel consultant grace de mari likes the idea of afforable coverage for her clients..
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"i deal with a lot of people who are already unemployed. they are on cobra or they have no insurance. so this is good news for them." de mari also believes the healthcare law will translate into jobs. "i'm hopeful that even this insurance bill will encourage people to change jobs, perhaps start their own businesses a lot of people are tied to their jobs because they can't afford to lose their health insurance." on the senate floor, republican lawmakers don't see it that way. as amend called job killing agenda raising taxes for the wealthy. increase democrat clair mccaskil chicken little scare tactics. like the original bill, republicans are opposed to making the fixes. "the sky is not falling, in fact as time goes on that sky's going to get bluer and brighter because people in america are going to realize that this bill is not full of booby traps, its full of good things that will reform health care." senator john mccain made a referance to a comment from the
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2008 campaign to make his point. "you can put lipstick on a pig mr. president but this is still a pig." just out, put obama's job approval numbers at 51-43, a five-point jump in the past week. a separate gallup poll released yesterday found that 49 percent of americans believe passage of health care reform was a good thing, while 40 percent say it was a bad thing and we've got ben lichtenstein of traders audio how bad we've got dow but 11,000 less than a quarter point away at the thing that we can make it? all so well it certainly within range it's gonna be a tough call what is all what we have a really high in flexion back out across the board here and out and the nasdaq is all and s&p's minus on wednesday we had a very black clustered tight trade on how we can really make run size or near try for the highs. on tuesday weekend broke out to the upside of that very mature balance to it that we've been experiencing our law for out so 5% stays and it seems to be somewhat of a false or i or the extension of the balance how he
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will get them right now the key level in the s&p up his that 1170 level and we have to get above that got out and you'll see the dow above 11,000 so and so is and whether we find a stopping price. some of the shell and that we did seem to the upside " i guess this one personally i would get one to to get in the way of it because there's more to risk isn't there. traders on our show say that there be by and dips did some are really not that big to make really want to get into this market got it. yeah well they've been very short lived and they've been fast you have to get in real quick and a lot of guys are talking about buying clothes rise and told dries and talk about it at this point that's get as in the indian out this will continue for ever long overdue for correction of on present at his rally host of extreme march lows over year so it and it's gonna be really is tough to short this market is mainly because you don't know what your risk is to be upside
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seems and it seems to be obviously have to follow the trend and out of your friend this point. are thinking very much and then ben lichtenstein of traders audio. the latest housing data has been pretty lackluster... sales and prices are both losing ground in recent months... brian battle of performance trust capital partners is here to break it down for us. brian at lets out i'll go over this extended home buyer tax credit on at which is about to expire next month high at first-time buyers get beat thousand dollars current home owners bring in 6530 if that deadline is when you have to sign a contract to do these negative housing numbers mean that tax credit is not working. all is well it means a couple of things first a lot of the number so we have for last month. are impacted by the horrible weather that we've had. so the housing numbers are gonna be kind of drum beat him and generally at the home buyer tax credit is sort of a funny thing. all at we might all have it sent to a lot of legal thought who bought their house sitter out
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rather than later because remember the first deadline was in november of last year. all what we hold a lot of demand all out of this year all and pushed it all until last year so lot of people that were eligible for the tax credit ticket but they could get ahead of the time. so all the so-that the tax credit might not be working as we expected it, because the people i could of the homes for the first time a out or already out of the pool taking the credit. and the other big factor here is. prices for existing homes lets cut of the snapshot here. out currently the medium price is 65,000 but in february down 2% at the prices of been dropped from the summer sun the thing that these home prices will continue to fall and will that also be a factor? absolutly beejal of your and take a tax credit interest, and the interesting part is that the government has extended it once mommies of the clock doesn't really seem to be running out if you're a home buyer you can wait it is you might get another chance of the home credit. but but probably
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the bigger part of the equation pole is that home prices are on declined to in your being consented to wait out because if you are buying a house in dollar credit on in your house goes down by value $10,000 make a measurement a new wage. all this so the problem that is suppressing this will buy at prices that are first-time home buyers to what is the general state of the economy with about a 10% employment rate how and not lot of growth in the economy. is there doesn't seem to be any pressure on housing prices week and i think that people are waiting so the matter what the government does home prices and home supply but are going to be out of balance here, and it is probably headed down in prices for a little bit. but you really think that congress is going to extend the home buyer tax credit again? as i believe so they did or what you'll and promise the first time on that it was gonna be a one in dawn to expand and extend it to do hope now. i believe that and i believe that with all talked a little adoption of the interest it will probably extend its it's not
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that expensive. her it's not very efficient but not very expensive. as far as congress goes they want to be seen as doing something about the assault i think that there will wreaks then to try to keep the house so market going because of a lot of things the government has done a will to support home prices and this is one of those things that they can do and i believe that will extend again what happened in the matter what happens or how many people file at the end of april. your medicine another extension. i think the bottom line is that housing is not going to get better until the jobs are growing in our economy brian battle of performance trust capital partners thank you very much. thank you beejal. still to come from credit cards to on how to keep more of your money in your wallet. but first...the u.s. dollar jumps to it's highest level in almost a year...ira epstein of the linn group joins us to talk about
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you have the interest rate as the differential adds to the best of bad currencies. so i do think that the dollar gets a hit out denied it and maybe the canadian dollar is well. we also saw a high pop and market interest rates on hill in the tenure now not just under 4% is that headed higher and could that be a problem? i think i think it is headed higher i think that your problems are no words with that were in the war of words with china fired on one of our big buyers of our currency me show that that ratio was out there and i think that it's got investors nervous. that enough that it wanted better yield. still suit or to still see a number of reports that say that the u.s. is that doing better. so i think investors feel that they can extract it and going to. his seat and or beginning to see that cycle i think in right now where higher interest rates forced the to curb real first flat and now the rates are going to start setting in. now lets move on out is gold fizzling out so were seen it
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pretty weak gold levels now? let us not always in the last time i wasn't that friend of gold and i'm still not. the girl i think that gold could be setting back into the 10 officials use of my zoned the market is fighting interest rates just out and it's fighting the u.s. dollar up a pfennig to not become a safe havens during a decrease situation in portugal home getting lower. while white and gold just yet. i thought so what's the best way to trade gold right now? probably what if you wanna buy gold there's nothing wrong out with it what you buy it for a longer-term. her to a speculator and and out that it is probably bearish on the market lot but longer term you buy a market and may be in command of 25 to $50 increments in his average yourself and. over time to do cold things over and the u.s. goes over to a gold standard at some point or gold goes through roof it's where you're at in a cycle right now. ok lets move on now we've been looking at the grain market lately our grain is dead is carried to today's action to 2000 and keeps it looks like corn week and so like is practically sleep right now? they should not be. thing of
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the south american crops grain we going to spring they going to winter so the harvest their of the props are plenty and because the u.s. dollar is going up so much right now the hard rain basis is not competitive. next sea of supplies on hand and give the biggest wheat crop will and maybe an all-time got up and you've got enough ample court right now. so the question is why the demand for the crop to go up. all right now you get the crop in and then you'll kill it. so more long lines of you have me back on the show and will talk about that weather in this crop and make it right now because of the great winter moist good spring. the crops look like they're going to go in and a bundle lot of corn. ok real quick do you think that worked ever receive the she wished volatility and trained we saw in 2008? what will get that weather to get it in overtime energy needs will get that from you to that but is what we make better all corn. in the same acreage you get any more yield so the question of developed countries
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getting enough demand for corn is not only is the food but its corn. right and a lot of greens and the buyout diesels in the ethanol use by what is up and over time it will drive prices up out that especially if the dollar keeps advancing. all right will bring some much for coming on the show, ira epstein of the linn group. phase one of the health care reform debate has now ended with president obama signing the affordable health care for america act into law... but the issues continue to live online at first business news dot com. search 'healthcare' for our stories in the leadup to the new law. and of course we want to hear from you on the issue. share your opinion with us in an email to comments at first business news dot com or leave us a voicemail at 312.660.8397. we'll play some in upcoming friday viewer mail segments. and straight ahead on the show... taking advantage of tax time to save a little money... an expert shares some simple ideas including an easy way to file your taxes for free... that's next.
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welcome back. now like it or not, it is tax time. and because there is no avoiding the inevitable, you may as well make the most out of taking a look at your 10-40. laura rowley has some ideas to do just that, she's a personal finance expert and the author of money and happiness. laura lets start with taxes. what are the best ways to save when filing? but at a number one way to save my list of folly to taxes on at irs the gulf at 7 percent of all the taxpayers are eligible to file their taxes for free. it ought it's a partnership between the irs and 20 different software companies. and i basically asks you a series of intuitive questions. same as technology software does
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you answer those questions but you finish return on a line. and then you'll filed electronically and its return even faster. so is it as easy as some thought taking numbers of your 1040 and plugging it into this website? wow yes absolutely to 0-more than that it asks you questions because we know that there were so many tax breaks that were passed with the stimulus package for and there's a whole bunch of pat tax breaks out that he might not even know that your eligible for. thought the software kind teases that out by him asking you intuitive questions. is it now is it a good idea to jump at getting your refund red away how about instant refund programs? now you don't take advantage of instant fund programs the irs at and banking regulators. are looking into this and actually banned some banks from making those advance will homes on your refund. with patience is a virtue in that case light of all this just with a net refund
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because of a cluster lot of money. a huge percentage of your return. it ought to add a little bit faster. now tax time is all about in come but what about spending how can we spend pinpoint spending habits at this time year? well well i like to think of tax time as sort of the heat new year resolution time for your finances because your so focuses on what you do and what you earn. look for real awards programs offered little bit more. in terms of value. i'm working with the folks at tropicana the and they have been their rewards program at the tropicana doubt, out you look at under the cap and you enter the code onto the web site and you get out of $15 off 20,000 to zero different fun and healthy activities. everything from museum entries like to sporting equipment. so it's something that you every day i give my kids to use every day. when i get more value out of something that they are doing. we're not talking about rewards programs credit-card of really sort of taking a neon that is that a good idea to jump at a
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credit card rework program if you don't already have existing credit cards? no. that's the short answer at that because of a credit card at that was passed last year and part of it went into effect in february the rules have changed substantially for credit cards so for example of one of those people used to put everything on a credit card. and then paid off in full at the end of the month to get those rewards but relief companies are not penalize you know for using more of your available credit limit at all. so people in the country that have the best credit used in percenter less of the credit limit. so now let say if your credit line of $10,000 in available credit on all your cards you don't spend more than a thousand month. and european off in full. what i've done is switched to a checking account. i shut my debit card and 10 t a month and its three to 4% interest on the checking account you can find checking accounts like that on checking .com. how many brought checking account how else can we take advantage of checking accounts to save a little money and keeps the money on the side?
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all well a lot of these accounts are at checking finder that, you and your support and you can find a bank near you that pace 34% interest. some of them will pay that up to 25 to 30 thousand dollars. so you're someone who is saved up a couple of months of fierce and expenses an emergency fund which emergency fund on the bottom of the checking. i cannot spend below that amount a hurry to see if an emergency fund of $5,000 if you know that you never go below $5,000 under checking. but that money is earning interest for you month in and out no but more money in your pocket at the end the day. laura really quickly i have asked a personal question have you finished your tax return? i have. i have finished my taxes. yes i did. laura rowley thank you for your ideas and she is the author of money and happiness. thank you very much. thank you. up next in chart talk sweet 16 and the vix, will be right back.
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trader tim biggum joins us he's the lead option strategist with think or swim and he is on the show tim. good to be back angie. and we would talk about the sweet 16 and i said absolutely tend because we did talk about michigan state but actually she's here to talk about the volatility index. so we saw all the 16 on tuesday was that mean to traders? but it's really a difference looking back at the previous three times that of the vix all trading of the vessel will mark all signal market tops lead on certainly implying volatility is a pleasure of the facts have come down sharply over the past year and so on. the previous 06 sting levels of the vix of may of 2000 and a hot market high on october of 2007 our all-time
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market high. want of july of 2007 the previous all-time market high. it so 166 of the past three times has been dead on almost to the day and signaling a market top. that's a pretty good track record so on wednesday we did indeed see the market slowdown and the vix started to go out so does that mean what's to come? now what will ultimately will have to see but you always want to see the confirmation note yesterday we did see the market might finally come down at after what seemed to be a unrelenting rally and we did see the vix a break up to the mid 17th novel so provide in on some backdrop or maybe this will be a short-term market top in place. all right thank you very much can they come lead option strategist at think or swim. nice talking with you again. that's all the time we have for today's show - thanks for joining us everyone.. remember to send us your comments for friday's viewer mail segment: call us at 312 - 660 - 8397 or send us an email at comments @
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