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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  May 24, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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i heard a scream and then i looked outside and saw the flames coming out the two windows. remembering two children who lost their lives in a fair. when family and meebers pay their respects. the next legal hurdle to the slots machine debate. what if you weren't allowed to board your plane because the fda thhughh you were a terrorist. >> i'm not a terrorist. why some ordinary people are ssuck on the no fly list. good morning. it's monday, may 24th. you are taking a live look out
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over the inner harbor..3 good morning, i'm patrice harris. let's get a check of our forecast, tony pagnotti is in for steve fertig and he has a look at what we can expect for this workweek. good morning, tony. >> good morning, patrice. we have a little bit of shower and mist and activity. it's going to be a littleeslick this monday morning buu things are going to be improving in the weather department. -peaking of tap, the showers will be tapping out for the morning hours. 65 degrees at the inner harbor. that system of yesterday that brought us on again and off again the pessey showers start to wear out as the day moves on. we won't get they sunshine. we will get cloud cover with the showers giving way with the cloud deck. thissmorning out of the bus stop, some fog oo be careful out there. watch the kids at the bus, 67 degrees. here is what your day looks like
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at lunchtime, topping out at 72 too75 degrees. let's see if the little shower activity aad fog is affecting morning. checking in with lauren, hi, lauren. >> reporter: hii tony and good morning. we do have trouble to tell you about already. we have an accident on the southbound lanes of 95, at route -16 that you want to watch out. fortunately as we make the push up to the corridor of 95, no problems at the whitemarsh, wee3 can pull at 83, no problems, traveling southbound lanes juss fine. fortunately that willlcontinue tafling otraveling on the beltwe travel times will be okay. from 83, we are looking at an average speed. and all is clear through the fort mchenry tunnel, from the toll plaza to the belt a, you are look being at an average drive. from the harbor tunnel toll
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plaza to 1295, traffic is ic tickkng but an average speed ofú 55 miles per hour. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back to you. 5:02 on fox 45 morning early edition. a viewing for aidan tucker and shana tucker will be tonight. megan joins us when the details of when you can pay your respects. >> reporter: good morning, the cecil community is still in shock after that extra jibing -. a viewing will beeheld tonight at the crowder funeral home at south main street. their funeral service will be held tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. at the same place. saturday in an early morningt house fire along cedar hill circle.
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-nvestigators say flames broke out in the living room and then spread very quickly. their mother jewel johnson survived but suffered burns over 17% of her bodyy many neighbors were outsiie watching as she screamed for help. >> i heard her scream. then i looked outside and saw the flames come out the front two windows. i said wwere are your kids at is she just kept saying my kids, my kids. >> reporter: they made by a few neighbo neighborhood kids wy they miss tte kids. edition. the pedestrians were sitting on at sidewalk when thh driver of the suv somehow jumped the curve and flowed into them.3 it happened -- and plowed into them. it happened yesterday afternoon. two ambulances responded to the
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scene. the dog also had toobe taken away for treatment. in pikesville a minivan smashes through the wall of a business. it happened at rice tears town is roareisterstown roadat old c. a witness says that tte woman behind the wheel was driving too fast. >> she dove right into the building. >> the woman was taken to sinai hospital..3 she is expected to survive. for many graduating from college is a day to celebrate but many student at the university of virginia are still mourning the loss of a peer. some are questioning if the loss of yeardley love could have been prevented. >> reporter: with cheers and hugs it was a bittersweet moment as 6,000 graduates walked the lawn at the university of virginia. remember yeardley love killed three weeks before graduation.
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>> yeardley love. >> reporter: despite the tragedy love was awarded her degree which was accepted by her >> it's a privilege to recognize all the students at uva. >> reporter: love ex-boyfriend george huguely was not at the graduation, either. he is now charged with hhr murder. the president is retiring but also behind anneffort to requiring virginia police department to report the off campus arrests of studentssto schools. huguely was arrested in 2008 for threatening a police officer and public intoxication. in universities like george mason, students are mixed about background checks. >> i think it's a little bit much. background checks i don't think that is necessarily going to solve the problem. sometimes they can profile. >> if someone is being violentt3 outside ii public, they can show
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%->> reporter: the love case has prompted the discussion but civil rights advocates caution lawmakers should move slowly. >> many students will be turned a from private campuses because of a suspicion. >> reporter: others say ttat not knowing what to do with the arress information complicates the implications of the law. >> if anybody is deemed to be a threat to the community we would like to know about that. -n terms of what impact that go to school here, that would be taken on a case by case basis. an attempt to sell a september 11th memorial sculpture in frederick county has failed. the sculpture was up for sale on ebay with a starting bid of $11 million.
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it recrates the momeets whenú three firefighters raised a flag at ground zero. it was up for auction because it was financed with money from a ponny scheme. one board member for the community proposed the idea to hhlp idennify pets whose owners weren't cleannng up after them. had the plan passedddna would have been collected from each dog in the complex to be put on file. when someone did not clean up a3 mess later, it would be sent to the lab to find out which owner was going to be fine. but the owners decided to ditch the idea for something more realistic. not acting on the desaster early enough. 6 million gallons of oil has seeped into the oil since the desaster last month. some say it's more.
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president obama has named an iidependent commission to look into the oil spill. he hassmade it clear bp is responsible for stopping the oil and cleaning it up, but some republicans say that response hasn't been good enough. >> people shouldn't be worried about the republican response to the bp poly, the oil spill. >> it is bp's job. they have to be held accountable. >> justice department officials have been to the region gathering information to the spill. it's not clear if an investigation has been begun. bp officials will try again to patch the spill tomorrow. it's a tradition that ship men look forward to. today could be the last time it happennd. the climb is scheduled for the u.s. naval academy. first year students climb the
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objectific. objectific. to replace the diiie hat. but safety concerns may not make it the best case. the death of an infant -eaves a ommunity searching for answers. hear from the man who called 911 about how the mother reacted. we ave some
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ah! silver one. that's not a volkswagen. ♪ [ tires screech ] ♪ [ sighs ] ♪ that's two for doubting. [ chuckles ] you hit like my sister. really? i'd like to meet her. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen cc. award-winning design starting under $28,000. it's a whole new volkswagen, and a whole new game.
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award-winning design starting under $28,000. 5:12 on fox 45 early edition. a miscity start to the day. meteorologist tony pagnotti is in for steve fertig with a look at what we might expect for the rest of the day. good morning, patrice. we see the mist and the then the cloud cover for the rest of the day.
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65 degrees right now, bwi, thurgood marshal airport, and we had a very humid day yysterday with the showers and thunderstorms ii some areas..3 temperaaures will stay in the mid-to upper 60s during the morning hours. we will try to get to 72 ddgrees for daytime high today. let's take a look at some the ú%nds we have, not too much to speak of, out of the northeast at 8 miles per hour in about b more anmore anddout to the wests the same. 33 -- we would be in a whole another season. 63, high for 12 early this morning. and later oo this morning. yesterday we hit 75 degrees for the daytime high amid some the shows showers and broit ening of the sky here and there. take a look at the radar, the low pressure system is gradually dipping down to the south. the high pressure builds in
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tomorrow and the rest of the week. we do have sunnier days ahead. it looks like the temperatures also will cooperate. speaking of temperatures around the country today, we have a that is going to work its way in here tomorrow. we have the high 80 degrees. will be barely in the 70s. tornadic activity out in the dakotas. that is not going to be affecting our weather. however, we're keeping an eye on a system that is ear the bahamas. storm of the hurricane season which doesn't begin until june first. it could be affecting our weather with some showers. in the affect we're not going to post it, because it's a long ways away before we see what the storm system will do. 62 degrees, tonight partly cloudy skkes, future scan shows that the clouds hang tough through the day. any rain out and the mist this morring will leave and we will be seeing cloudy skies and maybe briihtening of the skies later on for this afternoon.
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for today. forecast 77 degrees on the eastern shore with mostly cloudy skies, here in central maryland temperatures agaan around the 72 to 75-degree mark if we get enough sunshine a little peek here and there later this afternoon. the western maryland the school spot, of course, 72 degrees. seven-day forecast, clouds today giving way to sunshine tuesday, wednesday, and look at this, and depending on the storm we may have to sweep the forecast and put shower possibilities up for now. we will see what is a good-looking seven-day. fox 45 sky watch weather s available at your finger tips.3 iradar is available at you can use iradar traffic powerful radar to track the incoming storms. interactive tools will let you know when rain or thunderstorms will be over your house. go to web and clic web and foxbk
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on iradar. that will continue if yyu are travelinggthe tunnels this morning. no problems to report at either tunnel.t mack henry o mchenry oo we're looking at a high 57 miles per hour. in real problems. cars are moving along the northbound and southbound lanes just fine. that will continue if you're traveling on beltway this 58 right now at harford road and as we cceck in and take a live look at the beltway, here is interstate 70, no real problems to report here, either. it will remain clear if you're traveling on the harrisburg expressway down to 695, and the jfx is goinggto be a nice, east fayette street. downtown to that's a look at morning travels. patrice, back to you. thank you, lauren. the summer season is about to kickoff here on foxx45, the
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season premier of so you think yyu can dance is this thuusday at 8:00. one lucky viewer will be able to dance with the best of them. it's ur we can't wait for you think you canndance scon contes. one viewer will win a nintendo wii fit system, an i-pod nano. watch so you think you can dance, trivia question, go to for rules. more people re getting back to the workforce. take a look at the nation' new kenmore elite multi-motion washer. how does that work?
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hit it! see, other machines only go in circles. this kenmore elite has multi-motions for a custom clean. it scrubs to help lift stains, rolls to wash gently, swings...steps... and tumbles. better than just circles. pbht! what?! sorry.
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[ male announcer ] get 15% off all appliances plus up to an additional $250 instantly with our appliance trade-in program. sears. life. well spent. a 6 ek old baby is found dead inside an apartment in anne arundel county and homicide detectives are now investigating. it happened on saturday morning at edge rock way in laurel. ran dah stevens spoke wwth the man who made the disturbing discovery and called 911. it's a story you're seeing first >> reporter: ronald green hasn't been able to sleep ever discovery inside of his upstairs neighbor's apartment. >> i coold not believe what was
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happening. >> reporter: it happened at 9:15 saturday morning when his neighbor cameescrraming downstairs and started banging on his door.ú p> i said wwat is going on? what is going on?3 she said someone killed my baby. i said someone killld your baby, oh my god. >> reporter: green immediately dialed 911 and was instructed to perform cpr on the baby boy who was lying on the sofaa >> i told the person on the emergency on the boy. the cpr is not going tt do this baby any good. this baby is cold. >> reporter: green said that the baby had obvious injuries to his face and when asked who did it, she said it was her husband. the story would change. >> she said that she had a couple drinks. >> reporter: police identified the infant aa joel. he was just six weeks old. >> that baby was so iinocent. >> reporter: his death is under investigation. >> there looks like this is some
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signs of violence. they will come out to make sure that they do interviews. >> reporter: ggeen does not but the woman also has an 8-year-old son. >> when she came down initially, she left the little kid upstairs with thh baby.3 i thought that was just all the way around . >> reporter: green says like police, he wants answerses. >> i coulln't believe that a person so young and innocent had his life taken. >> an autopsy was performed yesterday to determine exactly3 how the baby died. no charges have been filed yet. bringing an end to bullying in maryland schools. the campaign kicking off today across the state. next google is joining
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a big google deal gets the green light. stan case explains hoo the company is hoping it will propel cell phone business. another volatile day to close out a ddsmal week on wall street. after some wild swings up and down, the exchanges ended up
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regaining some of thursday's losses. the dow ended 4% for the week. the nasdaq added 25 points and lost nearll 5%%for the week. the s&p 500 added 16 points, losing more than 4% for the week. the nation's unemployment landscape is improving, the than half of all u.s. statese posted lower unemployment rates last month. additionally 27 states posted jobless rates below the national average of 9.9%, while 10 states and district of columbia posted higher rates. michigan still has the highest unemployment rate in the nation, at 14%. the federal trade commission has highlighted a deaa between google and the landmark saying the deal would not harm competition.3 google agreed to buy landmark in a bid to augment its cell phone market reach. google plans to complete the acquisitiin in the coming weeks.
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i'm stan case for business brief. coming up a dundalk bar owner is shot dead. what the people who knew him are saying about his death. >> reporter: saying goodbye to three kids in cecil county %-i'm megan gilliland how the frieeds and family are remembering the crofton childr
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welcome back to fox 45 earl3 edition. 5:27 is the time. a pretty shot out over the inner harbor. it doesn't look at misty as it did even a while ago, ut to find out what it's really like, we're going to get the scoop from meteorologist tony paggotti who is in for steve fertig. it didn't as bad in the shot as >> things are improving ann we're going to try to get monday.e but not a great sunny >> but it's coming. >> stay tuned like we say in thh t.v. business. if you take a ook with do have
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fog outside, it's patchy fog, light shower activity, 65 degrees. as can you so see on the hd radar, the rain that we had yesterday, the scattered showers down to the south that are moves out of the area, and we have a few sppinkles left to go along the patched fog. the bus stop we should haae the drizzle and fog in certain areas, 67 degrees is the tempp we will get up to around 70 with a little bit of brightening up the skies. we will top out around 72 o 75 degrees. well, let's see how the monday morniig traffic is rolling, here is lauren with the traffic edge report. >> reporter: thank you, to by. northern harford county where we have an accident that is going to be right on route 165 south of route 136 that you do want to watch out for. fortunately if you're traveling on the beltway, no real problems as you take a llve look at harford road. you can see they're dipping
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along the inner and outer loop lanes. if you're traveling along the outer loop lanes, you're looking at an 8 pin trip with an average from 795 to 95, an 11-minute ride with an average speed of 55 miles per hour. no problems to report on the fort mchenry tunnel from the toll plaza you're looking at an average drive with speeds at 55 miles per hour. that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, back to you. 5:29, fox 45 early editioo. a viewing for aidan, tucker and shana tuckee will e held tonight. megan joiis us more with the funeral planss >> reporter: good morning, patrice. ú%is is the memorial flowers -hat sits coz of th outside of . it's a feeling of grief shared by everyone at the cecil county


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