tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX July 19, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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edition, 5:30 is the time. that's quite a pretty shot over the inner harbor. maybe that means we're in for a pretty day. good morning, i'm patrice harris. meteorologist steve fertig is here to tell us if we are in for a good-looking day when it comes to the weether and the temperatures. it's a pretty shot definitely, but if you look behind it, you see mostly cloudy %-that is going to allow for the possibility of a storm. and we're seeing showers ight now in the westtrn part. ttat doesn't meannit's any cooler. that's true.úthat could allow ft and showerssand thunderstorms. -ff the eastern shore and some to the north dissipating in strength and showers around in the northern part of baltimore %-you want to be aware.ty. more clouds in thh way of showers and clearing skies to thh south. we doostand a chance of thunddrshowers and thunderstorrs later this morning into the afternoon and earll evenings,ú too before a front pushes through. we will talk about more chances as the temperatures remain in
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the 90s all week longg 77 deerees is the temperature right now, 78 at d.c. and agerstoww is at 73.ú as you see we quiikly warmm3 95 as 10 and 12:00. the high of 92, as early as 1:00 in the afternoon. humid with the chances for thunderstorrs once more. let's talk about what is happening on the roodways, here to do just that, is candace dold good morning, candace. >> reporter: good morning, steve. not too much to talk about out there. we're focusing on the vooume that is starttng to move in here. nothing to get in youu way, that's thh same see scenario fr5 to 83. 11 minuues at 54 miles per hour. 95 s a-okay from baltimore through the fort mchenry tunnnl. and onny 52 miles per hour with a 9 minute clip on southbound
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895 from the harbor tunnel all tte way down toward 95. that's a look at the morning %-patrice, back over toy. 5 throbbing on fox 45:32 fo. the search is on foo a missinn ssimmer n carroll county. the young man wws seen attthe reservoir at phinx berg. they are not expecting good news..3 it's been 12 hours sinceethe swimmer was repprted missing. he was swimming with friends at the liberty reservoir but at 5:00 last night he was reported missing. crews spent hours combing the waters before calling off the search late last night. >> the divv team is in dark waters. ú%u have bstruction inssde water that can be dangerous to the ddversment it's unknown all
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waters, i know dive team 13, trained in these waters, so they're used to the area. >> the search will rrsume as 6:00 this mmrning.ú with temperatures in the 90s like we have been seeingg a lot of people re jumping in the res tookeep cool. emerrency experts are urging an exexwomaan essex woman is kia motorcycle accident. it happened at the putty avenue and summit avenue. sse was a passenger on a motorcycle that wwnt out of control on a curve and crashed head on into an suu. she died at the scene. city police are investigating afterra man is shot in west baltimore. -uffering out on west fayette street near orth calhoun street after 10:00 last night. when officers rrived on the scene they found a man shot in the torsoo there's no word on a suspect in
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the shooting. ú%lice are ssarching fire suspect ho shot two men ooer the altimore. -fficers say the victims were sitting together when the gunman walked up ann opened fire. there's no word on either man's bel air police are investigating their first murder innyears. after a man is shot and killed a a party over the weekend. gunfire rang uu at the american legion on sunday morning. lot of thh building and a 15 years oll girl was shot in the leg. the girl was taken to the3 hospital and is expected to be okay. maxy ddd not survie. his death marks the first murder in bel air since 2006. >> is liie was snuffed out, for whatever reason i don't know. the reason couldn't have been %-it's senseless. helping police investigate the murder. so far ppllce have not %-motive.d any suspects or
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imagine knowing if a crime were taking place i a bbilding3 that's the idea behind a new smart phone app the city is looking at. the inventor is talking to joee d smithhabout howwit all works. it sounds like an interesting -oncept, good morning, joell >> reporter: we're alwayss3 talking about the inner harror but ttis coold work anywhere in the area. it's about pushing a butttn andú ú%is could alert anyone who has you talked about this when the3 virginia tech shootinn. and that was a hile and what took it so long. >> we had to get it patented and we had to decide what typp of plat omorrow and that was the i phonn and we decided to take it %->> reporter: the push the button and whatthappens.
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>> you ppsh the button and a list comes up, the hit tte situation and an allrt comes ii and you alert the public.3 >> reeorter: we have done a couple of samples o show people what it looks like. this goes up to peopll who is signed up. the deal is you get as many ppople to sign up so more peopl3 have the eyes and eers out there. correct. it makes the ggneral public security for everyyodyyin tte market. >> reporter: what if you're going to call in a fake one because theeees no controllthat way. doing that.stop people from does a fake, it has yyur cell phone number and your phone number. and registration of the phone and it tells you where you are >> reporter: what cities are looking toopump this up. >> right now new york city, i'm working on creating an app to make it more secure and homeland security that is looking aa ann a couple oo other cittes in philadelphia. >> reporter: ow much is it.
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reporter: the mayor ando pplice chiif are here to take a look at it and sse if they like the idea. that ii people send in a fake alert. who monitors thht, do they gett3 in ttouble with the police department o or do they lose the >> reporter: how do you maintain in ccse of calling in a false one. >> it woull be fully prosecuued as calling 911 from any phone. >> reporter: the same kind f punishment nvolved witt anyone who would call in somethiig -ake. can't way to hear from he mayor and the police chief. thanns, joel. >> reporrer: all right. fox 45 s now t your fiiger ú%ps. you can download the free foo 45app on any smart phone. news, weather and traffic is at the palm f your hands. download it today.
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a ballimore city an could spend the rest o his life hied bars for taking -- behind bars he was convicted earlier this year on charges on conspiracy to commit mmrder. 25 years olddkkith ray junior an investigation is underway into a dealy accident in northeast baltimore. a contractor working on an under sewer line ffll into a trench more than 10 feet deep. dirt collapsed on top f him making rescuu efforts much more difficultt %-man he was unconscious and3the didn't ave a pulse.ú >> the sides of fiist came down on im. >> it took rescuers hours to
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actually remove theeman's body from the hole.ú p>> police in uganda have released pictuues of two men who ú%ey say are responsiile for the howard county teen in the hospital last week. they say these two men ere behind the attack and have ties to somalia's dangerous militant groups. ttey also arrested several other who were involved in the attackú the two bombs went off last sunnay skilling 76 ppople. emily was in uganda with her grrndmother and a church mission group when all that happened. at noon today, representative ruppersberger plans to announce funding on the study. officials say it will help thhm underssand the environment in could ead to healthier and
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productive fisheries. pollution from highway water run -ff. ssnator cardin says thattllat pollution out of the waters and streams. they want to prrtecttand restore waters in areas that cootain federally funded highways. highways can be designeddto cut doww on the storm water pollution. they will meet to discuss the fate of a slots casino. ú%for a site, a the end of the generageneral assembly lawmakers %-the site in an effort to lure bbdders. only three slot licenseses have ú%en accepted through the state. get tested 15 face based sites will be offering free hiv
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and aids testing all day long. the testing drive comes days after the president unveiled a new national strategy to fight hiv and aids. it sresses early iagnosis and treatment. stay tuned for fox 45 morning newss,fforconninuing coverage of this story. we will talk to a pastor fromú wasn't churches offering the free testing. that is coming up in the 7:00 hour. commng up on early edition. cutting backkon your shopping cravings. >> a lot of times it's not something you don't really need. >> the new diet craze ttat is trimming people's closets. >> rrporter: and temperaturesú bay which is a ssuthwest wind
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west all the way into garrett county. through the afternoon and nevertheless thunderstorms and traveling through pennsylvania and further points west or back theyywill gather toward the east and see a chance of showers today. take a look at the composiie ú%age. is good for the time being. we will pick up sccttered chances later as a froot that will move from the west will come in then. a slight risk for severe weather. more to the north and eaatt points north and up toward new ú%rk it looks like. ú% if you're headed in that direction, a better chance thhre. stay in d.c. and 7 n salisbury with ew points in the low 70s for most and that will mman temperatures will feel like they're in the upper 90s by the tiie we get to the warmer past rpart of the day.
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you will see a more southerly flow coming our way, a southwesterly flow that will be brinning us more heat and also more humidity, too. from the west and that can trigger off the thunderstorms. when do they move in? it looks like they could move anyyime durrng the day. to the north we could see scattered showers this morning and into the afternoon as you see the frontal boundary moving throuuh. coming from the south with the it the high pressure moving out %-that will bring with it a chae of more thundeestorms s we get through tomorrow affernoon as well. here is whht you can expect today. a high teeperature of 91 degrees with a channe of thunderstorms later in the day and a 10-20-mile-an-hour wind. it gets breezy. 92 degrees for the central part chances as early as late mmrning about 11:00 a... or so and continuing ttrough the
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afternoon. the backkto the westernnpart of maryland 88 degrees for the high with thunderstorms earlier on as tte front gets nto your area ú%d even late morning. 87 at 6:00 p.m. with that thunnerstorm chancc chance at camden yards, fú -ou're going to the orioles game, which first pitch occurs at 7:05. just a chance of isolated shower orr hunderstorm. 74 degrees overnight a warm, humid night. and tomorrow 92 degrees, 90 oo3 wednesday, we don't get rid of the 90s, it looks like anytime soon and you see the thunderstorm ccances for tuesday and wednesday. isolated chance ffr tuesday, let's seeewhat is happening on the roadways with candace dold. she has the traffii edge. candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. so far so good on many of tte main lines. in fact, the actuallnumbers are loooinggpretty ggod right now. 62 miles per hour on the beltway traveling through pikesville.
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61 on the jfx anddwhile we're talking about some troublee it's just in baltimore. there's an accident right on eastern avenue near bayview boulevard. reelly not cauuing any significant lane losures or anything, just be prepared because you will at least find the activity of the nnw on 895 travvlinn at eastern, let's check that out there. you can see it's a calm ride in both directions. we are loving that parr of the corridor. now further down on 95, traveling at caton avenue this mooning, we don't have anything to get in the way that continues to be the case on both the northhound and the southbound lanes down toward theebeltway. thaa southwest corner at freeerick road taking a live look there, the outer loop lanes have been traveling up to speed, inner loop continues to flow 3
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says enough is enough at least for a year. theyyve launched the great american apparel diet. forever one year this online grrup will bstain from buying the women and yes, a couple off3 men even blog about the ups and downs of living life away from the malll3 carroll yeager ii one of 85 onú >> just to have that experience, to see what it's like, to kind offget a better touch of what3 we're shopping for. >> she started her apparel it hasn't been too hard, so she >> the ads are coming out with the cute easter dresses and everythinggú you haae the desire tt go buu something new and then you look %-anything new. i don't need >> reporter: like most of us carroll has a closet ffll of clothes followed by dressers and thhrchgz that artrunks that are. that is why shh started asking
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herself, wwy do i really shop. >> sometimes shoppinn is a sometimes it's entertainment and a lot of times it's noo %->> all these need. >> reporter: even her to make somm shawl changes. >> i kkoi noticed she is not insisting that i buy her 3 or -our things.3 ú% reporter: carroll admits when the year is up, she will buy a few ttings here and there but she won't go on a crazy shopping spree. >> i feel like i'm changing a habit. to save time for things thaa mean more to her than new >> i woold encourage people to think about their reasons why, they're filling their time with shopping and is there a better >> maybe you're not ready tt commit so a year-long apparel diet but yoo can always ask yourself, do i reaaly need thht?
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avoid the sweep hoping for a good outing. as 2 ann 9, his rookie year hasn't gone as well as many expected and unfortunatell for the birdsswere on the wrong end of the sweep. %-lines a singllng into leftnes field. the orolz strike firs!! oriolesd lead it 1-5. the adam ling comes in the score and the game is tied in forrone. miguel ease coul! eecobar acqui3 the grand slam.d it lands for and rips a shot into the left field corner, jose bbtista comes to score and the blue yayes, la
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6-1 lead. ttat was all for maddox. ú%e scoreless outing of hii careee. strikes out jay fox for a 3rd time on tte afternoon. 4ks and 5 innings. and the bottom of the 9th and markakis is looking, for his 4th hit but he didn't get instead he flies out to the llft in the game. they sweep the orioles, 10-1 the >> that's not just a good game frrm us today. we could hope they would come back omorrow and regroup but there's too uch to overcome today. today was a touuh day. i felt very good. i felt like i did some pitches and innthe second end i got out of my group. things like theseeare fun. >> we put up, 10, 11, hits and
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one run is not going to get it done you know, but it's behind us.3 put it on and we still have six gamesson the home stand. -p to golf now and the 3rd major the year the british open. just a week afttr they closed ouu the world cup and on nnlson mandela birthday, a nave tive -- a native son wasslooking to win the british open. tiger woods was back to his old putter. here to the first, he sinks the birdie putt, how do you like that? but he stuck in he putt bbnkkr. he gets out of tte sand and it rolls back to the slope.3 tiggr wooos double boggied, the hole..3 he has to play tte ball back toward the ttbox and gets a fac3 fuul of saad, another double boggy for tiger. he finishhd the opennat 3 under3
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phil mickelson, saw he famous par 470 and the lefty approach is headed right for the mickelson, boggies 3 shots ann finished tied at 48 at 1 ovee. now to the leader who is leading by 3 stokes t 9th and the 27th years old is the eagle putt to holee and the station moves and leaves aad but everything fell apart3 for the english men after this shot. it goessway left into the bushes, casey would have to take ú%drop. he triple boggied the hole and finished tieddfor 3rr. dagger at we have. ii a 4-shot swing on the hole, he leads by 8 ith 6 holee to play. aad he takes the confident walk to security 7-shht win. he wins the 2010 open
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