tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX July 22, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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%-even if it is hot. temperature in baltimore.3 the same for d.c. and hagerstown is at 74 and oaklanddis at 68. we will see the temperatures climb through the day to 90 degrees bit noon hour -robably. so it will be warming up qqickl3 so stayinggin the low 90s nor -for a look at what is happening on the roadways, ttough, we need she is here wiihhtte traffic to let you know. >> reporter: we'rr focusing on the bet way an beltwwy and te ú%oking good. theelanes are going to be wwdeú open on both theeinner loop lanes aad the outtr loop stretch..3 in fact you, ill find in the green from 95 up toward 83. right now 11 minutes at 55 miles pee hour. tte same peee toward 795. it's running reasonably well from 795 toward 95, 11 minutes
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there, 55 miles per hour. that's a llok at the morning travels. patrice, back over to you. we are following breaking3 news out of baltimore countyú suspect aftee he opens fire on a police officer at a pikesville hotel. it hhppennd just before midnight. megan gilliland isslive from the scene with morr on whht led to detectives went n for the arrest in the first plaae. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good orning, patrice, we're llve at the ramada inn at reisserstown road where a little bit ago there was exccange of gunfire beeween the detecttves and one of the detectives were about to arrest three suspeccs that they belief were operating a counterfeit ring out of the hottl ere. all thhee went running out of the hotel room. all armed witt a gun and.
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two detectives returnee fire hitting nd killing ttat suspect in tte parking lot and ttking many offthe people staying in this hotel by surppise. >> i hear gunshots. i hear cussing first and next thing you know i hhard probably 9 rounds. i'm like -- get down on the i pull my son off the bed andd3 iffwe can see, but we really ee -ouldn't see anything. we open the door. the police were standing aroond >> reporter: now theetto other suupectt are in custody this morningg no word on whereethese suspects are how long detectives ever wereewatching them here. officers did reccver a number of things including printers, paper and ccuuterfeit oney. police say the suspects had been passing thht money around the
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bat more area. -o word on what charges those two suspects ii custody could be facing. officer are on the scene aa they are collecting the last pieces of evidence. that wooan who you just eard from, hee part is part of the -s part of the evidence. -hey are taking that tire and looking into it as part of thee3 investigation as well. i'm megan gilliland. fox 45 morning news. two pooice officers are hurt while chasing a suspecttin baltimooe. it all started last night with the foot case of an armed ssspect. invessigators say he ran into a building and thh officer getttng cut by glass. ú%e now the officer was taken to sient ago new!!st. gus on stabn another officer was called o into an acciient. it happpned at 8:30 at pratt the officer was taken to shhckú tratramtrauma and is expected te
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okay. -s for the suupect, he was caught and arrested on handgun violations. policeesay they have a suspect and need your help -inding him. muhammad isswanted in the murder of maxy. maxy was shot in a party. %-shot but is xpected to recov. anyone information about muhammad's whereabouts is asked to call police at 4100638-4500.3 it appears o one was ever in the car that ran off a bridge and into the glens fall oo tuesday. the car went off the pprkway during heavy storms on ttesday it was ulled from the watee a few hours later. police believe a group of kids pushed the car into the water and then fled the scene. a charles couuty judge who deelated a tire on a car parked3 in hissspaceeis a acing a
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attention..3 susppnsion ometime in the next 30 days. he ddflattd the tire last august after finding the car in his spot outside of the de laplatt state courthouse. -e remains on the bench. by the navy that would bring an %-innbaltimore. ns comfort here congressman ropess ropee percen. the medical ship responds to earthquake in haiti aan hurricane katrina. it has been at our poot for more than 20 yearss security just oo more
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-iih-tech. this is the live caa cross mee it allows a parolely to beú digitally priited and photographee with one machine. allowing police tooview the history of criminals in just minutes..3 up until now, policeewere nott3 always able to find out if someone was under parole and probation supprvision. >> this s a big step because it closes a huge gap in information. agencies across the state when they stop an offender and they can their record, they wiillsee ú%at this person is under supervision. >> every maryland jurisddction has now at least one of hese machiness >it's another healthcare example of science fiction beeoming reality.ú a glen burnie teen is one of 103 artificial hhnd that allows him to do things he never thought possible. now tt show s this amazing breakthrough. good morning, joel. -> rrporter: good mmrning, patrice. gooddmorning, everyyne. this is really amazing.
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i ave mike here with him right3 nowwand his moo fran. and this thing ight here which is changing your life. he has done o much. he plays an inssrument ann plays sportt.ú he has made everything work in his 18 years with the hand that he has. when did you find out this miiht be possible. >> ww foond it in november of last year. and we came back from ohio abou3 process. >> reporter:: put that on. let's sse how thii works. yyu have been able to sort of %-work ann cerrain contraptions and he has been able to make it work with lacrosse and whateverú lookkat that, just amazing, only aale to do thhs. country to be are you used to looking ddwn and seeing thii on your hand. >> now am. it takes a little bit to get uued to it. -t takes a little bit to warm up. >> reeorter: aal of ttose things that you couldn't do
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before, ou ccn do now. fran, this has got to make you smill every day? it makes his life easier. old. for that entire time have you been lloking ffr something like this? >> yes, always, and back in november we found it. >> reporter: up to this point what had you been tolddwhat was possible in life whennit comes3 to that hand? >> there's nothing we can do.3 therees nothing outtthere that can help him. this is brand new technology, brand new. exciting and throughout he rest of the mooning weecan show you the differenn things that michael can do with these artificial haad. it's amazing, isn't it? joel, give us a background of hhw he got an issue with the hand in the first placc. was it sometthng he was born that hand.r: he born withpened even as aakid he went thrrugh told by his mom that he could do
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anything. he pushed hard and hh waa able tt do anything. he ooly had a thumb or use of a thumb. he didn't haveethe othee 4 and now all kinds of things andú we're seeing what is possible here with only eeeng ci-fi. part of the country they piiked him is his outh aad what he waa already doing withhthat thumb s well. p> very cool, joel, thank you. infant mortality ratee in maryland hit the lowest numbers in a decade. the maryland department of health and meetal hygiene shows a drop in the death rate. officiaasscautioo parents to take advantage of preand most nate alserrices and comprehensive servicee to make sure that those numbers keel3 falling. >coming up personal information stolen from a maryland state agency. >> it's kind of scary because it makes you look at the security >> the save guard that failed.
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it's 5:41 on this thursday morning asswe get ready for the weekendd oo you might be.ú we take a look at he weekend forecast. a couple of showers last night ú%isipating so a little bit of really vvry active as we take a3 look at our live scan.ú -ou will see that we have dry condittoos right now. at theeiiner arbbr witt mostly
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cloudy skies. we do expect mostly unnyyskieeú when we're donee northwest inds at 55miles per hour and 65% relative humiddty. note the dew point at 67.ú the stuff is coming down as we get more of the dry, westerll %-hiih pressure rising and it brings us the orthwesterly flow with the drier air. 77 in salisbury. 74 in hageestown. in oaklandd 66 and again temperatures are going tooclimb quite a bit. as you can see we ot the stationary boundaay to the ii's going to dip further south and bring us he dry air from the north. and higg pressure issgoing to %-in act for this week and it's -t's going to be a day oora weekend that will include temppratures near 1000degrees and feel even warmer. will watch that low pressure that will have tropicalú characteristics that ill move into the gulf by either friday or saturday more likelyy 93 ddgrees is the expected high
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around here with mostly clear skies around the eastern show. hour. the westeen part of the state climbing to 95 degrees ith a %-humidity.hhne but less -ttwon't be as oppressive even though the temperatuues will be ú%ck to 100 degrees. ú% degrees mostly sunny skies and after you check the camden yards forecast, a hot one for mostly clears skies hot but less a warm night, typically we drop to 66 for this time of year. that hasn't happened in a while. 95 degrees for daytime high and -ormally we arrund 88 degrees so weel above the aveeage. saturray.omorrow and 100 n3 could have heat index values near 105 and that would mean we have a heat advisory for you. we will see if that in fact is the case. saturday it looks like ww get at
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high so still hot. behind the front drrer and cooler air. 93 onnwednesday and if you're3 headed to the beach this wednesday, by the way, it looks like partly cloudy tomorrow, aad chance of thunderstorms on sunday with temperatures in the low 90s all of thh three days. all right, what is happening on3 the roads now? candace dold has the answer with the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: well, steve not too muchhto concern ourselves with on parts f theebelttay thii morning. riggt now we're liking the spped through pikesville, 58 near security bbulevard and 59 right3 through catonsville.%onn95, tho. it's aacrash on he northbound lanes. it's right at route 175. now it's not causing any major delays there, just be aware, you crews are onnthe scene. a little bit farther up on 95, near the airport at 195 for you this morring and you can see that traffic is flowing freely there. southbound lanes and even the norttbound stretch aal the way up toward that beltway.
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on 95 moving through baltimore talk about there but as far as ú%e vooume is concerned, you can see it's very light activityyin bott directions. and even on the belttay, things are looking good at caton avenue. we can check ii on that area and seeeexacclyywhat the regiin looks like. it's goinn to be flowing frrely, both the outer loop lanes and even the inner loop tretch as weel. ú%at's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back over to youu think you got what it akes to become the next american idol? ♪ ♪ with my handssand feet >> auditions ffr seassn 10 are already underway. and we want to get you to the it's fox 45 baltimore idol on tturrday, july 29th. come to east point mall. %-contest will get a guaranteed
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audition in front of ameriian "doll producer inside new jerssy. for more information go to fox 45 baltimore idol is brought to ou by east point mall, and fox 45 morning news. till ahead ed reii does not pulllany ppnches whee tucking about hhs injuries and retirement. hear what he had to say yesterday coming up.., -tat the challenge jobs. don't tell me about a dog. an exploding crockpot, free-ranging house chickens. call a day's work. ♪ call 1-800-steemer twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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-p ang exclusivv fox 45 investigation uncovees how a state worker wwlked out with a name, social security numbers it's a crimeethat went3nds. undetected for months. -rime and justice reporter joy lepola has reached a trust. >> reporter: the lives of three strangers intertwined and yet unaware of what they share in common. an uneeployed exconvict. a man who looks at the street corner as a means to makeemoney. >> everything has some type off3 -aluu. >> reporter: take a person's identity. >> i know a gentleman that i was incarcerateddwith. he was opening a ank account in
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that name and just ovee raw the bank account and burn up the credit card.3 >> reporter: titus is a -rivacy period of time in washingtonnd.c. >> it happens every day. it's so frustratinn. -> reporter: in the far nd ú%finitt corner of internet. titus tamp searches for securitt bridges. >> i keep putting my fingers in the holes every time i plug a leak 20 moreespring up. >> reporter: his latest find invooves he security breach in the maryland department of human resources. -ecurity numberss and addresses of residents who receivvd service inside baltimore county. thing on top of here.s thii the sooial security number. ú% repooter: jessica man del is an unemployed single inner wh--mother whh we found frrmmthe listttthtttie us uncovered.
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they received medical insurance3 from ameri group. >> we trust them to help you. >> reporter: man del didnnt even knoo about the breachhuntil fox 45 contacted hhr..3 >> you know, i definitely feel vulnerable. >> reporter: fearful man el starts to place a fraud alert with credit reporting agencies in d.c., titus works feeerishly to get man del's information as well as information belonging to thousaads others ff-line. it's friday, july 9th. >> nobody has been able to help me. i have been danced aroond almost for the last hour and i'm just trying to get somebody who can helpptake this information3 off-line. repooter: again, he is placed on hold by a dhr and again, he is transferred. ú% this is child support. she gave youuthe wrong number. hold on one second.
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could you let me knowwwho you are transferring me to. i have been transferred no less than a dozen times. wait, ho are you transferring me to. >> will you hold on a second, i'm trying to find a number to traasfer you.3 jjsus. >> reporter:: it's not until monday that titus talks with somebody about the securityú breach. ú%l the while the informatton remains online as it has been for the past two mmnths. >> it's impossible to tell how many people across theeworlld3 have a copy of this file. >> reporter: on tuesday, fox 45 unconfers the namm of the person who owns the websiie. it turns out to be a statee3 worker with the department f human resources. %-placed on administrative leave as every effort is made to get the website down and to contact3 ggogle to clear its cashes. by thursday, the department is willing to sit down for an >> we didn't knowwit had been
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information that was released by dhr. -> reporter: but the ú%partment did collect it and people like jessica thought the informatiin was prottcted. >> that is what is really scaay. we all trust them to hold our -nformation safe and secure. >> reporter: dhr ddes have safe guards in place, employees are reqqired to sign a securitt form that expllins how client inffrmation should e handled. >> this individual basically violated personnel pooicy and our security policiis and the law by taking coofiiential information out of the dhr ors in in this case the worker's3 position allowed hhm access to the names and social ecurity numbers. >> it's unclear as to what tth motivation behind this was. >> eporter: s dhr's investigation moves forward, the list ii gone from ccberspace. but that does little to ease the minds of clients. >> maybe a year down the road, my information may still be onn3 somebody's computer. -> reporter: back on the
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streets of ballimore. p> i stand here. >> repooter: while others aae -n the iiternet taking an illegal shortcut to mmk make mo. eeen the goveenor was notified oo this breach. at first the state was onny advicing advice offering advic. now dhr has offered to pay for credit monitorinn. >> we have more information at p>> after being forced to resign, a ffrmer usda worker ú%new job. the decision she as on her -andssú ú-to retired reid says he wants
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will most likely not see number 20 on the field. every sinceethe final game last3 season, it has been months ofú will he or won't he and the regard whether ed reid wiil return to the ravens. he is recovering from off season hip surgery aad he expects to start the season on the physically unable to perform which means he wwll miss the first six games of the easonn ed reid of the intervieweddat his camp and e was candii about his contracttinforration, and injuries and retiring. >> who is to say it's going to be the first game against thh -ets, 'cause who will want to miss that, ut who is to say it willlbe the first game in october, november, december. i don't know. once get to that point, it's a 4-6 month process to get you back there and it's 100% to ú%honestly i shouldn't be playig
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this year, but i still have a -erve impinchment and the hip was worse beeause i came back and played when i shouldn't have been playing at all. i'm not going to ask for anything that i don't think i deserve. if you look at it, it's well deserved and if i do, so, but you know, i haven't since jjly of last year, since i ave been -urt up to thhs point, no. it's nooooy else's buuiness but the organization. %-here, you know, but doos itid the organization has not talking about whhn somebody is cut. when a guy is asked for a new contracc, heeshouldn't be asking for a contract. it's a business, but yes i ant to finish my career here in baltimore. willlit happen? hey, both sides got to ttlk about it. >> very candid eddreid.
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julio lugo was the heeo pickinn up the game on the the bottom of the 13th inning. the or jolz had orioles had a n hopes of taking the decision for the tampa bays. top of the bird, evan loogoria and he upper cuts it deep to left. the solo shot. it's hii 14 and the rays strike first up 1-0. o's trail 4-0. and just left of the o's bull pen, a 2-run shot. value.increassng his trade orioles cut the lead in half. top of the 6th, game tied at 4th. bases loa loaded for ongoria. and the 3 couut. tampa bay takes a 554 lead and they go on to
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