tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX July 23, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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good morning. welcome back to fox 45 early edition, 5:30 is the time. we're all excited because it's the weekend. it is friday, good morning, i'm -atrice harris. because it's friday, it means it's your turn to talk with us on our face book page about anything you want. and your response could air on our facebook feedback segment. just go to to become a fan nd join in the
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conversation. let's check in with meteorologist steve for tig right nofertigbecause the conves weekend hot, hot temperatures. the temperatures are going to feel like ttey're between 10ú and 105 today and 105 and 110 -omorrow. >> that's dangerous. >> and you have the hhat advisory if from noon to 5:00 p.m. the excessive heat watches are in place for the same areas for tomorrow from morning all the as youucan see sky hd radar not revealing a whole lot to rain but the heat and humidity could pop up an isooated shower and most of it concentrated along the warm front. that warm front is bringing the -igher temperatures. 80 in washington d.c. and 72 in salisbury..3 73 in hagerstown..3 temperatures are goong o be warming up today rather quickly ú% fact getting up to 92 degrees by noon and then up to3 94 degrees topping out around 97 degrees downtown.
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and how much hotter it gets tomorrow in just a few minutes. right now candace dold is here with the traffic edge. >> reporter: good morning, steve. we''e talking about a pleasant ride among the main lines, cars that are cruising along picking uppwith volume on the ooter loop lanes of the beltwwy from liberty all the way down toward 70 and in fact that is the entire stretcc from 795 down toward 95. we're in the green, 11 minutes, 55 miles per hour. the same speed on 95 from the fort mchenry tunnel toward the beltway with an just an 8 minute clip and a tranquil ride on 895 from the southbound lanes from the harbor tunnel toward 95 only a -minute drive at 55 miles per hour there. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back over to you. 5:32 fox 45 early edition. a proposal to ncrease the city's living wage dies. ú%sserday after hearing more than four hours of, testimony, but this morning some are still
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fighting for it. megan gilliland with more on how the bill could be resurrected. >> good morniig, patrice. thii was the scene yesterday at city hall. all oo those folks filing in there and paaking in there, people who wwat to make more money. ú%'re talking about a few more dollars higher than minimum they say it could make a big difference. after a maratton hearing, city council agreed to reject the idea of a iving wage. it would have mandated retailers who gross more than $10 million to pay their employees a living wage of $10.59. right now living wagg is sst at 7.25 an hour. the proposal would have affected 850 companies here in baltimore. many who say that they couldn't have afforded it and would have made ballimore unattractive to -ig name retailers. >> this is the reason we don't want to there or why if you're don't want to expand.why you
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>> baltimore should not be in the business to. >> reporter: he living wage proposal could sttll be brought back to live f eight of the 15 -ouncilmembers petition for it to come tt a full body for a vote. so far, we are told 7 members are tteir support. baltimore was of the first city in the nation to pass a living wage law back in 1994. megan illiland, fox 44 early edition. city police raid an apartment and turn up 85 pounds of mmrijuana. these men dwayne jackson and david andrews were arrested in connection with the raid. they were selling the pot to dealers at lexington market. jackson and andrews are both in custody being held on bond. the 83-year-old pass add way on tuesday. county in the house of delegates ffr more than 25 years and spent
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time as the chairman of the house weighs and means committee. he event eventually left tte house to become maryland's secretary under governor willia3 donald shaver. get rrady for another hot weekend with high temperatures expected today and tomorrow. the city has issued a code red heat alert. several coooing centtrs will be open around altimore from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. they will offer water, ce and cool air. officialssare also asking people to check in on each other, especially the elderly and those who live alonn. also, beware of signs of heatstroke and heat exhaustion. they nclude confusion, nausea and lightheadedness. can you get a complete list of locations around baltimore city. as you probably have been worried bge is warning this extremely hot cente summer is go lead to a lot of high energy bills. in june there were 14 days when temperatures topped 90 degrees. the same goes for july and
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there's still another week to go this month. bge warns thht even customers who keep their thermostat relatively high could still see higher biils this summer. -p>> it makes you want to consir doing, keeping your blinds and window treatments closed and you want to delay using appliances that generate a lot of heaa like your dishwasher and washers and drivers until after 9:00 when the temperature gets cooler.3 >> bge s offering rebates in theeparticipation of residential heating program. >> don't try to slip through a yellow in westminister. 1100 tickets caught on red light cameras since going into effect march 15th.ú westminister police chief spalding says that the systemmis supporting itself and elieves that cammras are changing's driver's behavior. if caught running a red lighh, drivers are fined $75.
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a city police officer goes on trial today accused of -ttempted muuder. 28 years old patrick dawson is facing charges including aasault and reckless endanger. he was off-duty when he got into an argue at fin's bar and grill in march of last year. it turned into a fight that reportedly spilled outside and policeesay dobson pulled out his handgun and shot a fire into the back of a car with two people the department of human resources says it expects to complete a review of a recent %-next week.ach by the end of the names and social security numbers and names of thousands of marylanders ended up posted online. the state worker aacused of %-leave. the inforration has information off the internet.he the invessigation into the inciient is expected to wrap up by monday.
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former governor bob ehrlich is taking issue with a new t.v.ed ad released by governor o'malley's campaign. >> partnerships and tax credits whaa our economy needs to grow.3 >> the ad hiihlights a tax credit for bio companies in maryland. but ehrlich says that he came up with the tax credit five years ago. ehrlich signed the billú sponsored by llwmakers to create the credit. >> we're proud that we werr able to react the bio tax credit. it was a great idea that came from the legislature in 2005. i beeieve we are the only place3 in the country that ncreased the biotech credit last year. >> maryland saw the creation of 40,000 jobs in the last four months. you know the ravens would be ú%rried ii only half of the tickets were sold to one of their home gaaes. that same concern is hitting
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international soccer game scheduled for next weekend. joel d mith is live at m&t stadium as officials try to rally soccer fans beaver it's bs too late. and it looks pretty empty there, joel. hopefully that is not the wayyit looks nexx weekend. >> reporter: i know, i'm trying to show you how good these seats could be. these seats just open up, seats like thhee $115 and you get mor3 than just a closer look at the top two teaas. whattelse do you get. >> from 6 to 7 man city will practice and from 8 to 9:00 they will practice and you can come -s see the guys up close. >> reporter: you guys are big with selling tickees, that is the only answer to a why you want to do that. why is it more impootant for the city to eelly have a great showing when it cooes to ticket sales here? >> i think it helps us. i knowwyou are going to alk about this later. we're bidding for the world cup
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in 2018. to showcase baltimore an international city that can host a international soccer. >> reporter: again, probably soccer saturatton in the world cup. these are two international teams that you wouldn't see anywhere else. all of the local games around have been playinn witt u.s. teams. this is the first game that as two internationally teams. >> reporter: intermilan one of the teams and you can get that special stuff on friday as well. they are thinking, maybe,ú patrice, that people thought that the game was sold out ike last time. not the case youucan still get tickets. >> hopefully this wwll be a none issue by the next weekend. people will realize that and the whole place will be filled. >> reporter: $115 and $130 up there. they're gging to turn this field into a grass field, not
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something you will see heee very %-and football season starts. >> still trying to get a little soocer in before we get to football. joel, thank you. >> reporter: good. coming up from unproven medicine to tasting metal.3 >> i remember my parents having a problem before the ransslant was still considered spiri experimental. >> how a transplant recipient is making the mont most of a second we do have know the stain. after an alpaca? i have. it was awesome. ♪ call 1-800-steemer the challenge jobs. don't tell me about a dog. an exploding crockpot, free-ranging house chickens. call a day's work.
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well approximate back. it's 5:43 on a very warm start to the day issa hot day that we exppct coming your way today. heat advisoryyin place on tte west side of the ccesapeake bay and all the way down on the eastern shore. the temperaaures will feel like they're between 100 nd 105. tomorrrw he same areas under an excessive heat watch that is in a place in philadelphia. that will be tomorrow by us making it feel like 105 and 110
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when you factor n the humidity, too..3 that will be from the morning hours tomorrow all the way through the evening. we will see that we don't have a -hole lot going on right now. however it could be just what the heat and humidity alone, a pop up shower and thunderstorm around. here is what we have as far as temperaturrs starting out this morning. 80 degrees in d.c. and 72 in 73 in hagerstown. dew point in the upper 60s and low 70s is what will help make it feel as hot as we expect it to get to. ú%e future scan model will show us the shower later in the day or the evening, n isolated chance or 20% chance of that. all offthat warm air is coming our waa and it's going to continue to filter in. this frontal biew boundary is gg to brrng cooler air. we're keeping an eye on another part of the weather story that is not in our neighborhood but down in the gulf coast area, thú tropical storm bonnie which has
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winds at 50 miles per hour.3 it's going to be moving into the gulf we expect, could pick up a little strength. right now expected to remain a tropical storm, though. this is going to unfortunately push a lot of oil we think toward the shoreline.ú as it heads toward it, according to this model in the new orleans area, obviously it's bring a concern for heavy downpours and %-of course any kind of activity like a tropical storm you can have tornados have aking landfall. 75 degrees for the high %-back to the eastern shore.e it will be a hot one and to 100 or above as you looo at the central part of the state. 95 degrees for the high and an isolated thunderstorm popping up lately. state, getting up to 99 degrees. the the heat and warm up to 92 by noon, and 94 by 6:00 p.m. with a chance of a late day shower or thunderstorm. an outside chance. and 78 and can't ruleeoutta
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thunderstorm before it turns partly cloudy.3 look at the temmerature 105 degrees, it will feel like it's bbtween 105 and 110 tomorrow. 96 degrees on sunday. another warm day with thunderstorms as the front pushhs through. behind the front a little bit of 81 and 98, and the beach looking %-today and tomorrow. aad clouds 91 tomorrow's high and 95 tomorrow. ttunderstorr chances on sunday with a high of 94. let's see what is happening on the roads. we need to check ii with candace dold once again and she has the traffic edge. >> eporter: thank you, steve. we don't realll have too many complaints out theree -n fact, we like the actual numbers. right now on the beltway we are at 59 miles per hour near securityyboulevard. 60 miles per hour traveling on the 700exit. as far as what it looks like, let's check in on the beltway traveling in baltimore county right now at harford road. there really isn't anything to get in our way on either the outer loop lanes or the inner
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loop stretch toward 95. speaking of 95 taking a live look moving through baltimore at cattn avenue for you this morning. again it's pretty much the same deal that traffic is running reasonably well, nnrthbound lanes, and southbound down -oward the beltway and 95 only continues to be an a-okay trip. riggt now traveling near the that 195, again, we have the cars that are in green just starting to accumulate volume but no incidents to getting your way, all the way down toward the capital beltway..3 that's a look at the mornnngs travels. patrice, back over tooyou. think you got what it takes to be the next american idoll >> healing me ♪ ♪ i see >> auditions for season 10 are already underway and we wan to get you to the front of the line. ii's fox 45 baltimore idol. on thursday, july 29th, come to east point mall, the winner3
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of our singing contest will get a guaraateed audition in front of american idoo producers in new jersey. forrmore information go to %-idol is brought to youuby east point mall, 106 and fox 45 morning news. find out what caused them to exxlode as ttey ere ejected from a game. meet one of maryland's youngest participants in this year's [ female announcer ] welcome to busch gardens virginia, where baltimore goes to get away. maybe it's because baltimore loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play.
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a themm of athletes from maryland is gearing up for the olympiis, but those games are only for true survivee melinda roeder hows us how transplant seep yent recipientsd ú%om medicine to medals. >> like most little girls, olivia stra mark ama likes to y with stickers and her dog sawyer. she as a pretty good arm, too. she finds bowlinggis a ball. it's almost hard to believe there was a time when this
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active littte girl wasn't. >> she just started to not havv as much energy. >> reporter: at 7 months, olivia waa a happy healthy, hapy but months later they noticed changes and took her to the doctor. >> they called 911 from the doctor'ssoffice. the left ide of her heart faiied basically. >> reporter: they were told ttat their daughter would need a heart transplant soon. >> or the worse would happen. >> reporter: she was placee ú% the top of the weight list and it didn't tame time fo takea donor to come thhough. the surgery was a success. -oday she is mainly focused on hide and seek not hospitals. aathough she still takes -edicine and her next goal gging
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to wisconsin where this month she will take paat in the u.s. transplant olympics. >> they do it every two years the transplant games and you know, all ages, and from what we have heard it's very exciting. it can be overwhelming, veriy notioemotional. >> reporter: two years ago maryland sent more than a dozen athletes, all of they will transplant recipients. some for fun and some quite competitive. p> i remember my parents aving a problem before transplant was >> reporter: born with a genetic conddtion, he went on dialyyis around age 11 and it wasn't easy. >> my mother would piik me up from school. iiwould have to get out early, drive me to the ospital. i would have dialysis at 4::0. by 5 to 5:30 i was sick to my stomach, usually puking my guts out. >> reeorter: when he got even sicker doctors suggested transplant. luckilyyhis uncle harry was a
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match. -ow nearly 40 year 40 years late has gotten a lot of mileage out of that special gift. he will compete in the games in two cycling events. >> my goal is just to be there. >> reporter: win or lose, it's a goal once thought impossibleebut these athletes are here to proof that there's t there's life after transplant and making the most oo a second chance is always worth a strike. melinda roeder, fox 45 morning news. the games begin july 30th in madison, wisconsin. coming up later angelina joely takes on the role of cia operative. >> somebody is setting me up. >> don't make me put yyu down. >> on the groond. >> how the idea for her new thriller "salt" was born. but next, when could brian roberts return to the orioles? know the stain. after an alpaca? i have. it was awesome. ♪ call 1-800-steeme
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would you like to try our delicious chef boyardee big beef ravioli? sure. and, mom, did you know that in every bowl of chef, there is a full serving of -- [ gasps ] has veg-- nope. [ female announcer ] there's a full serving of vegetables in every bowl of chef boyardee big beef ravioli. shh. of chef boyardee big beef ravioli. good morning, everyyody.hert sports. the times are bad at camden yards, very bad. after winning and headed to the all-star break the oriolee open -he second half. the mighty minnesota twins came
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to town tooopen up a 4-game set. wenckevin millwood coming off tl list. and the millwood hangs one and young crusses it. off the base of the wall and that is going to clear the bases. the twins jump out early, 3-2. top of the second, lapse in judgment and this one to the center. adam jones glides fl under it. at a first to double him off and that ends the inning. then at the top of the 4th, bases are emptt for michael and it launches off the concrete below the last row of seats. that's a ssot. the ttins lead 4-0. the top of the 7th, play aj hardy. hardy goes n the pitch. starts halfway and ties the ty
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wigingtonn he can't believe the call. umpire derrick darling gave him a ccok out on that. here it goes, ready. there's the hat right there. take a look at the replay. you can't be more out than that. a terrible call by thht guy darling at first. adding insult to injuryy hardy on second. that runnshould not have scored. saauel comes out to give home play, a big piece of his mind. ann samuel ends up getting the boot too as does pitching coach. they go on to take the first game of the series as the o's show their frustration from the horrible season, 5-0 theefinal. he is currently on a rehab assignment with aa bowie. peking up six and 429 average.
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ihe was at cam dean yards and he -- camden yards and he should be in a oriole uniform sooner versus later. >> we paced a couple of lefties the last couple of days so those are always key things to make sure you're getting the lefties and righties. i don't know how many exact bats total iihave. it will be up to certainly the higher power than myself to make the final
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