tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX August 25, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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ú% welcome back tt fox 45 earl edition. early, 5:31 is the time. i'm patrice harris. let's get a check of theú forecast, meteorologist tony fertig, the summer is coming to an end. >> the endless summerr is coming to an end. maybe we will have indian summer. >> a couple of more days. let's see what we have on wednesday morn. 65 degrees, and humidity still up there at 87%. thattwiil affect the chaage as the day wears on. the storm system, that brought area yesterday is now moving on out as can you see. we will e getting clear real estate in the form of cloud cover and then maybe sunshine
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later on this affernoon. cool spot, 5 in oakland, 64 salisbury, 69 at the inner3 harboo. -e will get to about 74 egrees at lunch time, looking for peeks of sunshine throughout the afternoon. we will call partly sunny, high of 80, to 82 degrees. let's see how the roadways are doing on this wednesday morning. here is lauren cooke with the traffic edge report. >> reporter: thank you, the forecast looks much better than the roads. we have two accidents in harfor3 county and abigton, and another in baltimore county that has shutdown harford road in both directions. you want to stick with route 1 as an alternate route. fortunately the main lines look nice and clear. takinn a live look at the northeast corridor of 95. the cars are moving along in the ú%itemarsh area just fine. if you're traveling southbound you're looking at a quick 4-minute trip with an aaerage the beltway will reeain clear from 95 to 83 where you're
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problems to report on the west side from 95 to 95, you're with an average trip of 54 miles per hour. thaa's a lookkat the trafficú commute. back to you. -p 5:33 on fox 45 early edition. selling sex on craig's list. there's ccuntless ads for prostitution on the website sometimes even wwth children. now state government including maryland are trying to ut -egan gilliland is live from the selling a lot more than collectibles.ú the creators of craig's list claim that they tell police about the ads on their website. on any given day, if you go under adult services there's a ton of ads for prrstitution right here. that is why maryland attorney general doug gensler has joined a group of 15 other states eliminate thh adult's category. while the site also enables
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sexual predators to use children for trrfficking. the ceo insists in his blog that the site is goin doing all they. but when a reporter caught up with them the silence was alarming. >> hat are you guys doing to protect these girls? >> i thinkkcraig's list has a unique opportunity to step up and showwthat here's corporate responsibility. >> so far craig's list has not responded to the latest request to remove the controversial ads. it appears that shoppers are getting upset, too. there are numerous websites and even a facebook group that hhs been started boycott craig's ú%st until they remove their adult services or good. that seems to be the opinion of many, especially the fans of this page. i'm megan gilliland. fox 45 early edition. a state trooper is accused
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of pointing a gun at his former live in girlfriend. sarah was trespassing whhn she told her o leave. he admits at getting his gun but he claims he kept it pointed atú the floor. >> she claims that he pointed it at her if she wouldn'' leave. mcintrick is suspended with pay until the incident is investigated. the for a 12 years old whh -ays she was gang raped at a baltimore county skating rink takes issue with the surveillance video on the night of the attack. the video shows the girl wiilingly accompaaying the suspect before the alleggd incident, but the girlls lawyer says the tape fails to tell the whole story. attorneys representtig another girl who waa at skateworks that
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night says the doorway are theú group was entering is not where the alleged rape took place. >> at no time was she willingly going anywhere with those men. not at all. and she -- if you look at it, she turnn like this. >> the 12 years old girl's bit county.until its deemed safe firefighters in dundalk are rememberingga fire hat cost milllons of dollars of damage back in february. now the calllthat went out was their own. joel d smith is live at fire far they have come. patrice, this is a brand new gorgeous. the roof is in full capacity. ú%at means it cannhold just about anything, unlike it was
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back in february. the two-alarm fire gutted the station and completely destroyed a brand new fire engine. let's take a look at what is was the roof even collapsed on that morning when the firefighters were tryiiggto save their own home away from home and the expensive content inside. a brand new fire engine as not saved. humvee that was here to help out with the blizzard.ú it had to move to a technical high school for he first two at the time residents and firefighters, they were all devastated. >> i don't know hat we're gging to do. of the ruined building, a couple of weeks later. service was not intumpted tt tho the area thankfully.
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the $600,000 covered the area you arr veg righ seeing right n. they have tt get a fire engine and ambulance, so hey have a way to go.3 it's only been six months and already this unit is back to full capacity. we're live at dundalk. joel d smith, fox 45 early edition. %-martin o'malley slightly ahead in the race for governor. the opinion polls show o'malley with 70% of the vote, and bob ehrlich with 41%. the poll found 45% of the voters approved of the job o'malley is doing while 39% disapprove. gregg bernstein released a television ad earlier this week and now he is turning his the radio spots ttkeeaim a the
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patricia jessamm and bernstein, in one a former witness coordinator for the state attorney's office claimed that jessamy mismanaged the program. in the second, the mother of failed to convict violent have offenders. you can get the latest on the race for governorrfrom foo 45 oo for the city state's attorney's office. just go to 2010..3 if you have al rescription medicines that you did not fiiish, there's a way to get rii of them safely. the baltimore office of the dea will host a drug take back eeent the dea will collect expired unused or unwanted medications at several locations throughout the city. the drugs will then be destroyed. unused medications can be stolen
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or abused and it's not safe to throw them in the trash or flush the maryland food bank is getting a much-needed boost a critical time. congressman elijah cummings will join represen represent ants fre to give them $2.5 million. it comes at a critical time as the shelves at the bankkare empty. food donations have dropped significannly over the ast several weekk. coming up in early decision. teens nd teeting. >> ii's right y my bed when i go to sleep and it's right by my bed when i wake-up,. the unhealthy consequences of all of those messaaes. waaing up to some clouds on this wednesday morning. it looks like peeks of sunshhne3 right now we got 69 degrees at the inner harror. you're watching
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and they're at your house. yea, i know. well... did you see that? my mom just took a bite of my kraft macaroni and cheese. just wait she'll do it again. i mean who am i because i'm not saying that i did it perfectly either, but, i don't know. mhmm. honey, eat. the crime wave continues. ♪ [ male announcer ] gooey creamy delicious kraft macaroni and cheese. ♪ you know you love it. tony pagnotti in the sky watch center. we're comiig up to 5:43, 17 before the hour of 6:00.
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winds a breeze out of the northwest at 3 miles per hour. oakland 55, hagerstown 64 down at he district 66, and salisbury 64 degrees. on he big picture all is relatively quiet. the storm system thht wenn through, a small one yesterday brought scattered showers down to the south. tooay we will be seeing the clouds, residual from the system that went through and we will be having a cloud cover hanging tough throughout the mid-morning hours right through lunchtime. then we're going to hope for brighttning skies today. if not today, we will ggt them here tomorrow. let look at future scan right now. ú%rning and that is going to be the case right through about mid-morning through the afternoon. then we are brightening of the skies perhaas. we will call it mostly cloudy to variablely cloudy skies, we're hoping to see the bottom line throuuh peeks of sunshine. ú%'s hurricane danielle.gain,
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it's 880 miles away. it could cause problems to bermuda, not here in the continental uus. but bette bett. all is quiee a especially along the eastern shore, it's a light breeze of 5-10 miles per hour. here in central maryland, 83 degrees, we're hoping again for sunshinn laterron this afternoon. and in western maryland, mostly ccoudy, even the temperatures bellw 80, we will see 79 degrees. 66 overnight low tonight here in baltimore. and boy, the state fair is rrght around tte corner. we'rr goinggto start at 81 on friday, by the end of the weekend we will be up to 90 degrees. seven-day forecast for you, too. look at the temperatures rising, nicely, a little cooler friday, but then yes, right through sunday into monday as we wind down august, mother nature is going to give us a little more
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taste of summertime. let's see if the roadways are winding up and wind be down. it's still early but things are happening out therr. the traffic edge report. here is lauren. >> reporter: thank you, tony. if you're traveling in harford county, thissmorning you want t3 wwtch out for an accident in abigton that is going to be at singer road. for those of you traveling in has cleared in glen road. the bel beltway has officially re-opened. checking in and taking a live look, will you notice cars are moving along both the northbound and soothbound lanes fine. yyu're looking at a quick 4-minute trip from the whitemarsh to the beltway. if you are traveling 695, here issa livv look at the beltway, where you can notice that things will be nice and clear. providence road and aa to the west side of the beltway, checking in and taking a live look at liberty road. no delays to tell you about. you're looking at an 11-minute ride from 795 to 95. 83 will remain ccear, checking
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in and taking a live look at shawan road. it's going to be wide open. you're looking at a 5-minute beltway.m shawan road to the that'' the traffic dge reporr. patrice, back to you. p>> ♪ ♪ ♪ the 11 best dayssof summer kickoff this friday at the maryland state fairgrounds..3 >> let me getta big hug ♪ ♪ yeah from the red neck 3 ♪ girls ike e >> gretchen wilson will be performing this friday at the maryland state fair. the show starts at 6:00 and tickets are still available..3 the fair. we will have tickets to theú show. we will be giving them away all weee. then stay tuned because next week we're giving away tickets3 to see singin!! sold out singgng
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>>these days teenagers communicate without ever saying a word. they send text messages. for some teens, thousands per month, more than 4 per hour, 24 hours a day. there's growing evidence that all of those messages may be causing medical problems. deborah joins in text addiction. >> on your mark get set go. >> reporter: how often can your average 15 years old text a single line. let's say faster than someone >> mine is not even in english. >> reporter: sarah and aprrl texting may be as important as talking. >> reporter: how many text do you send and receive every day. >> probably around 200, definitely a lot, a couple of ú%ndred. >> it varies. >> reporter: varies to thee3 tune of well over 3,000 text a month or the average teenager. the question now are teens texting too much? >> it's right by my bed when i go to sleep and it's right by my
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bed when i wake-up. itts the first thhng i go to ors 80% of the kids on cell phone and the rate of texting has skyrocketed 86% in three years. trying to reach you.omeone is >> because, if somebody is trying to text you. >> reportee: do you feel youu mood is changing depending on how often you're receiving the text? >> yes. me some examples. >> if someone responds right away, it's like, yay, they responded. if thhy respond 2 to 3 hours >> reporter: sound addictive, inssant gratification of getting pleasure center with the dopamine. >> those kids who are texting have the area of the brain light up the same as an addicttusing heroin and they will actually describe when i don't ave it, i
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feee bad, i feel anxious or i feel sad. >> reporter: it's like the new nicotine. a good description, yeah. and for many it may well be. brain doctor, makiig treats the sleeping disorders at this new jersey sleep clinic nd has discoveeed that one out of five of them are interrupting tteir sleep to text riggering problems. >> with a lack of sleep they are having a problem performing, they'reegoing from a honorrroll students to barely passing. >> reporter: that is he worst case. these teens on the other hand, get good grades and take part in aater school activities. so texting does sometimes get them in trouble. when was the last time you had your phone taken away? >> yesterday. >> reporter: today, so bbsically within the last 24 hours you had your phone taken a away from you? >> yeah. a distractton from students. >> most will tell you if it's3 from terms of discipline.
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it's at least in the top 3. >> reporttr: despite the down size, texting has become a necessary evil. >> don't answer the phone. it's not only way to get -- >> they will answer it back. >> they don't do e-mail at all. way to get ahold of them s text message. >> sometimes they will nly communicate that way. >> reporter: while the behavior can be addictive. things like sarah marc march mas she is confident she can quit cold turkey. >> once know that nothing bad is happening, i leave my phone. coming up later, planning to walk not run. consumer reports clues us in on which shoes give the best comfort ann flexibility. ú%> next, mark gave us a strong performance when th
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>>good morning, everybody. here is your first llok at sports. one thing we knew above all else headed into training. joe flacco is firmly established as the raven's quarterback. the performance by his backup has got peoppe thinkiig. joee lacco is ssfe but mark played well against thh redskins. that was against mostly backup. everyone in owings mills knowss3 who the man really is and he wears number 5, but that doesn'' mean flacco doesn't value his backup. >> marr is a great guy. we ll get along. it's beenna great time so far. he has great things so farment i try to get his point of viewwon some things. we all talk as a quarterback group. anytime anybody has something to add.
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we taae it for what it is ann we learn to see if we can learn something from it. >> the ground game was quite ú%other matter. the redskins could only manly 22 yards on theerun. raa lewis, sure does. >> theeb line is as important to me as the offensive line is for the running back. they don't get the respect and the attention they signal. these guys, who are a lot of -- the fans, you knnw the fact, and the big passes but they don't see what goes on in the trenches and those guys should be praised. i mean i praised them so much and i have seen him coming out and playing the way he is playing. this is good, saying -- >> and while ray is raving, there's still a major piece of the puzzle not yet on the fieldú sergio kendall, the first of the draft piece. on monday we told you would be in town late last week for a
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%-kin dale ikendall is head of m the head sculpture. if cleared by a neurologist, nexx week, kendall will sign a contract, that means he will be on the hysically able to perform list. harbaugh says that noo is a -iven. kendall has even begun working out on his own. more good news ffom the injury3 front. it appears that the gaither won't require surgery on his -njured back. the treatment option is rest and rehab rather than surgery. he will not rush the process. he has not practiced since august 5th. and the source of the injuuy was not revealeddunnil he met with back speciaaist 7 daysslater. i'm buse bruce ccnningham. fox 45 orning news. making changes on the baltimore city sshool system, ú%w ceo andres alonzo is
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responding to reports of unprecedented principal turnú over. you caa buy anything at craig's list from compuuers to cars on sex. i'm megan gilliland. how lawmakers are hoping to change that. rough in february in dundalk and the roof collapsed. now they have made know the stain. after an alpaca? i have. it was awesome. ♪ call 1-800-steemer
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