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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  August 26, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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w on fox 45 early edition. >> my support and solidarity with people here in the community. remembering an innocent victim. how a community rallied forú change in memory of stephen pitcairn. in most states when they say just 85% offyour violent offenders out on the street. the loopholes that cuttdown on the time served for career criminals. tempees flare attcity hhll. the decision that caused this outburst. >> shame on all of you. good morning.
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it's thursday, august 26th. once again it is a cool start to the morning, but things could hopefully warm up. good morning, i'm patrice harris. meteorologist steve fertig is here to tell us. we have been cool all week. you have beee away on vacation. -e have been here cool, but you3 came back just in time for sunshine. >> i feel very well rested. the more you get to sleep. this morning when you wake-up it's going to be cool at ssmeplaces. not too bad. 71 degrees in baltimore right now. 71 in d.c. and 67 in hagerstown. we wwll climb intoothe low to mid-80s today. a couple offlight showers toothe western state that are dissipate ago as the high pressure builds. that high pressure is going to bring us a nice and you can see the line of showers dissipating as it moves into west virginia.3 today a nice day a little breezy at times with a northwess wind at 5-10 miles per hour.
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ú% will take a look at the weekend forecast what it will shape up for hh maryland fair in just a bit. right now we are oing to cheek on the roads with lauren cooke. >> rrporter:: we have an of route 295 at interstate 195, and we are dealing which shooting in west baltimore it just happened and it's shutting down connecticut avenue at deaner place. you want to uue frederick avenue as an alternate route. if you're traveling on corridor of 95, there's no problems to tell you about. this is going to be liberty road. this area of the beltway is going to be nice and cleaa as well. yoo're looking at an 11 minute ride along those routes. from whitemarsh boulevard to the beltway 4-minute ride with an average speed of bower miles per hour. from the harbor toll to 95, you are looking t an average speed
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of 53 miles per our. patrice, back to you. thank you, lauren. fox 45 early edition, 14-year-old is charged as an adult following a double shooting that left one man dead. police say on august 13th, artissia holtz tried to rob two mee. sse opened fire at them because young. one of the men was hurt and another one died a week after the incident for a single gunshot wound to the head. now family members are coming to her aid saying that she had an unstabbe home life. >> she shouldn't have to do nothing but be a child. >> she is facing charges including first-degree murder anddattempted murder. she is being held without bond. a 19 years old man has een charged as an accessory. altimore county police are searching for a suspect in a home invasion in windsor mills.3 officers are looking for levar
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people brokk into a home on west ridge road last week. after getting inside the ssspects asked the man there for his money and guns before assaulting him. richards is a registered sex offenders, police believe that he may have several guns and a stolen hand grenade during that robbery. four other suspects have been arrested. authorities arrested a man that ggabbed the genitals of an undercover police officer. he has been charged with assault and sex offense in the incident. investigators say bowers approached the ooficer nearr scenic overlook and then assaulted hii. a court hearing is scheduled for october. a shht is fired at a republican party campaign office police say a bullettshattered the front door of the office early yesterday morning. an investigation revealed that nothing was taken from the building which is located off of route 13, and no other
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businesses in the complex was targeted. no one was hurt. the workers are still a bbt shaken. a suspecttd drug kingpin who has long eluded baltimore police is now facing a federal %-blaccwell junior charged ith running a heroin ring in east baltimore that stretched from new york to dominican republic.3 blackwell was the intended target of a shhoting at a cook out thaa hurt 12 people. he has a long record of violence including attempted murder charges as a juvenile and adult. the police officer who went viral oo youtube for yelling at a skateboarder at the inner harbor is out of a job this morning. >> sit down. >> last month a police channel cleared officer sal hav salvatoe riviere from the incident and said that he should be suspended
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for not filing a report but the commissiiner bealefeld fired him. the commission cclled his decision unfair and will appeal. bed bugs may be invading the marriott hotel is looking into a possibility after a guest says he has the bites to prove it. he is visiting froo michigan and says e woke uppitching and had swelling on his back. he had to go to the hospital o have the bites treated. it's not a problem he would exxect at a 5 star hotel. >> i feel cheated. and i look out of my window, beautiful waterfront, bad bed to sleep in? >> hotel management told us we take complaints liie these very seriously.3 -e immediately moved the guest to another room and quarantined the room. they sedan initial check ouud no evidence of aay kind of
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infesstation. they haveehad other complaints. the hotel has called inna pest control team o investigate the problem. -p a community comes together to fight back. charles villagg held a canned allighcandlelight viiil last nir of stephen pitcairn. -egan is there to tell us morr about. ú% reporter: this is the same place whhre stephen pitcairn wa3 murdered. it's been one month since. the blood stains n the sidewalk can barely be seen but his name lives on through the memoriil and the neiigbors here. last night they came together to remember him and to remember what happened. pitcairn i was research assistant at hospital kins. hop. he was mobbed and stabbed. lateny friends came together and
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prayed and vowwd to take back their streets. even residents from other areas came in support. >> i wanted to be a part of this. just to be here and show my support and solidarity with people here in the community who %-neighborhood back and want to make this a better place. >> reporter: not long after pitcairn died, police aested ard two suspects. they were want at the time of his death is why people were out here ast night and why so many people across the city refuse to give up and refuse to give in to crime. aafight far from over. megan gilliland. fox 45 early edition. former governor bob ehrlich is promising no tax or fee increases if he is elected governor again.
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ehrlich is proposing a 1% cut to the staae's sales tax, but he is %-budget proposals would addresa deficit of $1 billion. that will come later in the fiscal year. >> overnor o'malley does not iittnd to raise taxes if reelected but has not made a campaign promise if that he won't. they missed a big deadline. now here's concern whether all the votes will be counted. overseas ballots be sent out 45 there's only 48 days between maryland's primary and the general election. state officials say three days is not enough time to process ann print a new ballot. they're requesting a waiver fro3 the federal government, but some candidates worry overseas voters won't beecounted. p> the millitary though, is -- if 45 days is pretty reasonable,
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that's what congress thought, anyway. >> it puts a time constrainnton us and be very challenging. i can't recall an eleccion where theeresults were certifiee within 48 hours of he last vote being cast. >> the primary eleccion is seppember 14th. upcoming elections on fox 45. just go to 2010. baltimore streets will soon be guided with 75 more parking meter. thee approved spending more than $500,,00 on the additional machines which will replace the old stannard coin meters. the easy meters accepttkoints or credit cards and printout receipttto pu expiration card tt on the dashboard. it will allow for 10% more parking space.
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the 11 best days of summer aae about to get underway at the maryland state fair. this year it will have the feel of a major a musementtpark. for the first time the fair is ú%inging in a ffll size roller coaster. it's called the riptide. crews are in the process of putting together morr than 1,000 feet of track. >> i tell you what, thii fair is like coming home to me. are great to my ffmily and to me. it's something that we wanted to present at ferret so the at the. so this is an extra fee that ii a wild factor. %-and it's 500feet high at thely tallest point. fox 45 is the media sponsor of the maryland state fair. it starts tomorrow and runs through september 6th. ride manna is tonight.
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♪ ♪ let me get a big yeah from the red neck girls like me ♪ ♪ yo, yeah >> gretchen wilson will be performing tomorrow at the fair. that show starts at 6:00. brett michaels will aaso be performing. his show is wednesday, september first at 7:00 and tickets are still available for both of we also have tickets to each concerr and we wwll be giving them away each week so stay tuned for your chance to win. ♪ ♪ don't llt us talk of love >> and one of the biggest attraction at this year's fair will be a concert by justin bieber..3 he will be performing live on sunday september 5th. that show is sold out, but you can win tickets from us aal next week right here on fox 45
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morning news. coming up on the early edition, the former owner of the senator theater ets fired up at a city meeting. >> this is a floor -- folks. >> trust me. >> what got him so upset..3 and cold front brings pleasant weather our day for the weekend. iilet you know ow hot
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pretty nice out there over the streets of baltimore. 5:15 is the time. welcome back to fox 45 early edition. we need to get a check of our forecast. meteorologist steve fertig is here with cool temperrtures right now, steve. yeah, notttoo bad. patrice. it's going to be nice his weekend ann much cleaner, drier air is going to be moving in. cooler. know about cleaner but a wom!! calm wind 79% humidity w point at 64.
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ttat's a comfortable placeeto be. 79 is the comfortable place in balt. hagerstown. we have sky hd radar, not a -hole lot going on here. bigger picture shows that we have light shhwers in the western most part of the state. there could be a couple of flights a little piece of energy showers there but generally it's fallinn apart to the south out of our way. we are lloking forward tooa decent day. ú%tween the low high departing pressure center. when you have the low and high you get the winds to pick up. that's what we're talking about for the rest of the weekend. take a look at tropics, a liitle bit active as we take a look at danielle nd behind that earl that we're keeping an eye on. we are checking out earl. earl is trrpical storm but danielle is closerment as it sits spinning 104-mile-an-hour
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winds with gusts up to 127 mmles per hour well off the eastern ssaboard. it should take a turn toward the north before it makes u.s. coast lines. that's good news, although ú%rmuda right there. see that, i don't know if you can see it even. it will be close to thereby sunday morning as it makes its way past. as you can see it tracks away from the united states. we will keep an eye on it for us, but it doesn't look to be a huge threet for theeouts uus. mainland. a passing shhwer late tonight as the front pushes through. everybody else stays dry, look at the central part of the state, mix of sun and clouds, 85 degrees for the high temperature. back to the west looking at a high temperature of 83 degrres. coooer but a mix of sun and clouds. a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind could gust higher there as well. ú%ear night tonight and if you're heaaed to the state fair this weekend, lots of shine, the tempeeatures range from 82 to 92 starting at 82 on friday and mid-80s on saturday and 90s
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on sunday. it warms up each day. for today. tomorrow a comfortable day, 82, loos of sunshine, enough sunshine for you.3 90 on sunday, 92 on monday, and 90 on tuesday with a ostlyú clear sky on wednesday andda high of 88. it looks pretty good. we will see how the roadways are looking. are they looking pretty good? ú%uren cooke haa the ansser and the traffic edge. lauren. >> reporter: thank you, steve. they're certainly not as clear as your forecast. with several we have a crash at arundel mills boulevard and another accident fortunately many of the other main lines are looking nice and a high 59 miles per hour on the beltway at liberty road checking and taking a live look, you will notice cars are moving along just fine. if you're using the beltway in the parkville area, we'ree3 dealing with high speeds. we're look ago at an 8-minute ride. if you're traveling in bhoorlt city, you want to be aware that
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a ssooting has shutdown %-to use connecticut avenue as n alternate route. ww are dealing with a barn fire in monkton that has shutdown shepperd road between share and girded road. you want to stick with ierce roaddas an alternate route.3 we have an accident at jarrrttsville road at anderson road. that's the traffic edde report. patrice, back to you. thank you, lauren. still ahead, it's likeea roller coaster ride when it comes to the housing market. the ups and downs experts aree3 singing. this is a floor -- we could comment. >> and the senator theater changing hands. why the former
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>>a fiery debate at a city meeting. cameras were rolling as the former owner of the senator theater lost his cool at yesterday's board of estimates meeting. jeff able was there for the drama. >> may i speak o the issue. >> we're not going to do that. >> reporter: at the city's %-former owner offbaltimore'she historic senator theater lost his cool.
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>> you are out of order, please. >> this is out of order. this ii, this is out of order. this is a floor -- >> make your comment madam mayor. >> reporter: but tom keith fafarber wasn't done speaking hs mind. >> we follow the individual's prehistoric of threaters. >> reporrer: the former owner at the senator theater was at the city protesting theecity's decisioo to lease the theater for a dollarra year for the next 40 years. tte city's proposal passed prompting one final ootbbrst from keith farber. >> a lost things haven't been done. today was a sham and a shameful and bite the taxpayers.come back >> i wish that he could have conducted himself a little better. i know it's motional, but it
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doesn't warrant that type of behavior. >> reporter: thh theater had been losing money for years before the city bought it for almost a million dollars to prevent it from going into foreelosure. old senator theater and renovate with a help of tax credits, grants and a loan from the city. >> it's an excellent deal. we have a reputable owner that has a reputation not to just for being a theater owner who can suutain his business. >> it's essentially a stealth move aa the end of august while people were out of town, because it's a controversial ddal. the new wnerr, the cusaks plan on renovating the theater to include another screen and two restaurants. coming up later on the early edition, baltimore is changing its tune.
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sales of new homes hits an all low. google's phone home and the dow goes on a roller coaster ride ashley webster has the wall street wrap. >> reporter: housing tanking new home sales falling by more than 12% last month plunging to the lowest level on record. but brothers colossian the -- closing the luxury profit. it's expecting high profiis and more orders for the rest of the -ear. mortgage applications rising by 5% as people take advantage of
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record low interest rates. a wild day on wall street, the dow rising 19 points. it spent most of the day below 10,000 before an afternoon rally. more people are paying their credit card balances on time. and google getting into the phone business. the search ngine unveiling a service allowing ppople to make phone calls using the g mail accounts on their computer. that is business, i'm ashley webster. coming up a coupleeof robbed in broad daylight. theesuspect police are urging roland park rrsidents to look out for. it's been one month it's not back-to-school, it's forward to what's next
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with an hp netbook, samsung reality or lg cosmos for under $20 after rebate.
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welcome back to fox 45 earll edition, 5:29 is the time. people are starring tooget up and out. we see a few cars out on the roadways. a lot of people would still be asleep. good morning, i'm patrice harris. meteorologist steve ferrig is one of those people. it's hard coming ba


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