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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  September 6, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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5:29 is the time. on this labor day monday morning. gooo morning, i'm patrice harris. a lot of people off work today and ready to celebrate and just enjoy the day. mmeteorologist steve fertig is here to join us. not too earll with the raven's countdown. >> we're already thinking about the avens, jet game. nnver too early to start ú%lking about fall, and cool start for ome this morninn. 53 degrees at hagerstown but 66 innbaltimoreeis not too bad. we will see the temperatures climb nicelyytoday into the low 80s and as yyu can see sky hd radar not revealing anything but clear skies, and looking good. the bigger picture is showing showers up in the midwest that issarr going to steer to the north and east of us.
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78 degrees t midday temperature starting at 57. we will liib at the 84-degree mark at 4 or 5:00 in the afternoonnevening and drrp back %-we havv weather for you as far as the baltimore orioles forecast, too, coming up in just a little bii. right now let's senn it back to you. patrice. 5:31 on fox 45 early edition. -he u.s. department of labor secretary makes a special visit to our region, visiting hard working americans in howard county this labor day weeeend. megan gilliland has the latest on what she had to say about the state of economy. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, paarice. onnthe weekend, the u.s. garment of labor of secretary is visiting ssme of the hardestú working men and wommn in america. the secretary met with firefighters at the baniker fire station in howard county where the nemployment rate now stands at a loo, 5.7%. acrrss the country, though it i3 much hiiger. the latest figures show 9.6 of
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americans are without jobs. while the numbers are grim, she says the economy is moving barred, but on fox news sunday, republican senator john mccain failld and you can argue about jobs created, jobs, the fact is when they pssed he stimulus package, they said unemployment would be a maximum of 8%. it's now 9.6%. enough said. >> as not issse congress and the senate will focus on yet again when they return from the labor meantime the contrary and secred president obama will continue talks meetinn today in milwaukee toospeak to orkers there. megan gilliland, fox 45 early edition. baltimore city police are an early morning officers say a man walked into a hospital around 3:30 this morning suffering from a baltimore wound. they say the shooting occurred at south payson and holland street in southwess baltimore.
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there's no worr on the victim's condiiion or a uspect. a 15 yearssold boy is rushed to the hospital after being shot in the face, it happeeed in west baltimore near pennsylvania and fultoo's avenue llst night. according toopolice the teenager is in stable condition, and is expected to recover. another shooting this weekend leaves ne man dead, he was shot in the head friday night near baker and north mmnroe streees. he died at shock trauma. the latest homicide brings baltimore's total to 147 so faa this year..33 that is two less than at this ttme last year. anne arundel countt police make an arrest in the deadly shooting in brooklyn park. last month the man was shottto%. now poliie are charging 17 years old markus mcfadden with murder. afterrmonths of controversy and a nationwide campaign for lawmmkers in several states,
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craig's list has removed as adult services category. theesection on the poplar free %-soliciting prostitutton and child sex trafficking. it was ne until several states including maryland began demanding that craig's list coopeeate. if you go on the website you can no longer click on he adult servicee section, but for some critics, it's not a complete victory. almost as soon as they took down the category, keptickics began looking for pen ads to pop up on other sections of the ite and thee have. >> customers that are willing to purchase the services and benefit from the exploitation of people who are ulnerable, ther3 are going to be people who are going to unfortunately make a lot of money off of that. and they're just going to find other means to advertise. >now police will need to monitor even more sections of the site but they are hoping craig's llst and users of the
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site willlmake it their duty to help by reporting illegal ads. a fisherman in maryland made a catch ta yo that you have to o believe. he mde a catch and bull shark. and confidence caught near a place wwere children swim.ú and as julie rrports, the man >> reporter: after more thaan3 30 years of commerrial fishing this was a first. [ llughtee ] >> reporter: dean and several other men wrestled this 8-foot 1 inch bull shark into the 22-foot skip. they were in the potomac river, near point legal state park. >> i seen this out there. i said it's big. i donn' know what it is, what kind, but it's big. >> reporter: bull harks aren't bothered by freshwater and can travel far inland. they swim in ssallow water. this one turned up about a half a mile from shore.
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>> oh my gosh! my granddaughter was swimming >> this is one of tte four most aggresssve shaaks oo the east coast. this is the one that attacks people. >> reporter: what is even more remarkable an even larger bull shark, this one 8-foot north of here on the same day. the lasttbull shark caught around here was in the mid 19 70s. the families celebrating thhe3 long weekeed aren't changing3 their plans because of the shark. >> will the kids swim? >> we hope. >> reporter: the plans to get theehead mounted and ssmples of shark meat. >> this is probably a once-in-a-lifetimeething. ♪ ♪ ♪ bieber fever has now been
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replacee by bieber hangovers. the canadian singing sensation concert was last night and we3 can only hope that the maryland %-of tte screaming aad cheering. joel d smith is live with more on the show and what s still to come on this last day of the fair. a lot of screaming teenie bobbers are in bed recovering. >> reporter: with no voices. they sold that place out in seconds. last night was he actual payoff. they had a great time, but even when they were in line aiting for hours, they were screaming and singingg take a look. >> baby, ♪ ♪ baby ♪7baby ♪ i ♪. >> reporter: that is one of justin bieber's big songs. if you're waiting in line, 8 or -0 hhurs ooernight. they entered at 5:00 p.m. and sang and screamed the night away..3 90 minutes on the stage for justin bieber. he did have to stop as people ú%re throwing things near the
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stage and had tt back off. thhy had a greet ttme. for more, we were here with eleanor, with 4h, you think anything but robots. this? -p>> 4h is about cooperation, tm work and tractors, ven. if you think about itt if you ooen up up a tractor it's for ú% reporrer: let's show off3 you have had competitions with some of these stuff, too. >> e compete all over maryland ann virrinia. the last few years we made the world chhmpiooship where we competed againss teams from china, japan and all over the world..3 >> reporter: very cool. %-yours.are going to come after these are not combative ones. what are yyu trying to show here with this robot. >> we're showing this year's ú%mpetition, game called round off. you ppck up the doughnuts and put it on the hole. >> reporter: we were messing with thissone, patrice. how mmch pride do you take in, in maybe the new 4h going
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forward with more rointo ticks s and hangiig oot with the cow. you can show kids that you can help out with math and science. i i'm excited to move forward witt 4h. >> reporter: i'm going to try tt attack with my robot. i'mmreelly good at the spinning and not so much the grabbing here, patrice. >> keep ork at it, joel. it.p working at it, you will get that is something fun that people examine can comeeout aad participate in. thhre's so much ore to do the last day of the fair. >> reporter: des so many bieber signs here, stilll i guess people can pick up the scrapssif they want more souvenirr, as well. >> that's the crazy, the bieber fever is still. joee, she is doing much better than you aae. that is yours, not hers, right. >> reporter: that i'm going to attack her for doing that.ú coming up on the early edition, the heattd debate over
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mosquessin thhs couutry. we have been your doctoo and x-ray tech. we have been serring you for a long time. so whaa -- >> what is fanning the flames and what is being done to keep kind of joel, can't beater. 84 degrees, nice day at the
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maybe not tooay, buttthey're back for the school year, and you know what that meanss weather kid wednesday is back in session. if yoo would ike your kid to be a part our weather kid wednesday program, just have a teacher, counselor send their nomination to our station..3 2,000 west 41st stteet, 21211. or go to our web station t ú it was a chilly start to the morning. almost immediated neededda jac. >> warm days and cool nights. dry conditions there indicated at the radar and othhrwise down
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at the inner harbbr, 56 degrees, partly cloudy skies being reported northeast winds 5 miles -he winds will shift to the southeast later today and eventual will he we will get some warmer temperatures in here, actually for this week. 50% relatiie hummdity, and the dew point, that number indicates very dry and alloos the temperatures to drop from thee3 outlying areas, cooler than 53 at d.c., and hagersttwn down in oakland, 52 degrees there. again we''e looking at the temperaturrs later, but the dew drop overnight to 57 degrees in baltimore, 49 in d.c. and 50 in salisbury. not going to aalow the these are dew pointttemppratures not actual temperatures. the high pressure sitting over us is goong to bbing us plenty of sunshine, and eventually the high slides off further east. we will get warmer air moving in around that with plenty of sunshine around the next few
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days,,and let's try something else. how about -- it doesn't want to leave, that is good. because we want the sunshine to stick around. i thought i could et it change, the warm air from the southh long as we can. a southerly flow is going to bring us warmer teeperatures for a couple of day. eventually the front pushes through and will cool us for a couple of eeks that is fermin, down at the gulf, the low pressure center, that is moves inland and diminishes ind we will keep our eye onngaston which is out to the east of us, in the east of antillee islands and it should make ts way around the aatilles, nd right now it's a tropical depression. it may weakee in strength an %-withouttstronger winds aloft i does look like it's conducive for redevelopment. it's far off to the east that we are not took tto concerned at3 this point. 82 degrees for the easttrn ssooe -s for today's high tempeeature,
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clean sunshine, and nortteast winds at 5-10 miles per hour. the central part of the state plentt of sun. theewestern part of maryland ggtting up to 82 degrees..3 and seeing a couple of days in the 70s out there. %-temperature for he fist pitch for the orioles and yankees. -f you go there, it's should be a great place to be. sunny skies and mainly clear tomorrow, gettiig up to 86 degrees, a little warmer then and then the fronttcomes through, may be a few degrees warmer than this. it takes more time to get in herr, it's not, if it speeds up -nddthen cools down a little this will e an iffy daa and a chanceefor a light shower to pass through. 80 degrees for thursday, plenty of sunshine, 80 on sunday and a beeter chance of showers ttat day with 86 degrees with mostly sunny skies on your sunday..3 ú%at's a complete look at the weather, patrice, back to you. still ahead, one day after
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cutting smithh the ravees bring if another quarterback. find out who they signed coming up in ssorts. have you to stop the rhetoric. it'sshurting america's sscurity. ú%>and the debate ver a insurin 3
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mosques in this country are proposed mere ground zero. many muslims believe it's nothing more han islam phobia. >> the islamic center and mosque to be built near ground zero is not the only mosque drawing fire. about a dozen others across the country are also under attack. from angry protests, and suspectee arsoo in tennessee. >> do you forget 9/11 so fast. >> to testimon!! testimon temec. >> it's open season on muslims. resissed the uuge on building muslims since inform 11 9/11.
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>> john ease po esposito. >> people feel threaten by the eccnomyyand the risk is that new form of discriminntion, like antisemiiism, like racism toward -lacks. >> reporter: conservatively, figures show estimaaed 5 million muslims in america. intensifying hostility and rise in haae speech is alarming to ú%ny, like these clerics we met in a recent isllmic summit inú houston. >> you think that another christian could open up a mosquee.3 you think that jewish could open a mosque anywhere they want. do ou think that muslims should be allowed to open mosques anywhere they want. >> what seems to change. how did that happen? because we have been yyur
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doctor, your x-ray tech in howson. we have been -- towson, what tipped the sccles. >> reporter: other prominent american clerics say american muslims are under siege, both by islamic extremists and some u.s. >> you have radical islamic clerics, preaching from bove you cannot an american and a muslii at the same time. on the right side you have famous islam a wwo ar fobs fobse saying the same thing. >> reporter: it has fueled the debate by fear mongering. last year this youtube video has been viewed more than 8 million times. >>the world is changing. it's time to wake-up. >> reporter: islam has become a political wedged issue with
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comparing muslims to nnzises. >> nazis ddn't have a right to put up a sign next to thee3 holocaust museum in washington. the duke university finds rather thannfueling terrorism in america, cootrary mosquee prevent it. experts and american muslims fear there's a lot at stake. you have to stop this rhetoric, it's hurting americaa security. >> because it's creating hatred. >> it's creating loo of hatred. experts believe that what happeeed after 9/11 will repeat itself. several mosques have been targeted for violence. seeurityyvideos capturing an attempted pipp bombing in florida. in new york a cabdriver stabbed after being askeddif he was
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muslim. >> what is counted as islam a phobia, the catholics had it, the italians had it, now it'ss3 the time of the muslim. >> how long it will take to countee is anyone's guess. coming up later, geeting a second chance on dvd. >> would you say that worked through the blah-blah-blah, and they gave me a license to blah. >> the film that is looking to have somm success in stores. but next the ravened redoes thei this droid has evolved to do even more.
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now it integrates your work e-mail, so you can be hooked up to everything you need to do. now it does 1 ghz speed on a more intuitive keyboard. turning you into an instrument of efficiency.
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introducing the new droid 2 by motorola. part of the next generation of does. ♪ ♪ ♪ j-e-l-l-o ♪ j-e-l-l-o ♪ j-e-l-l-o ♪ j-e-l-l-o ♪ j-e-l-l-o ♪ j-e-l-l-o [ child giggles ] good morning, everyone. first llok at sports. job harbaugh has the bee, the 5. the rrvens are ready to begin the season.
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they got down to the roster this weekend and stocked their as well. here is a look at the nottble players that were cut over weeeend. graham lost his battle. and after making the cut on saturday, prince miller was raaed jes yesterday as the raves signed ryan mchahn. they areeonly going with twoú quarter backs, leeving troy they got a 3rd quarterback, hunter, was placed on the practice squad. he spent last season with carolina and was cut onú saturday. he camm through just under his senior year in louisville. justin harper and brian madison and running back curtis sttel.
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and the tackle devon tyler. prince miller who was cut yesterday could be added if he clears waivers..3ú ú%am in a back and forth nail biter. cal ripken was on hand to throw out the first pitch. we will bring the by anniversary of the ty lou gehric's. and matt choice thinks he has a play on it. he keeps going on to the flag court. patterson gives the birds a 4-1 lead. in the 6th, evon longoriaa crusses to the center. does he have itt no. hh just, just misses it. the home run, passed. longgria aa2-run shot. later in the 6th, that mall
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way out of here and up to 14, the number 2-run. josh belle at the plaa with 21. he ground it up the middle. craig and trucking up the core for seeonn. he tumbles into the place to tie the game at 5. next, batter ryan, he took the team acc be but he can't make 3 play on it. he had to wait to see who was caught. gary allison and he drives in safely before the ball goes in. they take the lead. 6-5. on the next pitch, nick markakis, takes it back to the fox. josh is bell, he comes up of thh goal, he goes standing up and beats the throw. he would have been blocked by the catcher if he tried to slide. orioles with a 7-5 lead. top of the 9th, orihara to
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close in theegame. the first man he faces. later with two outs. longoria can'ttcatch up to the asphalt in thh game. cogi passes the 3 game as the birds take in tte ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] mcdonald's new chicken flatbreads. all out awesome combinations of juicy, grilled chicken topped with roasted garlic aioli and a natural four-cheese blend. mcdonald's chicken flatbreads. the simple joy of new discoveries. ♪
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