tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX September 7, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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ú%> i actually got an emergency alert on my cell phone. a text at college park, what students are being told to do to stay safe. today maryland is in trouble, but we're worse off than we were four years ago. just a week before the primary election, how the former governor hits the air waves. how the o'malley cammpign is reaccing. a reetal property with a bi3 price tag. how much the city has been paying every month for the last 30 years. good morning. it's tuesday, september 7th. you're taking a live look over theeinner harbor. good morning, i'm patrice
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harris. ú%sterday was a beautiful day. i hope you enjoyed your labbrú day. continued do yesterday, a lot of people gottout and haa picnics and cookouts to celebrate the day off. and let's see what he i we haven store. meteorologist steve fertig is here. good morning, aalittle about the ooe humid and more summer-like as we get toward thh end of summer with only two weeks left and a day. 69 degrees the temperature right now. not a bad start this morning, temperature wise, 70 in d.c. 61 in salisbury and 70 in hagerstown. clear ssies is what we're going to enjoy aaain withhthe sunshining brightly with the showers staying to the north an3 out of our way. checking tt 88 deggees for the high, it will be a warm day with a southwest wind at 10 miles per -fternoon. we will tall about what to expect for the rest of the week
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in a few minutes. heee is lauren ccoke. good morning, lauren. >> reporter: ggod morning, city. we do have trouble in northwest baltimore, a i houue ffre has shutdown hiil avveue. you want to stick with glen oak avenue as an alternate route. our main lines are looking clear as we take a look at the west side at liberty road. not too many cars are out there, but those that are, are moving just fiie. if you're traveling on thh outer loop you're looking at a 7-minute ride. at 55 miles per hour. all is clear, from the tunnels, an 8 minute ride with an average speed of 54 miles per hour, and you're looking at an average speed of 53 miles per hour. that's a look t the traffic edge report. -atrice, back to ou. we are followiin breaking news out of northhest baltimore in morning. you're taking a live look at the scenee f a two-alarm fire that
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displaced five people along liberty hilts avenue. heights avenue, a vacant home went up in flames shortly before 4:00 this morning, but the fire spread to both sides on either side of he builting. firefighters evacuated a home and the other house was a nursing home. firefighters evacuated four members there and the fire has been put out. a university crime a let for the university of maayland. seeeral students there are been attacked and robbed near campps. latest on the recent scare. %->> reporter: good morning,3 patrice, the students are on high aleet. the latest happened ttis past weekend. ed is a studenttwas walking along wick road when a group of four suspects attacked him. he was beaten and then robbed.
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>> it's frustrated because you would think why would somebody attack a student. i mean they, don't have a lot of mean. >> it'' scary. it couud easily have been us. attaccs in recent weeks. on august 27, three students getting into a car at the collarrion parking lot and three of the university clubú apartments. two of those students were able to run away, but the 3rd wass3 assaulted, grabbed and robbed. still there's no suspects. megan gilliland. fox 45 early edition. it happened last night near3 lafat yela fayette street. three men were shot and tookk3 themsslves to the hospital. right.. expected to be all
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it happeneddyesterday at a about 8:00 in the morning at the king's poiit square shopping centtr at randallstown. police were called to the shopping center after a call to 911 about a man acting erratically in theeparking lott when officers arrived and tried to get out of car, police say theeman attacked them. oneeof the officers used the car door to shield himself from the suspect but the man still kept coming reaching for the officer's gun. that is when the other officer openee fire. the suspect immediately approached the officer and %-there eventually was a strugg3 over the officer's weapon. with time a second officer pulled up to the scene, obseeved what was going on and shot the suspect ii the chest. >> the suspect was taken to shock trauma in critical but stable condition. a mmn wanted in connection with a homeeinvasion in this morning.nty is in custody ú%yesterday in northwestch
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baltimore. police say he broke into a milford mill homeelast month and four other people connected to the crime have also been arrested. olice are investigating a string of vandallsm targeting a candiddte for baltimore county couucil. police say someone cut holes in the middle of 10 political signs for sherri becker. becker is one of the 6 candddates running for an open seat in district 2. %-pikesville area yesterdayhe morning. becker says that each of thoss signs cost $650. signs belonging tooanother candidate also were damaged. the democratic candidatee baltimore county executive are attention through the mediaaand those ads don't come cheap. the most recent campaign finance report show kevin k camnents has
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spent 4 times more money. barton felder out spent camnents on brochures. his total comes too$500,000. whereas the op nent has placed the epublican candidate is running unopposed. stay tuned for fox 45 morning news for continuing coverage of thii story. we will talk to a political analysts about the biggest raaes that are going on. we will have a candidate to talk about his cal pain. ttat is coming up in the 7:00 hour. marylanders who want to vote byyabsentee ballot only with a few hours left to request their %-they must receive a sign and request for applicction today.
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anyone ho wants to go through fax or e-mail has until 11:59 this evening. after today, people will have to request must be madeein perron. you can get all the latest information on next week's primaay and the november elections from fox 5. go to and click %-labor day in wisconsint the announcing a plan that will get the people back to wwrk. the president is banking on a lonn-term spending program to improve america's infrastructure. >> reporter: president obama laid out his plan to stimulate the economy by pumpinn money to the roads, and rail ways. >> i want america to have the best infrastructure. >> reporter: the plan will call for rebuilding $150,000 of
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roads, construcc or maintain 4,000 miles of rails across the country and reha rehabilitate or construct 150 miles of runway. >> we want to set up an infra structure rail bank that focus %-we are going to continue our strategy to build a rail that reduces ongestion and travel time and reduces harmful eeission. >> reporter: the prooosal will require approval from congress which is likely uncertain becauss of the congressmen worried about adding to the eficit that is sky high. ú%%-the prrgram would ot create jobs until sometime next year. seeator john mccain talked about his former adversary handling of the economy on fox news sunday. >> the economic policies have failed. you can argue about jobs created, and jobs saved, the fact is when they passed the stimulus package, they said
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unemployment would be a maximum of 8%, it's now 9.6%. -> reporter: a senior white house says they would consider on oil, to pay the proposal.ks ravens running back ray rice is teaminggup with the mayor and the ealth commissioner to get baltimore moving. they are coming tooether to kickoff the ciiywide health iiitiative called the healthy city ay's campaign. citizens will be encouraged to make good llfestyle choices and will be able to take advantage of free screenings, demonstrations during the 5 day event. the ultimate goal to to motivate often and know their health related numbbrs. ♪ ♪ the 11 best days of summer have officially come to a close. the 129 marylann state fair
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wrapped up lass night. it was the last chance to enjoy the rides, food and shows at the fairgrounds in timonium. %-this man, bob tourly..3for he has worked the at state fair sense 1946. he keeps coming back because itts in his bbood. >> the ttadition my father -orked in tte horse show department here. high son has worked in the show horse department here. the state fair is just a part of our lives. >> he does say he hopes to be able to help out in a few more fares in the future. when t comes to news in your neighborhoodd see, it shoot it, send it, up load your photos and videos to our website..3 just click on the see it, shoot it, send it, icon. cell phone to pick pics at p>> bob ehrlich released his first t.v. ad in the race for
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5:14 on fox 45 early %-a cool start as to the morning but how long will it stay that way? ú%teorologist sttve fertig iss3 ú%re. how long it lastt not long, ww taae a look at the hd radar and a beautiful day as we taae a will be at what we havv in terms offtemperatures around the aree. partly cloudy skies, winds are ú%lm, and 85% the barometer and now it's falling. 54 is the dew point number, and %-next couple of days as we gete moreemoisture.rly flow bringing 70 degrees down in d.c. in salisbury, 61, cooler theee,3 and sketc 67 in hagerssoon. %-i to the east as
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ú% are bringing more sunshine, the high pressure will nd the southwesterly flow brings us %-climb into the upper see showers back to the west, watch as they dissipate as they move into the drier aar. the cooler, and drier conditions get as we get into wednesday. we will see the winds pick up a little more so but more so -omorrow. light shower in spots later tonight in probably the northern ooherwise thattwould be remnants of hermin, it will be pushing moisture our way as it sets the stage for late week showers. as you look at what is happenin3 with hermin62 miles per hour,ú gusting to 69 miles per hour and it's going to move further toward the north aad west before it brings some of this moisture to the north and east. the reenants of that will set up the chance for some raii as we
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get toward the weekend, toward saturday into sunday, maybe. depression gaston out o the %-south and eest but near thehe antilles islands. you can see it's got 29-mile-an-hour winds. really not a strong system right now but it could strengthen little bit. for the eastern shore, 86 degrees, lots of sunshine, with a 10-15-mile-an-hour wind. a little breezy for afteenoon3 state, too where we get up to 58 degrees with a lot of un and the estern part of maryland. also enjoying a lot of sunshine with temperatures climbing to 88 deggees, southwest winds a little bit less as strong will at 5-10 miles per hour. for ttday, move up to 38 degrees ú% noonn it's a warm up quickly, and 88 at 4:00 this afternoon. then tonight, 68 degrees, a little bit more clluud move in. we starr off ith clear skies and cloudy overnight. there coold be isolated showers or evenna thunderstorm in the south winds at 5-15.
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as we move through the rest of the week we cool into the upppr 70s for thursday and friday. very comfortable, 81 on saturday, dry conditions for most part and then we will tall about the chance for some ú%owers on sunday with a high of 84 degrees. it could be as early as late a better chance, 83 and mostly sunny for your monday. now for a ook at what is happening on the roadways. here is lauren cookeewho has the track edge. lauren. >> rrporter: thank you, steve. if ou are traveling in howard county you want to watch out for a house fire, sticc with cedar lane or hick or ridge road as alternate route. we are deallng with another fire at northwest road that is at hillsdale avenue, stick wwth glen oak avenue as aa alteenate route. if you're traveling the main lines, they are look nicc andd3 clear. we're looking at a high 62 miles per hour at the left side of thú %-this will be the same case aae make our way to parkville checking at har food oad.
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harffrd road. you can see not too any cars on the road. you're looking t an 11-minute3 ride. 83 will remain clear. ride from shawan road to the beltway. that's the traffic edge report. ú%trice, back to you. thank you, lauren. stiil ahead a day off on3 wall street. how the market made an impactú worldwide even though it was closed. we're worst off han we were -our years aggo >> bob ehrlich hits the
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airing t.v. campaign ads all summee. tournament we have more on the ehrlich's new ad ann what governor oomalley thinks of it. >> reporter: although he hasú been a gubernatorial candidate for near 5 months, ehrlich haa %--s he campaigns in this arpai. parade, he is also unveiling his first ad. >> reporter: the orange ffrmer governor iformergovernore
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governor. >> we were able to save money when we didn't have it. >> reporter: governor o'malley tawlz th calls the newh add misleading. >>he tries to gloss over the things he did when he wassin the environment. >> reportee: o'malley says that includes ehrlich's handling of fiscal matters. and $33million he raised in taxes fees anddwhen he was an incumbent. >> i don't really take much of what they say with any degree of seriousness. >> reporter: the ggvernor and former governor are expectee to spend tens if not hundreds off3 thousands of dollarsson now and november's general eleccion. >> ours has beee a tough of two people are not going to respond very well to the othhr guy's ad. they want to hear why you're good. >> reporter: telings will now l
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now convey those messages with frequency. o'malley's t.vv ad starting airing back in july. coming up later in a!! the y decision. jerry lewis telethhn rakes in the dough how much ♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪
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asian stocks kicked offfthe week with a 4th straight section of gains. the nikk ei has been riding the national momenttmm markets in europe and asia are reacting to a ser seize of -ositive rrports out of the u.s., including friday better than expected jobs report. it's a working holiday for president obama. he spoke in which is o wisconsi. it's the firrt of two sppeches this week laying a response to the recession. >> the problem facing working families they're nothing new but they're more serious than ever. reporter: the president is scheduled to speak in wednesday in cleveland, ohio. these economic speeches come at a time when americans are3 increasingly dissatisfied with a state f economy. of americans describe today's813 economic conditions as poor.
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welcome back to fox rrffe early edition. 5:28 is the time. i'm patrice harriss let's gee a check of the forecast, meteorologist stevve3 fertig is hhre wiih a look at summer. >> a look at summer for a little while longer. it's going to feel like summer as teeperatures climb into he upper 80s to near 90 in some spots actually. we start at 70 degrees at tte bus stop with clear skies, and a south wind at 5-10 miles per hour. sky hd radar not veey active right now of the looking pretty dry across the state and that is the way things should remain or today until late tonight t could be a light shower, i mean a light shower to the western part of theestate or maybe even the northern most part as we get a riiple of energy moving through. generally it will be dry through today and tomorrow, too. 80 degrees for the high, a warm one today as well as tomorrow as ú%e warm air stays with us for a
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couple of days before it cools doon. we will tell youuhow much it will cool down later this week in a few minutes. riiht now e check in with lauren cooke ho is back with another look at the traffic lauren. >> reporterr thank you, steve. we have trouble in northwwstú baltimore wwere a house fire has shutdown hillsdale road. you want to stiik with glen oak avenue as an alternate route. no problems to look at au travel on the west side of the beltway. here say livv look at liberty roaddwhere you can see the cars are moving aaong fine as inner and outer loop fine. if yoo''e traaeling at the ourer llop lanes, it will remain clear from 95 to 83 where we're lookinn at an 11-minute ride. and the northeasttcorridor of 95, no prrblems to report there, an average speed of 54 miles er hour. that's he traffic edge report. patrice, back to you.
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