tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX September 13, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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>>it just devassated the whole family. opening statements in the trail for the former city councilman. %-will be the center of the cas. a massive explosion in a california neiihborhoodd the evidence that could make -p and aying more for that p of coffee. what is pushing prices up by as much as 44%. a live look at a beautiful shot of the inner harbor all lit up on this monday mooning as people are getting up and getting ready to go to work and getting ready for the raven's first gaae of the season. good morning, i'm patrice
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harris. all smiles around here about that. %-forecast with meteorologist steve fertig. we are all in our purple. >> yes. >> ready for this big game. it's going to be a nice night up tte craft is going to bb just as nice. take a look at wha!! what we got now. we have to get past the morning to enjoy 54 in baltimmre and he and a little bit more so as we head north and west. dry conditions right now as you see, though there's a little bit of fog we will see plenty of sunshine later as the frontal boundary stays well toothe it's going to bring showers up at new york state and furthhr north where the game is going to 54 degrees today. and yesterday we were only in the 60s. we are doing better. start. how are the roadways doing this
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morninn? we have check in with lauren cooke. >> reporter: we have trouble on 95 where three tack for threr trailers should shutdown the lane. you want to stick with rue. from while marsh boulevar whitey and from 295 to the toll you're 52 miies per hour. 5:42 fox 45 early edition. opening ssatements are exppcted of three men accused of killing councilman ken harris. we have the latest on a trial
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that could last mmre than a month. good morning, megan. >> reporterr good morning, patrice. just getting to this day has been a long time coming. the rial has been delayed ú%veral times mostly to review dna. the defense argued that it was obtained impropeely. in the end, tte judge ruled that that dna evidence could be used in the trial and it could play a key rolled in evidence evidencee trial continues. charles mcganey, gary collins, and jerome williams robbed nd killed harris outside of a azz club. thh dna evidence in the case came from a match found on the scene seen in the surveillaace viddo n tteepocket of one of the defendants. they say that the they are ready for the trial to begin. >> it's devastated the whole family. i never really understood what a
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murrer -- someone being murdered in someone's family went through. now i do. >> the jury is already seatedd3 for the case prepared foo aú trial that could take more than a month to fibbe finish. -n that time we will learn more about the dna evidence and more about the woman inside of ken harris' car on the night of the murder. stay with uu for the latest n this murder trral. live from the mitchell courthouse, doontown this morning. megan gilliland. fox 45 early edition. investigators believe that a domestic dispute possibly leddto %-police found the couple shot o death on saturdaa night on saturday night. the unmarried couple lived with three young childrennwho lived in the ome at the time of the interviewing young children and having them being a witness
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to the crime is very disturbing even to our officers. >> officers are expecting the autopsy returns to determine the axe act caase oexact cause of d. four days and counting that is how long it's been since a man charged with murder escaped from custody. he managed to get out of plastic ú%ndcuffs and ran off he fled the city and might be head toward washington or west virginia. he ii traveling in silver kia with a doughnnt tire. iff ou have information about palmer, you are asked to call 9 911. tomorrow is primary day in maryland and the man looking to unseat state attorney patricia jessamy wins a major endorsement. the baltimore sun is backing gregg bernstein. bernstein spent sunday3
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camppigninggdoor to door. they say that the state from new ideas and newlbenefit leadership. patricia jessamy has held the position for 15 years. >> we were gratified by the sun endorsement. -fter 15 years although miss jessamy is a nice person, the office has stagnatee and the level of conviction is very loo and it's time tt stop the reinvolving door and it's time to try to prosecutor more effectively. on monday, patricia jessamyú ministerial alliance. they had no comment on the endorsement. >just o to 2010. pge crews hope to have power resoared to all of little italy after underground electrical fire left much of the neighborhood in darr. it happened at 6:15 on sunday
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%-1 b150 customers incllding sel restaurants spent the day power. >> in he midst oo a recession and the three blizzards that happened onna weekend and havinn a transformer power that knocked out power s not the best way to sort of continue in business. >> investigaatrs still don't kkow the cause of the fiie. it sunk the last ship of worlddwar ii and this mooning the uss torch will be lit again. harbor where tths piece ofú history is geeting a torch. >> reporter: we're seeing a delicate maneuver where they're bringing old for peed owe torpes vessel. >> good morning. >> good morning, it sure is, how are you. >> reporter: i'm good. try to get the torpedoes on this
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>> our volunteer rganization reached out to the naval museum in washington and sure enough they were able to come up with twooof thhse torpedoes, they are vvry rare. they were transport across the country and they're at a truck %-at 7:000ttis morning. wiil be3 >> reporter: is it a delicateú maneuver to trr toowork this out. >> we are going to have a big piece of liftiig boom, and once they're lifted up in the air they will be riggee wiih old slack and tackle. >> repooter: why do this? %-on this ship?ut of seeing this >> the torpedoes were the type that were on boaad the vessel in 1944 and 1945. they add value to our customers who come on board and the kids that participate in our overnight programs. it's a real piece.
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history on the ship ann not many certainly aren't made anymoree >> reporter: how big are they, give us an idea.ú >> they're 26 feet 66inch long. they weigh roughly ton a piece. war, they had six ttns of high explosives. >> reporter: theee have seen the amazing action, i think i read that they had the most divinn ver..3 >> it sank the lastttwo ships of the war n the pacific. >> reporter: patriie, a lot of history and it's geeting more history put on board today. >> t sounds good. i can't wait to see when it goes uu. joel, thank you. a major arrest in the fight against the doctoring ccrtels i3 mexicoo the mexican marines releasedd3ú this photo hauling serggo it'' the 3rd major blow in less than a year on the cartel, more than 28,000 people have
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died since mexican president felipe calendar so calderon laue -ight against the cartel a year ago. the nigerian national is charged with trying to lowup an international flight oo christmas. lawyers have beenntaaking to prosecutors about a plea deal since his last court appearance in january. house mmnority leader john baner says he is willing to talk tax cuts for the middle-class and entertaining the idea of phasing out the bush eea tax cuts that are currennly in place for the healthiest americans. >> if the only oppion that i have is to vote for some of the tax reductions, i will vote for thee but i have been making a point for months that we need to
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extend all of the current ratesú -or all americans, if we want to get our economy going again and we want to get jobs in america. >> he welcomes baner's new stance, but emphasises it's the miidle-class that needs tax cuts tte moss. quarterback and new hope in washingtowashington d.c. the watch watth redskinn made their debut n national the division rivalss n theng on %-and don donovan mcnabb first y as quarterback. he showed off his skills hat led to a field goal. washington never trailed bbt the real drama came with three seconds left in the game. quarterback tony romo finds the williams in the end zone as the clock runs out, aaholding penalty negates the touch down. the clock is at zero and the
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game is over. washington wins its season opener, 13--. look att heir faces. baltimore we are still waiting for our team to take the fieed. the ravens start their seeson against the new york jets on monday night football. ú%n evvryone is pumped for the game including little rebel here. micheele machinski sent her photo of her dog, very cute. no matter where you are from, send us photos showing off youu go and click on the community features section. coming up, we have much-needed rrin over he weekend but we could still use some more. the one day this week we might see showers again. and
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we are taking a look at this around here. sky hd radar looking good. look at all of thh rain we had yesterday and we needed some rain. today not gging to et me rain. we need some more and sky hd raaar as we look at things in motion to the north. you see showers toward the game and not down toward new jersey. it's going to be aanice night for the ravee game and we will talk more speccfically of what to expect if you happen to be traveling suuporting the team on the road. as we start the day, 64 degrees start. that is because of the fog and all the moisture from yesterday. we will see skies clearing laaee this morning and then plenty of sunshine in the afternoon. northeast winds light at 3 miles ú%r hour. 64 degrees, temperature in baltimore. the same for pc and the samee d3 hagerrtown. temperatures will be climbing more han yesterday. the warmest part of yesterday
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was 3:00 a... when we hit 68 degrees at bwi. it will be warmer as we gett ore of a wwsterll flow of high pressure. the front will come through by the time it gets through tonighú and into the tuesday..3 it will ppss and then we will hhve ddy conditions for the nex3 not speaking of any rain in the immediate forecast. forecast when you mmght see some. we are keeping an eye on hurricane, a strong hurriiane in %-gusting to 184, this is a majr hurricane but it's well out to the east yet and it's expected to steer further toward the north and be a few hundred miles off the shore. it's not going to be a threat, it doesn't appear as it appears further north and as we get into the latter part of the weekend and then there's julia, the tropical storm behind it, but so -ar neither one appears to be a ú%reat to theeu.s. mainland of the plentyyof sunshine with a west ind at 5-10 mills per
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ú%prepretypretty daayand warmer. a high temperature there of 81 degrees, it should be a pretty day with mostly clear skies ooce we get pass the foggy start. it could be reezy at times ut skies to start, turnsspartly cloudy overnight. 80 degrees on tuesday, 77 on wednesday, comfortable %-thursday.s, and 79 degrees on and we alk about the chance of3 rain this week, the best chhnce3 would be on friday with a low pressure center moving through and 80 deerees for the high -emperature, again not expecting a whole lot of rain, but whatever we get certainly will be welcomed. 78 and ine for theesaturda 77 d sunday. hereeis lauren cooke with the traffic edge. thank you, steve. we do start the day off with a serious accident on 95. it's shutdoww the northbound
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lanes as we check ii and take a live look at the chesapeake service area, you will notice everything has been shuttown, you will want to stick with rrute 40 as an alternate route. no problees to report as you make your way south. as you through the tunnels. as you travel on route 40, you want to watchhout for a fallen tree that is shutdown one the eastbound lanes at newwood drive. if you'reetraveling the beltway, no problems to report, looking at high speeds on the west side at liberty road, 63 miles per hour along the outer loop lanes, you're looking at a 5-minute ride from 795 to 95. it will remain cleaa. and here is a llok at harford road where you can see eveeything will be nice and nice and clearr if ou are travelinn in the ú%wson area, you wwnt to watch3 for a watermain break hat s going object on work road. no problems traveling on the jfx from 695 to downtown. thht's the traffic edge report. patrice, back to you. thank youu lauren. coming up paying more for a cup of joe. what is driving the increase in
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residence of san bruno, california are waking up this morning after an explosion forced them to flee. while the neighborhood is saae again, the nvvstigation is jus3 beginning. >> e looked out the window and therr was a big orange firrball, within three minutes we grabbed the animals, grabbed the compuuers, got into our cars and left. >> for some residents of san bruno, california, sunday aa a good day. %-explosion on thursday night, they were allowed back to their
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-ome. >> when i left, i locked the door but i never thought he ii3 ú%uld see my house again. ww just moved a week ago. we are lucky that our house was spared and we feel so sad for our neighbors li literally three ú%uues down where their house was destroyed..3 >> the blast destroyed 50 houses and badly damaged dozens of others. the explosion was caused by a gas ipeline. investigators spenn much of sunday moving a 28-foot section of that pipe. ú% our preliminary visual inspectiin suugests that we have all of the pipes, but we are not completely sure of that, so we would aak anybody who sees a piece of metal that they're not able to explain in their yard or wherever, to please report that %->> reporter: the pipe will be shipped to a lab in washingto wn d.c. for iispection a cordinn to a state regulatoo it was ranked high risk because of its proximity to so many homes.
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residents said they had no area it was even ttere. now the area around the crater is the crime scene and it's a criminallinvestigatton. the officials death toll stanns at foor but at least five people are reported misssng. nearly 600others were injured the gasoline explosion took its toll on the price of utility shares. find out how far they fell next. next lldy gaga is the big winner at the mta video awards. [ male announcer ] antiques can be nice.
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weehave thh details in business brief. a lack uster end of the week for stocks. the nasdaq and the s&p 500 ended higher. shares of pacific gas andd3 -lectric slump more than 8% on friday. a gas line owned by the company3 ruptured in san bruno, california on friday. %-under ii if you want to get a llok at bp's latest earnings, you will have on to wait weeklonggr than ú%pecced. the ccmpany says it's releasing the reports until november second while iitreleases the -- is that jolt you're getting from the cup of coffee more than caffeine. it could be the price. if you haven't seen the chaage yet,,it could be coming soon.
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