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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  September 15, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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welcome back to fox 45 early edition. %-i'm patrice harris. ú%'ssit's the day after the primary election. the numbers are in, but noo all3
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the numbers tell the storr yet. still some undecided races out there. the two most watched races in this year's primary election are still undecided. executive race and the city state's attorney. -e will show you how close those numbers are in a ffw minutes. first we need to get a check of our forecast, meteorologist steve fertig is here. good morning. good morning, numbers arr close as far as tempeeaturrs, we're in the low 60s buu and a couple of cooler pots.ots we'rr warmer in the downtown area. ttmpprature beginning at 66 degrees which isn't so bad. we go to the outtkirrs in oakland. and thennin between, we got low 60s and so the numbers are going to get closer toward each other as we get toward the high temmerature for the day later on in the early to mid-afternoon. meanwhile the hd radar not eventful, the high pressure --
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shoulddget up to 75 degrees by noon. topping out at 81 at 4:00 this afternoon and dropping back to 78 degrees at 6:00 p.m. i will let you know which day hhs the beet chance of seeing the showers. -ight nnw lauren coooe is going %-looks like.ow what the commute >> reporter: we do have trruble in anne arundel highway where a person that was hit by a car. we're dealing with a crash at the inner loop attthe key brrdge. as we head west no problems to 40.oot on the beltway t route we lookiig aa a high of 63 miles per hour along the outer looo. youuwill notice cars are moving along just fine. no problems to report. if ou're travellng along the outer loop, you're lookinggat an 11-minute ride, withhan average spped of 55 miles per houu. it will remain clear, that will therr we're ooking at 11 %-corridor from whitemarsstheast
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boulevard to beltway, you'ree33 looking at a 4-minute ride with hour. ed traffic edge report. patrice, back to you. unofficially, greg bernstein is the new city state ears attorney. right now numbers show him with a narrow 2% ead over incumbent patricia jessamy. again, hose results are still -he election board has not declared bernstein the winnerú just yet. megan gilliland is live from the war memooial downtown whhre jessamy s expected to eet with hhr staff later this morning. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. %-at 7:00. expected to meet here at thhs point it's unclear if she is showing uu with her ssaff to concede or if she is going to show up at all. if heeshows up, she could say she issgoing to fiiht those ú%sults because it's a close race as it stands.
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ballots ffom the precincts across the city are in. unofficial results shows etter bernstein with 49% of the votes, followed by jessamy with a 47% of the votes. someeimes when it's thii close, a recall is taken. this issthe toughest battle jessamy has ever faced. she was appointed to the cityú state aatorney position bacc in 1995 by the city state ourt judges. ers returned her to office three times -- voters returnnd her to3 office three times after ttat. this year, a high-prrfile defense attorney. he snatchhd big endorsements as the campaign headed up. after 8:00 wwen the polls closed, there was nothing mmre they could do but wait. >> it's been a very exciting day. itts been a pleasure to be out aaong the itizens of baltimore city. so i'm very happy, verr >> we will just have to wait and
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see. we are still very on the mystique and enthusistic. >> reporter: we will have to -ait and see. state attorney continues. we will bringgyou latest results as they come in. live from the war memorial, i'm megan gilliland. fox 45 early eddtion. innthe baltimore countyn haa 6,000 vote lead but he is not claiming victtry this morning. joel d smith is at the ccunty board of electiins wheee computer errors are having3 ú%oblem.3 >> reporter: we still ddn't know what the computer errors were if they were attthe elections. %-safe, even hough it ssems weo havv a innee. we got wood frrm the kamenetz campaign that they will be talking to the media at llch, addressing the problems thatt3 happened ith the election, and talking about their campaign moving forward. only 28 to interpre!! waa to ins
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that they think that theyydid win. the results camm in and then got very ssow. uncertainty is what characterized this night. we saw joe bartenfelder huddling with his staff around computers at his campaign headduarters trying to see if he could make a come back. over the kamenetz camp, they liked the early numbers, they at one point the candidate addressed followers in what -eemed to be a victory speech. it didn't go that far. after hours of waiting forú results, after midnight the campaigners sent home their followers with thess words. >>we had 4,000 vote lead on thh nnmbers thattwe had, but there's addition and subtraction ttat has to go on frrm where te numbers come from. so we're waiting for those to come and it could be a long night. >> based on that, based on our current numbers, it's impossible
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to project winnerror aalooser %->> reporter: about 94% of the votes ii 13 press nths. preciicts,,you have ú%%-barttefeller pres precinct.3 there's been a late word sent to you by the kamenetz ccmpaign media at 11:00. they're talking abouttthe campaign moving forward, the interpretatiin there and that they do believe they won. joel, thank you. ú%> former campaign bob ehrlich is -- governor boo hhlich is moving forrard to the election. brian murphy had gained momentum efer vice presidenttcandiiaae sarah palin last night. last night the local businees i invvstor co conceded defeat and3 said he would endorse ehrlich ii
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he want it had..3 >> in fact, marylanddfor our33 business people for the peoplee3 daa, our message is stop, wait, %-- laughter ]s >> givv us 7 weeks. platform. he alss says he wants to cut a 1% increaseein the sales tax. and he is pledgiig not to raise taxes. with ehrlich winning the gop nooination the rematch with official. o'malley easily won the democratic nomination against two longshot candidates. now the incumbent will o p3 againss ehrlich in a repeat of 2006 governor's race. he defeated ehrlich in that election, by a margin of 6.5%. >> these are tough years but we -ave been make progress even through these tough yeaas. %-to move forward or fall back,ú
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are always choosing to move >> o'malley is focused on job creatiin and making investments in education. stay tuned for fox 45 ccvvrage of this story. ww had talk tie political analyst about the primary rrsults and whether maryland shoull have an open primary. that is coming up in the 6:000hour. ú%formmtion on the november eleetion at 2010. flames break out in aú firefighters were called to garrison boulevard near alto road round 11:00 lasttnight. when they arrived on the cene theyyfoond a 2 story home oo fire. there's no word on whether investigaaors will say that a firefighter was injured. his condition is unknown at this time. the cause of the blaze remains -nder investigation. %-trauma after being shot in downtown baltimore. it happened arouud 5:30 tuesday
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afternoon at martin luther king junior boulevard nd police say the women was shot six times. thhre's no word on his condition or a suspect at this time. a city police officer find himself n the other side of the law after getting into aabar fight in southwest balttmore. officer everret walker was arrested followinn ondaa's incident. ú-fight around 130 ther 1:30 thg after a woman punched him in the face outsiie of club reality. walker has been chargee ith assault and disorderly conduct. >>the bottom line is we're not going to tolerate any behavior that undermines the the agency. unacceptable.behavior is >>walker was already suspended folllwing an incident year. he wassnot wearing his badge or carrying his weapon during mmnday's fight. coming up on the early maryland's public universities.
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wow! , i didn't realize it was that low. iiknew ii was low, but i idn't realize it was that low. >> how your taa dollars are funding schools with commencements concerrs. it's quiet arrund hereú starting with temperatures inn3 the low 60s. 75 at noon and top out at 81 at 4:00 p.m., 78 at 6:00. while it's quiet here, therr'sú problemssknot tropics brewing, i will tell you if it's headed our way next on ox 45 early 
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3 with thwwlcome back. dry ccnditions as high pressure sitt over us. we're t 66 degrees, thaa's the warmest spoo here at downtown. winds are calm, and 52% reeative humidity. the dew point s at 48. dry for sure. 66 degrees is the temperature at i said. 64 in washington d.c., and 62 ii hagerstown, a bit cool in oakland as well at 54 ddgrees. hhrr is what we're watching high pressure builddng in today bringing us a lost ssnshine that will look eaa nice. as i said we could use some rain and we're going to ffnd it maybe, it looks like for late on thursday into early friday as the moisture spins up from the south aad some will be there, too, to start. it will replace the cloud cover as the frontal boundary approaches. you can see around 3:00 in the
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afternnon, and better chance later at night for the rest of us and the best chance, also ú%ll be to the north. ú% doesn't mean that we can't we hope to, because we can use it everrwhere. it doesn't look like it's as promisiig as if you were traveling further north, pennsylvania and new york. that doesn't help us out. high pressure rings us a nice weekend. system. this is tropical storm karl that is headed to toward tte yucatan peninsula. is hen see tropical storm status again as it moves towwrd mexico eastern borderrand then may become a hurricane before it makes landfall. hurricane igor keeping an eye on that. 144-mileeper hour winds and gusting to 178 miles per hour. dot is going to be in the line in that part of the world. for us, wherr we are not going
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to affect us other than picking up the rip opportunit current at cootinues to mmve furthhr north. eastern part of the atlantic. expected high temperature on the eastern shore, a lot of 5-10 miles ppr hour. the entral part of the state climbing to 81 degrees, and the wind at 5--0 miles peú further back to he west, aa3 couple degrees cooler. a high temperature, 79 degrees. it should be a pretty day throughout the whooe state. %-7:05, first pitch temperature, caadennyards, 71 degrees nnt baú the start but the temperatures will drop to the mid-60s by late innings. temperatures drop. 59 degreee overnight low in fact. 83 tomorrow, look for more clou3 in the day when showers will move into the westernnpart of
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maryland. it's the ttieframe for the ú%tential for showers. 78 degrees for friday for the high, a little cooler and wee3 will see clearing later in the day. 75 and 833for the weekend, so sattrday and sunday, with plenty of sunshine. low 80ss 81 and 82 ressectively. what is appennng on the roadwayssas you ead out this mooningg traffic edge. lauren. >> repprter: thank you, steve.3 we are dealing with several accidents thhs morning. trouble in anne aaundel county where a person has been hit by a car at ritchie highway. fortunately no problems to report on the harbor tunnel. we do have problems at the highway. here is a live look at the key bridge where you will notice that one lane is blocked. that's along the inner loop. it's going to be slow traveling across theebridge this morning.3 no ppoblems to report at 695. here is a look at harford road where yyu can see that the caas are moving along fine, it should be an easy ride as you make your as for the est side, here is a
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look at liierty road, along the outer loop from 795 to 95, those of you using thh jjf to get into the city, no proollms to reporr from 695 all the way downtown t3 east fayette 3
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a fox 45 iivestigation haslleges
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uncovered suuprisingly low graduatiin ates at several public universities. universities that receive tens ú% milliins in ssate dollars every year. jennifer gilbert explains in commencements concerns. >> i think the graduation rate that it's in.ause of the area >> reporter: jessica is a sophommreestudying journallsm, %-the university syytem ofies i3 maryland. according to system ata, the odds of graduating from cop pen state within four years are slim. that is because just 4% of caupen students graduated ffomú. 10% in 5 years and just 13% in 6 years. >> wow! i didn'' realize ii was that i knew it was low. >> reporter: to help put those figures intooperspective, 61% of university of maryland
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college park sttdents graduate in 4 years. yeers. >> both institutions not enough kids are ggaduating. >> reporter: state senator is the member of the board of regents and currently sits on the state's education committee. >>the cost for the students got it too hiih. ú%at isswhy you see the studenns dropping out. unless we get the tuition under control, we won't get the graduation numberssup. >> reporter: this year, cop ppnn state willlget $58 million in its operating budget. and the president helped to elevate grrduation rates ill take 43,000 in pay on a campus with just a 4% graduation rate. >> no, it isn't an acceptable number. >> reporter: a request forran interview with univerrity chancellor ker win was denied.
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%-the association vice chaacellr for academic affairs for the university of maryland. >> yes, they are of concern in terms of the things that need to be done at each institution o help the students who are admitted to be uccessful n obtaining their degree. >> reporterr but the graduation rate rivals that of other university school system schools. eastern shore just 15% of students graduate in four years3 27% in 5 years, and 32% in six years. and this yeer, it's president selma thompson will earn $2,060,000. dr. wolf says even though the numbers appears low, progress is beeng made. >> eachhinstitution has worked to define where the weaknesses population and put in placeudent
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programs to help addresssthee3 needs of those particular students population. ú% reporter: but as low as some of the graduatioo rates might seem, a higher education private non-profit says maryland has the 3rd highest six year 65.3% which is 10% higher than %-that same rivate non-profit %-which is not affiliated with e university system but still receives tens of millions of dollars in state funding has an 11% four year graduation rate. 26% 5 year rrte, and 33% 6 yeer a request for comment from morgan state officials went unnnswered. graduation rates a growing issue that state leaders are not brushing off. ú% everybody including the students and the parents and the taxpayers want students who start school to graduate.
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gilbert. fox 5 orning news. coming up next in the eerly editton, offthe ravvns defenss playing as hard as ever know the sin. afr anlpaca? you ever clean up have. it was asome ♪ call 1-800-steemer i can take one airline out... and another home. so with more flight options,
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5:56 am
goomorningg everybody. here is your first look at sports.3 it wasn't an artistic ttiuuphh bbt it was a win. the ravens out slugged the jets two great defenses at the top of the ravvns was better. theirs was a devastating perforrance. they held the jets at a 96 yards. the jets ad only 96 first down. it's hard to play much better than thht. john harbaugh wants you to now how awesome he thought it was. >> i thouggt it was the best defensive performance i have seen here. i think our defense continuus to get better and better.
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our coaches did great jobb3ú understanding what they were tryinggto do offensively, but our players did a great job understanding them offensively. weewilwe were probably one stepd of them during the game ann they showed up in the results. >> let's just get the win on the road. it's hard to win on the road. bbttom line it's freaking hard to win on the road. >> we knew it was going to be a that was enough. you know wha what i mean. you can't go take another team and try to beat us. baltiiore is where the defense started and that is where it's we take our head to it, and they played an excellent game mere. they fought a hard fight. the more prepared team on hat. foo theesecond straight year the orioles willlopee the season on the road. the 2011 schedule was releasedú. the birds will be back in the home opener april 4th
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against the tigers. their chedule also features the first visii of the cincinnatt reds and the singlesswiih cardinals. top of the 5th, jake erite a buckles. and next batter travis snyder watches the strike go by. and shut out innings, bottom of the 5th, nick markakis is the play unloads on the shawn pitch. that's the solo shot and the orioles erupt 2-0. robert rips it down to the left field with the bases full of birds. bbses clearing double for dito. that, is long gone. the orioles take an 11-3 lead. taking the first two games of
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