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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  September 15, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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a lead of 1000 votes over incumbent patricia jessamy. bernstein said tonight that he is pleasee with the final results but said he is not claiming victory, and patricia jessamy, is not conceding. earlier today both sides were anxiously awaiting for those election officials talked about3 ú%at may have caused the delay. -> we hired 2000 people to do a one day job. it could be human error. they leave them. and in the polllng place, put them in the supply bag. so there are things that challenges, you know, oot there. of course,,that's why the process is not complete until we ggt to the 100 percent mark. >> well election officials say more than 3600 democrats in baltimore applied for absennee ballots. 21 of the ballots haae already -- have arrivvd here so far. counting those ballots, begins tomorrow. we're live in downtown
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baltimore. keith daniels, fox 45 news "late edition". >> all right, keith. winner innthe tight democratic race for baltimore county executive. 100 percent of precincts reporting. kevin kamenetz got the nomination with 52 percent of the vote. councilman bartenfelder conceded the race with 44 percent. and kevin kamenetz mt with supporters todayyat the campaign headquarters. bartenfelder called to ccngratulate him. and kevin kamenetz said he ii noo looking aheed to november the two. >> it is really time that we put our differences behind us, and i reach out to everyone, and in baltimore county, to heal our3 division, join together, because once again, i believe we will be democrats united. >> kevin kamenetz willlface former republican state delegateken holts in the general election. >> for the candidates it was frustrating marred by slow returns. election officials say it was huuan error. after polls closed, some workers locked them. and forgot to tally the votes
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inside. the issue was remedyed this morning. >> there was surprrsingly low voter turnout tt tuesday's primaries.. in baltimore city, 22 percent of voters headed to the polls..3 state wide turnouttwas over 27 percent. that's below the 30 percent sttte elections officials were projecting. >> just didn't. no real reason. >> i waa a little disappointed because i didn't see aa many as i saw back in 2008. ú% people were being lazy, don't want to get oft couch. don't want to do nothing. >> i went because a lot oo things need to be changed. >> and that brings us to the question of the day. why o you think there was such low voter turnoutt cher writes on our website..3 i believe theelow voter turnout is because marylanders are registered independent and were not allowed to vote in yesterday's election. but rick writes. i think it shows that the people rrnning are not worth voting for. >> the primary set up two rematches, one is race for governor o'malley easily won the
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democratic nomination and former governor ehrlich faced the challenge from murf and he won by a 3-11margin. and andy harris won the republlcan nomination for the first congressional ddstrict. incumbent cradviile ran unopposed. and two squared off back in 2008. cradvvlle won that mmtch up by less than 3000 votes. >> some big surprises at the pollssnationwide. coming up in 10 minutes, we will take a look at the tea party upsets. and, of course, stay with fox 45 news for the late he information on the november 2 election. go to and click onnthe vote 2010 icon, in thh news features section. >> police and fire unions put up a new billboard criticizing the city for what they call under funding their departments. street. it said police and fire are standing by city residents, despite city hall turning its back on them. the city also changed heir pension plans and increasing the
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age of eeigibility and years of service. and it will lower payments for some retirees. >> a suspect is in custody, after an armed security guard opened fire during a robbery. it happened at a pharmacy at the loch raven shopping plaza. officer engaged them, he saw the weapons, pulled out his service and fired multiple shots to disable the suspects. he did not strike anybody. it is believed that no one was struck. the two suspects left the store. ttey went on a brief foot chase. >> police aae still looking for a second suspect. >> more testimony in theken harris murder case. -o one got a look at the suspect that is very dark evening..3 >> crime and justice repooter joy lepola told one eyewitness told jurors he is not convinceed. >> sitting feet from the three defendants, a manager of the new haven lounge testified he did not know if they were the oness3 that killed harris and obbed theenew haven lounge back in september off2008.
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one defense attorney called the testimony, powerful.3 but is it enough to avoid a ú%ilty verdict. prosecutors maintain surveillance video captured the night of the killing will help their case. but they are banking on dna evidence. have fought hard to keep outt but have been unsuccessful. escorted by pollce today, the states witnesses remain silent. as for jurors? %--ntered in the case because we were all deeply hurr when mr. harris was killed. and, i think,,they are ore interested in making sure that justice is done. >> some jurors appeared to be dozing off during testimony this week. ddfense attorneys jerome bifvens hope they are awake and alert when they return a not guilty verdict.ú the state has yet to delve into any dna evidenne. joy lepola, fox 45 news "late edition". >> breakinggnews in arundel
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%-at this hour. a swimmer was pulled out of a pool with ife threatening injurres. this is the scene at north aquatic center on crain highway at 8:00 tonight. mmn found unconscious under watee. lifeeuards tried to perform cpr. he was rushed to baltimore-washington medical center. no word on his condition at this timee vilapartment complex, afterrshe claims that she was attacked by bedbugs. amber croo shaw moved intoothe briar cliff apartment complex in 2008. but about a year later, she found that she had bedbugs, like the ones you see here. she eventually moved out. but s now suing the complex for $100,000. claiming the managers knew about the bed ug infestation, long before her complaint. %-personal injury, there is also recovery for mental anguish and she suffered. it can overwhelm a person. >> we tried to contact the
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managerssat briar cliff late tonight. but they could not be reached for cooment. >> first on fox tonight. worms, nowned candy. at a gift ssore, when aa3 baltimore world renowned hospiials. 14-year-old charlotte jefferson went to outpatient center for routine exam. she purchased mini reeses ccps from the gift store. ate sun and got sick. >> it was like holes inside of the ttp of the reeses cups and it was worms coming out of the top. borrrws in the reeses cups. my father opened up the third one to look in it. and worms in that one too.ú >> well, hopkins released this statement. johns hopkins medicine has removeddall stocks of individualllyspoiled wrapped resis peanut butter cups and other resis candies from the gift shop. and hershey the company that
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made it. said it is our experiince that infestation occurs during distribution and storage aftee products leave our cootrol. charlotte was diagnosed with food poisoning. >> more than one people which you canky cheese oys recalled. light up ring and toy eyeglasses are considered ddnnerous becaus3 kids could swallow the small battery inside. toys given out between april of 2009, and this past june. now for more information about the recalll go to links. >> high fructose corn syrup wants a name hange. makers are assing regulators for permission oochange it to corn sugar. possible motivation? corn syrup coosuuption is at aú 20 year low. history shows name changes can be successful. %-decision to simplify thes the drive-thru menu.
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coffee giant is putting tall drinks back on the boards. thh disguise size was still being offfred but not showcased on the menu boards. but they will return staating tomorrow. >> i was surprises surpriss that had last for a week. not long. >> i always ask for the short which is not on the menu either. >> see you circumvent the system. >> there you go. >> great weather we had today. >> and is there more on the way for tomorrow? we willlcheck in with chief meteorologist vytaa rriddto see about the rain that is in the forecast. >> yeah, it looks like we have rain. much needed rain, because it has been dry out there. ii looks like it will be knockkng on the oor by tomorrow night. so it looks like tomorrow we will see some sun. clouds and more clouds as the day goes on. but scanning the skies with sky watch h.d. radar. it looks like nnthing o going on precipitation wise. but clouds are moving n highs today in the mmd 80s. 84 in baltimore. 85 in hagerstown. wings in d.c. currently we are in the 70s. 74 in baltimore. looking t 73 in d.c. salisbury at 62. so tonight looking at mainly clear ssies. 69, with a southwest wind at
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10-to-15. but those tropics are abreuing out there. quick scan acrrss the gulf of mexico and down out over the atlantic. three storrssin the works. i will show you where they are heading, coming up in the forecast. >> concerns about cough medication y teenagers could be at-riss and what an fda panel is recommending tonight. >> i am not an recommendation i can and never had an eating disorderr >> the white hoose crasher defends e introducing the samsung fascinate powered by verizon.
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super amoled screen. six-axis 3d gaming and access to thousands of free apps. all in one ultra-thin package. you want it, we got it. the samsung fascinate. only at verizon.
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i'm not the kind of guy who likes to hang on the sidelines. today maryland is in trouble. we're worse off than we were four years ago. dangerous debt, higher taxes, not enough jobs. we need real leadership to turn this state around. fix the budget -- honestly. grow small businesses -- really. excellent schools -- everywhere. protect the bay -- finally. it's why i'm running. to make the state we love not just good but great. now let's get down to work. %->> as the dust settles from to ú%u ddy night elections one thing is clear. tea party gain momentum after taking two major victories. but it remains unclear what that means for the general election. craig boswell reports republicans are debating the influence of the tea party and democrats are looking to find
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wwys to retain control of congress. ladies and gentlemen, the people of delaware have spoken. >> and today the republicans are -peaking out about tea party ú%ndidate christine o'donnell that soundly defeat mike castleú in delaware. john cornyn nan corrected report ú%at those that support the candidates within the support tea party candidate. >> they did ot come from me. we will support her financially to the best of oor ability. some money, early uppront. >> o'donnells victory and that -f karl paladino innnew york intensified the debate over the movement and whether it will affect republicans in the general election. %-the tea party may be good news for democrats. >> there will be seats will win in november that six months ago we were sure we would lose. >> robert gibbs went one step3 further. >> we will sse what that produces in november.
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i remain confident, as have said, that on election night we wwll retain control of house and senate. >> karl row that last night sai3 o'donnell could not win in thh hopes she can overcome obstacles and win. tea party aativists aae welcoming the change. >> i don't want it back if we do ú%t believe in anything. >> one lawmaker defeated by a tea party candidate. said she wiilblage blank >> american hiker sarah showeeed is back in her mothers arms after one year in a iranian loc3 up. brokered for $500,000. the u.s. does not have diplomatic ties with tehran and many want to know exactly wherr the cash came from. the white house said it was not involved in a financial exxhange.
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sarah ssowered's fiince still remain behind bars in iran tonight. >> concerns bout cough medication being abused, but fda panel rules it shoull remain on shhlves without any restrictions whatsoever. cough medication, taken in very high doses can cause euphoria and change visions. teens are particularly at-risk because many see it as a cheappú way to get high. but the panel said the risks did not warrant putting connrols on the drugs. >> anotherrbeauuiiul day weather wise today. >> what'' the weekend starting to look like? check back with vytas reid. >> fabulous weekend hhading our way. but we have to get through some rain, through tomorrow night. going outssde it looks like a hd skycam downtown inner harbour. 66 degrees. few clouds making the way in. winds calm. humidity levels at 78 percent. ann pressure at 30.11 inches and rising. and it will continue to fall as the cool front moves in. 66 downtown.
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69 in hagerstown. 62 in salisbury it looks like as far s the rain, this is a computer model howing tte potential of where it may rain. well west front pushing through and most of the activity is west of the mountains. but that could change as he ffont comes in. and gives us a few pop-up showers here and there. so the model may be off and conservative. but i think some folks will get some rain. some folks not. as the front movee in..3 what is happening is a few clouds working in. showers over indi believe..3 but here, clear conditions. %-toward he western edge ofe indiana. that's where the front is starting to make the way in. and heading our direction. warmer air wrapping round a area of high pressure keeping us %-as it pushessnorth.ú see the cold front lining up showers over western maryland. western pennsylvania and west virginia. this activity will continue to head our way. -ut it breaks up alonn the front. so the chance will be about a 50 percent chance to see if we get rain. some folks will get some.
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some will not. clear conditions string back to the pledges. so reeatively quiet pattern once the front moves through. hhaddng to the tropics. igor,,this is a ategory 4 storm. winds at 132. gusting to 161 miles per hour. the track of the storm from the national urricane cenner will go up ver bermuda and it could cause problems. but it looks like we will have ú% worry about it on the mid-atlantic, or the eastcoast other than maybe rip currents out there along the waterways. but as far as the tropics, again, looking at the category 3 storm. this is julia, which ill curve back to the atlantic. and not affect anybodd. down south, karl, tropical %-peninsula and makes landffll s a category one storm in mexico. but it looks like it may not affect us here on thh mainland in the u.s. five-day forecast. chance of rain tomorrow night. sunday. monday fabulous conditions through thh weekend. >> this is very emotional.
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>> the white house crasser gets perronal on fox this morning. the disease that she reveals she has been bbttling for almost 20 years. >> lots of excitement and
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dance, you should audition. >> auditions for the eighth season of "so you think you can dance" begin next month. scheduled for october 13 in oakland. november 15 in brooklyn and producers say more cities and dates are being hammered out. >> real housswives of dc star a3 infamous white house crasher michaele salahi reveals she has multiple sclerosis, her weight is often the center of circulation amonn the other women on the show. she denies a eating disorder, attributing the figure to >> you know, appearing on monday night to, can be a mixed blessing. while it is true that your team ú%ts exclusive national attention, the only game in town and ll of that.úthere is a bigt goes with it. you have to play the next week.3 and you have one less day than
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evvrybody else to get eady. -nd hat's a situation thee3 ravens find themselves in this week. after playing monday night they began preparations today, for a very important afc north match the defending diviiional champions and team that swept both games from tte ravens last year. but they are not focused on the short week of practice. they know it is part of the deal when you play on monday night.ú >> you cannot really think about it. you have to keep your head down and go out after it. and you know, definitely makes it tougher, but like i aid, we don't think about that. our job is to go out and play. and do our best to win it. >> it does throwwyou off a bit. sleep we have not. we knew that. it did not catch us by surprise. we had a 5 and a half day window. we had a lot of time going into it. we know the bengals, we have been preparing for them. we had one more information into the preparation. and then just tie everything together as quick as be we could.
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but a lot of the work was done. >> ravens currrntly one point favorites, say he oddsmakers a crosstown. oriole express continuus. turn around under buc showalter is remaakable. and tonight they had the three game sweep of the blue jays, straight time before the current series began. things started out badly. ripping it off burgeson. into the bullpen. club record for him. and young drabek..3 was making the major league debut. his dad watchingg and had a decent night. in the second, struck out wieters..3 one of five for the right hander. drabek is in troubbe. ttey single to right..ú peia scores. and later in the fourth. bases loaded. roberts at the plate. with the shopper to the right side. they are going toofirst to get
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robertt and second to tag out izturis. but wieters scores hat. made it 3-1. top of the eventh. one out, yle overbay with a shot to left side.3 look at izturis grab it. major league play right there. aad it was 3-1. top of the 9th. burgeson working on a complete game. two on. overbay with a ground to burgeson. and that's the game..3 burgeson, goes the distance. and the birds complete the sweep. 3-1, the final. >> the line on burgeson. nineingings, one run, three strike outs. he is 7 and 10 on the year. birds complete the sweep of toronto and they have an off day tomorrow. series with the new york yankees. >> temperatures in the 70s and
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>> final look at the seven-day forecast forrtomorrow. 85 degrees. we will see a little bit of sun. but probably more cloods. and the chance for showerr. as we ggt into theeovernight. friday clears up. 81. cooler over the weekend. 80 saturday. sunshine. and 83 sunday. and looks like next week, ry conditions again. pleasant conditions. with clear skies. bbck to you guys. >> great weekend. thank you, vytas. >> that does it for the "late
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-dition". thank yyu foo joining us tonight.3 >> and i am jennifer gilbert. tune in to fox 45 news morning -ews starting at 5 a.m. have a great night. provided by u.s. captioning it's the first time you're letting your daughter
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