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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  September 24, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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welcome back to fox 45 morning newss i'm patrice harris. let us know what is on your mind and your ressonse coull air in our faceeook feedback egment. just go to fce fan aad join the conversation. let head into our weekend forecast as we head into our home game weekend. ravens are openiig at ome and at thht time it will be very comfortable and very nice.ú in the meantime we will be ú% will be close. we have fog to deal with this as we haae moisture in place and
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that contributes to the there, be aware that could be reduced visibility in spots. 72 in baltimore and 68 in salisbury, and 78 hagerstown. we averageearound 70 across the ssate and not seeing a whole lot innthe way of rain, certaiiny. that is not in fact in our forecast today. most of that stays well o he north and out of our way. aa we climb to 87 eggres, it's we will get he fog and ennoy -lenty of sunshine. mostly cleer still after getting to the hiih of 93 degrees. we will see if we can get to the record of 95 later. what is happening on the roadways right now? cooke who has a check on the lauree. >> reporter: thank you steve. we are deaaing withha ton of fog..3 do expect reduced visibillty as we head on out. take and checking oo the expressway, not a lot at warren road..3 %-baltimore county and in carrol
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county. that is going be to the worst.ú ú% for the beltway, shot at harford road. as you can see, it's going to be foggy here as well. everything will be up to speed. you're looking aa an 11-minute ride on the outer loop from 85 9 to 83. back to you. 5:32 on fox 45 early ú%the cloudy, murky bay water tt often smmlls pretty bad could the pollutiin ddet it todayythe environmental ppotection agency is set to release the plan for the waterway. good morning, megan. >> good mooning, paarice this, is a big deal for the waterway and for all oo us who see it aad eat it and smell t every day. we have seen the damage it can cause from algae bloom to bacteria infections. last month a few people got sick from eaaing shell and oyster
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that came from the bay. studies have shown it to be as dirty as tteetoilet. when it rains, all the stuff that is on the land, pet waste, and goose poop, that is all running off into ourrwaterways. >> now there's ttose concernss3 less than a month ago six bayy3 watershed ssates including maryland ssbmitted their clean up planssunder a restoration strategy ordered by presidentú obama. now the epaais going to release it haddcompiled plann we are told it will require sweeping action by all of those watershed states and for the most part this prrcess has been sailing. there was one ripple made in virggnia, though. officials thhre are concerned behind the clean up strategy,e which will likely require pollution ccts by faamers, sewage plant opeeators and others as wwll. megan gilliland..3 a man is dead after being -hot seveeal times in northeast
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bbatimore t happened at north broadway and east oliverrstrret. police saa the victii was shot several times in the stomachh he was taken to hopkins where he later died. police have no motive or aadriver dies after losing control of her car in the parking lot of thh whitemarsh mall. it happpned on noonnon tueeday. police say a woman was driving quickly through the lot whhnnshe hit a light pool. the imfacc caused her to be thrown from the car. medics proked hear dead at the sceee. she could have been involved on a incident at the ike a, but she was not being pursued by pplice. lone he waa one of 9 people killed when a heliccpter crashed schooo aad played lacrosse for
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the u.s. naval academy. two men charged with attempted murder following a beating at the sheraton hotell33 will head to trial ttday. dominican der so!!dominique, a g charges. they were at a birthdaa party at a downtown hotel when a fight broke out. a 3rd man pulleddoot a gun and shot hem twice. that ii when anderson and3 abdullah started to beat he suffered life-thheatening heed trauma. center aroond violent, violence prevention and campus safety. university officials deeided to hold the discussion followingg3 love's death in may, she was found dead in her off campuu apartment. love's boyfriend, uguely is
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charged with her murder. she is the howard county teen hurt in a terrorist bombing last july. when this photo was taken in jo hans burg, est affica she was just beginning to recover.3 she has endooere endured several surgeries. the cost of er medicare are astronomical. >> we arr working on a plaa to get her home into the ouse and - contactee my insurrnce company and just something as simple as a wheelchair ramp, they have no ú%at. peeple have be stuck in the hospital because they don't have aawheelchair ramp in the home. >> tte ramp alone could cost $10,000.ú the fundraiser will be held tonight at 6:30 to 10:30 at our lady of perpetual health at chester road in ellicott city.
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the term fan comes rom thh word fanatic and nowhere is that more clearer than in theehooes3 of some purple blooded ravens fans. joel d smmth is live in dundalk at ne home where that amily that lives there is definitely full of fanatic bbt in the best possible way, joel. good morning. >> reporrer: most definitely, good morning..3 patrice. i mean, look around your own homes, ravens fans see if you can compare iitto this at all? if you caa, ww are going to have tt come by and say hi. see a lottof other stuff. we have kevin here with us to tell us about how he did all of this stuff. it's kind of impressiie. you said you did all of this yourself, huh? ffr example, the carpet, i did with spray paint and one thing %-the zone. even stuff as intricate andd3 small as the outlet cooers. -oo got that covered, did you
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have to make that or did they make that alreedy? >> actually we took a staadard outlet cooered to a business that actually wraps it. kind offlike they wrappcars. >> reporter: amazing. we come over here and all kinds3 of good memoraablia and in the photo box, you ave he time.ights going on all the how do you ffel when you you're what do you like the best about3 it should. >> it's hard to say what i like the best. i think the floor is really ppint. %->> reporter: i aw the rrst of your hooe. it's not ravens all the time in the rest of the house. when you walkkin here, how doo3 you feel? >> i feel like sports minded yoo -now, everything around you ii alllsports. %-think of the ravens.and you >> reporter: man, and maybe you think of bowling. i saw the bowling one as with. patrice, this guy is crazy. thissplace issawesome. you look at a place to view the ggme. %-the game. ffr a place to watch
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you briig popcorn, they might let you in here. >> what happens when the ravens lose, do they take something off oo the wall? -foor.y take something off the >> reporter: probably not. if the ravens lose, it's not year, do you turn the lights oof and you don't come in here for a few days? >> no. we make a fee changesslike shirt changes. >> repooter: suuerstition, you know what you are talking about, patrice. >> from one ravens fan to another. coming up in the early edition, an onnine blogger with a secret life. >> my life is awesome than what - dreamed it would be at his point, ut it's a far, far reach ú%ay from whhee iihave been. >> what his followers don't know about him. and near record temperaaures today as we get to the low3 90s..33 will we gee to the 90-degree tax on everything you buy?
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that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message.
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with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does.
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5544 on a friday morning as3 we head into ihome opening take a look at weig what weehavú right now. noorain, 72 degrees for theng, starting temperature, very mild humidity. the dew point is at 69 so the humidity is still going to play a role today as temperatures climb to nnar record values. we have got 57, 90-degree plus days or more and more as weeadd today probably to that list. and that is aa all time record and it's vvry hot summer now into fall. 72 degreessfor baltimore. temperatures, 73 in d.c. 71 innhagerssown. it's mild all over the area or warm. you can see the warm air %-it will actually tuun hot as e southwesterly flow allow the
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bii and then we ill see thea front move in. it will pass through tomorroo. it be bringing us any rain. it's a dry cold front. %-tomorrow we drop into the 80s, well above the average which is aroond 76 foo this time of yyar. then we will drop below that number as we continue to move into the sunday with lower 70s -s the air continues to filter in from the north and west. toward tropical ssorm matthewe which is oving toward central %inds. ú%nday morning. it could be as arly as late saturday. notice as it tracks to the north filtering up to thh north and3 easttwith a chance of some rainshowerr onlyy ut of t. we will get moisture in here and needed rainffll probably by monday, tuesday, and maybe wednesday. i will talk more about that in the seven-day forecast. 90 degrres for the day today, a
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dry day with a south wind at 15ú to 20 miles per hour. tomorrowwthe humidity drops behind that front. the unshine the wessern part of maryland, getting to 94 under the rrdge oo high pressure that is buulding and a southwest wind breezy at 10 to 15 millssper hour. wind at 5-15 miles per hour.west as weecheck out of the rest of the forecast. after the 93 ttday, 85 tomorrow with mostly clear skies, 72 degrees on ssnday headed to m&t bank stadium. hhre is what it should look like. %-skies with a west wind 5-10. ú% should be comfortable indeed. that wiil be for theekickoff -emperaturr, it warms up ffr 72 for he high, a little better ffr the game. here comes the chance, late day showers then. get anotter low pressure center moving up from the ssuth and wednesday and 79 on thursday as we dry out then. we wiil take the rainnthat we can et from monday into
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ú%dnesday. now foo a look at what isú hhppening on the roadwayss here is lauren cooke with the track edge. ú%'s a foggy one out there, lauren. >> reporter: it sure is, steve.we are dealing with a tonf fog. you expect reduced visibility as you head out this morning. it's going to be worsttin carroll county and we have an you want to watch ouu for.3 and as we make our way to 83, just a ton of fog in this ú%%-can't even see the roadway t now, so do be extra careful if you watch out headed in that vicinity.3 after the west side of the beltway, looking better. everything is up o speed. you're looking at an 11-minute ride on the outer loop from 795 to 95. it will remain clear as you head to parkville. it's much foggiee in this area but you're lookkng at an 11-minute ride on the outer loop %-the southbound lanessready ton approach southbound boulevard. as we the check and take a look,
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it's not leading to any delays. you're looking at whitemarshú ú%ulevard from the beltwwy. for those of you travel ago cross the tidings memorial bridge this morning.ú so again, we're dealing with tons of fog. you want to be extra careful. visibility this morning.uced's that's the traffic edge
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moreethan just words on thh web. they can be a mirror into someone's soul. kathleen cairns and photojournalist dave larson trace the footsteps of baltiiore county blogger who has here is dave's human drama. since i started. >> reporter: it's dave's ú%line diary. fame but no fortune. i don't mind camping out whenn3 the temperatures are all like they hhve been, so it's all good, my life is far from what i dreamed it would be at this point, ut it's a far, ffr reach away from where i have een..3 >> could be here six hhurs one day and 30 minutes the next. it all depends..3 a familiar place.
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>> a bunch of people here know me and of course assing forgiveness for those wrongs and from god. sometimes the blog is 2ú paragraphs, sometimes it's 2 pages. my life is an oppn book. i have had 7600 hits in two3 years wwth no advertising, word -> repooter: topics can range from evil to evangelical. >> sometimes it's a way to get it out without resorting. >> reporrer: from philosophy -o food. >> other days it's a way to say you thii. >> reporter:!!!thank you. >> reporter: he calls it therapeutic. - laughter ] real lifee >> reporter: as dave heads >> that was today's post. >> reporter: he makes onee3ú -rief stoo. for books. to his humble abode.
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>> now, this is home, if you -anttto call it that. >> reporter: in this busy %-about dave.screte location or >> they don't know the whole storr. they don't know i'm on the streetss they don't know i'm homeless. abandoned.3 there's no heat and no electricity ann no water. ú% reporter:: he admiis his ttrubled ast led to this troubled life. have health issues. you can't googet a job when you don't know what you're doing that day. yyu can't come home anddtake a shower.ú >> reporter: he shows us3 where the mice run and where he sleeps. >> i sleep ittoff. this is the dry seccion of the shed. this is home for sleep. >> repooter: he stock piles what supplies he can for
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survvval..3 >> i change a or tww, my dirtt clothes back. air, my emergency bathroom,3 >> reporter: e won't stay aa shelters. >> it feels like jail. >> 4-foot long by 30-foot long, but thhssis my shhlter. >> reporter: his only escape is when he shuts hhs eyes. >> i yeaan to be a weever of tales ann spend a human drama. >> reporter: and dreams of publishing a ook. >> itt glorious lasting trauma. >> reporter: in the daylight. >> and let'sssee whaa i have in here. >> reporrer: dave enjoys his3 ffee finds. >> a bag of doughnuts taken from tte dunkin douuhnuts dumpster. >> reporter: e hopes tt show the world hommless doesn't define him. >> i go by the philosophy that% homeless doesn't mean der lick. >> reporter: while most people don't seem to notice im.
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2000 have read his blog. homeless side. >> i sharr my story, share my soul,,you know. >> it doesn't matter to me. i have nothing to hide anymore. coming up onnfox 45 morning news, a few veteran actors are taking over threaters this some kind of energy freedom fighter. the films bringing michael douglas, segorny weaver, and jamie lee curtts to the big introducing the samsung fascinate powered by verizon. super amoled screen. six-axis 3d gaming and access to thousands of free apps. all in one ultra-thin package. you want it, we got it.
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buy a samsung fascinate and any other phone is free. only at verizon. [ quinand this is my eggo., on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo. [ monkey cheeps ] [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally- conscious way while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water-heating energy bill. the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way
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is just going to seem primitive. [ monkey cheeps ] ♪ maryland residents can save up to $780 while funds last. good morning, everybody. here is your first look att3 sports. the ravens have done a lot of waiting for sergio kendall. this evening at least part of
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that wait is over. the second rounder has greed to a contract. ú% gets a rookie tender of placed on the non-football injury list meaning he can't play that season, ut we knew that alrrady. youuwill remember that de kendal ú%ffered a skull fracture. he s hoping to return next yet.on, but nothing is certain the ravens are looking to %-loss in cinninnati. sunday's kristen berset has more. p> after a heartbreaking loss to cincinnati and a poor offensive performance last sunday, the ravens hopp to bounce back against another divisional flow in their home opener. they will probably do just that. thattdoesn't mean the ravens will aae taking it for granted.
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let hem try to run the ball.e.3 who can establish the ground game and the big plays, the wild caas. you can limit those things. you haae a pretty good shot against them.3 >> we get a feel for them, and we have a good team, you know. we play although against them. we play lowwagainst a lot of teams. because we get to play a llt. and kiid of just play out. >> this sunday he ravens play theii first meaningfullhhme game sinne before the playoffs. they expect the fans to be oud3 especially when the browns ppll out the wild cats. >> if e stop early, they won't come back to it as often. we got to mmke sure when at the crankkd down as fast as we can. he can be such a dangerous player. he can run you over. if youuplay strong out front and gett im stopped, you know, not
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creating any holes for him, we will be able to stop the walk up. >> one thing we want to urge the crowd to do. we are back home for thh first time in quite a while. when they are at ffense, we need them t be loud. and we need them to be loud when she the 16. touch down this season. but a glaring statistic they ii on this sunday >> ann turn over you have the ability to et, make sure you get that one. i mean you can't try to invent things or try to go make plays to make turnovers. but when they come over, you can't squander off opportunities. >> we got to keep it rolling.ú we have been in tough situations and dug our way out of it this year. we got to maae some more planes. we have to stop aking turr ú%ers. -p the ravenssare going for e
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5th consecutive win against the browns. kickoff is set for 1:00. kristen berset for sports that's the morning ports..3 i'm bruce continuin cunningham,o
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