tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX September 29, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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>don't let the bed bugssbite. -ust how bad the problem is he pushed me.nd. >> a student punched by an aide on a bus. the confrrntation that led to the assaull. >i'm robably here with -- and i then i fell backwards like with dizziness and it got all black. and spoots and concussions. the damage of tufg is out. toughing it out. good morning, it's wednesday, september 29th. city all in downtown baltimore. good morning, i'm patrice harris. meteorologist steve fertig is here with a ook aa ouu forecast. as we are halfway thrrugh the week. good morning. good morning, to you, and we are setting tte stage of the possibility of heavy raii coming
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your way for overnight tonight into tomorrow. we are talking about tropical ddpression umberr16 and it's coming our way, guys. ttke look at what e have.3 any sunshine that we have thii morning,,ann it's not much, is of the system coming our way. then some ssowers begin to move in for the southern part of the state, later in the day and for thh rest of us later this evening and overnight as well. ccld front from the west will also help bbing us the heaay3 -ain. we alreaay have a flash-flood watch, not for what we're expecting so much. it continues until tomorrow night untill9:00 p.m. you see the most area the in that region and the area na is noo nder a flooddwatch to the eastern shore. some locations more than that, flooding definit definitely a possibility for tomorrow. toddy mostly dry at he us stop.3 we will see the temperatures climb from the 50s to
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showers aae on the way and heavy we will talk moreein a feww3 minutes about that system. lauren, gooddmorning.3 >> reporter: good morningg steve. so far so good n the roads.3 we are loooing at liveespeeds s we take a live look at the northeast cooridor of 95. just south offtheebeltway you will see cars on the roads. if you're traveling on southbound, yyu're ooking at a speed of 54 miles per hour.geú through the unnels, you're looking attan average speed of 55 milee ppr hoou. no problems traveling from the speed of 54 miles per hour. that's the traffic edge. patrice, back to youu thank you, lauren. 5:02 fox 45 early edition. bed bugs have become so widespreed in baltimore that the city health depaatment iss3
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holding a puulic meeting. city ressdents are xpected to gather and talkin talk about whs bugging them. >> reporter: good morning, megaa. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. later this morning the stairs -wll be infested with the about the bed bugs. they are holding the first of the eries of public meetings as a responseeof the city'ss3 regarding bed bugs. calls to 311 bout the reepy critters are up. the bed bugs have gotten ss bad that some tenants are suing their landlords. there are lawsuits in browns live and hey were forceú to leave. >> when ou have bed bugs crawling in bbd and suckinn you and you wake-up with intense itchhng all ooer your body.
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it's very disturbing. youufeel violated. >> reporter: the browns are dollar lawsuit, claiming that thh apartment managers didn't do anything about it. they are advising renters across maryland to take xtra ú%terminator. their bites areeusually innrows. if you have more qqestions abbuú bed bugs, peehaps hoo to get rid of themm the meeting today in the city is from noon to 1:30 here at the megan gilliland fox 5 early edition. a city policc officer dies %-he fames fouler died on monday after crashing his truck. he is a 31 ear veteran of the3 police force and commissioner fred bealefelddssys he was dedicated to his job.ú >> in fact, even at the time of
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attend a training in upstate to pennsylvvnia to make himself a >> investigators believe weather -ay have playee a rooe in the crrsh. a 4-year-old girl isssaved by a fast-acting police officer and last night he was cellbrated for his actions. at about 4:00 yesttrday morning, ú%calllfor hhlp went outtfroo -his house on vena court in pasadena. -aliitle girl sick from a respiratory illness couldn't breathe. fortunately anne arundel police %-he arrived at the house 1 mine %-found the irl lying on the floor. >> she began to gasp several times during the time..3 kept failing and she kept stopping. >> he was able to revive the child just before paramedics arrived and thhnks to the officer, 4-year-old bbooke is in stable condition at university
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a charles county worker with rescued after falling into a 30-foot well at a sewage pumping station in waldorf. he fell while working at he stationn the worker was alert during the rescuu and is expected to be okay..3 forget walking on broken and her husband aided as part of %-fraud and conspiracy charggs after she ate glass and ccaimed that different restaurant and hotels served her glass laced food. she filed different claims ii maryland and ddc. her husband pled guilty in 2007 and was senttnced in he prosecution. and couple owes more than $100,000 in unpaid medicallbills as a result of the scheme. a man is sennenced to life behhnd barspo bars for arrangine
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murder of a fellow gang member. timoohh rowlings was sentenced on tuesday. he had two other members of the blood killed stephen parish because he suspected that parisú was gay.ú a baltimore man is convicted of assault but cleared of attempted murder after opening ffre at a wes westminister apart complex. harris was arguing with two men ovee a missing cell ppone in february when he pulled out a gun and started shooting. he fired a shot at a man on the3 apartmenttstairwelll and fired two more shots at the door of a unit once the man ran inside..3 he is beinggheld without bail until sentencing. a man pleads driving while3 impaired. -olice say he hit and killedú 16-year-old beeni!!16-year-old n
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whiie riding his bike last august. governor o'malley rolls outú a new radio ad. in it, comes support from peopp3 many democrats seem to be3 distancing themselvee these days. preeident barackkobama. >> mmryland you have a choice in the election this fall, a choice whhther you keep working forward with the hard working leadershi3 and vision of governor martin o'malley r do you slip backwards. ú%r o'malley.nt recorded the ad release comes after o'malley attenddd a bill signing ceremony with the president in washington. we will alk to a political analyst about whether the president's support will help o'malley's re-election campaign. that is coming up in the 6:00 hour. health and human services kkthleen ver seville ashitt thel
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says public focus should be on moving america forward. she aid voters face the choice of supporting democratic leaders who ccn make proggess in the the bush era pplicy..3 >> we are going through selective amnesia in the country like us to have selective amnesia. it's important not for those of you in this room necessarily but when you reach for folks, remind -hem of whattwhere we were. we have the same republicann who ran this economy into a ditch, saaing to voters pay no attention to that, put me back okay. >> the rally was one of 100 on campuses acrossed u.s. for the latestton the governor gooto and click on the news knee tours
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section. >you may eventually be able to pack more oo your carryyon bag when you fly. thee are lookinggat easing liquid restrictions, although an easing of the policy would be good for customers and bad for3 -ecurity, we ave the reaction >> at logan international airpprt and at airports all around the worll, hhightened security is theenew normal in this post 9/11 world. we are all familiar now with full body scanners that look for hidden explosive devices and we have grown used to the nearly complete bbn of carrying liquid on airliners. when aaplot to blowup jetliners -as revealed. now there's worr that the bbn oo %-objects hasseased up.úry on it will soon be available at
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security checkpoints byy2000 telephone. >> traveling witby 2000 >> traveling with an infant, i going to be able to see what it needs.. >> i trust the technology and those making the decision..3 >> when ttee''e putting the computer through the scanners and checking everything. >> reporter: so why not the3 gels. >> but others are worry and concerned about how inventive and determined al-qaeea members can be. >> it allows people to put whatever they wann n there and finddwayy to hide it. >> it feels like yyu aae stepping back. you can buy a drink on the other you don't need to bring it with you.3 coming up on the early edition a rule on maryland why city police say they willl3 continue to arrest people for recording officers.
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i always feed in the fall. but, it's the best time. feed your lawn in the fall. the fall feeding makes all the difference in the world. what the fall feeding does is build the roots.. that's when the roots sorta want nutrition. i give my lawn scotts winterguard. it's like a root building machine. it builds your lawn from the roots up. next year you get this! the stronger the roots, the stronger the lawn. all year long. the best time to feed is when it will do the most good. there's no substitute for the fall feeding, trust me. it is the best thing you can do for your lawn. i use scotts winterguard.
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-p 5:14 on fox 45 arly edition. here with a look at our3ig s forecast. good morning, steve. patrice, good morning to you. ú% are experiencing the calm before the storm because we do3 have someeheavy rain coming your wwy for later tonight and -vernight into tmorrow. take look at ky hd radar, ceetainly not looking bad at thii hour. we are dryyright ow. howevvr that will not remain the case take a look at what we have as far as what we have the moisture moving n from the south. %-afternoon to the over part of
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the state. a lot of this moisture from the deep south starts to move up in our direction off the eastern seaboard. our direction. that is tropical depression -umber 16. it's going to bring a lot of in the neighborhood of 2-4 inches or so as the low pressure center makes its waa up -te eastern seaboard. wwll you watch as the showees in tomorrow night, and the morning commute tomorrow is goinn to be very tough with heavy downpours -ressure center comes out to sea, it looks like it comes inland enough that we see the heaviest ain tomorrow evening or 9:00 p.m., ou see the low shades around the rotation of the low pressure. where we get the heaviest rain, tingg hard to tell ight now it will depend on the speed in in our direccion.lbbunnary moves
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it looks likeeit will be a system that comes inland. as far as how much rain, this is what we're expecting for the next 24 hours. of what as yo!!watch as yoo sees expecttd to climb 2-4 inches of raii. it could be localized areas that see more than that. as a result, we ggt a flooo watch in place in the northeastern part of the state.ú fllsh-flood watch, thaa is until tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. not expecting the rain but more so tomorrow. temperatures are going to climb some today but not s much we ggt to 80, 75 degrees first at the eastern shore. northeast windd at 5-10 mmlesú per hour with tte showers. whattabout thh central part f the sttte, look for a hiih temperature here offabout 74 degrees, northeast winds 5-100 look for increasing clouds wiih thh showers and after the3 morning hours, we will see the3 temperatures limb to 72 degrees forrthe western part of maryland where the showers could e
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65 degrees overnight tonight as the rain begins tt pick p in intensity and tomorrow 74 degrees -- rather 75 degrees for the high and the heavv rain movessthrough late tomorrow nnght and we dry out for frrday. partly cloudy, 68 and 66 for the weekknd, still ooking cool but dry, 68 for monday and tuesday. for a look at what is happening on the roadways, here is lauren cooke with the traffic edge. laurrn.3 >> reporter: thank you, steve. soofar so good on the roads. we're looking at hiih-speed. if yoo are traaellng along the 795, cars are moving along just 4-minute ride from whiteearsh to the beltway. here is alive look at harford road where you can see noo much aativity bbt you will be looking at i-95 to 83. here is a look at libertied road where you can see everything is up to speedd no problemssto
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from 795 to 95. if you're traveling on 83, here is a look at warrennroad you where you will notice it's going to be wide open, nothinn to get in your way. hop on to the jfx froo 695 all the way down to east fayette street. that's the traffic edge report. patrice, back o you. sttll hhad the price of precious metals hitting record it's not just gold that is going to ost you. ú%> the law is still the law. >> and get any phone free only at verizon
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baltimore police say they video taping officers on public streets. haa is despite a ruling on monday by a hard for harford coy -olice. >> reporter: baatimore police at preakness capttred electrii nice an!!electrically, and illee >> we are focusing on going after iolent offenders. ú%pturr n preakness to anh officer bar aiding a skateboarder at the inner har recording a poliie placed on the spotlight. >> sit down. >> it's whethhr or not you haae a reasonable expectttion of
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privacy. >> reportee: monday charges are thrrwn out against bikkr who videotaped his raffic stop tte judge ruled that police in public have no reasonable expectation of privacy. >> get off the motorcycle, state >> reporter: while a harforr county judge may say it's well within your right to record police out in public, a diiferent story here in the city where police say they can still arrest you. >> the law is still the law. rrporter: joe castle way %-problemaaic for police.sion aa he now believes that the iretap law needssto beechanged and he is not the only one. >> his s new ground for the state legislature aad for theú -egal commuuity to look at. as the information is evooves and accesssto the information evolves e need to know. reporter: criminologist says it's an issue that could have wider implications. >> once you are out in the3 public in general, there's
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minimal expectaaion of privacy. >> reporter: it's an argumentú that most likely won't end here3 joy lapoll a lepola foxx45 morn. delegate speakl speakle plao reintroduce measures to speak the wireeapping law. why gubeenatorial bob ehrlich is concerned about aa3 ehrlich is concerned about aa3 possible cover up. ♪ your favorites, in pieces. that's why there's lubriderm® daily moisture. it contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. later gator. lubriderm. your moisture matched.
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$1,300. at this level it's pretty high. confideece in the economy is falling. all the stocks rise on tte day. they usually move in the the dowwgainnng another 46 now up nearly 148 points this month. home prices in the 20 biigest cities risinggby a fraction in july versessjune. and they gained more than 3% compared toolast year. ttat government tax credit is and retail sales ising by more than 3% versus last clothing the hottest seller. toys toys "r" us are hiring 45,000 peopleefor the holidays.3 that is more than last year. ú%at is business. i'm liz mcdonald. an alleged confrontation between a school bus aide and a what reportedly led up to the fight. are you waking up itchinn3
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welcome back to fox 45 easterliy edition. 5:28 is he time. i'm pptrice harris. forecast as e head into mid-week. -t's been a little chilly andd3 meteorologist sttve fertig is here with what weecan expect today and headed toward the ress of the week. yeah, well, today increasing cloud cover and showers latt in the ddyybut it's tte heavy rain coming from tropical depression number 16 that is coming our way, that will bring us concerns of heavy flash-flood watches. ww have watches throughout the entire state thht will continne ú%rouuh tomorrow. some clouds will be on the incrrase for thh timm being, but %-way as you can plainly see to the south and it will be headed ed flash-flood watch for the
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entire state nd the only place we won't see it is for the northeast..3 everybody concerned aaout flooding as we get into the overnight and into thursday. it will be a wet one, as much as twooinches of rain possible. it's mostll cloudy with a northwwst wind at 5-10. the temperatures are in the low 60s. the temperaturesswill get up to 74 degreee foo the high. again the big concern, the heavy raii and damaging winds, too. we will talk more about that and what tropicalldepressson number 16 has in store for us. laurrn, how are we looking this mooning. >> reporter: steve so, far the roads are looking pretty clear. we are looking at high speeds on many of our maii lines as we ttke a look at liberty roaa. will you notice no problems to report along the inner or outer -oop. you're looking at an 11-minute remain clear ii you are traveling from the tunnels to the beltway. you''e looking at an 8-minute trip at 5 miles per hour. traveling from the harbor
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