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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 6, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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winds at 5 miles per houu. %-areas, the metro areas in d.c. 41 in salisbury aad 8 aa hagerstown. %-at aboutt2 to 5:000this pasty noon. and 59 degrees as the temperatures back off a little ú%t. a couple of light showers around. improving weather to come. i will tell you about that n a few minutess right now here is lauren cooke with the traffic edge. good morning, lauren. >> reporter: good morning, stevement we arr dealing with some rain. you wwnt to watch ouu for slick roads as you head oot this -orning. att55 miles per hour on the i-95 travellng soutt in the whitemarsh area. here is looking soutt. no probbems to eport. you're looking at a 4--inute ú%de from the whitemarsh to the if you're traveling on 695 from 95 tt 83, you're looking at an speed of 52 miles per hour.
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all is clear on the wwst side from 795 to 95, you're looking at an 11-minute ride with an average speed of 54 miles ppr hour. that's a look at your traffic edge. patrice, bbck to you. 5:31 now on fox 45 earlyú edition. %-west boroug boro bant oft chul take his case before the supreme court today. good mooning, patrice. the first case was fought heree3 in baltimore federal court back in 2007. -ow at that time, al snyder was %-from tte west boro church in kansasswho picketeddhis son's funeral lance cop rai corporal w snyder a soldiee killed in iraq3 signs at the funeral saying the3
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wereethere under their first amenddent rights. while the court ruled in his favor, the ruling was overturned at ffrst court of appeals in richmond. %-case moves to the supreme cou3 freedom of speech hasde if boundaries. a question, that one baltimore attorney says will bb tough to decide. and now they're coming home in bags ♪ obnoxious or so damaging as to be actionable? court ill ddtermine if themeú collect $5 million awarded in a fedeeal lawsuit. we id try to contact the west boro church by e-mail and ven byyphone but they did not answer. live from a courr downnown, i'm fox 45 early edition. stay tunee to fox 45 morning news for continuing coverage of
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this story. we will talk tt an attorney about the surrounding issues with tte case. that is oming up in the 6:00 hour. anne aruudel police are looking for threee uspects at -fter a robbery at a lin thick - 23 yeers old woman was talking with the men in her hotel room when two othhrs ccme in with guns. all three allegedly went through items before getting way. a baltimore county family is excessive force and the inciden3 in question is caught on tape. smith says that her 13 years old %-a woman staading nearby pulled out her cell phone and started recording. the video is dark and a little blurry, but the family it captured the officer's blows. >> he hit me in the head at
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llast two times and then he started hitting me in my jaw. >> aybe if he had known before he talked to the zorr in the he was, maybe he wouldn't have beattenhim like that. -p>> thh since started after a n hit hhm with a bottle. poliche believes that the polic3 threw a punch back. two ddys of deliberations and still no verdict in the ken harris murder trial. %-questions for the judge.of in court yesterday, jurors asked to see the shell casing found near the murder scene as well as the bullet that killed harris. jurors also wanned to know how many guns were used in the robbery that followed the shooting and if jerome williams, the defendant accused of firing the fatal shot had a gun attthe bar. >> do you hhnk they're closer to reaching a verdict? what does that tell you? >> think giving the rrserve of
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50 somm exhibits that they're reviewing that, and i'm glad of that, i have no idea. judge told them that didn't exist and they woull have to depend on their memory. deliberatioos continue today. mmrriage is bringing a whole lot more than love to cecil %ounty. %-a $500,000 grant rom theeived federal government to help it continue its program aimed at strengthening marriaaes. the funds will go toward marriage enrichment wwekend and the ravens next game is his sunnay, but it's monday night3 that thoosands of female fans are looking forward to, maybe just as much as sunday. eveeing is oming back and joel d smith is live at the stadium this morning tooshow us what the ladies will be able to doo good morning. ú% reporter: good morning, weere also showing what the fans
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are able to buy starting, you %-this hat right here, breastee cancer awaaeness. the nfl is doing all of that ú%ese aae the hats that the coaches are going to be weaaing. ww have this for the breaat can ear icancer awareness and it's e weekend for the female. when it comes to ttis event, how importanttare the female fans to the avens. >> they're 44% of our faa base, so it's important for us to cater to them. >> reporter: what do you feell3 they want from ou guys. >> access to the stadiums and ak says to the playerssso we're going to give it to them.úú%>> u going to have on monday. >> player autographs, and access to theeffeld and the locker room. >> reporter: we ask the players why did you do thaa, and why don't you do that, that's the time to do it. >> reporter: i bet they will,
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tooo where can they get this kind oo stuff. >> they can get all of this at at pprple evening on monday. they can go online to baltimore and get these. the hats are reallyypppular so that is the best place tooget it. >> reporter: it doesn't look that bad with the purple. one thing you can have this coming monday, not kicking the football, but how abou how aboug ball to the 20-yard field goal. let's see how that goes. crunch it.3 maybe they can practice ttat, too. it's a good event for a lot of reasons and it's $30, they can comm out and complain to the players, maybe get a couple of handshakes and autographs. -p>> it was a good ick, joel. we are a pleading in the studio. >> reporter: i will keep on backing up and see how much
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>> i think it was the ink that gave you the adrenaline. put on your walkkng shoes.3 it's walk to school across the country. %-studentt hitting the pavemenn will be accompanied by mounted at takoma park, students are just 13% of students are walking to school on a regular basss, that is down from 41% in 19511 ittcomms at a time with obesity is up. the real cost of healthcare reform. >> we were ppomised that it would go down. the white house says e knew alú along they would o uu. new numbers. one more cool day today, we start the ttmperaturrs inn he low 500 which is not that
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5:41 on fox 45 early edition. it's time to getta check of our forecast for the day. meteorologist steve ter ti ferts here with a look. good morning, patrice, we have a coople of light showers, ú%but eventually we will. them the sky hddradar ot showing a whole lot of activity ut there. a coupleeof showers moving across the bay.ú and chester town, too, seeing showers earlier and so is whitemarsh now. it'ss ot seeing much activity at all of the we had a little bit of rain in agerstown and now it's gonee as we look at the thinns in motion. a circulation around the low pressure center that is slowly moving off toward the nooth and east. as it does, it will take the rainnwiih it. what will be with it, nicer weather coming your way as the rain moves up into new england for later in the day. -ere comes the igh pressure is going to bring us all the
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sunshine. going to sing the song, but you3 know the ong, beatles. going to make for a real nice stretch into the eekenn and into cclumbus ay so we're lookinggforward to that. as far as rain today, anything we get will be the light. only .100 of an innh of rain, and only a elp wiih the up slope of the mountains in oakland. seeing more activiiy. 63 degrees the temperature in baltimore, 54 in d.c., 41 in salisbury and 48 if hagerstown. these temperatures will climb a little bit more than yesterday. 60s in fact.w 60s and around ww will get up to 62 degreess a couple of degrees, who is counting? wait until tomorrow when it gets much nicer, the passing shower -ossible for the central part of the state, back to the western part of maryland staying in the gaze, 58 and a couple of showers there with a wind of 5-10. 48 league48 degrees overnight. it could be a light shower
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around and it would be light. tomorrow, e give way to partly cloudy skiis, becoming mostly sunny later in the day with a high off72. 73 and ssnny on saturday, and 70 on sunday all with plenty of -unshine, even monday, it comes ú%d looks good with clouds increasing later at night and showers at least the next chance of showers comee on tuesday and3 a high of 71. whaa is happening on the roads right now as far s the commute is concerned? here is lauren cooke wiih thee3 traffic edge. lauren. >> reporter: thank you, sttve. we're dealing with a little bit of rain this morningg we do expect slick roads as we we are looking at high speeds on all of main lines. 64 miles per hour clocking at 95 ú%%-live look.heck in anddtake a cars are mooing along the northbound lanes just ine..3 it will be an easy ride as yoo make your waa toward the beltway. %-area.will remain clear as you not anything to get in yyur way whatsoever, you're look the a
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4-minute trip from 83 to the beltway. you're look traveling at 695, it wiil remain clear as we make our way ovee to thh west side. here is a look at lib tie libbr, there's a lot more volume in talk about whatsoever.elays to3ú for those of you traveling in the harrisburg ress way exprese is a look at harris road. that's a look at trackkedge. patrice -- traffic edge, patrice, back to you. injury concerns for the ravens. how much time paul krueger will miss after carrying his nsl. now he white house says we knew all along that theyywere going to go up.
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it's one of the most conttetious measures to ome ut of washington. six months ago, democrats necessarily passed massive health reform legislation. the reforms are taking effect to come into focus.are starting jennifer gilbbrt has more in
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cost of care. not the most delicate language, but the vice president's omments summed up how democrats felt when thee3 massive healthcare reform3 package narrowly passed throuuh congress. six months later benefits are kiiking in. >> the most important patient bill of rights that we have seen in our history. >> reporter: there's no lifetime limits on medical costs. chiidren can stay on their mediccl health plans until they reach 266yearssold. and insurees can no longer drop %-or preexisting conditions.ness >> i was scared to death, more -- not as much -- i got cancer, what am i going toodo? it wasshow am i going to pay for these outrageous bills that are going to come our waa. >> reporter: while the %-and the big bills are stiil to
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come. a report from the cms, the center for mediiaid and medicare services says health cosss are actuallyyincreasing under the new legislation. annual costs were eepected to go up by 6.1% a year. now that the law has passed, annual costs are expected to rise by 6.3%. >> as a consequence of us getting 30 million additional people hhalthcare, at the margi3 that is going to increase our costs, we knew that. we didn't think thattwe were %-for free.ver 30 million people >> reporterr a surprising admission from an administration that promised lower coots and better care. >> he ssii that wee we were goio see by the end of his first term, we were going to see a $2,500 per year reddduction in annual family health insurance ú%eyums.
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>> reporter: tte governor and more forrhealthcare under thend nnw law. private consumers will spend $1.9 trillion by 2019. $80 billion more than itt reform >> we were promise that they were going to go down. ú%w the white house is saaing, we knew all along thee wwre going to go up. if they knew all along they were going to go up, why didn't they tell the congress aal along that in fact his was going to increase and not decrease awful lot f members of congress voted for this legissaaion because they believed incorrectly, it turns out, they belieeed this would help toúbri. >> reporter: in the state of adding either. the coordinating council wwich is made up of democrats appointed by the govvrror, says healthcare reform will save taxpayers $29 million over the
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marylanders in half n this is -oing too e elimination of the higher match in he children's hhalth insurance program. >> reporter: what the ú%ministration isn't telling is that the same report questions medicare coverage when federal subsidies end in 2020. projected savings, the state has to have strong job growth by 2017 someehing no one can >> there's no way in god's worll that this is going to benefit the state financially. it's a budgee buster. >> reporter: and it's still unpopular, 20 states are suing -laiiing the government ovee steps its authhrityyby requiring -itizens to buy insurance. hall of americans think the law3 should be repealed and republicans seizing on public
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sentimenttpromiseeto work to ú%gain control of congress. >> very, very few people have experienced much of anything at all positive from this health reform and they're not going to for yyars to come. >> reporter: jennifer bill gilbert, fox 45 morning news. -p you ccn read the report fr tte centerpor medicaid services your self. just go to links. coming up later on the fox 45 morning news, the father of a fallen marine versus protests of a church. we will look at the case thattis headed to the supreme court. but next the raven are on a high after their win against the steelers. hear from co
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> in the wake theii dramatic victory over thh steelers on
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sunday, the ravens are riding hike, at least two sets of powering ranking have the number one in the nfl. had he have to gnore, while the steeler win was huge, thhy still have to get ready for the denniedenverbroncos this sunday. it sound ike you don't have to worry about a let down this sunday. >> i don't see it anywwy for that to happen, because that's their mind-set. weere playing a really good %-this teem has tal en. they're a sounddsolid defense, very displentied defense, offensively, they got weapons all over the place. it's oing to be a huge challenge for us that way. they got weaaons at all four wide receive either are catching about the same number of balls. two returns that caa hurt you at you are playing somebody like that. >> there's a reassn for the elevated play of joe flacco. basically he has ot been
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running for his llfe lately. the ravens defensive line has been playyng very well, in act, againsttthe steellrr, he was sacked only ones and they are doing hissjob, the quarterbackk3 can be much more effectiie and thankful for that mmater. >> starttng to play well together and i think it's showinn. to handde the guys theeway we did, it was great, i mean we got them into a couple of men rush sometimes also. when they brouuht it, our guys did a great job of standing in there and protecting me and protecttng the runninggback. >> for everybody to say wow, that is going the way they did. they have been playing that way all year, but for that to happen against those two outside guyy anddthattfronn that they got, i'm really happy for them. >> reportee: injjry concerns conttnue. defensive end paul krueger suffered a torn ligament in the game..3 it's considered an m2lc tear. it looks as if surgery won't be
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required. krueger will miss a minimum of two weeks. they had down a ack and passed down a pass. it's time for the game of the weekend contest. you an write for the game that you see contests and cliccing on highway game of the week.3 ffr friday, october 8th, yoman at cal ver hall, hereein also in football. mercy battle a big girl soccer match and dulaaey at erry hall and hhokey will announce the wwiner on thursday night. ú%at's the morning sports. i'm bbuce cunningham. fox 45 morniig news. no matter where you're from, we're looking for all f you ravens fans tt senddus photos just go to and click on the community features section. coming up in our 6:00 hour, paying to keep your pets healthy.
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the insurance costs more than roxy's medicare. >> when it's really worth it to spring ffr pet insurance. >> and what tarted here in baltimore federal court is headed to the u.s. supreme court
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looks like someone is the ladies.
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now on fox 45 morning news. >> accusations of police brutality caught on tape. what sparked the beating and ho3 young the viccim is. ♪ 73 ♪ god hates america >> a local man takes his fight agginst the west boroug boro bat church to the supreme court. country has to decide starting today. >> reporter: it'' always fun how much some of this holiday season's most luxurious ifts will cost you. ggod morning. it's wednesday, october 6th. i'm patriceeharris. halfway through the week, what can we expect on this day as far as the


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