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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 8, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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we areehopinggthat we caa get contact more or less this saturday. the light at the end of the tunnel. when the miners couud be ressued after months unnee underground. a suspended renal traa regin over $5 fine. why his driver got in trouble even though he paid the fine. dinner with a side of the crude new attraction at baltimore's any harbbr.
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inner harbor. good morning, riie and shine, you're taking a live look attthe inner harror thii morning for the sttrt of what is shaping uppto be a beautiful day and start tt the weekend. welcome to fox flie 45 early ed. i'm megan gilliland. patrice harris has the mornnng off nd in case you forgot, it issfriday. that means it's your turn to sound off onnour facebooo pageú about anything ou want. mind, and your response could air at our feedback seggent. become a fan and join in the conversation..3 no doubt a lot of people talking about the big ravens game this weekend. ú% will check ii with meteorologist steve fertig about howwthe weather is going to be shaping at the m&t bank stadium. >> reporter: wwnderful, thaak you for remiindng me it's
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>> some people forget. >> take a look at where we3 start. sky hd radar, nothing there, just nothing going on.ú ttere's laad there, but that ii about it. otherwise, the bigger scope shows up at the atlantic ocean and out of our way. not goinn to see much cloud ccver out there and out offour way. you will see daydreaming and going to concentrate and it will be beautiful. ggt your studies done and enjoy the rest of the weekend. 58 in d.c. and hagerstown at 54. 75 degrees. even tte winds diminish west, to -ice, and coofortable warm day. let's see if the commute is going to be good. no pressure, lauree cooke. %-steve.ter: thank you, fortunateey he roads are as clear as the forecast. we are looking at high speeds on mmny of our main lines, 55 miles
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per hour at 95, here is a live look at route 43, no proolems to reporrt cars a moving alonn the northbbund and southbound lanes -ust fine. you're looking at a 5-minute ride and frommthe fort mchenry tunnel to the beltway, you''e -nd a 9-minute ride with an average speed of 53 miles err3 hoor. that's a lookkat the traffii edge. megan, backkto you. thankss lauren. it's 5:03 on fox 45 early p>> it's been two months since they have seen their faailies r even the lighttof day. freedommfor the trappolian joel d smith is here. >> reporter: megan, hopefully this will be the last morning they wake up underground. they are expected to reach the men tomorrow.
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family members have been holding patiently, with even throwing that is whaa they do. it looks like he waiiing will ffnaaly be over soon. the drill being used to get to the trapped minees is more than .4 of underground. the 3 names of the miners are locaaion. the healthiest ones will get out fiist and they will tell the get the weakest miners out safely. they have been practicing whaa they will say once they see the loved ones once they get out. >> the first thing i will tell, estevan is that i love him and he muss never go back down into the mine. she says, there'ssmany ways to earn a living without killing >> reporter: before the
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miners begin their passage to the surface, still more people will go down to join them. rescue experts will go down to aasess the miiers and make them as comffrtable as possible. it will takk 10, to 15 minutes, and about an hour and a half to geeteacc 1 uu there. there's special sunglasses the miners will have to wear when they reach the surface. remember ttey haven't seen the day of sunlight and no matter howwmuch protection is on those eyes, the ears willlbe on thhm. joel. ann anne arundel county -tudent is being treated shock3 trauma after getting in a ffght in school at. the administratoos ppsted the statemmnt at the website that three stuuents got into a fight between classee and one was ú%riously hurt. >> too many fights in schhol and
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happened out of nowhere. >> two students are ffcing assault charges, the other is expected to be okay. an annapolis high schooo studeet is accussd of raping a classmate. 17 years old troy reid has been3 charged as an adult in that incident. police say reid anddthe girl left the school. he walked her to a wooded area nearby and raped her. incluuing rape, ssdomy andú assault. baltimore city police are looking for the uspect who thhy say killed an elderly man back in april. this ii 27 years old garly3 lltham he is accused of assaulting john sandy who died a few months later. pplice say he ii on the run avoiding firss-degree murdee charges. he was last seen wo weeks ago oo wellington avenue. ú%none with information about his whereabouts.ú trial did not have any questionú
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oo thursday. it's the first time it has happened since they started deliberatinggon monday. they may have remaaned sslenn behind closed doors, but the deadlock.ú facing there. earliee in week theyywanted to reviewwthe pieces of evidence including tte bullet that killed the form citt councilman. defense attorneys discusssthe siience and how their clients are dealing with deliberations. >> i'm hopeful that they will topic, thhy would have sent a3 note out there.3 maybe they have made headway. >> my cliint is nervous, excited. he wants to get this over. i am in the same osition..3 possible life sentence.
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deliberations resume this morning. ould a computer glitch be responsiill to cause vehicle reeistraaions to be flagged by the state. the possibilities is aftee a ú%got a letter from the motore vehicle administration notifying that he failed to satisfy the violation. he was old that as a result he would not aalowed to renew his car registration even though he received letter from the city notifying him that his ag was flagged in erroo.3 >> they kept blaming it on the -ourt and holiday street said mbda. state are nnt communicatiig with each other. >> he contacted the city administration for an explanation but nobody responded to us. had been removed from bob's vehiile. >> earller this week prince investigating allegations of
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cheating within theirrranks be but this morning ttere's word that it may have never even happened. officials were oncerned that nearly 150 cadets may have cheated on theii police academy tests ater noii tha noticing tt ú%veral indiviiuals got perfect scooes. an instructor simply recorded the wrong numbers out off3 laziness. afttr checking the tests investigators found that the individuals got a ange of the instructor has been fined buu we mains with the academy. aryland's attorney general ú%ys reeent rulings by the supreme courr proves that tate gun laws are constitutiinal. it concerns citizen's rights to carry hand guns in public. %-carryinn a ggn in publlc isfr suing trying to overturn that laa. >> it only uarantees people o keep hand guns at home for
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self-defense. preeident barack obama throws his supporttbehind3 governor o'malley's bid for re-election t thh rally at bowie, president obama says ttat democrats need to fire p to as they were in 2008 when he was elected democcats are worried that they won't even show up to at the polls. p> they're counting on your apathy. they figured you wouldn't come out and vote. they figured obama is not on the ballot, they won't come out and vote. primary. voter turn out in thee3 down the president's visit.ú >> one thing to emember, the3 president comessin and a lot of ú%citement, big crowds and thee the presidenttleaves. %-and it's back to ehrlich erss o'malley. >> oomalley hhods aasteadd lead
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over republican challenger of3 bob ehrlich. 49% off he vote, ehrlich with 41%. but ehrlich says many of3 o'malley supportees from 2006 no longer trust him. %-have not done for the citizens of the state of marylaad.ú i voted foo you and i feel now >> one the online campaign add on the goverror's race, iris voted for o'mallee in 2006 ann robert ehrlich says she is juss one of many democcats fed up with o''alley's false promises.ú stay tuned to fox 45 morningg3 %-the race for governor.rage of a political analyst will join us more on what ow obama's race's s for the race.
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stay with fox 45 for the latest on the november election. 2010.! mcdonald's is getting a %-other high-profile companies d organizations. the breakkis from one of the key ú%ndates in president obama's health care law. mike immanuulltells us why and what it mmanssfor the rest of us. >> reporter: the biggesst3 single waiver for by the federal govvrnment was for thh united federation of teachers for 5100 instructoos in schools which offer slep supplemental insurano mcdonald'ssand farm workers are among 30 emmloyerr, insurers and union plans granted one year healthcare waivers. it adds up to $1 miilion. -he exelse allow theseegroups to temporarily maintaan miniial
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coverage below tte new law standaads. insurers untti there's bbttee options are for them in 2014. >> reporter: we have 20,000 new members because of federal legislation and rathee than automatically raise payments for proviiees, have raised for a waiver to see if weehave additionnl costs ttat makes itú necessary. unions were the major ones of the puss for the healthcare reform. %-may cover low wage workers, yu -now, form wwrkees may beú unioniied. >> reporter: less than a month before the mmdterm election, there's a political ú%ncern. >> democrats are oing to ave 3 hard enough time getting their ccndidates elected to the house, and having a bunch of hamburgee
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jockeyy losing their heallh innurance is noo a way to enddar yourself with the populous. >> reportee: administration officials defend the oveeas protecting lowerrwage people wanting coverage by making sure that a new class of insured ameeicans is not crrated before ooh optionssare availabbe. >> this is about implementing a bill correctly this is about the mercy of health insurance companies. >> reporter: although these are one year waiverr tte groups can apply tooextend them each year until the year 20 thorn. 2. the 30 groups are welllorganiied and many others will seek waivers as ell. coming uppin the earll -dition, a warehouse full of3 marine found in baltimore county. it maa have been under our >> how pollce learned about the operation and just how uch oo the drug wassfound. and as you saw yesterday wa3
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we started wwth temperatures in ú%e 50s arounn the aree and we ú%e 50s arounn the aree and we wwll get i'm ever going to have. wah!
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rule the upload. rule the status update. rule the moment. we built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you.
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rule the air. verizon the sun not get up, but when it does, it's going to be a beautiful day, ii's a beautiful -eekend. ú%teorologist steve fertiggis3 -ant to hear. >> it's to beautiful, it's going to bring tears to your eyes..3 it's a nicc start to the day with a dry scan out therr. take willlbe loot the bigy. picture a lot of dry air in place. that is going to mean a cool start and a very nice inish o the day as temperatures continuu to climb. 53 degrees with clear skies, winds re out of the southwest. bbrometer. 58 degrees in d.c. and 51 ddgrees innsalisbuuy.
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cool at oakland at 6 egrees. as you look at the winds they're %-also just 5-mile-an-hourrwinds out of the northwest. that will diminishhas the low pressure moves well off to the north now and high pressure moves in. it will also bring a lot ofú sunshine. it'ssgoing to be really, really nice, i think you will hear me ú%if we get anything by tuesday night, late night it will be very light. here is what weere looking at, %-the will stay well to let's tryythat agaan. -oing to stay well to the north. ú-niiely and also i think we wil put up to the northeast bart of the united states. it's going to be nice all over. if you have trrvel plans tt d.c. oo up to new york, it's going to be fine there, also. a lot of sunshine. as ww look at the central part of the state, we ggt up too3 the west wind justt5-10 miles
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ú%r hour today. western part of maryland, lots of sunshine and as you look ahead through the day, yoo should get up to 68 degrees by3 -oon ttpping out around 75 at about 33to 4:00 thhs fternoonú and back to 72 at 6:00 p.m. still, ith plenty of sun.3 -onight clear skies, 52 for he overnight low o not as cool as typical. typically we drop to 47 for this time of year. -emperatures, and sphy 76 on mo. and 69 degrees for the kickoff %-low 70s ttereafter with a lote of sun aal afternoon long. the rest of the week ahead, 76 for thursday, maybe a light shower overnight tuusday into wednesday, but really not exppcting much out of that. 73 and 68 for wednesday and thursday. that's a look at theeweather. here is lauren cooke with the traffic edge. lauren? >> reporter: thank you, steve and good morning. the roads are in pretty good shape so far. we''e looking at hhgh speeds on
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many of the main lines.ú traveling south on the 95 at the here is a ook at route 43 and you can see tte cars are moving aloog the northbound and southbound laaes. it will remain clear if you're traveling the beltway. here is a ook at parkville, you're looking at ann11-minute ride along the outer loop from 95 to 83.ú here is a look at liberty rood where you're looking at an ú%-minute ride from 795 to 95 and for those of ou traveling in northern altimore county, no problems to repprt on 83 here at warren road if we can pull up that shot, you wwll notice it's going to be wide open. no problems to report traveliig the beltway. tte jfx will remain clear from 699 to dowwtown. no robbems to report traveling we're looking at an 8-minute ride from the mchenry tunnel toll o the beltway. ann a 5-minute ride from the harbor tunnel. back to you.
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back tt school shopping, ow much of a boost it gave nose buu we didn't see it. >> miilions of dollars worth of ú%ú%
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a major drug bust in %-police say it's one of tte %-as keith daniels reports, polc fouud a warehouse full of marijjana and the accused drug dealers all in dundalk. %-triggered her suspicions. >> i couldn't, and i ggt a ggod smeller. >> reporter: hundreds of pounds of marijuana was growings the street in this warehouse. >> outrageous. >> reporter: and so any -p>> it maa have been nder our nose but we didnnt see. ú% reporter: astounded resideets where baatimmre county police raided warehouse on %-the county's largest rug busú ever. the eviddnce caught on police cameras after a 2-month investigation. detectives found 478 individual marine plants nd another
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640 pounds of processee pot in bags rrady for distribution. $3.5 million of marijuana %-loaded and ready to go.s, >> reporter: they foond two adults and a juvenile founddthem in the warehouse living in a thh they face felooy drug possession and dditribution ú%detectives say they werr runng operation. >> it required considdrrble know how. >> repprter: an elaborate effoot with the heating and ventilation system ann irrigation to waaer the plants. ú%lice have crackkd the case. p> i'm glad hey got caught. >> we ncourage all citizens if they know illeggl activity like
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this tooget nvvlved and let us know. theemost important thing to %-anonymous.they can remain >> reporter: keith daniels. we ave learned that the %-thee.s are back on the streett are free this morning on jail aftee judge steinbergee drastically reduced their p>> later on the earlyy3 editioning redoing the senator tteater. when the baatimore landmark will ññ 3ú
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back to schooo bbosts retail sales, stocksstake a skid and3 %-elizabeth mcdonald wraps upic the day on wwll street. stores getting a bacc o sccool bounce, retail sales of the high-end ssores putting
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up nuubers discounters3 struggling..3 a number of job openings risinn in august. that's the second straight month the dow shedding 19 points in trading and it's style upp5% in the year. i will call it the first of the lue tooth companies to tell us how much t's making. it posted a quar terly profii but salls rose and now they are expecting demanddfor aluminum to rise. the natiooal average is below 4.3% for the first time ever. that's a look at the business, iim elizabeth mcdonald. ú%family.ú%tt trying to urder a where investigators say their plot went rong. ♪ [ monkey cheeps ] [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally- conscious way
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while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water-heating energy bill. the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to seem primitive. [ monkey cheeps ] ♪ maryland residents can save up to $780 while funds last.


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